I didn't hear that could you that say that a little louder this is to formally advise that as required by General Law chapter 38 sections 18 through 25 in pursuant to chapter 20 the acts of 2021 an act relative to 19 measures adopted during the state of emergency signed into law on June 16 2021 as extended by chapter 223 the AR Community preservation committee a public meeting at the date and time noted Wednesday February 21st 2024 at 3 P.M uh and the public is welcome to attend either in person or via alternative Public Access provided above above Pap roll call attendant Paul uh Paul Huggins here Lee Hamilton here Christin Marano here Judy wichinsky here George Slama here R was here okay um so we're gonna start this is Jen Mullen she's the new Finance director Jen my back Karen um green the community development director but yeah Jen give us some information on the budget process hi good afternoon everyone thanks for having me um so I just want to start off with I was you know reviewing the town meeting warrant and um do want me to do you want me to sit the table I won't play I promise thank you so I was reviewing the um current T meeting warrant and um looking at the way that you're voting your reserves and your projects and one of um something that kind of stood out to me is that um and let me back up for a minute in the because I'm a uh I do the account I don't do the accounting here but I'm a town accountant as well certified Town accountant so we've been doing this for a while and so what I noticed was um in article 29 you were voting your reserves from your estimated annual revenues which is perfectly fine that's what you're supposed to do the access to either appropriate or Reserve 10% right so article 29's fine and then but that doesn't take effect until July 1 because it's your estimated Revenue FY 25 right and so then in the next article I see that you're um appropriating from the hous Reserve 200,000 um 189 723 from the housing reserve and 10277 from the undesignated and so this is where I looked at it and becomes somewhat problematic accounting wise is because when you vote from a reserve you're supposed to have the money in that account when you vote it when you're at time so when we anytime we vote from like any type of Reserve that means we have the money in that account on that date and so I'm just trying kind of clean just it's really housekeeping it's not changing anything um you're not ching the money Reserve supposed to really be there yeah so when you think about it right so if I'm in my accounting world and I'm looking at the warrant so I look at you know article 29 so I'm like okay I'm G to debit this and I'm crediting you know let say I'm crediting estimated in is but I'm not so I put the money in the reserve from article 29 right so I put the money in the reserve and then in 30 I'm taking the money out so I'm doing the same like hitting the same account on two different articles so my suggestion is to just take the estim on article 30 use your estimated revenues instead of the reserve and then you don't have to reserve that amount because you've appropriated it yeah and it's a an accounting that we do anyways um you know during the year well they I had a good conversation with Maria about this right before the meeting so the way we do it here is um you know you'll vote this and then she does the accounting at the end of the year and what this allows us to do when the wording lines up that way we do the accounting in the beginning of the year so what we would do is okay we're not going to reserve 189 723 we just appropriated the I would use the whole 200 from estimated reserves and then a little bit more not difficult but different is you have your 45,000 from historic Reserve right so then what we would do at the beginning of the year we would reserve the 189 minus the 45 that becomes and that becomes a true Reserve so that is in your Reserve balance sheet account as of July yeah and then the next one we'll reserve the whole 189 and so it so that helps us you know align what's being voted on in the town meeting warant of what we're actually doing accounting wise because when I first looked at it I was you know and then I'm looking up the balances I'm like wait a there's no money here you know what I mean so then I had conversation I'm like okay if we wouldn't mind doing it that way and so I think what's in front of you today is that it's just wording that says it allows us to appropriate or not to appropriate or Reserve so the accounting with that wording it allows the accounting office to do the accounting for you okay if that makes sense if and if you're amenable to that um what else I wanted to mention thank you for sometimes this can be just kind of confusing understand or even explain well I'm confused I trust the other experts at the table I ask a question sure absolutely so you're proposing that we just that the wording exampl not 30 be changed in some fashion what would it be yeah so you have Jen can you hold up oh so we have um rised articles there we don't have that need yeah on the front of that it says new and old on the top and bottom yeah that's the article 29 has the old on top thing used and then the new wording is the bottom half of the page where it says new so you could see yeah I got it okay thank you I didn't look through the so it looks much less prescriptive but the explanation that we've updated with um actually stemmed from the Town Council excuse me is this a CPC meeting it makesense my wife Maryann just took a spill oh no is she okay she won't be attending she she'd be okay oh gosh oh tell her we send herlo yeah okay yeah she you need help no they they took her so she was just coming in the door and she missed oh thank you yeah she fell here um so the article that we're proposing that's listed under article 29 new um actually it's it's much more General it leaves the accounting to the accounting office to to do their thing and put the money where it belongs based on your you know committee votes and all um but the language actually stemmed from a suggestion that Town Council made a couple years ago um so they've had a look at it it's very general it just you know um says we're you know following the law we're we're budgeting we did include in the um motion the um specific amount I think for the administration just to make that perfectly clear and then in the explanation it called out your consideration that you wanted 10% in that 189 or 187 I can't 1897 that's why I'm getting confused um that you wanted that you intended that to be for the each of the reserves um so the next articles um have the change in language that Ben was talking about so I think the first one is the housing article so you can see that it's switched from before we used to say you come you you take from uh the housing reserve and you'd also take from the uh undesignated this time we just plump it in it's in the anticipated uh receipts or estimated revenues um and then did it on the historical article um and then what happens is benen and her crew do the accounting and put the balances into the reserve so they're there when we need them and uh the last article was was the um the kind of own Recreation ones that we were utilizing the undesignated bucket for because the funding is already there in the undesignated bucket like Jen said we can actually spend it because it's really there um it's not just that we're anticipating yeah you can spend it right away so just not to confuse the matter more but the way the way I look at from like a 30,000 foot level in the way I've told you know past CPC committees is that um you always well the recommendation is you always want to maximize your reserves so when you have projects you want to use your estimated Revenue that keeps the money in your reserves in the reserves when the money's there you can spend that at any point or appropriate it at any point at any town meeting you know and if you had a special town meeting in August you can appropriate from your reserves so when you maximize your reserves it gives the committee the best opportunity to jump on a project when you're spending from your reserves and you're not spending from your estimated revenues for projects you're waiting till the end another year for that estimated Revenue to all come in or the revenue to all come in and go to your undesignated fund balance does that make sense so I just wanted to end with that I mean it's just some something to think about um as you you know you're looking at your projects and and all of that does that slow down the process and I mean no it doesn't slow down the process at all we have the money AA money them to figure out the balance in our checkbook we've got it already in a separate account that we can we know exactly what you've got yeah yeah we're not guessing what's going to come in for the um property tax revenues registry of deeds and so we never um approve a Project based on anticipated money I I think we've got a change of um we do that in the past at this point did we do that in the past I don't that's what I mean by slowing things down not sure I mean it really I mean it's you know it's up you know it's really up to the committee um maximizing your estimated revenues it it just and keeping and when you vote from a reserve when you actually you know you have the money in your reserve that money is available right away so you know depending depending on the project sometimes you might have an applic and this is what I've run into the past you might have an application that came in they want to move quickly on it you know um and so you're like okay well I'm going to appropriate from a reserve like an undesignated or sometimes it can wait until July 1st