##VIDEO ID:oImISLFfgCU## yeah you can both be there all [Music] right morning NS Happy New Year [Music] know I do not [Music] you should your dedication your [Music] shut [Music] you right there sorry sorry over the height [Music] problem FL [Music] how are you yay happy New Year good to see you um is not I heard I heard I got an Bree who else well I got count first Phillips now I guess Al will be here I would announce him anyway announ [Music] with well okay okay so we're going to do that where all right I'm going to introduce then other digitary other because we have two assembl in here and um we have our misal chairperson here we have the here should together okay that and other uh about so we had the only two whiteo Mayors we have well of course we have and uh we had Christ that's it I think White NOW Andy szy is former mayor we're going to recognize her L and then we're going to have ch PHS and um you want to just say that I'll pick up okay that'll work fine that'll work fine warm up I wait for my water tax okay are we ready bring some water [Music] please be seated thank you welcome and happy New Year I'm Nancy Brown the municipal clerk here in the township of whitea I'd like to call the 2025 Township of whiteoff reorganization meeting to order please rise we'd like to invite the wof volunteer fire department Honor Guard to present the the colors I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you you may be seated what follows is the open public meetings act statement this reorganization meeting of the white golf Township committee is now in session in accordance with the open public meetings act notice of this meeting appears on our annual schedule of meetings a copy of said annual schedule has been posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Town Hall a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk as well as with the record The Ridgewood news and the north Jersey harwal news all newspapers having a general circulation throughout the township of w call at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda there was similarly posted filed and emailed to said newspapers the reorganization agenda was also po posted on the Township's website at minutes and agendas at this time I'd like to recognize any former Township committee chairpersons and other elected officials who may be in attendance today please stand so that you may be recognized I would just Nancy I would just like to make note of the um by name of those who are here we have former mayor an zzy of New Milford we have former mayor Gordon Stanley of wof we have former mayor and current assemblyman from wof Christa Phillips we have uh assemblyman Al baras stand up Al I don't think you stood up before and we have we have um Municipal Vice chair Ed Nal is here with us as well so Ed stand up and say hello and I did I did I miss anyone I think that's it okay Nancy thank you okay thank you the honorable judge Edward V torak judge superior court of new jersey retired will now administer the oath of office to newly elected and reelected Township committee members Roger J Lane May Y bansky and Thomas J Madigan does the robe still fit you're the one with the robe when I bought this robe I was 2 Ines taller yeah ready yes sir raise your right hand left hand on the Bible I I Roger James Lane do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God and I and I Roger James Lane do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of the office of perform all the duties of the office of Township Committee Member Township Committee Member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] there go thank you raise your right hand left hand on the Bible repeat after me I I may as de bansy do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God and I and I may as Dei do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of the office of and perform all the duties of the office of Township Committee Member Township Committee Member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] did I do this once before raise your right hand left on hand on the Bible I I Thomas J Madigan do solemnly swear to solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and I will bear two faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States into the governments established within the United States and in this state and in this state under the author of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God and I and I Thomas J Madigan do solemnly swear to solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of the office of perform all the duties of the office of Township Committee Member Township Committee Member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] [Applause] congratulations I'd like to invite all tup committee members to the day go over here I guess yeah okay no no no you st I'm just going to move this here take this with me congratulations thank you very much congratulations congratulations congratulations to May Roger and Tom and welcome to the de I'd like to ask for a motion for the nomination of the 2025 Township committee chairman please I'd like to nominate Rudy Boonstra for chairman for 2025 Rudy is not only a colleague he's a friend Rudy's dedication to wof is unmatched and his name is synonymous with Public Service Rudy is a man of high integrity he is thoughtful considerate and always mindful of the taxpayer we can look forward to his leadership and experience in the new year thank you i' like Pete second thank you Miss bansky yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr mó yes and Mr bow yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved now take a little recess and switch around the seating [Applause] before we continue I want to introduce Tom Dutch I see walked in Tom welcome Tom is the Bergen County Administrator and uh we're pleased to have him here today I'm honored to have you here today Tom I really appreciate it thank you thank [Applause] you Happy New Year everyone good afternoon and welcome and thank you for joining us for the 2025 reorganization meeting of the White Township committee first I want to publicly congratulate mayy Tom Madigan and Roger Lane on their election results and victories and taking the oath of office May and Roger are here for their full full first full elected terms to the township committee Tom Madigan is here I believe on his fourth term do I have that right Tom yes so congratulations to all of I want to congratulate Pete on his successful first term as mayor there should be more there should be many more and a job well done Pete thank you very [Applause] much thank you all for your confidence in supporting me for yet another year as mayor of my hometown there's no greater honor and I truly appreciate the your confidence in me for yet one more year before I continue