yeah Jerry can I look at this or should I wait Jerry can I you didn't tell me not to look you can't look okay I won't thank you no cheating I don't know [Music] this going to get the longest minute you know always is all right here we go like to call it order the regular meeting of the township of wof please stand for the flag salute I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all please remain standing for an invocation by Rabbi Waxman thank you mayor thank you Commissioners this Sunday is the Jewish holiday of purum which celebrates the Jewish people's deliverance from a genocidal foe who sought to annihilate Us in ancient pers Persia this enemy tried to accomplish his goals by dividing the people of Persia against one another and so weakening them to be able to pick them off it is a message that we learn time and again that we are weak when we're divided that we are stronger when we stand together when we emphasize those things that unite us over those that divide us and that is a message that this body took to heart um in the aftermath of the anti-semitic graffiti that appeared at Ramapo and at fams and I want you to know that my community has profound appreciation for the forceful message that all of you put out in the aftermath of those ugly episodes asserting that anti-Semitism has no place here in woff and so my prayer is that woff continues to be a force for Unity and not division that all of the members of this August body will continue to be guided by the values of those things that hold us together so that we can work for the common good for policies that benefit all of the residents of woff so we can strengthen our connections to one another and to this community amen amen amen thank you when I went to Israel I was there for Nancy can I please have the reading of the open public meetings Act yes the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied with respect to this meeting specifically the time date and location were included in the annual notice of meetings adopted by the governing body posted in the municipal building by the township clerk's office and sent to at least two newspapers including the official newspaper of the township the Ridgewood news and the Bergen Record additionally to the extent known the agenda for this meeting and whether formal action will be taken was posted in the municipal building by the township clerk's office and sent to at least two newspapers including the official newspaper of the township R news and post it on our Municipal website in accordance with the open public meeting act thank you roll call please Mr Bo here Mr Lane here Mr Madigan here Mr Shanley here and mayor mó here thank you I please request a motion to open the public comment period public comment period five minutes per speaker for public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be may be of concern to the residents of the township of wof so move second thank you Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved please step forward to the microphone if you wish to make a comment Jerry get K 629 Lain Road wof I have a very interesting Pro oh excuse me oh not yet I'll tell you when to turn it over in a minute I have a very interesting proposal for the new ladder truck I will give each of you a copy so you can follow along on my proposal please do not turn over your copy until I have finished my introduction here we go I want you to understand that there are two ways to look at everyday life activities governmental government lives with a cloud over it that's how things go governments have edicts rules regulations ordinances policies Etc so I would like you all right now to allow that cloud to drift away let's not have a cloud here that this is the way the government works this is the way we have to work that's not that's not really the way life is let the sky be clear and seriously consider my proposal please follow me as I read my proposal kindly turn over your papers now okay funding of wof ladder truck I believe I have come up with a novel way to fund the purchase of the new ladder truck for $ 2,28 180,000 this means of funding will not require issuance of bonds but would be paid for entirely at the time of delivery this will entail a cooperation of the citizens of wof and all the establishments businesses and governmental entities of wof this will be a total Community cooperation of the township of wof the results will be a fully paid ladder truck the citizens of of wof have supported many entities that call wof home and a and my concept is that these entities do owe some gratitude to the citizens of wof this gratitude can be shown through the following manners contribution or give back the wo family ynca their facility is the largest in the town and the most required for a ladder truck in an emergency the wof YMC has been supported by the township and its citizens for many years therefore the YMCA should have no problem in contributing to the funding of the latter truck for three years at $150,000 a year for a total of $450,000 the whiteo public library needs a ladder truck to protect its facilities and its contents the library has substantial Surplus in excess of $1,600,000 by the way the white golf library is the second largest expenditure in the in the wof we give them over a million and a half a year which is dictated by the state of New Jersey three years at $130,000 each totals 3 $90,000 they only have over a million6 in reserve there are 15 houses of worship and wof 10 of substantial buildings I think that need protection by the ladder truck these houses of worship have been supported by the citizens of wof is only right that these 10 show their appreciation by contributing to the ladder truck three years at $17 each year for a total of $554,000 per uh house of worship equals $540,000 we're really getting up there the wov grade school normally has a surplus at the end of each year and has accumulated a sizable Surplus The sizeable Source right now is over $3 million therefore they certainly can contribute three years at $100,000 per year for a total of 300,000 we're almost up to a 2, 280,000 the much appreciated volunteer fire department personnel could be involved in the new ladder truck by running three Raffles one each year minimum number of tickets $3,000 at $100 each everybody likes to take a ticket on a car so what they do is they have three years at $300 $33,000 raffle ticket that equals 300,000 a year that's the cost of the raffle Etc you end up with 200,000 each three years times 200 600,000 what do you have now total contribution 2,280 th000 latter truck 2, 280,000 now let me tell you this not include possible contribution from shop right or or or or Stop and Shop you know $100 each over three years that's only 33,000 a year that's nothing for those companies since there will be no requirement for bonding where cost will be incurred it might probably save $100,000 what about the value of the present ladder truck there must be some estimated value 300,000 I don't know what it's worth there are probably other establish establishments that would like to have their name recorded as a contributor value I don't know but what I'm saying here now is that there is a way of buying that ladder truck without having to go Bond it let's get the money from these people every one of these organizations that I've just spoken about I've checked on their finances they all have a lot of money and since the town has Town's people have been giving to them and the fire department has been supporting and protecting them it's time that they gave a little back now thank you for your presentation Jerry I'm not done you Jerry you don't Jerry we let you go over your time excuse me J you're on to about eight minutes right now I can't hear you you're on to about eight minutes right now that's okay I thought I gave a pretty good presentation for $2,280 th000 I think it's worth three minutes don't you if you don't think it's worth three minutes you don't belong there now we're going to say you things don't happen unless you have some skin in the game you ever hear skin in the game well I propose that I'll give after this is all accumulated and you get your 2 million to 80,000 I'll give an extra $50,000 thank you Jer of my money that's how much I believe in it seeing and hearing no one else I move to close public comment second Mr boa yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved um can I please have a motion for the approval of the February 20th 2024 work session and business meeting minutes I should say March 5th sorry oh yeah March 5th so moved as revised second miss that thank you Mr B yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Chanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved agenda please all matters listed below are considered by the township committee to be routine in nature there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by the township committee that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately resolution 142 authorized Redemption of tax sale certificate number 23- 0000001 for Block 235 lot 1541 Franklin Avenue resolution 143 authorize 2023 losap participants number 144 emergency temporary Appropriations number 145 authorization of vouchers and payment of bills number 146 authorizing the township of w off's application to the New Jersey clean energy program Community energy planning Grant two ordinances for introduction tonight number 2006 an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank and number 2007 an ordinance of the township of wof in the county of Bergen New Jersey providing for the special assessment of all or a portion of the cost relating to lead service line replacement two motions for approval the first is to approve the friends of TJ 5K run scheduled to be held on Sunday May 19th 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to noon the the run will begin and end at Eisenhower School approximately 30 to 40 temporary lawn signs will be put up for 10 days in late March and then post it again for 10 days immediately prior to the race and um secondly to approve the posting of a temporary sign from March 27th to April 6th at Temple Beth Rond to promote a private dinner honoring a member of the temple staff the event will be held on April 6th from 7: to midnight may I have a motion and a second to approve this consent agenda I'll move second thank you thank you Mr bura yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shand yes and mayor M yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved is that me the following motion and vote are considered a separate motion and not on the consent agenda uh before we uh move on to that um Tom and I would just like to say a few words about the budget and the budget process us uh this year uh first I would like to thank Diana Fran Matt for all their hard work as usual um was very challenging budget year this year but they worked hard and I think we delivered a great bud a good budget here in wof so this budget has been meticulously developed to limit the tax rate increase while ensuring The Continuous provision of essential services and the investment in critical infrastructure speak up a little Township committee's approach to the 24 budget prioritizes a delicate balance between minimizing tax burdens and investing in the Township's vital services and aging infrastructure the uh I too would like to thank uh Matt Diana and Fran and the 20124 budget will result a tax increase of 2.36% which means uh for average