did you see this what look at this stuff yeah I just looked at it yeah we're all pretty well good with it Tom still has some concerns that point something report are you ready n you guys ready yep I'd like to call the 7 PM work session meeting to order roll call please Nancy Mr B here Mr Lane here Mr Madigan I here Mr Shanley here and mayor mó here uh could you please read the open work session statement I can this regular work session meeting of the wov township committee is now in session in accordance with the the open public meetings act notice of this meeting appears on our annual schedule of meetings a copy of set annual schedule has been posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Town Hall a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk and has been posted on our Municipal website copy has also been emailed to the record The Ridgewood news and the north Jersey Herald news all new newspapers having a general circulation throughout the township of wol at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda thereof was similarly posted filed in email to said newspapers thank you can you confirm finance committee is reviewed and signed by vouchers all of those vouchers are signed all right thank you all right can I have a motion to open 10-minute public comment period 10minute public comment period two minutes per speaker for public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feel feels may be of concern to the residents of the township of w move second Mr BTO yes Mr Lane all Mr Madigan yes Mr sh family yes and mayor milon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved please step forward to the microphone if you wish to make a comment good evening Janet Tumi 501a Aspen Lane and I was wondering if I could ask um uh if um our our Cham manager um Mr cavalo if uh you've heard any more about the shade from the freight shade tree commission about the um Lantern uh they were I think two or three meetings before they had mentioned something from the state I didn't question it then because I didn't know if you even knew about it but you know because it was new and do do you know if there's any news about that so the Shad Tre commission has not changed their stance uh with regard to how the township is or what the is doing with the lantern flies we have did receive a $25,000 Grant which runs until the end of 2026 to purchase it's for a Litany of items but most most of the towns are going are going with the purchasing of traps um because the spraying of the lantern flies is doesn't work basically um but there uh with regard to um The Tree Of Heaven the I believe the CH Tre commission has taken the stance that if it's on Township property we are not going to be cutting down the Trees of Heaven um because it is now found that it's not just the tree of Heaven that the lantern FES attached to it's they attached to pretty much all trees Oaks Maples everything um while it is an invasive species and it is our responsibity to make sure that it doesn't get out of control um it's not something that we have the funds to handle right now we're still handling backlogs of tree removal requests uh on in public rways uh in front of president's homes uh pruning requests you know this year alone we're we're probably already approaching $70,000 in yeah well we removed two uh Big Trees from our property which were very expensive to remove but they were on infested and large trees and they affect the trees next to them and we've invested a lot of money in landscaping so I was wondering if there's any kind of guidelines for people who own property uh that we should be following too that we could would so the township is going the township is not going to be directing people to remove trees if a resident wants to if a homeowner wants to remove a tree uh we're actually going to get into this in a little bit uh the township committee the town residents want to remove trees there's a process for them to go through to remove a tree but it's basically on the residents and homeowners responsibilities um but that's um I I personally probably agree with that but um what I really wanted to know is more information coming out maybe from the state or the tra uh the shade tree commission or um the township commission uh to help Property Owners um deal with it or to even make them cognant of it yeah Matt didn't we didn't we have some informational stuff that we were sending out from was it the Board of Health or we were rebroadcasting the stuff that was coming out from the Department of agricult the State Department of Agriculture right um but I haven't even seen anything new from them since last year yeah I haven't seen anything either what whatever they send us we've been foring out to the residents so if the trade Tre tree commission must be more informed than the rest of us or do they I can speak to that I mean we it was brought up at the last meeting and the only solution that seems to to work are these traps okay it's a it's a very invasive species they don't know they're still not sure even if they do affect a tree what the outcome is going to be a tree may still survive it's it's still still fresh and new as far as a species like that here in this particular area so Matt maybe you and I should talk about we talked about the traps and the the grant money that uh you know I think what may be be a good idea is that if we could get a number of these traps and provide them I think that's something that may at least help a little bit that's that's the the best solution right now yeah uh