I'm full arms be whatever whatever you want right after right after do the pray everybody are you going to be up here you want me you want me to call retire the color do you want to yeah I mean I'm going to be on the right anyway so [Music] and can you see me sweating as long as you can't see me sweating no we have in the wall if you want of water there one in the hall there's one right here gra yeah it's over there that's where you going took care of everything here your pen your booty is pen I can't keep track of where boot yeah thank you thank you not definitely welcome and happy New Year to all of you for those of you who don't know me I'm Nancy Brown the municipal clerk here in the township of wof I'd like to call the 2024 Township of wof reorganization meeting to order please rise I'd like to invite the wof volunteer fire department's Honor Guard to the front to present the colors out please arms I'd like to invite Christopher Jake and Brett catola to stand and lead the flag Salon I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy andice for all now I'd like to invite Pastor Fred proventure from Cornerstone Christian Church here in wov to lead us in an invocation would you pray with me Father we take a moment at the beginning of this new year to ask for your blessing your guidance and your protection on our town this year father I thank you for all those who have gathered here who have committed their time and their energy for serving our town protect them protect our police and our firefighters our First Responders and our EMTs each time they respond to an emergency protect them and keep them safe I pray that you would protect our schools and our children and our teens protect them both physically and emotionally may you keep them safe from free from violence May each child feel appreciated and valued because father you have created us in your image and may our children know their value help us to show it give our teachers and our administrators wisdom in this new year we pray for protection where our town gathers at the why at the stores at the houses of worship we pray specifically for Rabbi Waxman and for our neighbors in the community at Beth ran in this time of increased conflict and anti-Semitism would you not only keep them safe this year but let them know that they are accepted and valued as a part of our community and we pray that 2024 would bring peace in Israel and Ukraine I pray for the Town Council I pray for mayor melon give them wisdom and understanding as they lead and govern and serve father we pray for this upcoming year with all the issues facing our nation with a major election ahead we will as neighbors disagree with each other thank you for the freedom to disagree would you help us to disagree and still treat each other with dignity and respect help us to Value each other even as we disagree about issues the issues are important and we feel these issues deeply but father help us also to have humility because you only are God we are not we will make mistakes along the way so father we pause to ask for your protection for your wisdom for your blessing in 2024 we pray this in your name amen post the colors please be seated this reorganization meeting of the woff township Comm is now in session in accordance with the open public meetings act notice of this meeting appears on our annual schedule of meetings a copy of said annual schedule has been posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Town Hall the copy has been filed with a municipal clerk as well as with the record The Ridgewood news and the north Jersey Herald news all newspapers having a general circulation throughout the township of whiteall at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda thereof was similarly posted filed and emailed to said newspapers this agenda was also posted on the Township's website at meetings and agenda agendas I'd like to recognize any former Township committee chairpersons who may be in attendance today please stand so that you may be [Applause] recognized thank you the township committee nomination for 2024 Township committee chairperson is next on our agenda just a point of order Sor we getting 20 have to be swor to be sworn in as the township committee mayor I apologize The Honorable Peter melon judge superior court of new jersey retired to administer the oath of office to incoming Township Committee Member Peter J melon [Applause] yeah all the way around raise your right hand it's a slow start Peter swear do Solly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true and I will bear true faith and Allegiance faith and allegiance to the Saint to the same and to the governments and to the governments established established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God and I and I petero do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of Township Committee Member of the office of Township Committee Member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and that I will not use and that I will not use my office to Grant my office to Grant preferential treatment preferential treatment nor to seek personal gain nor to seek personal gain favor favor or advantage or Advantage not available to the public not available to the public so help me God so help me God [Applause] now I will take a motion for nomination for 2024 Township committee chairperson Madame chairman I'd like to nominate Pete Malon for chairman in 201 24 Pete is not only a colleague he's a friend he's made significant contributions to wof since moving here including reigniting and energizing our whiteoff Republican Club as president he has demonstrated tremendous leadership and collegiality our Republican club's energy and active membership is the Envy of Bergen County Pete has been elected by our residents twice and has been a member of our Township committee since 2021 he has shown leadership in all his layers on positions serving as fire commissioner and serving on finance budget Personnel DPW environmental