##VIDEO ID:u1cCSKdESHo## I'm sorry whatever you do get you can CH you around any way you want yeah this one's got a broken it's green we got we oh blue thank you man like thew sorry what you sayette only we you know the one little trick I used to use all the times was just whenever that was happening just just nice and slow that's all you go I'd like to call the 7M work session meeting to order roll call please Mr B here Mr Lane here Mr Madigan here Mr Shanley here and mayor mó here can you please read the sorry open work session statement yes Mr Mayor this regular work session meeting of the W off Township committee is now in session in accordance with the open public meetings act notice of this meeting appears on our annual schedule of meetings a copy of said annual schedule has been posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Town Hall the copy has been filed with the municipal clerk and has been posted on our Municipal website and a copy has been emailed to the record The Ridgewood news and the north Jersey Harold News all newspapers having a general circulation throughout the township of wol at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda thereof was similarly posted filed and emailed to said newspapers thank you can you confirm vouchers have been reviewed and signed yes Mr Mayor all of that has been signed thank you I have a motion to open the 10-minute public comment period 10-minute public comment period two minutes per speaker for public comment of any governmental issue that a member of the public May feels may be of concern to the residents of the township of wov so move second Mr G yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved please step forward to the microphone if you wish to make a comment seeing and hearing no one I move to close public comment second Mr bstu yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Mone yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you all right we have uh two special uh presentations tonight so we're going to do them then we'll take uh a brief recess uh the first one we're going to start off with is with the uh Proclamation for the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States 125th anniversary whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States BFW was founded in 1899 by a small group of veterans who returned from campaigns in Cuba and in the Philippines banded it together to create a veterans organization that would Advocate on behalf of all veterans and whereas the VF f w is a nonprofit veteran service organization compr comprised of eligible veterans and military service members from the active guard and Reserve forces and whereas the vfw's mission is to force our caderie among the United States Veterans of overseas conflicts to serve our veterans the military and our communities and to Advocate on behalf of all veterans and whereas since the exception of VFW has been instrumental in the establishment of the Veterans Administration the national cemetery system and the creation of every National Veterans Memorial and whereas the VFW has played a vital role in virtually every significant piece of veterans legislation passed in the 20th and 21st centuries to include honoring our pact act the most significant expansion of veterans benefits in history and whereas the vfw's 125th anniversary was observed on September 29th 2024 and this date shall officially be known as VF wday and now therefore be it proclaimed by the township Committee of the township of wof County of Bergen state of New Jersey that September 29th is proclaimed as VFW day in honor of the vfw's invaluable contributions to the veterans community in the township of wof and around the world we hereby stand with the BFW to ensure veterans are respected for their service always receive their earned entitlements and are recognized for their sacrifices they and their Lov ones have made on behalf of this great country Witness by my hand and seal this 8th day of October 2020 24 the wov township committee myself Rudy Boonstra Roger Lane Tom migan and Tim Shanley thank you for everything you do and we we'll come up for a few pictures we have our great y call VFW Post 7086 here tonight who do so much for the community and put on a great parade which unfortunately we missed this year but we'll be back next year we'll be [Music] back thank you very much all right this you know right go in the front come on come on I have to take a picture that Mr mad will like congratulations I'm from New York from New York okay good right all right now we have the town hall swearing in for our uh newest Leo officer I heard's a big hit at the schools doing a great job so um Robert rap is retired police officer for MAA where served for 25 years for 18 years he was involved with the junior Police Academy Leadership Academy and was a canine Officer from officer for Mawa he's also United States Marine corpse veteran officer rap is the slo3 officer for coolage school we're going to come up do our our swearing there that I will support the Constitution of the United States I support the constition of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will be true faith the same the and to the governments established to the government established in the united states in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me and I and I do Solly swear do Solly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially partially and justly perform justly perform all duties of the office all duties of the office of law enforcement officer class three special officer class three according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and then I will not use my office and I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment to Grant pral treatment nor to seek personal gain person favor or advantage or Advantage not available to the public not available to the public so help me back all right [Applause] come oh that's great [Music] thank thank you thank you you could stay but I know there's a lot better other things to do right now the game is hey guys thanks for being here oh my yeah okay thank you still recess recess oh thank