##VIDEO ID:WESrzJ94W-o## let's open that up call to order the city council regular meeting for the city of Wyoming Minnesota September 3rd 20124 let the record reflect we do have a quorum member ler member onstead member Schilling member joerger and mayor Iverson are present please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the FL of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all it doesn't look like we have anybody here for open Forum so we'll move on to number one approval of minutes consider approving the minutes of the work session meeting of the Wyoming Minnesota city council for August 20th 2024 if there are no questions or comments do we have a motion to approve so moved we have a motion to approve by member ler do we have a second second second by member onstead all in favor I opposed so approved number two consider the minutes of the regular meeting of the Wyoming Minnesota city council for August 20th 2024 there are no comments or questions do we have a motion to approve so moved we have a motion to approve by member Shilling do we have a second second second by member Luger all in favor I oose so approved consent agenda number three four five six 78 9 10 and 11 does anybody wish to pull anything from the consent agenda seeing none we need a motion to approve consent agenda number three four five six seven8 9 10 and 11 do we have a motion to approve so moved we have a motion to approve by member Shilling do we have a second second we have a second by m all in favor I I opposed so approved acknowledge receipts of reports of officers boards commissions and department heads number 12 13 14 15 and 16 does anybody wish to pull a report seeing none we'll move on to Communications number 17 update on age friendly Grant Community Gardens Mr mcar yeah thank you honorable mayor and members of council this is just an update on that community garden age friend the grant that we've had going on um in your packet you can see there's an article from August 20th that was written by one of the members staff members from M health fair viws uh media team uh City staff was on site that day August 20th um as well as members from shago County ship and then staff members from M Health Fairview as well for what I think you could best describe as a makeshift kickoff um for the garden it's officially open plots are available and they're actually being used currently as well um the the page with this one shares photos of what that Garden looks like when it being used there's that accessible um plots as well as the um I guess the 20x10 more standard um plots you typically see there as well um but we just thought it was kind of nice to to share the article with you guys and and kind of show you where the the grant led us since that's been a long time coming at this point yeah I think um it's important that we acknowledge everybody who was out there working on it and it was mostly staff that was out there so that was great and then um we had um Dan Iverson we had Mark um why am I drawing Mark Hall Mark Hall exactly were out there as well who am I missing uh numerous members of Public Works are out there as well throughout the day setting up those accessible ones specifically and and they were helping you know haul materials brought out dumpsters for us as well and so couldn't do a lot of that without them didn't they come out like that Saturday we needed an extra garbage container too or something didn't we yeah yeah I was out there for a little bit in the morning we had a a power fail that morning and so we had an operator on site that moved to dumpster because the one had filled up and yeah we were happy to help out yeah I was out there for as long as I could be and it was a lot of work and it was a lot of hands trying to get it done so um and it looks fantastic so good job thank you all right any questions by the way before we no okay number 18 Railroad Park phase two super exciting Mr McFarland you're on again awesome yeah just another update this one's pretty D quick um construction started on the second phase when Wednesday August 28th uh if you've been out there you can see they started with groundwork on Tuesday and then Wednesday they started actually laying some of that uh rebarb and and whatnot so they get the the concrete Trail going in there as well they've already put in the additional uh retaining wall or um you know sitting wall that's out there and they're just moving along quickly with it so it's j Tyson they've been out there I think since day one moving pretty Dar fast on that super exciting any questions from coun seeing none we'll move on to new business thank you number 19 to consider resolution 24988 a resolution approving a preliminary tax levy for 2025 and settling setting a public hearing for truth and Taxation at the December 3rd 2024 Wyoming city council member um meeting so Mr Lynwood and Jesse I think are yes thank you mayor I'm gonna Mr McFarland is gonna um have Jesse join us here uh virtually he's going to work on that but just a little bit of background on this item this is um the of the meeting where we would go through and we um have a public uh excuse me we have a um resolution tonight U to approve a preliminary tax levy by um off Office of the state auditor it's necessary to do so by September 30th uh 2024 for municipalities to sent that