##VIDEO ID:sk-i-DiDWBs## call to order the city council regular meeting of the city of Wyoming Minnesota for August 20th 2024 let the record reflect we do have a quorum member Luger member onad member Schilling member joer and mayor Iverson are present please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands under God indivisible withy and jusice for all open forum is anybody here for open Forum okay we're going to move on to number one approval of minutes consider approving the minutes of the regular meeting of the Wyoming Minnesota city council for August SE 7th 2024 are there any comments or changes if not we need a motion to approve we have a motion to approve by member Luger do we have a second second second by member onad all in favor I I opposed so approved number two uh to consider resolution 24875 a resolution receiving bids and awarding a contract for the 2024 Street Improvement project Mr Ericson thank you madam mayor members of council as you're aware we recently took bids on the 2024 Street Improvement project I want to just take one step back and say thank you for allowing us to take a step back and uh we did an addendum we modified how we were going to bid the project where we allowed the contractor to complete potentially next year remove some risk for them with the the construction season that we've had we've know that there was limitations on what Windows of uh opportunity they had to complete the remaining work that they had on the books already and so uh that did drum up uh additional biders uh we did receive seven total bids um with A1 Excavating being the low bidder we did do two alternates and one was to include the trails within verges Park uh they're in very very poor condition and we know that when we have projects adjacent to our Park projects we've typically looked at uh bidding alternates um to see is it something we want to do at this time it's certainly less expensive if they were to come in at a later date um and do them separately and then also um upon further inspection as we looked and evaluated uh Goodwin Lane uh we looked at uh the curban gutter out there and so we talk Ty Al when we do these type of projects we'll remove the pavement and we'll do spot repair on concrete cbon Gutter and um Upon Our review it looked to be about anywhere between oneir and one half of the panels had pretty significant cracks in them and we wanted to take uh this opportunity as long as we're doing the Improvement to to do it right and so we did bid an alternate to do that um 100% of that curb removal and so we we did evaluate that as well and so with that um um we are recommending Award of contract to A1 Excavating for both the B base bid and Alternate one and Alternate 2 in the total amount of 1,475 560 I will say that the assessments are going to be less than the feasibility for a number of reasons one we received again outstanding bid prices on this project uh but during the design process um in the feasibility study we assumed um knowing that there were some drainage areas that we're going to have to put in some storm here with our design and minor tweaks and modifications we're able to eliminate that so that two also save some some money and so we are going to see assessments less than what was identified in the feasibility study and we won't know the exact number until we're nearing completion of the project but we'll we'll know that uh at the time of the assessment hearing um I'm GNA start with a question and this is just me being naive if you will my Hope was that they'd have extra um pavement extra whatever that they could just here's extra we're just going to pave that VG Trail a little bit right that was my hope it's amazing on how expensive that is yeah I mean I I'm I was like in my mind thinking maybe 20,000 right just because it's not that big it's not that long but um are they doing the parking lot too or is it just the well it's a the Hammerhead kind of the turnaround area there that will be completed as part it will okay then that makes a little more sense because I was really surprised at that so that's my only question uh questions from Council member ler no questions member onad no questions member Schilling no questions member Jer is this bit only part of the project because your feasibility study and your bonding was talking about 2.7 and 2.88 million yeah so respectively so this is only the construction cost so it doesn't include any of the geotechnical the inspection the survey none of those other other costs the bonding costs and things like that so those are um those are above and beyond but it is significantly less than and again partly because we received really good bid prices and secondly we're not installing the storm sewer that we had anticipated uh needing we we at the feasibility study we don't get into the final design but we were able to modify the design and and reduce uh those overall costs of the project so basically we went from a 2.6 $22.76 million project down to a1475 million project it's probably closer to a $2 million project when when we're done that this is again just the construction cost it doesn't include any of the design any of the inspection none of the survey so it's it's less than 2 million but it is significantly less than what was identified previously so we're not going