there obviously no other Italians here we have guests here and I'll let to introduce themselves in a minute i' just like to say um I'm going to miss energy committee so much Mar G hello how are you here you go um we are just about to introduce guests so you came at a very time um we have uh we have all different kinds of pizza and we have Diet so help yourself Maria um if anybody needs an extra agenda any it will be weird not coming to energy committee on Tuesday afternoons um but there is there is a rule about app um that if you if you're on the bodys people to the town comme um you can't uh can't the one of the group you a point and the way to um square that no I'm going out to dinner that's I didn't make the way that you can um you can ask for an exception for that is to make a motion and get a super majority four fifths or selected to vote that you can stay in whatever committee you are I explored that but you know we have a very capable Vice chair who will make a calm chair heading into the future so I feel like I'm leaving you in good hands I just leave you with two pieces of advice pay attention to what Mike says and never mention solariz yth and you will all live happy okay let's introduce starting at the end down there let's introduce our our our guests and members of the public P Duffy wife of Mike Duffy and you listen I'm Dave Whitter and gotten to know Joyce through the solar wolfle it's still going on unfortunately Dave um with that that program that Dave has taken that all the way through the uh Home Improvement contractor guaranteed process and he is who got the um the residential trust thing changed with a a Nifty argument um that involved uh discrimination against senior citizens who would put their homes in trust when no homes in trust was from another era when those were commercial real estate trusts so even though people don't know it everyone in the program we're not mentioning his uh who homeless and Trust owes you a big vote of thanks it just didn't seem right you know I mean you know senior citizens generally put their homes in some some kind of uh relationship for after they passed and and the way they had it worded there it was like can't even can't even participate okay and I I get that okay maybe because of the way they had the the uh guidelines set up for the uh fund that it made a little bit of sense because I didn't want somebody like Davenport anytime they had a problem or whatever applying with for one of their contractors and collecting on it by the same token okay it also ruled out any senior citizen that ever needed work done on their house they would never be able to apply for it no matter what it was whether it was a solar or siding or you know somebody put a loom on their house and it went bad and I says no I says well I says I'll mention this right off the rift that'll get their attention and if I didn't get proper response I was going to go to AARP and let them fight it out but cooler heads prevailed as they say and it went through where apparently whoever drafted the original guidelines there uh decided that uh you know see ABR or whatever that it did not make sense to you know I seniors it was at the state level though yeah okay so Dave are all grateful to you we're delighted that you're here um next to you is anre Gavin um long beloved to us you remember Steve Gavin co-chair for all those years um am comes to us through Steve but is also very interested in energy and green energy herself uh and it's a treat to have her now you brought tears to my eyes I would like to say it's been three years Steve Steve was one of the great of this committee yes well anyway that um he spoke so highly of Joyce and so I was happy to be somewhat involved in her election and now and I can't be stay for the swearing in so I just thought i' come here for a bit thank you very much for anyone at this table who may have voted for me I promise I will do my best not to disgrace you and you have have my email if I start to well listen um we have um some past minutes but we don't have the ones for May right we don't have any we for April yeah I haven't worked on them so they're Mike this goes to you July minutes presumably by then with June members of the secretar I know you've been out of town and things have been busy but please promise me that you'll get like all minutes to my my son is installing new computer tomorrow so in I will follow it's g i I currently use a 15year old transmitting TOA laptop which is on its last legs and he's well this afternoon he put all all my files onto a Thum drive and and tomorrow he's G to throw the old to she out you'll stop yes I have some of the minutes but I'm not sure what the last I will I will follow up with we're a bit tight on time because um the uh because of an executive session kept moving this swearing in up and up so now it's at 5:30 here we are and that's by the way why we're missing Camila because she works so live and we usually zoom in but we really had to start earlier because of you know appar this is a must go to this s so well moving down our our uh agenda then we're postponing the past minutes and that will be a Big Splash in July um Amanda how about some Town energy news um for those of you who are new I should probably exp Amanda's Our Town engineer um so she's the person goto person on EV Chargers and what's being planned for installations and you know we're we're really lucky to have her um so just following up from last month we talked about the meeting and U so get together at the senior center sorry I couldn't make it and a family matter that popped up how did that how did they what he came it was only down his office hours so on the see yeah I mean yeah and it was supposed to be a an event the senior center is not the senior center of old I went back today also had a rather strange experience I had one of their Gourmet lunches and and they have two-tier lunches uh no Gourmet or nothing the senior centor made by some commercial catering company that works for Elder services and does the Meals on Wheels which basically Meals on Wheels but but I did become the a member of the uh of a conversation group and I am going to be talking about energy next week at this conversation group and uh I'm going to try to get things going at at the senior center on energy but one of the things I think has happened is that seniors are just tired of talking about energy not interested because most of the things we are proposing are 20 year things and uh uh are they eating your vegetables yes they ate their R veget 12 that I ate was today all ate no across didn't need it vegetables but the others did nice vegetables anyway I I just think that this may be we have a lot of golden Oldies in this town I don't I'm not sure that this is an Avenue we should necessarily put our efforts into for the last five years or so um then interrupted by the pandemic um Bob was holding um weekly office hours about energy with people they could bring in their electric bills they could bring in their yeah it was mostly it was mostly electric bills or Solar City customers like that one one poor woman her her her husband had signed them up for Solar City they had to Stu on the roof and then of course it got bought out by Tesla and he died and she didn't know what to do and we went on for months and she she couldn't get any anything out of out of Tesla this was all before the pandemic and I have no idea we sort of got interrupted by the pandemic and and so I don't know exactly what happened to her so B if you could be thinking likeon to seniors you could be thinking of a better venue to to track um and and mix with the seniors that have more in common with energy committee and might be more interested in doing things it just seems like they're out there cly we're not mentioning um indicated there were quite a few people who are willing to think long term about energy but I I don't know that you would have bumped into them with the office hours over there yeah I I I really I've been thinking about we need new members uh how we get uh people Amanda's age working on a committee instead of people my age or working together I guess do we go back to Regina and and start there at high school find teachers who live in yarmus that might be interested you know I had those two two functions I did at the middle school couple months ago I attended that Regina had organized well one Regina organized this new middle school Intermediate School think it's difficult to get wrap your hands around there are two schools in one building and and it's it's all crazy and yet the eight-year-olds figure it out yes exactly um in any case start you know maybe go to the young professionals organizations uh something something like that go over to go over to the Chamber of Commerce and see if there