who can we have do the flag SL we need anybody do the flag slute probably not what T this is T youly Le us the FL salute are yeah quiet quiet you guys us okay you ready like to call the uh 800m whitec Township committee meeting to order please rise for the flag salute remain standing for an invocation I'm G to ask Mrs Tumi to come forward and kind us kindly lead us the flag SL I pledge aliance to the flag to the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation un God indivisible with liberty and justice for thank you like to ask Reverend Andy gban from uh Reformed Church please come forward and lead us in a nication thanks oh Lord Our God Almighty and everlasting on this one of the darkest and longest nights of the year we ask for your light to shine upon us and for all who live in this community we thank you for the township of woff and for the gift that it is to us and to so many we thank you for the gift of service so many give in so many different ways to make our life together possible we thank you for them tonight we thank you also for this Township committee and for their service and faithfulness we pray that in the course of this meeting you would bless them with your wisdom with your grace with your peace Justice and righteousness uh Lord lead them forward in the work that they have to do in order to bless this community and the surrounding ones as well it's in your name we pray amen amen amen thank you please be seated Nancy could you read the open public meetings act notice yes Mr Mayor this right regular business meeting of the township Committee of the township of wof is now in session in accordance with Section 8 of the open public meetings act I wish to advise that notice of this meeting has been posted on the bulletin board of Memorial town hall and on our Township committee's website page the copy has been filed with the municipal clerk and copies were emailed to the Ridgewood news the record and to the north Jersey hural news all newspapers with General circulation throughout the township of w call at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda was similarly posted filed and emailed to said newspapers thank you um can I um a roll call please sure Mr Bo here Mr fiser here Mr mó here Mr Shanley here and mayor Madigan uh here okay I'd also like to uh ask for a motion for public comment period public comment period five minutes per speaker for public comment and any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of the township of wo so move second Mr Bo yes Mr fiser yes Mr mó yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan uh yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved okay thank you anybody from the public that wishes to address the governing body please come forward please give us your name seeing none can we have a motion to close to the public motion to close public comment second Mr B yes Mr fiser yes Mr melon yes Mr Shanley yes May Madigan uh yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved okay following along before we do our presentation of the Proclamation I just like to recognize the key person who's not with us tonight because he's has a conflict but he's definitely one white cof's number one football booster and cheerleader and it's ironic tonight we just had the seventh and eth grade senior football team come from their Sterling Championship season and tonight we have the Ramapo high school football team and this person was intimately involved not only at the the lower level but also at the high school so uh let's I'd like to give him a round of applause Roger snorebush our number one cheerleader booster fan the deli guys so please give Roger round [Applause] ofla Roger Roger's done a lot over the years particularly as booster person not only with our fields in town but the kids in the program he's a great role model for all of you young men so with that I'd like to uh read the proclamation on behalf of the wov governing body to our uh rampo high school football team I'm going to read your names as well I'm going to do the best I can with the pronunciation I do have a little a little bit of a Boston accent so you got to get a little flavor of that in there but I'll do the best and then we'll bring you forward give you a nice Proclamation we'll take some photos and uh we'll have remarks from the coach and uh then we'll let you go home and study of whatever you have to do all right so whereas the 2023 rampa high school football team is a New Jersey North group four Regional Champion by virtue of exciting 24 19th victory over Mount Olive high school on Friday November 17th 2023 at rampa high school becoming the third team in school history to win a Regional Championship and whereas the team also achieved the New Jersey North one group four state sectional Championship its 13th in school history with three consecutive playoff victories over RA rwe in the first round 42-7 Morris nolles in the semifinal 52-27 and a hardfought 14-10 victory over Northern Highlands in the sectional Championship Game on November 10 2023 at rampa high school and whereas this exceptional team completed its second straight season with an overall record of 12 wins one loss and a league record of five wins zero losses to claim another New Jersey super Football Conference Liberty red division championship and whereas this outstanding team's hard work