you ready see him I'm always ready okay Matt are you ready nice good job all right have you ready the administrator report please sure if I can direct your attention to the business meeting agenda several items on the several resolutions first is we were awarded a uh Community Development block grant from the county of Bergen uh for uh funding to install uh an ADA opener on the door to the Lin house uh so uh first resolution is uh ex authorizing the execution of that contract um second resolution is just ratifying the appointment of uh Robert rap as has uh special law enforce law enforcement officer 3 uh resolution 247 authorizes the cancellation of taxes in years 22 23 and part of 20 and 24 part of 22 I should say uh for a property at Maple Lake that no longer exists it was a tax it was an error on the tax uh duplicate um so this authorizes the cancellation of taxes and refunding of about $7,000 248 authorizes the sale of property not for uh needed for public use anymore and authorizing the auction of those vehicle of those vehicles or equipment we uh have received uh just under $122,000 from the Department of Justice bulletproof vest program uh so resolution 249 authorizes the insertion of that Grant into the budget um next four are perform next five are performance guarantees 255 we've been is a resolution authorizing an extension to our agreement for the pach with the county this is our 911 Communication Center for 2.75% increases for the next 5 years um and resolution 256 authorizes our first extension of our shared service agreement with the V uh V burrow of Glenrock for the certified Municipal Court Administrator services that they provide resolution 257 is a congratulations to our clerk Nancy Brown at a recommendation of the Personnel committee for her reappointment uh effective December 21st resolution 258 is an appointment of Edward Lawler as the acting Fire official effect of October 1st and this is uh filling in uh at the retirement of Fred dekin for one of his roles 259 is an additional chapter 159 this is an insertion of the budget for the bpu's community energy planning Grant this is a $10,000 grant that we received from the BPU for planning to do energy upgrades um we will I'll be reaching out to uh Boswell and and other firms to provide proposals to to write this plan that has to be written and then there's an implementation portion after that once you write the plan then you have to submit for a further Grant resolution 260 authorizes and ratifies emergency contract for the repair of our ladder truck which was conducted in May um if you recall the ladder truck was out of service for a good portion of the beginning of 2023 until we can get an emergency repair and then um sorry a temporary repair uh while the parts were ordered and that took 18 months to arrive and then resolution 261 authorizes the road closures for this weekend's never end the fight annual 5K fund uh 5K fundraiser there are uh two ordinances three ordinances for introduction um 220 sorry 2020 is an ordinance uh uh a capital ordinance to fund uh a receipt of a grant this was the uh New Jersey DCA Recreation Improvement Grant uh this is for improvements to Russell uh Farms Community Park specifically a uh outdoor Fitness uh section that will be go that will be installed at Russell Park that was a grant we applied there um that's $66,000 um from the B I'm sorry from the Bergen County open space trust fund I misspoke on that one uh resolution 2021 is an amendment to our salary ordinance to cover several positions that have changed throughout the year and resolution 2022 is an ordinance amending our tree ordinance which was adopted two meetings ago to amend the insurance requirements uh also on the agenda is an ordinance for public hearing and this is for the dca's firefighter grant that we received $56,000 for and will'll be purchasing firefighter protective equipment moving on to some updates um on Saturday September 21st Ridgewood water experienced a loss of water pressure in the small section of Midland Park which caused them to have to issue a boil water advisory for the area for that area and the entire intermediate zone of their system uh which did include some of white cof unfortunately we were not made aware until later that their reverse 91 system did not include all the information on current customers and was only an opt-in program uh We've expressed our displeasure I've expressed our displeasure on behalf of the township committee uh to Ridgewood officials uh on the failure uh in this communication and we are now working with them to make sure that all of our whitef residents and property owners are registered in their system to receive notifications in the future uh we're also going to make it a point that going forward anything that involved um important messages such as boil water advisories in our uh affecting our municipality we're going to get out and whatever means we have to get them out there uh whether that means our social media our website um our ews and whatever um media we come up with in the future the state's anchor property tax relief program application launched on September 15th the state treasury will start dist uh Distributing uh anchor benefits in early October and continuing that on a rolling basis but most applicants will receive their payment about 90 days after applying unless additional information is needed to process the application construction on the new restroom at Memorial Field is ongoing as you know the tree protection and removal ordinance was adopted on August 20th uh the registration form and the permit form are now available online along with a flowchart to try and help uh residents or and tree companies um determine whether or not their trees require a permit or require replacement and so on uh we currently have nine registered tree contractors in wakeoff uh a big thank you to Nancy and Anna in the clerk office office uh for taking on this task on top of the many other projects that we have ongoing right now uh we were out to bid for snow plowing Services one contractor submitted a bid and we that will be reviewed uh bids for the roof replacement