home of $810,000 equivalent to 2.4 per $100 of assess valuation go to the you I did that okay uh continuing on uh continuing our dedication to infrastructure and Public Safety the 2024 budget allocates funds for Road resurfacing Department of Public Works equipment renewal firefighter safety equipment and pedestrian safety enhancements enhancements investments in police communication Technologies further reflect the Township's commitment to Public Safety ensuring a rapid and coordinated response to emergencies we remain steadfast steadfast in controlling expenditure increase through strategic initiatives including Grant seeking competitive bill bidding shared services and technological advancements the 2024 budget was crafted with the taxpayers interests at heart aiming to deliver essential residential services with a Min with as minimal of a tax impact as possible investments in technology Public Safety and cyber security reflect a forward-thinking approach to municipal government governance all within the confines of the state mandated guidelines okay i' like to make a motion to uh approve the introduction of the 2024 Municipal budget second thank you Mr bura yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved all right we have a could we please have a motion to adjourn so moveed second Mr boa yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan I yes Mr Shanley yes mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote we are --------- was for six hours I was only there the last hour and a half nice occasion oh one minute I saw Rudy pulling in so where's well he can't come till one minute he have to wait usually two minutes right hello Rudy hello Rudy hey just made it learning all these things good evening saw Rich Miller you ready also n you ready we go I please call the 7 p.m. work session meeting to order roll call please Nancy Mr bura here Mr Lane here Mr Madigan here Mr Shanley here and mayor mó here uh can you please read the uh open work session statement yes Mr Mayor this regular work session meeting of the wof township committee is now in session in accordance with the open public meetings act notice of this meeting appears on our annual schedule of meetings a copy of said annual schedule has been posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Town Hall a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk and has been posted on our Municipal website and a copy has been emailed to the record The Ridgewood news and the north Jersey haral news all newspapers having a general circulation throughout the township of whiteall at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda thereof was similarly posted filed and emailed to said newspapers thank you can you please confirm uh finance committee has reviewed and signed vouchers they have Mr Mayor thank you I I please have a motion to open the 10-minute public comment period 10 10-minute public comment period two minutes per speaker for public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of the township of w oh moved second Mr bura yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved please step forward to the microphone if you wish to make a comment I'm jury getting 629 lains Road um uh I I'm I'd like to say the course of the ladder truck of 2 million $280,000 how much is included in the cost of the bonding and legal fees other words you're talking about 20 $2,280 th000 at as a bond how much did you allocate for the cost of the bonding and how much for legal fees that's my question okay um has any any uh thought been given as to how much the old ladder truck can be sold for I got lots of response does the council have any goals or plans for wof in the near future or long range plans in other words I never heard of any goals that the that the council has or Township has about next year the year after or maybe five years over so I'd like to know whether you people up here have any goals um I also like to say that I I I stand corrected from the last meeting that's unusual but I do stand that way I said normally there are 12 to 16 police cars parked at the township by the police department visit before the last meeting there were only 10 I called that smoke and mirrors well I recently went by and all 16 cars were back so I apologize for my misrepresentation I will uh speak to you at the council meeting and i' like you to kindly at that time give me the proper uh time to present what I'm going to present I think you'll be very en like it I hope thank you Jerry there being no one else a motion to close second Mr boa yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan H yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you could I please have a motion to approve the employment status of James Hart as Pro prohibition police officer sorry I'd like to make the motion to appoint probation Police Officer James hot second I'll second Mr bua yes Mr Lane hi Mr migan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved all right before we bring uh James up for his oath of office just like to read something James will be graduating from the bake County Police Academy on March 21st James achie achieved his associate degree in criminal justice from Berkeley College and is currently seeking the bachelor's degree and criminal justice from the same prior to attending college and wall School James worked for the Glenrock Police Department first for the records division and then as a class one special officer where he had exposure to the day-to-day routine of what is expected and required to do the job of an officer James is a volunteer firefighter in Falon where he achieved firefighter one status and currently serves as second Lieutenant for the Department James is also an eagle scout which represents his