##VIDEO ID:bOG1oAWB984## Mar on I am I'm not yet I know yeah I'm not sure shouldn't be running yet I think we're a couple minutes I have 28 yeah that's no I'm just saying when we're up you usually me yeah I would start it right at two minutes thanks way for okay let it roll thank you good evening everyone welcome to the October 21st 2024 meeting the arth Board of Health uh just one thing to mention as usual it's a hybrid meeting bless you one about you thank that just means people at home can zoom in there full set of instructions on the website of how to to watch participate whatever so hopefully people know about this after all these couple years anyway so just to start with number one here as usual will be our attendance Charlie are you here yeah Larry here Hillard I'm here Eric present okay Mary okay Mary's there zooming in this evening so any public comment we're going to start with that uh anyone here or anyone watching any comments this be your opportunity anyone there Jay can you see anybody up there anyone there is someone there but not it's someone we're expecting later on yeah so it's no one for public comment okay all right so we're going to jump down on the agenda everyone let's go down to number six this is housing rental program update okay Jay what's up Mr chairman thank you so much uh and and board me I do want to remind the board if they could for folks uh listening at home and also as uh Mo'Nique does the minutes for the Mee if you could all speak into the microphone it makes it easier for her to be able to capture all the comments and uh the important pieces of the meeting so just a just a reminder for myself and for the board to speaking um but here we have some exciting news this uh today uh a new employee started Brian coflin started as a new housing inspector and he is here I'd like to introduce him Brian if you could come up just just by way of introduction um we've had several uh several individuals uh apply for this position Brian comes with a wealth and he'll talk about some of his his experience you have his CV his resume in front of you uh a private contractor since 19 uh yeah since 94 one of the unique things that's happened in our our housing program is a new requirement in the building code so in addition to the housing rental program it's now being also crossed over with the building code the building code is going to they're going to treat short-term rentals as if they're a motel unit so they're going to there's added requirements within the building code that aren't in the state sanitary code for human habitation so now we have to so actually short-term rentals will now get a rental certificate and a certificate of inspection and what we are very fortunate to have is Brian has the certifications for that to be able to with you know with with some lure but he has a contractor's license that is going to allow us to move forward and Implement on January 1 the new building code requirements kick into effect so as many municipalities across the cape and well anyone who has short-term rentals are struggling to find out how are we going to be able to find the capacity Brian came to us fortunately with a a great interview has a skill set and we saw just in day one the attitude of being able to take this on got a lot to learn onboarding is going to take some time but we're fortunate in that so you're going to see that rental certificates and um occupancy the certificates of inspection I should say so the building code may be a wake up call to a lot of people renting and I have to thank you for that so with social media we're going to have to have our information officer we're getting we're forming the letters now to inform people what that's going to look like little small thing Mr chairman like an Exit Plan like you see in a hotel room the means of egress things that things that haven't applied that's in the building code that isn't in the uh State sanitary code for human habitation there's small things but they are important we can't issue those until all those things are in place so Community messaging is going to be important but this is the first step forward in that so I just wanted to make you aware the board to be aware that there are new requirements for the uh rental program marrying it with the building code but also that we now have capacity in another inspector that makes two your former colleague Deb Brun be being uh the other inspector and she's actually doing the training uh for Brian but if I I'm going on here Brian maybe talk a little bit about about your resume and your uh your past experience and and we're thrilled to have you on board thank you Jay um yeah my name is Brian Coughlin I I moved to the cape I think 1995 uh I've been a home improvement building remodeling contractor uh for years but I obtained my license in the mid90s uh pretty much been self-employed the whole time and you know when I saw this opportunity arise it was something I was interested in and um thankfully it worked out so thanks to Jay and everyone else that I interviewed with so I look forward to it that's really exciting that you're here welcome thank you you have any questions for us uh I don't no okay not now this is one of the things as the board understands and Brian you're learning on uh day one but you're going to learn this onboarding is going to take some time this is the way that we're able we the Board of Health are able to monitor the housing stock within the town we're able to be into whether it's short-term rentals or annual rentals we can we have we can assess the the housing stock where things things like people people are actually renting this is protection for short-term renters or yearr round renters and for property owners this we're able to say on EX on such and such a date on the 21st of October of 24 we were in there and we gave an objective view of the checklist that is there it's a protection for the property owner and for the and for the tenant so as we move move forward into 25 it's it's important that people who are going to be and it's a business people who are renting shortterm and longterm that they have compliance the way they protect themselves is to participate in the program and we want to guide them in that educate them in that process Brian you'll be part of that um it's a very busy day there's they're they're out they're scheduling working with and meeting with property managers uh Property Owners coming back in putting into our open go there's a lot of back room this it's over 3,000 over 3,000 rentals and not not many times there's reinspection that have to be done work that has to be done um a lot of Education that has to happen in addition to the scheduling of inspections a good number of complaints that would come in they have a busy day the housing inspectors do it's a it is a robust program but it's important one for the community well hopefully Jay mentioned is 3,000 before accepted the job yeah it's a lot of work you've been doing a great job with this and so um it's nice you're here we certainly use the assistance I look forward to it okay thanks for joining the team thank you see you tomorrow morning J so the the occupancy certificate that's did you say that the representative from the department has to be a licensed contractor in order to in in addition and even to take the that licensing they do have to be a licensed contractor and then and then to actually and he signed paperwork today Brian did through Mark grills to say to apply for to implement the building code so only a licensed contractor so there is some complexities for a staffing Deb brunish does not have that certificate so we now have to go in two different directions but fortunately we have an individual who you know Brian coming with that uh credentialing that we can move forward in that but that's exactly right to be clear in order to uh enforce uh the requirements within the building code you have to be a licensed contractor and I just said one question for Brian with regard to the uh it says Massachusetts construction supervisor license unrestricted is that like the standard contractor's license or are there different are there different tiers of a contractor's license can you speak to that a little bit sure uh back when I got it there was only one license that you got and it was unrestricted now from what I understand there's different different levels of that construction supervisor license sure say if you just do Roofing I think there's one that you can get for just doing Roofing and Siding um you know they can't build build a house but they can replace roofs that sort of thing okay so there's different categories I guess now and does yours cover all of the categories mine covers all the categories yes we're fortunate yes yeah sometime some things in life is timing and we this certainly was fortunate for