##VIDEO ID:TYpwJipsqDk## call to order the city council regular meeting for the city of Wyoming Minnesota November 19th 2024 let the record reflect we do have a quorum member Luger member onad member Schilling member joerger and mayor Iverson are present please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with Li and just all right uh we have open forum and there's nobody here for open Forum so we'll move ahead to our agenda um can I can we amend the agenda I wanted to add the comp study findings and then add that for Council consideration and approval would we add that on to number 22 be number 22 correct Mr Lun did you yeah have y so just be motion to amend the agenda to add that and then Council would just have to approve the amended agenda okay okay so we need a motion motion we have a motion to approve to add number 22 comp study on the agenda do you have a second second we have we have a second by uh member ler all in favor I I opposed so approved all right we'll move on to number one consider approving the minutes of the work session of the Wyoming Minnesota city council for November 6 6 2024 if there are no questions or comments do we have a motion to approve so moved we have a motion to approve by member Shilling do have a second by member onet second okay all in favor I I opposed so approved number two consider the minutes of the regular meeting of the Wyoming Minnesota city council for November 6 2024 uh if there are no comments or questions do we have a motion to approve so mve we have a motion to approve by member Luger do we have a second second by member onad all in favor I opposed so approved we'll move on to our consent agenda number three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 does any member wish to pull an item from the consent agenda hearing none we need a motion to approve consent agenda 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 do we have a motion so moved motion by member um Shilling do we have a second second second by member onad all in favor I opposed so approved acknowledge receipts of reports of Officer boards commissions and department heads number 13 14 15 16 17 and 18 does anybody wish to pull an um an item for a report hearing none we'll move on to Communications number 19 uh shago County hazardous um mitigation plan public review and I believe that's Chief Boward yes um mayor erson members of council uh we received a request today from uh the Emergency Management director for Shaga County uh Mr Selman um asking for input um on the plan for hazard mitigation um it's a rather lengthy document it's been in the works they worked with University of Minnesota to create this document um myself uh Mr Lin and uh Chief Milligan were all involved in the planning for Wyoming specifically um but there's it's a essentially it's the what is our what are the risks in our city for um natural disaster um obviously big ones that we'd be considering would be tornado um Wildland fire is probably their biggest um so just looking at what would we need to do in those type of situations this is a comprehensive document that's looking at identifying all of the potential hazards in our area and what we would do to try and mitigate it initially through public education public notice and those type of things and essentially the document is fairly finalized but it's open for public comment we posted on our Facebook page today um and that was sent out through I believe the city shared it and also fire department shared it um and there is the opportunity for Council to take a look um through this documents you can submit any Co comments that you have either to me and I can forward them collectively um if you'd like or I can uh you can submit them directly to Mr Selman um that's that's available as well on the back of the handout there's a um QR code that'll take you right to the website if you'd like um this would just be in all of your downtime prior to December 2nd if you wouldn't mind just taking a look I believe the document's you know only 100 some pages so you should be able to get through that no um you know the idea being that there is if you go to the website there are there's a direct link to the Wyoming um specific risk that we identified um but anything the entire document is on the table for you to make comment on and those comments would be included then moving forward so uh excuse me was there a deadline Chief com December 2nd was the deadline okay any other questions thank you thank you I'll be sure to take a look at it when I'm trying to fall asleep uh new business number 20 to consider resolution 24117 a resolution approving the preliminary plot d-24 d003 um vrath Jensen Edition at 24989 Heath Avenue owner Andrea and Joe Jensen applicant Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed district Mike Kenny property ID number 2 1.10 73. Mr wack yes Madam mayor council members this will also tie into the item number 21 the final plat of the same um subdivision uh site is located on Heath Avenue just South of Highway 8 um currently has a house and an accessory structure on it um comp plan gu that has a semi- rural neighborhood again we here for preliminary and final plat approval next currently being used residentially um um it's was recently rezoned to R1 by the city council they're creating the one lot with the house on it they'll stay a buildable lot the out lot a will be where they're going to do the storm water treatment facility that will not be a buildable lot um it'll be designated as Outlaw a next um both Lots meet all the requirements for a complying lot in that District next um Here's the final plat showing the wetlands um and the and the easements and they do comply with all the standards for um both final and prelim or preliminary and final plat review um next we staff and the Planning Commission are recommending roads they not going to have to build any new roads they do have a wetland that's not going to be impacted