preliminary Levy the preliminary Levy is you can essentially this is the at the very most the city can Levy for 2025 you can't go above it but you can certainly lower it as that has been um more more often than what we've done in the past uh through as we work through um our tax levies so with that we do have Miss dirs here and I think she is just going to give um a synopsis and uh review of that um Levy that Mrs STS can you hear us okay all right can everybody hear me okay y yes okay um can you also see my screen yes yes okay so thank you mayor councel tonight we're going to adopt the preliminary Levy as you recall once the levy is set tonight the levy cannot increase at all and we need to have this certified to the county by September 30th after we get it certified we will continue to work on the budget and the tax levy until we finalize it in December all right so tonight we're just going to do a quick rundown of the tax levies and then we're going to run through the general fund revenues and expenses um since time it hasn't changed too terribly much but we'll just run through the numbers again and get it approved so this should be page two of your budget memo as you can see the overall Levy is going up $469,500 per. so there's an overall increase of 7.67 of the general fund that is the very top line in the 101 fund there and the Eda fund is going up 50% which is actually only $55,000 it's going up then we scroll down there to the capital levies the overall ta tax levy per capital is going to go up 165,000 is and it's 34.7% this includes a $60,000 increase to the Capital Equipment fund a $5,000 increase to the park Improvement fund and ,000 increase to the street Improvement fund then on the bottom there is a Debt Service Levy and overall that's going to go down $2,376 or negative 2.7% this is mainly due to the 2009 Geo Bond falling off and then if you look at the bottom there we added in $107,000 for that new bond that is coming on we wanted to get head start on that so the levy didn't incre or decrease drastically and increase next year we wanted to keep it level so then overall then the tax capacity is actually going down 61,7 76 which is a negative. 43% but the city tax rate is going up 3.44% to 41.328698 [Music] NOP okay then on this slide it shows the tax levy broken out by the different types of levies so the general fund there is the orange that is the largest largest section and it's slightly been increasing throughout the years the yellow section there is The Debt Service Levy and as you can see it's remained the same basically the same throughout from 2020 to 2025 the street or the little black part there is the capital Improvement fund there's a little sliver of the green that started in 2022 that's when we started the street replacement fund and the little little piece at the top there is the Eda fund on this slide then it shows the tax rate as you can see from 2020 to 2022 it increased from 2022 to 2024 it decreased and now we're seeing a little bit of a tax or the tax rate increasing to 41.328698 [Music] [Music] 8,000 versus 30,400 as it has been in previous years and also that is for properties valued at $95,000 in previous years it was $76,000 so we're going to see more of a there's it's not really this year we're not going to be able to compare much of anything because they changed those values so with that being said with the new values in place a pro I'll just start a $100,000 house is approximately going to go down about $14 a $200,000 house is going to go up about 24 a $300,000 house is about $61 increase a $400,000 house is going to go up about $99 and then a commercial property at $500,000 is going to go up about $318 so again this is with no market value increase I believe the county did decrease values so we should see these numbers go down a little bit all right in these examples these are the tax capacity impacts with the city tax rate so in this example this is if we T take the if we leave the tax levy dollars flat meaning we use the 5.4 million same as last year so if we keep the tax dollars flat our tax r will increase. 16% so as the tax capacity increases cities can Levy more dollars without a direct tax rate increase so in this specific example the city is able to keep a flat tax amount and the residents will see a decrease in their tax rate so in this example it's keeping the flat tax rate so last year it was 37.8 n if we kept there again this year we would see a decrease of Levy dollars of 20 or $ 23,45 or a decrease in the levy of 43% and this is the one that we are proposing today so in this example we are proposing the 20 2025 Wyoming tax rate and levies so in this example the levy dollars are increased by 469 1,64 or the 8.60% and the tax rate will increase by 3.44% so this is because the it is because of the increased tax capacity that the city is able to Levy more dollars with while having a lower tax rate all right so we're going to run through the general fund revenues and expenditures so on this slide is the revenues and I'm just going to point out a few of the bigger changes there a few of them didn't go up too much but on the property tax line there is there's a increase of $320,500 that is the Top Line there and this increase is due to offset of the increases in expenses and the decreases in other revenues so anytime the