I want to recognize and thank some residents for their volunteer service you know the theme of last year's calendar was volunteerism in white and it's not a in white it's not a catchphrase it's something we really really do um and I just want to um want to thank everyone many of many of them are here with us today they're the young s Heroes who make wof work especially serving on our high functioning boards and commissions uh after Decades of service a number of them have chosen to retire and I'm going to just make note of a few of them here today uh Glenn CMA after a long service has left the planning board is actually moving out of town and uh he was on the planning board in the shade tree commission Dr Steve Clark and Linda Brock spent years on the board of health and they're going they're retiring Eric Ruben AER and Ed calpan same thing decades on the zoning board Beth fiser and Linda ammerman from the environmental commission Rich Lynch spent many many years on the zisy house Tom Valente Mike Ferrera Rich seeka spent decades combined on the uh on the recreation board and D mcnamar many years on the design review board if I had missed anyone my apologies and I don't say this without recognizing the great service that our white volunteer fire department many of whom were here and ambulance Corps uh provide to the township but that's that's for another day now the good news is we have a room full of people who have volunteered to step up and uh be appointed to these boards and commissions we'll have their names a little later in fact and we're going to issue the oath of office in a little while so so the tradition Contin continues we had one generation move along and we have a new generation coming in I want to thank all of you why don't all you stand up anyone who's here for to get the oath of office for our uh can you hear me for our boards and commit stand [Applause] up okay thank you thank you now we have much to do in 2025 trust me we're just beginning to plan for and deal with our new round of affordable housing requirements we're not even sure what they are yet but we'll do our best to uh we'll do our best to deal with them we always have done pretty well in the past and we continue to do that we're installing a new slate roof on this building and I want to personally thank Matt and Mark di Janeiro and our facilities committee Tom and Pete for persevering and replacing the existing slate roof as original it's it's it's a big deal and I want to thank all who worked on that fire department members will be involved in building our new ladder truck that should be delivered the following year that'll be a lot of work we continue our efforts improving the Maple Lake open space that we have site that we have we have to work on our design for a re renovated Police Headquarters we're going to we the ambulance Corps has uh has uh purchased two new ambulance Rigs and at some point we want to have them here with their two new rigs out front and thank them for everything they've done uh in keeping our ambulance core one of the best in the county and I'll make note that may is a member of the Ambulance Corp so thank you may and last but certainly not least um we have to we're planning for an outstanding or we will be planning for an outstanding over the top 2026 centennial celebration for our beloved Township of white it's going to take us all year to plan for it's also the 250th birthday of our nation and it is the 25th anniversary of 911 if you can believe that that was that's unbelievable when you think about it so we have a lot to do but we're up to the task um 2025 is the year to plan for these events and they need to be befitting of the community that we represent so there's a lot to do but we have the talent the desire and the love for our town to do it right and I have every confidence that working together we certainly will do that you know um just in closing um and I I feel this deeply um a former mayor of a nearby City who shares the same same first name as me opine once that a basic criteria for governing well is to love the place you govern and to love the people who live there and that's the way I feel and I think that's the way we all feel in fact I know it is and this is why I'm looking forward to 2025 and I thank you for all of your support and um thank you very much [Applause] F Steven we would like to have an invocation for the rest of the meeting if you would please everyone rise good and gracious God thank you for bringing us all here to this new day of the New Year marking this quarter Century into the 2st Century we thank you for all the blessings that you bestowed upon all of our community members and we ask your blessing upon this new year that it may be a year filled with peace and unity and service to one another May our love for each other as our mayor just mentioned grow in our hearts and be shown in all of our actions and we ask this blessing in your name you who are God you who Rule and Reign forever and ever amen amen amen thank you Father thank you don't go away everyone can be seated now except for father Steven so today for those of you who don't know is Father Stevens's 25th anniversary in the priesthood and we are H and we're here and you're here and we have a proclamation for you that we are honored to um honored to present for you so I'm going to read it whereas father Steven fector received his sacraments of baptism and Confirmation at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and tly and is a proud and distinguished alumnist of Bergen Catholic High School and whereas he was inspired and grateful that Anna and sister Marie Teresa reaffirmed his calling to the priesthood and he entered the legion Aries of Christ Cemetery in 1986 studied in Rome became vice re Vice Rector and hosted Pope John Paul II on March 19th 1998 and whereas on January 1 2000 in Rome he was ordained after his 13 years of study with the distinction of being a first class priest in the New Millennium the first class of priests in the New Millennium and has compl completed four master's degrees and a doctorate and whereas over the course of his Priestly career he has made many contributions to Our Lady of Mount Carmo and Ridgewood St Gabriel's in Saddle River and as pastor of Sacred Heart and hallworth and pastor of St Elizabeth's in wov since July 2017 and whereas father Steven has reinvigorated and grown St Elizabeth during his tenure through his desire to make St Elizabeth more welcoming by living The Franciscan Spirit including implementing the 6:15 p.m. Sunday night mass reintroducing mass on the grass live streaming of masses founding the bread of roses magazine bread to roses magazine and coordinating the Magnificent floors lighting an entry and envisioning a building in a beautiful Chapel thereby increasing worship