level of commitment as only 6% of Scouts that achieve this status James training experience and dedicated to law enforcement has made him a well-qualified new officer for the township of black off all right James vote did can we go yeah doing the okay SAR that I will support the constition of the United States I will support theti of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey state and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the and I will and to the governments established to the governments established in the United States and in this state in the United States and in this under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God and St and Jes do somly swear do somly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform all the duties to perform all the duties of the office of prary police officer the office of probationary according to the best of my ability to the best of my ability and I will not use my office and I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment gr preferential treatment nor seek personal gain nor seek personal gain favor or Advantage favor or advant not available to the public not available to the public so help we go so we [Applause] congratulations [Applause] ouch doing a great job before we take uh take a few pictures Chief's going to come up say a few words just want to say Obviously congratulations to James So for anybody who knows law enforcement it's a very cruel in career there's a lot that goes into it a lot of time we need to pick the right person for this career jamesc process obviously being an eagle scout was tremendous help um you know he went through a lot of work to get to where he's at you know we can't do any of this without supporting mayor me and the entire Council keeping our staff in knows where they are and working with us day to day on our operations um to the family congratulations to you he's embarking on by far one of the best careers there's a lot out there about policing right now but it is still by far the best career um you see all the officers in the back here today here to support your son um it's a tremendous out showing from what he's done so we just want to say thank you for allowing James to work with us and being with us um James to you congratulations a long career coming to you and we hope for the best so thank you all for coming [Applause] tonight while they're James while they're coming did you sign the ACT you very conratulations board s I guess they need to thank you very much if I could Prevail upon you for a moment mayor I'm Chief acan from Glenrock police sorry I just wanted I'm Chief Dean a from Glenrock police and I just wanted to congratulate uh police officer Hart on his appointment and present him with his uh Glenrock special police badge which we had framed for him he worked for us for four years and was a great asset to our department and I know wof will be very happy with [Applause] them I didn't com comment no I didn't just wait just wait one second and then no no we just uh have a few comments especially from the police committee who uh hired James yeah I just wanted to comment that as police commissioner last year I had the pleasure of uh being on the interview committee with James he's clearly an outstanding individual uh we certainly admire his spirit of volunteerism not only in uh failon with the uh Fire Department volunteer fire department but the class one officer a nice tribute thank you for coming from Glenrock he's an eagle scout and uh we're confident that he's going to make an outstanding officer and we're really happy to have him here in whiteoff and we welcome you all the best Rudy thank you P yes I was the deputy Police Commissioner last year and um I just want to Echo what uh Tom Madigan said and uh you know we the interview process was grueling and James came out clearly on top and we're glad to have him here and I think it's a credit that your Chief from Glenn Glenn rock is here to support you and the other officers who are here so welcome aboard and we look forward to having you here for a long long time thank you James Roger yeah I just want to wish James the best a long and safe uh career here with wof the police department you're uh you're joining a group of uh fine individuals in this department and thank you so much chief of Glenrock for being here and the kind words that you had for James James welcome to whiteoff I'm happy to have you as an officer in town so good luck to you yep James congratulations welcome and now you can go [Applause] celebrate that's nice good that's why I got confused I didn't think we voted yet make the motion no take your time we got plenty of time so yeah all right are you ready Matt yeah all right whenever you're ready on tonight's agenda you have several resolutions um we have Redemption of a tax sale certificate uh temporary emercy Appropriations this is just an amendment to the temporary budget as you know we have not adopted our budget yet as we'll be doing that later on we'll be introducing our budget later on in the meeting um authorizing our participation in the New Jersey clean energy clean energy planning uh Community energy planning grant program I mentioned that at the last meeting this is the grant where we plan in order to try and get the bigger Grant which has a lot of money to do the implementation resolution 147 will be changed it will not be the change order it'll be the intruction uction in the municipal budget which uh is not on consent it's a separate vote there's an or uh two ordinances for introduction first is an introd the introduction of the cap Bank ordinance which is required prior to the introduction and Adoption of our uh Municipal budget and uh 2007 is an ordinance um with regard to a special