us at a time when the the building code requirements were coming in for January 1st and here we are in October to be able to on board an individual who has the credentials to hit the ground running where those applications are going to go out in November for for the next year for the new rental program and the certificate of occupancy the compliance but it's important that the community understands that short-term rentals are now going to be the equivalent of a like a motel room that's going to be the same requirement yeah that's a New Concept for a lot of people and you're right to your point there is Ana you know there's Community messaging and educational curve to that so as of the first of the year it's going to be more difficult to rent and to be a renter is that what you're telling me I I don't I wouldn't put it that way Charlie more difficult you say the there's a new a there's a new elevated standard the rental program go elevated standard but I want I want to I want to size expectations here and to Simply say that there are new requirements within the building code more difficult there are some things certainly achievable but that only a licensed contractor with the credentialing from the state uh building um can actually Implement and sign off on the Building Commissioner has to sign each of those certificates I issue the we I the the Health Department issues the rental certificate The Building Commissioner does a certificate of occupany so it's just more difficult to rent or to be rented I guess I would say this Define difficult uh you know well it's just more political paperwork basically well political to achieve an end I think it's to you know they don't make these hoops just to jump through that there is very thought deliberative proc process the building officials from across the state come together and look to say is there some you know I I don't I'm not going to make you know the assertion you're saying that this is just a hoop to jump through it's it's for safety and um it's certainly achievable with our help to educate um the homeowners the property owners and actually it protects the renters that's the really the goal is the safety uh for human habitation that shortterm and long-term renters have a safe in Yarmouth and that the housing stock is properly protected and we will work this is not please this is not to be punitive we are not there to we work with individuals on a regular basis actually we have an issue coming up with a property owner that we' worked with them you'll see albon where you did a condemnation the board did a condemnation in May and they're coming now to release that work was done Barry Lewis worked very hard to move this into compliance that's a win we have actually receive comp you know thank yous from the the neighbors to say you moved a pro problem property uh and and removed it and now we have uh a you know it was a responsible Nancy a responsible uh property owner who wanted to do the right thing this is all these are these are good things these are wins for the community I I wouldn't say it's more difficult that's you know you're saying it it's more difficult I wouldn't put it in that way is it a heightened level of requirement it is for a purpose these are all designed to protect uh the health and safety and for human habitation Charlie let me give you an example there are new requirements for in the building code for smoke smoke protectors being inside the room that's one of the things it's hard to argue it's hard to argue that smoke protectors are are difficult a small you know $30 smoke detector inside the room where in the rental program the housing just has to be in a common area these now the the building code is within each of the bedrooms there you go more difficult I got to tell you well you and I could probably debate that but I have to tell you I I would I Brian Deb our inspectors won't have a I I think that's a that's a positive move forward especially if it's it's going to save someone's life so we may just disagree on the definition of that okay all right one thing you ought to be aware of just because you're here doesn't mean you have to stay for the whole meeting so while you can you the door's over there thanks again for coming in thank you I appreciate it okay um number two on the agenda is sign amended SLC corrected nitrogen loading restriction and E easement over in station a so Mr chairman it at one of the meetings it this straddled uh the month of September into October you you approved the credit land if you remember that Co well the paperwork that uh the attorney singer put forward to us although the meeting was in September it was forwarded and to be notorized in October it straddled that November SE uh I'm sorry not November October I now have all you have except Eric is going to sign this now if he would that will approve and this will then be notorized uh I have di thank you for coming in each of you have signed this whether at your home or uh at the office I appreciate that this finalizes two there did you get both thank you and um that will then close the uh the books on the credit land station a we appreciate that that I I didn't catch that until it was notorized okay no problem okay moving along thank you number three on the agenda is 14 albian Road this uh is it up date and parenthesis it does say vote the property was condemned by by us by the Board of Health back in May the property owners or the representatives are here if you recall we have some pictures I don't know that we have the before I think we have the after pictures you can as you recall it wasn't that long ago back back in May uh you saw that the property with the help of the police we were pulled in with the police department there were a number of different issues and uh the board made the right call and they condemn the property in May well in order to release this for OCC to be occupied the Board needs to vote to lift that condemnation order so I'd like to have if you could the representatives uh for the owner the contractor to come forward Barry you've been there maybe you can kind of talk a little bit about this yes sir when we were out before um I don't if you remember the picture there was carbage everywhere trash everywhere you could get up and down the stairs it was it was seriously a health hazard um got a new deck on the front and back which are very nice the all the property they're used to be cars and garbage strung out all through here um Mr Willie actually showed me pictures of even more cleanup that he's done and it's all gone now so which is good next one this is a nice stair wheell everything's painted nice everything's painted white the new Runners on the stairs that's the kitchen table that's the all the new windows and everything new windows new trim stairs you can just see how they're nice that's the new tie uh the new plank the new plywood on the flooring the bedrooms everything and it's it's a it's a really nice property there's going to be a very nice lucky family to get in here to get a nice new property compared to what it was the the neighbors are extremely excited to have the property revamped again the children that were living next door in the duplex it was scary for them for what was there before so we're here to uh for you guys to take a vote to to remove the comination of 14 Al on tonight um from the help of the contractors and the owners put on all their hard work from my personal stance I would live there in a heartbeat and I'd let my daughter my wife live there okay people have any questions about it you want to talk a little bit about the work that was done Nancy Johnson's uh son is here to represent her right maybe talking to the microphone identify yourself uh Scott Bey uh yes uh Nancy Johnson's son thank you in your Willie Planet I'm the contractor on the project and uh it was a tough project uh I think we can all agree on that and uh I'd like to take this time to recognize the board and your effort on this this was U you recognized the threat immediately and and you moved to to remove it and the solution was put into effect by the team that we assembled to get it done and it it worked smoothly efficiently and as a result he just mentioned his wife and daughter he would approve to live there so that's it gives you just an idea of how how much work was done to the project and it needed to be done there two individuals that live there hopefully they're getting treatment for their situations those two Souls but to his point the the little girls next door can actually play outside without fear of stepping on a needle or a car coming in out of control and all the above and also the neighborhood is also benefited from uh the the betterment of this building so I'd like to thank you the board for recognizing and and really reacting immediately and well founded and