##VIDEO ID:dEb8RR3bD2Q## [Music] [Music] a Shak all right IED to of the United States of America the for stands Nation God indivisible liy and justice for all if we'd all remain standing for a moment of silence for those uh that are uh suffering in uh our southern region of the country uh due to the floods uh please keep them all in your thoughts and your prayers this requirements of the open public meeting have been satisfied concerning this meeting the home The Star Ledger published a notice on October 6 2023 was posted on the municipal Buon board and should be S noted in the minutes of this meeting councilman Bower here councilwoman Deus here councilman farara councilwoman mcer here councilwoman me here councilman pel here councilman small here vice president Spiller here president Anderson here and I get a motion to approve the minutes from September 17th motion second any questions fav I I oppose eyes have beginning with second reading ordinances this evening we're going to take A and B by consent both their amendments to chapter 7 which is the revised ORD of the Town Woodbridge regarding traffic the first is to delete handicap parking spaces on Melbourne Court Woodbridge and Carolyn Avenue in Colonia and B is to add a handicap parking space on Southeast Grant Avenue I get a motion that these ordinance to take it up on second and third reading in the public hearing before motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I oppos I have it the public hearing is now open on letters A and B A and B no comment from the public and I a motion at the public hearing be closed the ordinance both be adopted and submitted to the mayor for plal as required by law motion second any questions or comments All favor I I oppose eyes have it letter C is an ordinance amending the general ordinances chapter 17 17- 910 and protection substandard housing and overcrowding elimination I get a motion that this ordinance be taken up in second third reading and the public hearing be open motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor iose eyes have public hearing is now open on letter c letter c uh jav with uh let us see the order is protecting the substantial housing and overcrowding elimination of wood Beach reverse General ordinances now what we are talking about we talking about the overcrowding the houses which is part of the tenants and we talk about the protection sub the the protection of the landlords what who's going to benefit by it what are we talk what are we be talking about so this is when U there's a change of residency with tenants um and uh we we um this is uh during a time when you're um you change over tenants okay so if you're a landlord you own a home and you get a new tenant all right um there will be an inspection during that time all right um to make sure that sorry I'm sorry see oh sorry just so council president that's so that's for uh uh private residences renting out their swimming pools to to a third party I'm sorry sorry I confusing the ordinances yes so they're now with Airbnb and um uh now people are now doing airb for their pools uh and so so forth so there's an you know a safety parameter that needs to be met thank you well any other comments under letter C here are know the comments on letter C can I get a motion at the public he and be closed the ORD be adopted and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law motion second any questions I iOS eyes have it letter D is also a second read ordinance this is with regards to entering into a parking lease agreement with St Andrews Catholic Church in Abel can I get a motion at this order today conf second and third reading and the public hearing VI motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I oppose eyes have it public hearing is now open on letter d letter d only uh John again wood the ordinance is authorized the direction of the woodb township enter into the leas agreement within the St Andrews Catholic Church in evanel I probably uh I think that's what it is probably because a new school coming up uh which is I think great idea but the idea would be uh what kind of leas are we talking about this a church this is the um you know place of worship so to speaking uh what kind of a leas we talking about it for probably for parking lot or uh we are leasing the parking lot when we need it if they have a funeral if they let us know in advance we will make sure we don't park there we also have an agreement with the First Presbyterian Church of avanel to use that lot for employees staff construction workers whatever during the time when the parking lot behind the school is not available because of the construction we will have St Andrews and that's not part of this agreement another agreement the First Presbyterian Church what what a great idea mayor but again uh because a landlord which is a church now uh are they going to be responsible for M maintenance with a property such as of uh plowing or Paving what the t is going to do it like you do the other places like a club I talk about the wood and things like that are we going to help them to maintain the property like remove the snow or uh even PVE the parking lot in case we have to do it because they only to use it more like on Sundays on weekend right but you be using it a whole week around when the church is not in we'll use it when school is open and