by their project um no Municipal city sewer and water is available and not going to be needed for their project and since there's no occupants of the of the property there will be no Park dedication next so prary or the Planning Commission and the staff are recommending approval of both preliminary and final plat with these two conditions all required local state and or F perity must be obtained and all lot a is unbuildable and just goes on to say that that they do decide to make it buildable they would have to go through the process to do that so okay I'll stand for questions all right we'll go start with questions with member joerger no questions okay member Shilling uh no questions member onstead no questions member Luger also no questions all right well that was pretty easy all right so we need a motion to approve resolution 24119 approving wait sorry let's go back again go back over here a resolution 24117 a resolution approving the preliminary plot D2 24003 valrath johnsen addition do we have a motion so moved a motion by member Shilling do we have a second second second by member ler all in favor I I opposed so approved number 21 consider resolution 24118 a resolution approving the final plat um do we do you have any more discussion you want with that okay does council have any other questions no okay then we need a motion to approve resolution 2411 1118 so moved we have a motion to approved by member Schilling do we have a second second second by member luer all in favor I opposed so approved moving on to our um thank you moving on to our uh number 22 that we added um onto our agenda the comp study and Mr Lynwood I'm thinking you might want to fill us in yes uh thank you mayor members of council um earlier this year the council authorized DDA um Human Resources David drown Associates company to conduct a compreh a comp compensation study uh for the city of Wyoming and our non-un employees as you know we have worked on our uh um actual Union contract um contracts for both our or all three of our labor groups throughout the year um the result of this market analysis went through and really went through um 15 comparative cities and really looked at a market analysis there and determining where we sit on our different non-union positions in regards to those other cities um that information was shared by Tessa Melvin earlier tonight and at a previous work session but essentially um stating that we were % below the Min and 5% below the max in regards to overall for our um overall for our employees the recommendation from um from Miss Melvin was in regarding that was for a 3% coal of all positions that's usually what we're the council in the past has been consistent with all of our non- bargaining or bargaining units for that and then a 4% Market adjustment to those non-un Union employees um for 2025 um with that I can stand for any questions all right we'll start with uh member onad no questions member Shilling uh no questions uh discussed everything in the work session so okay member Jer uh no questions but I'm okay with giving a cola but as with our Union contracts I'm not I am uncomfortable with the market adjustment especially since um the data shows within 5% statistically it is not all that significant member Luger um I have no questions I believe it's statistically significant for um our employees and how they pay their bills so um no questions all right thank you very much I have no questions my statement is very similar to that we need to make sure that we keep um Good employees here and attract new ones when the time is needed so um with that I will make the motion to approve number 22 the comp study and everything that goes with that do I need to State all that i% just the 3% Cola and a 4% Market adjustment for those non so the 3% um Cola adjustment and the 4% Market adjustment going into 2025 is that correct corre okay we need a second second second by member ler all in favor I opposed it does approve we'll go into um uh reports so let's start with uh member ler um I attended the Chisago L's joint treatment meeting last night um as well as the work session earlier this evening okay perfect and member onstead I attended the uh work session just prior to this meeting and thanks for everyone coming out did we have parkboard oh yeah you're just wanted to I was thinking you were there we had Park Board too last week it was moved a week later yeah yeah so I'm thinking no we're halfway through the month yeah okay good deal all right member shelling uh attended the work session prior to this and thanks to anybody that's watching and thanks for coming up all right M Jager well I intended to work session prior to this and thank you all for watching and hope you all have a good Thanksgiving holiday uh I wanted to state that I missed last month is Minar October 30th um that was a really good turnout again uh it's sponsored by the Eda menar has about 700 people that attend and usually it's real estate agents uh people looking to build um in cities and properties that sort of thing uh there's usually about would you say seven to eight cities besides ours plus just Sago County about that yep yep and then um I am typically the only mayor who does attend and people love that um I do have a record of rock sakam robots of um 21 to Z Z meaning I lost every single one so we played Rock and sck and ront so um I also attended the Eda meeting The Joint Sewer Commission meeting the work session and then I would also like just to bring up Force Lake Area Chamber of Commerce they did invite me to their um big Gayla last weekend and um I was able to welcome I believe they had 100 people 125 people there and I was able to welcome them into the city of wyom which is always a great thing to do so I appreciate them asking um me to come up and and open their Gaya other than that that's it and so we need a motion to adjourn so moved we have a motion to adjourn do we have a second we have a second we are a j