all the other departments that we uh that we put together to come up with a great solution like the town owes you a tip of the Hat all of you thank you is there a to-do list yet or anything that needs to be done first of all the condemnation needs to be lifted tonight and and then tomorrow we've already requested that the Board of Health come out and do a rental and we they can't schedule that until this condemnation is lifted so we'll have that uh inspection date tomorrow the town is lifting completing the building permit tomorrow tomorrow morning so we're good we're free The Next Step would be just to make sure you apply for the rental permit for 12 and 14 um that way we can move forward with the inspection and everything too so that's great and again we won't know that until tomorrow until they because they can't schedule until the condemnation lifted can we vote I just said one question will will um will you guys if if we lift the condemnation will you have the opportunity to go over some of the I know they're not the new regulation's not in place yet with the building code but in order to be proactive and be prepared for the first of the year will will you guys be able to address enough this is a long-term rental this isn't a short term but yeah if they would have they would have been on top of it but yeah this luckily enough this is a short-term rental or a long-term rental my apologies thank you have you screened any tenants at all have you just say the board has some idea what OCC at what at what point what's the timeline on on you think on occupancy yes I I can speak to that as a matter of fact I'd like to shout out to U the staff my staff that worked on this project they they had some some tough uh that was a tough assignment uh my son Travis uh Matt Nagel and Kenny Sagle Benny Kenny SLE Benny has signed a lease with Nancy Johnson for the month of October it is not he's not performing on it because he can't live there yet but it's just uh so it it is rented and as soon as again the final phases of the inspection and the lifting of this you can move in tomorrow afternoon if all goes well well we're not going to presuppose On's the board there's a there's a Cadence to that has happened here yeah of course yeah and Kenny has two children himself a 14 and an eight-year-old he's a single parent so again he's moving in to your point into the um young mother next door with her two children it's safe it's a safe place to live okay can we Mo we need well we need a motion if You' like to make it make a motion to to lift the condemnation condemnation that's what make a motion to lift the condemnation order okay have a second any further discussion it looked like Mary Did You Have a comment it looked like there was a comment typed in okay we missed it just speak up anytime obviously I'm can you hear me yes okay I wanted to ask the um the owner's uh son how how do they ensure in the future that they are renting to responsible people may I answer that sure thank you for the question Kenny as I mentioned is as siss with with the property to uh he has been an employee of mine for the last three years and I've been with the family around his family for the past probably eight or nine years so if that helps you with u know any kind of a question that you might have as far as his a availability and his performance um again he is an an employee of mine and has been and he's gainfully employed and I want to keep him employed tell you the truth he's he's a great great lead man for my business Mary well so that that's great for this renter but going forward if if this gentleman doesn't you know stay forever and how how do you screen people that you're going to rent to if you don't know them personally like you do this coming renter which is wonderful well it it comes down to references and uh pretty much that's about it really I mean uh the the employment you know all of that but I mean the uh as everybody knows there's a big housing shortage so you know sometimes people slip through you know it's it's not a perfect world but uh we do our best to screen them unfortunately the guy that was in that property uh he was uh getting help when he moved in there but he fell off the off the program and and you know that's all I can can say people aren't perfect you know and then I definitely don't want to be back here again right so thank you wel go ahead and vote then okay just all in favor of the motion just raise your hand say I I I okay it's unanimous okay lifted done good luck thank you okay give my best to Nancy how's she doing doing well good okay next up is number four plastic reduction bylaw this is an up update discussion um I know thanks so much of course I didn't receive anything on it since the last meeting what's up it's just simply to let the board know to follow up they were plastic reduction group the Chamber of Commerce representatives were here just to Simply let you know on November 12th they're going to be now with it wasn't your approval you just that the board was made aware and this now they're going to the select board so you know on November 12th the select board there is nothing in writing it it's going to be heard before the select board okay um I just wanted the board to beware that what the followup was okay on the 12th of uh November the same Representatives with the chamber I think Stop and Shop and perhaps some others will be coming forward with some thoughts and and again they they're appealing like they did to the board here to the select board to say can we work with an incremental strategy to attain the goal that works both for the consumer and for the business and achieves the goal for the environment I just want you to know that that's it was simply a point of FYI okay thank you any comments about it anything it'll be a big task it there's a lot involved so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out yes a lot of players in this process to continue exactly yeah just a a quick comment I mean I I was in the produce section at Stop and Shop the other day and you know I've never really stopped to think about all the items that would be affected I mean it it's extensive to say the least and this is this is striking a balance to try to achieve the goal um but I Larry I agree with you there's there's a lot of work to be done here and and I have to tell you talking side conversations with the chamber Stop and Shop and others there's agreement but just on how do we get there and that's and that's the big piece and uh so it's it's going to take a step forward I don't want to presuppose the vote of of the board of Selectmen but they're going to make an appeal to the Selectmen like they did to you uh to the Board of Health okay okay okay uh number five is the green burial discussion all right with a d update so so if we could okay to let uh attorney uh Casey Noble in doble rather I'm sorry can we let can we let Casey in Barry do you have anything you want to start with on this for discussion purposes here tonight this might not which is it's fine but this and so Jay and I have been speaking with the D with attorneys with other uh dors of Health departments um Cemetery directors it's it's it's a buzz out there in the health world of on the Cape Cod about green burials what's going on and how we're getting this all together um everybody's kind of coming along the same page and has the same information of what the D regulations are and everything and what Mr MCC will be able to do um to move forward and we do have Casey doble she is an attorney that dealt with a lot of these over on the vineyard so she's going to give a little background who who is she representing or we don't know who she is thank you I I think Ross my understanding is in my conversation with her this morning and Ross reached out to her I don't know what that's through relatives he had he had she had simply said to her she has some experience she's worked she's worked on two in the legal community of how you work through this it's fairly new I'll let her explain but a good conversation and I feel confident that what what i' said to the board earlier in the past two meetings was there is a process to this there's a Cadence to it in that either making a cemetery or making a family plot and Ross is in the in the process of moving towards a family plot D talked about that um and the board just so you know I don't I didn't put vote intentionally I didn't put vote on your agenda it's it's it is awareness for the board and if you're in agreement after this conversation um Ross would put his information together and send it on to De we talked in the hypothetical to the because he said they have nothing to act on right now they would need to see their in their his information so that the board wouldn't be voting tonight but you're made aware that the package is going to D