to be taking out $2.88 million in bonds correct correct and we have we still have time to update that if you remember when um Chris Hogan from Baker Tilly was here she did ask that question I believe was asked by you council member in regarding that if it could be a lower amount prior to that Bond sale so we will be working with Miss Hogan to get the fin it of those numbers and prior to that Bond sale that we'll have uh it will be not until um close to October now with some of the um with the upcoming holiday uh and then also with there's a industrywide um conference that we want to make sure that we have everyone's attention and we go out for a bid on this project and that's when we've identified as the appropriate time to go out for sale okay so if this thing doesn't include the designs and and various costs when is that going to be figured in that is always uh figured in at at the time of preparing the assessment documents when we know how much so we we estimate like our feasibility study there'll be an estimate for what that is and we'll provide that to Mr Lynwood um to have ready to identify what is the total amount that should be bonded for and that'll include all yeah if I may also just let you know the contractor is you know we provided that flexibility we did indicate that they had to start this year their intent is to finish this year they uh have themselves have a window and their sub has a window to to do this work good um we've already received um the bonds uh in the mail they're wanting to go and so we're uh going to turn our own contracts uh immediately as well tomorrow if the council's inclined to award the contract and so um hopefully we can get uh get things moving along here sometime in September and get things going it does look like there's some new people in here that I don't recognize that we've used before yeah so I thought that was interesting you know um have we used A1 before we have they did our 2015 Improvement project okay it's been a little while but we do work with them in other communities and they're actually a pretty large company out of Wisconsin um okay yeah so they're I remember who did that then so feels like we've had a lot so all right um so uh Mr Lunen just this quick question it does affect me because it's on my road can I Vote or not type of action because it's a big enough spread out impact you don't inter yourself I don't okay all right um so if there are no other questions we need a motion to approve resolution 24875 a motion to approve or award the um the contract to A1 Excavating LLC in the amount of 1475 560 do we have a motion so moved we have a motion by member Schilling we have a second by member Luger okay all in favor I opposed so approved consent agenda number three four five six 7 and eight does anybody wish to pull an item from the consent agenda seeing none we need a motion to approve three four five six 7 and eight so moved we have a motion to approve by member Luger do we have a second second second by member onstead all in favor I I opposed so approved acknowledge receipts um of reports of officers boards commissions and department heads number nine 10 11 and 12 does anybody wish to pull an item um for further discussion seeing none we'll move on to Communications number 13 Moody's rating upgrade for w for the city of Wyoming Minnesota aa2 rating um Mr Lynwood very exciting news it is thank you mayor members of council this is um a very exciting very exciting news to have an upgrade and we already sat with a very good Bond rating for the city of Wyoming but to have an upgrade to aa2 um really is um exceptional so um really that's a a excellent work to the council really for your diligence and your decisions and strategic management of the city um really has a huge Direction on that as far as how we maintain strong reserves um and just for the Financial Health of our community so that's really one of the big ratings um it's also significance in regards to um some of the things identified in that memo that I sent to you um it represents that higher level of credit worthiness which when we do go out for Bond sales like this it does mean that we potentially can have lower interest rates which obviously is always um extremely good for our overall debt Levy and financial portfolio um it does allow us for just that flexibility in managing our debt for future Capital so that is also just something that we um have on this and then once again it's just the recom recognition of that strong financial management that we've been able to maintain here at the city so like I said I'd like to thank the council for all your diligence um you're a big reason for this and it is to have go up to an A2 it's uh exciting news for Moody okay questions from council member Jer none member ler uh no questions but um I think equal amount of thanks to City staff for all their diligence and hard work and throughout the budget process and keeping us up to up to speed thank you member onad no questions member Shilling uh no questions okay and I'm gonna as well say congratulations with step I mean you guys help us you give us that knowledge so it's kind of a whole Citywide things so I think that's um pretty outstanding for that so thank you very much we're going to move on to new business moving right along number 14 to