space and creating an intimate setting for family occasions whereas in 2022 Cardinal Tobin appointed him Episcopal Victor of education for the arch dasis for Catholic schools religious education Youth and Camp campus ministry and elevated him to very Reverend and whereas father Steven recognizes his human frailties in singing and cooking okay and um which is why he is often seen around town at various restaurants including elow okay and he's thrilled to have Father Robert with his culinary skills Father Joseph with his style and father Jack with his Whit who compris a perfect te at St Elizabeth father Steven has achieved many academic accolades through his ministerial Journey his he is fluent in three languages and has written three books and is widely known for his acclaimed movie Trinity's triumph which is quite a movie which was 25 years in the making whereas his loving parents andet and Joseph siblings Celeste Tim and Mary family members brother priests and those whose lives he has touched over the years join in celebrating father Steven's silver anniversary and now therefore be a proclaimed by the township Committee of the township of wov County of Bergen state of New Jersey congratulates the very Reverend Steven Victor on his 25th anniversary of service to the faithful and his commitment to both priesthood and current and past parishioners and recognizes him for weaving a part of himself into the fabric of wof Father Steven is a shining example of what it takes what makes wov so special that's true um and with his Boundless Energy generosity of spirit dedication to many and may God continue to bless father Steven in his mission serving others in the year ahead wow what a guy thank you Father thank you Father [Applause] so I don't want to give my back to anyone um sorry if I'm you want me to sing No you don't want me to sing uh no really I do want to thank all of you uh it has been a joy for me to be here in wof now for officially 7 and a half years so as priests we have six-year terms and so the most you could be in the town really would be 12 years so I'm looking forward to the next 4 and 1/2 years with you to complete the full but these 7 and 1/2 years have just been absolutely wonderful and I thank God for bringing me here to be with all of you I so many fond memories those who are Catholic and belong to our Parish but many others who are not Catholic and I've gotten to know you over the years and yes I've seen you at Aldos the brick house and uh mandaras and all the other places because I cannot cook at all uh but I do obviously want to first of all uh thank god without God none of us would be here God the great creator of this Universe God whose son's birthday we just celebrate it at Christmas God who means everything God is love as we taught in the Holy Scripture so uh and I really like Rudy as you mentioned there right it really is it's important to love the people we serve and it's um I know I love all of you here and I know I feel your love in return and I just look forward to many more years and what Rudy mentioned about the movie Trinity's triumph which if you haven't seen I definitely highly recommend it to all of you uh but it's a movie I've been working on for he said 25 years and we filmed uh I'd say half of the movie here in wof so I want to thank everyone at Christian healthc Care Center we filmed our Hospital scenes there want to thank everyone at The Brick House we filmed our uh restaurant scenes there and it was just really great uh filming here in town and you can kind of recognize the different places that are there um and then finally just uh my family couldn't be here but if you read the Y cof Living magazine that came out I they asked me to write an article and so when I was ordained it was it was the famous Y2K day you're too young you don't remember that at all but those of you who are my age or around my age will remember that crazy Y2 g day when we all thought the world was going to come to a a grinding halt the planes are going to fly fall out of the sky and I just remember being ordained there in Rome we were the first 23 Priests of the new Christian Millennium and it was really something uh to behold but it was also in a very particular way for me and my family it was my dad's uh 60th birthday he had been born January 1st 1940 I could have never planned to be ordained on my Dad's 60th birthday and it was something so special so I I was with him until very early this morning he lives down the shore now and um we just kind of very emotional you know to be um my took my dad's name as my middle name my dad means a lot to me and when I was leaving him this morning it was just one of those kind of difficult moments CU he didn't really know where he was um when I was kind of giving him a kiss to say I'm going to go and going to head out and he wasn't sure where he was and it was one of those moments you just realized how quickly time flies by you know and I was thinking my dad as being this strong person that raised us and now you know my siblings and I were taking care of him so that same love with the T showed us we're showing them and I have to tag team with my sister today to make sure someone gets down there so he knows uh where he is um but it's always that it's that cycle of life right that cycle of life for all of us so may we continue to love each other as family members may we continue to take care of each other's family members and then my final last thought is um someone who is very dear to me and I know very dear to our Township committee uh briette borgart who just passed away uh she was a dear friend a really big help when we constructed the um daily mass Chapel during the pandemic and I hope many of you will come to her funeral mass that we'll be having on Saturday Saturday morning I believe it is Saturday morning so um but may we all hold her in our thoughts and our prayers hold her family in your thoughts and your prayers that we may truly be there for each other in good times and in bad and sickness and in health kind of like when we say marriage vows you know that we're there for each other in all those moment so thank you for these seven and a half years thank you for this Proclamation and uh thank you everyone God bless you and have a happy healthy New Year [Applause] now we're going to take some pictures your Indulgence folks everybody that all right good have all right thank you we will take um just quickly um I want to thank Father Steven for remembering Vette I was going to ask for a moment of silence but it's much more appropriate coming from father Steven and I just want everyone to know that um she was a decade long residents of wof resident of wof and she was a valued member of our town hall family here she was our Municipal planner and we Miss already quite honestly