##VIDEO ID:tI3Vijv3jbo## a few days was a short time and oh well recording in progress good morning everyone we're here the um Yarmouth conser a meeting of the Yarmouth Conservation Commission Friday December 6 2024 um this is to formally advise that as required by General Law chapter 30A um subsections I guess 18 to 25 and pursuant to chapter 20 of the acts of 221 an act relative to extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state of emergency signed into law on June 16 2021 as extended by chapter 2 of the acts of 20123 the armouth Conservation Commission will hold a public meeting at the date and time noted above the public is welcome to attend either in person or via the alternative Public Access provided above that was the most exciting part of the meeting so okay the first um item is a request for determination of applicability Edward Stafford 269d South Cav proposed detach garage pool and Hardscape and land subject to Coastal storm Flowage and tree removal within the buffer at a coastal Bank you just let us know who you are yes uh Ed Stafford I'm the owner at 269d CSI okay and I propose to uh buildt a twocc car garage and a inground pool about 4 foot6 deep for uh and most of it is all out of the uh 100 foot Mark except for very corner of it where the uh patio and the fence is going to be it'd be probably less than I don't know 10 square ft mhm uh with the garage is going and is going to be taking down 18 trees outside the 100 foot Mark and within the 100 foot Mark with which is like around 1 to 2 feet into the 100 foot mark four trees I propose to uh replace those with nine cedar trees four to six feet in the 100 foot Mark and four 4 to six Eastern red seeders outside the 100 foot Mark and the grade of the garage where the main driveway is is 97 the garage floor is going to be at 10 ft and then it'll be a step down to where the pool is 9 ft and then outside as it tapers off it goes down to 86 so it's a very you know minimal grade the only fill I'll be bringing in is to back fill inside the garage which is retained anyways okay now the way we're going to proceed is Britney's going to make some comments about the project and then if the commission has questions we'll go from there great um the only comments I have on this project are usually we require the mitigation planting to be placed adjacent to the existing buffer on the Coastal Bank um the owner has mentioned that you're trying to manage Bittersweet in that area so he's worried about um the Bittersweet strangling any newly planted vegetation um so the trees going in up are abing an existing gr Grove of Cedars and would add to that Grove um so he's just trying to keep them from getting strangled by the existing Bittersweet so we have 13 trees going in for um 22 being removed um the commission can decide whether or not they'd want a couple more trees to meet um he's meeting the ratio needed in the 100t buffer zone and we don't currently have one defined for the flood plane so it would be up to the board's discretion to see if the number of trees replaced are sufficient I'm not worried about the minimal under 6 in of regrading in the flood zone that's all okay could you repeat the number of trees that have been taking out is 18 18 outside outside yeah 18 in just the flood zone and four inside right on the line yeah so he's got two to one um within the buffer zone um and then just four replaced in just the flood plane anything else that's all you're good questions from the commission and I just have a I don't know when I count the trees that you have here there only eight so I assume it's just a matter of the drawing on the drawing we got this morning yes right here these are where the nine are going those are where the nine are going okay which are inside the 100t mark okay I just want to make sure because the picture actually has only eight little squares so yes not okay anything else I guess not need anything else from you um no so I would recommend a negative -2 and a negative3 for this project again I'd recommend a -2 and a neg3 for this project determination all right I'm just having trouble hearing oh I have to get sorry a negative -2 and a negative3 for this one so are we looking for a motion now yes okay moved with the -2 special conditions3 was that what it was okay all right I'll second okay we're have so it's important for you to note who makes the motion and all in favor of the motion I all opposed ja looks like it passes with a -2 determination is that it and a negative3 and a negative3 okay those are good we're good that's all good stuff right okay so can you can come pick it up on Monday sounds great thank you she be happy with the pool I just have get yeah no worries I can come to the side yeah yeah okay thanks hi you have to sign something yeah okay it's a good thing you're sitting there that's why I'm here oh we can do the next one sure so that's right yeah s see okay you guys are up next H's in traffic so we're we're going to just take the extension next sure okay we're going to go a little bit out of order next item is the request for extension um SC 83226 oh sorry about that want on the other side and look at you that's great Island Ocean Club homeowners association Powers Lane Beach proposed Beach raking on a coastal Beach and within priority habitat yes if you can identify yourself for the record and then we'll proceed I'm George doal I'm treasurer of great Island Ocean Club homeowners association I am just a board member of the association 26 Powers Lane welcome you can tell tell us about your request this is just a renewal of what you approved five year actually six years ago with the co toll mhm