everything else is it's theirs and as I said if they need it for example a funeral and they know it's going to be the next day or two days later they call the principal and the principal will let the employees know to park in the First Presbyterian lot thank you good any other comments for letter D here no other comments going to get a motion that the public hearing be closed the ordinance be adopted and submitted to the mayor for required by law motion second questions or comments all in favor I I propose eyes have it letters E and F for first reading ordinances can I get a motion that these two ordin to be guess on first reading published in the home distrib Friday October 4th with notice of public hearing to be held on October 22nd 2024 at 6 p.m. motion second questions or comments from Council all in favor I I oppos eyes have it finally Mr President you have 32 resolutions listed can I get a motion to approve 1 through 32 by consent motion second any questions comments from Council any abstention all favor I opposed eyes have okay this time we will go into our public portion of the meeting uh this is where uh members of the public are allowed to to come up and make their comments When approaching the microphone please state your name and section of town that you come from um or the state um you'll have an opportunity one opportunity to speak up to 5 minutes um any video taping that you're doing has to be done in the area that's behind the blue ribbon and um we just uh ask that there's no poster ass signs in the aisles uh if you have a poster ass sign please make sure that you hold that and um I'll give you a one minute warning sorry trying to get the but it's okay you can be heard but uh yeah we you could probably you don't have to tilt that up um I'm Jessica mayor vietto from ad H again um I recently decided I needed to see the inside I knew the horrible things that I have been here to talk to you about but I needed to see them firstand so I went there on a busy afternoon to pay my admission fee the only instruction I was given was that if I wanted to participate and anything additional I would need to purchase tokens there were no do no notes no who is okay T having T any animal the first exhibit of iguanas hel five or six iguanas in large walking enclosure as I was observing from the outside a woman quickly walked past there were small children in the enure and they were anding no I take photos and videos Township of Woodbridge 11 section 8.4 states that no person within the township shall keep har or bring into any public space extic animal without controlling the animal so that the animal does not come into any unsolicited physical contact with any other person within the township or cause the threat of any unsolicited contact with any other person the how is this being enforced if there are no employees there are we just under the assumtion that we are risky beinged by a lizard fo into [Music] supervis I also observe adults and children touching starfish various fish and even one guest attempting to grab fish out of the tank during my 2hour visit I can count on one hand how many times I saw an employee there was an employee that collected tokens from a man that did the fish pedicure fish pedicure health risk both hum and fish if you're unfamiliar with what this is you go to sequest take off your shoes have your feet lightly sprayed with vinegar and you put your feet into a tank of water for the fish to eat your dead fish could possibly spread infections to customers the video I have this employee man with vinegar disinfect attemp making this look safe for fish andal admin fish LIC shops for any ped service if sequest is not LIC ology business how were they offering expolation as experience the only other employee I saw was a girl who walk a goat around for a few minutes these two goats are kept in a tiny pen 247 they do not get to have any type of BU they need must cats that was clearly not interested in being touched there was another woman children into be parakeet placing food into the children's hands to force them to fly to them to be able to eat there was no food in this enclosure sequest relies on this their highest paying adventure for profit they need to have a supply of food at all times and not just one2 person they have only twoin um in an enclosure here she never moved outside of the enclosure they have a sign that says two social birs they live in clocks of 6 to 22 but sequest is allowed to have only one so he entertains the humans to be subjected to life of lony and no time were there any employees out supervis anywhere one young boy ran p yelling doesn't anybody work here he was with another small young boy and no adult was present not one of Theos had food for any of the animals was hungry so that they engage with the token find I have a video of a pler fish swimming in a distressful state lobsters have their claws B sh people were touching andly starfish George the solitary Pig does need urgent medical attention from he has visible skin issues that are most likely a result of inappropriate living conditions and videos of P stressfully climbing closures videos to be oily substance on top of water videos of a limping duck that needs to be seen right chick have in their and dirty for the goats DS the fish the lizards chicken nothing unless you buy to the volume of noise screaming