so father thank you for your kind words and thank you everyone and now we're going to take a two-minute recess because I know some people have to leave so 54321 two minute recess thank you everyone yeah let's do that let's take a picture yeah Tom T he to good my Michael Michael Thomas how are thanks for coming thanks for coming a good friend good to see all hang keep the moving I how we doing good okay I got that out I I went out of order because I didn't want to have Ste come up and then sit oh I agree that was perfect okay go this we had two we had two minutes we got to be past two minutes [Music] right from the audience you can feel you're closer to me this year you're closer to me this year that could have the P thank you everyone Nancy we are ready for our newly appointed board and commission members and our recent am I right here may we have a motion oh we have to do yeah okay we have a motion 254 please so make a motion so moved second Miss bansky yes M Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr melon yes and mayor Bo yes motion carries with an affirmative vote we are approved what follows is the list of 2025 appointment appointments um for the current year including those new to boards and commissions and those who have uh re-upped for 2025 uh chaplain Reverend Fred proventure local assessment search officer Nancy a brown Director of Finance CFO Treasurer Diana McLoud Deputy Treasurer Maryann Sweeney Deputy tax collector marann Sweeney Deputy Chief Financial Officer Francis padlo tax search officer Maryann Sweeney public defender John J Bruno Jr prosecutor Joseph Maurice Township engineer Mark de Janeiro Emergency Management coordinator Sergeant Kyle Ferrera Deputy Emergency Management coordinators our Township administrator Matthew cavalo Sergeant Brian zivkovich and police officer Michael tan Municipal 911 coordinator Officer James balar Humane law enforcement officer officer Michael Teegan Municipal housing liaison Matthew cavalo official newspapers the Ridgewood news the record and the north Jersey hural news Memorial Day Parade chairman aric Ruiner Recreation director Andy Wingfield registar Vital Statistics Anna kosha Deputy registar Vital Statistics Nancy Brown administrative officers Mark V Janeiro Thomas gensheimer and Moren Mitchell Fire official Edward J Lawler Risk Management Consultant Christopher Rossy GIF fund commissioner m Matthew cavalo Deputy GIF fund commissioner Nancy Brown gif safety delegates Matthew cavalo David V Murphy J Joseph vanderplatt Andy Wingfield Mark de Janeiro Municipal Court Judge Ari Bernstein Gardens of woff committee Tim bracket Robert J Shannon Kathy bracket Matthew cavalo historic preservation commission secretary Moren Mitchell certified recycling professional J Joseph vanderplatt Compost Facility operator Leonard dblock public agency compliance officer Matthew cavalo designated employer representative for CDL mandate Matthew cavalo assistant designated employer representative for CDL mandate Jay Joseph Vander plap human resource officer uh domestic violence primary Diana McLoud human resource officer domestic violence SEC secondary Nancy Brown and for the new appointments to boards and commissions for 2025 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Brandon yanowitz Judith Kaufman Roger snor brush planning board William santala zoning board adjustment Domenico cilli Patrick J Quinn environmental commission Peter Charles buler aric mura Board of Health Howard Felix Brad Donna White zisy House Board of Trustees Brian brunch and what follows are the 2025 reappointments to boards and commissions Parks and Recreation Advisory Board John gako Zoning Board of adjustment Brian Tannis Doug MSO zanco vascov planning board Jay Joseph vanderplatt Robert Kaufman Frank sadida Michael homek Board of Health Donna garbacho Casey ciner historic preservation Douglas B Swenson Patricia constant Moren Mitchell Library board Lauren DOR and Donna Macaluso as the school superintendent representative design Review Committee Joseph M cero and Jennifer Saxon if I just called your name Nancy uh planning board we just missed Mike toaday yes oh um I apologize Mike today as a new appointment as well yes to the planning board if I just called your name um and you are interested in standing forth to take the oath of office for your appointment to the board and commissions please come forward come on hey you know what hey you're playing order right we welcome everybody thank you so we're going to pretend that you're left everyone raise your right hand please and then follow along I do solemnly swear or affirm swe orir that I will support the Constitution of the United States support theit of the United States and the constition of the state of New Jersey and the of the state of New Jersy and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same I will bear true faith and aliance to the same and to the government's established government established in the United States and in this state in the United States and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully impartially andly perform all the duties of the office of perform all the according to the best of my ability to Ability so help me go you have actual Oaks of office for you to sign so if you can stop by the office at some point the next that Fant congrats [Applause] conat along it's good thank you everyone I don't want to sound like a broken record but L all these volunteers we have it's great it's just great thank you all thank you all [Applause] consent agenda is next yes thank you we'll be moving on to the consent agenda with special thanks to our administrator Matthew cavalo who spent hours condensing and reorganizing all of these resolutions so that there are no longer more than 100 there are only 67 so please bear with me all matters listed below are considered by the township committee to be routine in nature there'll be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by the township committee that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately procedure for Township committee members to chair meetings in the chair's absence Township committee liaison assignments to departments and Boards fire department officers contract award Municipal Attorney Law Office of e David Becker contract award Consulting engineer Boswell contract award special counsel Bond counsel chisa Shanahan and gasi contract award special counsel tax appeals Chason larell malan and capuzzi professional Corporation contract award municipal prosecutor con llin Pearlman Herman and KN limited liability partnership contract award affordable housing planner Kyle mcmanis Associates contract award special counsel labor Council services whis and bourie professional Corporation contract award municipal auditor pkf oconor Davies limited liability