are any business people that might get interest I personally think the community as a whole our objective of working on the whole Panorama of electric vehicles is is a a good one but uh we have to contend with our own zba on that one uh the St David's Episcopal Church got their uh their request for a for a solar canopy on their parking lot shot down by the zba last week um who's the zba zoning board of appeals that they they contracted with one of these companies that does these solar canopies as a business and uh the acting chairman called this a proposed industrial site uh that these solar canopies would be manufacturing electricity which would be sold to customers and was not allowed in a residential area very Sur exceptions are sometimes made for industrial religious sites too oh yeah I I got a long talk with can you appeal those decisions to the board well I mean I I afterwards I had a long talk with follow with the the I guess she's the director Andrea Taylor and uh and they she was very down you know St Davis has been very very active uh and uh she was really down on that and uh thought that they were probably going to just give up the they tweeting it like a commercial property as far as no the the Church apparently is in a residential area yes but they mean they were saying that uh because they were able to sell they would be able to export okay so that became a commercial yes for this company that it's a PPA basically for the church yeah and and uh so they were you know they were this company was going to be establishing a an industry on the properties the solar canopies would be manufacturing site the company that's selling this product is taking a little bit of the oh yeah top it from yeah yeah okay and they res there's enough of it so they would be reselling a lot of it to to ever eversource or getting off takers you know the community solar uh fashion where they sell shares in a particular project to people uh how is that different than somebody that puts solar on their roof and sells it back down yeah well that's that was going to be my next that's where I was the only way if they're designating that as a commercial area then maybe they'd have to get an exception or whatever waiver yeah well it's residential it's it's there's a gas stationer yeah but I mean the church itself is apparently part of its land is is residential and part of its commercial and it's a historic district as well uh I mean it's just complicated beyond words okay so to be continued I think that's one that is worth following up on because we might be some up to them in the meantime I'm not sure that Amanda got to what she was about to say on Town energy uh well you could always to be continued um because the solar is not up yet at the Senor Center um there was some so Bob's event could still happen still happen yeah they're not um projecting now till the end of summer um they had to do some panel work um to adhere to the electrical inspector U and they're waiting for the battery associated with it and so yeah they're hoping the rest of the equipment will begin so so it's it's it's a fall ination that yeah yeah than and I don't think the battery at is working either they put a tremendous amount of money on that but I think it's a problem with the transfer switch Yeah because it was an old transfer switch the new transfer switches or the switch they can't get so I think they have all of that out there and I don't think it's functionable they yeah they mentioned all the money put into that well let's just do one more item on the agenda before we have's presentation and that's um the Jord Air memorial fund um we uh created that POS ages ago after George's sudden death and uh uh George for those of you who didn't know him and few people at this table did um because it's been now some years since his death was the most amazing Department of Public Works person ever and he was Pro wind Pro energy and proa and he got so much stuff done it was great yeah I think he was probably the proor of this committee well that's why that yeah compact perhaps was involed in the creation of K like Pap nope he wasn't but no he wasn't on the board no but I mean maybe it was before he came here but uh no was Charlotte yeah yeah she was the first chairman of this committee I think yeah are there funds available somewhere to support this well that's the thing we're down to um$ 230 some dollars and um there aren't the summer programs that there used to be the idea was that this was for a one week summer program for a kid in the in the yarma schools um so what I'd like to suggest is um that we take that money uh it's held by the uh the school department um and that we um donate that to their General scholarship fund because it's not quite enough to do much on its own but that way it would still help a y kid where did that fund come from most mostly committee all private contribution for people yeah so no no taxpayer funds or any such um so can I have a motion to that effect because I really think we've talked about this before and I think that's our best solution I'll make a motion to um donate to the general fund scholarship for Georgia thank you is there a second second okay any discussion okay all those in favor signify by saying I I I I I okay looks unanimous okay now now let me introduce our guest speaker perhaps is starting to wonder are we just pizza hangout people or are we serious uh Maggie down you know I I I'm aware and I'm gonna leave so I don't leave in the middle Maggie I remember your name well enjoy your dinner as soon as you get back from dinner we'll call you up and tell you Magie is the longtime administrator of the Capel compact which started as the dream of a couple people in barville County government Charlotte stel here in Yarmouth and I think somebody from Barn to government right uh no but no it was Barn County Commissioners Matt Patrick from Falmouth oh okay got from par and then yeah Audrey lch gone for a long time was our first member from the town barnville it was really a Falmouth and Barnesville County Commissioners pulling all of the towns together to work on energy and the occasion of this founding of this which is 21 town from Vineyard and 15 on was um the um decoupling of electric supply from Electric distribution and some very SM people in local and Regional government saw real opportunity to reduce the electricity costs on the cape and as it turns out do in in subsequent years many more Amazing Things by running Energy Efficiency programs so anyway that's Maggie um and uh you should just hear from her and not hear from me anymore about her and you'll see how good she is right thank you and I did realize I made copies of the presentation and I left my notes in there so hopefully if the notes are in the slide we'll just skip through them so if you want to so I start with this because the Capel compact has been around for a long time um and yet there are never ceases to amaz me that there people who like what is the cap light compact who is the cap light compact um I always start by saying the Capel compact is the town of Yarmouth Town of Yarmouth is a member um we're a joint Powers entity we were formed originally by an intergovernmental agreement by all 21 towns back in the late '90s and then we reorganized with when um Governor Baker passed the 2016 Municipal modernization act and all of that so we were formed with a a vote of a town meeting in every town except for barnable because they a Town Council government and every town has a representative um that represents the board of Select monor Town Council they appointing authority on the on our on our board we have three primary functions that are listed up here there one is a we negotiate the terms and conditions of a power supply contract as uh Joyce was saying back in 1997 the restructuring act deregulated the electric utility industry in the Commonwealth and created municiple aggregators to because there was the belief that large entities would be able to aggregate their electric accounts in their load and get good rates but individual uh citizens would have a harder time and would be challenged by negotiating a contract and uh or could be taken advantage of in the marketplace so they allowed our cities and towns with a vote um as I said by town meeting or Town Council to become Municipal aggregators for many many many years it was only the 21 towns on the cape that were aggregators now there are more than half of our cities and towns in Massachusetts are municipal aggregators and negotiate the terms and conditions of a power supply contract our power supply contract is uh we switched in we've had several suppliers over the years and in 2018 um our last RFP we negotiated a contract with nexter energy that's who provides our supply um and it is 