other revenues go up or down and the expenses go up or down this number this property tax number changes so that's what really drives the property tax levy in the intergovernmental then towards the middle there's a decrease of $4,300 and that is due to the removal of the one-time police state aid income that was budgeted for 2024 I do want to point out that LGA did go up about $500 for a total of for this year and the last one I want to point out is the interest earnings I increased it to 40,000 and this is due to the market values and interest rates we're seeing we're already over budget than what I budgeted for last year so I increased that a little bit any questions on the revenues no okay I will move on to the expenses then and on here we can see the expenses broken down by the Departments and this is within the general fund so I'll just point out a few of the differences again so the first one I'll point out is the city clerk's office is going up about $225,000 this is the increase of wages and benefits due to Cola and step increases and then we have some increases in networking municip computers cleaning and postage so we increased a little bit of each of those um elections there is no elections next year so I zeroed that out so that's a decrease of 13,000 in the police department there there's an increases of wages and benefits due to col and step increases we added a part-time Cadet position and the IC poet position the IC poet position is going to be covered by a grant for the few first few months of 2025 and after that the city will pick that up there's a increase of in Communications of about 3500 vehicle maintenance of about 2,000 and increase in uniforms of about 3500 for that then in the fire departments going up about $ 29,8 25 that's an increase of contracted Services about 500 and that's due to the increase of price of annual physicals um they added in vehicle maintenance of $5,000 for new tires and an increase of communications of 2500 those are the bigger changes um the highways and streets then there's an increase in wages and benefits due to Cola and step increases and an increase in repairs and maintenance and the last one is parks and again it's an increase in the wages and benefits and then there's an increase in contracted services and that is due to the lawn Mo contract that is expiring at the end of 2024 we have we didn't we budgeted a little higher for that because we didn't know what those were going to come in as um the at the end of the packet there is a line by line item if we want to go over any of those line items we certainly can at the end and the last slide here it just shows the percentages of the general fund so the top three areas are the police department which is the orange and that's at 41.9% the highway streets and Roads is at 19.4% and that is the green portion and the last is the city clerk office at 11.2% and that is the blue so with that that I will stand for questions Ms I'm gonna um I'm GNA start with questions I have um two and then that leads into a third question um the the first one is um how often does the city of Wyoming get really close to what we budget to what we spend um let me stop sharing my screen here um we do a pretty good job of budgeting every year when I go through the budget I look at the previous two years and see where we were aligned at or where we ended at in the budget so then we increase or decrease according to that and then I also include the department heads in with what they want and they always know what's coming ahead and what their needs are so I say we do a pretty good job every year of pretty close to getting what or pretty close to the budget so you would say we're pretty lean correct yeah yep okay and so with that being said and we do have to to raise our um budget um do you know what the average um increase of cost and goods have been to cities so what's an average increase that um we're seeing in general for whether it's computers or something for Public Works in terms of fixing the roads you know what are some what have you been seeing that is increased or that is impacting budgets what do you think that increase would be in general um in the last couple years prices have skyrocketed I've said stuff gone I mean things have gone up at least more than half of what they used to be three four years ago I I mean since 2020 since Co stuff has increased drastically um fuel starting to go back down now so we took that into consideration um a lot of the other cities are about in line with what Wyoming's proposing this year as well okay great so it's not out of line because we do have to if we were not to increase that budget how do we afford to pay any of the increases in cost and services that come through the city correct yep okay and this leads me to the last question or the last statement um because because of how well we budget and um watch our tax rates our lovees and all that kind of stuff is it correct that um we were able to is it increase our rating so to a double is it a double A A A A2 so and that's pretty significant is it not within a city that does budget well yes yep Rob I'll let you expand on that you know a little bit more on your were in set in the calls for that so you that overall yes yeah as far as the the city's overall but Bond rating that was done this year when Moody did