if it's a big project right you're bringing in say a million dollars in your estimated revenues and it's a big project you want to keep your reserves in case something else comes out then you can appropriate from your estimated revenues of that and then you know that's effective as of money available yeah and then the other thing with estimated revenues again not to really complicate it but I'm going to just throw this out there so I so you can appropriate from estimated revenues for like FY 25 until we set the tax rate in like September once we set the tax rate it takes your estimated revenues off the table you can't then you know what they are right because we just set the tax rate on our estimat so then after that you know um if you need something right way like you can go back in April and next year's estimated revenues but if you have a project and you want to look you know you want to use your you only can use your reserves after that that makes sense so one to meeting votes on something you could and it's already that the money's already there you can release that money before July 1 yeah yeah and that we've always done yeah yeah some communities have done it like a special within the annual I don't know if you've never done it that way won't confuse it even more oh come on not years and years and years here and I'm just getting to know how you know Yarmouth is doing things and um just trying to you know well it still has to go through town meeting oh yeah AB but it's just town meeting right they can get their money well yeah after we get a contract set up and the account is set up the res with the policies yeah yeah so it's like having a a credit limit on your credit card but you've got the money there that you can use I totally get this money thing somebody where are we moving it from it's more like a debit card yeah I was going to say maybe more like a debit card um so this is these are the draft articles right all the numbers look right so do we have to vote those here here so what we have a you know process Improvement um and uh the Town Administrator office has requested that we uh you already voted the old articles but we've got new text here so we'd like you to revote the Articles as presented here today um and um you know we we have a prepared motion that's the and and then what I'll do is I'll submit a memo to the office with the new articles referencing the vote that takes place um here yeah and you have a copy of the draft memo so does anybody have any other questions I make a motion i' like to make a motion regarding the CPA fiscal year 25 articles to recommend to the fiscal year 2025 town meeting the Articles and explanations number 29 30 31 as cited in the memorandum Community Development director dated February 21st 2024 and is may be amended for administrative purposes I second a motion by Christine seconded by Judy to Voice vote on that George I Judy I Gary I Christine I Lee I oh I excellent 1 two three four five 6 to zero no any this contact Karen thank you do you mind if I just okay go ahead I just have a question sure when Karen when you when you prepare you know the charts and graphs and everything you working with I'm working with Jen to update that spreadsheet to kind of reflect this um this new kind of a counting world yeah just to make sure that the dollars presented are the dollars that are in the book they all match one I mean it's a good segue and I don't know if you were getting to that TR I think did you hand that out yeah you should have a yeah so you you actually do have a draft the the spreadsheet we were just discussing but on this front page with the yellow highlight wanted to um also let you know about some changes to the revenue projecting that we did because we did did have um you've got in the last uh three columns for fy2 there's one column labeled old that's the last estimate you guys saw and then a new one that says new and um we wanted to update it because we had three years worth of actual exemption figures so if you all recall we had um historically just Bud budgeted excuse me $500,000 for that exemption figure um it's been around there but it's growing um consistently every year and so we thought it prudent to include the most current figure so that was the FY 23 uh exemption number so we put that in there and then looking at the um Trends we've done a great job on budgeting on estimating our revenues um but as you all know things are um tighter at the registry of deeds and slowing down so we changed it from a 20% match down to a 15% match now if we get more money Jen will see it and we'll get it at the end of the year but just for budgeting purposes we wanted to be um just a little bit more conservative on on what we what we did so you have that and then the second page which um which is there is kind of a new um a new kind of spreadsheet look and I know how much like Gary looks spread right now um but we added I tried to keep all the information that we had on there regarding the different um applications that have come in but also include this estimated Revenue concept so that you can see where the money comes into the estimated revenues and then it gets doled out um each of the the spending um you can see you still see the 6975 00 in Appropriations that are proposed um you see the estimated revenue balance of 1.2 million and then you see uh at the bottom each of the reserve balances so you can see that the administ and I added in the administration this time so it's Allin one spreadsheet I know we've we've talked about that before but you can see in the historic column um that what the Reserve balance will be once we set everything up is 144723 and that's the 10% assuming it goes through the uh $45,000 for the tayor bray Farm Cottage roof um you can see that housing will use up the full uh Reserve amount so that what will be in that account later on is zero uh and then open space we're adding that full 189 to the existing balance of $910,000 uh so you have $1.1 million there and then where that leaves you is with um undesignated Reserve is $430,000 and I think that's where and Jen you can correct me that's where it looks low and I think Paul maybe there's like a one-year lag okay in having the big balances that we used to um but you can see that come the end of the year and this is an estimate that $1.2 million Jen correct me if I'm wrong that will get at the end of the fiscal year then it will be dumped into the UND needed right yeah yeah that's exactly right oh it's we're glad Jen's here keeping us on straight and narrow well it's good yeah do you mind if I just bring up one one other thing and it's really the borrowing um I know that last year you authorized a $3 million borrowing for the Riverwalk project and um looked at a schedule where you would have a principal and interest payment this year in in fy2 I just wanted to let you know that um with the Riverwalk project we have a lot of other reserves that are supporting that project and not knowing what the bid is or um it's not going to come in for a little bit so we're not going to borrow on the three million this year so you're not going to owe anything next year the year after we you know next year when we come in with the budget I'll come in and we can talk about whether you want to do a principal payment or not but when you delay that I have a project that may come up in eight years yeah so if you delay the bond another year that you know that's coming against the project that may come up in eight years I know we just you see that delaying is not a good thing I mean if it's going to happen it should happen so that we can plan for things in the future okay no but we couldn't Bond on something that we don't have a number but I'm just I just saying there's a reality here no I understand and you know and once we the project gets going we can definitely talk about that um and the reason why I'm not borrowing the $3 million is because first of all we don't know if we need the three full three million we're not going to be spending it right away and what we we have you get it to me I I'll spend it and we have something that's called Arbitrage and so what that is is when you have a high interest rate even high interest rate environment you always have to make sure that you're not earning more interest than what you're spending so if I borrowed that three million it just sits there earning a ton of interest and we're not spending the money I can't and I you know and I can't pay back something if I haven't borrowed it so and say something happens and the bids don't come in right and that three million sits there again for another year you it's you know and and I understand you want to start paying it now but that's all part of the planning process too you know so you're not spending for it next year so you can always say in your minds all right we're not going to spend $450,000 this year so it kind of is reserved in a way where you would ultimately spend it and then when you start your ammonization schedule you'll have that already and then then you can you know you can do that so there's different ways to handle it instead of showing the actuals you're any way of budgeting in a current year or just taking the money and putting it somewhere yeah um I mean I don't know if that's see Vantage that you don't even know how much you need yeah so so what you would do is you just don't don't don't maximize all your revenues just say okay you could say right because it's all the way you think about it you can say all right well right now we have um 900 an estimated revenue balance of 988 th000 right so we're not going to spend 450,000 of that because that's what was the amotization schedule that was given to us now that's