partnership contract award Municipal public defender Bruno and Ferraro limited liability partnership contract award affordable housing administrator cgp and contract award special counsel tax appeals D Francesco baitman kohi yasen kman Davis larer and flou professional Corporation contract award real estate appraiser AO group contract award special counsel 5G telecommunications hoplight Communications limited liability company contract award real estate appraiser Hendrick appraisal company schedule of Township committee meetings established holidays and operational hours for 2025 2025 temporary budget 2025 temporary sewer utility budget establish a cash management plan Township committee members to review and AIX their signatures to vouchers to authorize payment comprehensive financial management payment authorization depository designation unpaid balance cancellation and check reissuance confirming the Township's bid threshold and authorizing the qpa to award window contracts reinstatement of petty cash funds and change funds authorizing idle funds and fund transfers authorizing the filing of tax assessment appeal related documents including petitions of appeals cross appeals counter claims complaints answers and interrogatories for assessment matters interest rate and penalty on delinquent taxes sewer service and Redemption of tax sales certificates establish fees for the use of recreational facilities and participation in Recreation programs authorizing Awards of contract with vendors under state county and Regional Cooperative pricing systems approve the central purchasing system and purchasing manual approv personnel and cyber security policies and procedures authorized Township to sign future treatment works approval applications for sewer extensions adoption of form required for filing of notices of Tor claim against the countship approval of police department rules and regulations designation of police matrons and registered nurses established towing service fees approval of fire department rules regulations and policies supporting Bergen County Fire Mutual Aid plan waving annual charges and rent for Community engine company number two syac engine company number three and woff volunteer ambulance cores land lease renew agreement for computer Park computer parking ride establish rules and regulations which shall be the Township's facilities policy certification of Quasi Municipal groups for insurance purposes approval of local supplemental Violations Bureau schedule Town Hall front lawn policy reestablish the recreation policy manual appointment of school crossing guards affirmation of Cooperative efforts with the woff Board of Education authorized participation in the volunteer tuition credit program authorized waving of fees appointment appoint Emergency Management committee establish a procedure and adopt forms to provide access to public records authorize the operation of Memorial Field pulis field and wof Community Park snack bar bars setting the Township's contribution to losap for the members of the fire department and ambulance Corps adoption of Township committee bylaws authorize police private duty assignments adoption of policy for adaa parking specifications and posting of such policy Municipal public information website policy and e-s communication policies berken County Law Enforcement and mutual Aid and Rapid deployment Force authorized disposition of public property permitting and regulating still photography videography and audio recordings of public meetings establish employee benefits cafeteria plan authorize public work at private facilities in exchange for the use of these private facilities as Municipal voting facilities procedure to receive donations flax or name Municipal property appointment of zabrisky house trustee confirm social media policy approve Recreation Department's policy policies and procedures manual established Transit emergency plan established woff a stigma free zone authorized closure of roads and Detour routes live streaming and posting video recordings of Township committee meetings participate in the defense Logistics agency law enforcement Support Office 1033 program to enable the whiteoff police department to request and acquire excess Department of Defense equipment policy on new flag poll and government speech authorizing fee charges for online and pay by phone payment portals ad the GIF Mel protecting children program governing body certification of compliance with the United States equal employment opportunities commission enforcement guidance on the consideration of arrest and conviction records in employment decisions under title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 authorized Bergen County shared service agreement for emergency rideway tree removals and number 67 authorizing the settlement of tax appeals resulting in a reduction not exceeding $10,000 thank your answer I'll take a motion on the consent agenda I I shall move the consent agenda thank you second second Miss bansy yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Mone yes sorry and mayor mayor bo uh yes with an affirmative vote we are approved I can thank you thank you excuse me n approved I actually have to I'm going to abstain just for the record um 25-24 2939 and 43 I'm sorry say the numbers again please 24 29 39 and 43 thank you set okay um Township committee remarks uh Pete we'll start with you all right thank you mayor y um well we have a lot of congratulations to do today here yeah so um first I want to congratulate May Roger and Tom on your successful uh reelection election to the township committee wof is very lucky to have all three of you serving in this capacity and look forward to working with you on uh 2025 um I just want to mention briefly because at the 11:00 meeting there was only two of us here but um um realor.com if any anyone wasn't aware had an article out in the past few weeks that woff was the number one town in Bergen County um searched by ZIP code and it is truly remarkable because there are 70 Towns over a million residents in wof and it's been all the hard work of past and present Township committees employees volunteers of this town that made that possible and hopefully we continue that and working with May Roger Tom and uh and Rudy and Rudy I want to congratulate you on uh being mayor um I know you talked a lot about volunteerism today as we as all of us has in our calendar last year and you know you're you definitely stand out for your uh you know from wov born and ra sorry born and raised in wof and the uh amount of volunteer hours you probably have done more than anybody here in town between fire department and school board and Township committee so thank you you've been a big part of making wof that special place that we all call home and congratulations again