an analysis as we're going to be bonding for the 2024 Street project so really there's a lot of benchmarks that Moody does as far as analysis but um as we had talked about the last council meeting it's the the work that the council has done as far as setting your budgets and working through a lot of your policies that have enabled us to get that upgrade in our rating from an A3 to an A2 which is excellent so and that eventually saves US money as well because we should be getting lower interest rates correct correct through those we go for those Bond sales okay so overall we've done pretty good in the last eight years fabulous yes I would agree with that statement all right thank you questions from Council we'll start with member Luger um I just have a a few questions um we know that we are not um isolated from the market or the economy and certainly we know that there are costs that we have to calculate into our budget like health insurance increases and increase in cost of services and cola and things like that um when I look at kind of where some of the where some of the increases are like $100,000 into streets $60,000 into um Capital um equipment areas I'm my question is how do you how have these been calculated what um and then and then oh go ahead okay um a while back the city did do a long-term plan so I have been following the long-term plan okay uh and so that leads into the second half of my question um and this is more for for City staff um let's say that we say uh gosh $100,000 into the streets is just too massive where does that leave us in terms of our street quality and what do the impact to our residents I think as uh Mr identified we did do the long-term plan here a few years ago and did an updated rendition to it um recently but as part of that that was something that was identified to continue on the streets that we're doing and TOA a to mix in components of years where we Bond and actually years where we're going to be paying cash for those to really watch our debt Levy and our debt ratio so we've seen that and been calculated in regards to that not only having um the increase is $100,000 an annually to that street fund along with franchise fees to really um continue to be aggressive on those as the council has that a priority to be able to do a project every year um without that um certainly you are going to see there's kind of compounding effect is you through that long-term plan you'll see that $100,000 continues for a large duration of time and um as we know there are continued to be issues of streets and they will always be issues with streets ever ever forever we're going to need to be have um replacement on streets and um I think we're a little we started a little behind but have been extremely aggressive doing almost um approaching a third of our streets in the last about 10 to 12 years here so um I think we're we're on our way but I think looking at that and trying to be strategic with it that's why we do the long-term planning that's why we have the fiveyear capitals to try to keep these levies um somewhat within balance and um to work through those so it's really a culmination of that work and the council's done for that long-term planning to really try to ensure that we have some consistency within our agenda with our levies and not too much um you know static of the really up and down okay thank you welcome right uh member onad looking at the city of tax rate over the last six years even though it went up about 3% it it would appear that it's still below the average of the previous five years uh would that is that statement sound correct that it it even though it has increased it's still below average yeah I would agree with that yes thank you all right um member jger um no questions got it all down still think it's a little high okay and member Shilling uh no questions all right he actually asked my question at the end there so all right perfect well thank you so much for your presentation it's always good to see you yeah thanks good to see you guys too all right um let's see so we're back to 19 uh to consider resolution 2024 24988 a resolution approving a preliminary tax levy for 2025 and setting a public hearing for truth and Taxation at the December 3rd 2024 Wyoming city council meeting do we have a motion to approve so motion to approve by member onad do we have a second second second by member Schilling all in favor I I opposed so approved number 20 to consider a compensation study from David drown associate and Company or company U Mr lywood yes thank you mayor members of the of the council um the purpose of the the memo and the purpose of the compensation study is to essentially conduct compensation study for our 11 non-union positions um this is something that we did with this coun many of you in this Council back in 2018 it's something to do to make sure our compensation packages are competitive fair and align with current standards um DDA or David drown associates they specialize in government related compensation studies and um they have a track record as you can see by the references of doing these types of studies um essentially it they emphasize kind of the practicality and making do that these are done correctly with the doing this with a comprehensive market analysis um they've assured us that the study would be understandable