going to change when we pay back when out to borrow you know we go to the market and we see what the interest rates are so I'm just using that as an example of what was presented to you all so you can just say okay we're not going to spend that 400 we're not going to spend the 988 you know we'll leave 450 we're just not going to touch and that will roll into your undesignated fund balance so you can look at it that way just meant to keep a reserve there you just don't just don't spend it just don't spend Maxim before keeping money in the accounts right well I'm deal with open space and then we can talk about you know when I um we'll issue a What's called the bond anticipation note so we're only borrowing for a year and you only owe interest on that Bond anticipation note but you can make a principal payment if you choose to so we can talk about that when I go to borrow the money but I won't be borrowing the money for another year you have plenty of money in the bank to carry this project and we want to see what it comes in at you might not need the whole three million who knows so the interest rates on the bonds now tending to go up or down yeah um I think they came down a little bit um they were really high for a while no that's fine um so the good news is you we're earning a ton of interest in the bank right the bad news is we're when we borrow something we're paying high interest rates and that's one of um one of the reasons why I would just do a do a bond anticipation note when you do a bond anticipation note you'll have a lower interest rate than you would if you were going out to pay back the principal and interest um and so in this High higher interest rate environment that we for a number of years that's why I would just do a shortterm borrowing among other things because you're not finished with a lot of the projects I'm I'm borrowing for so you just want to make sure it's rolling along the way it's supposed to um so I think they might start coming down hopefully in the next year or two they've come down a little bit I think we'll know in November I think I went out last June June in another community and I borrowed a short-term note it was 5% I'm used I remember when I would get it for like not even one right you know and now I think when I spoke with our financial adviser recently I think they've come down to like four but you know it fluctuates so you know I do look at that I do look at you know getting the best bank for your buck you know paying as less interest is possible um and making sure that we're borrowing in a timely manner manner so that you actually need the cash so what interest rate are we getting on the money we have now um I don't have the bank interest rate but it was higher than it was like two years ago um I mean we were getting really low Bank interest rates I know where I was my other community we might get like three um I don't know what we're getting now I don't have the actual interest rate I've always asked for that I never see that figure broken we could take a look at it for you you want to see what you're earning on the CPC I would be interested we can we'll get that for your next meeting where is where is that reflected you don't see it here that's what I I think you see it until the year end close out and then I think it goes correct me if I'm right I think then it goes into undesignated yeah a lot of times when I would project the budget and do estimated and you know project the estimated revenues I wouldn't project interest rates either because they were so low so really is part of your conservative budgeting right so yeah so whatever comes in gets Flo gets I just know in the past you know we've had five6 million dollars just floating out there yeah and I'm always like I hope it's collecting interest no it definitely is and we'll get that for you but yeah for budgeting purposes we usually don't use you because we you never know you know oh I don't care super low you don't want to count on it I don't care if you put it at the end I'd just like to know it right now what we think we're getting yeah absolutely yeah we'll get that to you okay great any more questions I'm sure you got thank you very much thank you nice meeting you all thank you very good so we got that taken care right where did my thing go but we did the revote we did the revote and um I've also drafted the um motions and explanations so if you want to talk about that we can as far as who's going to do which articles at meeting when is town meeting April 30th where is it the ugly School the Intermediate School the new one the new one with the auditorium not big enough yeah that's scary scary Auditorium what get get there early yeah you don't want to have to climb up the ladder to the section I don't know it I don't know were you in there for the special or no my grandaughter go yeah I think it's probably not terribly poorly designed for kids the auditorium for adults it's it's a nightmare but well there R town meeting go on the kids road is probably better well kids file in and they sit there for an hour and they file out but when people want to get out to speak at the microphone they have to crawl over eight people the whole row and then the upper portion is really really steep steep yeah really steep like I don't not sure I could climb up there or orans is like that too I think it's set up for the Performing Arts yeah it is sandwich is like that as well steep yeah did madaki just completely closed down then it probably still studying is using it for for programming um I don't know why we can't use it for town meeting that probably has to do with insurance or something I mean that Auditorium did work well I think I think that there were some concerns and I'm sure it's be Improvement because the the special Telly it was the first time we used the space um I know there were some technical difficulties and they'll be working on that I I yeah but you can't R designed the way if you're sitting at the end of the road the wall that you can't redesign that special town meeting I didn't get to the I went down I went in and I hadn't been in the building and then I realized that I was going to have to to get out you you would have to climb over everybody who just passed on way awkward well they also in that school it probably would be a pain in NE anyway but um they have a stage in the cafeteria oh is there and then yeah that's where the school committees are held yeah and um I was there once for a concert and I don't remember how many people could fit in there but if you know might be a better option than I don't know it's not we wouldn't be able to fit enough CAF I just don't remember it could be a great over if there was ever I know sometimes there's Big Town meetings they need the Overflow that would be convenient beting in the new church close I don't think that's big enough meeting the new church new church oh no it's not big enough the Acoustics would be great but they wouldn't use the high school right High School's not any bigger than the I don't intermediate been there in years I don't know I thought that there would be a little more discussion about the location but we haven't print yet we haven't gotten to print yet wait and see sure I'm sure wise decisions will be made about it oh sure do it outside I know that would be great outside on April 30th April 30th yeah you imagine rain might be almost as nice as November whatever when we had that one in the oh boy that was so cold and you guys had me sitting next to [Laughter] V I missed what you said he was sitting next to Maris was complaining to me the entire time even when I was speaking all right so speaking are you going to do article 29 estimated Revenue I will do that um got the pardon and then the housing one for the community housing project I was thinking either of Lee or Debbie it's just the affordable housing trust General deposit um I'll do the um I'll do that as long as I know what they need to say yep there it is I'll let you know if it changes did it last great I just don't s right you guys that's why if you're do an article you get AIS see strategize like an airplane yeah and George I just put you down for article 31 the um T gr Farm Cottage roof that's fine you good with that Yep they're rough they're rough um and then the open space articles which is the um frag mighty's management the town ways to water assessment and the uh C run Pond brass River article Christine Paul or who might want to do that I can do them you you I'll be happy to do it but if You' like to do it that's fine because the motion really is I move article 32 as printed in the warrant kind of the extent of it so it's not like yeah but then you expand I sometimes I don't know sometimes um I thought there was a time when the S did it maybe a couple years ago that was a couple years ago I think last year you all read your explanation they do okay all right so yeah Paul could read the project a conservation department a lot of conservation I think EAS I no offense I think it's easier when you um just have one person do it rather than switching off to especially if you got to get up and out true yeah I had an Isle seat because I got there early yeah know I'll be Happ get anation yeah yeah that's y what then the the Wetland bylaw comes up right not too long thereafter I'm not talking about that [Laughter] one that would be like me trying to explain how the budget is not it's good to have a finance director yeah all right so that's your um um your articles that's as far as we know that's like the extent of town meeting prep right as far as I know we will keep you posted there may be a um like a town meeting preview they've done that in the last few years um leading up to uh the actual