and we just want the same thing extended that you approved five and a half or six years ago all right same terms same rules same guidelines we have a letter from Fish and Wildlife recommending it we have a letter from in your file from Mass Autobon saying that they furnish the shorebird monitors we're good stewards of the beach we're following the rules okay beautiful beach and um so you're just looking for the full three an additional three years a three a three-year extension is what you're looking for yes you didn't specify okay and so that would bring us um to January 1st 2028 okay I have a motion to accept com question Yeah question sorry any questions from the commission it's more of a comment than a question could you remind people who live in the area to leash their dogs during the time the birds are being protected because I've walked there as you know and I've seen a few dogs running in and out of the David uh I've talked to over the years the dog officer or I mean the animal control people I've talked to autoban and we have signs posted first of all there there's not supposed to be any dogs on GC Beach it's a homeowners association I understand it's a public beach but we tell our homeowners no dogs are allowed now the problem is the town allows dogs on Seagull Beach which is our neighbor from Labor Day to only in the winter from Memorial Day from uh Labor Day to Memorial Day I think I think it's April April yeah yes and they come over we have big signs no dogs on the beach well my my issue wasn't with someone visiting it was someone who actually lives because I saw her bring her her dog into the house and talked to her and she gave me a very hard time and I said you know the dog's supposed to to be leashed during these hours and days and months to protect the birds and uh she said well I live here I can do what I want so I just want to mention it to you I know it's tough I know you're not a official person but when you send out your little newsletter which I'm sure you have one could you remind them David do you know what house it is yeah but I wouldn't say it publicly but I'll be glad to talk to you there's there's a grouping of houses on that beach that that don't belong to we have no control over yeah I understand of the 13 houses that are Waterfront Houses three of them are non-association houses and we have zero control over it's a non-association house yeah I we we have signs we tell the people if they're non-association if they're non-association people we get the same response as you do mind your own business uh it's a losing battle uh I just appreciate it thank you I think we get a little bit more than mind your own business yeah yeah I did too any other questions or comments no okay nope thanks I I guess just a comment oh I'm sorry remember to go to zoom oh yeah I will thank you thanks for all the help um any comments on Zoom the audience and how about the audience no I just want to make one comment though um as far as the dog or question really if if there is um if dogs are being allowed to um run the beach during a time when the um birds are under a protective kind of a situation is there are there fines that could be levied against the people who um allow their dogs to run does it jeopardize um the association beach in any way in terms of um for examp violation of the order of conditions um so if we we can we're able to issue a fine for that um and the Association can issue the fine to their yeah but you kind of would have to catch them right yeah yeah maybe it would be a good idea to remind people that it could be a fine if they let their dogs run we we we tell them Paul that there's a $300 fine I don't care what time of day or year it is and I've called The Animal control officer the problem is even in the summer they come before 8:00 before the guard at Seagull Beach town is there before the lifeguards are there they walk Seagull Beach and then they come to our beach and then I'm up early in the morning I remind them first of all you're not supposed to be there they say well I can be there with a leash I said this is public property private property and they tell me what I can do with it yeah yeah just it's frustrating I guess you have to bring your video camera with you well I all right well thank you for that information I know you're doing your best I understand and we're trying so we need to um have did we do this or make a motion we have it yet make a motion to uh I'll make one for got to make the motion first we that what the motion is get ahead of me a little bit Yeah issue the extension for three years okay I I'll make a motion to for three years yes second excuse me our last one was 5 years but we had a renew it after 3 years Maxim our maximum extension is 3 years so you have an approval right now through January 1st 2025 it'll go through 2028 okay thank you okay all right okay so we have a motion to um for the extension for the um extension for 3 years uh any any other things connected to that we're all set right with the all of the original special conditions okay all right all in favor um passes by the required majority here was that four nothing did you vote four nothing yes I vote I this is four Zer um we'll have that in the mail next week unless you'd prefer to pick it up yes if you can because it goes to a uh our billing our billing company if you can just send me a note I'll pick it up and then we file it with uh with the registry of land Court yeah I I did that last time I much rather do that I'll call you when it's ready perfect thank you thank you thank you thanks for coming in thanks for the approval and thank you for what you do second one yeah