to every very [Applause] much first of all I'd like to say happy new year to all congratulations to uh Roger Lane and may bansy on your election to the township committee congratulations Rudy bster on your selection as mayor for 2025 and thank you uh Pete melon for your leading ship as mayor in 2024 you've always put our neighbors and our residents first you did a great job and thank you for serving thank you together all five of us in the township committee pledge to keep our emphasis on values Integrity dedication and service personally I am appreciative of the voters of whiteoff and supporting my re-election I wish to thank all who supported me and especially my wife who's here the lovely Mary Madigan Mary she's the [Applause] best also here today is my daughter Aon and her husband mayor Doug Vitali of Point Pleasant Beach and two of my grandchildren Nicholas and Adriana thank you all for [Applause] coming and I wish to thank the many friends and neighbors who supported me and who came out today to support all of us and support our town that we all love our governing body will continue to lead by example focused on working together with Positive Solutions we will continue to keep wof an affordable family friendly town thank [Applause] you me oh boy uh first I'd like to wish everybody here a Happy New Year here uh I'd like to thank judge torak for the honor of having us worn us all in thank you so much judge it was uh very heartfelt to have you do it appreciate it very much uh there's a couple of uh bullet points that I have and don't worry Rudy it won't go too long uh couple bullet points I was you know I couldn't sleep last night so I thought well what could I say today uh and I thought about some things that are important to me uh and what what could I'd be thankful for and all of us be thankful for in uh 2025 so the bullet points were Faith uh family uh all of the residents and volunteers of wof and uh to get more local here with us the team that we had so under faith my wife and I are parishioners at the whiteoff Reformed Church which uh Rudy you mentioned the Centennial and that's the uh the oldest house of worship uh not only in off in an awful lot of places so we're very very uh pleased to be there and and and uh enjoy our faith and uh and Pastor Andy casban uh does a wonderful job there at wof reform uh my family I'd like to introduce some of them that don't be embarrassed my my daughter Michelle her children Lily and Kyle and our husband Devon come on stand up a second come on come on come on come on come on come on come on there you go my oldest my number one daughter Penny Lane hopner uh and her daughter Reagan who's in her arms and the twins Chase and Brin hi guys how are you and a dear friend of mine that happens to be here former mayor in the mil Oh I thought oh Matt Matt hopner I got the hopner in and and Lily's head was in the way yeah you know works for a great orthopedic surgeon that's going to do a number on me uh January 24th uh a dear friend of mine an zzy who's uh has a distinction of being elected not once but twice in the bur the Milford and if you don't think that's a heavy lift trust me tremendous thank you and for being here appreciate it very much and my rock my wife Kathy who without her I just uh I I I don't think I'd even be here to be honest with you to be to be blunt uh for all the residents of wof I want to thank you uh you're all for your support and your votes and uh this past uh November uh we hit voting records more people came out and voted than ever in the history of of the community so I want to thank you all for your participation in our Republic uh some say democracy but it's a republic uh and and thank you so much for your support for our team and I just want to mention our team Tom Madigan May bdy myself uh you know we had a a vigorous uh primary campaign in June uh and then we had the general election but uh if I didn't mention the next two guys you know something I'd get smacked in the head but Rudy I want to thank you very much for your support your endorsements that I've meant a lot and the glue the glue behind all of this Pete M young right there thank you Pete for everything you did for us and all the hard work and that's why we're sitting here okay uh I I I do want to make one other comment about there was a uh a question asked by a uh former colleague of mine who's no longer sitting to my right uh last year he he questioned whether or not Pete mó would be mayor of all the people okay and after this past year unequivocally without any question doubt whatsoever you were the mayor of every single person in this town and you deserved the great thanks from this town for everything you did you helped guide me to get bring me up to speed and it and it was uh tremendous what you did I can't I can't thank you enough and thank you so much so uh I tried my wife and I we talked and I tried to think of something that I could give to Pete and uh the elves are still working on it uh it has not yet been delivered but I can give you an idea you may be able to see this it's a badge that he's going to receive and it's going to say mayor Pete mó woff New Jersey with the state seal and the center so this is the best presentation I can give to you right now but this is it so you [Music] [Applause] go uh I'm almost done Rudy okay okay tremendous honor to be fire commissioner this year I'm looking so much forward to working with with you guys uh in all my years of Public Service I've never been a fire commissioner and it's just it's going to be fabulous I can't I can't wait to start working with you all uh let's see Rudy congratulations on being mayor for the fifth time it's wonderful and uh thank youer you know I always joked about it during the campaign I said do you I I would ask a resident do you know Rudy Boer and everybody says yes I said you know well he's endorsing us and uh he milked the first cow in in white B so so you know I say that lovingly it's a line that I've used and he's probably going oh my God I can't believe he did that so I'd like to end with this quote uh basically is there's no greater Challenge and there's no greater honor than to be in public service and that was a quote by condalisa rice so thank you all so much I'm I'm just going to be a humble public servant thank you for your support have a healthy happy new year God bless [Applause] may may I go okay the back to follow yeah I know a lot of repeats but um I I actually have two pages but don't worry it's sized 48 fonts so I could read it it's going to be short um but first I would like to thank um everyone that came today and wish you all a healthy and happy and prosperous 2025 um I have lived in W call for 47 years and I can't begin to describe how proud and honored I am am to be sitting here today as a member of the