consider resolution 24881 a resolution approving the purchase of Bola portable and mobile radios from andon Communications Inc for the amount of $ 22258 198 Chief Bower are you doing this one or do we have that's me that's you okay yep um Madame mayor member Council uh similar conversation that we had earlier this year um we have aging radios in our fire vehicles and their portable radios um these were initial obtained initially obtained from the county um back in 2019 um if I remember correctly and um they're at their end of life they're 12 years old um no longer supported by morola um we initially had thought that we were going to purchase the fire side of this next year um as we relooked at uh arpa funding we needed to allocate that money this year so um the city's been setting aside funding our CIP budget um since 2019 so we have I believe 150,000 set aside up to this point to help fund this purchase and then the remaining would be funded through these arpa funds which then does allow an additional um there are additional funds for other projects as well that would be discussed separately um ancom is the retailer that we purchased the from the dealer that we purchased these from we're looking at purchasing 25 portable radios one Base radio eight mobile radios Chargers um additional replacement batteries and all the other accessories needed um the total cost for this is $222,500 [Music] um this needs to happen sooner than later um we're you know fire and and to have conversations with our fire department right now we can't technically do some of the things that um are happening because we're not on an encrypted radio so um this does need to happen um there is a good wait time on some of these but they will invoice us prior to the end of the year just to make sure that we're complying with the ARA requirements um looking for that authorization to purchase these radios in the amount listed um us those two funding sources any questions I'm going to start with a question because this has been kind of my thing since I've been mayor right with these radios so I know we can't guarantee a time uh timeline on how long they're good for right because and we know that the state's going to upgrade all of the um towers and all that kind of stuff so um what have you been hearing about the towers what we've been hearing about how long these will probably work for us and will we continue to put money away these are the this is what all the recommendation is from whether it's from the county from every other sources this is what we should be purchasing to be compliant the warranty on them is 5 years that's all they will guarantee we'll get longer use out of these um that's what everyone's purchasing the next newest version no one's even seen yet it's it's not even being it's not even out there yet so um we're in good shape for quite a bit of time but we will be continuing to put money aside because it's going to have to be another purchase down the road that we're going to have to make so yeah perfect okay questions um from Council we'll start with member Shilling uh no questions we can't get these at Radio Shack I don't think that that even any is that anymore s Wisconsin there's one y okay all right no I I have no questions thank you Chief all right and um member jger so then the split is 110,000 from the CIP and the rest from the OPA funds 150 from the CIP and would be from the thank you all right um member ler um my only question is uh that you mentioned that there's a little bit of a lag time on that we'd be invoiced before the end of the the year do you know approximately how long it could be eight months really yeah there there's a signific everyone's because everybody's in the same boat Okay so we've already received a lot of the police one the all the other stuff it's the radio itself that we haven't received yet and we don't expect those till the end of this year so it would be in when we receive these okay thank you m onstead to get an idea of how long the radios are going to last the previous radios we got them used how many years ago uh 2019 2019 so we got five years off and they're probably how old at that time there were five years old at that point so these are 12 years old um we were started running into issues for sure last year where they couldn't do updates on them anymore on some of them so what I mean they'll only say 5 years we'll get longer than that out of them but we probably realistically could look at 10 12 Years a really long time but yes I would say probably close at8 we should be relooking at it yeah all right all right we need a motion to approve resolution 24881 a resolution approving the purchase of Motorola portable and mobile radios from Ancon Communications for the amount of 22256 a98 do we have a motion we have a a motion to approve by member onad mayor Iverson will make that second all in favor I I opposed so approved number 15 to consider the hiring of Logan straying to the Intensive comprehensive peace officer Education and Training Program ipe Cadet position again Mr Chief power yep that's me um Madame mayor member of the council we have uh this is pretty cool that this worked out this way um you know you know we were awarded a $50,000 Grant by the ojp of to the state for um hiring uh a college graduate in any degree um to