good to go for number two okay um next item on the agenda is um call R for Dorene and Harvey Wright 370 wear Road proposed removal of culbert stream Crossing with a land underwater body they said we're waiting for a number for this yeah the D number has not yet been issued issued so we can take testimony but we can't vote on this project tonight to this morning um that's that's fine I got a little confusing in there uh any event Paul River on behalf of uh Harvey and Dorene Wright who are behind me this is a a fairly simple project uh basically this area off Weir Road had Cranberry Bogs uh in the land in the area uh historically it's it's a little confusing because the easement for the cranberry bog should have gone straight along the property line to mil Pond instead it does this goes north from Weir Road takes a 90° turn to the West uh onto the rights property rather be the border and then takes another 90° turn and goes uh straight out to mil Pond the ever since the rights of own the property uh there was a small concrete covert uh at the second Jog and that kind of kept the water back in that area uh for a period of time the cranberry bog owner to the north uh did some various improvements increased the size of various flows and a couple years ago in 2021 said well I'm going to let out a lot more water through my pond here and came to the rights and and replaced the Culvert that was sitting there uh with an aluminum Culvert he then let the water fly out of his Cranberry Bogs it Disturbed some uh uh Leaf sediment or whatever clogged the uh Culvert for a period of time which caused allegedly some back flooding of the neighbor to the east who was connected to this water area through a pond um that neighbor uh Mr Mr Wright then you know talked to that neighbor and he then put in got at Fergus in a larger uh plastic covert to put in that area that neighbor then sued Mr Wright uh some various things went on you have an enforcement order that when the property was looked at realized that uh someone in the history of the property had cleared along Mr Wright's area uh that has all been subject to revation plan although the deers seem to like to eat the vegetation uh that's been put down there um the neighbor as part of the settlement of the suit we said well if you want the water to flow the most simple way to deal with things is get rid of this unnatural barrier because it's was put in in here uh apparently when Cranberry Bogs were used in the area it's a drainage ditch uh it's say it goes straight one way turns immediately 90° left turns immediately 90° right as uh my one of my favorite Consultants Peter Rosen I don't know if you ever seen him said God doesn't usually work in straight lines Paul if it goes in a straight line it was probably man-made uh technically and we'll discuss this uh it is is considered to be a river uh even though it's man-made and we're not making any disputes about that uh all Mr Wright wants to do and that's all this proposal is is essentially to remove the plastic Culvert that has been placed in there uh remove some of the rocks that are sitting underneath the plastic cul and let nature take its course return if the area needs to drain it will drain if it doesn't uh and over a period of time it's a very small area uh the proposal is to put down some uh Waddles and hay bales bring down an excavator uh to the area follow with a small truck uh pull out the uh area of dirt on top of the plastic Culver and then remove the culbert remove that uh material to the cranberry bog the plastic will probably be disposed of uh appropriately I say the cranberry bog when I mean this the bog owner has uh an area where he stores Sand and does various activities if that doesn't happen you'll probably send it up to Great Western road somewhere it'll get taken care of um but it'll be removed off site and out of wetland area um it's technically it's kind of entertaining I didn't I didn't know this I do a lot of conservation work I first thought when we're sitting on top of a culvert that it wouldn't be Riverfront area you know if you look at the riverfront regulations that talks about going outside the river but miss derenzo uh pointed this out checked out the regulations it is technically the area on top of this tiny Culver is uh Riverfront area and therefore uh the uh process is subject to River protection act Andor I have very brief Alternatives analysis and of course the no action alternative is the first alternative you look at um and that is just leave the Culvert in place um I know that the town is working uh with a former member I shouldn't say with him with the friends of Bass River uh former member of the Conservation Commission a friend of mine Rick Bishop on removing a number of blocks to flows to milpond to the west of this area in addition uh they're doing the big is it North Dennis Road uh North Dennis no uh we Road has a culvert coming from I'm talking to the east if we could just focus on the project have a 40 we know you're it's beneficial right no I just want to make sure there's we're talking about the area to the west of Weir Road not the north Dennis Road project and it's going to cause changes to this area uh there should be greater flow in mil Pond Etc uh though it probably will not cause any change up necessarily where you are title change in the pond but uh we get about this much daily so the second alternative is is there any alternative outside of the riverfront area I think the the answer is obvious there is not this is an intent to just return the flow in this technical River to its natural level prevent any backing up that would necessarily cause problems to