it to me you don't think so when's he going to know this um that's pretty good sometime in hopefully March but we'll see man I I spent the day in bed that's just so out of character feeling I think I like to call the 6 PM special meeting to order uh we I'd like to bring Lily and Kyle Burgess up to Le Us in the flag soaps please stand Gary I've Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God with liy and justice for all please remain standing for a invocation by Pastor Andy Cadman let's pray praise the Lord Praise oh Servants of the Lord praise the name of the Lord from this time on and forever more from the rising of the Sun to the setting of the same blessed be the name of the Lord we praise you and bless you oh Lord for bringing us to this day we thank you for this opportunity to gather together and as we come to swear in your servant to this office we pray that you would be with him we pray that you would give him your wisdom your guidance and counsel your heart for righteousness and justice for peace for Shalom for all and that you would be with him as you guide all of your servants as they seek to serve others in your name it's in that name that we pray amen amen amen thank you Pastor Nancy can I please have a roll call yes Mr Mayor Mr B here Mr Madigan here Mr Shanley here and mayor melon here nanc can please have the reading of the special meeting statement yes Mr Mayor this special meeting of the woff township committee is now in session in accordance with the open public meetings act notice of this meeting has been posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Town Hall a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk and posted on the municipal website and a copy has been emailed to the to the record The Ridgewood news and the north Jersey Herald news all newspapers having a general circulation throughout the township of w call at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda thereof was similarly posted filed and emailed to said newspapers thank you Nancy um I have a motion to open the 10-minute public comment period so move second Mr boa yes Mr Madigan uh yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved 10- minute public comment Period 2 minutes per speaker for public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of the township of whitea seeing and hearing no one I move to close public comment second Mr boa yes Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you Mr Mayor I'd like to make a motion to select and appoint Roger Lane to fill a vacancy and serve on the township committee until the November 2024 general election results are certified mayor if I may I've known Roger for many many years clearly he has developed the skill set that will serve him well on the governing body and serve us well as much so for the good of the order it's my pleasure to second the motion thank you NY call Mr B yes Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is [Applause] approved all right now we're going to have a superior court judge Rob landelle to administer the O oath of office to Roger Lane okay I state your name I Roger James L do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true true faith and allegiance to the and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God and I state your name and I Roger James Lane to solemnly swear to solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially and justly impartially and justly perform all the duties of the office perform all the duties of the office of Township Committee Member of Township Committee Member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and that I will not use my office to Grant and I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment preferential treatment nor to seek personal gain nor to seek personal gain favor or Advantage favor or Advantage not available to the public not available to the public so help me gu so help me gu all right [Applause] come on yes he does sure at me okay you conratulations thank you you very much thank you congratulations thank you very much congratulations thank you so much all right welcome Roger thank you as uh all of us know and many of you Roger has some remarks prepared so Roger oh really okay all right first uh uh there's no doubt that I'm I'm very humbl to be sitting here uh it's it's a it's a great feeling uh I'd like to introduce my my daughter Michelle my grandson Kyle my granddaughter Lily my son-in-law Devon if just just let people know who you are I think they do right okay and next obviously uh my wife wife uh Kathy uh most of you all know her she's my uh she's my rock there there's no question whatsoever I love you Cath I'd like to thank uh the honorable Judge landelle for for swearing me in much appreciated I'd like to thank Pastor Andy for the for the prayer again you got to keep an eye on me okay uh and uh I'd like to thank I'd like to thank the county committee uh led by Dr MN for you know sending my name up so that I could sit here it's been quite the ordeal to get interviewed and and and everything that goes with that I I'd also like to thank the folks that that took the time to to put their names in uh because they they wanted to serve the community and they're all upstanding great people I I want to especially make a comment about Dave Connelly he uh he gave me a phone call the other day it was just U just such a gracious phone call uh just a a great gentleman and uh I also got a message sent to me from John Carolyn uh this is probably the first time I'm going to say this guys so uh uh I'd like to thank my fellow Township committeemen uh for your faith and trust in me and I'm going to do the the best possible job I can I I promise to work with each and every one of you okay in a collegial manner I'll need help from each and every one of you just to figure out where the men's room is and all of that good stuff uh and certainly to help bring me up to speed on the particulars of things that are facing the community at this this point and Pete you're not going to believe this I told you it was short in closing wow you're up to a good start Ro yeah I was waiting for that but I you know in closing I'd like to thank God okay for I'd like to thank God for whiteoff and its people I it's many churches it's synagogues I'll do my best to serve with humbleness honor integrity and fairness thank you and God bless America thank you that's it yeah I would just like toh say welcome Roger I'm looking forward to working with you and uh I'm certainly confident that you'll be making uh many contributions throughout your tenure thank welcome aboard thank you yeah roaj well as I said in my second you know you've developed you've had vast experience in municipal government um you've been on our boards and commissions in town here over the years that you've been here you served a couple terms on your Regional School Board uh so this is not new to you so uh you have the skill set um to uh to make it real contribution here so welcome aboard and we'll look forward to it thank youy thank you Roger we've known each other for a number of years we get along very well well so I look forward to working with you on the township committee congratulations thank you thank you Roger welcome to the township committee known you uh for many years now and uh your experience your leadership your commitment to the community uh will be a great asset to yall and to the township committee so welcome thank you mayor motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second Mr boa yes Mr Lane um I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved all right off the Record if anybody would like to go to Aldo uh you know where it is okay