attend a uh an accelerated program to become an officer in our state in our city um we did a application process uh these were some of the best applicants I've seen in a long time it was really cool to see um that the individuals that are looking to make career changes midcareer and and um uh Logan is someone that we identified in that process um he has a bachelor's degree in water resources from Stevens Point um he's done construction and Landscaping he's doing water management and he's currently working at rosenbower in our city he lives in our city um which is always going to be our best bet for retention for keeping our officers um he's looking for a career change we'd be looking at this temporary full-time position it was um posted at the 2267 hour um we would be bringing him in as of next Monday and uh his position would be until April 1st when we' look at um transitioning him to provided he is you know maintains um successfully completes the program um we would be looking to appoint him to a officer position at that point um but this is just for the approval of the temporary position up until that point okay great questions so questions from Council we'll start with member onad uh no questions member ler no questions member Jagger no questions member Schilling I no questions and I have none either so we need a motion to approve the hiring of Logan string to the Intensive comprehensive peace officer Education and Training Program do we have a motion to approve we have a motion to approve by member onstead do we have a second a second second by member Luger all in favor I opposed so approved that's exciting um so Council reports we're going to start with um let's start with member hsta I attend the work session just prior to this meeting okay perfect thank you we'll do member Shilling uh work session prior to this meeting and thank to you guys that came out to visit and those watching have a great night member Jagger oh I just attended the work session prior to this meeting and thank you for coming guys and thank you for watching member Jagger ler oh ler sorry time for Dairy Queen right um I attended the the uh Sewer Commission meeting yesterday um as well as the uh Workshop earlier tonight um and also uh Stamp Out suicide on Saturday which was just a really really great event and my legs are still sore so all right I have a lot sorry are you ready uh okay so I attended the Eda meeting uh we have a new member on our Eda and we're pretty excited to to have a new member of the Planning Commission as well I attended at Lea on for that a lot of conversation about cannabis um that's always very interesting the Sewer Commission which was last night um and then tonight we had our um budget meeting then for the fun stuff uh attended the special Olympic fundraiser at Dunkin Donuts in Lio super fun so many people and it was like the drive through well of course that Duncan is my favorite place to go to anyways but it was just lined up with people you had fire and police from different cities and what would you you want to chime in on a little bit more than that you had a picture out there I need your doughnut costume by the way uh sure um I can send you the Amazon link if you'd like um yeah no it's it's a really cool fundraiser um Lon of lakes PD and fire was out there Forest Lake PD was out there and and we were out there um all just to bring awareness and and to raise funds for Special Olympics and it's a it's a great way to um provide that visibility for them as well so yeah and if you donated money you'd get a coupon for a free donnut I mean that's awesome that Dunkin Donuts does that as abolutely yeah great support cool awesome all right and then I also attended this may not be in our city but I think it's great for our city is the bokeh Haven Senior Living um Assisted Living building that just opened up in North Branch and and there's never enough um senior living and so I was super excited that we could um be there so I could be there and with their ribbon cutting and stuff and saw the other mayor of North Branch and then also many of our County Commissioners so I welcome them into the county which I think is great um this was fun as well uh Elsie Johnson's 102nd birthday so Elsie congratulations what a just a joy 102 what has she seen in 102 years I was blown away and her humor is um really good really good um and she's at Meadows so happy birthday to her and then we have stom out suicide 5K over a thousand people attended it did rain which was kind of a bummer um but it still didn't um detour any people from showing up or um the reason why people were there so um I do need to give kudos to um Mr Reeves I heard nothing but great things from Canvas Health and they said your um Department was amazing to work for it was the best that they've ever had in the 12 years that they've been doing this so I wanted to make sure that I passed that along to you so great thanks I'll uh make sure the crew hears that feedback I would appreciate that that so um I believe that's it so all right with that um thank you for coming tonight we always like seeing people in the audience um we need a motion to adjourn so moved we have a motion to adjourn from Member Luger do we have a second second oh second by member Shilling all in favor I opposed we are adjourned at 7