town meeting date is the meeting at six it usually starts at 6 the town meeting yes bu reserve seating now we're raising revenues there IDE all right for project updates can I give my project first sure that's fine um so wanted to let you know we've got the sign ordered to the back Gill and we're trying to um Peace meal together internal fund just to buy it right away um so it's on order I think the last thing he was working on is the open closed uh thing we had on those Lexar lexan Runners so we have that um the chasebrook parks project is making good progress moving forward um we will be having some I don't mean to so this sign will last however long we need it but can we maybe revisit with a whole new sign for the next time sure absolutely long as we get it up for the summer he said he said this one should last I know I just don't think the color go I don't know where the color comes from okay and if we're going to be rethinking the town SE Absol a nice sign make them all Town Projects have the same sign we can't do it now I understand um so Chase Brook Parks we're making good progress we're working with uh Coastal Engineering ing now under the Cen Bond umbrella um and we will be having a public meeting uh I think we're scheduling it for uh March 19 I need to confirm that the Selectmen won't be meeting and that's part of um the environmental justice uh area Outreach that we are required to do for some of the uh other state permits we do have our notice of intent um so it's the by the Conservation Commission is the bridge included the bridge is included and um so we've got all that permitting underway um we will be going to the zoning board of appeals as well probably in April um we need to go to get permission for municipal use in the B2 District um and um what else and we've started looking for Grants and um plan to submit for um I'm going to forget the name it's a it's it's a similar Grant one that's been issued for the friends of as River so but we think that the project has good lads um so they don't follow the parking lot there why is that I don't know I can what ask snows out I think a lot of people would like to take pictures there I would guess that it's just not a top priority for the the parking lot here right well which is yes yes um anyways the next update um would be the tayor farm and as you know we had gone out to bid for uh Soup To Nuts on the project and it came in way over budget so we went back to the drawing board to uh try to keep the project in the budget we have which was the $400,000 that CP a um approved and was appropriated um went out just for uh Windows siding and trim and got a very very good bid um in I think I think the uh number on it was only $140,000 windows it's a great bit very sharp pencil this is on the barn yeah this is for the barn and um so excited about that getting that contract underway and hopefully um you have to go before old King's Highway on that um we we already did go to Old Kings Highway back so it's all like for like so you went for White Cedar right on the sidewalk I believe so I believe so just to keep in mind red cedar now or less than white red is less than white it might not be like for light it's not like for like but it would look really nice I will double check some people's idea of like for like is different from Highway yeah what what is on the house Gary that is red cedar on the roof White Cedar on the side one oh okay so so I know he's getting for the roof he's getting red cedar and I think I told him to get pressure treated with stainless steel nails on the cottage on the cottage on the cottage I was asking about The Farmhouse I'm sure it doesn't have the historic house The Farmhouse not the cottage it's white CED I'm pretty sure I think it is too so bar if we could do red cedar you'd have to see it it looks so nice and old and last but I was I'm excited about the project moving forward moving forward on budget well I don't want to hold anything up I'm just out there yeah but I'll I'll pass that along to Jeff okay so Karen does that bit include the the roof it does not does not that does not so the the idea is we we know we have a budget moving for forward with the items that we need the most okay and that's the siding the trim in the windows first and then we'll we'll get that done and then and the Integrity of the current roof is okay there's no no le yeah because it was part of we had a roof inspection kind of townwide and I think Jeff shared some of that information when he was in um to talk about the cottage um it's got It's it's got life left in it okay um so it's not the most immediate priority thank you is at the roof they Ed the wrong Nails in no okay hopefully these were the right nails that was on the cottage and then I know Jeff not Jeff George is gonna provide an update on the arch but things are moving here they going to hold off on the arch until all this crap is done over there right I can just see it getting damaged all the crap they're tearing the road apart every day yeah yeah well that's part of the I know the update so um those gas lines what are what are they doing over I don't I can't get yeah but they're going to tear it up for now George I printed out a few copies of George's photos because did you want to put it up or no because it's being too glitchy okay so I put it up to they're done with that road work watch your Stu watch your Stu watch your Stu so thank you they're packing it there right you know is that got supposed to be I think not they they will be groundbreaking for the contract two and three sewers sewers 40 years from now no that's that's a late pH yeah yeah we'll all be going then they can tear the road up again yeah 10 years 40 years0 we're section eight me either here so exciting news on the memorial Arch and um Lisa and I went up to water Town um a little over two weeks ago to get an update on where the arch was and um in the preservation and so put a little uh show and tell here and so first slide you can see is that the um Arch was removed uh for the first time in um 95 years in um November 6 2023 and um dat as you can see the gentleman uh removing the arch next slide is um a photo of the arch and one of the things you notice is it's particularly black and um many years of rium paint um and uh but keep that in mind that is black and so what you see on the next slide um and saw evidence of this you know when I was taking photos of the the geese up up top that there was some bronze here so what you can see is um datal Le's work has exposed what the arch look like when it was dedicated on September 8th 1928 that it was um consisted of rod iron frame and um and bronze insert so that's pretty exciting bronze under that black isn't that amazing isn't and um so can't wait to see it and so next slide um is um the right panel front right panel and the obverse and what we're going to look at on the next slide so if you look at the right obverse the top panel you can see a a tree with a pointer dog and you know flushing out um a goose so you look down below and look look at the before and after wow wow isn't that incredible it is incredible and you know you can see through the tree you could see the the wedges in the black I mean they were dunked up and blocked up um but the detail uh both from Frank Denon Weston who is a noted top 10 um impressionist paintings in America at the end of the 1800s and 1900s and also was a hunter studied birds and his etchings so so there are etchings that were replicated and this is his 3D um dimension of his etchings and I dare say probably the only one in the country um but what's really interesting is look at the rod iron spray paint um you can see rust but one of the things you notice um are the rod iron artison Hammer marks there so he would have um forged the iron and this was done in Sandwich you remember seeing uh you know the forge sign um and well his name was principal for Forge and um so this is this is evidence of his you know his rod iron capabilities which were extraordin oh yep absolutely and so the next slide uh again uh before and after I mean you can clearly see uh so this this is the dedication um in memory of Nathaniel Stone Simpkins um friend of mankind and kind to man's friends and just just a little yeah he's shooting them in the first yes so again I was saying he's kind to man's friends but he's shooting him in the first place well kind to his dog and horse and I'm I'm not okay judging him so this is this is incredible and um and the next one the other plaque on there is is the dedication once again September 8th uh 1929 given to the town of G by his wife n Jen Simpkins so so George so the right hand for example what you just mentioned given to the town they that's that's the original after the removal of the paint or is that yes not new stuff that's the that's amazing isn't it yeah and what's look at the repair look at the rust um shown you know on the left side and and look at look at the what the preservationist has done I've seen them okay so you see what I'm pointing at um so and that's you know people would say $60,000 to you know do this well this is why we spent that kind of when this goes back up what are you going to do when everybody says why did you replace it with something new can thank we can than the tax payers that's what we'll do be like what did they put up there it's not the old way yeah got come up with some good answers for that one yeah Captain there you go yeah okay so you remember when the road replacement guy they wanted to move that across to the other side yeah no way so um next slide is um again um so this these um I'm sorry that's that's you all set so the panel um showing um Benson's etching this is called the the rush the rushes