for a determination two other players that are that are in the process of they've already been communicated with I'm waiting for a response Town Council and DP said you should let the uh water supplier of public water supplier DPW has been reached out Jeff Colby um to say as far as they Supply the water for the town of Yarmouth they're responsible they're the overseeing authority and agency and I'm waiting for responses for both of them so initially just be I mean speaking to us was just for us the board to be aware that this was being pursued I mean I mean just exactly but but it's a good disc we've learned a lot oh for sure we have certainly learned a lot uh but that a a family plot this is not looking for a cemetery but a family plot is is really where Ross where this is going if in fact I don't want to presuppose and he's not forwarding this with prejudice in any way that he's supposed it's not an approval or a denial but it's the next step in the process and if I could maybe if it's clarifying I think you have attorney uh email Casey's email but if she could just come in and talk a little bit if if you don't mind I think I'm unmuted yeah do we have all does everybody have a letter from her yes just it's just an email this morning it kind summarizes it is that in the packet I didn't see it it was in the package yeah then I put the three on the side you can have okay well I'm not gonna read it now I just want to be listening it it very sucin sitting on the desk when we came in okay just a quick background I had reached out to D last week and they told me about home burial in Tisbury so I researched that and that's how I found out about Casey doble who's done a couple of these before probably making her the preeminent expert in home burials here in Massachusetts and she's been a big help uh with you know giving me information I think you as well am I right Jay there's no question and you know what I guess it was a confirming conversation in that you know I'll let Casey speak for herself as she how she wants to outline this but that in fact Yarmouth is doing its due diligence and moving along in the proc in the the process as designed both D for the board to have guidance and good councel um and then like I I I use the word there's a Cadence to the process in speaking to harwitch Orleans and others Brewster uh to include we've we've reached out on you know in far and wide to make sure we have accurate information for the board to make a good decision and Casey was part of those conversations so um maybe Casey you could just before we we start and this may be helpful for the lawyer is that we're going to be making or if we choose to vote on something we don't have on something we don't have regulations for we don't have Town regulations specific to this that is accurate okay there is not there are state regulations there D Reg ulations there are no and that was one that's my email to the Town Council is to say we don't have any regulation lot size area of disturbance uh maintenance of of the proper things like that ongoing maintenance recordkeeping and things of that nature what is done up till now the surveying work the plot the hydro Geo geological work that D requires all that has been done the next natural step would be to DP to re to review that so which we wouldn't want is have the board to approve it and D didn't so without prejudice you're just listening to this right now and and then it it potentially could be before you for a vote okay let's start yes Barry sorry thank you very much yes my name is Casey dble I'm an attorney over on Mars's Vineyard and I wouldn't necessarily call myself a preeminent expert but I certainly have done a couple of these and have dug very deeply into their research and I'm just hoping I can be helpful because I know that this is a bit of an archaic area that not a lot of people are um informed about and again I had a client who the first client I ever had who did this who came in and it was basically something that they were very excited about and got me very excited about too so I'm happy to provide as much information as I can essentially the way this process goes is you get a together a bunch of information for D the most important thing to them is the Watershed issue they want to make sure that you know if there's a body buried somewhere it's not going to be a watershed problem um and then after they have taken a look at all of the necessary Maps usually you get them from axis J you can um then they can take a look and see okay there's no Watershed issues they send a letter saying yes D has no problem with this and then this is generally brought before the Board of Health and it's something that the Board of Health if there are no individual Town regulations um can look and see if it's following the state guidelines can look and see if there are um any additional concerns that they have and especially make sure that there are no abutter problems because obviously people who are abutters deserve to have a say it's my understanding in this particular area there are no autter issues um and after that if the Board of Health approves it goes to the select board and before anything else can happen it's important that um a deer restriction is recorded and I believe that Mr mcer has forwarded you all the um the information that we recorded for the project in Tisbury so that you can see the kind of thing that goes on record because obviously it it's an incumbrance nobody wants to buy a property go and put a pool in and then discover that there are human remains buried in their yard that they had no idea about um making sure that that is tracked making sure that everybody knows what property has this kind of thing um I apparently in this case for some reason D just wanted to make sure that this was something that uh the Board of Health was aware of before moving forward um so as long as you know the Board of Health isn't saying up hard no the EP is going to go forward review the paperwork and then Mr mccartie can come back hopefully with D's approval and hopefully with a butter approval and you all will have had a chance to speak with Town Council and possibly even looked at any regulations that you want to put into place because obvious local Boards of Health are welcome to put that forward uh the main thing is is that when it's a private home Cemetery it's not something that requires the strict levels of you know a cemetery corporation which has to have five or more individuals on it and is open to the public and all those kinds of things this is just a limited number there should be on the deed restriction essentially the number of Graves that are going to be anticipated usually you know the the one I had only had one the other one had four I've never again I've done this twice but those are the most I've seen is four um it does need to make sure that it is listed how exactly how many plots there are exactly where they are you know survey work denoting exactly where on the property the burial plot is so that any future work doesn't disturb the grave um that is generally what the what what the state's requirements are again I know that your town has no current requirements um you're looking into that a little bit more but I'm just hoping that if there's any information I can help provide or any questions that any of you all have just about how this process has gone in the past I can uh I can be a resource and I can be somebody that um can answer those questions board members any questions or it's nice the lawyers on that's great okay just to be clear I'm not hearing an adversary capacity I'm here in a informative capacity so just want to make that very clear right now thank you yeah no I think we we got it but it's great you're here attorney do thank you for the conversation that it's clarifying conversation I think it it it encapsulates what you and I spoke about this morning two other things that we talked about and I have I want to make sure and the chairman has talked about there's infrastructure there's a standard protocol in place and one of them being someone has to witness this burial so that would be that now I'm assuming it's going to be on it may be the cemetery the Town Administrator may say it's the cemetery commission or someone from the cemetery uh Department my guess it's going to be on the board of health now this we may not see another one you may not see another one of these for for years to come I don't know but making sure who is responsible to to witness this burial uh the other piece would be maintenance I think we talked about this I I certainly talked about it with d and then the other piece uh attorney doel was as far as cause of death and things of that nature making sure because D the gentleman asked a little bit about as far as the cause of death he gave the hypothetical if the