assessment for all or a portion of the cost related to Lad service line Replacements uh this is a shared service that you're doing with the village of Ridgewood affects about 20 homes down in the college streets uh they've all been notified by Ridgewood water that they have led service lines and they will be all be notified by ridgewood's Bond Council mcam and Balman uh scotman Balman um next week uh that'll be for a public hearing on this matter uh and further discussion at the second meeting in April uh there's also two motions on for the agenda which we read and full during the meeting uh as for updates uh we submitted the FEMA assistance for firefighter grant for portable radios for the number of uh seat riding positions across all trucks in the fleet we are currently working on several grants one of them uh some of them being the Bergen County open space grant for uh work to be done at pois field um the NJ open space Grant the green communities Grant the community energy planning Grant as we talked about and we're also working on uh Congressional appropriation uh a potential Congressional Appropriations as we're expecting that those numbers will be those requests will be coming in shortly uh we know that Senator Booker is having a webinar on Monday uh the only thing that uh we know yet is that the webinar is happening but the regulations or the draft regulations have still not been released so still don't know what's eligible for even submission this anyone who has any content for our summer newsletter please try and get it to me by April 1st Curbing and WR ofo tree work has been done on Grand View uh for the Grand View Avenue Improvement project started uh about two weeks ago additional work is ongoing and will take place 9: to 3 uh to accommodate coolage School travel except Grand View will be closed starting on Monday April 15th for about a week beginning at 6:00 a.m. on the 15th the closure will be from Nancy Lane and Ravine Avenue to looi place this will be during this time the hump will be removed from Grand View a new base will be put down it'll be uh and then the rest of it up to about Ravine will be milled um and at least a skim code will be put on so the road will be travelable again until the project can move forward during the summer but that's scheduled because of school vacation week correct is scheduled because of spring break the schools are schools were already being notified that it's supposed to take a week it might take longer um and they'll have to start they'll have to plan for it but we're hoping that it'll be about a week uh Solutions architecture which contracts that were awarded at the last meeting uh has done their preliminary assessment of the police department and they're working on their planning report now and they've also come out and done their assessment uh visual they've had a drone F fly over the building they did their all their measurements with regard to the roof and they're working on uh the plans and the cost analysis that we've asked for from them hope to have that in about a month or so and then Joe and I along with the shade tree Commission of busy working on the required tree ordinance that needs to be introduced in very due haste um we had some lengthy fruitful discussions in our last two shade tree commission meetings uh Joe and I both hope been attending uh two or three-part State webinar that's been offered every other Tuesday it's a great webinar we're learning a lot um but hopefully we'll have uh the third and final section of that webinar is in two weeks and then we'll be able to hopefully bring to the township committee an ordinance which uh covers the requirements of the of the uh cover the requirements of the DP and doesn't uh is not too honorous and that's it all right thank you Matt um Rudy you want to kick us off our C oh sure where do I start here I don't lose my voice again I'll start with the environmental commission meeting last night which was uh busy obviously it's springtime so there's a lot going on at the environmental commission I'll highlight some things but not everything I'll save that for the next meeting um April 6th is the spring compost um sale event at rle Farms Park from 10: to 11:00 a.m. um the uh Film Festival has been the name has been changed back to the 2024 flow Film Festival because or green Film Festival I'm sorry because Oakland has rejoined us it's Thursday April 18th is a presentation and May 9th and May 16th um we have uh our day obviously coming up on April 26th um we will not have trees for Arbor Day but we will have tree a tree giveaway on wof day at the environmental commission 10 we have wof uh Family YMCA kids day Saturday April 27th and also team up to tidy up that will be first and then the um the healthy KidsDay will be at the Y after team up to tid up spread the word on team up to tid up Matt covered the grants for anj uh open space uh there was talk about the community garden at Eisenhower school there are some open open areas there which need uh sponsors and someone to attend to them obviously the fishing derby will be coming up on July 1st or on June 1st rather I'm sorry June 1st um I think that kind of covers the pending um issues for the environmental commission uh we swore in our new member last night uh Christine Brennan so she is uh officially a member on the uh on the board now uh the planning board was last Wednesday night and there were only three items on the planning board one was off fence approval um at the corner of Covington and Crest Haven which was approved it was an open fence in the front yard other was a completeness hearing for Cornerstone Church who is going to construct an ADA ramp on one of the buildings and in install a two emergency generators on the site uh there