township committee with all of you um this moment means so much to me um and I wouldn't be here without the support of so many amazing people I would like to start by thanking my family my I'm going to copy you Tom my lovely Tom bansi and my children um Ariana matin and Lila um they have always stuck behind me and um even when they've told me to slow down wind it down mom but they've always and I keep adding more but they've always stuck behind me in support Ed me so thank you um being a volunteer sometimes means missing out on family time but they always have um understood how much work this work means to me and I'm so grateful for their love and support um having my mom here today makes it even more special um to my sister and my father who could not be here today but are watching at home hi uh thank you for being a source of support and encouragement um during my journey this year um judge torac um I am deeply honored andk thankful that you were able to swear me in today it was very special thank you um and of course uh to my lovely two running mates Tom Madigan and Roger Lane um thank you uh for being there with me and um together we worked cohesively as a team to earn the support and Trust of the wov community so I couldn't have done it without you two um past mayor Pete Melone I thank you for your endorsement during the election and your support and for the incredible leadership you demonstrated as wof mayor May last year thank you um and congratulations uh to Mayor Rudy Boonstra I want to also thank you for your endorsement and support during the election um I'm almost done uh congratulations to all who have appointed and a heart all that all who have been appointed today and a heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to W off especially for our First Responders um you have to realize all these volunteers and appointed people are essential parts of what makes this community so great and it wouldn't be this great without all these people who volunteer their time um and are appointed and take away time from their family so thank you to all of you um and last but not least I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the voters of wof for entrusting me with this incredible opportunity and responsibility I promise to bring energy creativity and dedication to my role I am here to serve everyone in wof and I want everyone to know that I will always keep the lines of communication open um I'm going to actually add this last minute thing Nancy Brown thank you so much for being able to read so fast through all these lists and nice and clear so thank you for that um together we will continue to make Wonder W off a wonderful place to live and grow so thank you to everybody thank you thank you may I I had my remarks early I just have two quick things because we're running a little late for the um for the oath of office for our fire uh fire officers which will be right after this meeting in the building behind us in fire headquarters and everyone is invited to be there um just two quick things um that was one of them theyve now about the fire officers and I am remiss and I apologize I missed three Mayors former mayor Tom Madigan former mayor Pete mó and the mayor how how could I miss the mayor Point Pleasant Beach Doug I'm so sorry so so anyway thank you all um V are we done here no we have public comment oh you're right oh I'll take a mo uh a motion for public comment pleasee Miss bansy yes Mr Lane all Mr Madigan yes Mr mó yes and mayor bua yes with an affirmative vote we are approved okay uh we'll have an open uh meeting for um public comment two minutes per speaker for comment on any govern governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of wof if you wish to make a comment please step forward to the microphone and state your name seeing none I make a motion to close to the public second Miss bu Dany yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr melon yes and mayor B yes the affirmative vote we are approved motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second M bansky yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr melon yes and mayor B yes with an affirmative vote we are adjourned thank you all we are adjourned thank you --------- ##VIDEO ID:DTZ3ki80OME## H I have on my script to invite the you know who's coming I don't know anybody I want any other I mean um Chris Philips is going to be here he said told me um Christen won't be here till later yes um but I don't know who else happy New Year white C yeah be here um I have one that's the one you have and then Megan has another one which is bigger why yeah okay that's fine so tell Megan she has it okay okay get out there good what's the schedule over there with the uh the Chiefs you know oh we have it on the agenda for 1 we're telling everybody 1 pm. one of us has to announce the 1:00 number I better cut my remarks and at the end of our meeting at the end of our meeting I have it after adjourn but maybe we should put it right before adjourn okay I got to get it in yeah because I want to mention knows that we're going to plan to do that at 1:00 the uh administration of both to the offices hey Rudy real quick before I forget Annie zzy she's going to be here the redhead former mayor just so you know she's going to be here she's going to come not not not at 12 she'll be at the meeting yeah just so you know just so you know I'm GL you told me that cuz I'm going to yeah see in between yeah no because doesn't matter just me no it's correct definely correct 11: it's continuation that's what happened thanks there'll be then there'll be minutes for this yep i' like to call this signy die meeting to order this is a continuation of our December 17th 2024 business meeting roll call please Mr bura here Mr Lane here Mr Madigan here Mr Shanley is absent and mayor melon here can you please read the open public meeting statement yes ma the township Committee of the township of whiteoff will continue its December 17th 2024 800m business meeting to Wednesday January 1 2025 at 11:00 a.m. in the second floor courtroom at woff Town Hall 340 Franklin Avenue woff New Jersey this meeting known as the signed die meeting will consist of all business items for the end of 2024 that were not completed on December 17th 2024 this signed die meeting was not listed on the township committee's annual scheduled meetings for 2024 as provided to to the newspapers I wish to advise that notice of this meeting was published posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Town Hall a copy was filed with the municipal clerk as well as with the record The Ridgewood news and the north Jersey Herald news all newspapers having a general circulation throughout the township of wof at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda thereof was similarly posted filed