technically sound and designed for implementation um DDA would be utilizing the same comities that we have used from previous studies and our contract negotiations so as we move forward with this this would just be um staff is recommending that we improve the compensation study by DDA as a total cost of $3,310 okay questions from Council we'll start with member Jer has the city looked at any other firms to do this um I have reached out to both ABDO and Myers uh that does our finances and then also from toer Tilly and both um to even just do a compensation you'd be probably looking at at least triple the cost of David drown and Associates okay okay so in the um well what are the comp cities that we're using um it's the list that you've seen for all of our contract negotiations and the prior ones I don't have the list in front of me I can I don't have the list in front of me either I can find it it's the one that the council um had approved prior and that we based all of our contract negotiations on previously so we feel could get us a list a list so that we know what it is sure appreciate that uh as for I mean I looked at the our our nine Union uh positions should the administrator and department heads be included with this they are also city employees so that would be a normal through a compensation study that all of the employees are inclusionary you did say 11 correct yeah right so yeah I picked I went through the city directory and came up with the 11 positions I know I'm not not totally uh comfortable with administrator and department heads but that's just me um and then I'm also concerned about what happens if this if the ramifications of this report doesn't match what uh we've already settled our Union contracts for you know what what will this would do with employ employee morale uh because people want like to be treated equally budget impacts you're you're correct there are impacts of a compensation study but if you want to retain and attract employees these are things that every city does it's a natural thing for cities to do to ensure that you keep those employees and able to attract new employees and don't have employees um leave for cities that were they be G compensated and maybe not that much of a larger City so it's just it's a normal exercise for cities to do these okay all right memb Shing I don't have any questions I'm I'm all in favor of this um I like keeping things market rate I like keeping things comparable because you know we had an item on our um agenda tonight that we're going to be replacing another inspector um you know I don't like seeing that I think we're a really good Community I think our staff is really I mean from the things that I've talked about or heard you know they seem to all gel pretty well and I like to hang on to people that are good people that are dedicated to our community so one of the ways I believe doing that is keeping us at that market rate or keeping us comparable to the cities and the surrounding communities so I'm all in favor of this so that's all I have all right member onstead I would agree with that we need to be ahead of this rather than behind on it just to be a Forward Thinking City and treat our employees with the respect that they deserve and they'll put around and treat the the residents the same way thank you um I don't have anything terribly different I know we have an incredibly hardworking and and talented staff here and I think I mean this I think this yeah I'm all in favor of this study um everybody should be paid appropriately whether Union or nonunion so yes totally in favor of it perfect all right um so we need a motion to approve um the compensation study from David drown Associates and Company do we have a motion so move motion by member Luger do we have a second second second by member onstead all in favor I opposed so approved uh number 21 dog part naming contest Mr McFarland I know people that I've talked to super excited about this boy oh boy uh yeah honorable mayor members of council the uh new Wyoming dog park has been open for nearly four months now um in that time we've seen it's had heavy use and we've heard from residents that it's something that they enjoy and they're they're happy to be here um one other thing that we've heard from residents is just questions on the name of the actual Park makes it easier to find it on our website and just easier to have a sense of place um with that then staff has kind of started kicking around the idea of naming that dog park and and what you see before you is what we came up with which is that dog park naming contest um in past years I don't know how long I guess but since I've been here a year uh staff has a a city of Wyoming booth at Stage Coach days last year we promoted um the buying a brick program for uh Railroad Park um and just kind of got the word out for that uh this year in addition to again talking about Raad Park we also wanted to dedicate a portion of the booth then to this dog park naming contest not only to get submissions but also just keep getting the word out there uh on this park um so with this as well we kind of put together a slight or a basic idea of how this would work we'd be collecting forms for about a week from individuals for for the name that they're proposing we would work to narrow it down to about 10 names we'd put