##VIDEO ID:7TZ1L6_n60M## it's beautiful night maybe we can catch the sunset I know good evening and welcome everyone to the September 20 September 4th 2024 Yarmouth planning board meeting I'm Joan Crowley chair this is to formally advise that as required by Massachusetts general laws chapter 3A paragraphs 18 to 25 and pursuant to chapter 20 of the acts of 2021 and an act relative to extending certain state of emergency accommodations signed into law on June 16th 2021 the Army planning board will hold a public meeting on September 4th 2024 at 5:30 p.m the public is welcome to attend in person this evening or via alternative Public Access provided on the notice of meeting available on the town of Yarmouth website I'll begin by taking a roll call Susan BR present will Rubenstein here Jim Sabin Peter Slovak here Kent Smith Joan Crowley presid seeing that we have a quorum uh I'll Now call the meeting to order so please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge algi to the flag ofed to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you hi Kathy hi Joanne hi everybody hi hi Kathy uh first on our agenda this evening is a formal design review of vcd spr application number 2023 1A for the applicant is the town of Yarmouth 669 Route 28 West Yarmouth assessor map 32 parcel 122 zoning districts VC vc1 hm o1 Road and B2 the Yarmouth Department of Public Works is proposing modifications to the design and layout of the M Municipal Pump Station number three located at the entrance to the Riverwalk Park um excuse me Madam chair just wanted to know Mr Smith is uh Mr Smith great thank you thank you um so um I'd like to start Mike with with you if you want to um walk us through the the changes here and then we'll um move back to Kathy and her planner memo um and then we'll open it up for some discussion great thank you madam chair um Mike Judy from CDM Smith representing the town as you indicated uh we are looking for a change in the design for what we call pumping station number three so this is the station that's located at the front of the Riverwalk Park project uh was originally permitted as part of that Pro as part of that project um and combined with the with the park itself uh the design at that time was for a larger building associated with this pumping station so this station will will function um to collect all the Wastewater along Route 28 basically from uh the Parker River to the barnable Town Line all the flow along 28 will end up at this pumping station as well as some flow from uh east of Parker River that's coming under the river under contract uh would will be pumped up to the water resource recovery facility to be constructed up on Buck Island Road um so the original plan uh that was conceived actually way back in the 2010 uh iteration of the design of this of this project um called for a much larger building with a different type of pumping station than we're proposing now uh that station was What's called the wet pit dry pit station which essentially had uh a large wet well where all the Wastewater would get collected and a dry well where the pumps would be located essentially in a large basement area beneath the building um and then would pump up to the treatment facility um since that time we've had some uh change in um change in thoughts in approach toward the pumping stations um moving more towards submersible stations in that time the technology has improved quite a bit whereby the pumps actually sit in the Wastewater um which is what we're proposing here and what we're using at uh the four other pumping stations that are part of fa this phase one of the town's U Wastewater program so by virtue of having the the pumps in the in a wet well submersible we able to use a smaller wet well um which can be pre-cast concrete sections as opposed to large cast in place structure that was originally proposed in the footprint of the building was able to be reduced so whereby the whereas the original uh Control building for this pumping station that was submitted as part of the Riverwalk project was roughly 40 ft by 50 ft um we've reduced the size of the building to about to 24x 40 ft so the street facing portion of the building has shrunk about 10 ft from 50 ft to 40t um we've kept all the same architectural elements I think you have the original design that we that we had prepared so we've kept that same uh same look of the building has all the same features uh has the horizontal clabo um Hardy Board uh PVC front if you will and uh you can see the elevations there so it looks very similar um in in style and presentation as the original building it's just a little bit smaller and results in a significant cost savings to the town by making the structure smaller and it doesn't have that below grade basement portion if you will that the original design was intended to have uh the pumps will be located in a wet well uh Vault behind the building um so there are three structures outside of the building there's a a wet well where the waste water gets collected a me a valve Vault that has some piping and some valving and then a metav vault that has a meter um as meters on the force spins that exit the pump pumping station heading up to the treatment facility so the town can keep track of the flow that gets pumped those structures will be elevated a couple of feet above grade uh because we are in a flood zone here so the whole site is elevated you'll notice the the grading uh showing on the site plan uh we have to be we have to have the critical equipment all the electrical components um up at elevation 14 100-year flood plane in this area is elevation 11 so we need to be 3 ft above um that flood plane elevation so the first floor of the building is at elevation 14 which is why you see the grading um showing as it is uh in terms of the site layout uh the actual physical dimensions of the entire site haven't changed much other than as I said the building has has gotten smaller the plantings that were originally proposed are still proposed and the same same n ative species that were originally shown um we did add some fencing along the front um the front of the building uh to the East and along the western side to screen some of the facilities that are located behind the building uh from 28 and from the entrance to Riverwalk Park that's generally an overview of where we're at and happy to answer any questions that you may have okay thank you thank you Kathy want to jump in please um because there wasn't a significant amount of site changes it didn't go through the site plan review team again um but they did go through the design Review Committee and they um they viewed it very positively and they either felt everything met the standards or was not applicable the only one comment that they had was related to maybe extending a section of the fencing closer to Route 28 to kind of