are due back on Thursday we are still working to clear up our list of rental units in in town that are required to be inspected for lead based paint as per state law we have an inspector in the building department that is conducting these inspections all these inspections need to be completed by July 25th and they also need to be completed on an ongoing basis for any tenant turnover um anyone who has rental property in town who has not reached uh back out to the town after reing receiving several notices will start to receive violation notices in the next few weeks um we hosted the Motor Vehicle Commission uh for their Mobile Customer Service Center yesterday uh big big hit uh I believe over 65 Nancy 85 85 over 85 people utilize the services of Motor Vehicle um during that time we we provide them the ladder back room they come in people get checked in they get get all their stuff checked and then they get given a number and they called out to the uh to the van which was parked outside the side entrance U we look forward to them coming again next month um long awaited styrofoam recycling is now now available at the recycling center uh during the same same hours that we are able to accept regular recycling instructions are in the E uh but pretty much it has to be clean white styrofoam um and it will be bagged you have to bag it when you get there with a bag that we will provide you it can't be in a garbage bag that you that you bring it in you'll have to take it out uh and and put it in the bag that we provide you and then put into the new container that we have um that being said our fall Recycling and treadfest day which includes styrofoam recycling on site uh will be next Friday October 18th at Community Park from 9:00 to 11:30 uh it's come to my attention that the new speed limit reductions that we made several months ago have not made it to the GPS and online mapping Services yet so if you drive down the street and you have the little speed limit sign in your dash it's still coming up 35 miles hour I'm working on getting them updated uh on Thursday the 19th of September I met with Joyce and Mark Santoro who gave me a great tour of the zabriski house uh and its grounds and uh I'll be working with them and our grant writers in the upcoming months to try and apply for some historic grants to complete some of the renovations and repairs that uh are needed on that property uh the contractor is mobilizing for morly Drive sore extension tomorrow the contractor began work on the Birchwood Drive Frederick Court sore extension yesterday uh I do want to thank Rich calby from Ridgewood water and their Engineers from Mt McDonald for meeting with the Board of Health along with several members of the township committee yes uh not yesterday Saturday for a tour of the am treatment facility that's under construction on Hartung uh and also provide us a tour of two other facilities they have under construction in Ridgewood um Leaf collect Leaf collectors are desperately needed uh our website in ews has more information and leaf collection begins October 21st Monday October 2 1st not next Monday the Monday after so the Monday before we meet again and finally the breast cancer awareness flag has been prominently posted on our government expression flag poll in the back by Memorial Field in recognition of breast cancer awareness month and that is all I have thank you Matt Township committee reports uh Tim you want to start sure I'll be brief uh the zoning board met they have two applications which they approved and they asked one applicant to come back for this month's meeting to reduce the mass of the uh the property uh well yesterday the White call fire department did a fire prevention open house which was well attended by a lot of young kids and their parents they got to see the firehouse they got to see uh the ambulance Haley Rooney had their new ambulance there as well so they got to inspect the ambulance and all the fire trucks so it was a well attended event and uh we've got to thank the uh volunteer fire department and the volunteer ambulance Corps for their participation and that's all I have thanks Tim Roger okay I'll be brief as well because uh Matt is very very thorough and going over all of the various items uh uh I did attend the uh the touring of the p uh remediation uh uh project that's ongoing with Ridgewood water was extremely informative uh we did take the opportunity to as an aside uh talk about uh the fact that we were upset with Communications and that they along with Matt are working on Communications for the future because uh we had problems with the boil water uh incident and that's going to be rectified uh the only last thing I'll say and I know it's not white cof related but to those that have been affected by the horrible storms in North Carolina and Georgia Etc uh our our prayers are with them and and all of the Floridians that uh are going to be in the eye of this uh horrific potentially horrific storm that we pray for them as well that's it Mr Mayor thank you Roger Tom okay let's start off with uh special congratulations to my son Jimmy and his wife Jenna they were married last Friday night it was a very special family event this weekend in New York City and in Brooklyn Jenna is from Australia her family came all the way from Australia her father and I had in-depth conversations over the three days and uh one thing we haven't commented I had trouble understanding him and he had trouble understanding me so it was pretty good uh we had the uh annual tailgate barbecue today for the senior lunch it was beautiful weather we had about 50 seniors and special thanks to Mayor Pete mó rer langang and Frank sadida who were on the grill uh Rudy for not only milking the cow this morning but then cheing making the ice cream and serving the ice cream and of course I was there for uh supervision supervisory supervisory capacity what kind of thing uh I too was at the Fire Department open house last night in fire prevention and thank you all to our uh volunteer uh uh volunteers of the fire department the ambulance Corps and it was a fun night lot of young kids young families which