[Music] food all rice for the pledge of the black I pled algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all would all remain standing for a moment of silence for those who are serving for us here and abroad thank notice requirements of the open public will have been satisfied concerning this meeting the home news tribut and the Star Ledger published a notice on October 6 2020 3 was posted on the municipal bulletin board and should be so noted in the minutes of this meeting councilman Bower here councilwoman Deus here councilman farara here councilwoman McCullen here councilwoman miam here councilman Patel councilman small vice president Spiller here and president Anderson here and I get a motion to approve the minutes from March 5th and the special meeting of March 12th motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I opposed I have beginning with your agenda starting with second readings going to take letters A and B by consent these are both amendments to chapter 7 which is our traffic ordinances they're both with regards to handicap parking spaces on Church Street and mateline drive that said can I get a motion that these ordinances be taken up on second and third reading and the public hearing be open motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I oppose eyes have it the public hearing is now open on letters A and B only under second readings here no comment from the public can I get a motion that the public hearing be closed the ordinances be adopted and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law motion second any questions or comments all in favor I oppose eyes have it also listed under second readings is a letter C can I get a motion to abandon letter C motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I opposed eyes hav it you also have listed two first reading ordinances this evening can I get a motion that both of these ordinance to be passed on first reading published in the home news tribun on Friday March 22nd with notice of public hearing be held on Tuesday April 2nd 2024 at 6: p.m. motion second there any questions from Council all in favor I I opposed eyes have it and you have resolutions Mr President number one 1 through 26 can I get a motion that they be approved by consent motion excuse me um I'm going to abstain from number three on that please thank you second so noted any other comments or questions I'll be from number6 noted any other comments or questions all in favor I I opposed eyes have it that's all I have Mr thank you Mr Mitch uh we will now go into our public comments uh portion of tonight's meeting When approaching the microphone please state your name and what section of the township that you reside in uh you'll have a one-time opportunity to speak up to 5 minutes um all videotaping must be done in that area behind the blue uh ribbon and um uh we just ask that you be respectful of one another and make sure that there are no signs uh or posters in the aisle or walkway that would create a tripping Hazard uh we allow for 5 minutes one minute uh I will give you a one minute warning to to ask you to to kind of wrap up your comments um if there's anyone who has any comments please St to the microphone are there any comments from the public this evening hello everyone alen rhods fors New Jersey I'm here to discuss the need for a trap nuda and return program in Woodbridge I was here previously and I have some paperwork for the council members to read but what I'm here basically about is to say I don't think the shelter and its staff should be doing this alone they can't possibly pick up the numbers of cats that are free roaming in the streets of Woodbridge we need a separate program to help with these free Roman cats and the community I'm sure each and every single person in here has driven their car at one point or another and had a cat run in front of them or seiz them in their neighborhood By ignoring them they're only multiplying and making more in our neighborhood that's not helping them I currently do five cats a week through caic cats and Woodbridge Animal Society help financial help and I did 151 cats last year and I up to 35 so far this year this is your shelter's reports of the amount of people from last year contacting the shelter asking for help for feral cats do you know how many of them were taken care of they were still eight months waiting for someone to help them do you know how many times a pregnant cat can produce in 8 months how many times she can be pregnant at least two to three times with four births at each time so the more we ignore it the more we're going to have we really need to set up a program here we need to address the public health in our community for our people and I'm not trying to bash anyone not the shelter not anyone we need something I sat with the mayor two three times already I've been here I sat with lot of the council members and explained it to you no one gets back to you Kyle did Kyle wants to meet again but I don't know what to do at this point the other day someone I keep getting phone calls every single day from people can you help me can you help me can you help me I'm only one person I only have five tracks I only can get five appointments in one week I asked if we could get a mobile vet in here in our shelter once a month to help was told no we have to use the vet that's contracted well that vet charges $275 per C to get fixed a mobile vet charge is 65 so you know I mean we have to look at it this way I don't know we have some people here that I've helped throughout the thing and I have um programs here for you all to read regarding the benefits of p r i don't know who should I give it to Mr Mr Mitch she'll take it from you now yes uh yep finish finish your statement and then you can I'm finished I'm finished