I remember many years ago when there was a gypsy moth invasion you know uh they were sprayed and it was an effective spray there is no known effective spray that wouldn't be so toxic right to other things that that they're aware of at least nobody's informed us from the state or anywhere else so it is an absolute topic of conversation in fact it was funny because we were saying where are they we haven't seen them yet but they're coming yeah and and we're trying to deal with that too yeah and yeah go ahead well basically I'm ignorant of that of all of you know that problem I didn't know about it until I talked about it here and you talked about it but I don't think a lot of people are aware of it as they should be yeah even in our community you know well I think last year I can tell you this may sound funny but there they're they jump and and if you go to kill them you actually you got to make sure that that you really sash them very effectively uh I mean I was driving my car down the road to the car wash and you could see they hang they hang on the hood of the car they travel on the car and off they go yeah uh so it's uh it's definitely a nuisance and hopefully it doesn't impact on the beautiful shade trees that we have in town we have a great canopy of trees here and uh we'll see where it goes I'm sure that there are people working on it because if there's uh money to be made somehow yeah right that uh somebody may come up with some effective treatment but right now unless somebody else knows anything else folks uh the most effective is this trap that goes around the trunk trunk of the tree that's great if we could get that info out maybe that would be helpful for people I don't know that you know we'll work on we'll work on doing something Matt and myself and the shade Tre commission Township commission thank you for that thank you okay thank you thanks Janet anybody else uh there being none motion to uh close public session second Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr M again yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved all right Matt you ready for a administrative report so with regard to the agenda we have several resolutions with regard to the affordability assistance grant of the uh and uh the Evergreen Apartments those are the deed restricted affordable housing departments that we have at Christian health we have six resolutions closing out former grants three resolutions authorizing new grants um moving on we have a resolution closing out the flexi pave contract at Russell Farms which was completed back in May this was contract number two if you recall we we closed one out last September as well uh so now the entire walking path at Russell Farm has been completed now that um once this check C then we can submit our final reimbursement to the county of Bergen because this this was funded uh 50% by the Bergen County open space trust fund um there are uh two resolutions authorizing uh release of performance bonds and we also have a resolution authorizing the contract for the purchase of the Packer truck which was authorized or which was funded by the bond ordinance this past year there are two ordinances for introduction the first is 2016 uh we've been speaking about this for several months this is the uh ordinance establishing our uh uh regulation to regulate the uh the removal and replacement of of trees on private property actually I should say on all property um this is a requirement of our ms4 permit our ms4 stands for the municipal separate storm sore system um that's a permit that's issued issued by the D and it's a requirement that every municipality adopt an ordinance to regulate the removal and replacement of trees additionally uh 2017 is an ordinance um regulating the privately owned storage of salt um again this is a actually that is a a standard ordinance that came from DP but only left us a very little section that we can amend and that has to do with other zoning uh and that section is uh just requires that a um permanent salt storage facility on commercial property or should say a non-residential property requires site plan a temporary salt storage facility which can only be in place from October to April requires zoning approval not zoning board zoning approval which means they have to go submit a zoning application U and get approval from the engineer uh which will then get from the zoning officer which um will all them to have their temporary storage of salt there are four four motions uh for approval which will be read uh in detail coming up going back to 2016 the council has a rough draft of the of a flowchart which describes how and when a permit would be required and if a permit is required if a fee is required and if a fee is required if replacement is required uh of of a tree in town um and then what the replacement requirements are uh came up with this to try and create a workflow so that uh when the ordinance is adopted um our staff don't have to be digging through 10 page of an ordinance to try and direct people in the right manner um once we pass the ordinance once we get this vetted um my goal is also to post this online so that it assists residents and will be links so that a resident can click here to get a permit application or click here to see the list of IND um invasive species or click here to go to the state's list of licensed Tree Experts so that there's it's all right there in one spot for them moving on to the agend uh to just some updates uh estimated tax bills went out the beginning of July third quarter taxes