forth those names on a community poll um with that we'd see the results we'd share those naming results with the park advisory commission uh and they would advise on a potential name for the city council then to discuss and decide upon so also attached to the the page with this um is just the basic entry form that we'll have on our website uh on our Facebook and then also at that stage coach day Booth um and with that the second page then just kind of states the overall criteria and contest rules and and how to submit those so they' go directly to me um and they can find like I said those forms inline at at any of those places or coming to City Hall to pick it up U but with that kind of just looking for for general con ensus on if we want to for move forward with that and if there's any questions okay and there's no age limit so it could be a 5-year-old naming it versus a 100y old right yep that's all it matters okay that's my only question all right um member Luger no questions I think this is a great idea member onstead uh I I agree with it too it's to to pause up again okay remember Shilling uh no no questions uh we got to pick something really good the weirder the better member jger no questions all right so we need a motion to approve the dog park naming contest do we have a motion so moved oh motion by member Luger second by member onstead that's how I heard it okay um all in favor I opposed so approved that is um I think very exciting for a community to Rally behind so to see what they they come up with yeah that's great be fun at stage Co I think so too um number 22 mayor for a Day contest Mr McFarland you are busy tonight I'm back uh yeah the mayor for a Day contest is something that a lot of cities uh at least in the state of Minnesota participate in um and so staff is proposing that that's something that Wyoming jumps on board with as well um one of the great things about this contest is it can foster leadership uh and also teach the youth about kind of the role of government and their local government um these contests typically involve uh school age children like fourth to to sixth graders and they're asked to to craft some kind of essay on something related to local government um we'd like to start participating in this tradition by hosting the local mayor fre Day contest um and we'd also like to do that in conjunction with the league of Minnesota cities which does that yearly to start with the the city of wyomings we're proposing that um our guidelines much like the league of Minnesota cities would encourage uh students in fourth fifth and sixth grade to submit an essay about what they would do if they were mared for a day um those essays uh we would pick then a winner from each grade and they'd be provided the the following um prizes which I listed on the sheet but there's a significant of recognition signed by the mayor and City administrator um display the winning essay at City Hall and at the W Public Library um we'd publish those on the uh social media sites uh and our website uh public recognition during a Wy city council meeting and then to be determined about a $25 gift card to a local wyi business I'm still trying to nail down a business that'll uh answer the call to that one so um work in progress but additionally then um I kind of stated earlier but the league of Minnesota cities also does this yearly um their parameters are largely the same as what we have and we'll go over in a second here um but we want to run this in conjunction with them um so if you win the the Statewide League of Minnesota cities contest you get a $100 um prize and then a recognition in the Minnesota City's magazine one of the reasons that we kind of liked the idea of not just having uh or collecting essays and sending them off to league Minnesota cities but rather having our own contest was to ensure that some Wyoming residents particularly those obviously three individuals would win every single year and so it encourages you to to get involved and learn more about your local government for sure um so we laid out then as well U basic rules and eligibility um kind of like you need to sign the rules and regulation forms you need to be fourth fifth or sixth grader um essays or 400 words or less they must be written by the student on their own and they need to get in before the deadline and then I also provided uh a proposed timeline uh and the proposed timeline is just because we're working through it U but also at this moment League of Minnesota cities does not have a finalized timeline for this year they just haven't put that out yet um but I've been in contact with the individual that runs it there and they're going to keep us posted um but we would open it up at the end of this month on the 30th so we' um advertise that on our social medias and our website that people can start submitting those essays uh and then by the 31st the LMC would be announcing their winner but I prop I anticipate we would uh have our winner picks by December uh and then after we have our winner picked they'd be waiting the a few additional months to see if they would um also potentially wi the the lmc's contest so um also attached to this then was the rules and regulations form kind of uh gets a lot of their information just States what um the contest is all about um the lmc's mayor for a day form