the neighbor's property um uh the only other Alternatives would be uh installing perhaps a larger Culvert uh in this area but that's really just putting sort of a man-made piece in here rather than uh move anything back um so the prefer referred alternative in The Proposal is simply just to remove the Culvert let nature take its course be there um the equilibrium the bottom will determine itself in terms of the flow that actually comes through there uh the we have not submitted uh any revation plan because essentially one Mr Wright's just going to come down there do that he's properly trained to use the excavator um and also there is an existing essentially revation plan annual over 3 years uh due to the replanting of the enforcement order so the intent was simply we'll go over this he's going to be there very briefly this project is going to take less than an hour to do um we'll look at it for any damage at the time and deal with revation I did talk to m d rienzo and we both kind of agreed that it probably ought to be I'll call it time of year restricted and I hate to say that because you you start thinking about winter flounder and things like that we we were just more thinking of time of year do it in April so that we're in a growing season when it's wet so everything can grow back rather than have it sit there you know from someone does the project in December and then it rains through January February March and you have a little erosion instead do it a growing time I think that's it if I missed anything Harvey I don't think so I I would I would say that we're visually looking at about two cubic yards of fill that needs to be removed along with this cul pipe which becomes part of that mass right so literally be less than two cubic yards of stone Earth whatever and uh I'll put it directly into one of my neighbor trucks uh bring it over uh let it dry out in his sand pit and then from there he can use it for what he needs or I can bring it to another place but that's up to Tom I mean his pit area is used for composting and mulching and uh it's a general utility uh to his bog and so yeah okay it's an established sand is part of a cranberry bog system one other thing there is a sort of walkway in the enforcement order plan that the trucks will be coming truck will be coming down the excavator it's not like it's going over I'll call it undisturbed area M okay all right I think we've all been out there and uh we know that the property is well taken care of so these adjustments will be great but Britney do you have some comments um yeah I just have a few questions for the um resulting slope of the banks are you trying to match the existing slopes of the bank or is there going to be more gradual slope uh well the other slopes are vertical along the trenches I was going to match that as much as I could I imagine a slight in Incline to either side would ease the erosion yes that's what we would prefer and also um that the the slopes need to be seated um so that they can have some revegetation stabilization so whatever seed mix has been approved in the enforcement Order Plan um you should seed the banks um when they are exposed and have some sort of slope there um do you have any plans to reestablish any sort of stream Crossing to get to the other side or you just going to leave it so you can't can no longer access the other side I was going to oh uh yes I would like to put a small Bridge across there uh I do if you if the picture were continued off to toward the back wall here uh my land slopes up to a place that's high and I generally keep that mow so I just like to be able to get my mower across and up to the U it's essentially a Turf Lawn on this side you mow this area yeah if you're proposing a bridge youing it just right along the lot line uh there's a an area which the previous owners had filled I guess and it it's a long sloping grade down to the Wetland area but the grassy part of it that immediately abuts the owner's property it's a Turf Lawn his irrigation overflows to it so I just like to keep that mode if you're proposing a bridge it needs to be included in the notice of intent no we're we're not proposing as this is as he said this was brought about by the issue if Mr uh uh Wright wants to put a bridge in the future okay he he will do that clearly he has the ability to access it to uh through the neighbor's property in fact that was mentioned at various points that you know we don't have a problem if you need to access your property to come through ours okay for maintenance but okay so we're not proposing a bridge but trying to keep this simple yeah again I'd like to so I have one more question um if we're removing this sediment and here we just need some sort of sedimentation or siltation control within the river while the work is being done I didn't quite get I I got yeah no that we were kind of looking at it and debating this issue of like how how much you wanted to really deal with that for the size of the project but simply something like a simple silt fence for a couple days I think so yeah yeah okay water variety yeah to give you to give you an overall picture of the size of this area we're talking about the pipe is 18 in yeah we have a photo um we've all been there we understand the scope of the work um just need to and those all that I mentioned can be included as special conditions we don't need another plan revision or anything um but that's all I have okay thank you Commissioners questions um like to ask if you've had any engineer hydrologist or anything look at uh how deep that uh the river the bed will drop it's obviously going to drop some because of the slope and where