##VIDEO ID:eXVY0ndeTik## one minute okay n you ready ready yep I like to call this p.m. work session meeting to order roll call please Mr VRA here Mr Lane here Mr Madigan here Mr Shanley here and mayor melon here uh can you please read the open work session statement yes Mr Mayor this regular work session meeting of the wov township committee is now in session in accordance with the open public meetings act notice of this meeting appears on our annual schedule of meetings a copy of said annual schedule has been posted on the bullettin board in Memorial Town Hall copy has been filed with the municipal clerk and has been posted on our Municipal website and a copy has been emailed to the record The Ridgewood news and the north Jersey Harold News all newspapers having a general circulation throughout the township of woff at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda thereof was similarly posted filed and emailed to said newspapers thank you can you confirm all the vouchers were reviewed and signed yes Mr Mayor everything has been signed perfect thank you um have a motion to open 10-minute public comment period 10-minute public comment Period 2 minutes per speaker for public comment of any government issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of the township of wcla so seconded Mr boa yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved please step forward to the microphone if you wish to make a comment seeing none I make a motion to close to the public Mr boa yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you all right now we got a special uh presentation tonight proclamation to the uh torpedo soccer club for winning the uh New Jersey U6 State Cup Championship um so we're going to r a proclamation come up take a few pictures and uh and if coaches want to say a see a few few words after so whereas the 2008 U6 boys torpedo soccer team is a 2024 New Jersey U6 State Cup champion by virtue of their 1 victory over players develop Academy on May 19th 2024 after winning each of their previous State Cup games over tsf Academy 3 to one in the first round Cedar Stars two to one in the second round and PSA Academy 5 to one in the semi-final game and whereas subsequent to their State Cup Championship the victors qualified for their Eastern regionals where after dominating the competition by by outscoring their opponents 18-3 in the first four games they won the Eastern Regional Title by shutting out Syracuse Academy 30-0 on July 3rd 2024 in Barbersville West Virginia and whereas the Eastern Regional Championship qualified the team for the United States Nationals in Orlando Florida at the ES PN Wide World of Sports Complex becoming the first team in the 50-year history of the torpedo soccer club to do so and where as the exceptional team completed their spring season with an overall record of 16 wins three losses and five ties and whereas the U6 boys torpedo soccer team benefited greatly from the dedication commitment and Leadership of their coaches Andy and David and whereas a special group of players Julian Mason Z Z Aiden Andrew Finn Brody James Dylan Jacob Nick Nico Joey Kaden Emanuel Chris John Owen and Peter achieved these Feats due to their commitment to an unselfish team play tireless work ethic outstanding soccer skills and the overall commitment to the sport of soccer now therefore be it proclaimed by the township Committee of the township of wo County of Bergen state of New Jersey that the 2024 U6 boy torpedo soccer team coaches Andy and David are hereby extending congratulations on behalf of our entire Community for the significant success they have achieved and our thanks for serving as positive role models for the young athletes of our community and for illustrating the rewards which can be achieved through the commitment and diligence and pursuing Excellence witnessed by my hand and seal the 17th day of September 201 24 on behalf of the W wof Township committee myself Rudy boa Roger Lane Tom Madigan and Tim Shanley congratulations come on upul come over hereat thank you congratulations some uh some record thank you everybody have one everybody has one Co we have enough for everybody we don't know who's here's excuse me let me just sneak this okay you guys come a little forward you know who's taller and who's not as tall so if you're not as tall you're going to be a little more hello guys push push push push push we want to get in the photo you don't be looking at someone's head young fell you got to be between move make sure we see everybody everybody good the girls are in here we have no issues one more one this the official brother a picture in the post today of the two Sheriff's officers who arrested that guy in Florida who caught him in 18 years old was on nice good job okay Matt you ready Matt yes sir okay all right moving on to our uh administrator report thank you Mr Mayor uh several resolutions on for tonight's agenda uh two releasing two resolutions releasing maintenance guarantees maintenance fond on two of our bid projects the first one is the 2022 Road resurfacing project and the second one is the mountain a uh improvements for section two which were done both projects were done and completed in 2002 um third one is a resolution authorizing an agreement between the township and the football boosters this is with regard to uh payment of referee fees they pay the ref they pay the refs they keep an accounting of it they get all the vouchers filled out and at the end of the year they give us an accounting of it we pay them one check it works out the referees get paid a lot faster than going through the Township's uh payment process uh there's also a resolution for a refund of a cash shity for 304 pole Court uh on this evening is an ordinance for introduction