dedication and commitment to each other combined with its great skill led to being number three ranked public school team in northern New Jersey by the Bergen Record the number seven ranked Public School in all of New Jersey by the style Ledger and the USA Today Network the Bergen County large groups Team of the Year and the overall number 14 ranked team in all of New Jersey by The Star Ledger and whereas the rampa high school football team benefited greatly from the dedication commitment and Leadership of head coach Mike defasio and assistant coaches Nick choel Anthony figorito Scott finan guy aliver Mar shaur sha M matalato Cory tzas Jim Miller Dan graph Steve Harvey and Anthony velano and athletic trainer Lisa Estella and whereas special thanks extended to the cheerleaders parents coaches friends boosters and all the Rost students teachers Administration for their unwavering support and whereas a special group of student athletes Aiden Haywood Aiden mcellen alesio Gallow Al Alexa Alex asena Amir Mazza drainy Andrew andon Aris Perez Ben Vander Braden Mackey Braden Gales Braden devalier Brendan Latz Brian Shanley kakuni Casey G gussa charie mamino oh mesino I'm sorry Charlie MSO JY Ruben AA jie Wingfield Conor Payne Cory Jones Dean conkling Devin raicho Dominic Rolo Dylan Rosano Finn Kerwin Franchesco Spina Gabe gasso Gavin quiso Gavin poro Gavin Taylor Gino gorger Harrison Kerney Isaac zagara senior co- Captain Jack delanzo Delavan sorry Jack I'm butching your name Deano sorry Jackson crony jazia Bryant Jaden Fooda Jake lson Jake Williams Senior Co senior co- Captain James mcgo Joseph yesus Joshua Clark Kenton grosfeld senior co- Captain Landon depra Liam Haywood Lucas TRNA Lucas Estella Luke Gerber Marco Galder Mason shafir matus SE covi Matt aib uh Matt Wagner Michael Balon Michael spena Michael Vic vix Joe Nathan Menino Nehemiah burles ory young Peter amerio Robert Phillips Scott Lassen Teddy Murray Thomas arone Tommy horahan Tyler RI coio Zack Logan senior co- Captain Zack sorush Zack Darwish and Zane Rosenberg ACH these extraordinary Awards and honors by virtue of their commitment to unselfish team play tireless work ethic outstanding football skills and their overall commitment to the game of football now therefore be proclaimed by the township of wof County of Bergen state of New Jersey that the 2023 rampo varsity football team coach Mike defasio and the staff are hereby extending congratulations on behalf of our entire community for the significant success they have achieved and our thanks for serving as positive role models for these young athletes of our community and for illustrating illustrating the rewards which can be achieved through commitment and diligence in pursuing Excellence congratulations [Applause] fellas ask you all to come forward we're going to move this microphone mat can you help move the microphone please so we can get the boys in the well Y come on up fellas you can take any path you wish and in the end we're going to be here in the well taking photos okay fellas seventh and eth graders no problem with this here you go [Music] fellas culations [Music] shorter than I uh no that's my weekend J great job congratulations on an amazing season everything is very [Applause] [Music] welled r that out right this is the this is the first wire I tripped on all year pretty good better be careful least I pay attention all right you guys we hope to see you next year we better see you next year right next year okay all right can I have a motion for the approval of December 5 2023 work session and business meeting minutes please so move second Mr B yes Mr fiser yes Mr Mion State Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved Nancy can take it to the consent agenda please certainly all matters listed below are considered by the township committee to be routine in nature there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by the township committee that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately resolutions appointing registar and Deputy registar of Vital Statistics authorizing interlocal shared agreement wol with wol Public Library return of certain overpaid taxes fees Etc return sewer performance bond 425 Colony Court authorization of vouchers and payment of bills budget transfers lead agency resolution renew Cooperative pricing system we have no ordinances for introduction and no motions on tonight's meeting May I have a a motion and a second to approve this consent agenda move the consent agenda second Mr bster yes Mr fiser yes Mr melon yes Mr Shanley yes mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved moving on mayor Madigan I have um several ordinances for public hearing further consideration on tonight's agenda the first has been reviewed and approved by the planning board at their December 13th 2023 meeting it is ordinance number 1995 which is an ordinance amending the land use ordinance of the township of wof to amend chapter 186 zoning to modify zoning regulations to accommodate different types of residential development and to encourage the construction of affordable housing for second reading by title only a copy of this ordinance has been posted on our Municipal website on the bulletin board in town hall where Public Notices are customarily posted and copies have been made available to members of the general public of the township who have