was great nice weather I can't remember nice weather at that night the last five or six years so it was extra special I just want to remind everybody that we're so happy that the Greek festival had a terrific weekend couple of weekends ago their event was a big success and then the following weekend it was sad that our fireworks ended up being cancelled but that's what happens I'm looking forward to um tomorrow night the Chamber of commer Dancing with the Stars this tomorrow night I know that uh the mayor is uh ready the bur of rug as they say and uh it's should be a fun night and I'm glad I'm going to be there to support uh Chamber of Commerce and it's always nice to see Janet here tonight thank you for coming along with Mr H check that's it than Tom all right really thank you mayor um planning board last month had one um application it was approved it was a fence application on the corner of Cedar Hill and James White way there were some things had to be worked out with the applicant but it will worked out fine the planning board meeting uh has been moved from tomorrow night to next week so we can all attend the aforementioned Dancing with the Stars we'll all be there and we can't wait for the mayor to bust a move so no pressure y um I attended the the teen team cleanup uh tidy up event uh on the 21st um most of the students um came to Community Park very few came to the town hall it was in two two two different locations community park and town hall and much thanks to the interact um clubs from rampone Indian Hills for getting a good turnout for the students to help us tidy up um I too attended the PB PBA cornhole um tournament the same day that was a great event they continues to grow and it continues to be a good event and the weather was perfect so that was the best part of it really good really good event Matt um has covered the sewer updates um so that was taken care of what else did um I too attended the um the tour last Saturday given um by Ridgewood water through the Pats treatment the the under construction P treatment plants um as noted the full Shred Fest is coming up um attended the fire department uh fire prevention open house um last night for a bit and um I uh did the um ice cream Sundays at the uh senior's tailgate barbecue today and I think that covers it thank you mayor thank you Rudy um all right uh got a few things to go over tonight uh PBO cornhole tournament I was there unfortunately my team went 0 and2 so we're out pretty quick but uh did uh receive word from the PBA was their uh the most money they've ever raised and it was a beautiful day out they had a lot of people there and it's great they do a lot of uh good things with that money with different charities and Foundations and supporting the uh police officers and local communities um then the following weekend unfortunately our fireworks were cancelled but I want to uh thank uh one of our planning board members Frank sadida he was able to get in contact with uh with a with a friend Bobby in town and he was able to get us a direct line to once again for the second year in a row Ral Al Roker who put it in into the Doppler and said it's not looking good once again so uh a thank you to them and we'll be back next year and hopefully we'll uh we'll have some fireworks um I think Rudy and I were the only ones that went to that Hope Community for the heroes right was that yes that's right y um hope they had a community helper Heroes uh day they presented some certificates to the township the fire department police department ambulance and it was very nice CU all the residents came out and all the residents made cards and big posters for all the First Responders and then after the presentations um they were able to you know go look at the fire trucks and the police cars and the ambulance so it was really it was really nice day up there um also that same day there was a new uh Rebel X pilat Studio that opened up in town and we I was able to uh cut the ribbon for the uh Grand Opening they had over there um along with uh several members of the township committee I was able to uh tour the pasas uh treatment plants and it was definitely interesting what's going on there um definitely learned a lot getting to be a pretty good expert in water here um which is a good thing because as Matt mentioned and rest of the township committee you know we're always uh pushing Ridgewood water to deliver us the best they could for for our residents here in woff and uh we had the barbecue today um it was another great day um thanks for Roger Tom Rudy and may for all their help um I think the senior very happy there was some good food out there um able to bring my Jets trailer out who just happened to fire their head coach today but that's a whole other different story which I'm not sad about but and then um last night I was uh I was invited and able to attend a the uh Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey it was one Community oneye uh ceremony um the location they only announced a few days before for security reason and fortunately there was a lot of security there for all the wrong reasons but it was held in tanly and there was between four and 5,000 people that attend it and it was held under a tent um there was a lot of great speakers that were that spoke at this event there's a lot of touching and moving videos that they showed but I just want to touch on uh three speakers that stood out to me there was a 17-year-old girl from Israel that she came over and spoke and she was training for a triathlon and that morning of October 7th at 6:00 a.m. was her bike ride and her bike ride was in close proximity of where the music festival was and she just uh she um you know she gave us the encounter of the day and trying to get back to her family luckily her and her whole family was safe but unfortunately a lot of her friends and other family members were not so but it was it was very very moving and then the second speaker was a young um Israeli uh uh man who uh grew up right outside of the uh Gaza border over there and he was actually in a program where israelies came over to New Jersey from that area and he was