uh this is a grant that we received uh $56,000 for the um acquisition of structural protective firefighting equipment for the fire department this was the njdca firefighter Grant the mayor mentioned two meetings ago three uh sorry five um motions for uh different events going on they'll be read into the record at the second me at the second meeting and then also for public hearing is an ordinance to amend and supplement our uh Federal Regulation storm for storm water control this is a requirement of our ms4 permit as I mentioned at the last meeting uh couple things of to mention a reminder that the fireworks will be held uh Saturday uh September 25th sorry 28th I don't know why I said 25th it says 28th uh the library will be closed that day uh for the entire day it's they're not going to they normally open up after 1 so uh they won't be open the state's anchor property tax relief program applications launched on the state's website uh September 15th that replaced the senior freeze the replacement of the disintegrated metal metal metal corrugated pipe under a at the outf is of brisky pond was completed within a week and that road was reopened the roof uh is being worked on at Memorial at the new bathrooms at Memorial Field the doors and windows were being installed today um and we're moving on to plumbing and electrical now that building is sealed up the flag poles in front of town hall been sanded down and repainted the tree protection and removal ordinance was adopted on August 20th the registration form for tree contractors and the permit form for tree removal are now available online any questions call the clerk's office or call the building department and we can help you uh tonight the township committee will be considering final adoption as I mentioned of the amendment to our state storm water Control Ordinance this has been already been conditionally approved by the county and will be confirmed by the County planning board after our adoption our contract for snow plowing is up and we're going out to bid on Friday for new for a new bid those will be awarded uh be opened up in October and our bids for the municipal building roof replacement are due back on on October 10th uh as was been mentioned in the last couple meetings the state health benefits commission plan uh the state health benefits commission um met and they have approved an increase uh that was revised since it was proposed the division of pensions and benefits published a revised plan year 2025 local government employee group rate that was at 6.2 down from the recommended 17.2 so we still have a 16.2% health insurance in increase for next year uh as you recall this is probably year six or seven that the rates have been going through the roof um we are actively working to clear up our list of rental units in town that are required to be inspected for lead based paint per state law we have an inspector in our building department that is conducting these inspections uh all these inspections need to be completed Now by July of 2025 was an amendment to the law the governor signed on Friday um we still have several positions posted on our bid on our employment page on our website a new addition is an administrative assistant in the clerk's office uh and finally the police department has hiri has hired the six leo3 his name is Robert W to replace the officer who's not returning and we'll have a ratifying resolution at our next meeting along with the formal swearing in that's it that's it all right thank you Matt uh Township committee reports Tim you want to start yeah I'll be very quick the uh company the fire department's company meetings I attended company 1 2 and three um nothing really um you know that I need to report on but um there is a fish in chips um going to be run on 10 on October 4th for by the Ladies Auxiliary at Company 2 it's a fundraiser so it's October 4th of 2024 um and then the they've the fire department has on to 424 calls to date they've been very busy so and we want to thank the volunteers for doing that um because they are all volunteers so thank you for that and uh they're going to have their elections for their new Chief coming up in December and that's all I have thanks all right thank you rre yes I uh I will be brief as well uh Matt already mentioned the fireworks coming up on the 28th okay Library will be shut uh I had the uh pleasure along with everybody else of attending the September 11th services at Fire Company number one uh as as usual it was an extremely moving uh and emotional uh presentation uh by all that uh participated the mayor spoke it was it was really great Andy casman was the pastor who said some fine words uh just uh you know I would encourage every resident at 6:30 p.m. on September 11th to attend that service right behind Town Hall at Fire Company number one that's it Mr Mayor anything on police I will yield to you thank you Roger sure Tom yeah I too was at the September 11th Service uh remembrance again it was uh very well done it was kind of ironic because it was and never all these years have been going I don't remember all the aircraft in the guy and there was one particular way up in the heavens that was kind of seemed like was sending a message but uh we remember those 12 Souls from wof and our fellow countrymen and neighbors that passed away on that day um this past Sunday I had the opportunity to go to the St Elizabeth's picnic it was a great picnic both Rudy and I were in the dunk tank he was he was in his Yankee outfit I was in my Red Sox outfit more people wanted to throw the ball at me than they did at the uh at Rudy but it was a fun event and congratulations to or you noticed huh yeah father Steven and everybody it was good it was a fun time wck board meeting last night um