requested the same this is the time and the place for public hearing and ordinance number 1995 all persons who wish to be heard please state your name before making a statement if you wish to make a comment please step forward to the microphone I move that the public hearing on ordinance 1995 be closed second Mr boa yes Mr fiser yes Mr melon yes Mr Shanley yes mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved be it resolved by the township Committee of the township of wof that ordinance number 1995 after public hearing and further consideration is hereby adopted and the municipal clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of final passage of said ordinance in the official newspaper for the township as provided by law I move ordinance number 1995 on second reading by title only second Mr B yes Mr fiser yes Mr Mone yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved mayor Madigan I also have a second ordinance for public hearing further consideration on tonight's agenda it has also been reviewed and approved by the planning board at the December 13 2023 meeting it is ordinance number 1996 which is an ordinance to amend the code of the township of whiteo chapter 186 zoning schedule one schedule of dimensional requirements to reflect previously adopted changes to the zoning code for second reading by title only and a copy of this ordinance has been posted on our Municipal website on the bulletin board in town hall where Public Notices are customarily posted and copies have been made available to members of the general public of the township who have requested the same this is the time and place for public hearing on ordinance number 1996 all persons who wish to be heard please state your name before making a statement if you wish to make a comment please step forward to the microphone I move that the public hearing on ordinance 1996 be closed second Mr boa yes Mr fiser yes Mr mó yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved be it resolved by the township Committee of the township of whiteoff that ordinance number 1996 after public hearing and further consideration is hereby adopted and the municipal clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of final passage of said ordinance in the official newspaper for the township as provided by law I move ordinance number 1996 on second reading by title second Mr boa yes Mr fiser yes Mr Mion yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved we also have ordinance number 1999 which is an ordinance to provide for and determine the rate of compensation of each officer and Town Hall employee of the township of woff and the method of payment of such compensation for the year 2024 for second reading by title only and a copy of this ordinance has been posted on our Municipal website on the bulletin board in town hall where Public Notices are customarily posted and copies have been made available to members of the general public of the township who have requested the same this is the time and place for public hearing and ordinance number 1999 all persons who wish to be heard please state your name before making a statement if you wish to make a comment please step forward to the microphone I move that the public hearing on ordinance 1 1999 be closed second Mr B yes Mr Fisher yes Mr mó yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with affirmative vote the motion is approved be it resolved by the township Committee of the township of woff that ordinance number 1999 after public hearing and further consideration is hereby adopted and the municipal clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of final passage of said ordinance in the official newspaper for the township as provided by law I move ordinance number 1999 on second reading by title only second Mr Bo yes Mr fiser yes Mr mó yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved Mr Mayor I also have ordinance number 2,000 which is an ordinance fixing the salaries compensation and retainers of the paid Department of Public Works employees of the township of whiteoff New Jersey for the years 2024 through 2025 for second reading by title only and a copy of this ordinance has been posted on our Municipal website on the bulletin board in town hall where Public Notices are customarily posted and copies have been made available to members of the general public of the township who have requested the same this is the time and place for public hearing on ordinance number 2000 and all person who wish to be heard please state your name before making your statement if you wish to make a comment please step forward to the microphone I move that public hearing on ordinance 2000 be closed second Mr boa yes Mr fiser yes Mr mó yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved be it resolved by the township Committee of the township of whiteoff that ordinance number 2,000 after public hearing and further consideration is hereby adopted and the municipal clerk is here by authorized and directed to publish the notice of final passage of said ordinance in the official newspaper for the township as provided by law I move ordinance 2000 on second reading by title o second Mr boa yes Mr fiser yes Mr Mion yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes an affirmative vote the motion appr is approved and finally Mr Mayor I have ordinance number 2001 which is an