and emailed to said newspapers thank you have a motion for the approval of the December 17th 2024 Township meeting work session and business meeting minutes so moved second Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes and mayor Milan yes um consent agenda please all matters listed below are considered by the township committee to be routine in nature there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by the township committee that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately we have several resolutions endorse Christian Health Community Development project window replacement at Livewell counseling accept police chief report and authorized Towing licenses for 2025 contract close out for contract number 202 24-7 removal and pruning of shade trees appointing Edward J Lawler as Fire official award contract AO group release performance cash jity 248 Madison Avenue award contract gov pilot authorization of vouchers and payment of bills we have no ordinances for introduction but two motions all both with respect to Temple Beth Ron um the first is to retroactively approve temporary signage requests by Temple Beth Ron to post a banner promoting a concert to be held on February 2nd 2025 the banner will be posted for the 10-day period or the banner was posted for the 10-day period beginning December 23rd 2024 additionally this Banner will be reposted for the 10-day period immediately prior to the event beginning January 24th 2025 and the second is to approve the request for temporary signage by Temple Beth Ron to post a banner welcoming people to visit during the winter months Banner will be posted for the 10-day period beginning January 6th 2025 and then again for an additional 10 days beginning February 5th 2025 may have a motion and a second to approve this consent agenda so move second Mr bura yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes and mayor melon yes thank you thank you with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank thank you Nancy all right guess this is my time for uh outgoing uh mayor remarks excuse me one second first I want to wish everybody a Happy New Year feels like yesterday I was being sworn in as mayor the year moves by fast when everything is going well I want to thank all the residents of wof and my fellow Township committee members Tom migan Rudy bura Roger L for giving me this honor and priv privilege of being mayor it was another great year in the history of wof besides some nonsense of of primary we are blessed in wof to have such a great Department supervisors employees business professionals and volunteers that are the backbone of this great town special thank you to our administrator M cavalo our clerk Nancy Brown CFO Diana McLoud Fire Chief Joe vanderplatt Township attorney Dave Becker and police Chief Dave Murphy along with everyone else you make everything a lot easier there were so many accomplishments by the township this year but I was personally involved as police commissioner in finance continuing to focus on public safety and investing in wclu in times of saring costs for insurance materials unfunded State mandates Etc we were once again able to fund critical infrastructure projects such as road paving safety equipment for our police and fire department technological advances in town hall and continue to improve and support our first class recreational programs in towns we also continued an aggressive grant program bringing back over $800,000 to wof we were able to make all these improvements while having the third lowest equalized tax rate in Bergen County and within the top 20% of the lowest in the state of New Jersey there is a recent article that was published uh recently on realor.com titled Bergen County's hottest towns for home buying by ZIP code I just want to read a read the blurb that they uh said about woff wof the County's number one home buying zip code this past year is known for being a peaceful yet somewhat pricey suburban community with historic structures such as old farmhouses and barns the town is home to quink shopping centers several parks and a county environment Environmental Center the median value of a home for sale in this ZIP code was 1.025 million in 2024 this is truly a a remarkable accomplishment since Bergen County is made up of 70 towns 1 million residents which the county is bigger than five states in the United States this article attests to all the hard work and dedication from past the president Township committee members employees volunteers and residents of wof as my term as mayor ends this year I continue to look forward with my fellow Township committee members and everyone who continues to make yof the special place we call home thank you all right any comments before we adjourn uh I would uh just say that I'm going to reserve my comments uh for the 12 noon meeting the reorganization meeting and I will uh reflect upon your your year at that time thank you Roger I have uh something to say first of all I want to thank mayor Pete melon for serving with distinction as mayor this past year Pete has proven his leadership skills Time After Time and especially during this past year he's hardworking and always puts our neighbors and residents first and he set the record for weddings performed he was a big hit at the Chamber of Commerce with the first Dancing with the Stars and was on top of his game during the recent drone sightings in town Pete you consistently led by example focused on serving all our residents as truly the mayor of the people congratulations and thank you for serving thank you Tom nice Tom very nice it's a tough act to follow Tom but was a good one but now but Pete I um uh this was your first term as mayor and it should not be your last and uh youve did a great job I really appreciate it and it was a pleasure working with you and you got we got a lot done you got a lot done and the township is in better shape for your year as mayor so I really thank you very much I'm going to say a few words later as well but I want to thank you and I want to thank everyone who worked you know this past year our calendar theme was volunteerism in white and boy is it true without our volunteers we wouldn't be who we are and and to the point of um the article you read from uh and I say this all the time and we all work at it and you know what we have to work at it every day wof is still has that Hometown community that I remember from many many years ago growing up here and somehow we managed to maintain it and people move here actually comment about it and it it was evident in the U in the article you read so thanks to everyone thank you thank you Rudy all right could we have a motion to adjourn so so moved second Mr B yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote we are return thank you thank youone