100% renewable I say 100% renewable we have three different levels of of power supply these are 100% renewable meaning all of our load is matched with renewable energy certificates they are not class one for those of you who are really familiar with renewable energy they are from wind WX from Central United States um we do have two local green options which are uh RPS class one re that support uh local renewable energy projects um our pride and joy and really if you want to go way way back um even before the restructuring act why the compact was formed it's all about Energy Efficiency we've been paying into an Energy Efficiency fund here in Massachusetts for almost 40 years there was a system benefit charge and it has evolved over time but there was always a very strong desire to make sure that the monies that were collected paid for by rers the cape and Vineyard were reinvested on the cape and Vineyards prior to that if you remember going way back it before it was cape and Vineyard electric then it became um NSTAR then it was and then it became eversource and all of these companies merged and our dollars were going over the bridge into a larger pool and there was a great movement among uh some very forward-thinking elected officials to try to make sure that those funds were staying local and the programs were delivered and run administered locally we also do consumer advocacy um which basically means we intervene at the Department of Public Utilities on lots of energy related dockets I did have some late breaking great news I'll share with all of you though I haven't read it yet um they PPU just issued an order on ever sources Cape CIP which is the capital Improvement plan which is why you were not able to pursue any renewable energy projects that were larger than 15kw without significant cost so their Cape CIP just got approved that will make a huge difference for the cable going to the Vineyard Vineyard projects and a lot of renewable projects that have been on hold here on Cap Cod several of our towns have been stuck trying to put solar or large solar arrays on their schools rooftops that are over 15kw and have been denied because of the cost basically prior to the CIP Capal Improvement plan if you wanted to do that project you would have to pay for 100% of an infrastructure upgrade which was unrealistic because you were playing for grid Improvement Capital Improvements from the utility just for your uh project so that's play breaking news we intervened in that docket and um um advocated very strongly for the Department to approve the CIP so that we could achieve our climate goals here on with cape and Vineyard want to go to the next slide so I just popped in our two slides on power supply ratee there's a piece of Margarita left and two our rates change the rates the timing on the rates mirror eversource basic Service rates these are the current rates they'll be expiring on our July meter reads um you can see at the very bottom our rate is our rate our basic standard rate which is I talked about earlier 100% renewable is 15.5 cents ever sources rate is 17.2 cents um now ever sources announced I think on officially July rates y That's my next slide uh our rates for starting on your you'll see these on [Music] your only show up on your AUST bill down 13 if you round up 13.1 15.8 cents rounding up so we are really happy to announce that it's almost a 3 Cent uh 2.67 cents almost three cents lower than the utilities B uh Supply rate how did they get that down pardon how did they get that down how get ARS down or even urce how did they um it's the timing the winter we've been there are risk premiums put in on your winter pricing because of what we've experienced with polar vortex you've seen what happen in Texas you get a spike um an electric and most importantly this done a long thing in the last several years especially since the start of the war in Ukraine a lot of our LG liquid natural gas has been going overseas to Europe driving our price which is our secondary fuel in New England and ISO New England electricity price is driven um by combined cycle gas mostly isn't it true now that the United States is the biggest energy exporter exporter yes in the world that was the last time I looked but I I would have to fact check that but it's pretty much so but again driving exports are driving prices up and the fact that so many in the winter you have to provide natural gas to heat homes that's the priority so we were relying on LNG to produce electricity so we were paying European prices which was driving our supply up a question what's going to happen to all this electricity that that eversource and National Grid have to buy from Vineyard wind from s cents a kilowatt hour or whatever it is this year how much did you say they negotiate 7 cents a kilowatt hour maybe in my dreams I would add like a maybe a one or two in front of that but um they that will go into the grid all of that they are so those they can resell I mean never L A National Grid can sold into the market so what the law says on our on our offshore wind projects which is why they're back stopped by Rays um the utilities have an option to either build them into their basic service or they will sell them into the market which is what from a business perspective they'll sell it into the market if the price is above Market everybody will pay for that if it's below Market everybody will get a credit on that so that all of that will energy the electrons actually from Vine from the first project are going to stay on the cape so we're actually getting green electrons we don't have a contractual relationship but we're getting green um we are getting green electrons because they're Landing here so anyway so that's that's yours we have a distri ution cost to add to these I don't have it there is oh yeah yes so what's our total cost we're in the 20 cent range 25 26 Cent range last time I 26 yep so it kind of talk about it another it starts to make the economics behind the meter solar and residential solar I know was sensitive subject WR here but anyway it starts to make the economics look very good when you look um when you're looking at High um electric rates so I'm going to move into energy efficiency so I want to give some highlights for what's happening um in 2024 as everybody I'm assuming all of you have had a home energy assessment I always asked that everybody's had their home energy assessment it's say it's a no cost we pay for these every month on our electric bill how often can you every two years every two years but if there was something that you didn't do meaning you had a home energy assessment they recommended weatherization or he pump and you just just the time for whatever reason didn't pursue it just keep just call us up and start the process sooner you don't have to wait your two years but that's about the average of what technology and codes you know a lot of sometimes insult building codes have changed significantly we're seeing this a lot in our um low income and income eligible properties we might have insulated a property 10 years ago but now with building codes we're going back and adding additional insulation because codes codes have changed so that's where we get the two-year standard asking because we were having this discussion one day and person kept signning I think it's three and I I thought it was two well you know I'm really not sure it's two years I would never somebody said I want a home energy assessment we will never turn you away we will look at what we've done and say you know is there a need but but it's two years is what we re recommend you keep data on the percentage of Yarmouth pardon how do you keep data on the percentage of get I'll get to that in a couple in a second on mass save data and we also have information on website and we send it to um B forar your administrator gets a report quarterly on how many people have participated how many incentives have been invested Etc so 100% weather weatherization for income eligible and moderate income customers and renters doesn't matter if you own or rent your home if you need insulation or air sealing it's at no cost if you and 75% of the cost is paid for for everybody else out of the fund heat pumps which is what you're seeing on the wall there that's a min actually I think that that is my house I didn't funny I was like that was just like my Min and it is um there you go a whole home rebate of $10,000 I switched back before they were that big incentives in 2017 our house is an Old Cape Ranch that has electric resistance heat so I switched to um high efficiency cold climate heat pumps and I've been incredibly happy with them um now if you're going to switch for your home over there is a $10,000 whole home rebate or you can do a partial people some people um for