thank you okay are there any other comments from the public this evening thank you okay thank you hi my name is Maryann fenamore and I live in Colonia I recently submitted an Oprah request for records of 2023 resident call reports for trapping assistance and I asked to have reports identified where residents were provided assistance for those calls residents are told they will be put on a waiting list for traps when they call I also requested records of waiting lists as they were updated or revised but I did not receive any records in that regard so I organized the information in order to give you some numbers so in 2023 there were 104 resident calls for trapping for a minimum of 472 cats I say minimum because that number represents 391 adult cats and 81 kittens however many of the call reports were for a mom and kittens or undetermined number of cats I counted each vague kitten request as one I counted undetermined number as a colony and there were seven of those requests the number of cats that need to be trapped could be far greater taking all that into consideration of the 104 call reports 29 were closed because the shelter was told the Trap was no longer needed several reports were closed because the residents never returned their phone call many of the reports did not give a closed date however several that Doe show a delay of many months from the date the resident calleded the shelter until the shelter called the resident back the last report in the closed category was dated July 15th and was just closed March 11th which was last Monday so there you see an example of an 8mon delay with that being said I expect a call from them any day now as I found my own request from July 22nd and I have yet to be called I I was told it would only be a few weeks after a month had passed arleene agreed to help me the reports also reveal that starting October 25th residents were told the trapping list was on hold and already full and the residents should call rescues for help following that there were only an additional five call reports recorded for the remainder of the year the sad result is that I could only match nine records of trapping assistance provided there were a lot of trapping reports provided in the oah report but they did not match any of the 2023 call reports this makes sense however considering the lag time delay in responding to requests so I have organized these results to help Arlene's effort to convince the township that we need an established and well-funded TNR program people love cats and we should do our best to keep the population of the community cats in control thank you thank you are there any other comments from the public this evening good evening my name is Sherie Wexler I'm a resident of Oldbridge and I work in Edison where I manage a feral cat colony that currently has five cats when I started there were about 13 I've taken 16 out and found them homes I'm just one person and it's not easy we really need the town's help and I'm just here to support the volunteers of Woodbridge and all these people that are doing trapping they're doing this for free they don't get paid for it it's actually a cost savings to the town so they really need your help with several things they need help with funding they need support in the community they need the community to know that this is a town supported effort so they don't face danger we've heard people that are out trapping that have got threatened um it's just not safe for them and they're still out there doing it and whether you're an animal person or not whether you like cats or not you don't have to like cats but I guarantee you you all look like compassionate in people I guarantee you there's not one person on this Council that wants to see a kitten born outside hit by a car drowned by a a heavy rainstorm harmed by somebody I'm sure nobody wants to see that and the only way to stop that from happening is to have a well-funded and supported Town TNR program um it's unfortunately the shelters are overwhelmed they're overwhelmed with domestic animals animals that can't find homes as it is and the feral cat community and TNR is really a whole separate effort from the shelter that really needs a different type of program so I'm here to encourage you to have a town funded supported TNR program take advantage of these wonderful residents and people in your town that are willing to go out and do this it helps you it helps woodbridge's residents because if costs go down because of their Free Labor then that's less money that you'll be devoting to animal control so there's also a fiscal responsibility to the residents that it could help so I would highly encourage you to look into a program thank you any other comments this evening from the public Petra Woodbridge um as it's been made very clear this has nothing to do with the animal shelter the animal shelter was open to help from way back when from when we didn't have a shelter and conditions were horrible we have an animal shelter everything is fine there I would have to throw in we've taken on too many towns the shelter is for Township residents with that being said I recently took in three Mama cats I take in the friendly Mamas and the babies I have three Mama cats and 11 kittens with them being born on the street Within four or five months those kittens would be having babies plus The Mamas you're talking 40 50 60 cats by August there's got to be a better way there's got to be a solution that everybody could work together and make it possible to get something going you cannot the shelter can't do this how are they going to do TNR with all they have to do it's impossible Arlene is out there every week the fellow sitting next to Arlene is one Rodriguez he's unbelievable Trapper he does all our trapping him in orene every