children their running arounds stressing can you imagine what it's like that to live for hours and hours every day nowh to go to hide thank you for your time and your comments any other comments on the public this evening hi good evening my name is Nicole patterer I live in the avanel section of town um so I am going to specifically address um the illegal fish pedicures happening at sequ so they do advertise on their website as fishy kisses spa treatment so they're not trying to hide what they're doing and this might seem like a really fun and unique experiences but these treatments do pose serious dangers so I first want to note that fish pedicures are illegal in the state of New Jersey they have been illegal since 2012 the uh Woodbridge municipal code in alignment with njsa 45 5B 3j defines cosmetology as treatments done on the human body for cosmetic purposes and outlin strict sanitation requirements for foot spas and water baths specifically that the water and the area is cleaned out after every Patron this is clearly not done they are not dumping these fish after every Patron um we had people in there on Saturday for two hours the water was never cleaned out I'm going to guess it is not often cleaned out they are certainly not doing it after every P Patron that sticks their feet in there um fish pedicures cannot meet sanitation standards the same fish are used on multiple customers there's practically no way to disinfect live fish between treatments this creates a high risk of transmitting bacterial infections including serious illnesses um microb bacteriosis is one it results in painful skin lesions and other complications if someone has an open Cuts or a weakened immune system they're even more susceptible to infection the fish nibble on your dead skin these small wounds can go unnoticed during treatment increasing the chance of infection also the fish are only fed and they spoke to the people that work there the fish are only fed one pellet a night in order to make sure that they are hungry enough throughout the day to eat this skin um the use of these fish in a shared water environment combined with the inability to properly sanitize the fish turns these spa treatments into a breeding ground for a dangerous bacteria so here's a picture of some this was from Saturday is especially concerning that sequest is offering these illegal and risky treatments under the name fishy kisses spa treatment and exposing children so this is available for children and adults to put their fish their feet in here with the fish I strongly urge the council to take immediate action to stop these unsafe and illegal practices prioritizing the health and safety of our community thank you for your time thank you hi I'm krie asuga I was born and raised in New Jersey and currently reside down in Seaside Park I have three reasons why Woodbridge sequest needs to be shut down a threat to human health a threat to Animal Health and they've already received a 32-page violation from New Jersey fish and wildlife there's also been a complaint submitted to the FTC which was 19 pages so you would think that with 51 p ages of complaints and violations that sequ Quest permits would be revoked number one human safety the animal interactions are encouraged by sequ jeopardizing the health of customers especially those most vulnerable like children the investigative report showed 34 incidents of bites some with stitches guests were bitten by otter iguanas sloths wallabies kodum mundies pigs Turtles Kus and fish all bites in addition to sustaining these injuries these people are being exposed to different xotic diseases like for example salmonella and rabies from otter chickens and Ducks pigs can give strep in youran rabies sloth rabies Turtles and iguanas salmonella rabbits can give mes ringworm rabies parakeet can K myobacterium even even dipping your hand in the water where the fish and sting rayar you can get MCO bacterium in fact there was a 3-year-old who got salmonella after just touching fish food at the Woodbridge location there's a big ongoing National investigation we're asking for the interaction with wild animals to cease and desist which is a violation of section five of the FTC act and we're going to work our hardest with the state and town officials to do the same Colorado and Connecticut have already shut down on my recent visit to the Woodbridge location I saw the floors outside the aquarium were black and filthy I didn't see any antibacterial lotion or handwashing stations for the guests and regarding animal safety the touching in New Jersey fish and wildlife Number Six States feeding portals must be monitored at all times for staff there were no staff watching the interactions of the feeding or the Touchin especially with the iguanas and reason New Jersey Fish and Wild life puts put that together with so the kids aren't giving non-approved food to these animals but there was no staff monitoring that so that's one of the violations out of the 32 Pages at my visit they were not given any instruction we were not given any instruction we are shocked to see there was no supervision for the walk-in pens the kids were touching the iguanas touching the starfish the guinea pits were actually hiding from the kids they didn't like the interaction and the stench in the Farm section was horrific worse than a farm I'm not sure