whatever reason want to leave do dual systems use one in the shoulder just want to use it for air condition your deification that's where it's a partial rebate and it's per ton average rebate there is about $4,500 for a whole home for a partial whole house um heat pump you can go to the next slide and I one quick question again your whole house is now heated and cool by pumps y except for the bathrooms because they um it's a ranch it's not heat pumps work best in open floor planes unless you have individual um cassettes or heads so we I keep the we have both bathrooms still use the electri res what are your total energy cost versus before you putat in the idea I'm not a good candidate because my mother lived with us for the last 10 years of her life and she kept the heat on my husband were short year round I'm not a good candidate the analysis is that we've looked at on a traditional Bill switching from Oil propane or electric resistance to a heat pump will reduce your overall energy burden where the economics do not pan out right now is if you heat your home with natural gas which in Yarmouth especially in the mid Cape area that's most of our homes are natural gas yeah National Grid was very smart about 30 years ago yeah I've got a a free gas furnace in my basement y so that's that was put in by by National Grid when they extended gas into our neighborhood in yport y we've got five of them but I still use a uh boiler a boiler gas that's the base I'll talk a little bit about that where the Commonwealth is headed just so that you can keep this all this in the back of your mind some other things we have a an ebik grant that is just winding down this was for income eligible and moderate income customers where we were offering significant incentives for um heat pumps this I think this is not um Bike Zone but our Yarmouth bike shop down the road it's been a active participant with lots of income eligible ebikes uh and rebates for those um who were were in need again these were this was a grant from the Commonwealth from Mass cc to offer alternative transportation for those who are economically disadvantaged we also have our standard rebates they're on our website for room AC all energy star appliances de humidifiers electric Clos dryers um and then CVO is still is we winding down at CVO CVO was a uh dpu approved um demonstration project where we're targeting deed decarbonizing deed restricted properties for and the deed restriction was for affordability in eligible and for affordability and at no cost to the participant we came in and we removed the heating system so we would take out your Oil propane or electric resistance put in high efficiency heat pumps heat pump water hot water heaters a solar system to make sure paired with the size of your load so as we're um electrifying the home we're not increasing your energy burden and then 25 of the participants that Target is 100 also got back batteries for resiliency and for backup we originally trying to do everybody with batteries but battery two things just to file away um heat pumps to run if you have solar on your roof and the P grid goes down you don't have a battery you just have a lot of expensive glass on your roof because they don't work because of for safety reasons everything shuts down so what we were trying to do was to give resilience for those that were the most vulnerable are low in moderate income by installing batteries but when you have a heat pump you need two batteries batteries the amount of M engineer excuse me the amount of juice you need to get the heat pump started it relies on two batteries um and then your solar system they'll all work in in in tandem but we could not keep Just One battery so only 25 of our participants so there are if any we you know what we sent out information to all the housing authorities all the town managers um off the top of my head I don't recall if anybody from Yarmouth is participating we have had 84 applicants come through program since we opened up over a year ago um 54 have been approved and 16 have been fully completed it is incredibly expensive to decarbonize this housing stock it's an older housing stock um we are not doing natural gas participants so they you're looking at sometimes depending upon where the house is located they could P power lines could be undergrounded a lot on the Outer Cape and Vineyard so it involves trenching um panel upgrade but again for the participants this was all at um no cost and the reason is when you look at the data the data of who's installing Sol solar who in um low and moderate income customers are being left behind um they have not been able to participate in the programs they pay into the programs just like we all do but their participation is lower than those that are market rate customers go to the next slide so now I'm going to switch to an entirely new program um so this is my first time talking about it publicly um do we need to close the door no no it is active and live um and the board's my board's going to hear about it tomorrow so um lots of federal money has been coming into the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to run to address climate change decarbonization and the mass Massachusetts Community climate bank and Mass Housing Authority received a significant amount of money to deliver Energy Efficiency programs and renewable programs that are to complement the Energy Efficiency programs that we run here through Capel compact when we saw this RFP we said oh my if we didn't participate it would be going to introduce a new player into the you know trying to encourage people to participate in programs and create a lot of confusion so the compact um submitted very I think we we saw the RFP on Wednesday um Thursday submitted our our our response to the RP the following Thursday and we were awarded the grant for two years with renewal for three to provide what they're calling coner Services um which is basically what the board has been asking staff to evolve to which it ties right into what you talking about Bob is really really direct one-on-one consultations to this is a homeowner program because it's Loan program on what you need to do to decarbonize your home or make it more efficient I've had one of those consultations good um so they're getting even deeper you know the sometime the presentations that we get to people you know they sit there they look they're not and then they want well my boiler is this what can I what do I do do I do a par they they have a lot of specific um questions so the again the energy saer Home Loan program is supposed to assist homeowners to cut their energy use remove their fossil fuel heating systems and pair that with um renewable energy this program the energy committee here wanted to go out and encourage the armor citizens to participate in this sort of thing would we be able to get funds from Capel compact to help support that um no there are two reasons you would send those people to the cape light compact which is in your town located right down the road to help walk them through because that's what the grant is four I'm very cautious and I'll say this with all due respect to send out and this is why my board wanted to train an army of volunteers talking about insulating your home versus talking about your heating and cooling system it's a very different level of expertise and for every time I have a volunteer say the right thing I have three volunteers including some of my board members say the wrong thing to customers and we're in very technical though I know your background so I know you would do the right thing so I'm not necessarily saying you wouldn't but there are there's a lot is an incredibly complicated very technical a lot of liability because the first time and this has happened well the orth energy Co committee told me that if I installed a heat pump and remove my oil system I could heat my house and I went away didn't operate my heat pump correctly and my P burps and now I'm out several hundred thousands of dollars and guess who they're going to come after the you AR we are a public entity so it is that's why I don't want to be part of that I guess but you're experience now that's not to say does the town does the compact through this have money for marketing for Flyers that we've reviewed for you yes that type of so it's a no but yes type type of answer so um because it's been it's been a conversation our board was pushing really hard for volunteers and we push back pretty hard and they and eventually we agreed and so this is funding a we've increased our call center um and a Outreach specialist that will then be augmented by all the CLC staff this program if you go to the next slide is targeting low and moderate income customers specifically those up to 135% of Ami area median income