ordinance to amend chapter 177 vehicles and traffic article 3 truck exclusions to exempt certain vehicles for second reading by title only and a copy of this ordinance has been posted on our Municipal website on the bulletin board in town hall where Public Notices are customarily posted and copies have been made available to members of the general public of the township who requested the same this is the time in place for the public hearing on ordinance number 2001 all persons who wish to be heard please state your name before making your statement if you wish to make a comment please step forward to the microphone I move that public hearing on ordinance 2001 be closed second Mr BTO yes Mr fiser yes Mr Melone yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved be it resolved by the township Committee of the township of whiteoff that ordinance number 2001 after public hearing and further consideration is hereby adopted and the municipal clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of final passage of said ordinance in the official newspaper for the township as provided by law I move orance 2001 on second reading by title only second Mr Bo yes Mr Fisher yes Mr melon yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved okay I have a motion for a recess I need a motion a second to recess the business meeting for a signy Dy meeting on January 1st motion for recess second Mr boa yes Mr fiser yes Mr yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved Merry Christmas --------- they're doing one at 7:00 prank 8:00 basketball first of year right first of the year trying to wait for Rudy oh first home [Applause] game was that the away well I heard they're ranked priv anybody got a copy of the Proclamation right anybody got a copy of the proclamations wait for we get out of the police late they really like well I guess that's right I don't even need right yeah they did 702 D you [Music] ready okay I'd like to call a 7 P.M work session meeting to order Nancy can we have a roll call the township committee please yes mayor Madigan Mr Boonstra Mr fiser here Mr melon here Mr Shanley here and mayor Madigan uh here uh Nancy could you read the open work session statement please this regular work session meeting of the whiteoff township committee is now in session in accordance with the open public meetings act notice of this meeting appears on our annual schedule of meetings a copy of said annual schedule has been posted on the bulletin board of Memorial Town Hall a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk and a copy has been posted on our Municipal website the copy has also been emailed to the record The Ridgewood news and the north Jersey Harold News all newspapers having a general circulation throughout the township of white call at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda thereof was similarly posted filed and emailed to said newspapers okay confirm we have all the vouches signed I can confirm we have all the thank you very much i' like to have a motion to open the meeting 10-minute public uh work session uh comment period two minutes per speaker any comment from the public on any governmental issue a member of the public Fields may be of concern to the residents in the township of wov so move second Mr Boonstra Mr fiser yes Mr mó yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan uh yes anybody from the public wishing to come forward to address the governing body please do so at this time identify yourself seeing none can I have a motion to close to the public motion to close public comment second Mr fiser yes Mr Mone yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan uh yes okay this is very exciting night I want to thank uh uh Championship players for being here their parents coaches friends siblings it a fun night and uh welld deserved what we're going to do is uh we going to read a proclamation we have from the governing body to our seventh and eighth grade Raiders football team then we'll take some pictures we'll have some comments from the coaches then we'll have a recess the recess will give you an opportunity to gather in the back and there some things they want to give up and then we will be able to leave go home do homework whatever you have to do and then we'll reconvene our meeting so that we're not tying all of you up so does that sound okay to everybody sounds good all right right so we have a proclamation on behalf of the township committee that I'd like to read I'm going to do the best I can with your names but already built in your names a little bit of a Boston accent so I'm going to try to annunciate as best as I can so here we go whereas the white cof Raiders senior football team is the 2023 Northern Bergen Jr Football League Super Bowl champion by virtue of of it 27 to Z semi-final win over Ramsey on November 4th 2023 and it's dominating 28 to Z Super Bowl victory over Mara on November 12th 2023 at Raa high school and whereas this exceptional group of players and coaches completed their season with an overall record of 10 wins and zero losses and ended the season ranked number one in the final nbj FL rankings the team succeeded dueing large part to its incredibly Stout defense who allowed zero points the entire season and it's highly proficient offense that was not focused to punt not forced to punt the entire year and whereas the white