planning board facilities ambulance Memorial Day Parade committee and fireworks committee one of his proudest initiatives and accomplishment ments is the military tribute Banner program honoring all our veterans that have proudly served Pete is a former first responder on the east Rutherford EMS Squad and he's a strong supporter of our police fire and ambulance department and is dedicated to Public Safety improving our recreational facilities parks and maintaining open space Pete mó has served with distinction as a fiscal conservative focused on keeping the tax rate low and keeping whiteoff an affordable place to live we can look forward to his leadership and proven track record in this new year I am confident he will be an outstanding mayor thank you for your motion Tom may I have a second I will second the motion thank you Mr bonto this a rooll yes Mr madakin yes Mr Shanley um I hate being in a position where I have to speak uh but I in good Consciousness cannot vote Yes uh because as being a mayor requires you being a mayor of every single person in the township of wof and I have my concerns and hopefully by saying this he'll prove me wrong but I have my concerns that he won't be a mayor for everybody and he won't unify this Township committee which needs to be unified so I vote no and mayor milon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] approved [Applause] all right morning so now the oath of office for the 2024 Township committee chairperson I don't think we' ever done this is the first time we've ever done this I don't know if we've done this before it's okay do whatever you want we're doing it I set your name I Peter M do solemnly swear do solemly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially and partially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the of Mayor of the office of Mayor according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and that I will not use my office and that I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment to Grant preferential treatment or to seek personal gain or to seek personal gain favor favor or advantage or Advantage not available to the public not available to the H so help me God so help me God thank you Matt I forgot to do that hub all right all right thank you for everyone coming today um fortunately we to start off with a little bit of sad news our condolences go to the aishin family uh Jeff suddenly passed away last evening he was a member of our wreck board a dedicated volunteer to this community and he will greatly be missed and our prayers go out to the aishan family all right thank you everyone for coming today and keeping up with the his of wof we are here for our annual re reorganization meeting today is a special day as we celebrate all the appointments and our volunteers I'd like to introduce a few people first assemblyman Christa Phillips and his wife Patty uh former mayor Gordon Stanley and his wife Peggy uh former uh Judy former mayor Doug Dial's wife um uh former Township committeeman John Carolyn uh judge Ed Tork judge Rob landelle judge melon and judge Bernstein and I apologize if I missed anybody but I think I got everybody I would like to thank my family friends Republican Club fellow Township committee members and the residents of w call for making this special day happen it was a great honor to be sworn in by my father on the Bible that that is the same that was used by my grandfather who was sworn in as a councilman in East Rutherford in 1965 over my lifetime I've had some great mentors too many to name who I owe for making this happen unfortunately my running mate Scott fiser is not here today he had to step down as life takes us in many different directions and he had to move his family Scott has been a great friend over the years and I know he's not going too far away and he will still be actively involved in wof a town that he is giving so much to Scott will will be missed up here over my first term I was very fortunate to be involved in many decisions in wof replacing longtime and gold standard Township administrator Bob Shannon with Matt cavalo longtime DPW supervisor Scott fiser with Joe Vander plat and Rob landelle our Township attorney who went on to do bigger and better things with Dave Becker I served on many committees and leades on positions but this past year I had the honor and privilege to be fire commissioner our fire department answered almost 700 calls this year and to keep continue to keep keep us safe and volunteer at every Community event in town we were able to secure a purchase contract for a new ladder track a vital piece of equipment to the department we're truly fortunate to have such a great department wof is a special town to live in with over 200 families moving in every year to call home it is so special because of the hard work of the township committee members current and past town hall employees DPW First Responders volunteers and our first class Police Department LED by Chief Murphy going forward we must work to keep together we must work together to keep our tax rate one of the lowest in Bergen County while always continuing to prove improve Services I remember my first year on the township committee they told me to slow down because I had too many ideas or watch out now but one idea I want to mention is something that I've been thinking about the last few years I do want to see an updated uh Veterans Memorial here in town as time moves on we must keep we must keep the traditions of wof going but also move with the times wof is truly a great place to live thank you again for this honor and support to serve as mayor happy New Year and the best of health to a great [Applause] 2024 all right Nancy we have resolution for the fire department yes so resolution number 24- O3 is for the 2024 fire department officers so I'm going to read them first and then those officers will be sworn in Fire Department chief Fire Department chief will be Joseph Chief Joseph vanderplatt assistant Chief Joseph Alvarez