and it is a loan so it is a second mortgage on a home so you have to own your home and the income levels are up there so you can see Barn County if Sandy if you're the only person on your deed and you're retired and your your your pension is $100,000 you would be eligible because it was $166,000 is what the threshold is if Bob and Sandy were on there and their pension was $200,000 they would be over the amount because it's 166,000 what do you do I'm the Executioner of a of a a family trust that has two houses on it both here on the cape one I live on and I have two nieces who live in and the other one who was originally my my brother um it has to be who's on the deed so if the deed and again you're asking a good question I'm just writing myself a note to make sure I get the answer because I'm not fam not a lawyer with a trust but if the trust lists four people it's the income of those four people if the trust just lists one person then it is the income of that because you have to we have to income verify these are F These funds come all flow down from the Department of energy so again on a trust I'm not familiar with so I Bob I can't answer that but I do know that it has to the person who is listed on the deed has to income um qualify has to be a single family home or up to two to four units we have a Triple Decker or on the cape we have a lot of duplexes um and the most importantly we have to demonstrate via a model that we've been provided by the feds 20% Energy savings so go on to the next slide I'll talk about what's eligible here your chinking stes can I just ask a probably a pretty obvious question but this is all income based it's not you know yes but do you have stocks or do you have box this is based this is income based um just like all of our Energy Efficiency programs and you're not getting into lihe we're talking about our Capel compact Energy Efficiency are based on your um tax returns Etc other Federal programs are means tested where they're looking at the value of your property they're looking at other things such as liap which is low-income um heating assistance program so this is a loan amount ranged from $10,000 up to $100,000 it is a 20year 240 month loan term the first 18 months are interest only um and then the following 22 months are based have two interest levels if you are 60% or below which is the definition of of low income you have a half a percent um excuse me below 80% you have a half a percent interest if you're between 81 and 135 percent of Ami your interest rate is two years still have a 20e payback um and our participating banks are cap and Island the capod 5 BOS savings and Bristol County Savings Banks those are the only three eligible Banks here on Cape The Vineyard pet so you say what's eligible so here is a very large list of all of the measures that are eligible again the caveat here is you have to have 20% Energy savings so I can tell you what are you going to get for Energy savings Sandy wants to put in s's already weatherized her house she doesn't need insulation she doesn't need this but she wants solar Sandy can demonstrate even if you don't heat with electricity if there is by installing 5kw on your roof if you'll reduce your save 20% on your electricity use it but you should then you have I haven't paid a electric bill since a year ago this would be a program that we would you would hit the threshold of 20% Energy savings but Sandy needs a new roof as well because her roof is not El will not support it's at end of life she's been putting it off so now she can bundle these two things with the loan product but if Sandy just needed wanted a new roof she goes wow I can roof find not eligible because there's no Energy savings with that 20% so where you're going to see your Energy savings are going to be insulation air sealing solar and um insulation air sailing and heat pumps decarbonizing your home that's where you're going to see the the Energy savings and then the other measures can be folded in as because they're advancing someone might say I want to use this as an an EV charging station that's not going to get it because EVS are going to be increasing your load so again you have to balance that with maybe installing PV or if you've got a huge insulation job it is a requirement that's why we're here that's why I said how complicated it is to walk somebody through here but we have the staff and the time um to help customers figure out which path to go through you select there will be contracted are vetted most of our solar installers solar My Generation they will be on here and you will s you go out and select your own solar installer um or insulation contractor the same thing and and heat pump can you mix and match you can pick five or six things there as long yes as long as you hit the 20% energy threshold so you may want to do um tree i' like to do shade trees not going to get me married right so exactly it's so it has to be packaged with appropriate U measures and again this is per the feder per uh federal government guidelines but again if you're just looking at I need solar but I've got you you've already had them out there but they've told you you've got three trees down and by the way it's going to cost you Seven Grand to take those three trees down this can be bundled into your so into the loan and uh if I want to renovate my 40-year-old kitchen uh new appliances you're out of luck there's no energy saving there's no Energy savings there especially for gas heated so that's the energy saver Home Loan program it is a federal it is rolled out Statewide throughout the Commonwealth um it is just starting it is a fiveyear as I said a five-year program and our role is to be a concierge to help anyone who's interested from finding out what's eligible to helping them complete their loan application and then submitting that to Mass housing um where then it becomes like it's like a second mortgage okay I I would love to stay for the question and answer but unfortunately the um so before I leave um let me just say uh three things congratulations Mike they're in your hands now don't run it off the road second thing is you know how they put interim coaches in you know I'm an interim but it turns out that there's a whole doar program that might be of interest they're picking out en energy leadership communities like that would be um a reward for going to the next level of stretch code kind of like green Community was the last time and then my third thing is um Amanda get first pick on the types of pizza to take home because it'll be what her kids eat but then the rest the rest of go home with all of you I I I will die if I come up here like oh God whenever we get out of these meetings 9:30 or something and and find uneaten pizza so it's it can't be wasted okay got it see tomorrow mes you're getting okay you're getting installed right now right away right away yep can we uh break and go to that and then close the door and come back sure sure I don't mind I think you you don't have to wait I think um it goes right into an executive session after that yeah we won't be down there long no it goes into an executive session we can see you get installed SW in Oh you mean you you all run down and see yes that's that's my main reason for not doing a hybrid meeting and I'll finish when we come thank you yes or if you want to go we we're all here to e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Fusion Energy startup new startup good for you been add it almost a year and a half that's why he's interim he works too much yep I didn't get did I like that there some notes on the back that's my internal one I forgot to take those off but it's not on this one not on the zoom version you don't mind if I have so that's a list that we went over of all of the eligible improvements um and again the caveat is an income threshold for Criterion and there has to be 20% Energy savings between all the bundled measures that are listed there any questions on what's there if not I just want to go on to the next so where are we headed in the cap by compact world and in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts we're we are transitioning from Just Energy Efficiency saving kilowatt hours saving thms to decarbonization and and the next three-year plan which is we filed our draft in April 30th with the state we'll officially file with the Department on October on November 1st we are moving from home energy assessments to the carbonization assessments encouraging customers to replace their existing fossil fuel heating systems with high efficiency heat pumps as we Electrify the grid goes to your point about bringing in offshore um offshore wind someday potentially a um high transmission from Canadian Hydro those are all part part of the states the commonwealths plan to um Electrify