so this bird is a rush and just look look at the at the detail and the you know what craftsmanship in creating the cloud and you know and the reads and the birds is is really extraord now the finished product is going to be the bronze yes and will that tonish does that have to have any upkeep your spring paint anymore no that's right um so um so what they'll do is they'll they'll put a special coding on it okay which will preserve it and then when we did the CPA bid we um it was very important we asked um the contractors to bid a preventive maintenance contract so this will be yearly instead of once every 130 years so so it'll it's just beautiful it's it's really special and and then um the next slide and the the geese here um there there is an etching called The V and we've all seen you know um groups of geese flying and they're in the shape of a v so so this replicates the v um and um and what you can see here is a model that I did of of the light um from uh 96 years ago and um have spoken with several um lanton companies one down in Orleans uh and um and when Lisa and I brought this and they put it up on the arch the preservationist said that's the light and you know from a balance standpoint um and Mrs Simkins specifically in a dedication calls out the light because of the importance of reflecting onto the um Arch so reflect a whole lot more now that it's bronze yeah yeah right yeah and as you can see there the onion light so we we don't know when the original light deteriorated and when this was uh replaced so the onion light is is current version of of do did you have a old photograph light or something yes um and so there was a um a book from 1937 called um cape cape in the light and there's a photo looking through the arch um down 6A and this is um what the light looks like all right cor yeah yep so um and you can see Lisa there you know all the work when's SL going to let me get back to work no not at all they came back they insert they came back from their their field trip and both of them were so like excited so excited it was it was nice so the next slide um you can see um so see see the top panel is a um Pointer dog and um so um when you see the next panel you can see the the pointed dog and um and yeah so look at the detail and one of the things that the preservationist pointed out and I asked the preservationist if you look the dog's tail you can just barely see that it it's shortened it looked like originally the original dog um there was a hole in the rod iron and the tail was fixed in there for stability and so when you when you look at the next slide uh and Paul here's here's the answer your question you can see the arch light and the preservationist pointed out if you look at the panel I have the question mark the dog is missing yeah it's not there wow so that's a mystery so whether somebody helped themselves to it because they liked it um but you can see you know the um my notation appears the original tail was longer and fit into the frame for you know stability so you can see the hole in the side of the frame so so that's a mystery it is a mystery so we know we know nine years later because this book was published in 1937 um uh pral for had to recast this panel and put it isn't that something it is something yeah that car is like an yeah so um and next slide is the um arthritis of Mr Simpkins was a member of the myopia Hunt Club up in Essex so he would have been quite the right up there from here yes in those days so they had a home up there also and and again the detail is look at the cloud yeah look at the the flex of the horse's hoof and um the horse's tail is attached exactly that's why you think the dog was attached do yep yeah and last but not least the replica and this is a replica of the 1886 Crown pump uh because in 1928 it had really you know seen its best days so so you can see they they started the preservation process and and look look at the spout how um you know it Compares and has been you know preserved and is that a working from no um so this probably one time it was yes so back in 1886 so the um the uh water trop has on it 1886 so it was the year that that was and it was not on this corner it was up near a school um just down the street on six on 6a so by the firehouse right so and looking for a photo of that I hope somebody you know but so during so this was moved here by Mrs Simpkins the TR was moved here and um she had um the U pump made and it was installed here if you're looking for other photos um have you ever checked with digital Commonwealth at the public yeah I was going to say they would they would if anybody yeah and see Historical Society has scanned that's right thousands thousands of them so private um so um we've been talking about doing a r rededication so save the date um what we are looking at is September 8th um that's a Sunday George it is a Sunday look at so it's the trough going back the trough is still there um so they will um datalist will preserve that also they'll you know clean it up they so that that remains and so um we have the same exact and a similar trough down at the library South Arm Library there's a trough there I think that's dated 1896 where is it out front yeah it's right it's right beside the entrance so it's facing you know facing the church and it's right there and it has a arch that's not that's not as as historic um yeah but it's and so um and I've spoken with Bob Kelly and the thought is to do the actual dedication for whether it's weather or whatever uh in the Kelly Chapel it holds 60 to 65 um people and then weather permitting um you know walk over to the um Arch and put a a wreath on it um and maybe on the trough one we have in bar doesn't have a pump it has a old wooden bucket that would go down into the well we have pictures going way back showing horses and does that have the same date on it there's no data but it yeah interesting which would make sense right because the town would have said hey where'd you get that nice nice yeah because the town was so well run back then they go well if we buy a bunch dedication you should ask the people from the old yarm and then it should be earlier in the day and you can ask them people can that's a good suggestion it's a good suggestion you know because they they open at 4:30 so if you had a dedication at 10 or 12 or something like what we're planning is 1:00 yeah they do brunches some Sundays that's a good point Sunday good I need to leave I want to say thank you to George for all his work see you tomorrow datal because datalis is amazing and you should tell them about some of the other things that were in the the workspace like the the tunnel signs they're extraordinary are they here in Cap Cod no they're up in Watertown but they do work on National if they have a lunch on Sunday maybe Saturday might be better something you know uh well I as from an historic perspective I think it's really important to do it on the exact same day September 8th well then you have to ask some permission you know to park well and no not asking permission to park I mean we'll do the parking there's plenty of parking on that's right yeah they up up in the library you know at the post office you know up people can people can drive up drive up up to the church so um I think it's really important that we do it on the exact same day yeah one thing George this is I don't know how to to put this in the right way but the dog is a Setter not a pointer you might want to look into that and the other thing is a it's a it is out of all pages but I some wise guy like me was sayy wait it's a probably um we can't say a pointer would you agree you're a hunter yeah but I'm telling you I've hunted over and that's a Setter okay you might want to just look and the other thing so that you can head off some also some obnoxious remarks like I'm making um you might to check on your birds too because I'm not sure they're geese they they look like black ducks black well this may not be important to you but I think somebody's going to say wait a minute you know what you're talking about and the other thing is just as long as I'm going on here and I think this is beautiful I think it's wonderful and I appreciate your work I've looked at that thing for many years and uh often wondered about it in the in the one um frame you have uh they look like um Scarlet ters in in the in the um yeah yeah and and call rushes well the russes would be what they're sitting on um I've never heard of a r a thrush thrush excuse me it's a thrush okay and the other one and you might have already talked to somebody about this where the dog is pointing a bird and set they do Point um where is it now see I'm not sure that's that's not a goose that's maybe like some kind of a snipe or something like that so just thought I'd mention it because somebody's going to mention it you know and you're going to be historically or theologically and else and I could I could be wrong but just looking however the description of Frank Weston Benson's etching yeah is called the thrushes okay so that's he could have been wrong too I I doubt it um because re you know Reed is bio he's but is he an ornithologist U pretty much there you go then he's probably right because I'm not an or so read his biography a fascinating guy so but Point well taken I'm just referring to what is was written down if you again look at the etching the description is I'm sure I'm sure so it's but but I'm telling you it's not a pointer I understand but it was beautiful work it's wonderful and this is there now it's there now well it's been removed uh it's up in Watertown okay so it's being preserved right but it will it will be returned there at least there's no frag mes that's right that's right when