all members of the wck board was present we had a good meeting very productive lot going on and um it was a good meeting just remind everybody this Saturday is the PBA cornhole tournament Greek festival is this weekend Friday Saturday Sunday over at St Nicholas we know about the fireworks coming up on the 28th that'll be a fun night and I just want to note that uh we'll be formalizing common Cel As A Firefighter company one uh this evening thank you common for stepping up and we're happy to do that that's all I have thank you thank you Tom brudy thank you mayor um I may not be quite as brief but I'll see what I can do here um Rich Lynch from syac a who has been a longtime member a longtime trustee I should say on the zisy house Board of Trustees um has recently resigned I think we all saw that um he's been on for more than 20 years on the zabrisky house Board of Trustees he's contributed a lot and uh he felt it was just time to step down so he um he um um submitted a uh an email of resignation and we thank Rich for his many many years of service and I know he's going going to still be involved in the white c um historic um uh club and so we'll still still see him around but uh it leaves a a vacancy on the zabrisky house Board of Trustees um the barn as we know the barn sewer project has been completed I just want to thank Eli and Adam from The Barn Organization for their perseverance and patience and everything else and everyone else who participated in that project Matt and uh and mark it was a long process but it was worth it at the end we have a number of homes Hooked Up the Barn restaurant is hooked up um hope Christian's new facility will be hooked up when that's completed so it's really a worthwhile project and I just want to thank everyone who was involved in that um I to attended the 9911 uh services at Fire Company 1 uh it's a tradition that began um the year after um 911 and it remembers our white cor residents and it's always a moving uh ceremony um followed by fellowship with a potluck dinner at the firehouse and um and Bill Brock who sort organizes always always comes um always manages to to bring a a poignant relative relevant speaker and with a program that that's very appropriate so we just want to thank everyone for for that um on Saturday the 14th I attended the compost workshop at Russell Farms uh the mayor was there and Roger I think you were there too right yes briefly three of us were there it was the weather was so nice I think a lot of people didn't come out they went and did other things so uh they may have sold a few um a few composters but it wasn't a big crowd as big a crowd as in the past I want to thank Tom Durkin from the DPW for helping set it all up um on Sunday I two attended St Elizabeth's Parish picnic it's always a a uh a good event and um uh I was I was first in the queue on the dunk tank so uh but I think Tom mov he beat Tom beat me he really did deser and deservedly so I'm a good parishioner um last night I attended the uh we held the um uh environmental commission meeting for the first time since uh we took August off the last meeting was in July and um this Saturday the 21st is national team cleanup it's sort of a full version of team up to tidy up on a smaller uh scale uh it's AED at trying to get younger folks involved but anyone is welcome to come and clean up um there are it's at wof community park and also at Memorial Field is where they'll be setting up to go do some cleaning up at 8:00 a.m. and 10: a.m. there will be members from the commission who will volunteer and anyone is welcome to to come out and help with uh with our full cleaner um the rain day is September 21st which I know is the fireworks 28 I'm sorry this 28th I'm looking at the 28th which is um the fireworks but this is a morning event so this should be completed by the time uh the fire department wants to get going with the fireworks uh tomorrow is a planning board meeting there isn't much on it there's a public hearing for a large or long uh stretch of six foot fence um in someone's front yard being requested and that's the only hearing on for tomorrow night there's a memorialization of of from last time I forget what that was but it's a minor memorialization um as Tom mentioned the PBA um tournament is coming up uh cornhole tournament um we have a a shred recycl in day on Friday October 18th it's a Friday so it's at Community Park starts at 9:00 a.m. um we will be aiming the uh commission will be aiming for aiming for S uh bronze certification of sustainable New Jersey in 2025 um the styrofoam container or or rolloff is at the DPW it's been which been delivered a while ago and um there working on lettering it with instructions and uh advert not advertisements but designations of what is is um is appropriate to put in it and um the letterer person art ammerman is on vacation when he comes back probably next week they're going to finish lettering it and put it into service so that's good news um there's a hazardous waste collection on October 20th in pamis and and there is a a tires electronics collection run by the county on October 6th in mwa I think that's it mayor that's it thank you all right thank you Rudy um I attended the uh Fire Company one beach party uh two weeks ago they had a uh great attendance and it was uh they had great weather and it was a lot of fun and it looks like they uh were able to raise a lot of money um along with the Township committee I also attended the 911 ceremonies um the uh at Fire Company 1 um Michael champo gave a great speech um also a letter that was written by his daughter is uh very moving and uh very touching um this coming Saturday I will be at the cornhole tournament not just observing but competing I've been practicing uh my team is fresh