week five cats sometimes we get six or seven then we take two or three cars down and we go to Robinsville $65 per cat they get fixed rabies shot you're fine they go back on the street we take in the friendly cats which we find a lot of friendly cats that I really think people are dumping they can't all be lost and I take in the babies with the momas and then when they're ready babies are old enough to be weaned we get them fixed we put them up for adoption friendly small mamas would do that too if they're friendly if they're feral they go back to where they came from if there's feeder which uh 99% of the time there is so there's got to be a solution to this problem there's a particular place which I'm not going to mention that we're toring in now that if you went there with a bag of cat food at least a 100 cats would run out to greet you it's heartbreaking to see this it's absolutely heartbreaking so we have to think something there's got to be a better plan thank you thank you are there any other comments from the public this evening hello I just wanted to talk about a pretty terrible experience I had s if you'll just introduce yourself okay yes my name is Mark Miller I live in Woodbridge thank um I just had a terrible experience with um Animal Control uh I had a cat that was like in my backyard I could tell it was somebody's cat it was like a really nice cat eventually was feeding it to catch it I catch it I called Animal Control I said look I've been feeding this cat I can tell it's somebody's cat the way it behaves immediately I was just met with like the rudest attitude I was threatened with the law and tickets said oh it's against the law to be feed fing feeding feral cats you can get a ticket for this and like no compassion then she just like doesn't listen to what I have to say I say can I send a picture of this cat like I know it's somebody's cat around the area not no help she goes somebody will call you you back so 10 minutes later another gentleman calls me back no Insight nobody says hey look there's these websites you can go on to find this cat no Insight just says let the cat go stop feeding it'll go away the cat had like no survival skills the cat was going to die so I took it upon myself to just like reach out to the cat Community I eventually found Arlene and this other gentleman next to him great people helped find the owner who was like right down the road they were so like thankful to find the cat but there was just like no help from the animal shelter no like compassion from the animal shelter I think we should look into whoever's directing it cuz then later on also on later on in a social Media Group the director said that I was hoarding the cat and not even giving it back to the owners and that was like making me look bad when I was doing nothing but to help so just wanted to voice my concern I feel like this is the best way to get it out to the public but the pet control terrible terrible experience that is all thank you for your time there any other comment any other comments tonight CH thought it would be to anybody else on the get subject well you know the business I'm in and after War we all love animals and what I find I was kind of a kind of productive is people feel sorry for those animals I remember years ago back in hopan there was the homeless houses over there we tore them down there was about 50 cats Left Behind even myself from wood used to go to feed those cats because they were just left unattended but I think what people do the mostly mistake is they feel sorry for them and they feed them and they feed them as long as you feed them they will come back you're not going to get rid of it is that you take responsibility they they depend on that's what we've got to do educate the public especially newcomers probably with the apartments that they might have a catch or something they just let it go what it is that's not a way to do it see people like this the beautiful people they only can do so much and it's not their responsibility it's our own responsibility town like they say we need something to stop it try to educate the people are no long there you're not supposed to feed the animals wild animals F to some dogs or anything else I don't say find them but can get to them and say listen stop it or else at least you can pay for to fix them so they don't multiply as long as we feed them they'll be around and there's no way they're going to stop so something has to be done you know audience is there I know but nobody reinforces it but people feel exited for those animals and they feed them as long as they feed them they will have we have a problem so I think that beautiful things what they do but again let's help him what has to be done it's not the answer just bring the food and feed them more outside if they know home to stay you know like a left about anything you live let lose it's going to multiply it's going to and of course disease L is going to so all I want to say uh I came to for two things tonight uh but year ago again uh when uh commissioner we youo passed away and uh which we all know for many many years and I brought that to Mayor and Mr BR small Council BR small they we should do something in his memory uh because he was a pillar of this Township we all know it everyone know W Martino and uh he was no one to go to every funeral to wake and now somebody that that this I'm doing same thing but you know a lot of people so I think something should be done I don't know maybe something was done already at that time mayor and Mr small said that they will talk to Rose his wife because keeps himself and just people talking again is anything be done or will be done in his memory it will be nice that we do have a lot of projects coming up schools anything like that that we could put in his