individual had chemotherapy if there is any toxins the cause of death may also give the board some cause that he gave that scenario that the board would want to consider that as well um some of this property is in zone two so I'm thinking that Jeff I don't want to presuppose what he's what he's going to weigh in on but he will have that consideration as well a portion of this property is in zone is in zone two these are other considerations as you alluded to that has not has not been put into place yet and I'm really hopeful in the outline of my email to the Town Council and I emailed him again this morning ask you that Hey listen uh I'm I have somewhat a urgency I need a response back that we could put these things into place so that uh we can give an accurate and appropriate and timely manner for for Ross and his family Casey is that is that close to uh what we talked about yes I'd say that's a pretty good approximation of what we talked about and obviously again I'm not a scientist so I'm not going to weigh in on cause of death or anything like that um I did I I did tell you before that I believe that for one of um the for a home burial on Mar's Vineyard this one I did not handle but it was in the town of oos I believe that somebody from um the funeral home was actually able to be the witnesser but I'm not positive on that so I need to double check it but that's something that I have not encountered before but I'm also happy to you know see if I can figure out the answer to that as well y this is this is new this is New Territory for for all of us certainly for the board for myself I think all of us working through this um but it's certainly a consideration that we want to put into a standard format in a a framework should other should other residents come forward to say well that's maybe something that I would like to do we have a lot of Legacy properties here in town and certainly on the cape where there might be individuals who who might want if this is availed to them they might want to consider that and have that discussion the person to be buried is a going to be in a vault or no Vault no Vault okay this would be a Home Green burial which would be something like an unfinished Pine casket or other soft wood or just a burial shroud the whole idea is for it to be biodegradable and eventually be fully broken down and back into the Earth thank you you're welcome yes this is a no embalming process you know again the idea is to make it as eco-friendly as possible as well that's where the term green burial comes in yeah it could be a wicker bask there's a number of different finishes in products that are allowed but as Ross completely biodegradable the there's a gentleman in Orleans that's going to do it in a mushroom bag to help the fungus break it down so okay it's great Point what is allowed those some things to spelled out and the other one that isn't is is maintenance and the D wanted to know what what the if that's uh what that would look like as far as the maintenance of this if there's you know overtime a de uh depression how that is maintained so we I'm I'm an if if the board were this is information right now moving forward what the's comments I've never seen anything like this what that it's a Lakeville office what they would you know what their response would be Mr mcgerty um attorney uh Doo presented a a helpful summary um that we have and also um there was a list of items from the uh town of Tisbury um uh do you have that um list from the town of Tisbury I might have that list with me so basically um what they listed was the Board of Health held a public hearing with butter notification on July 28th 2020 so we would need to do that correct that I'm just listing the things that the proc process that town of Tisbury went through to approve this process so um have we talk to the abutters about yes I've talked to the abuts I've gotten letters from the abutters so signed and none of the abutters have any problems with this okay so the and the mass uh D were in the process of getting a this is something the applicant would forward that packaging to DP we we don't forward any anything to them the applicant does that and the other the other important player in this is going to be Town Council right are there should there be maybe not I don't really know I don't want to presuppose what the his opinion legal opinion is going to be but we need to hear from town counil yeah I think this um summary from the town of Tisbury is helpful at least for me to understand the process um they it says the property is located with in zone 2 and that applies to to this particular property as well a portion of the property is in zone two the burial site proposed burial site is not in zone okay okay Lawrence you're referring to this document here with a seal yes okay so that would be the meeting minutes yes sir I have one of these okay and then the soil the soil evaluation already been completed I think yes we have that information C engineering did a good job on that right I just wanted to get clear what we need to do going forward at this point so we could move forward and take care of this in in a standard fashion so that there is a format and exactly right this is this is breaking this is without the pond breaking ground on the on on this and and there could be others that follow right Jay yes um but but bottom line we do have to come up with a a policy correct so that going forward we have something written down that says what we as the Board of Health what our role is and what we are looking for if to be to have happened correct well do do you have to you don't have to if if the board were to say listen we we'd like to have some rules it would have to be aside from unique to the town of Yarmouth these are the things this is the lot size this is the area of disturbance these are the you know uh of non-disturbance I should say uh the maintenance records access to the to the site things of those n of that nature we have a kind of a working list of things and I'm really want Town Council to say what are the things that possibly we should that should be considered that that hasn't been completely established yet it's but that that doesn't preclude uh Ross from from moving forward with the EP yes there in my opinion there should there should be a set of Standards rules and regulations uh not itive but just that that apply to each applicant exactly yes thank you y so potentially the applicant would go to the D first and it was turned down we would never see this exactly right okay so that's why I did not want to put this as a vote you can't vote I didn't think it appropriate that you would vote on something that quite frankly hasn't matured and moved through that I I I don't I don't know what D is going to say um but this is more it's been educational for sure for all of us it's been educational and and there's a process to it and it's moving forward it can still move forward the board may be in a situation sooner than later I I don't know what the turn what the turnaround is for D but um going along and again I'm repeating myself but Town Council and the uh actually depending on what D says but also what our DPW director says the the the supplier of water for the town I don't know I don't want to presuppose that but I'm waiting to to hear that as well so this this conversation is not an approval or a denial it's information and it's a good chance for the board what you are doing is asking questions Mary's questions is spoton should we put something together a framework so at this point I'm using the term we but we're of the understanding that D is not looking for an approval from the Board of Health they don't need a vote from the board no they're not a package can be put together so Jay why would the uh DPW need to get involved so yeah so that was a suggestion from d d to say you you should get approval from the water supplier in your town okay uh it makes perfect sense right you know this this may be a standalone and a a oneof and we may not see another but but it could open up where where there are others and if you know certainly the town water compromising that in any way uh protection of the aquifer right to make sure that rules and regul we have them for septic systems we have them for all different things building of homes and businesses y businesses and all sure protecting the water supply yeah yeah um we've just never had any want anything for this issue before us um also to be a private well on somebody's property as well is a different issue very good point very good point I'm taking D's lead to say please check with uh what they had asked they may ask me for that you know in this review process before they would give their approval again hypothetical but they may ask for that could I get an approval from or they may reach out to him directly they