if they haven't checked the ventilation or if it's 5 years of stagnant air but it reeks the aquarium walls were filthy with scum and regarding the enclosur the Arana was panicky on the on the glass and the pig was on a thin layer of straw over concrete and was pacing back and forth the goats chickens in Python definitely didn't have enough space the duck was limping fish were overcrowded and I saw fly on the little bit of food that they did have as far as violations we're working with two different groups here the fish and file fish and wildlife they're in charge of the health permits for farm animals chickens goats and sheeps Etc but then on the other side the health with Health and Human Service excuse me the health and human services are for the farm animals whereas the fish and wildlife are for the Exotic you have one minute remaining thank so EX exotic permits again are issued by the New Jersey fish and wildlife and when we went to that meeting they had no idea this was going on they said the Committees don't have oversight on the permitting an investigation process people in the room were shocked that a place like sequist even existed here there's definitely a disconnect two weeks ago September 18th New Jersey fish and wildlife inspection did an inspection the report's not ready that's two weeks more of possible disease spreading two weeks more of animal suffering it's a clear violation of Woodbridge code 11-8 point1 that states no permit shall be issued until until it has been determined by the Health and Human Service Department upon inspection that a place is suitable so if they were they got the renewal in March 2024 but when we are inquired there was no inspection report that's the part we don't understand so these permits are being renewed but are they being inspected by the health and human service department thank you for your comments thank you thank you are there any other comments from the public this evening thank you well well well done 27 agreement again uh 27 agreement College engineering and design C DBA IC Consulting for a profession engineering and former Avenue I believe that's in nanl what are we talking about at the section of the road towards the east or what kind of engineering V to one of the ordinances resol resolution number 27 right 27 resolution okay let me we're extending Omar Avenue directly into the area across the street we're right now at set this products which is abandoned the company moved out the land is under the control I believe of the Redevelopment agency so we're just extending Omar Avenue for the ease of all those warehouses to come out to the traffic light there and make a left and a right without going down Paddock and making up multiple other turns so that's that's going to go towards Route One right one and N no is it going cross the r Avenue or is it going to go uh it's going to cross rway Avenue Omar Avenue intersects raway and ends Omar Avenue is going to be extended into the complex so we talk about warehouses the one over there behind the Diagnostic Center yes they'll have better access to good good thank you Broadway Avenue in the Turn Pike any other comments from the public this evening there other comment can I get a motion at the public comment for and be close Mo second questions and comments all in favor I I iOS eyes have we going to go into the agenda portion of our meeting uh at which time I will begin um I have some updates uh regarding our Recreation Department um so our fall record uh fall wreck soccer program is up and running uh with practices uh during the week games on the weekend and our four weeks of free training for all ages begin on October 7th um our fall wreck baseball kicks off uh it's season tonight um the games are played uh six days a week ages three to 14 so we're getting threey olds out playing baseball which is great fall W softball kicks off tonight as well and free clinics for grades 5ifth through 8th uh begin this weekend and registration is now open for the winter wreck basketball and winter wreck uh wrestling um visit the Township Recreation website and click on the community pass to register we also have a few opportunities um throughout the township for those that are looking for employment um if you check the Woodbridge Township uh page um in particular if you're interested in law enforcement we do have a position uh uh you can apply now for um to be coming a Woodbridge Township auxiliary police officer it's on the website the requirements are you must be a US citizen must be 18 teenagers of 18 or older have a high school diploma or a GED you must also have a valid driver's license and be a resident of Woodbridge Township and must pass a background uh check and be in good physical condition uh must attend and graduate uh from the middle sex County auxiliary police academy and um you can contact uh 732 634 4500 extension 7395 or you can email david. bent d a l i n t at town at TW wp.woodbridge.nj.us and um uh there's also uh recently I know we have a few few firemen here but um uh Woodbridge Volunteer Fire Company um find your place uh join Woodbridge Fire Company number one and become a part of a dedicated team apply now and make a difference uh and you can uh go on to the uh Woodbridge uh Volunteer Fire Company Facebook page and you can find your place in the uh in the the fire company I also want to