Senor Fire Department administrative officers Paul cavian Treasurer Samuel Lynn secretary safety officer Timothy W Brock from company number one battalion chief James Viano Captain Timothy Murray Senor Captain Patrick Alvarez Lieutenant Joseph R Alvarez Jr Lieutenant Peter cascardo for Fire Company number two battalion chief EJ Lawler Captain Christopher Joakim lieutenant John Griner Lieutenant Nick Kenova for Fire Company number three battalion chief Jesse LaVine Captain EJ pram Lieutenant Austin a espie fire prevention officer Fred dekin mandatory compliance Carl coffler fire police the chief will be Pete Tanny and Captain Kendy Captain Robert kho and then fire police officers Joseph Salo darl bagnolo and Russ Hoffs I apologize if I messed up anyone's name um and so now we will do the oath of office for these fire department officers you want to come forward or you're going to stand in place come on or you yes I'd like to move the resolution second okay may mrra yes Mr Madigan yes Mr melon oh sorry Mr Shanley yes and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved your name do solemnly swear or affirm doly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey sty and that I will bear true faith I willar true Fai and aliance to the Saint and alance to the sa and to the governments established to the governments established in the United States and in this state in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people theth of people so help me God and I do Solly swear orm swear orir that I will and partially partially and justly andly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office ofice according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and that I will not use my office I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment to gr pral treatment nor to seek personal gain receive personal gain favor or Advantage favor or advantage aable to the you congratulations Nancy could we please have the uh motion for resolution 2404 so the next resolution we're going to do separately is number 2404 appointments to boards and commissions may I have a motion please so so move second Mr Boonstra yes Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved okay good so I'm going to now read resolution number 24-4 for the 2024 appointments chaplain Reverend Fred proventure local assessment search officer Nancy a brown Deputy tax collector Maryanne Sweeney tax search officers Maryann Sweeney public defender John J Bruno Jr alternate public defender Jeff Steinfeld prosecutor Richard M Rosa first assistant prosecutor e Carter corus Township engineer Mark de Janeiro Emergency Management coordinator Sergeant Kyle Ferrera Deputy Emergency Management C coordinator administrator Matthew cavalo Sergeant Brian zovich po Michael Tean Municipal housing liaison Matthew a cavalo official newspapers the Ridgewood news the record North Jersey Harald news Memorial Day Parade chairman Eric Ruben AER Recreation director Andy Wingfield Treasurer Diana McLoud Deputy Treasurer Maryanne Sweeney registar Vital Statistics Anna kosha Deputy registar Vital Statistics Nancy a brown zoning officers Fred dekin Mark deero and Thomas gensheimer zoning code enforcement official Fred dekin Property Maintenance officer Fred dekin zoning administrator Fred dekin administrative officers Mark de Janeiro Thomas gensheimer Fred dekin Morin mil Mitchell Risk Management Consultant Eastern insurers Chris Rossy JF fund commissioner Matthew cavalo JF Deputy fund commissioner Nancy a Brown gif safety delegates Matthew a cavalo David V Murphy Jay Joseph vanderplatt Andy Wingfield Mark D Janeiro Municipal Court Judge AR Bernstein Gardens of whiteoff committee Tim bracket Robert J Shannon Kathy bracket Matthew cavalo historic preservation commission secretary Moren Mitchell certified recycling professional Matthew cavalo Compost Facility operator Leonard deblock designated employer representative for CDL mandate Matthew cavalo assistant designated employer representative for CDL mandate J Joseph vanderplatt and then we have several reappointment reappointments and additions to the boards and commissions for 2024 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Chris Peretti Mohammad Ismael Jennifer Saxton Doug arone Patty def Phillips John giovacco Zoning Board of adjustment Ryan Tannis Doug mcino zanco vcov planning board Jay Joseph vanderplatt Robert fortunado Robert Kaufman environmental commission Roger Lane Board of Health Donna garbacho Lyn spren rafo m SP roic sa Yan Lee Linda Brock Casey ciner Diane hbor historic preservation Curtis bjack Joseph cestero Library board Lori Peters Donna Macaluso as the superintendent's representative design Review Committee Susan fary Linda ammerman zabrisky house trustees Joyce Santoro Gardens of wof Robert Shannon I would now invite any of those volunteers who are present with us today to step forward to have the oath of their oath of office administered to be here at 10:30 thank you right I do solemnly swear swear or affirm or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States and in this state in the United States and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God and I I do solemnly swear do solemly swear or affirm or affirm that I will faithfully impartially and justly that I will faithfully impartially and just perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of of the office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and that I will not use my office iice to Grant preferential treatment to gr pral treatment nor to seek personal gain favor or advantage to seek personal gain favor or Advantage not available to the public not available to the public so help me so help God thank you and thank you for [Applause] thank you nancyc what um next judge y next we're going to have the uh honorable Edward V Tork judge superior court of new jersey retired will now administer the oath oath of office to our newly appointed Municipal Court Judge Ari Bernstein um just we're gonna have judge Rob