from 2023 so we'll have a new one for this 2024 um when that's ready and then finally just a mock mayor for a day certificate for the three individual winners um so with that just looking for for comment and if that's something that the the council is generally in favor of of us trying out great I have a couple questions first uh so the first one would be is there a way um before Co we went into the schools and we were able to meet the kids and just talk about General City you know what goes on with the city can we do that and go in and actually promote this to the schools just an idea yeah a great idea not something that I've actually looked into yet but I don't see why we couldn't at least you know uh ask if that's something they be into so I hear the um principal there is really a great principal so it' be kind of nice to maybe get involved with that my other question is this and it's a little bit off of just the fourth fifth and sixth graders we do have older um teenagers young adults with some um challenges and I would like to see a way that they could be involved as well um because it would be exciting for them too that look at local government I've met a couple now um that would love to be able to be mayor of the day so Council I'm asking and also Mr McFarland how do we in incorporate kids or young adults with special needs that may be able to want to be a part of local government and get them involved so those are my two questions comments on that and I don't know how that fits in here or we do something different the the one thing I could share is then obviously the the lmc's contest is just fourth fifth and sixth graders that doesn't mean that we can't extend that parameter for our own it we just have to make it clear that that would be as far as they go we couldn't submit them to to lmc's contest just due to eligibility yeah or do we do something different for um young adults that may not be able to do that I'm not sure what that looks like but um like I said I've met a couple now a couple of the um young adults that would probably think it's pretty cool as well to be a part of our mayor for the day or um Council for that so perfect thank you okay questions let's start with member jer no questions M Shilling uh I really don't have any questions I know that fourth fifth and sixth graders academically are far smarter than I am learned that from that show no I I think this is a neat little thing and then um whomever the winner is I mean is there any way we could just plug them in and see if they could beat Claire's record for the shortest council meeting Wow way to go there you know I thought about that while we were talking about this so no I I think this is a cool little thing and I I agree with you I yeah let's let's let's go for it so all right perfect uh member onad I think we could do a shorter meeting as long as we don't go into Clos session during right all right and member ler um who um who judges the essays oh yeah thank you uh is it like a panel of Staff or like are you saying for for us or for LMC uh I think that at the moment we had talked about it being members of staff and then if we made some kind of committee but I think we'd explore that as it got closer for sure I like this idea a lot I think it's it promotes Civic engagement and I think that's everything um could we add that maybe they get a a t-shirt or a a polo shirt or something that would be like I was mayor for the day or something I mean I think that would be kind of cool yeah pris we look at you for sure city of Wyoming yeah I'm G to be a mayor when I grow up why not nothing wrong with it today too today I'm today I'm the future I am the future yeah so perfect that sounds very exciting so um I am going to make the first motion for the contest for mayor of the day do we have a second motion second second by member onstead all in favor I I opposed so approved number 23 to consider a city council work session on September 17th 2024 Mr lynw it's your turn yes thank you mayor members of council um staff is requesting a work session on September 17th at 5:30 prior to our regularly scheduled council meeting um there are three different topics that we'd like to go through with the council uh one has been discussion you may have seen in the press there is an article about the potential extension of Wyoming Library hours um there is some um discussion about us being a pilot the County Board has asked for some of the funding uh uh information from Carla lidon and the ecrl on this um Carla idon I did contact her and she is willing to come out and speak to the council to kind of give a overview of how this project works and um other communities that had it has been successful and they've utilized it a lot in Scott County and Dakota County so um she would be here to talk to the council about that and how that would work um secondly would be uh Mark LM from our Planning Commission our Planning Commission chair would like to discuss with the council to talk about a rezoning initiative to align with their comprehensive plan um it's essentially ensuring that our zoning map accurately reflects the community's long-term vision for growth um currently there's a lot of different discre discrepancies within that zoning ordinance within the parcels um and that just essentially to get that aligned with that comp