and green up and decarbonize how we produce electricity in the Health as required by the climate Act of 2022 fossil fuel equipment rebates including gas oil and propane furnaces are being phased out you will no longer be eligible um to submit for rebates and the last application must be submitted so if you're in the process if you've had one and you've been sitting on it they everything must be submitted to the caply compact by September 30th and they will no longer be able to finance a new fossil fuel heating system with the heat ban the next slide talks now I'm going to just talk briefly again about what where are we going 25 2027 for three goals um Statewide again been a shift with the climate act these are no longer cap compact goals we we are required to pursue and submit a Statewide plan and the state goals are decarbonization equity and customer experience and this ties very nicely with the compacts Grant about providing customer service it's what the board has wanted to for us staff to evolve to for several months um is to make sure that if a customer has a question we can walk them through and provide them the information that they need on their decarbonization Jour Journey wherever they are in that next slide for small businesses um again we've expanded the introduced uh installation air cealing for small businesses which was new this year we are expanding renters and land offerings and I have a slide that'll walk you through as well as PRI prioritizing community- based organizations we were the first in the Commonwealth to offer a nonprofit High incentive offering targeted towards we have a lot of nonprofits on the cape religious Affiliated arts or ORS Arts historical so this is now a Statewide offering they modeled it off of what we develop the board actually brought this to staff we will also continue our Main Street events and a community for partnership want to go to the next one so one of the Statewide offers building on the state's commitment to equity you will see again if you are a low income owner or render meaning you're on the R2 discount rate which is going to be 60% or below of state area or median income you're eligible for 100% weatherization barrier mitigation it's barri communication it could be vermiculite you could have um knob and tube wiring things that have prevented moving forward will now be covered are covered 100% as well as electrifying your home um either partial for income eligible either partial or whole home moderate income customers we'll be going again we're talking about 25 forward who go down the turnkey path meaning you don't choose Southshore heating and plumbing we have vetted the entire process for you and you will be just be handed we will rout you through vendors that are been approved we have under contract and are required to maintain certain levels of insurance um and customer service protocols for moderate income itself we're doing self attestation income verification for some is a barrier so Statewide you can say I'm a moderate income customer and you just attest to that and you'll get 100% weatherization if you want to move to the next step which is barrier mitigation Andor electrification you will have to provide documentation for us it's simply filling out our income verification form sending us either your W2s if you're still working or a copy of your tax returns it shows your income looking at your income we're not looking at your assets and you would be eligible for so again moderate income customers would be eligible for 100% coverage for decarbonizing um their home if you decide that you want to do the rebate pathway um you would be eligible for the standard uh rebate for up to $116,000 for an for a mini split air source heat pump or 25,000 for a ground Source heat pump market rate customers you can see on the right get 100% if you rent 75% insulation as well as uh barrier mitigation will be Capp it's only going to be $5,000 a unit as opposed to 100% um and then we have our standard 2,000 $10,000 whole home rebate or $2,000 per condenser which is going to be your outside unit again Focus state wide is on low and moderate income and renters those that have not not participated in programs our enhanced customer service as I said we're offering um assistance with your loans depending upon which program you're going down home energy decarbonization we're going to make sure that you go down the right pathway um for your home what's not on here I will just talk about it very briefly because it's not signed and official but the compact applied for USDA World utility Service uh R Us loan solar Loan program or anyone who is above 135% of moderate income and that will be low interest right now it's below 3% so it's for a market rate customer um it's a 20 it's a 10year loan Cape Cod 5 is servicing the loan you are go out and find your own solar installer we have a consult selfreliance is the Consulting firm that will be vetting making sure that it's a legitimate solar proposal and it meets the standards of the of the USDA so you will have an option even if you're not income eligible but want to pursue a solar loan um to pursue that through K5 we still have it's taken us we started this process in 2020 with USDA we just I just we just executed all of the loan documents still have one more hurdle we have to get their final approval on everything so we're I didn't include it on the slide but there's a lot of options so you can see how complicated it has now become and what our role here on the cape and for the vineyard is to make sure that if a customer has a question we can help them navigate the many programs that are going to be available so that they end up in the best program that meets their income needs and their personal uh situation so the last couple slides of talked about stra uh Workforce Development just want to let you know that you you as all of us as rid payers are funding 24 million Statewide to mass C to strengthen and diversify our Workforce um we talked about this earlier we're all sitting around the room as we're getting older we need to make sure that our Tech schools in our community college are training the next generation of Workforce so that we can meet all of our climate uh goals what do you mean by the workforce um was that a Workforce diversity so tech tech schools making sure that they have agac programs and all those agac programs connected to Mass Save so that South chore Heating and Cooling can find technicians that are trained and capable of installing and servicing oh I mean it's not just your employees or state employees no this is a private company yes so we're we are required by by the climate act to fund take our Energy Efficiency funds Statewide and provide them we're giving them 12 million 20234 and then in 2025 for it'll be $24 million and they are required to train the workforce and you can see it theyve they've got um in New Bedford they've got a site for wind turbines and training so it's Soup To Nuts in climate climate world so so the two Tech schools on on the cape will be developing program y they're working a training at the harage tech school last year and we've got one right now that several of the other utilities partners are at the Bor tech school does MMA qualify gu being on the cape yeah yeah the Maritime Academy is within that and they have an excellent H facilities maintenance program actually I have one of their junior interns with us for the next um month and a half so massave data is has a ton of information about what happens in yarn that happens in the common um if you haven't it's a little overwhelming first for me a lot of information is already out there um on the website so I encourage you just to F around you ever have any questions you can always ask um but there is a lot of publicly available information about energy Energy Efficiency programs your know Carbon reduction savings that is out there would it be segmented by Yarmouth pardon segmented by y by to by town and we're getting to the point where it's going to be by ZIP code for and then the last two slides to talk about some of our marketing events what we're trying to do again we are really struggling I think this is an issue Statewide with preaching to the choir when you have the same events and I see the same people showing up with the same the same events how do we re reach those that haven't participated that are working get home from work at five get home make dinner have kids have kids activities that have not participated don't have the time so the marketing of the next threee plan can't look at like the marketing that we've done for the last 20 years because because as Bob you said nobody's coming because we've already reached them but there are you know the data supports there are a lot of people who haven't participated