was also a an informal concept plan hearing for the Cedar Hill shopping center um it involved um uh Closing one of the entrance esses uh Ingress esses on Cedar Hill a and moving that possibly to Blum Court which is that culdesac Street between Cedar Hill and the medical building um also included a uh a new uh a pad for um retail space on I guess what would be the southeast corner of the site um and it was a conceptual had some ideas it needed some more work I expect they'll be back with something at some point the interesting part was there was no talk of EV charging stations I mentioned that last night at the environmental commission meeting as well um beyond that I um attended the groundbreaking on syac AB for Hope Christian uh um services for their group I'm on siac AV on the 13th last Wednesday on Saturday I attended with everyone else the uh animal radius Clin clinic at the DPW grad was very very busy we had we had I think well over 200 um vaccinations um I'll mention there was a historic the historic um group um was able to secure from the county historic marker for the Union cemetery and the DPW installed it uh last week so that is there now there will be a uh a little dedication ceremony um on June 1st that the historic um um Society is is looking to hold um Board of Health that last week and we talked about the solar eclipse this is an official solar from NASA solar eclipse safe watching uh glasses um there was a a person from NASA the guest speak speaker was a person from NASA who was associated with the Bergen County Board of Health Laura our representative arranged for her to be there she's very knowledgeable and gave us a whole lot of safety tips to forward to our residents about Eclipse watching so everyone does watches the eclipse properly and does not hurt their eyes um we'll be getting that out we probably after some PSAs to get out uh through ny's uh office um and I guess finally I attend last week and this week I attended a couple meetings along with Nancy Brown regarding relocation of the um um polling location couple polling locations and Improvement of some others for the 2024 primary and general election we're at Cedar Hill Church um on the 7th looking uh to install more um additional um electric outlet which the new machines require and we agreed on that with the church administrator and uh this morning we were up at uh Christian Health again looking at the auditorium there that we're going to use with folks from the uh from the County Board of Elections and that went well we're going to install uh some more Outlets there and then we visited the um the the old dairy barn at on syab which does not is very deficient Outlets so we showed them that so thanks to Nancy for her efforts there and I think that's all I have mayor okay thank you Rudy Tim you want to go next sure I'll go next uh the Ropo Indian Hills board met uh they introduced their budget and Mariana emo is in the U in the audience tonight um and um I believe it's a $74,000 increase they got from state aid and their budget is 69.6 million um and it stayed within the 2% so that's good congratulations on doing it and not having a ra taxes too much uh fire commissioner update uh I was at the companywide meeting last night and they announced that the golf outing is June 3D their annual golf outing they also brought up uh trying uh to ret retention of volunteers and you know in you know in basically getting more volunteers and they talked about there's grants from the federal government about um retention of volunteers which could provide some kind of stiens or or things for volunteers you know about that just out yeah so if we can help them as best we can and the ambulance course course it would apply to the Ambulance Corp as well so the best thing we can do is do whatever we could to help ret retain their volunteers uh because their volunteers really help the township so um the next thing is company 3 bill cobbert from company 3 also approached coached me they're having a problem with their garage door and they had to go out and uh you know aquarious I believe in wof they they actually have bills from it they were looking for some kind of help with those bills for the door how three company 3 yeah because they they had problems where they couldn't close them when they were going out on uh on calls so all right so if you can just take a look at that to see what help we can give to company 3 uh and then the design review board met for the first time in a long time uh they met last Thursday they uh elected Robert Eble to be the chair and they they did uh they heard an application for 646 whiteoff Avenue and they approved some of the design that they're going to have for the front of that building as well so that that passed Morin you know was part at that um and so was Tom gimer he was at the meeting uh zoning is meeting on Thursday and what else do I have the only other thing is I want to I want to congratulate my former colleague Kelly Conlin who was sworn in today as a Bergen County judge so I'm going to miss you at the office Kelly but I you're going to do great at the Superior Court in New Jersey and good luck to you Roger okay I excuse me I attended uh my first Memorial Day parade committee meeting and I can uh uh say as I'm sure everybody knows it's a well-oiled machine I I mean the parade is always a tremendous success uh they're working on uh uh who the Grand Marshall is going to be and we're we're attempting to get some uh groups potentially from West Point uh from a musical standpoint and some uh we're trying to get some young uh folks that are involved in the military uh to participate uh just be present there so that the folks that are out there uh watching the ceremony see uh that those young folks who