may reach out to D to uh DPW and Jeff and and Lori directly I don't know for this case I'm reasonably sure that there are no wells in the area also just for reference I just did a little bit of science teacher math on this the standard septic tank is about 1,500 gallons the capacity of a standard size casket is about 200 gallons so uh septic tank is about seven and a half times bigger than a single casket uh just for an environmental comparison there so I think if a septic system would be be permissible in an area certainly a much smaller casket would be far less of an environmental impact yeah yeah this this is a sacred event that that we're talking about here we want to make sure that your your dad other individuals other applicants it's handled properly for them and the the sacred handling of a body is primary to this board making sure the environment is properly protected um I I hate to even draw the comparison of a septic system to to an individual's body but it's it's more in the light of protecting the aquafer for uh for the town um so that's I I just give that example we do this in many different ways water drainage when we look at new site developments things of that nature this one here Rises to the level of a sacred handling of a of a body primary to yourself and your family and to others and the board takes that very very important they're going to handle it the right way so I agree very much so hey so 200 gallons of a septics I mean of a burial that's yeah that's just doing contamination and a septic system did I just get that right from you no no I don't want to even draw that comparison I'm just say we have rules and regulations for them this would also have potentially and I'm waiting to hear not are it would be the it would be DPW the water supply no I I I didn't say that so that you are clear I just think there are rules and regulations for with businesses constructing of Roads runoff septic systems this one Rises I I hate to even put this in the same discussion but the sacred internment of a body may have to make sure that that is handled properly for families whether it's in a cemetery or a family plot but also keeping in mind the protection of the community we may Charlie you may never see another one of these on your whole time on the board I don't know you you you may it opens it opens up a president here this is what what the board decides here Others May Come forward as well but we don't know I mean by history at least since I've been on we assume things will come again to us and we just want to treat everyone equally and fairly have the same rules now rules occasionally change we look at regulations five years from now whatever but that's key Mr chairman and to all the board me it can't be arbitrary it can't be nebulous you have to be able to point to rules and regulations not to be prohibitive not to be punitive but to Simply say we do this in food establish we do this in so many ways in public health here are the rules and regulations we have some guidance from d and from the state but quite frankly there may be others that this board the select board the Town Council and DPW maybe to actually help guide in this process to help protect the family and the owners and make it I say easier but they know very clearly Ross has done a lot of work on his own on this well before he's educated us and I applaud him for that he's helped us in that by no means are we looking to drag our feet on this we just want to make sure and each of you have commented on this set of standards in a format so that we can rely on it shoot up applicants come forward j i I just want to comment that should the EPA send this back to the Board of Health and say we're okay with this you know you take it from here and we are preparing to send it to the select board I do believe the select board is going to want to see a policy or a regulation that we have developed pertaining to this so that they are assured that we are going to be consistent in terms of how we apply the requirements um like Hillard said you know I don't want to be Reinventing the wheel each time this comes up because it may never come up in our time again but it may we just complete agreement I I do want to just and it might have just been a missp it's it's D not EPA D is the is the agency that's handling this but I agree with you 100% And My Hope Is not that they're going to write this for us but Town Council will give me some guidance uh and information on how to actually proceed with this and that's my hope that's that that's a parallel course with that doesn't prohibit Ross from moving forward with the EP but you're absolutely right what that what is the framework what do we move what should other applicants and for this applicant as well what is a framework for that I agree with you it's also to educate the select board who they're starting out zero knowledge about it the same way we have so we're going through it first we can help them by educating them and regulation certainly would be part of that well and assure them that we have done due diligence and have done our homework and looked into it right Jan you've done a lot of extensive research as well and I know last board meeting we had copies of the uh what was printed with the town of Orleans which I think you mentioned corrected me there that was from the mass health Officers Association the checklist here which aside from maybe changing the order of DP and Board of Health right now I think Board of Health is first this looks like a really good starting point to get a framework going for this and if this comes up again thank you Roos I well I put that in the package and I I just want that's been referenced multiple times well those are the Orleans uh that's what their bylaw or there it's it was the health agent from Orleans the individual just happened to be employed by the municipality of Orleans but it isn't Orleans regulations that was actually that PowerPoint that that you were sent was presented to the mass health Officers Association um to their presentation it wasn't it's those aren't orleans's necessar specific regulations and on that PowerPoint but it is a good framework to start I agree with you and that was the yeah Mass health officer ass Mass health officer Association now that's that's that's an association of Health officers across all the Massachusetts you know 351 you know health health agents uh and directors from across the Commonwealth that shared information because and it it it speaks to I don't I can't know I don't know the exact date but that was fairly recent when that was when that was presented to the health officers so this is something that probably as we look in the industry of funeral directors and others individuals environmentally like your dad like yourself and your family we may see more of people becoming more environmentally understanding of of the process and wanting to and want to do this and I certainly down the cape and I I call them Legacy you know properties like like your family has it may be something that they want to do but Mary's point that board has said having a framework having a set standard of a checklist um is going to be very helpful in guiding in the future so it's not arbitrary I don't know if anybody wants another copy of this I printed out a batch of them just try to be ready I think yeah they actually have a yeah I found a similar checklist from one of the other towns I can't wend wend the town of Wendell has a similar has a nice outline as well se you you got to get a you got to get a hobby also have an electronic copy of this that I pulled from the PowerPoint I I have it as well I gladly take it yeah of course I have that yep I sent it to you I think yeah of course sure yeah well we're working our way through can see I've got a few middle folders fill with stuff and my email to you today was simply to size expectations to Simply say you know hoping that the board votes tonight that's not the order of how things would go so I just want to make sure you coming you drive a long way and I I almost wanted to say do you want to zoom in because it's it's it's a long way that you drive and too late I was already here okay when I oh really when I sent my email okay well that's all I just you're anticipating a vote and I wanted to make sure that the timing is isn't right for that just yet email was a huge help because then I come into the meeting and I know what to expect thank you for the communication and we're still moving forward you know getting this sent to DP is a step in the right direction and I know this is very new this is the first time that you've done this in Yarmouth isn't it so it's kind of like blazing a new Trail and it's always you know it's always challenging to build the first car or make the first Trail somewhere but it's done it's a little bit easier