and second half sore payments are due August 1st to the tax office the syac sore extension project near the barn uh began roughly two weeks ago they are three4 of the way up to H Terrace as of today uh the crews are getting in about four to five lengths of sore each day this is a deep dig they got to do and they did um they did encounter some Red Rock so they did have to bring in some heavier equipment to get through but they are moving very um they're moving at a great pace for that job really uh it's our hope that probably by the weekend they're going to be very close to that intersection so we're in communication with the traffic officer and the um contractor to try and uh figure out when syac will start to be closed during the day for that project um the Grand View Avenue Paving as you noticed Milling has been going on for two days now Milling is done as of today Paving should begin tomorrow weather permitting and should be done tomorrow uh the final coat should be down uh that doesn't mean the project is complete they still need to come in and do line striping um and some other punch list items but the majority of the work will be done tomorrow that should be the last substantial road closure for Grand you have the 2024 Road resurfacing program should be starting next week uh we're just waiting on some final paperwork and a final preconstruction meeting uh with the DPW that I believe is going to occur on Thursday uh anybody who's traveled behind Town Hall uh behind the fire department uh you'll notice that uh the restrooms near Memorial Field are under have started construction the foundation's been dug I believe the foundation has been poured um The Masonry wall should start going up shortly uh it's our expectation that that work will be substantially complete for the start of football season the regular season not practice Practice season um if not the first week hopefully by the second uh just depending on timeline and materials you'll also notice that um there is some new curbing work that's been done uh around the triangle behind the firehouse and along Woodland uh Woodland is being paved this year uh thanks to Ridgewood water uh who actually uh paid for part of it as they um needed to replace that aging uh water M that serviced the library that was causing uh the brown water for many many years there um so we wanted to get that that curbing in uh because as part of some of our grants that we have that we've been holding on to money for uh that hopefully we close out this year uh we have additional sight lighting additional decorative lighting to go and finish off that complex so we wanted to get the curving in there so that everything's done uh without having to the road having to be torn back up again uh we submitted a grant to njd uh do uh to help with the funding of the intersection improvements specifically the crosswalk that we're looking to do at Spring Meadow Drive I want to thank Father Steven at St Elizabeth Joy veto the executive director of the YMCA and Joe milac the president of Spring Meadow along with our assemblyman Christa Phillips for their letters of support uh for this application uh follow up to that we did send our we've been having conversations with the county of Bergen and uh sent U information as a followup to them uh with four years worth of crash reports for wof a that they requested with regard to our request to lower the speed limit and uniform the speed limit on wof a from the intersection of Crescent I'm sorry not Crescent Godwin uh to right past the uh Reformed Church uh the removal and shade the removal and pruny of shade trees that we went out to bid and awarded for uh should be starting in the next week or so a lot of work going on all at the same time DPW has been really busy we also submitted a grant for NJ do for phase two for Lain Road uh that's going to get us closer to the intersection of laand and wof a sorry not wof F Franklin a um which part of our 2020 for Paving program just going back to that we have uh we we worked in cooperation with the burrow of Frankin Lakes again uh and the several roads over in that area Packer burret and then across Franklin on Covington are getting paved uh the entire length not just stopping at the Town Line uh those were roads that were just those were that that were disturbed by psng so our residents and residents of Franklin Lakes are working are going to have a smooth road that uh thanks to that cooperation that we have um I do want to acknowledge Jan bar who retired from the tax assessor's office on July 1st uh Jan worked for the township for the past 10 years as an inspector um in the assessor's office and I wish her luck in her retirement and then finally the D commissioner Sean larette on Thursday at 1M will be at Ridgewood Waters Water Pollution Control plant in Glenrock to recognize Ridgewood Waters robust water conservation efforts um as part of the D's ongoing water uh our waterers worth it campaign um we've been invited um I was going to attend but now I have a funeral that I need to attend on Thursday so I will not be here um but that's all I have what time is that m 1 p.m. 1 o' is that the one under on deor drive there hold on it is on 5 it's 561 Prospect I'll try to get your weather permitting all right Township committee reports uh Tim you want to start yeah I'll start off um not much to report from Ram po Indian Hills they still don't have a new administrator they've had a couple cple of special meetings but no no nothing was announced as to why they terminated the contract of the new