##VIDEO ID:-Si54E6yMu0## call to order the October 15th city of w Wyoming city council meeting please let the record show that we have a quum council members onet Shilling and Jager are present please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance led by council member and Veteran I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with Li and justice for all all right next is open Forum um which is an opportunity for members of the public to address city council items on or not on the current agenda items requiring Council action may be deferred to staff or boards and commissions for research in future Council agendas if appropriate you will be limited to three minutes and we ask that you conduct yourself in a professional courteous Manner and refrain from the use of profanity failure to abide by this policy may result in your loss of your privilege to speak do we have folks for open would anybody like to speak for open Forum okay come on up please state your name and address Chris orw worth um 25730 gramford Avenue um I want to say thank you to council member Jagger Rob lywood and Mark I was on vacation they started construction on our road I got home on a Friday afternoon at 3:30 in the afternoon with a 31ft motor home a 16ft flatbed trailer and couldn't get into my driveway my camper is now being stored in a property you know paying storage John because I can't get it into my driveway um and that that doesn't bother me but I'm thankful for their help to get my driveway open cuz I had an 8-year old son that had to go to work on Monday There's a few things that I got issues with about the project that's going on um number one is I don't want to know if there's anybody from the city out watching what they're doing and checking their numbers because I've made it to every hearing for this road project and I was told everything was staying the same that road is no longer the same it's taking up my property even though it's still rode right away so that's going to change my amount of acreage I have so I'm kind of concerned about that Mark do you have anything I can I'll I'll be on site tomorrow because the road went from 24 feet wide now with the curb 30 feet 5 in I'd be happy to stop look at with you tomorrow I will be construction I think you said are you on vacation this week I I it was last week too but I'm back to work this week so can't tell I'm not I won't be home until late in the evening so but I just wanted to know if we have somebody watching it because when I was here for the hearings everything was supposed to go status quo what it was and now we're 30 feet wide instead of 24 feet wide and you're taking property from owners on each side and you're condensing their properties to smaller but my taxes aren't going to go smaller so it's kind of concerning me and then the company said that WSB sent out their ticket on the curb after it got poured saying your driveways will be restored on the 10th on Thursday the 10th I contact the WB guy that's on site and he says text me back and says Chris they couldn't get rock we can't restore your driveways till tomorrow so I'm like people are relying on getting in and out of their properties instead of walking a quarter mile one way because I can't park on the adjacent street because that's under construction too so I'm I'm kind of stuck in two areas and those are some of my concerns and I just wanted to have it on record knowing that somebody needs to pay attention because when you tell people of the city that you're paying for a project here we're going to assess you for a project it's coming out of your pocket and you're told that this is the way it's going to go and nothing about this project has gone the way they said it was going to go my drive my road was not supposed to be hit until 20125 spring of 25 I go on vacation next thing no asphalt's gone curbs in I come back I can't get in my driveway I understand the email thing but as as a city we should be able to tell people somehow and even where I was at camping there was no service even if you would have emailed me I wouldn't have gotten any notification that I had it but that was all I just wanted to thank a few of the members Rob and Linda and Mark for all your help getting my driveway back open but there are some concerns because there's a lot of things and did anybody know that midco is now running a fiber line right alongside I've got big holes in my yard they're digging and putting in a new fiber line they have noted so it's rock constructions doing it and I come home tonight and I've got a mini excavator in my yard they're down digging into my yard in the inside corner and I'm like yeah there's a fiber line going through I found out about it on Sunday because one of our XL locators was going through saying yeah they're going to push fiber through here now and I'm like oh nice to know so just some things to think about and hopefully Council can take a look at some of these things thank you thank you thank you would anybody else like to speak maybe I can I'll try to provide a couple of quick answers I will follow up with You Chris and I think ra some good points but we have been putting together you know a Weekly Newsletter from our contractor and I will say um you know that it has changed every week from what they have provided us and so I know that they're struggling with subcontractors and schedules and they provide us every Wednesday with what their Outlook is and we then put together a newsletter and send it out on Friday and it's either people that have signed up for an email or it's put on the city website we mailed the first three and just said this is the last one that we're we're actually putting in the the mail because it takes a few days to get there and some of the notices we want to get out quicker than that and so sometimes it's old news and so we we put that out um kind of sequentially we did say we're going to do a por of grandford and then said keep an eye out for future newsletters they may want to tack a little bit a newslet I think before you left on vacation but I know you weren't signed up for the email vation before vacation um and so when they missed that they came back and the concrete was ped and so I know that is very difficult to try to accommodate if you weren't aware of it right and then com Contra mention saw up on Monday morning somebody would said you realiz we going to come through and they may thought well he news or something I don't know so I mean there's certainly you know challenges that we encounter with projects like this and try to be nimble as we can that being said the last newsletter said that on Wednesday they said they'd have all the driveways that had Cur ramp in is that what you're refering to yeah they said they have our driveways restored ramped in by Thursday on the 10 no then your guy that's out on the project I called him left a message saying driveway restored he responded to me with a text saying the contractor couldn't get rocked it won't be restored until Friday so so that was yeah so they were Friday and Monday right and so Monday for the concrete driveways people I think they were all supposed to be ramp by Friday because the contractor was not supposed to be in yesterday or today course they show up today to work so it's just it's it's going it's just so fluid and it's a little bit challenging for us but I thought I'd provide with you