muts and uh so come on down so support the PBA and uh it's always a good time over there um police committee uh we're still uh lobbying the um the county and working working not lobbying but working with the county on uh trying to reduce the speed limits along y Fab and looking at some other towns in wof our continuing dedication for p pedestrian safety around town um I attended the composting Workshop uh Rudy Roger was there I bought a composter a few years ago um I'm still having trouble making compost but that's another story but uh I do have a composter um uh tomorrow night is a planning board meeting also a library board meeting uh since planning board was moved from last Wednesday because of the 911 ceremony um and then just one thing I want to bring up about fireworks I know we mentioned this a few years ago um and it just reminded me since we took the picture before for the calendar um I think we should set the date and put it in the calendar so it's printed in the calendar that's good um you know we could try to continue the last Saturday of good idea September unless it falls on a Jewish holiday I think the 27th so just everyone knows we'll check with the fireworks committee could check with the uh with the chief and um fire chief and hopefully that that'll work out just so it's there's no confusion it's printed in the calendar um and then lastly I just want a little plug uh yov Chamber of Commerce is doing y cof Dancing with the Stars and guess who's dancing right here so uh tickets are available to the public now they're going very quick so if anyone's interesting um I can't promise there be good dancing but there'll be good laughs so uh when's it it's October 8th October 8th at The Brick House and that's all I have uh Dave I have one quick thing I I think I mentioned um last last um report um as we know Beth fiser has steep down from the environmental commission and Ben Wier is the new chair yeah that's it thank you okay um yes just let I'd be remiss if I didn't say that uh the mayor uh Mr Madigan and myself attended the uh 100th anniversary celebration of our burrow engineer Boswell engineering 100 years and uh one of the highlights was Richfield Park has been their client from 100 years ago so yeah amazing uh feat thanks mayor thank you yep attorney report Dave sure on Thursday I was able to attend a dinner for Christian Health it was really a volunteer dinner but the reason why I mentioned it they brought to the attention of those there many of the grants that they've received through the township they were very thankful for it let the people know that as well as the relationship that they have with the township especially you Township committee man they really appreciate the collaboration ation that they have with you and I'm kind of was asked to kind of bring that back to you as well they really appreciate the work that you do in the grants and just the relationship they have so um again on their behalf thank you thank you Dave all right if we have nothing else motion to adour no no close session okay close session so moved second Sor gu Mr is that okay yeah here Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you we will be back --------- ##VIDEO ID:1uF-vvhZbRE## for okay okay okay thank you you're welcome for long one minute so's the longest all right FY are you ready all right I'd like to call the regular meeting of the wov township committee to order please rise for the flag salute I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing we have a special invocation by father Felix welcome back CL up father to the microphone rejoice in the lord always I shall say it again Rejoice your kindness should be known to all the Lord is near have no anxiety at all but in everything by prayer and petitions with Thanksgiving make your requests known to God then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mind in the Lord finally Brothers whatever is true whatever is Honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is gracious if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of Praise think about these things keep doing what you have learned and received and heard and the Lord God will bring you peace and your work now and always amen amen amen thank you Father thank you Father you nice thank you uh Nancy can you please read the open public meetings act yes Mr Mayor the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied with respect to this meeting specifically the time date and location were included in the annual notice of meetings and adopted by the governing body posted in the municipal building by the township clerk's office and sent to at least two newspapers including the official newspaper of the township the Ridgewood news and the Bergen Record additionally to the extent known the agenda for this meeting and whether formal action will be taken was posted in the municipal building by the township clerk's office and sent to at least two newspapers including the official newspaper of the township the Ridgewood news and posted on our Municipal website in accordance with the open public meetings act thank you roll call please Mr boa here Mr Lane here Mr Madigan here Mr Shanley here and mayor Mion here have a motion to open the public comment period public comment period 5 minutes per speaker for public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of the township of wof so move second Mr bura yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved please step forward to the microphone if you wish to make a comment Janet Tumi um I'm assuming um Matt that uh when you mentioned the um uh lower in of the uh speed or the looking into that on wof Avenue that that may be part of uh what's going to be happening as far as our C crosswalk concerns so that