are uh you know defending our country uh are there and represented so if anybody knows anybody who's active today or even in the reserves uh please get a hold of me and I'd be happy to pass that information along uh to the Memorial Day Parade committee uh last night I attended the uh K througha School Board meeting and I'm proud to say that uh the uh eisenh how Middle School was awarded what they call uh a school to watch it was redesignated as a school to watch which is uh in in in the educational area is a tremendous award uh they're very proud about it uh and as we should be as well so that we have you know a great education system k38 and of course up at uh Rao Indian Hills as well well uh the girls basketball team at Eisenhower also won a championship so congratulations to them uh under DPW uh uh I I briefly stopped by uh the rabies clinic and I I I was uh amazed that the dogs that were being vaccinated I didn't hear one bark one whimper nothing and the the veterinary right you laugh right but you know I never I've never witnessed that so to see that was uh was prettyy amazing and it was a big crowd a couple hundred cars at least uh you had mentioned uh Matt that the works progressing on Grand View the closure again April 15th in coordinates with the uh School uh spring break uh it looks as though it's really progressing pretty well you can see how deep those curves have gone so that they can take care of that uh quote unquote hump uh just had a shade tree commission uh meeting and as uh Matt had said I think he used the word onerous uh with regard to a potential ordinance uh I uh I could tell you there'll be uh much debate about how we approach that but we still we we do need to meet uh the requirements that are laid out laid out by the state as best as possible uh let's see oh on ARB day we uh the shade tree commission will the tree will be planted previously at Washington school and there'll be a ceremony there for the tree that was planted uh uh I also attended the uh the Hope Christian groundbreaking uh uh the helmet was much too small for my head it was fun though it was really good to see something like that that's going to benefit people uh other than that I think that's it Mr Mayor thank you Roger okay Tom okay well I'm gonna start up and uh proudly announce and welcome my new grandson uh Grayson Anthony Pagano who was born last night to my daughter Annie and my son-in-law Gary he was 8 lb 11 oz 21 in my daughter spent all day in St Patrick's Day in labor and the majority yesterday in labor and finally had a C-section everyone's healthy and everyone's doing fine and of course Mary and I are very proud of it this is our grandchild number seven so we're very very very fortunate uh I too like to recognize Marana emo who's here this evening she's our layers on from the rampo Indian Hills Board of Education thank you Mariana for coming uh this evening we it's always nice to see you and uh good luck and best to Kelly conin thank you for your service to our Township on our planning board and congratulations on your appointment and swearing in as a judge I was at the rabies clinic on Saturday um I think people talked about it it was very well attended thank you to all our volunteers and people that made it such Su such a success and I think all everyone could think of is it's sure nice to wait in your car in March rather than outside in the cold the first week in that January so I know Nancy had a lot to do with it and thanks Nancy for your leadership uh I was at the Chamber of Commerce meeting this morning um which was a well attended meeting there was a present there was a visit and a presentation from our Police Department which was a pleasant surprise and uh we're glad to see them and then I just want to report the recreation board met last week we had a very Lively dis discussion Lots going on I'll be probably filling in the next meeting some of the things that are evolving and developing and uh all the members were there so that's the third month in a row it was well attended and we welcomed Larry burer to the wreck board so congratulations Larry that's all that I have to say thank you Tom first I want to uh happy first day of spring and also happy St Joseph's day today I had my already had my pastry so it's my pre- dinner um I also attended the Hope Christian Services groundbreaking on s s maab with uh Tom Rudy and Roger um then this past Thursday we had the uh along with the entire Township committee and our legislators from District 40 the Ramadan ceremony right outside here in front of town hall it was a very nice nice event um I attended the Northwest Bergen mayor's meeting the topic this year and you know it's been topics all over is trying to control the deer population our Congressman did attend the meeting as the guest speaker and trying to give us some Aid and support uh for that issue um Rudy touched on the planning board um I wasn't able to go to the morial day parade committee meeting um Roger was there Roger commented on that and I was also at the rabies clinic and just lastly uh tomorrow night the library board meets and that's all I have Dave uh I too want to just congratulate Kelly conin for going on the bench uh I think that's a third resident of our town that's gone on the bench the last year so uh it's nice to see residents of wof being recognized in judiciary and all three well deserved and especially Kelly so I just wanted to publicly say congrats to her as well and for her service on the planning board many times I sat on that board as the attorney and she did a great job there thank you Dave anyone else have anything motion to adjourn so moved second Mr B yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mil o yes with an affirmative vote the motion ised