acknowledge a couple high school students that are here today thanks for coming to our meeting and uh is it for a class that you guys have yeah very good all right nice to see you here and and um move over to council vice president Spiller thank you council president Anderson item number eight Clover Leaf Redevelopment we had our ground Bing ceremony at the site last week Sprout's a supermarket that offers a wide selection of natural organic foods including fresh produce Bulk Foods vitamins supplements package groceries meat and more um is one of the main anchor tenants assigned to a lease potential other tenants include Cava restaurant Duck Donuts and Habit Burger just to name a few uh completion is slated less than a year drive by today I saw they went vertical so um the metal beams are being in place so that's very exciting uh number nine please join me and the rest of the avau fire department for our annual Fire Prevention Week open house next Saturday October 12th from 10: to 1 at the avau fire department AV Firehouse at Route 1 and avel Street we'll have all our engines our equipment ambulance first aid Squad it's always a nice day um also if you have any uh little ones in school four and 5 or 23 we will be visiting those schools on Tuesday Tuesday and Wednesday for the annual fire brening assembly uh item number 13 just to remind that the construction is ongoing at school 4 and 5 want to thank all the parents and um uh for the the all their um you know assistance through the first month of school um looking at today the exterior perimeter wall has been completely formed so just like clo relief they're uh they're rocking or rolling two uh the rest of my agenda is order council president just one announcement Lee Street and Port Reading is schedule to be milled and paved uh which is expected to be start this Friday weather weather permitting and end next Friday um thank you all mergency responders Fire EMS R Police Department CT all of our Public Works and Township employees God Bless America thank you council president Council uh councilman Bower thank you council president my agenda is in order have some announcements and reminders from our last meeting fors Fire Company fire prevention openhouse will be held on Monday October 7th and Tuesday October 8th from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at 667 King George Road and Fords come down to the Firehouse meet your local firefighters learn about fire safety it's a great time for the whole family hope on fire fire prevention open house to be held on Saturday October 12th from 12:00 p.m. to 4 p.m. at 1 127 lorett Street in hopon um fors business committee trunk Retreat Cruise night/ Car Show be held on Monday October 21st from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at cerine paints that's located at 372 new brunic Avenue forts come out for food music costume uh contest and more that's all I have council president thank you councilman small thank you council president uh ping fire open house will be held October 9th from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. meet your firefighters Hands-On demonstration they'll have the fire prevention trailer snacks giveaways and bicycle RS on October 29th uh ping Fire EMS will be hosting trunk Retreat from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. we ask attendees please bring an unwrapped toy uh donation we will be donating to the Children's Hospital as we always do in December um just a reminder number 15 the light parade will be held on November 30th we're 6 weeks away it's coming fast it'll be bigger and better than last year uh God bless all our First Responders or Township employees and God bless America thank you council president thank you very much Council deesis thank you council president um I just have a few announcements uh two from councilman Fara the Woodbridge Community Center will be hosting a Zumba popup class on Fridays from 5:15 to 6:00 p.m. in Studio A and that will be October 4th the 11th the 18th and the 25th members and non-members are welcome and this is all at the rage Community Center also um as part of Youth Services they 101 what every parent and guardian needs to know will be held Wednesday October 16th at the accasia youth center um don't get baited in poster and public service announcement context will run from November 1st to April 25th the calendars for occas Highland and Evergreen youth centers are out um Highland growth family has a fun open house on Friday October 11th between 600 and 800 and the Woodridge youth Leadership Council will be meeting Wednesday November 13th at 6:00 p.m. at Acasia um I would like to thank everyone that participated in making the Hispanic heritage festival a success especially director um Brian mner from the wrid community center and Eileen kajian if it wasn't for Eileen we wouldn't have had a festival so I'm truly appreciative of her also Woodbridge High School choir participated noes De Colombia um was there and they also sponsor one of the bands and you know bsing empanadas was there and that's a very popular um vendor so I just want to be thank everyone that participating all the vendors and it was a great um day the baron Art Center is hosting um Lily toong deconstructed and she is a Colombian artist and she will be on view from October 2nd to October 25th the reception is tomorrow from 6:00 