do they anticipate returning it um well um working with Lisa on that we probably looking at Wednesday September 4th um uh and to give some rain days um it the contract is going to be extended U because the contract talked about having it done by early June um but um they will hold on to it um because again we want to do press we want to you know educate people and be done with the by then so that's safe right right so so that's and and at the time that they come down to reinstall is that's when they will work on the pedestal they will work on the um you know trough and um you know get that straightened out now what's the significance of September 8th that was the date in September 8th 1928 that able Jen Simkins um you know first dedicated this first dedicated it you know people went to the church um and um and so that was the dedication date thank you and asked and hoped that the town would continue to preserve this and pain to the pl well it's interesting a year and a half ago I was over there Tak photos and gentleman came up and so we were chatting no we just moved up here and um my wife and I noticed that it was rusting so we spray painted it well meaning but unfortunately so um as we have a little sign over at the Indian Memorial asking people not to climb on that um I'm going to suggest that we have a similar sign because somebody finds that it's okay and they attach American flags to it yeah and nothing should be attached to it so um so um but that looks great do wonderful but they want to do um yeah so this is this is exciting so that's incredible good job good work good job really nice work well it's incredible so the neighbors spray painted it I just you know you know so you right and you lock in the moisture right under the paint and that speeds up the deterior to me it also speaks to the fact that maybe the town should take better care of stuff so that people don't go and spray painted or whatever you and that's why there's going to be a cont I always think of Tom Kelly used to say you know they can't even get around to paint the fire hydrants remember that's correct y so well we had a blizzard when they first moved to my house in 2014 we had that big blizzard and my my um water hydr across the street was all all know plowed in and they asked my neighbor who's half my age if she would help me shovel out and she said that's not my fire hydr the street acoss the street only if my house have fire hyd on your property you're supposed to I did the last storm I do it every storm yeah well the fire Hydrate with a service your house had you had the fire exactly in Boston now you have to dig out the and if you don't you get it I always thought even along 68 I always thought that people were very remiss not going out and shoveling in front ofs over it in this past storm yeah now they have a machine bought a machine to clean sidewalk but in some places they didn't do it right well it's we don't have sidewalks that are designed to be plowed right they're designed to hold telephone poles in the middle of them but they do have now I've seen that machine I worked up in New Hampshire for a while and they and Kean they they had a similar machine they did it right away yeah but some spots they just couldn't do yeah because there's a telephone pole in the middle of the sidewalk or a tree they plow the the sidewalk on s road I think did they that's like a shared use path that was kind of designed appropriately like putting in the sidewalk 20 years after the poles went in well you know you do you get off your machine to shovel around a pole then you continue on your machine no well they didn't do that well were they that case with the the town came s a letter yeah instead of in the time it took the right to left the snow melted go out there with shovel and open up the two feet yep y all right the uh you also have in your packet a letter or an email from Carolyn regarding the um the pool group I don't no because you came in early and you the packets weren't really done done but you can have a here you go you um so she's invited everyone is invited to the Arma Senior Center on Friday she doesn't say what time 3 o'cl um they become members of the Chamber of Commerce so they get an official ribbon cutting event with the chamber and changing their name the pool pool yeah they're changing the name from first light Herring to I don't know if it's going to be a surprise or if you look down below where she signed this email if it's going to become Upstream Aquatics maybe that's going to be their new name and you know they're looking to partner with Dennis and harwitch and I guess get some input at this event on Friday go three o'clock on Friday at the senior center yep I I believe they're looking now to make it uh private funds I think so she came my house again for an hour and uh you know I said I said well looking to see how they did with the ice ring you know right you have to start looking you know I said you're G to start a project with the town of yth it's going to be a 10year project and and where do you stand on the list of capital yeah right budget you have to get process not into the list yet you know so I her last comment to me I don't know what they're doing at this meeting you know is that they're going to try and do it with private funds and I think they're doing a yearr round facility now they're looking at yeah it's there's been so many things online for people wanting to do indoor swimming or indoor lessons and there aren't that many I mean unless you join the y or one of the hotel pools and they're not cheap and then Brewster just has the outdoor pool at the camps now they bought so it's I think there is a need for an indoor for lessons and just Recreation so I think that's what they're slowly you know consolidate getting a lot of input and consolidating which I think will be good yeah well how is this being called a ribbon cutting I don't understand to change the name it's a service that the Cape Cod that the Yarmouth chamber offers to members okay so if you have an actual storefront okay they would come and do the ribbon cutting in front of your place of business and you'd have hopefully lots of people coming by to see what you sell and okay um because this is just actually more of an advocacy group now is how she put it to me is they're really not going to be necessarily doing the project themselves but they'll be Advocates and help with fundraising so that's why they're doing it at the senior center because they don't have an actual physical location because they're more of just a nonprofit member of the armouth chamber and how does the chamber extend their benefits to a nonprofit well you borrow a location I guess for a little event they having Refreshments raise awareness meet the players but the ribbon coming to me is you're opening something right but they're opening their business their new name their new you know vision for this group to well if anything she's very persistent wanting to move this forward yeah yeah think it's smart going the regional yeah approach you know you know it's because during the off seon the numers are fewer more reason why it was premature to come to us to have us pay for a feasibility Fe ability this thing may not even end up in y right right soose they get a space in Dennis right and we just wasted all that money right but I think she's been really good at listening to a lot of people taking it in and pivoting as she's needed to I mean she's really she's she hasn't been stuck on this one route she's really pivoted around and it's changed as they're getting input and and information from people of all ages from all the towns so I think that's been really good and it's good yeah yeah it's good that people like she came in and had an idea she learned a lot from presenting the idea I think other people should be encouraged if they have ideas about improvements you know preservations and so on in this town they come in it may not fit exactly right at that moment in time but they get ideas they have a communication and then it takes off yeah but one thing I'd like to add is that I think I think it's important when somebody comes and submits a partial application if if we have a checklist saying are you a 501c3 yes attach that you know I I think and again we spend a lot of time and a lot of effort and educating and I dare say that's not our job if you will so that I think it's important that if somebody is not and does not have the designation then um yes if they want to do it informally or whatever but I I really think the amount of time that was spent and I'm not saying it wasn't good spend but it just took away from well there was checklist and she didn't have any of the backup she so that's a frontend she didn't have the 501c3 that's a front end issue you know so and it's right you know she a good example other one any number of times that she didn't have this stuff so she didn't and I love her persistence but she really didn't want to listen to what Don was telling her right and a lot of times the applicants like the other one was the um adult shared living yeah guy you know they kind of beg to just get in and talk and hear listen you know because those are two really good examples of of people with great ideas great intentions but no concept of how things actually work government so yeah we can have them we can say okay you're a special case you're informal you get 10 minutes in front of the committee take good notes but i' I'd like to you know duvail on that that that the annual meeting pre application meeting that we've had we haven't had one for and whether it's for Co or where we have an open meeting and encourage people to come to that and present and present and that's the