it's the upper topography you understand my question after you take out the the pipe it's going to actually right now the r Riv the bottom is established and it's going to go deeper yeah and you know an estimate of how much that'll be um I'm going to ask Harvey to do that but I believe it's it's shown on the plan the depth yeah we required them to put in the the grade at the bottom of the stream on both sides of the Culver and they're going to match the existing on and meet a slope that matches the existing grade it's in light gray it's kind of hard to read no that's what I'm that's what they're going to do when they take the pipe out isn't that what you're saying yes that's correct and I'm saying that's going to erode further as I looked at that property it's uh slope it's got a it's going to Water's going to come down through and over the years make it deeper so I just want to know if you're ready for whatever how deep that it's going to be and it's not anything really to do with us approving this this is just sort of my impression of what's going to happen and uh I don't I can't tell only a hydrologist or engineer would be able to tell how deep that's really going to end up yeah and we did not ask BSC to look into that issue I mean this is so low too that as I see it's it's going to be driven by the groundwater table at some point that you know the the depth there I say the depth that's in uh that stream it's going to balance the height to the groundwater table to some extent but it can only go down so far we're pretty low here H that's true yeah no okay okay that's all I have David nope nothing for me okay Britney anything else no um so since we don't have the D number um we do have to continue um is December 19th are you available on that day to finish the hearing here yes so um we just need a motion to continue to December 19th continue to December 19th in order to get the D number yeah okay so excuse me are we just so sometimes we vote this approval pending no I'd I'd rather continue for the D number to see if they have any comments okay right we had some issues that the person who was originally looked at this plan left D and I refiled it sent it to that person they didn't get it I refiled it and for some reason Amy Walky at De didn't get it until later this week okay okay and I also we can communicate to make sure we have the good idea on the special conditions so that you have something to V on have that time yeah so that's another very important reason to do so okay before we um vote on anything uh is there anybody in the audience has a comment on this project anybody in Zoom nobody in Zoom nobody in Zoom so I guess not and um now we're going to be voting on continuing this to December 19th okay so we're not we're not voting on the project itself that's true so can I have a motion to continue this so move David second second Jack all in favor I I four zero continue December 19th okay thank you very much thank you excuse me now Britney December 19th so one of the two people on mull ins themselves that's all right okay all right good okay the next item is an enforcement Bass River correct Bass River Property LLC Francis Lloyd 222 Pleasant Street unpermitted pilings and Float relocation further out into the river in land under the ocean and land containing shellfish thank you for having me morning I uh am Bob Perry representing the Lloyd family uh they live off Cape up in the Boston area and um Mr Lloyd recently had some medical issues and it's um more appropriate since I am familiar with o the property and I'm familiar with the activities and the enforcement action that I can talk the talk with you as necessary I'm just going to give a brief overview first and then we can have um our discussion um so a couple of weeks ago I issued a draft enforcement order to the property owners at 222 Pleasant Street because of the relocation of pilings and an Associated float in the Bass River their property um the original conditions are shown on the left which is from Spring of this year 2024 the float was approximately 3 ft away from the existing landing and the existing photo from September 2024 shows them about 11 ft away from the existing landing and the permitted this property doesn't have an order of conditions for this dock but they do have a chapter 91 license that was approved in 1991 and that shows approximately 6 to 7 ft in between the landing and the pilings and Associated float um so the enforcement order right now is just requiring the removal of um the pilings from their unpent location and replacement in their original permanent location because it does stick out a little bit further than all the other docks in the area into the channel um and so that I would be recommending including a time of year restriction just because the area is within suitable shellfish habitat and winter flounder um between January 15 and May 31st and the removal of shellfish prior to the work um so that wasn't in the original draft so we would just have to revise it to add those draft um conditions but now we can discuss with Mr Perry okay I think it's great to have them make this correction under the enforcement action and just to give you a little brief history some of you might have been on the committee I came before you three years ago to reconstruct the Lloyd's pier and we utilized obviously the up-to-date survey information but also that waterways license that you saw um that had geographical relationships uh not just the distance from the platform to the float but it was very clear that the float in the first photograph is too close to the platform and it's my understanding that the Lloyds had