in his memory a second thing people want to know that Main Street bridge where you build a Herz Creek over there when that's going to be completed and of course myself with a big mouth I said well as long as money last that's not the answer We Know It uh but I'm seeing that I do people know they live of the Herz Creek between the Main Street and wood beach park and that HZ Creek is running through the backyard we all know once when the thing is over completed in case of heavy rains there going to be a lot of lot of water coming through that into the W be St will be Park the problem is from my experience what is a very powerful thing a lot of those houses along the creek they do not have a any kind of fence or anything to stop the kids or anybody else want up in the when have rain or something so my I would like to see somebody that where was building it responsibility to put some kind of fence alongside of it when the thing is completed so no child or animal could be swept into the street because water could be at four or five ft high at that time people say so that would be my recommendation because I see that a lot of construction is done they to Wi the creek of course it be more water so if you can put the mayor said it's done by the county if you make a suggestion to put a safety zone along this Creek between the Main Street and of course W Park I would recommend thank you thank you are there any other comments from the public this evening this parck I just want to say that our uh that project is is a county project that is following all OSHA guidelines um but we'll we'll look into those concerns that you brought up can I get a motion that the public common portion be closed motion I'm sorry oh oh okay yes sorry about that hello I'm Danielle Jackson I'm a resident of Island and this is my first city council meeting ever so uh I just want to start off by saying that I've been trapping cats for the last year uh I'm also a volunteer at Angel pause animal shelter in Colonia and I started trapping because one day um a very pretty and friendly orange cat showed up in my backyard and he just sat there and waited and waited and of course you know I have a heart for animals so I decided to start feeding him well he went off and told his friends and then the next day you know two cats three cats and I said to myself I've got to figure something out so I called Woodbridge animal shelter um and asked about trapping and they said yes but there's a 6 week waiting list and I said oh no this is never going to work um so I was talking to some of the people people the other volunteers at my shelter in Angel paw um and they explained to me how to do the trapping and I went on to YouTube I watched tons of videos I finally got tired of waiting I went to Home Depot I bought a have a heart trap I taught myself how to do it and since last year I've trapped about 14 cats had them neutered or spayed um they get their rabies shot microchip uh and then they snip the tip off of the left ear they're under anesthesia so it doesn't cause any pain but that identifies the cat as um altered um half of those cats I've been able to find homes for through the shelter that I volunteer at um and three of them actually if anybody is familiar with rising up Nursery right on St George's Avenue on the corner uh I was there one day and I was just looking for plants and these animals they they find me I don't know how but they find me so I was looking for flowers and out of the corner of my eye I see something run and I look and it's a little kitten and I went to the girl that worked there I said do you know you have a kitten here she says oh we've got a whole litter of them I said oh no I knew I had to do something um so I asked the manager would he mind I if I come and I trap the kittens um and because I saw them and they're all beautiful black and white uh one had a blue eye and a green eye really pretty kittens um I was able to trap all of them uh have them all adopted through my shelter they all got fixed um we fixed the mother I returned her uh unfortunately 3 weeks later she ran across St George's Avenue she's no longer with us um but uh I've done TNR and it's I pay for it out of my own pocket and it does add up and I usually drive all the way up to Hill side from Island to People for Animals and you have to drop them off by 7:00 in the morning you pick them up at 4: in the afternoon so as opposed to driving back and forth I spend my entire day up there and we really need something local um and I also went at one time uh down to Eaton toown the SPCA in eent toown now they no longer do the uh TNR program they discontinued it because they were overwhelmed and um so that our places are really limited with where we can get help uh but I did bring two brochures that I would like to leave with all of you and I'll just uh just take you through some interesting numbers an unspay female cat her mate and all of their offspring producing just two lit a year with 2.8 surviving kittens per liter if none of them are altered in one year they can produce up to 16 more cats in 2 years 128 cats four years 2,48 cats um the bottom line is in 6 years this one cat and her mate without being fixed and without their offspring being fixed in six years time can produce 67,000 kittens extra cats so that's a very scary statistic so I'd like to leave this with you but please help us we really need something thank you are there any other comments from the public there are no other comments can I get a motion that the public comment portion be closed motion second right here right here thank you all in favor I I oppos eyes haveit we go to the agenda okay uh I'll start off with my agenda um my agenda is in I do want to um uh thank all the public comments tonight um I want you to know that U