cof Raider football teams benefited greatly for the dedication commitment and Leadership of head coach Marty mcgo and assistant coaches John albanes Frank pensil Chris Lori Ryan Kylie Pete held and Harrison fennas have a veld I guess I'm sorry about that Pete and Harrison fenes and whereas the white C Raider senior football team would not have been as successful as they were this season without the constant energy and support from the white cof senior cheerleaders and their coaches their enthusiastic cheering during the games and at halftimes gave the team the extra boost they needed to defeat their opponents each and every week of the Season whereas special thanks is extended to the parents coaches the white C football boosters and the white Recreation staff for their NeverEnding commitment and support and whereas a special group of boys Jameson abuko tylon Iden Brandon Barry Brandon bachini Ethan Brantley Sebastian Bruno Travis Cannon Michael Capone Michael Carpenter Anthony Cavalier Jude shashira Christian Colangelo Dominic celo Daniel dalier Christopher DeMarco Luke and Edwards Joe Fitzgerald Hudson Fox Joseph Franca Luca Frisco Thomas gako Mason Havel Jasper ho Austin Kylie Lucas Lynch Charlie Lynch Luke mcgo Luke Murray Gabriel orstein Michael Payne Zachary perini Cole peteski Matthew pizani Zaden partha curri Russell ramond Chase Salman Braden Steves Jonathan trusi Christopher Wallock Andrew Widner Matthew Wilman and Adrien Rona achiev these extraordinary Feats due to their commitment to unselfish team play tireless work ethic standing football skills and their overall commitment to the game of football now therefore be it proclaimed by the township Committee of the township of woff County of Bergen state of New Jersey that the 2023 whiteoff Raiders senior football team the head coach Marty mcgo and his staff are hereby extended congratulations on behalf of our entire Community for the significant success they have achieved and our thanks for serving as positive role models for the young athletes of our community for illustrating the rewards which can be achieved through commitment and diligence in pursuing Excellence congratulations [Applause] fell okay so we're going to ask we're going to ask the boys to come forward we're going to give you a proclamation you're got to stay up here then we're going to take some photos all right congratulations so fellas come on up [Music] standat fellas we're going to do we're going to move this mic so it's out of the picture so who's ever on that mat we're going to get off it for one minute and we're going to figure something out with this cord even if we had to put it behind everybody all right oh all the players members of you want to do a team want oh Super Bowl champs want the coaches in the photos please yeah coming through have a couach please I didn't really prepare anything thank you to the Town Council Proclamation thank you to all the coaches and all the parents for all the tireless uh getting the kids there and and tolerating us and that kind of stuff but everything goes to the players you know without their hard work and dedication the season doesn't happen so thank you guys for all your hard work [Applause] congratulations [Music] how are you Nancy I'm good to [Music] EX [Music] how you doing Tim all right I think I'm becoming you what's that I got a tea [Music] [Music] yeah great [Music] 6 [Music] [Music] that's thank you so much for you what' you uh what's the dog's name Tucker Tucker you should getop cop of cop it the second time it right on the paper when you actually have it in the system completely it's aocr okay well also need [Music] I'll see you thank you take thank you so much take care good seeing you congratulations start Jasmine it's some tough be anybody see Rudy Bon anyone see Rudy here he is okay okay we're back from our uh recess so we're going to go to number seven review the uh business meeting agenda Matt would you kind of take us through that that please sure uh first off we have several resolutions uh I want to highlight 307 first I want to wish good luck to Mary Ellen tafr who is our Township registar and our clerk's office she'll be retiring from the township on December 31st after 25 plus years with the township uh resolution 307 um acknowledges her retirement uh and appoints Anna kosha at as the new Township registar effective January 1st and Nancy Brown as the deputy registar 308 renews our interlocal agreement with the woff public library for three more years for their payroll services um 312 is budget transfers and 313 uh authorizes a renewal of our lead agency uh renewal as the lead Agency for the um Cooperative price for a one of the three Cooperative pricing systems that we manage here in weof uh as you recall we have one between uh wolf which is Franklin Lakes Oakland and um and our and us we have one that is uh us and the Board of Education we also have a commodity resale uh agreement with the board of education for the um resale of certain items such as diesel fuel um so this is the renewal of the wolf agreement uh it's retroactive back to I believe 200 I'm sorry this uh we had one done in 2018 and this one is uh fast forward five more years there are no introduction of ordinances no motions and we have several ordinances for uh public hearing further consideration uh first is the um amendment to to uh zoning 186 to