to 8 at the baron art Center um for more information you can call them at 732 634 0413 and again it's it's a free event um we are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15th through October 15th so if you're looking for something to see I highly recommend for you to come to the reception or just any time in October to visit and see her wonderful artwork um the baron Art Center is also hosting Baron Fest which is Woodbridge 17th annual Fine Arts and Crafts Festival this will be Saturday October 12th in Parker press right behind here from 12: to 4:00 again if you want to start Christmas shopping early this is one of those events that I highly suggest you visit because they have um a lot of nice artwork and jewelry and everything is handmade and now moving on to the um Woodridge Public Library um they will be training for new English um as a second language unteers to host conversation groups and beginning English classes in Woodbridge Township libraries um which will begin in October you can contct literacy New Jersey at 908 486177 7 extension 400 um for more information fors Library will host sidewalk astronomy on Thursday October 10th at 7:30 p.m. weather permitting registration is recommended cultural events in October at the library include bomab to celebrate Puerto Rican culture this Thursday um uncovering historical myth a history Your Life program with professional reenactors will be Thursday October 17th and October Fest a program that will be held on Friday October 18th at 2: p.m. and again all these programs that are free and you can register online at Woodbridge um publiclibrary.org or you can call any of the branches for more information um that is all that I have thank you thank you and I did um when you mentioned councilman Viara reminded me I did uh miss out on the uh mentioning the Hall of Fame uh banquet is on October 13th at the community center uh we can get your tickets uh by contacting the rec recreation department so there's still time to do so uh and come out and celebrate our local High School athletic Heroes move on to uh councilwoman Mian thank you council president I just have one um item on my agenda it's just a reminder for next Saturday October 12 12th we will be holding our annual breast cancer walk down in man Avenue and October Fest the walk leads from St John the an's at noon and we'll proceed to spring with swim club where we'll be holding an October Fest the walk is $10 a person and the October October Fest is free but there is a charge for our beer garden and the food all proceeds from the two events will be donated to two Colonial families Melissa s Zer who's 31 and Ben Larry who's nine both a colony that are battling cancer so we invite you to come out and join us and support these families and that's all we have tonight thank you oh and uh public works thank you for the pink line down in Min Avenue today appreciate Council yes thank council president also in order I heard just a few announcement last night I not AAL Performing Arts Center hosted a preview of the documentary titled destination oy Road in isin and it is produced by the PBS television New Jersey in collaboration with the vas Productions the film highlights the transformation of o Road over the past three decades evolving from a regular retail Steet into a vibrant Indian business district our mayor along with Addison Mayor Sam Josie attended the event joined by prominent Community leaders and business owners the documentary will air on PBS New Jersey television tomorrow that's Tuesday October 2nd 2020 today's Tuesday tomorrow's Wednesday October 2nd is Wednesday so maybe it's [Laughter] right today's the first today's the first today tomorrow is the second wed I think sorry you're all right it's yeah so it's going to be yeah the documentary will air on PBS newers television tomorrow that's venes October 2nd 2024 at 8:00 p.m. if you are interested in watching the documentary please make sure to watch PBS tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. also this year the bootbridge Garden Club is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the garden of the Blind and Physically handicapped this 50th an anniversary cele celebrations will take place on next Saturday October 5 2024 from 1: p.m. to 300 p.m. at the eastl library during the Event club members will share tips on creating and maintaining a successful garden if you are interested in gardening don't miss this special occasion please make sure to be at the islin library next Saturday from 1:00 p.m. to 300 p.m. that's all for tonight thank you much thank you very much and we have one more comment from Council the Jesus but thank you I forgot to announce our Woodbridge Police Department is hosting ctober Fest on Sunday October 20th from 300 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Parker press it's it's an event a family event again it's Sunday October 20th from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. there will be food Life music games a ton of vendors um a petting suit pumpkin face painting and so much more it's free entry uh it's a wonderful day to have a wonderful family event again October Fest October 20th which is on a Sunday from 3:00 to 6:00 and I saw something online yesterday I think tomorrow is coffee with the cop at Wawa tomorrow from 7 am to 9 a.m. so when you run into WWA on King