or a lot easier I thank you for your help just keep in mind you know what Jay said about zooming in I mean it's a long trk from Rhode Island I think that's where you're coming from so just keep in mind thanks maybe I'll zoom in for the next one it's always nice seeing all of you anyways that's that's nice pleased to see you but please know to move it forward isn't in any way um a denial or an approval from the board this is information to the board you then proceed as the applicant in the next step in the process and Jay will I receive a letter or an email saying stating that that it's O and now you're giving me the green light to send it to D you actually don't you actually don't even need that need that K attorney doble you still on yes I am and it's my understanding that he should not need it I'm happy to reach out to the gentleman that I work with in DP before as long as he is still there his name is Jonathan hobill Y and confirm that but you know it's my understanding that if there were some kind of requirement for just the letter saying that at this time Board of Health has no objection pending the result of you know further investigation that I'm sure a letter could be crafted to say that but I'm also planning on reaching out to the EP and making sure there wasn't a misunderstanding there or something yeah I think I think we spoke to the same the Lakeville office is that right yes the lake Bill office yeah thank thank you and the other P I just want to be carefully structure and craft that letter not in any way presupposing the board's vote because they haven't voted oh no no no we're not talking about anything that would say this is you know would be approved pending it would just be at this time we're not you know putting we're not going to tell you no we're not going to tell you yes please move forward with DP we want to see what they have to say yeah yeah it's there the board is simply saying yeah move forward without prejudice and and that's it yeah so just in reference to this what is the source of this information that's titled the town of Orleans Health Department it's from the so it's it is that the health agent put that together and and it was presented to the mass health Officers Association Health Officers Association um I'm just writing that down yeah this does come from the Mass website this information so I do just want to point out that number two on this list states following Board of Health approval D needs to approve site to confirm that no source of drinking water will be impacted yeah that's that's correct is that different than what we've said well it's it's saying following the Board of Health approval the D needs to approve So based on this document my understanding is that we are to provide approval prior to the application going to the Department of Environmental Protection yeah I I'm just pointing it out I'm not I so appreciate information for everybody but crucial I mean I don't know the right answer to it but yeah we're GNA have to figure that out so I mean yeah my understanding is that Ross if you go to the D I mean I'm sure we'll learn through that process they may come back and say you need Board of Health approval can probably guide us on this because when they did it in Tisbury uh they went to D first followed by Board of Health so is the town of Yarmouth develops their framework they might want to uh switch out number two and number three is that seems to work case your thoughts on that yes I was going to say both towns I've done this in before which are Tisbury and West Tisbury it has been um one time we went to a Board of Health meeting first the Board of Health essentially said look we are we need you to go forward D before we can give any kind of approval we may I need to double check we may have received a letter saying something to that effect and if so I'll happily forward that again these clients waved all attorney client privilege because they want to be able to help educate people about green burials and help Town Guide town so I'm able to forward any and all information from them um but yes the Board of Health vote did not happen until we had approval from De right in my conversation with d confirm that as well and I I wouldn't want to put the board in the situation where they're approving something that D it it needs to clear certain hurdles I I think the Board of Health is is this is the next step after the and then to the select board um that that would be my understanding and that that that's from the actually I mean that that is that is what I have done in the past yep what's that well I mean that that makes sense to me that I would have to clear through the D first I'm just going off of the the information I agree I don't think it should be going from D to the select board so exactly exactly they make you know again let's hypothetical there may be conditions there may be conditions on their on their it's a conditional approval or there may be a complete approval we don't know we don't know what their re their vetting of this is um but it's going to be a learning process for all of us um but I I actually think Town Council is going to be as influential as to what this looks like and I probably it's probably going to take more than an email it's probably going to have to be a conversation as to because it may result in a some sort of a bylaw certainly a policy from the board from this board try what is the approximate time frame for a d approval in your experience she's muted in case you're mooded my apologies uh so in my experience it takes a couple of weeks so do can you hear me yes yes so in my experience it's taken a couple of weeks I'm so sorry I'm actually going to have to run um but I just if there's any more questions before I do I just want to make sure that I'm available C thank you attorney dble if if there were any uh you and I have your email and and number and I can certainly uh be in touch I I so appreciate you taking the time to help guide oh yes absolutely and please if Town Council wants to speak to me whoever I'm happy to assist with this thank you thank you thank you everybody very much for your time thank thank you get your gas money's worth out of this what else anything else questions things you want us to know I mean it's a long trip here once again uh thank you Hillard uh I think that covers most of what I need to know should we schedule for is the next one in two weeks the Board of Health meeting haven't determined that yet which you can check that out we'll do that at the end of the meeting I think okay we'll know we'll let you know all right we should you we'll know tonight so we could so we could possibly put this again at the next meeting in the hopes that we can get an approval from DP then we'll be positioned uh to discuss it at the board of Health level does that make sense I mean you once again still go to the D right there's nothing precluding you from go from D facilitate things definitely do that so say in 10 days I get D approval it' be nice if I was already on the agenda for the next meeting so so the board of health health meeting yes just so the Board of Health has set means it's the first and third Monday of of the month so we I have the date the board would have to you know they'll approve the date that works for you know Quorum of that nature but we don't schedule it around issues they schedule it around unless it's emergency issue but so the first and the third Monday of the month they have this room secured for themselves the community can watch and the board now if the if if it works right in the scheduling by all means we'll put it on the agenda I I fit this agenda the week of and the board that work with the chairman the board notes I wasn't asking for a special meeting I was just asking to be the next time you meet be on your agenda that that may it may work out in that way but the board will set for the first and third actually it's November 4th is the next would be the first would be the fourth um we're gonna let you know we're not trying to hide anything we we're trying to figure all this out so I don't want to tell you something we're wrong so that won't take us long to schedule you know and put you on the agenda we just have to figure out when it's going to take place what do we have to get done before having you come if if there's something we have to prepare okay that makes sense I'm just checking my own calendar because I might actually have something uh go J uh when would we uh approach the uh DPW we already have DPW I've I've already reached out and to Town Council and I and I and and I want to make sure Ross expectations for the if de there there are some other determining factors here as far as Town Council potentially as Mary's brought up bylaw framework I think of lot size and disturbance and there are a number of different