um and you know there will be a clean heat standard out there that is going to put a tax I don't care if I going to call the tax it's still a tax on your fossil fuels on oil and on propane on a natural gas and again that is to bring lower the price of electricity compared to um natural gas so that is what the state again all part of the climate act everybody look at me like I do it like it's my idea but that is um that is what's happening those are those are active dpu dockets that they're examining and do is discussing a clean heat standard so how it works out what it looks like that that's what they're working on but that's what's that is where the Commonwealth in order to meet their 2050 goals that's the direction that they have to head in I must admit I can't get away from the compact when I'm on social media that's good the the obstacle that is the elephant in the room is the expense of the sewer project that Yarmouth is going to go through here in the next it's already started but in the next couple years it's going to affect the res residential people yes okay and the cost of that the estimate I got was about $27,000 house that's going to cost for the hookup the the residents okay and uh you know you got all these low interest R for all these programs but there is a limit to how many loans anybody can susp uh can can manage especially in in Yarmouth where I don't know what the percentage of Yarmouth has a high percentage of low and moderate income customers so a lot of the things I just talked about are going to be at no cost and that may be helpful okay but the the thing is you're going to deal with the reluctance of people to want to have so many projects going at once yes you know I mean there's just it's how many of us are 60 year older as well I mean y those people have just tuned out and take it from somebody that is going through that right now with the solar wolf deal that is taking forever and I've been in arbitration now for over 90 days okay so they're not even adhering to their own commitment to have it done in 90 days uh you know and then to turn around and and I'm at this point where I'm not even considering solar panels uh I'm GNA take my money if I get it back and and use it for what I need it for uh it's not to say that I won't consider a solar panel plan uh if if it's offered right and priced right I understand you been burned you know but yeah once burn shame on you twice burn shame on me you know and and that's where I'm at personally you know I see the benefit of it I support it okay but I also have to look at I got I got this sewer project that's staring me in the face and it's going to have to be done I'm fortunate on one aspect uh based on what the town proposed okay we're like the seventh step in the in the process okay but okay they're also working a lot quicker than I anticipated I mean I'm amazed at what they've already done as far as on 28 okay and I figured that would be the bigger obstacle but they they they still got a lot of other things they got to put in place but I know talking with other people I don't know where I'm going to get the money for that and I mean yeah okay it's a low interest loan or whatever but still is it amortized over a certain number of years I think the town said that it would be 30 years but that was it was still not 100% official at that point there a lot good information on the town website and it talks about you know how many years per phase and it's about five years is it about five you know five years till everybody's touched no five years of phase yeah so you got to work through we're doing phase one now which is Route 28 um that work will be done by 2026 and continuing on yeah but I mean that's only half half the thought of it is what the town does it's cost I think you're talking about is the hookup yeah yeah that that was the estimate and and I and trust me okay I am not a mathematician but based on the information that they gave at the meeting it was pretty easy to to calculate it out the unknown is of course uh who's going to do it okay I don't need another solar wolf person trying to install my uh sewer system you know uh and Mike you certainly had your headaches with all the problems of that and I don't see the town volunteering to say okay we can make sure that these people here are going to do the hookups because that last part of it is on the resident well I would hope the town learned from solariz and if they get people in here to put in these sewer systems that they're gonna have them sign a bond so there'll be a bond available uh should they go belly up do you have bonds for yours pardon do you have bonding on your contractors uh depends upon the contract like like rise engineering our lead vendor but we have but he AIDS our contracts because they're very very tight and have very very high uh thresholds for plus they get looked up by every 21 Town lawyers so yes but it depends upon what the work is for now on these contracts will they have to be bonded it's a good I'm G to ask that with the question I'm not sure I I've not seen I know that the that the contractor to be eligible for the energy saer Home Loan program there are two tiers and they have to be qualified and I know they have to have certain thresholds of Insurance Auto Insurance liability public but I did not see a bond that's what messed us up on solo wolf was the bonding that RFP should have gone out with the bonding to the amount of money that it was for and I was really shocked under under procurement why they wouldn't have done it but um yeah we're not procuring the vendors so the vendors M yeah they should have had a bond they should have had a bond thing Sol wolf should have never happened um because and talk about ma yeah anyways so any other questions for me on what we just went over are you still giving the rebates on the weed whackers yes yeah they're on I was shocked on the electric yes I was shocked when uh I bought my uh iobi and Home Depot said oh you know there's a rebate on it yeah they actually have a nice rebate now we're starting to um for the large contractor lawnmowers too Electrify for some of the Town equipment too one question what what would you think would be the best thing that an energy committee within the town of Yarmouth could do to support your efforts here and get the yoth people to participate I think the what we need the most help with is identifying venues to talk to people about what's available to them and it's meet and greet meeting greets um Girl Scout Cub Scouts ptas teacher meetings it's not your we're having oh we're having a climate event we're gonna have a climate talk because everybody that comes to the climate event has participated either 100% or they have done something it is we need to come to to meet them on their terms do we where do we do we meet them at the soccer field when they're all there watching their kids do we have a table on the side how many people gone to a soccer game and they freezing while you're waiting kids for football or name pick your sport but do we do that so that there's something for them to do when you talk one-on-one about did you know that you know did you have you had a home in you know you're eligible for this it's that type of thoughtful and what works maybe in Yarmouth is definitely not going to work in chatam when you've got a you know a population that is only very small and then the second homeowners how do we reach the very wealthy or the second homeowners how do you reach your your contract you know that is I talk about Workforce Development you have a HVAC generation that don't like heat pumps why don't they like heat pumps because they were trained on boilers and furnace and they know their stuff heat pumps are new technology and they're trickier and people will call you back and they don't so it's there's a there's a lot you know I sometimes I shake my head and said we're doomed I feel like s Charlie Brown we're never going to get hit our 2050 goals and then you have something that's switches you around but there's there's we have a lot of work to do and so that's the bigest is finding venues that are unique to our community you know I have a neighborhood Thursday I work so most of my neighbors are retired in where I live in Fen Cove Circle but they have a neighborhood group that meets once a week on Thursdays you know I should go talk to them and and they're out there they different venues that are that are out there I would thank the lowest hanging fruit would be to get a hold of the lowincome people that would basically have everything 100% paid for so there's no money out of pocket we're not at risk and we've we've served a lot of our two customers um but again where are they going are they going to the food pantry if they're going to the food pantry is