administrator who was supposed to stop is it the superintendent the superintendent that's what I mean sorry the superintendent so they still don't have a superintendent um last night I was with the fire chief over at 459 wouth it's a house it's going to be knocked down they were able to train and cut holes in the roof they were able to use their breathing apparatus cuz they had the smoke uh machine on so they went in with their breathing apparatus and got to go in there and experience how to get in and out and make sure they have their protective gear on so it was nice watching them do it we have the great volunteers for the fire department it was nice to see them in action company one two and three both participated the Ambulance Corp was also there they were on hand just in case anybody uh needed uh you know EMT services so it was nice zoning board meets on Thursday that's all I got okay Roger okay I always have to par through what our what Matt has done not to be too redundant I uh I kind of did a road trip with Joe Vander plat from the DPW and we did uh go back here where all of the curbing is being done and we're going to have Paving near the fire department right behind us uh the library in the field area I think the uh the really good thing is that there Cur CB Cuts now and there's going to be additional sidewalk placed so that it's a little bit safer for the kids to be Crossing by the library uh uh near the ambulance Corps building Etc so ah well we oh we have an Applause that's great uh additionally I I participated in the planning meeting which was uh really good uh with regard to the repaving of Grand View and it's going exactly as planned so it's uh uh there was one hiccup because the uh uh the Greek church had some summer program going on and uh everything has worked out the Milling was not an issue because people could still get in and out and hopefully as Matt had said the paving goes from one end to the other so that there's no seam which really makes uh for a better seal for the paving so that's going great and as Matt said the rest of the road resurfacing program starts next week uh we also uh got a great Mason that's on our DPW that's doing some uh sewer work uh and we just drove all around a lot of tree workk as you said some has already commenced ones that we can handle um we just I'll leave the uh police academy uh to you mayor if that's okay uh let me hold on let me just check pay res and uh yeah that's that's it right now I'll leave the uh police leas report to the mayor thank you thanks Rog uh Tom okay I was I I'll take a piece of the the uh junior Police Academy because I was at the graduation last week it was terrific I just want to say from a committee men and the resident it was just a great program and I want especially compliment officers Bill Christopher Caitlyn n Leon Michael police Sergeant Kyle Ferrera and uh other officers that were involved during the week and all the time and effort along with Chief Murphy that our officers put into this program I remember when they started it this was the fifth program that they've done for the kids and uh it was a real action-packed week we spent a lot of time letting people know on Facebook and social media during the week and uh the GR uation was terrific and I was just happy to be there and you know very the kids were appreciative and the parents were as well uh I've been to a couple of Boy Scout schedule uh Boy Scout ceremonies Eagle Scouts uh I always enjoy them I think it's great that we recognize our Regal Scouts our Girl Scouts that achieve that achieve uh silver Awards and gold Awards and you know common theme is every time you go to Boy Scout and I've been to many of them this year and I try to go to all of them um is whatever they do it it benefits our town and our residents it's a great sense of Pride not only for those Eagle Scouts and Girl Scouts to do their programs but it leaves a lasting mark behind and encourages other to others to get involved and do something tremendous so congratulations to all of them and uh very appreciative uh the senior lunch last week and I just want to report the seniors are very appreciative of the uh deflator at the Len house and they want to just thank May bansy and Charlie beluchi from our white car volunteer Ambulance Corp um they did a spectacular presentation at the senior lunch last Tuesday and how to use the AED AED is automated external defibrillator and uh just for the record an AED is a lightweight portable device it's intended for use by Regular People not trained medical people but should there be a an issue with someone's hard stopping or going into a cardiac arrest it's easy to use uh and the IT delivers an electric shock to the chest and the Heart and when they detect an abnormal Rhythm Returns the heart back to normal and uh when the heart stops so thank you again to May and Charlie and the seniors again we're very appreciative of them coming out demonstrating it for them and spending the time on the Q&A period uh very beneficial so thank you again uh to them um W board meeting last night uh uneventful which is good a lot of programs being planned things going on the summer some of camps a lot of things going on for the fall but uh went very very smoothly and everyone's pitching in doing a good job again thanks to all our coaches and volunteers that make our Rick prob Pro program so uh invaluable and uh just for the record uh like I'm sure many of my fellow committee men have fielded many calls and uh and uh uh concerns comments about uh the YMCA Camp