things on that list that really should be identified and and codified for family plots um so I I just want to make sure the expectations there may be other determining factors besides the EP I think the two and I want to make sure you understand and the board understands Town Council and DPW need to weigh in on this as well Town Council and select board are they two different things there so Town Council that's that is the town attorney that's a solicitor for the town they give legal advice in that way Council as in Cal so the lawyer as as opposed to solicitor yeah solicitor yeah not iil yeah so that's the attorney for the town the solicitor for the town has been made aware it forward a lot of information to sift through um and I just haven't heard back from from them and I this isn't a quick the research piece of this so uh they're researching that and then also I expect the same is being done for DPW something that they've like the board this is now the third maybe fourth meeting on this it's something new and that we're trying to work our way through it yeah so de Board of Health Town counsel uh being the attorney and select board you have DPW listed DPW easy okay making progress I think we're headed in the right direction thanks for your patience yeah I realize this is a new area and being new everybody here wants to get this done properly and get everything checked off so you know if it comes up again we know we've done the due d and gotten everything together properly and right anybody have anything else from me thank you yeah and I just know Barry's put in a whole lot of work with this you've been talking to me about this in summer uh Jay you've done a lot of research I think all of you have been doing some individual research on this as well as we kind of pave new stuff I just really appreciate it uh doing new stuff doing something that's worthwhile like this I think it's environmentally the right thing to do but it's not doesn't mean it's the easy thing to do so I just thank you for all your help uh November 4th I will be even if we're the agenda works out that day I won't be able to make that day uh so hopefully soon afterwards and I'll share any information I get from uh D sure thank you okay thank you so much you okay B just uh a good A B of paperwork on this thank you thanks okay great so number seven here this this infectious diseases update we're talking about West Nile Triple E covid flu is that you yeah um the Triple E they are done testing on um the mosquitoes right now but they still will continue to do uh human testing um which is good it's the end of the season it's rates are going way down it's not feasable for him to be doing that um the flu and Co updates once again it's uh we the 29th is our our flu Clinic we are having at the senior center one to three we still have plenty of spots open we are doing um early voting right now I'm going to get some I just thought about it why I was sitting here earlier I'm going to get some more flyers and and make sure I post Flyers around here for the public when they come into early vote that they can register for our flu clinic so Co kits the senior early votes here yeah yeah um covid kits we have gone through probably five six thousand kits there's two tests per per kit per box um I don't know I did do reach back out to my contact at the state today uh just to see if they were still available for for the public to for us to get some free test kits unfortunately we are all out right now um we're we still get 20 30 40 50 people a day asking for them so it's it's a nice it's nice that we we were able to have them to give out for people save the community a little bit of money so okay that that to me is interesting because there seems to be not that much um interest in the co um updated chot right yeah I mean the variants keep happening so less protection as more time goes goes on and also the length of time from your last vaccination so you're right Mary anything else in that baring I'm good thank you Mr chairman okay we're up to number eight of everyone this is to accept the minutes from October 7th of 2024 Mr chairman the the the minutes that were included in your pack uh received an some edits from Mary you would then sent that electronically or maybe I think we put this in front of you tonight the edited minutes you had a chance to look at those Mary editor a little bit Mary you want to talk I I don't know if you want to weigh in on that or talk but the the minut that going to be voted on for the board are to they include your your edits just um basically there's one sentence that said that Mr mcer and I just agreed about the definition of cemetery and and that that was not the case my concern was that the slide deck um presented um at the meeting seemed to state that there was a requirement that for a home burial there had to be the establishment of a formal Cemetery organization and that that was my bone of contention that that you know my argument was that I I just didn't think that was true because we had already received a whole lot of information from Barry um about Mass the state's requir ments and there was nothing in them uh about that and I had gone to the Mass General law cited and it it did not say that so so thank you that that was my correction sure since it since it cited me personally Mary so appreciate I'm glad that the board board is looking at these these become public documents and they become archived so accuracy is incredibly important um the only say to so the board and yourself understand there's the definition between a cemetery and a family plot the requirements are the same but so what Mr mcord is going is going to be identifying is a family plot and you find that terminology in D and and the minutes were superb Mo'Nique did a great job Mar that's nice of you to say appreciate that well if that's the case if no other edits to comments then I agree they're really well done uh we could vote on acceptance of the minutes I move we accept the minutes from the October 7th meeting of the armouth Board of Health second uh Larry said it first Mary I'm sorry okay Charlie said it okay all right you're out sorry Larry okay all in favor accepting the minutes just raise your hand say I I okay fine done new and old business anyone here on the board or Health Department I have to give a plug to my lovely wife Hannah she works at Dy um and she's coordinating the Dy dolphin Dash this Saturday October 26 so that's a 5k um at the high school and it is to um the mission of the dolphin Dash is to reduce or eliminate ath athletic marching band and color regard user fees for Dy high school students um our former Health director Bruce Murphy's already signed up I'll be there as well so um if anyone wants to come out and run or walk right yeah walking okay for this walking's okay can you say again when that is that is this Saturday October 26th um at 9:00 a.m. at Dy High School is there a flyer to that I I could send you the link for the sign up but I I don't know about a flyer okay all right I just I would put something like that it's only a short time but I I could put that on our website um I could send you the link or have her drop off a flyer it's a little late notice but just even for a little bit you know our opening Carousel I I trade those out on a that information out on a regular basis and we look at those weekly so glad to even for even it's for a week great yeah I could also reach out to mariio Conor the athletic director see if she has something we can put up there okay uh one question Dr Venia uh the average uh well turkey weigh in your arm is 41 pounds what can we expect over the next two weeks that's that's too heavy they're not 41 pounds I don't know I see hip problems with them already I'd say probably more of like 10 to 15 pounds more realistic it's all feather yeah tough neighood you're in there'll be a disappointment they're tough yeah you really have to marinate them good salt brine okay we'll take recipes of course put on the website better off go to stop and shop or other supermarkets we'll work on Turkey uh biodegradable turkey packaging next week okay uh the next meeting we are going to the fourth of November that's fine with me well the F we have you have the room for the four for the first and the third the first Monday is the fourth if the board um I I don't have green Barrel invariably issues do come up between now and then so um this is a more reasonable I know our last meeting went on well past 8 o'clock um but I I I think we hold to that and if and if there wasn't anything I we have done that in the past where there isn't enough for a meeting but the 4th of November would be the date okay and that we're down to number 10 someone want to do something with that appreciate it moot make a motion that we adjourn got it again good okay all in favor say