made an arrangement with lmco Marine to fix that so that it was moved out and you know your local Marine Contractors know better than to come and do work without talking to you but somehow they decided not unlike Springtime float deployments they showed up and they made this change and they moved those piles out to around 10 or 11 ft off the float when the proper distance I agree uh the float is we we've plotted it at 7 ft off the platform on the pl plan that we submitted in 2021 and that's very close to the it's actually the same distance that's shown on the license plan so all good I know the Lloyds have said they will speak to lmco and have those have the two pilings put where they're licensed and I think lmco had I believe it was initially had not placed them correctly so I did mention it's a lot like what goes on in the spring Marine Contractors show up everybody's float goes in and they do sometimes find pilings that are damaged and they do what they need to do this happened right in the middle of summer is that when this happened or was it so fall so the thing I wanted to talk with you about because I I I think you can just ratify that enforcement action and lmco will carry out that work at their next opportunity prior to January 15th oh okay well the good news is the float I haven't been there uh lately but the float shouldn't be in no it should just be the piling work right so when I have to ask this question when all the floats and the ramps get put back in usually after April 1st is there any possible way this work could be done when the seasonal activity occurs um no so I did a a little survey on all of the other docks adjacent to it and the DMF had has that time of your restriction in place for that specific area of the of the the floats can be detached and attached but the pilings have to go that's fine so the in in ground under the water work we'll make that clear to them so that I mean I just have to say here that I think lmco should do that and I think they will do that thing I wanted to show you was something that came up just so you know what we're dealing with as far as the dock um you might have to share these but these are 1952 aerial pictur just don't you have some from the' 40s you know yeah well this just want to show you that there's three docks in the picture and they're actually triplet they're they're all the same they were all built around 1946 and I didn't have one for you I'm sorry um look it up um and the one that circled is the Lloyds and the the question that we're trying to get at which I don't know why we even have it as a question my reading of your regulations is that that Dock of the Lloyds would be a permitted dock because it predates the need not only for an order of conditions but it predates any dock regulations that existed in the town so you can look at that you can see my familiarity with their dock is that it had these little out hul poles pilings you can see that the dock in 19 19 52 was being used exactly like it is today it's it's really the same dock you can go there and see that the pilings and the wood is so old and rotted it was the reason we came to you in 2021 and what happened in 2021 was the committee wanted the dock elevated what the Lloyds felt was excessively and they wanted the platform removed because excuse me can I could I just um interject a comment here and thank for this information but I believe what I heard you say earlier is that the pilings would be moved into to where they should be in according to the correct most recent plan so that I'll ask Britney so that would solve this problem is that not correct the current problem that is correct yeah he's talking about um that's why we're here but I just what what I want to know is you know um so how will this information from 19 52 impact upon the decision today it it won't then why are we taking the time to do it well I spoke with Britney about the logic of filing a notice of intent instead of carrying the workout through an enforcement action and if I filed a notice of intent it would be to replace the pilings where the pilings are supposed to go okay but it would also include rebuilding the entire Dock and to make that choice which I think were there on the enforcement action but to make that choice I was hoping that the committee would look at the 1952 aerial photography and at least discuss with me whether that can be you can make a finding in the enforcement action ratification that it's a permitted dock or tell me that it's something you might want to discuss at another time so do you have a um opinion on that because I I would need more information about that okay that helpful yeah I think the board would need some more time to review all the history cuz we have some new members that weren't here when the first um denial happened for your this Dock and neither was I um but I would it is a permitted dock through the waterways program but it still has never been permitted through the wetlands program right and so that's what we would be seeking to attain at some point and if the homeowners want to rebuild it since it's old and they want to elevate it and improve it in some way then I would recommend trying to file a notice of intent to do so um our regulations do state that when you are reconstructing an entire peer effort must be made to meet our current regulations and so the platform currently doesn't meet our current regulations you can always ask for a variance it's under the board's discretion whether to issue that variance or not okay that's um that's all the information I would be that's kind of it was my opportunity to have a discussion with you on behalf of