Forum not not Wan um not during not during the application process that's right so it's before that and I think the last time we did it wasn't it at the new church um before me well during Co we did it here because we had to use the the hearing room to do um Zoom uh zoom and multiple accesses we did them at new church we did them at the cultural center that's right we always did those so um so that should dovetail when we say the application are going to be available on this date um we have an open meeting come this is your chance and if if we get past past that date then sorry you know people want to do it individually then you know by all means but um but you're saying that um so if somebody has an idea I remember I remember that fell um he's gone now but um Baron uh Mr Tom Baron yeah he always had ideas come forward and he wasn't necessarily all together on the application I don't think the thing is that there has to be I guess clear direction for people who just have an idea as opposed to person who has it a completed packet okay and so where do they go with that idea are you saying that they shouldn't come to this committee with that idea they should only come to this committee with the completed packet and if so where do they go do they go to Dawn Marie and say okay I have an idea and then you help them with the information they need to to to put together in order to create the packet yeah that definitely happens y it happens but I mean what's the step if I have an idea I want to put in a whatever it is in the town of armouth and and I think it would be a great idea and I've heard of the community preservation committee and I hear they have money and I'd like to access some of that money and yet I don't know everything about the packet I don't have everything together who do I go talk to well usually what I say in that situation I go start working on the application and you'll find out what you're missing and what you need to get call me and we'll walk through it you know I'll help you get some of this stuff I can't help you set up a 501c3 of course not that's what I'm saying you know I can help with other pieces of it but you're saying here's the application which is fine if you have any questions about it get back to me and then when we we have been doing that okay and that's great because I don't want to see people when they come in right feeling that wait a minute I've just hit another bureaucratic aspect of the town government and they gave me nothing but a hard time about this that and the other thing Don's been really good about well that's great I just and you know couple of people just going to listen well yeah I understand but I think George's point is well taken too in that if somebody has an idea and it's just a Loosey Goosey idea kind of they come and present it and we can kind of get a sense they can but I still rather see them come to Dawn and explain that's right that's fine that's right right that's right I mean our job is to um weigh completed applications and we have a process and maybe maybe we do two open forums but you know um come to it and if you have specific questions hopefully fill it out but no body's trying to obstruct Paul I understand we have it on our website we have a we have a process we have an application um and we have you know an abled person to answer those questions um you think like Bob Kelly came in to talk about that bridge right because again he didn't have a complete application but he just needed the feedback and and the you know thinking out loud and and so that's okay it's always a good discussion right because that's okay done fing need yeah and well and he found out that you know it's not gonna he's not going to be ready for a while right right I'm not and it's complicated too because who owns that property also found out we don't own property that we don't because it's um we don't the restaurant the restaurant yeah y yeah but but but again that's okay to come him that was okay and and so it was a I wasn't here for that day when he came in but so it was a short little presentation he made about it kind of inquiring about things and so on that step is okay I just I just it would be really nice if in a perfect world people understood the whole process that it doesn't necessarily start with coming in here one day and starting to talk about your project but it starts before that it starts with visiting your office and and so people have to understand that you can't call up the application on September 1st and be able to file application on time because it needs letters of support and committee meetings you know whether it's historical or whether it's open space or Recreation or whatever it is and you have to go to a lot of different town departments in order to get all the information that you need so I mean on Yankee Village I started in May to get that application commit I had to go to the fire department to see if there's underground USS and the police department and everything there's a lot of different departments that you have to go you can't file an application in a week well a lot of times it's not black and white either whether it would qualify or we' entertain it you know that's really confusing to people self- included people ask me and I go I don't know but that's that's what I mean that's why it's nice to starts with with Don Marie and she kind of lays it out for everybody here's the application this is what you have to do let me know if you have any questions kind of thing that does um explain to folks that they have places to go before they bring it as a completed application that's all I'm looking for you know that's all I think anybody else would be looking for because you know how uninformed people are you know yeah and a lot of people of the inquiries you know there's always a couple that they call they ask we talk they never hear they never hear from they look at that application no doubt they're like oh never mind never mind and what about you know just it brings mind that we didn't we pass something where they can come in with a A minor like a $10,000 application for we talked about micro grants did you know Min grants the mini grants the thing is right those groups people who want $10,000 or less don't have it to spend they can't get reimbursed I had $110,000 I wouldn't be asking you for $10,000 and there are actually a lot of projects that do get funded at less than you know less than 20 let's say rather funding SES so and then we also looked a little bit at the application it's like oh you want to have a quick you know one-page application what are you g to leave off and you look at the application and there's like there's nothing you can leave off so they're going to go through that whole process for to Shell out their own five grand to get it reimbursed that's why I talking with Karen and John they kind of talked me out of it because you're right you got to go through the same stuff whether it be 10,000 or a million yeah yeah it's a lot of work for five grand I mean both sides the applicant and for the we have to justify it don't have it to begin with so you can't reimburse them because they don't have it I know I know but although you know someday someone's goingon to have to really explain to me so I get through my thick head about the friends of Bass River because they didn't they worked in a different of rules you know and that I still don't get you know yeah I mean I'm sure I could if I really paid attention but you know well that it's one of those again it's not black and white it's not a town project but you know it is now I know but the town never has the money and they come to us yeah true I mean you know we're here for the access to town Waters doing that they don't have any money we're giving it to them so do you to I don't know it's do we want to kill those projects I know I know just one other question have we set on the date that we're going to release applications for this year no I was going to say that's some other stuff we have to talk about is that that annual public hearing meeting um applications if they're going to change significantly so what's our what was our date this year for the wasn't it in September I thought we talked about possibly doing it in July relasing the applications I don't want to do it in July because the 4th of July I have September 20th September 18th yeah September's a nice time because everybody's done with Summer now they're getting back to working that's after Labor Day they're all set to get on yeah back to school back to work so so I'm going to the AOS in April you you'll be back by September right this here was applications right it's when you get 12 applications that it gets Troublesome so if you had the um ations available in the first half of September yeah and do the public hearing what in the beginning of October that public meeting well as George was saying kind of like the public meeting should come first right I don't want to do anything can you do the meeting in June in June would be well attended could you do it at the end of May June the public meeting to get I think you could that makes sense people information and they've got not that they're going to work on it all summer but they know that they've got to go to different places and but we encourage people to come there with the ideas right right right because the application's on the website I mean they can can call they can start doing when I get the call I say the application changes very very very little from year to year so start a draft what's existing y y and with the new Communications do the meeting in May and with the new communications director we can hopefully get you know a lot more visibility out there so when did we