there information about the Capel compact there you know the chambers we we the the bad part about is that the low income when they see the pamphlets they figure it's above anything that they can do so it's to try to encourage them that they can and I'm one of them that I got involved with the energy committee and I was able to put my heat pumps in in my new boiler it was gas but um that's what was there before and I did it I got my loan and as a single person I was able to do all that and then with solar eyes came through I was able to get my solar panels and I was one of the fortunate ones that I had the panels up when they went under so but they were I didn't have anything I know but they were up contract they were up there for a year before I had them connect and then I got that I did not get the battery I didn't end up getting the battery which was um part of my savings in my calculations but it's still I don't you can Finance the battery through the heat loan yep for a zero so that's that's my that would be my biggest ask it's it doesn't have to be like you know I need 10 venues to me a success is one venue where we've reached people in need um so housing authorities you know so that's that's that would be my ask is a good connection a good meeting so that you know we pay these are we pay for these programs every time you pay your electric and gas bill that's our money and we want to make sure that we get that we reinvest those funds in our homes so thank you for having me listening to me um it was nice to see everybody always nice to have wealth of information thank you don't forget to send me that about sou Shore and I'll talk to Dam I'm G to put together all my of course I've had another H person working on it that wasn't South because I was so angry when I found out so he has not come and filled up my pron each year that it's happen it's been since day one all right and that was the first repair that he did yep which of course we don't leing free on which climate he pump to help climate change and was this Wayne Enos Amanda Wayne Enos what's the up there who is it obervatory I didn't see a single mistake there it's unbelievable oh I don't computerated I mean is it is it part of uh artificial intelligence now I'm sure it's part of Zoom so we pay for it Town what software does it come through zoom zoom just the meeting you see the uh text at the bottom there yeah Zoom does that for anybody she can she can hide that so it's not showing at the have you used it I mean I've never used it on Zoom but no there's a whatever ones I've seen that basically transcribing audio I'm in a has lots of mistakes didn't have any mistakes at all I'm in a bi-weekly Zoom uh with some old College mates and one is heart of hearing yeah and so apparently there's just a but button you push or something you toggle cap and the the captioning goes on I think it right has AI Notes too so you can do note taking so there's another work that they can do so is this I mean yeah transcri during the pandemic when the pandemic first started I bet they didn't have that then did they that capability we've been using it since day one I was that's how gets his notes are and it was as get the notes it was as good as that accurate as that no the software has has that's what I mean I go way back to Dragon Naturally when I did my close captioning that I was St for and let me tell you it never understood what I was saying I was came up on the screen I almost like freed out and it was expensive too yes so I supposed to close the meeting here now seriously uh Dave are you interested in becoming a member of the energy committee I'll think about it it's been interesting I didn't know what to expect okay uh and like I said I know Joyce a little bit and um you know now you know all of us uh you know the uh for me the thing the obstacle is to be on the energy committee and I'm dead set against getting the solar panels because of my experience you know uh that's quite all right I'm dead set against it too I didn't get them mainly because Old Kings Highway when we first got into this before we got a a plug committee so uh but I will I will think it over like this is uh okay you know part of uh you know I enjoy the education part um part of my background is like I'm a lift truck mechanic uh I work for goop Corporation in uh SK okay which was a grocery distribution for Price Chopper Market 32 markets conc G Town yeah right in the G town uh but I also was a member of their their on the board of their credit unit and so I got a very good Financial education being a part of that as well as a part of uh fraud and and uh the issues that happen as far as fraud goes so I enjoyed that you know I enjoyed the education I contributed a little here and there uh same even here I'm not sure what I can add to the table but I can be the old gry senior citizen that can push back a little bit if I need to you know uh open-minded enough to listen though we like to have you I appreciate that first Tuesday of the month at five o'clock I got also got to talk to the wife about it too on on Zoom if you don't want to come here to well I know because we're not going to have a choice have pizza anymore you gave away the scholarship funds we can't use that all right I me you know I was kind of serious about um being interim here because um oh you want to be permanent is that no I got working I got called out of retirement after well I retired officially in 2010 then just got back working last year I did yeah he's working decarbonizing the whole world Fusion Energy startup to develop Fusion Energy which um course the governor's goals of for 2050 and our goal is mid 2030s to have this up and running he won't have to worry about his goals anymore the whole world won't have to exactly so okay anyway that's that's where I'm at so as far as I'm concerned I'm just an interim somebody needs to I guess set the dates and get the emails out to inform everybody of what's going on try to establish an agenda one thing you know that's been on my plate has been to relook at the annual operating plan that I put together back in 2021 I believe uh and actually I'm going to take Maggie's notes here and look at converting what we were thinking of doing back then to maybe what we should do now lessons learned about we don't want to stick our necks out there and tell somebody to go buy something uh for sure well well in fact our participation in the solariz program was it was probably Rich penu who was was the in the Green community yeah it was during that period when we had already the committee had already turned down um not not participating I mean we we were aware of it and and we never felt that it I think you never got anybody that would step up to be coach but the rich and Dan knapek who's a was an energy guy as well you know they they pushed it and uh and that's when we followed through yeah and you know we we were the last town in the Commonwealth to do it uh solarized program well Joyce and I spent a lot of time downstairs in the the room downstairs in December I think putting together the RF The Proposal yeah to get that in and uh just in the neck of time too bad worst part for me was I waited almost to the end of the whole program okay and then finally bought into it so well you know what I I didn't hear any negative part about the the vendor okay so you know I thought okay and of course three months later okay well yeah five months later I get the notice that uh they're out of business but the the people that are going to get their systems installed though let's say it'll be about two years late they're still getting one heck of a price on it yes so that's so they're losing some of the incentives but and the smart pay is definitely gone down what I was anticipating in the smart pay incentives is definitely not as I'm a single person in the house so it's only me and I don't live there all winter so so like my Energy savings is minimal however I haven't had a bill and I run my heat pumps um and and my AC all well the heat pumps not so much but the AC all summer and then um my gas has turned way off 50 are you selling much electricity to to over Source yes I think you get a check back from them or just a credit um just a credit just so you build up Credit Credit Credit and you can never tap into that I mean some people you can roll it over to another uh property if you have multiple properties that are run by osource but because uh I mean I've heard of some people that get checked they they initially did that and they stopped but you can go from property to property okay does anybody have any announcements or suggestions for future agenda items if not I'll ask for an adjournment till Tuesday July 2nd at 4:30 p.m. I so mve that we a motion that we adjourn second all in favor I iour thank you