um I have your your number it's okay I you on that questions thank you are you hooked into the emails at this point pardon have you signed up for the emails at this point well no okay I I I guess I don't need to I mean I'm on Planning Commission and I didn't get an email on my on my city email so sure if you want I can add that address I would just add it to because I checked that for our weekly meeting so okay I'll start sending that that would be great thank you all right if we don't have anyone else for open Forum then we will move on to um the approval of uh agenda item number one consider approving the minutes of the regular meeting of the Wyoming Minnesota city council meeting for October 1st 2024 do we have any questions do we have a motion to approve so moved uh motion by member Schilling do we have a second second a second by member onstead all in favor I opposed motion passes number two consider approving minutes of the work session meeting of the Wyoming City Council for October 1st 2024 do we have any question questions or comments if not do we have a motion to approve so moved uh motion by member Schilling do we have a second second second by member onstead all in favor I I opposed and motion passes uh we have no scheduled bid lettings or scheduled public hearing so we'll move on to the consent agenda um are there any items uh 3 four five 6 7 or eight that anyone would like to pull for discussion if not do we have a motion to approve those uh consent agenda items so moved uh motion by member Shilling do I have a second second second by member onstead all in favor I motion passes next is to acknowledge receipt of reports of officers directors boards commissions and department heads would anybody like to pull anything for discussion all right if not then we will move on uh we have no Communications or old business on the agenda so we'll go on to new business uh agenda item 14 is to consider resolution 24-10-11 100 a resolution approving an interim conditional use permit to operate a gunsmith business in the detached accessory building at 6880 Greenway Lane applicant uh Aon shill am I pronounced that correct I think shil shil okay uh property ID 21.11 069.0 7 um Mr what okay mad Madam Mary council members uh Mr shil is here to get a inter use Excuse me interim use conditional use permit for a gun SPI thing business next slide um they're on Greenway Lane the currently Zone rural residential one um there's a the house and an accessory structure where he wants to do the Gunsmithing business the reason for the need for the iup is because he wants to do that accessory building um has a three acre lot everyone else around him is own residential he had a business in the state of Alabama um he restores antique firearms and customizes shotguns rifles and handguns um business will be conducted primally by Mr shil his wife helps also um all stores occur inside the existing building he's not proposing any signage um he will create some hazardous ways but not very much and probably very little um but just to be on the safe side we're requiring him to get a uh hazardous waste generator license with npca um if he does create any more next slide so the staff and the Planning Commission are recommending approval with the three um conditions listed there the Hazardous Materials I mentioned um by all the home occupation performance standards and then the inter use will expire when he leaves the prist or the property ass do you have any questions no council questions m uh the only question I have is would he need this permit if he was doing inside his primary if he was inside the house he would he would not that' be a permitted use so I get a couple of those every year he's just the first one going Happ in the garage so um what is the process and how long is the mpca permitting it you just fill out the form and send it into them so it's not a b okay yeah right okay um well if we don't yeah I I don't have any questions was fine with when I okay um all right um if we have no more questions or discussion do we have a motion to approve move uh motion by member onstead do we have a second second second by member Schilling all in favor I motion passes uh that brings us to number 15 the naming of the Wyoming dog park Mr McFarland yes uh yeah honorable mayor or sorry honorable acting mayor and members of council um the item before you is for the the new iing um dog park opened in May of 2024 um on the September 3rd 2024 meeting staff came to council with uh or seeking permission to to hold a naming contest for the park um led by the residents U that was approved so we kicked that off on September 14th at our um Stage Coach Day celebration um we collected names for the the wyam dog park then for a week um and then from there staff compiled all the names that were received narrowed it down to what we thought were the top 10 and then put it to a community poll um that poll was live for a week both on our social medias on our website um and we received I think uh like 230 total votes um individuals that submitted their votes got to pick their top three um from those top three um staff then went to the park advisory commission and presented the results of that poll um to which case they went through I I have the total here the 161 votes that were cast um and they are putting forth the recommendation to name the new dog park um the wyomi Barks and Recreation or barks and wreck uh Park uh so I guess what staff is looking for is recommendation um our recommendation is to approve a final name for the Wyoming um dog park amenity all right do we have any questions from Council I don't have any questions but I like barks and wreck that's it uh member Jager questions no member onstead I would agree with barks and wreck barks and wreck bark okay it's a great TV show it's perfect for the dog park here um are we looking to amend it then oh I no or is just they were selected by these people I just okay but do we have to just pick one yeah I guess I mean I see three choices um do we pick one yeah uh I guess if we were looking for you know specific signage what not it would be nice to to have a direction on on kind of the one you want to be branded as that dog park name that'll be what goes on our website and what shows on the sign that we would eventually put let's say out in front of it so um a singular name would be great okay so and the park advisory commission has recommended barks and and Recreation or barks and wreck uh barks and Recreation okay I'm going with bark barks and wreck that's my vote the first item okay all right I think you should put it to a formal motion and approve it well then I'm going to make the motion that we uh do barks and rre Wyoming barks and rack so I'll make that motion I'll second it all in favor I I all right uh motion passes um all right it will be Wyoming barks and wreck uh that brings us to council reports uh member onstead I attended the parks parks and wreck Parks I attended the park advisory commission meeting and where we were talking about the needs that okay members I actually have no report thank you to those coming in and anybody watching tonight all right member Nar I have no report thank you for coming and thank you for watching all right I also have no report thank you for coming in and thank you for watching um do we have a motion to adjourn so moved do we have a second second all right all in favor I I