traffic clogging up town hall in the morning in the afternoon I know you guys are trying to meet on something on that but um I've just had a barrage it's more so we get it every year but it's more so this year and you know everyone's trying to do the best they can Tom I could add something to that because I was part of a discussion that it it has improved greatly from the beginning beginning there's more of a pattern to it now than you know the first day or two but it's still a lot of people yeah the streets are all clogged yep everywhere okay thank you yep that's it yeah you sure that's it that's all I got to say that was the short version right that's what I said you got than careful what you wish for thank you must not be fing okay Matt covered pretty um thoroughly the sewer project um on tun and syac so they are making progress uh I don't need to comment on that further we'll keep you updated on that as necessary thank you Matt um I too cont attended uh two Eagle Scout courts of Honor since the last meeting one on June 23rd the other on July 13th I think Roger you were with us at the one on June um 23rd which very nice actually there were two brothers yeah that earned the Eagle Scout court of honor or the eagle scout um uh badge and uh and neckerchief so that was very nice uh it was kind of a twof very nice and um also the one on the on the 13th that was a single young man did a very good and I have to I have to Echo what Tom said um the amount of projects that these Scouts um Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts do within wov is quite extraordinary and um they really improve whatever they do and they refurbish and they restore and they do a lot of good stuff which we ordinarily wouldn't have if it weren't for these Scouts doing these projects so it's really great so our hat is off to them um planning board met on the 10th uh was short meeting uh well no it wasn't a short meeting should have been a short meeting um we memorialized the application from Ridgewood water for their treatment plant um their P treatment plan on Holly Drive we had a lot of discussion about a fence application at the corner of um James and Cedar Hill um and that was um we agreed to carry that and the applicants going to look into making some changes and uh come back at our uh next meeting um right now at least of last Wednesday we didn't have um any applications for August so I'll keep you informed if we even have an August meeting um w um environmental commission met last night um and it was Beth Fischer's last meeting as the um as the board president um we had a um Denise created a proclamation for Beth with all her accomplishments which are many actually um she became a member of the green team in 2010 uh she became a commissioner in 2019 and she became the uh the president chairwoman a couple years ago ago so um we're going to miss Beth she is going to stay on as a member of and the president of the green team so that's that's a positive thing she's not going away completely um there is no meeting for the environmental Commission in August so the next meeting is September the board took a vote and endorsed Ben Wier to replace her but as we find out today that uh replacement actually is the purview of the B who appoints the uh the uh chair or president of the uh of the environmental commission as per our ordinance thank you Matt for that uh full cleanup is um planned for September 21st with a rain date this is the full version of team up to tid up it's a smaller uh but full version which we're required to do uh the rain day is the 28th which I believe is the fireworks but this is a morning event so it shouldn't be a problem in the unlikely event that we need a rain date it should not be a problem it'll be it'll all be over by 10 11:00 um so uh I think that's it mayor that's it thank you all right thank you Rudy um hope everyone's enjoying their summer and everyone had a great Fourth of July can't believe it's already halfway through July already um Tom reported on the uh junior police academy and all of our officer that that do such a great job every year running that program um it's always great to see all the uh all the children come out and attend um I was able to actually attend the Blackhawk helicopter landing on Memorial Field it was uh it was uh pretty cool to see um I couldn't believe how big the Blackhawks actually are um there was one moment when I think about was there 100 children in the police academy and about 98 of them all lost their hats and flew across the field uh you know that was a little funny and uh you know the number one question that was asked about the black CLW is how do they go to the bathroom when they're in the air with no toilet up there but but uh no it was great and we were very fortunate and lucky to have that was it was definitely uh something to see and uh Library board meets tomorrow night and that's all that I have uh pet if I may just one quick thing from environmental the um the fall uh shredfest um will be I I don't have the mat do you have have the date on that I'll report it next time I sent it out today hold I think it's in October October 18 I yeah something like that but it will be on a Friday and it will be atun Community Park Community Park yeah that was it Pete real quick uh I just want to thank Beth fiser as well having served on the environmental commission with our uh and she'll be sorely missed and uh but it's good that she's still involved yeah it is thank you Roger Yep they're doing on a Friday the shredfest yes start a Friday the