George's Road and uh is that yeah King George's Road in uh Fords you can pop in yeah from 7 to 9: heading heading to work and uh you know have a quick conversation with the police officer I think that's a great idea um and also uh councilman Patel so it's PBS tomorrow 8:00 p.m. and they're going to talk about the downtown in Isam the development and everything right that's great great that we're on PBS okay Council councilwoman Mcall thank you council president I just have a few announcements um coming up this Saturday October the 5th uh the Relay for Life is having their Zumba on at the wge community center from 2: p.m. to 4 p.m. there's still time to get in so go on Facebook uh their Facebook page and check that out also uh there's still time to sign up for the Frank gagnan fishing derby which is going to be held on Saturday October the 12th you can get uh signed up at this if you go to communitypass.net and you can sign yourself up there and that's a really fun event for a lot of the young kids in town also the Chamber of Commerce will be having their 60th annual Chairman's Awards dinner on October 17th at the Delta hotel there's still time to get your tickets log on to the chamber website and select events to purchase your tickets I believe that is all I have for today uh please keep our military in your thoughts and prayers for a successful Mission and a safe return home God Bless America thank you council president and the fishing derby starts at 9:00 a.m. it is from 99 to 12 9: to 12 okay and there's always really great prizes for the people who wi it is fun deck uh Mr Mitch thank you Mr President uh under my agenda letter B is is new since we last met which is liquid license transfer for clove 12 Resto bar Maron nland by the time we see so the next I'll be adding letter C which is a liqu license transfer from MC lemon tree to violence which is going to be a restaurant L Coos Street here at 10 Main Street under elections uh the county has sent out we're expecting back between 990,000 and 100,000 uh ballots countywide so if you've received your mail and ballots they can be dropped in one of our two drop boxes here in town hall or uh at the main library or any other drop boxes countywide um the two other com one is a reminder we have Mr bajowski for the Board of Health immediately after legal and following that we're going to retire into executive session at that time to public has thank you very much director simuka thank you council president I have two items on my agenda tonight I have tax and sewer overpayments and I have 100% disabled veteran exemption thank you assistant director uh NIS thank you council president I all right director D thank you just stand by resolutions thank you director BR final CH 2023 building and res servicing program program and second is between NJ and for cutter Bridge Jersey Co okay we'll go to the Board of Health meeting with Mr vosi thank you uh Mr Mitch and council president Anderson uh agenda is in order but I want to announce a couple of events from uh that agenda uh our last of three Raby clinics for this year will be held on Tuesday October the 15th from 400 p.m. to 700 p.m. at our health center which is located right next door to Woodbridge High School this is frea residents who have a current dog or c license if you don't have a current license you can get get one at the clinic uh for any additional information please call our licensing clerk Joanne at 732 8556 extension 54 our annual health fair will be on Saturday October the 19th from 9:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. also at our health center there will be a Halloween theme there'll be something for people of all ages trick-or-treating games and crafts free flu shots our mobile health unit will be there for free screenings uh and a variety of other uh Health uh service vendors for more information you can be found on our Township website or the health department fa Facebook page and lastly our animal shelter we have ctober well we have adop toober where uh there will be halfth price on cat adoptions throughout this month uh for details you can call the animal shelter which is located at 195 Woodbridge Avenue and SE waren at 732 8556 extension 2034 and thank you that's all I have for tonight thank you very much we're any questions any questions if I can then uh get approval on a resolution at read Section 8 of the open public meetings act chapter 231 public laws of 1975 comms the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and where it's the opinion of this body that these circumstances existed so that the council can go into executive session just discover uh to discuss I'm sorry Collective bargain agreements with Local 469 can I get a motion to approve resolution 33 motion second any questions or comments All favor I I oppos eyes have it we'll now go into executive session if this time i' like to ask the public please leave the room for approximately 15 minutes to okay Mr President we are back in session at 6:47 have a resolution to present to which will number number 34 which is resolution to approve a memorandum of agreement between the township of Woodbridge and Local 469 division of streets and sewers supervising can I get a motion to approve the resolution motion second questions or comments all in favor I opposed I have thank you meeting a j Mo second hi sorry