this has been something that everyone on this day has discussed um we've spoken with our administration at times and um based on your comments um I think it's it's worth that we have another discussion about it um and but I do appreciate all of your testimonials and and the work that you're providing at this this point for our our community health thank you um and I just want to acknowledge the um uh parade uh few weeks ago um or last week uh for the American Irish of Woodbridge it was a fantastic parade um you know I think um seeing all of the uh local organizations that were part of the parade um really brought our community out brought our community together and I want to thank them uh for that um I always want to make my plug for anybody looking for any employment right now to please take a look at our Employment Opportunity Center on our Woodridge Township website these are companies local companies that are advertising for um uh woodrige Township residents uh various uh employment um whether it be uh ba BASF um FedEx New Jersey Transit uh US Postal Service uh they all can be found one there um and there are full parttime and um temporary work so um again that's it for me I'll move over to council vice president Spiller thank you council president andon item number four the wridge golden Saints will be having free cheer clinics in May and June the clinics will be held at cypress center uh the Saints are also having registration sign up for their spring flag football and arrested parents can email the Saints at eboard goldens saints.org or visit Woodbridge golden Saints .org email eboard golden ss.org or visit their website wood golden stes.org I have number 16 Greenway family SE Success Center is hosting its field day and parent resource Fair on Saturday April 13th with a rain date the next day at Cyprus Recreation Center uh Greenway family sex Center is located at 105 Row Avenue in avanel uh the event will be from 12:00 to 3 children between the ages of 5 and 13 can be signed up for all the great activities they are planning also um since women's History Month the center is seeking donations for their Women's Health closet where they give away free ferit and hygiene products and other Essentials they serve an average of 35 women and teens each month right now the center is purchasing supplies on a monthly basis but they're hoping to find a sustainable way to maintain the program so they can eventually serve more wbd Township women if you know of any organizations or yourself would like to offer donations please contact Christina Armstrong at the center at 732 527 73400 the rest of my agenda is in order council president thank you to all our emergency responders Fire EMS our Police Department C all our public works Town employees God Bless America thank you council president thank you councilman thank you council president I'm going to spend the gist of my time on uh youth month is April coming up so we have a bunch of events our Woodbridge Leadership Council for the Youth is having a uh uh for current eighth graders and all high school students in Woodbridge townships uh leadership committees uh youth Alliance greenable Woodbridge Relay for Life buddy ball Bears Wellness lgbtqia the meeting is April 29th at The Acacia Center over in Port Reading 7 p.m. and it's an opportunity for young people to have their voices heard uh also through Youth Services there's a wonderful uh interactive performance with the bomba Master himself Nelson bz uh this is about bom and its roots in in African Heritage this is April 11th which is a Friday at 400 p.m. in Evergreen Youth Center in Colonia it's an opportunity not only listen but participate uh also during youth month there's a magic cooking show a crazy goofy chef with magical procedures Tuesday April 23rd at 6 p.m at araa Acacia where our youth center is and then also there's a youth uh open house of the centers Acacia Highland Grove and Evergreen um ACAA is on April 10th uh Highland Grove is on April 16th and Evergreen is on the 24th these open houses are all at 330 after students get out of school and then finally over at Acacia uh they're hosting a women's NCAA Championship watch party on April 7th 2: p.m. and again this is uh family and basketball teams are interested in attending these are all youth month also our community center in the club at Woodbridge has their spring Flyers out they should have come to you in the mail there's a lot of opportunities there for families and seniors and people of all ages to do healthy recreation activities that's all I have council president I think that's enough thank you very much councilman V thank you council president my agenda is order I have two announcements uh notification to Second W District 3 voters due to the Future Demolition and construction of olon towers your 2024 voting location and going forward will be now at the forts Firehouse located at 667 King George Road in Forts and for's business community easter sh will be on this Sunday on new brunic Avenue uh it'll be March 24th from 12 p.m. to 2: p.m. a show starts at the public parking lot next to the BFW come out and visit the businesses take pictures with the Easter Bunny enjoy local food trucks and for those celebrating uh have a happy Easter with you and your families that's all I have tonight thank you council president thank you councilwoman deesis thank you council president I just have one announcement for my agenda the free public library of wrid learn to search reference Solutions a database available with your library board to search the white and yellow pages with added business information for without ads and pays on Monday March 25th from 2: to 4:00 p.m. the main library will host the program Julie's wardrobe one woman's fashion in 1868 on Wednesday March 27th at 7 