Mandel just looking young today sorry about that um but just before we uh yeah but just before we also swear and arway we just want to also thank judge tesan who is our former Municipal Court Judge he was the judge here for uh 34 years and uh he will be missed and but we know Ari will continue in his in his place and it's great to see uh judge landelle back here today nice okay I state your name I Ari berin you solemly swear or affirm youly swear and affirm you allow to support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established to the governments established in the United States and in this state in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God and I state your name and I are burn to all swear and affirm to swear and affirm that I will Faithfully art and justly that I will Faithfully partially and justly perform all the duties of the office perform all the duties of the office of municipal judge of municipal judge according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and that I will not use my office to Grant and that I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment preferential treatment nor to seek personal gain nor to seek personal gain favor or Advantage favor or Advantage not available to the public not AV [Applause] to [Applause] congratulations [Applause] AR pretty good an can we please have a read the consent agenda the 2024 consent agenda contains many resolutions with which we organ reorganize the government of the township of wof the first resolution outlines the procedures for Township committee members to chair meetings in the m in the chair's absence the second contains the township committee liaison assignments to the Departments and Boards or commissions for 2024 I'm going to read those chairperson Peter J melon mayor Police Commissioner planning board Library board finance committee Personnel committee Memorial Day parade and Facilities committee Rudolph ebra Deputy Mayor Board of Health sewer committee zabrisky house historic preservation Gardens of wof planning board Safety Committee environmental commission liaison Thomas J Madigan finance committee Personnel committee Len house/ senior committee Parks and Recreation Advisory Board facilities Comm committee UCC and Engineering Timothy e Shanley zoning board liaison ambulance Corps fire commissioner Ramapo Indian Hill School Board liaison design Review Committee and utilities commissioner and then the new Committee Member to be named in 2024 will be Deputy Ro Deputy Police Commissioner DPW Road commissioner shade tree liaison k28 School Board liaison Memorial Day Parade zabrisky house fireworks committee sewer committee Parks commissioner and community service projects committee next up are the Professional Service appointments for 2023 Township attorney Eric David Becker Professional Consulting engineer Boswell engineering Bond counsel dor crestle Esquire of chisa Shanahan and Gia tamasi tax appeal attorney John Lloyd Esquire of chisa Shanahan and G tamasi alternate public defender Jeffrey Steinfeld Esquire Municipal Court prosecutor Richard M Rosa Esquire affordable housing planner Elizabeth mcmanis licensed surveyor Steven ID labor attorney Raymond Weiss excuse me Raymond WIS Esquire of whs and bouri professional auditor and financial adviser Gary Higgins of pkf oconor Davies professional planner bit bogert municipal court public defender John J Bruno Esquire of Bruno and Ferrara affordable housing administrator Community grants planning and housing appraisal consultant residential James F odonnell tax appeal attorney Martin Allen Esquire of D Franchesco baitman Coy yasen cman Davis Lara and flam appraisal consultant appraisal Consultants Corp John Brody sorry I should have ruffled up the edge of this uh financial adviser continuing disclosure agent Phoenix advisors LLC alternate public defender e Carter cor and Esquire of Brin and Brin moving on to other reorganization resolutions annual schedule of Township committee meetings established Town Hall holidays and closures for 2024 2024 temporary budget 2024 temporary sewer utility budget establish a cash management plan Township committee members to review and to fix their signatures to vouchers to authorized payments authorized signatures on drafts and checks against Township funds authorization of signatures on specific accounts reinstatement of petty cash funds authorization investment of idol funds and fund transfers authorizing the filing of tax assessment appeal related documents including petitions of appeal cross appeals counter claims complaints answers and interrogatories for assessment matters interest rate and penalty on delinquent taxes and Sewer Service amount required to redeem tax SES certificates establish fees for the use of recreational facilities and participation in Recreation programs authorizing award Board of contracts with vendors under state county and Regional Cooperative pricing systems approved Central purchasing system and purchasing manual approval of Municipal Employee Personnel manual approve anti-discrimination policy approve Township sexual harassment prohib prohibition policy approve smoking control policy designate a public agency compliance officer authorize Township engineer to sign future TWA applications for sewer extensions adoption of form required to be used for filing of notices of tor against the township approval of police department rules and regulations designation of police matrons and registered nurses reestablish civil rights policy establish fees for towing services reestablish fire department rules regulations and policies renew renewal of participation in Bergen County Fire Mutual Aid plan wave annual charges for Fire Company number two and number three wave annual rent for ambulance core land lease renew agreement for commuter park and ride at Cornerstone Church establish rules and regulations which shall be the township facilities policy quasi Municipal groups for insurance purposes approval of local supplemental