accommodate for several types of residential developments to encourage the construction of affordable housing this was reviewed by the planning board and found to be consistent with the master plan uh the next is 1996 uh is an amendment to our zoning code 186 to um modify the schedule of dimensional requirements to reflect previously adopted changes to our Zing code this was also reviewed by the zoning by the planning board and found not to be inconsistent with the um master plan ordinance 1999 sets the salaries and compensation for the town hall employees for next year ordinance 2000 sets the salaries compensation and retainers for the public works employees through 2025 to coincide with their existing collective bargaining agreement and ordinance 2001 um amends our truck exclusions on all our roads s to include or sorry to exclude certain Vehicles such as utilities emergency vehicles and Township vehicles that is the end of the agenda with the exception of number 10 is not adjourned it is recess we will recess this meeting to our sign die meeting uh to the continue our sign die meeting at 11:30 on January 1st uh moving on to the uh so administrators updates uh the last day to have leaves at the curb was yesterday thank you to the DPW for an outstanding job this year with leaf collection we're currently out to bid for the brick uh pole bar brick veneer that bid comes back on Thursday uh starting uh sorry Park and Ride permits are available for purchase at the clerk's office pet licensing is now in process uh renew your pets online or contact the clerk's office uh if you need assistance getting into the portal this past week we submitted three grants the cdbg Grant uh for improvements to the Len house specifically handicap accessibility at the front door uh the DCA American Rescue plan firefighter grant for uh spare turnout gear and the New Jersey cyber security Grant through the New Jersey kick I want to congratulate Joe vanderplatt our Public Works superintendent for obtaining his license as a certified public works manager by the DCA um the local Finance board has finally approved the 2024 budget deadlines and released them earlier this week uh as normal all the budget deadlines were moved past their statutory date uh two months and the last is a bill that U there's several bills that I'm watching in lame duck that could have effect on municipalities but apparently there's some sort of by there is some sort of uh bipartisan cooperation on an assembly bill out there right now a comprehensive assembly Bill to reform the state's Fair Housing Act and affordability housing policy uh it is scheduled for a hearing in the assembly housing committee tomorrow uh the bill would eliminate the count the officially eliminate the Council on affordable housing which if you recall was stripped of all its power by the Supreme Court oh some uh 10 years ago and but has never really been um eliminated COA would then be replaced by a affordable housing dispute resolution program to be created within the office of the administrative office of the courts the affordable housing dispute resolution program would take over the process of the administrative review of Municipal housing plans that was once done by COA so still leaving it within the realm of the courts but trying to take it out of the uh Case by case county by county uh uh rulings that are being uh or I shouldn't say rulings uh orders that are being entered uh by the court uh the bill creates a two-year timeline with the goals of having all municipalities adopt their final Fair Share Plans for round four by January 31st 2026 uh and the so the league is still reviewing this bill they have not come out with their update yet but as I said tomorrow morning the assembly housing committee will be reviewing it uh and we'll see where that goes but according to Media it has some traction so it might get some uh uh might grow some legs and start walking before January 10th that's all I got happy New Year thank you Merry Christmas than your committee reports timm you wanted begin I'll be very brief um Ramapo Indian Hills board met last night and uh was a good meeting um they did you know they got along and there was good con Congeniality amongst all the board members and uh it ended before 11:00 so it was a good good night but nothing really to report and that's all I got thanks Scott please thank you uh I'd like to also congratulate Joseph vanderplatt on his accomplishment um passing the certified public works managers course and the state exam I'm very proud of him I know he's going to continue to do an awesome job in serving the public of woff and uh I wish him the best moving forward um also like to congratulate Mariel tafford on her upcoming retirement um Marielle and I were co-employees for over 25 years and uh she was always an asset to this community in this town and uh I know she's going to be greatly missed and I wish her the best moving forward um like to congratulate the DPW on another fine uh leaf collection um as always they did finish ahead of schedule and I know the town is going to look beautiful for the Christmas holidays as always and I would like to say thank you to all of the volunteer fire department members that escorted Santa around on the past Sunday making a lot of children's happy faces for these holidays so um wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and