actually with a family that was in the tenly area and actually on octo and he was after he turned 18 he went to the Army Reserves and um he was out of the reserves in October 6 he actually was on a flight and landed in America over here at Newark Airport his phone when he got off the plane was going crazy he tried to get back he told his story how he went back he went right back into the reserves he was he was in Gaza for his first tour and then his second tour he was on the Northern front in uh by hez blah up there and it was another very moving touching story and he was very appreciative of all the uh support from America and the letters and cards and everything they did receive and then the last speaker was uh the mother of Edon Alexander who is a tenly resident um he when he graduated Sheriff's high school or college he moved over to Israel and he joined the reserves and he was one of the uh not reserves IDF and he was there on October 7th by the music festival and unfortunately um he was taking hostage when they had the last hostages the few hostages that were released um there were some that told his mother that he is still alive um this was I guess back in November um that he was helping all the host hostages just comforting them and uh that's one of our own right here and there are still 101 hostages that are being held in Gaza and seven of them are Americans and honest you know one of the main themes from last night was to bring all the hostages home um Israel has the right to defend itself and um hopefully this war conflict whatever you want to call it will end soon and we just lastly just want to pray for like all the all the lives lost and everyone still suffering over over there today so no I'm ending on a little uh somber note but it was very very moving and it was very touching and um I just want to keep everybody in our prayers and um that's all I have good job uh it was mentioned that we had the uh mobile um Motor Vehicle Commission here I utilized it in another town before that so it's definitely worth it for people to if they have to do the motor vehicle it's never usually a pleasant experience having to go there so when you can hit the mobile but we should encourage even outside of our town you can go to any town so even the local towns if we have it let people know um I had did it before it came a w off but it's great they're coming back so it's a great way to take care of all that the only other thing I would mention if you noticed the one resolution uh canceling the taxes for Block 320 lot 11 just to emphasize that was there was a little bit of confusion on that I was able able to review the Deeds uh was lots that were merged then subdivided deeded out but I was able to review that uh that should be cancelled we're doing that tonight through the resolution and I went over that with the tax assessor to get those that off the roll as well so that's been taken care of on their side that's it thank you Dave all right motion to adjourn so move second Mr B yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr family yes and mayor M yes with affirmative vote we are joined thank you --------- ##VIDEO ID:W1Y4diGqgpA## where's Rudy he had to go you mean he went went went yeah yeah oh everything all right yeah yeah he uh he said he was only staying for the 7 o' he do something okay cows are getting rested oh God reminded me of a joke but I can't even mention it yeah camel camel had camel and a brick Mike's are you still EX thank you Matt all right one minute here you go course all right is you ready ncy it's your all right like to call the regular meeting of the wov township committee to order please stand for the flag salute I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing for our invocation by Reverend Wesley Kenyan shall we pray gracious heavenly father I'm thankful for the township committee tonight and our lawyer and our administrator our clerk so many other people Lord involved Lord tonight I would pray for the rest of woff that maybe hurting inside maybe looking through lenses that are clouded with events that are happening in Florida right now or events that have happened throughout the South with hurricanes Lord I pray for them and ask Lord that you will strengthen our residents here as they Embrace what friends and relatives are facing in other places Lord I also would pray tonight for Israel Lord I put on our sign a few days ago actually my wife did to pray for Israel and Lord we got a call yesterday from one of our residents here in tears couldn't believe that a church would even recognize Israel Lord I see her hurt I see her her th thr thr get inside Lord there's some things that are going on there through other residents some are still upset about Ukraine and other places Lord I ask for peace around this globe Lord at the same time I I recognize that we're headed into election time and many eyes are focused around all sorts of things we see New York City we see other things of all sorts of things happening Lord sometimes that affects the lenses that we look through so tonight I would ask that you will help this city Lord I'm not praying for all the rest tonight I'm praying for this city for the pain the suffering that we face on the inside that we may not even look towards or even talk about at times I pray God that you will help each citizen here tonight in Jesus name I pray amen amen amen thank you re very nice U you please read the uh open public meetings CH yes Mr Mayor the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied with respect to this meeting specifically the time date and location were included in the annual notice of meetings adopted by the governing body hosted in the municipal building by the township clerk's office and sent to at least two newspapers including the official newspaper of the township the Rood news and the Bergen Record additionally to the extent known the agenda for this meeting and whether formal action will be taken was posted in the municipal building by the township clerk's office and sent to at least two newspapers including the official newspaper of the township the Ridgewood news and posted