release it last September I think it was I feel like it was even before that it's around sep well Friday is September 20th why don't we make it that is that good that's for what for the application due datee date oh due datee dat due date Oh I thought you meant release it due date release it earlier due September 20th yeah yeah so if we have the you know public meeting it's like here's your due date what if you open the application August 23rd public meeting in June weeks no um so if you do I mean really there's no reason you can't open the applications at the public meeting yeah absolutely I me they're ready posted just start working on them um but if you want to do a May public hearing May 27th I think is um Memorial Day Memorial perfect I don't know what the 20th is oh it's Victoria Day in Canada is May 20th and the 23rd is a full moon so don't be doing it get some exciting projects on that day we could do that I know Karen's going to be out of town I think starting the 18th but that's that's fine she 18th weekend this May 18th weekend because would you want to do it like on a Wednesday evening Wednesday afternoon when you typically would have a meeting anyway the 22nd or 29th or something like that are you away Memorial Day weekend week or you just away for a long weekend I don't know I'm I know I'm Way Memorial Day weekend if you get Memorial Day you're not going to have anybody come right right no you like the 29th I'm not talking about Memorial Day I'm talking about the Wednesday Memorial Day do on Wednesday right so that's the 22nd 29th when is Memorial Day okay I would think doing it in June is too late no I mean if if application s are due September 20th I mean you know we give them a lot plenty of time to with the Committees so we get through the holiday we would just say hey start working now on it you know in March April May June but it's like let's here's a stake on the ground well people have to understand that they need those letters of recommendation right and those some of the Committees don't meet as often as others right I mean conservation meets every other week but not every Meek so we didn't we didn't agree on the date to have the uh public hearing she has to see what's being new who who meets on Wednesday go after Memorial the 1 of June there somewhere June 5th June 12th want to focus on those two June June 5th okay June 5th and then um again if you want to have the zoom access I think we'd kind of have to do it downstairs we're not going to try to do Zoom offsite that's oh that's fine usually a fail so but if you'd rather do a different you know Stellar beautiful location that's fine people in your town hall yeah yep and it's functional so um baseball St like don't here but we have to we had some great ones before well I don't know if you still have to I mean I don't know what really the status of this you know um have have to Nows yeah you do what time do you want to meeting six yeah yeah I'll check and make sure that it's available check with Mar then see if we can get board see if we can get a couple of speakers you got to entertain people they just don't right who's really good let's think oh we could get wck Bishop for do presentations about projects um and he just comes to mind because that's what he spends all his time um how about the candidate who got funding and complet the project well that's what I'm thinking I mean we did we did with Nash and he was great Lauren um you know who I haven't heard from too is the um Cape playhouse that would be yeah because um they might they might like to do something they should be working now on that North facade or whatever it was the they're not working on it right now I drove by it last week but the weather is not exactly conducive to that so but I know that they were going to start but it might help them going into their season to yeah get word out in the armor I don't know what's going on the C playhouses was that before my time yeah I guess it was um was it that maybe 2019 or 2020 that they got a grant to do um a lot of preservation the building they got it from us they got it from a bunch of different art foundations they got it from the dentist CPC and they've done a ton of work yeah um but they haven't quite finish the project yet they're supposed to finish it up this year but it would be yeah that would be a good poal speak agreed to do one yeah well that shows the diversity of the type of project get they get it funded so that's how about should get somebody from the yd Red Sox to talk about their fabulous safety netting project because that'll be like exciting that is it's almost unve yeah the diversity of projects have some have some fun with it would be great do know anything about we're doing I love him he's so sweet sweet it's just such a high visibility project you know and and about the day you get here I just going to say I don't know when April starts well he comes the first um so what I'll say yeah keep like kicking around ideas I'll look into the June 5th date and do you want to set a next meeting date where are we now you want to wait to hear what the board of Selectmen and the finance committee want I don't know if you're even going to have to see them this year we shouldn't have to but whatever they want so where are we today February 21st well I'm out on vacation the week of March 25th so if for some reason we had to meet within the next 3 weeks I guess we would have to meet in the next three weeks but we still got all of April so we do it sometime towards the end of April cuz the town meeting is not until here why don't we just meet before meeting you want to play on like the 17th or something or the 24th or literally like the the 30th at 5:00 we don't have to decide right now now that gets on a kyotic can we do the 20 Wednesday before the 24th yeah all right it always starts on 15th legally you can't oh it do NCAA all right Wednesday the 24th of April for the next meeting right here and um minutes you have the minutes from December 13th I move the meetings as presented second motion by George seconded by JY on minut date was this December 13 de 13 all in favor I I pa I Le I haven't bet them I guess I say I do I say I if I ever them Christine I George i j hi speed reader well done Don Marie thank you thank you very much you're welcome so application is going to be due on September 20th how long a process do we take before we start inviting people in and all that usually start scheduling right after we get them in right like the first meeting you would go through and kind of review them you would get them right so if it was September 20th is the deadline you would get them probably around October 4th you'd get the application to start reviewing I'm going to be away from October 3rd to the 10th well that's fine yeah then um we would probably meet like on the 10th okay and as a group every we kind of review right and then have interviews start October 17th so I would miss that first meeting that's a perfect world I mean that's like the best you know if everything comes together but it gives a lot of flexibility because then you've got all of October and November well except for that last week of course Thanksgiving week of November doesn't count and hopefully not have to like have more than one or maybe two meetings in December right right right but it all depends like how many applications we get yeah sounds good yes Christine yeah I just like to mention the passing of John Sears uh John was noted in this town um he he was a descendant of the Mayflower he did historical things he was a fire chief and I I didn't realize today he's one of the founding members of the armoth conservation trust the fire captain yeah not a chief so uh and he was an elegant speaker at Town meetings if John stood up you knew that you wanted to be on his side and he had something important to say so it's it's a big hole in this town you know and visiting is tomorrow at halet with a service on Friday at the Methodist Church I I meant to ask one other question if I may we didn't discuss Wild Rose terrorist acquisition again when would that be brought up again you know I'm gonna I have drafted the notifications to the um recipients those will go out maybe maybe this week they should go out this week um the drafting to the um applicants whose applications have been held over for future consideration takes a little bit more you know um targeted you know not just a generic congratulations for conditions and here's the amount so I don't know what I will hear back from him after I send him the letter to let him know that I mean I've spoken to him personally and I haven't heard anything back yet okay but we'll give him the formal letter and see what his reaction is that in the formal letter just remind me we just say it'll just say you know thank you for your interest um you know the committee has chosen not to take any action on your proposal at this time at this time okay but it's held open for future consideration if you want to come back with a different offer I don't I mean we have to I don't know what would put us in a position of having that second site evaluation done that's I think where we left it is that it needed an independent site um inspection evaluation to go back to open space to get some kind of recommendation from open space because open space didn't take any position on it so kind of this group actually kind of can't because you require it to have this support of open space Committee just felt that his he wasn't independent right it's it's yeah that's kind of a clant conflict so we'll see what he says after I get that out to him yeah thank you for the motion to second I I Christine I Judy I all right thank you thank you meeting thank you