that's all I have thank you Rudy thank you mayor um Tuesday night the historic preservation commission met for the first time in couple months and continued looking at and trying to formulate a list of uh historic buildings to go on the next level for the wof register uh it's a work in progress um planning board met Wednesday night um approved uh for completeness a Harker's um uh jewelry store and watch store um application to be heard in January and as uh as Matt indicated uh approved and passed back to the township committee for U final reading ordinance is number 1995 and 1996 which will do um Bo of Health met um Thursday night I attended that and uh Doug strike attended the from Christian Health attended the meeting just to give some updates on what they're doing up there at Christian Health nothing Earth shaking and that's all I have as far as reports I too want to thank and thank Marielle and ta R for all the years um she spent with the township and all the great service she gave us and wish her nothing but the best in retirement um and congrat rulate Joe Vander also and uh thank mayor Madigan for all these proclamations all year we no going to do without him now it's good and uh good job Tom thank you and uh Merry Christmas Happy New Year happy holidays everyone Malon all right thank you mayor um the U environmental commission uh met last night for the junior project presentation unfortunately I was unable to attend as I'm still uh getting over this cold that's uh going around but I heard the projects there were some excellent uh projects and um uh there was a great video that was uh filmed at the uh at the economy shop um I'm sure we'll get a we could get a link to it if anyone wants to wants to see that and uh want to thank the environmental commission for all the did uh throughout the year uh fire department um I want to thank the fire department they were pretty busy uh I guess that was really Monday morning with all the calls around town with that nasty storm that uh came in with the rain and wind I also want to thank them for all their you know not just for you know protecting wof and keeping wof safe but um the countless hours they spend volunteering their time around town between the toys for Tat train riding Sanda around town Christmas tree lighting uh Manor lighting and the countless and countless events around town so it's it's not just their uh their firefighting but it's also their dedication to the community here in uh here in wov uh DPW I just want to congratulate Joe for uh passing his test and his exam um and another great year by the DPW uh collecting the leaves they're sure um not a shortage of leaves year after year so it seems like there's more and more leaves but there's less and less trees cuz a lot of them are getting cut down but they do a very good job there and uh lastly I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays thank you okay I just have a couple things I too would like to uh extend my congratulations to Mary Ellen uh not only for her service to the town but for her service and cheerful and kind ways that she extends each and every day to our residents uh she has that special sense of humor and we really going to miss it as as us older folks say she's definitely a good scout and we thank her and wish her all the best I'd also like to congratulate Joe fander plat he's doing a great job uh um as a DPW superintendent and congratulate him on passing and doing a great job getting his certification and uh just a couple other things I just think it's exciting tonight that we have uh seventh and eighth grade senior white C football team that we just doned here at our work session meeting and at the end of our 8:00 meeting we're going to have the Ramapo championship football team so it's kind of kind of exciting now night in town and um a little more to say at the 8:00 meeting and finally Merry Christmas to all happy New Year and as Matt pointed out we'll have the siny Dy meeting at 11:00 on the 1st and then our reorganization meeting January 1st so that's all I have to say report of the township attorney Mr Becker um the only real legal things came up in the last couple weeks were a few open requests by to the police department most of them are normal they know how to handle them but they want some consultation on a few that came up we took care of those but that was really the only thing which is good it's always good to have some quiet in December when it comes to legal matters uh just want to say h Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody here tonight and looking forward to 20124 yes he Becker mentioning the police department reminded me that just um the police committee is in the process of interviewing Sergeant candidates for a promotional um opportunity in wof and it's uh it's a pleasure to introduce these to interview these final officers that we have it'll be a difficult choice to select only one of them so I want to thank them and thank the police committee for doing this that's it thank you thank you okay anybody else anything else ready to we're going to journ this meeting we're going to journ the uh work session move to adjourn the work session I have a motion second second thank you Mr brra yes Mr fiser yes Mr mó yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan uh yes with an affirmative vote the motion was approved