on our Municipal website in accordance with the open public meetings act thank you roll call please Mr Boonstra is now absent Mr Lane here Mr Madigan here Mr Shanley here and mayor mó here thank you um I have a motion to open public comment period public comment period 5 minutes per speaker for public comment of any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of the township of wo so second Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved please step forward to the microphone if you wish to make a comment good being not make a motion to close the public comment section second Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor M yes an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you could I please have a motion for approval of the September 17 2024 work session and business meeting minutes motion to approve the minutes second Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you exent agenda please all matters listed below are considered by the township committee to be routine in nature there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by the township committee that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately we have quite a list of resolutions execution of Grant agreement with Bergen County community block development grant for 20124 to 2025 appointing the special law enforcement officer class 3 for 2024 to 2025 school year authorization of vouchers and payment of bills cancelling taxes for tax years 2022 2023 and 2024 for Block 320 law 11 authorizing the sale of property not needed for public use chapter 159 appropriation for 2024 Department of Justice bulletproof vest program release performance cash shity 733 High View Drive and 736 Frederick Court sewer project release Landscaping performance cash shity 813 Charwood Drive release brick side walk performance cash shity 232 Madison Avenue release brick sidewalk performance cash shity 248 Madison Avenue release maintenance gas maintenance cash shity 705 gallon Camp Court authorize the extension of existing shared service with Bergen County for 911 Communications and Public Safety dispatch Services authorize the first extension of the shared services agreement for the shared use of the Glenrock certified Municipal Court Administrator Services reappointment of Nancy a brown as municipal clerk appointing Edward J Lawler as acting Fire official of October 1st 2024 chapter 159 appropriation BP Community energy plan Grant authorizing and ratifying an emergency contract for the repair of the fire department's 2004 Seagrave aerial scope road closures for the Never End the fight annual 5K fundraiser we have three ordinances for introduction number 2020 an ordinance to provide a certain Capital Improvement in the township of whiteoff and to provide for the receipt acceptance and deposit of Grant funds therefore and to authorize appropriations of 111,000 $43 number 2021 an ordinance amending and supplementing ordinance number 1999 to provide for the rate of compensation for certain officers and employees of the township of white for the year 2021 ordinance 2022 an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 17612 of the code of the township of wof regarding insurance requirements for tree removal contractors we have four motions the first approve application by Temple Beth ran to post a temporary Banner sign from October 2nd to October 12th in celebration of Rashana approve application by Grace United Methodist Church to post temporary 18 by 24 in signs promoting their eth annual Christmas cookie walk to be held on December 14th 2024 the signs will be posted for the 10 days preceding the event on private property approve application by Christian Health to post temporary Sandwich Board sign promoting open houses on their property on three future Fridays October 25th November 22nd and December 20th the sign will be posted at the main entrance facing syac Avenue at Christian Health way approve application by Christian Health to post a temporary Banner sign to promote their annual Christmas sale at the gift shop to be held on Friday and Saturday November 8th and 9th the banner will be posted at their main entrance facing sck Avenue at Christian HealthWay may I have a motion and a second to approve this consent agenda motion to approve the consent agenda uh second thank you Mr Lane uh just uh congratulations to you Nancy thank you very much I thank you very much Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved mayor Meo we have an ordinance for public hearing further consideration on tonight's agenda as well it is ordinance number 2019 which is an ordinance authorizing certain Capital Improvements and the allocation of Grant funds for the acquisition of structural personal protective equipment for firefighters in the town CH of whitea and providing for the appropriation of $56,000 therefore for second reading by title only and a copy of this ordinance has been posted on our Municipal website on the bulletin board and Town Hall where Public Notices are customarily posted and copies have been made available to members of the general public of the township who have requested the same this is a time and place for public hearing on ordinance number 2019 and all persons who wish to be heard please state your name before making your statement if you wish to make a comment please step forward to the microphone seeing and hearing no one I move that the public hearing on ordinance 2019 be closed second Mr B oops absent Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Mone yes an affirmative vote the motion is approved be it resolved by the township Committee of the township of whiteoff that ordinance number 2019 after public hearing and further consideration is hereby adopted and the municipal clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of final passage of said ordinance in the official newspaper for the township as provided by law I move ordinance 2019 on second reading by title only second thank you you Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you motion to adjourn so moved second Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes affirmative vote we all