p.m. with a historian from Mammoth County Historical Association register in the events calendar at the wrid library.org or call the library at 732 634 4450 and because it is women's History Month the Woodbridge Department of Health once meting announced that on August 22nd they will do breast ultrasound early detection is everything doing more is smart prevention registered today it is adding an ultrasound again August 22nd 20124 you can register with ww. her scan.com or call 1 1800 338 7499 um the fee is $295 but again if you call 338 7499 you can get more information that is all that I have thank you thank you Council move me thank you council president my agenda is in order I just have a couple announcements the official grand reopening and ribbon cutting of the Henry imman Branch Library had to be postponed this week due to some last minute delays in completing the outfitting of the library a new date for the grand reopening ceremony and welcome back events will be released to the public in the next few weeks you can keep um um a breast of it on the Woodbridge Library site I know it's something that Colonia is waiting for and we were really sad that we had delayed it but hopefully in the next few weeks it'll get back up there and uh lastly the colonial annual Easter Bonet parade in egg count will take place on March 30th from 1: to 3:00 p.m. at the Evergreen Senior Center there will be an Easter egg hunt craft games hay ride with the Easter Bunny and his friends and face painting the activities begin at 1:00 p.m. Easter Bond and parade at 2:30 in case the bad weather we will hold the event inside the Evergreen that is located in on Inman Avenue in Colonia and I just want to thank everybody today for coming out and voicing your concerns that's why we're here and we do listen to you so thank you for taking your time to come and I just want to wish everyone a Happy Easter whoever celebrates that's what I have thank you so much uh councilwoman M thank you Council pres my agenda is in order I have a few announcements um number one event St James school is still selling uh Power Ball tickets for $5 each that can be purchased after each mass or at the Parish school office from 8:00 to 3:30 Monday through Friday and uh they will be drawing that at their Powerball dinner on Saturday March 23rd which is this weekend and those tickets are $20 um number three the Chamber of Commerce tickets are now available for the chamber's 60th anniversary celebration on April 10th at Strickland Steakhouse and also time is running out to get your early bird for some for the annual golf outing for the Chamber of Commerce on June 10th at the Colonia Country Club log on to their website at Woodbridge chamber.com for details for these two events and any many other events that the chamber has um Thea Center will be having our uh birthday celebration on a on April the 20th from 10: to 1 which will be hosted by the environmental commission C environmental commission group and the township there'll be uh tree planting and lots of free giveaways this is always a great event to come to so mark your calendars for that that's all I have on mind and I'm taking over for um Council small in his absence um mayor Max Cafe is located at 881 West Avenue in Port Reading which is open Monday through Friday from 10: to 1:30 stop five for a delicious meal the food is barely good there and it's a great thing to go to and uh watch how that whole program works uh the American Irish Association wanted to thank everybody all of the people who came out and watched the parade um Mar on March 11th it was a great participation by all of our residents and people from out of town and uh the Irish americ St had a wonderful day and they were very appreciative for everyone who came to their Afterparty education center autograph signings wge Brewery continues with their amazing lineup of autograph signings this weekend March 23rd they have Char Oakley from the Knicks Sunday March 24th Jacob trouba from the Rangers then on April 13th Mariano Rio Rivera from the Yankees and on April 14th Harrison Bader from the Mets more exciting sighting signings are to come please log on to wge brewery's website or call 732 634-2929 or 732 977 9481 for information on these tickets or other sign ings that are coming up and the Elks also wanted to thank everybody who came out and helped them celebrate the wonderful festivities at their Lodge for St Patrick's Day I want to thank um our military stationed in the US and those abroad for the safe Mission and a safe return home thank you to the council thank you council president for myself and councilman small for our announcements and happy Easter to everybody and I reiterate exactly what deie mean says thank you for coming out and sharing all your information about TNR and that's all I have to say tonight thank you have a great day thank you very much Mr Mitch thank you Mr President my agenda is in order Mr simuka thank you council president I have a few items for our next session I have a tax and Sewer over payments I also have a revised ordinance for chain Hill Road Project and I have an updated storm Control Ordinance thank you Council pres appreciate it assistant director hner uh assistant director misy sorry thank you council president I have two items an ordinance proposal for parking on Marone Avenue and an ordinance proposal for a traffic light at idman and Delaware thank you director uh D thank you council president just stand her by-weekly refund resolutions thank you director BR thank you council president I have one item to add to uh my agenda it's uh the purchase of electrical vehicle chargers for a sanitation in the casby complex thank you very much legal thank you council president not legal this even thank you motion to adj motion second thank