plan so he'd like to discuss that with the council um Talk about what that would look like and how the Planning Commission would begin that work and then lastly would be discussion on the W wng fire department performance measures our public safety director uh Neil Bower would just to like to to initiate some of the conversations regards to um some of the performance measures for the Wyman fire department um essentially assessing their effectiveness as a department current operations um key metrics would be things like response times number of firefighter firefighters available for different calls uh types of calls Mutual Aid provided and received public education Outreach and Recruitment and Retention so that would just be the foundation for anything that we would do in looking at this or how we might utilize that information um for adjustments uh in that department Service delivery um that would be our three items and we are requesting like I said that work session on the 17th at 5:30 p.m. and that happens to be the our council meeting that night at 7 so did everybody check the calendar it's already on mine are we going to get through all this in an hour and 50 minutes I think so I think in regards to what we have yeah I think um speaking with uh Carla lidon and um speaking with Mr ler and Mr Bower I think we should be just fine okay so Chief bow are you sure you have your presentation timed you'll practice it feel like that was a little bit of a day just thought i'' asked now we're good all right sounds good all right we need a motion to approve um the city council work session for September 17th 2024 do we have a motion so moved motion by member Schilling do we have a second second second by member lcer all in favor I opposed so approved Council reports we'll start with member ler um I have nothing thank you all for watching member onad no reports thanks for watching at home uh member joer no reports thanks for watching member Shilling uh no report all right thank you you um I have three um things on here Planning Commission we did have the Planning Commission and um just talking about um the comp plan um and how we adjust all of it and they're working really hard um I did also attend halberg for the Arts um they had the state of Minnesota Mr L what would you call it what was that whole group um discussion yeah but the Minnesota um e or the Arts um apologize the um essentially yeah it's essentially the large organization from the state that gives funding to a lot of your local um art art F and c3s yes the um Minnesota Arts Legacy group with Legacy fund but yes it was a round table to talk about the impact of the Arts in our community yeah and how beneficial it has been for our city yeah they had several committee members come from the state um to ask questions from um the Arts um board members they asked um me to come in in speak they asked Mr Lynnwood he did have something on his calendar I changed some things around it was very exciting to be able to let them know that with my day job and how I get all over the state that people outside of Wyoming and force like actually talk about hover for the Arts and um how great it is for the city so um that was very impactful and to know that they're up for that Legacy award and the other thing I would like to say is to Mr Rees so thank you for painting the crosswalks I've had several several several residents tell me how nice it is to um see our crosswalks painted and that kind of thing it was really great and I feel like the crosswalk by um by um the grocery store are those bigger or is it just my imagination that the signs are bigger for that crosswalk uh the crosswalk rectangles are the same they do look a little bit different cuz I think they were wore down so bad because they hadn't been done okay but uh they are the same we're using the same template for that okay but the sign itself that neon colored one I swear it looks bigger and maybe it's because it's looks really nice I don't know but i' I'd have to measure it I can't say off the top of my head it was installed prior to my arrival so okay well it looks fantastic thank you yeah we're we're happy to do it it's a a new operation for our department but it's definitely something we can do and something we want to build into we're working through new scheduling and and working through uh how to uh space things out to get a workflow for the year and this is definitely something that we want to add in to continue to work on um on an interval basically so we work these rectangles one year and then the next ones are not doing it all at once yeah so I really appreciate that and so do the residents again like I said had several of them say hey this is super cool that that's being done so appreciate it you're doing a great job and I hear that a lot so we appreciate it and to the staff the crew really enjoyed doing it they hadn't a number of them hadn't done it before it's something I had done in the past and it's fun it's something that the community sees like you're pointing out so it gives us a sense of satisfaction we're doing something help out so yeah perfect happy to do you appreciate that thank you all right that's all I have for tonight we need a motion to adjourn so moved do we have a second second second by member Schilling all in favor I opposed we are adjourned at 7