Lloyd so I ventured it out and and I I get what you're saying it's not part of the enforcement action we have issued that variance in the past but we also have failed to issue that variance understand so it is a very much a case by case well not to belabor the topic but the variances that have been granted which were sort of intrinsic variances because they weren't specifically stated were for docs that were actually being expanded and the Lloyds at the time was just being requested to be rebuilt with a reduction of the number of pilings and it's probable that we'll bring that back before you yeah but I was you know just putting it out there that the the changes that we're discussing to take pilings and put them where they're licensed is it just seemed to me that it was a conversation that could also include whether or not the dock is a permitted dock because your regulation state that a permited dock is a dock that was constructed prior to relevant regulations and we believe this dock is one of those but we can take this up and I don't mean to cut you short or anything I just wonder till 11 I'll provide more information to them if we want to have it on all I wanted to do is to find that out so thank you so as far as this enforcement order then the the um moving of the pilings is um sufficient to satisfy the inventor there are no findes or anything associated with it I I don't think it's necessary they were trying to put them in their proper location and they just they did not end up going in the proper location so the the removal and replacement in the fre location should be sufficient okay and so we need to vote now to um um to um revise the enforcement order to include the special conditions and ratify it okay before that I don't see anybody in the audience oh oh I'm sorry there is some no nobody in the audience nobody on Zoom so um we have a Britney explained the motion may we like to Second David and Jack second all in favor I I thank you for coming in thank you we'll get that done it's got short time but they're here and there's no ice okay sounds good thank you Bob okay uh let's see continue to sign um yes please which one is it here that one right on top this one yeah this is we road we didn't have to sign anything for that did we that's true you're all set for you can leave it there do you want a copy of of the 1952 picture we'll take one for the file I think they were taking by bip plane but I'm not sure I just want you to know I was only two I was two also yeah how do you get that the Skips from 38 to 71 okay thank you yeah the next item is um continued storm War order uh let's see what are we doing with this s sw2024 d002 Jacko Larry for Edmund zaran 228e 28 proposed Redevelopment into a mixed use building um so the peer review is not complete so we're going to I guess I have to make a motion to table it until January second either make a motion or as chairman you can table it I'm going to table it then you you got the power we'll Table after January 2nd thank you all right other business approval of meeting minutes November 21st 2024 I read the minutes they seem to be excellent we have we have excellent minutes anybody uh else read them yeah okay we have a motion to accept the minutes my mine is a motion yours is a motion okay second Jack yeah okay right all in favor of accepting the minutes of November 24th I I I carries four to zero next item is Wastewater and Water Resource advisory committee update from David So we had a very interesting long meeting usually our meetings in an hour and this one ran over two on Monday um I'll just very quickly let you know that things are moving along um that they hope to start the construction for the plant sometime this this spring that uh the contract between um Parker River and I think it's uh not sure where that contract ends but um that that's moving along at a little slower Pace but he hopes to have it done by the end of spring and definitely the other contract which is from uh probably about where we are here all the way to um Bass River Bridge should be done in the spring also and the other two contracts which are Parker River West to Higgins crwl and then Higgins crwl West to bonable line have been sent out to bid and we're just waiting for the state to accept the bid but the most uh of the time was taken up with what's coming up on Monday's town meeting what a surprise with with the two the person who put out the petition uh coming and explaining his position and uh he seems to have two issues and um one issue with a person who was there with him whose name I didn't catch um is the uh retraining wall and the he's afraid that the retaining wall will collapse under the pressure of all the Wastewater going into the pumping station which the two the engineers from from our consultant said they didn't think that would happen so um and the other issue was uh he the the warrant is asking to move the pumping station over a little bit which causes all sorts of issues which you'll hear about if you which I hope you come to the meeting um but the main issue is well number issues one is funding we'll lose the funding for um right now we're we have a 0% interest for our loan as opposed to 6 and a half% % and if they had to move it they'd have to redesign and the person who they're giving the contract to could then come in and say pretty much anything about how much it would cost to move because the contract's been awarded and this is a change or we'd have to rebid the contract in which case it go into next year's list and we would be at the bottom of the list for that particular contract so causes all s sorts of issues um his other the the petitioners