Violations Bureau schedule Town Hall front lawn policy state health benefits reestablish the recreation policy manual appointment of school crossing guards reestablishment reestablish travel reimbursement policy reestablish Juvenile and Adolescent Suicide Prevention Crisis Intervention committee and plan establish hearing officers and committees establish drug and alcohol abuse awareness committee reestablish Cooperative efforts with the Board of Education alcohol and controlled substance policy for commercial motor vehicle operators appointment of GIF Representatives authorized participation in Bergen County community colleges tuition credit program for volunteer firefighters and volunteer ambulance Corps members authorize waving of fees for volunteers appoint Emergency Management committee establish a procedure and adopt forms to provide access to public records authorize the operation of Memorial Field pis field and woff Community Park snack bars telephonic and electronic transfer of funds setting the Township's contributions to losap for the members of the fire department and ambulance core issuance of checks between Township committee meetings reestablished Township committee bylaws authorized police private duty assignments extraordinary unspecifiable service appointment adoption of policy for Ada parking specifications and sign posting policy authorized language for municipal purchase orders Municipal public information website policy and E communication policies Bergen County Law Enforcement Mutual Aid and Rapid deployment Force authorized disposition of public property no longer needed for public use adoption and endorsement of New Jersey ethics law void outstanding checks in excess of 180 days permitting and regulating still photography videotaping and audio recordings of public meetings small balances to be cancelled establish employee benefits cafeteria plan designation of national Incident Management System for Incident Management adoption of approved forms of shity and ratings of certificates of insurance authorize public work at private facilities and exchange for the use of those private facilities as Municipal voting facilities procedure to receive donations and plaques or to name Municipal property adoption of accounting and fiscal internal control manual fund balance annual review reappointment of zabrisky house trustee confirm social media policy reestablish vehicle use policy approve policy for recreation department policies and procedur manual annual monitoring of tax exemptions and Pilots authorized payment of annual service charges appointment of coordinator for emergency telephone system established Transit emergency plan established wipe off a stigma free zone elected officials transparency public interaction policy authorized closure of roads and establishment of detour routes appointment of Municipal Humane law enforcement officer and team adoption of cyber security policies reauthorize GIF Personnel manual and supervisor's manual live streaming and posting video recordings of Township committee work session and business meetings claimant certification requirements as per njac 53- 9.6 and 5 31-41 establish computer use policies to participate in the defense Logistics agency law enforcement Support Office 1033 program to enable the wof police department to request and acquire excess Department of Defense equipment policy governing the government speech flag pole Township of woff policy of inclusiveness adopt domestic violence policy establish modified Noh policy for the current year authorized fee charges for online and pay by phone portals adopt GIF Mel protecting children program easy Public Access a transparency program governing body certification of compliance with the United States equal employment opportunity commission authorized Bergen County shared service for emergency rideway tree removals green purchasing policy authorized payment of County and school taxes on their respective due dates authorize signing of civil rights compliance for American Rescue plan application may I please have a vote on this consent agenda motion to approve the consent agenda I'll second it thank you Mr bura yes Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you Nancy um next we're going to have our Township committee remarks uh Tim you want to start just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and good luck to you as mayor Pete that's it Rudy uh thank you mayor um yeah Happy New Year to everyone it's good to see such a wonderful crowd here again as we always get on New Year's Day so glad to have everyone back and welcome to anyone who hasn't been here before um uh I'd like to reiterate uh our condolences for the aishan family what a terrible terrible thing to have happened just keep uh the family in your thoughts and prayers and and um mayor we're going to have a good year thank you thank you Rudy Tom just like to say thank you um to all of you here attending special thank you to the many volunteers that have been sworn in today and those that continue to serve our Our Town Happy New Year to all and congratulations mayor milon thank you Tom uh next could we have a motion to open the 10-minute public comment period mov second Mr Boonstra yes Mr Madigan yes Mr Chanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved 10minute public comment period two minutes per speaker for public comment on any governmental issues that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of the township of wof if you wish to make a comment please step forward to the microphone and state your name seeing and hearing no one I move to close public comment second Mr bua yes Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you Nancy um before we have a motion to adjourn just want to invite everybody over to Fire Company one right behind town hall for Refreshments after this meeting motion to adjourn second Mr boa yes Mr fiser Excuse me I apologize Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you Nancy [Applause] motion