was the mayor that brought that up but yes uh that section of wof fa is the first section that's being looked at of of several uh from got from the corner at Godwin down to uh just past the Reformed Church uh near Hardon okay and so that's part of that's all part of in order to get a speed in order to get a safe crosswalk there the speed limit needs to be reduced and that's good I call that progress and I just wanted to report that and let everybody know about that so thank you very much all of you appreciate thank you there being no others a motion to close second second Mr boa yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor M yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you can I please have a motion for the approval of the September 3rd 2024 work session and business meeting minutes so moved second Mr Bo yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor M yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you cons agenda please thank you all matters listed below are considered by the township committee to be routine in nature there will be no separate discuss discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by the township committee that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately resolutions as follows approval of vouchers and authorization to pay bills authorize release of Maintenance guarantee for contract number 22-2 Road resurfacing authorize release of Maintenance guarantee for Mountain Avenue improvements section two authorizing an agreement with the wof football boosters Association Incorporated for the reimbursement of referee fees and refund maintenance cash shity for 3 fall for Paul Court excuse me um one ordinance for introduction which is number 2019 an ordinance authorizing certain Capital Improvements and the allocation of Grant funds for the acquisition of structural personal protective equipment for firefighters in the township of wof and providing for the appropriation of $56,000 therefore um we have quite a few motions on this evening approval of application for special event by Grace Church 555 Russell Avenue for their annual Christmas Fair the fair will be held on Saturday November 23rd from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. temporary signs measuring 24 in by 18 in will be posted for 10 days prior to the event with permission of private property owners on The Lawns of several church members and at the Dairy Queen approve and memorialize the application of of Carmine cassal As A Firefighter with Fire Company number one approve application for special event by the volunteer fire department's Ladies Auxiliary to hold their drive-through fishing chips fundraiser at Company 2 on October 4th 2024 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. this includes placement of three temporary 24x 36 in signs one at each Firehouse posted for the 10 days preceding the event and approval of three applications for special events by the wol Family YMCA October 18th neighborhood Night Out featuring spare Roots a night of live music featuring a local band on the wise stage this event will be a social night for Neighbors of the wlf YMCA supporting local musicians on the stage October 25th British Mania British Mania recreates The Beatles Revolution that changed the world for the better this concert will pay tribute to the iconic band and celebrate the 60th anniversary of their arrival on American soil February 7th Dueling Pianos a high energy request driven rock and roll singalong experience all three events will take place on the YMCA property from 7: to 10: p.m. and the Y will post a single Sandwich Board sign at their driveway entrance for the 10 days immediately prior to each event and finally approved special event application by Hope Christian Services for their peace of the fair to be held at Cedar Hill Church from 11: a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday September 28th May I have a motion and a second to approve this consent agenda so moved second thank you Mr bura hi yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Melone yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved Mr Mayor I have an ordinance for public hearing further consideration on tonight's agenda it is ordinance number 2018 which is an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 163 storm water management Article 2 Federal r regulations storm water control of the code of the township of woff to reflect required modifications required by the NJ for second reading by title only and a copy of this ordinance has been posted on our Municipal website on the Bolton board and Town Hall where Public Notices are customarily posted and copies have been made available to members of the general public of the township who have requested the same this is a time and place for public hearing on ordinance 2018 and all persons who wish to be heard please SE your name before making your statement if you wish to make a comment please step forward to the microphone seeing and hearing no one I move that the public hearing on ordinance 2018 be closed second thank you Mr bura yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved be it resolved by the township Committee of the township of wov that ordinance number 2018 after public hearing and further consideration is hereby adopted and the municipal clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of final passage of said ordinance in the official newspaper for the township as provided by law I move ordinance number 2018 on second reading by title second Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved motion to adjourn move second Mr Boonstra yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes mayor Mone yes with an affirmative vote we are adjourned thank you