also said well maybe I could just there's a little road that if you notice uh behind his cranberry bar cranberry stand and he said you know if the town would do a cut there and I could put parking in there and I said to him I don't know how close that is to um Wetland and I'm going to assume it's within 100 feet you know there all sorts of Permitting has to go ahead it's just a matter of happening um I guess that's all I'll say about it but I I urge you to come to the town meeting I guess and anybody out there watching this can I ask one question about you mentioned the pumping station does that actually hold water just water pass through it up to another location it holds it up to a point where then it pumps it on okay so it collects water and it pumps it off it collects waste oh waste okay okay I think not doing anything to the other than passing through right right it's not doing it yeah and it has a generator there in case something goes wrong all sorts of and it's on Town property orig that's on the property of the um of the capab capabilities and you know they're working out a a a way to you know to have it there or they have that hasn't been completed no they're in negotiations they taking it em or no there's no there was no word of eminent Dain in the whole conversation okay and do you could you tell from Maps or are they 10 ft away from the puming station the the his uh trailer for sales uh 30 it's more it's more than that oh is it yeah take me a minute to find it yeah it's um yeah it's more um but he talked about building a new more permanent uh building there um for the Fruit Stand yeah so and there are other issues I believe but I don't think they're warranted for here no yes that's right okay so the the um town meeting is on Monday 6 o' M 6 o'clock there are two things in the warrant the other one is to uh push back the plastic reduction plastic came from January 1st this year to January 1st next year um and I think it was most of the restaurants are the the ones who petitioned it I guess I think I saw that yeah okay well we'll learn more about it yeah you can decide there okay thank you David and um I'm sorry well go ahead there's one more other business maybe a lawsuit to be involved but that's rumor right what yeah I don't think that's yeah that's right noted yeah I don't know um and number the third permit extension act review sounds exciting yeah so um similar to the covid tolling and to the permit extension Act of 2012 um on November 20th 2024 Mass Governor moril signed the ACT relative to strengthening Massachusetts economic leadership known as the mass leads act um this comprehensive Economic Development Bill includes Provisions to again extend the life of land use permits at this um automatically extends permits that are in effect by two years so um an approval in effect or existence during the tolling period of January 1st 2023 to January 1st 2025 will be extended for a period of 2 years um so similar to our covid tolling um our office won't be reaching out individually to all of our permit holders um they can ask questions if it applies to their permit per because it only applies to state issued permits and not bylaw only so it doesn't apply for administrative reviews um and other acts from our office that don't um cons don't consist of a state permit so if you have any questions about your permit if you think it's affected please contact the conservation office and we'll confirm the expiration date of your existing permit okay any questions on that it can also have the ability to resurrect a permit that has already expired so it is very interesting but it's two years from when it expires when the permit expires not two years from today that's correct yeah my permit expired in October 1st 2023 I have till October 1st 2025 that's correct okay all right I finally figured it out and any other business that reasonably anticipated are we going to talk about M keys at some point the next meeting or um we'll talk about it um after we have our first mes meeting so we don't have all the details figured out yet for those and who's are you the person going to the first mes meeting or is one of us most all of us if we can so we we're still working out the details so we're not going to discuss it yet you don't have a date no is there some reason why we're not discussing it before CU I don't have enough details to discuss it check well there's plenty of stuff on the website I have a meeting today so I don't have enough information to further discuss it yeah no I I understood what you said I'm just saying that if anybody wants to catch up and get background you go to the m Keys website okay that's good suggestion I think I'll do that and uh I would encourage everybody to do that it's pretty hard to put the pieces together well it's very preliminary right now isn't it there's a lot of stuff out there that yes but yes I would say it's very preliminary yeah I'll have to look it over because I don't follow it and do we welcome the new member yeah absolutely welcome Joe our new conservation agent what's your last name jalo okay Joe welcome helping us out better known as Joe he even got a dut today so it's a really thank you David for bringing well little disappointed in and I have to bring them back but I guess I I'll suffer and eat them I'll take another one okay you're more than welcome you when we break up we don't want the whole town to know that you took a donut I think it's a really cushy job if you get two Donuts in one meeting my goodness okay um we're at the point where um I moved to a journ second I guess do we move to a journ David seconded by Jack all in favor I thank you