spring ones in the in the on Saturday right all ones on Friday yeah I thought we clarified that to have them both on Saturdays to make it I thought we were supposed to alternate now maybe well the original was because we were getting a truck free from the county that was only supposed to be only could get Monday through Fridays but that has changed we have two trucks one we one's included in our contract right with David and the other where we get it from it's still not the county count okay well I something to look into because I know in the past I think some of the residents what we also do is if we do it on a Friday we get our DPW folks there on straight time not overtime yeah so anyway we're going to look at it yeah uh all right thank you Township attorney report yes um on same line with the sewer extensions I know Project's going on uh close to the barn everybody's mentioned that we do have a couple others in the works I just did a developers agreement for one that's going to go up near Frederick Court three homes there's another smaller one near Joshua Lane I think is Street I expect to something to go on with that so we have Helena too and Helena exactly so those are in the works and that's a good thing to get more and more of the Town Seward um interesting you said about the Blackhawk that's how we used to move a lot of artillery when I was in the Army and hats blew off we used to actually put our gas masks on just cuz everything they would uh blow around and if you were going to do a hoer they wouldn't land you'd stick a guy on top there after and the thing would come in and he'd have to hook him you have to ground the guy otherwise he's going flying off the how so it's a very interesting thing to actually do air Mobiles on this on black definitely interesting to say very interesting all right thank you Dave all right the only think bigger would be the Chinook you know in all honesty the marine version of shinook can't carry as much as the black off really yeah because I have a friend that flew them for the Marine corn I said you used to fly artillery ride we couldn't do it he said actually the blackhaw actually has a lot more lift D which I didn't know either never I would have never now the one the Army uses you can move them but the the smaller one the Marines use you can't do they don't have the lift thank you all right motion to adjourn so moved second Mr B yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes and an affirmative vote we are return thank you --------- it's just and that we can change before no it's not change it is no I mentioned it last night in fact I asked last night looking for sustainability are you ready everyone ready yeah all right like to call the regular meeting of the Y Township committee to order please stand for the five salute I PL aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing uh before we bring up uh Michael Johnson from Cedar Hill Church who going to have a brief moment of silence for firefighter Corey compor who lost his life this past Saturday at the rally as we pray for our country to hopefully end this uh political rhetoric that's going on thank you now please remain standing for our invocation let's pray God our creator in you we live and move and have our being you are not far from each one of us and so we come to you now asking for your blessing and your help our world is mad we have seen that this week we see it far too often mad both in terms of its irrationality and its anger we've made quite a mess of things socially ethically ecologically politically we use and abuse we hate and berate we disrespect and dehumanize we rage because we are so afraid oh God in the beginning your spirit hovered over the primordial chaos you brought light and life order and form and Beauty God we ask that you continue to bring your light and your order and your peace to the chaos of our world to those who grieve today to those who are scared today to those who are angry today Lord to those who are struggling today bring your peace we pray that you would speak the command that Jesus once gave to the wind and waves peace be still and help us oh God not only to experience that peace but to choose to be peace makers ourselves as St Francis prayed make us instruments of your peace peace where there's hatred let us sow love where there's injury may we offer pardon where there's doubt let us hold to Faith where there's despair may we offer hope where there is Darkness let us bring light where there's sadness may we bring joy may we strive to do that wherever we are and with whomever we are with but especially here in our home in the township of wof so we ask for your blessing we ask for your protection your provision and we pray that we would be good neighbors to each other that we would be peacemakers I pray this evening for our elected officials for wisdom and compassion Integrity courage please bless them in their work that they would be a blessing I pray for our police and firefighters our emergency responders for our Municipal workers our teachers and schools for our local businesses for our places of worship and for every home and every family and every person may your blessing and peace and rest be upon them and as the business of the town is done this evening we ask for your grace your righteousness and Justice and I pray this in the name above all names amen amen thank you you well done we had this guy who's good that was good okay uh Nancy can you please read the open public meetings act yes Mr Mayor but notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied with respect to this meeting specifically the T time date and location were included in the annual notice of meetings adopted by the governing body posted in the municipal building by the township clerk's office and sent to at least two newspapers including the official newspaper of the township the Ridgewood news and the Bergen Record additionally to the extent known the agenda for this meeting and whether formal action will be taken was posted in the municipal building by the township clerk's office and sent to at least two newspapers including the official newspaper of the township the Ridgewood news and was posted on our Municipal website in accordance with the open public meetings act thank you roll call please Mr boa all here Mr Lane here Mr Madigan here Mr Shanley here and mayor milon here um can I please have a motion for public comment period public comment period 5 minutes per speaker for public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of the township of wof so moved second Mr Boonstra H yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Mion yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved please step forward to the microphone if you wish to make a comment seeing and hearing no one I move to close public comment second Mr boa yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor milk yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you have a motion for the approval of the June 18th 2024 work session and business meeting minutes second Mr BTO yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley obain and mayor milon yes with affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you accept agenda please yes Mr may all matters listed below are considered by the township committee routine in nature there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by the township committee that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately resolutions close out of affordability assistance program Grant Christian health for Evergreen Department Number One close out of affordability assistance program Grant Christian Health Evergreen department number four close out of affordability assistance grant Christian Health Evergreen department number five close out of affordability assistance program Grant Christian Health Evergreen apartment number six close out of affordability assistance program Grant Christian Health Evergreen apartment 13 close out of affordability assistance program Grant Christian Health Evergreen apartment number 14 authorization of vouchers and payment of bills authorizing an affordability assistance program Grant Christian Health Evergreen apartment number two authorizing and affordability assistance program Grant Christian Health Evergreen apartment number 10 authorizing and affordability assistance program Grant Christian Health Evergreen department number 24 close out of 23-9 supply delivery and installation of flexi pave on Russell Farms Community Park contract number two release Landscaping performance curity for 324 New Town Road Block 354 lot 31 release performance cast jity for 518 helina Avenue block 314 lot 67 Award of contract for the purchase of a rearload packer truck we have two ordinances as mentioned earlier for introduction number 2016 establishing a new chapter 176 entitled trees and shrubs of the code of the township of whiteoff to regulate the removal and replacement of trees and number 2017 amending chapter 163 storm water management by the creation of article three entitled privately owned Salt St storage we also have several motions on the agenda tonight the first is to approve a request by nonprofit never end the fight to hold their annual 5K fundraiser on Saturday October 12th 2024 the 5K will begin and end at Eisenhower Middle School and take place on the nearby streets necessitating some road closures never end the fight strives to spread awareness about the connection between mental health and addiction approved request by Christian Health to post a temporary 6 foot by 9 foot sign promoting the gift Shop's summer sale the sign will be posted for 10 days beginning July 26th and will be removed on August 5th approved request by Cornerstone Christian Church to host a 5k with a course set up entirely on the church property and that of woff Community Park this event is also planned for Saturday October 12th 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. temporary signage for 10 days prior to the event and permission for food trucks has also been requested approve and memorialize the application of current Junior firefighter Nicholas competiello to become a regular firefighter with company number three effective July 16 2024 and I apologize if I said his last name incorrectly may I have a motion in a second to approve this consent agenda approve the consent agenda second discussion okay I just want to comment quickly on uh ordinance 2016 I think myself and others have a few questions or comments on this it's nothing that we can't resolve before we adopt that at the next meeting I just um it doesn't change the intent of it all it's it's a very important ordinance and I think we should all weigh in but it's no reason to hold up introducing it tonight I agree thank you for that Rudy okay Mr VRA yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor milon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you all right we have a motion to adjourn so moved Mr B yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mil yes with an affirmative vote we all done thank you