hide the louvers that are on um the west side of the building which has been reflected Ed in the plans that you see today uh so in the planner report there really is just a very simple motion uh I didn't have any um specific conditions uh to add and that's about it okay questions from the board Susan M just so the number of pipes stay I mean the number of pumps stays the same they're just smaller and submerged is that cor different different types of pumps and they are smaller the other component of this that I didn't mention is that under the original concept back in 2010 there was a lot more flow coming to this station that was one of the reasons it needed to be larger U because we have um designed and is in the process of being constructed another pumping station further east on 28 up near Long Pond Drive across some Stop and Shop there's a pumping station is going to go there that's going to intercept some of the flow that was originally going to come down to this location and take it up to the treatment facility so um the exact number I think originally there were were going to be more pumps in the original facility then they are going to be needed here just for that reason because there less flow that's going no maintenance issues no additional maintenance issues associated it's just a different type of operation under the old one the operators would just walk down to a basement if you will and work on the pumps in you know in a basement facility here the the pumps have to get uh pulled up out of the Wastewater obviously and then and then they can be um serviced um off site and the the area that's being created because you're going to have a smaller building that's regular land scaping what just more of what we already had anticipated correct yes and then the fence will be what kind of a fence the fence is a cedar board fence we have a detail there so it's a six foot I believe we're showing it okay um down the okay I see it yeah so it's a solid wood fence with vertical planks it's not a plastic PVC fence it's not chain link it's not chain link no okay that's all I have thank you madam chair just a quick question um Mike given that even though it's at the front of the park and it's on Route 28 there are certainly some neighbors across the street I would think Captain Parker and the Pirate Museum and so can you just talk about what future Odor Control is because you know if it ever gets stinky there I was just sort of wondering what that is and how our friends who might encounter it uh would get some quick relief great question yeah and we don't expect odor issues here but obviously you need to plan for the unexpected so we did car an area that would be uh designated for putting an OD control unit um to handle any odorous air that comes out of the out of the facility so the intent would be to you know see how things go in the first few years and if it becomes an issue then at least we have Provisions that would allow a unit to be installed that would handle any oders would you mind just giving the 30 second explanation as to how you handle the odor essentially the car B carbon units so you put the you pull the air through a carbon canister large carbon canister like a 55 gallon drum if you envision something that size so you'd pull draw the air through the carbon and then that pulls out theodorus so the pump station is built so that you can or you place this pad so that if you ever need to correct you can pump All That Smell that's correct through there through through that unit it would be a skid mounted unit that would get right put right on that on that pad well I just wanted to yep since we're here we're thinking ahead I know you guys always think ahead question but um I'm sure that our friends across the street as well as those that are going to enjoy this park for many decades would like to know that that's being thought about thank you very much thank you madam chair you're welcome thank you Mr slow sure what would the activity level be like is this just daily will there be people there so daily uh plant operators or town employees would be coming for each of the pumping stations that's normal course of operation they just come and check and make sure everything's running properly take some take some notes in terms of um any issues that need to be addressed and yeah it's essentially a a daily visit for 20 minutes or so half hour maybe by Town employee or contract employee whoever is operating this and the shower is for somebody who so that's a code requirement um there's it been a change to the plumbing code as of last December uh that required U bathrooms with showers to be put in these types of facilities it wasn't previously required um but I can't imagine it's going to get used um very often if if at all thank you welcome Mr Smith I'm good all the questions have been asked already that I wanted to ask yeah that's right um I I have a couple of questions uh Mike one is related to the bathrooms um I I picked that up as well and I noticed in the original you had you were required to have two bathrooms the size I mean yeah because the size there were two in the in the original yes I I think at that point at point that point the whole gender neutral wasn't wasn't in the in the code or in the realm but now you can have you can have one yes which is probably one more than you really need at this facility but that's and I noticed again just going Kathy had sent us um the um the first round of drawings there was a chimney so originally there was a a chimney um it was more for Aesthetics because we had a couple of Stack you know you have the vent from the bathroom and then you had um in that case the Oda control because it was much larger system um there was a Oda control unit in the building so the vent from that was inside the chimney so it wasn't a chimney there wasn't a fireplace here it was just used to to mask the the vents coming out of the structure um we eliminated that um we didn't think that that was the best look I'm getting back to what Peter had asked about in terms of operations is there a supervisory control system at each of the pumps that leads back to um a control room somewhere that someone can see if something's go a a big red flashing light is going off you described it perfectly yes now control the control will be up at the the water resource recovery facility on Buck Island Road so yes there are skada signals that get sent back again in addition to daily visits regardless of whether anything is happening here any alarm conditions get sent back to what would be the plant just want and there's a redundancy I assume built into that in case we lose electricity generator yes there is an on-site generator a there's a generator in the building okay yes any any other questions uh okay so may I have a motion to approve Municipal Pump Station three located at the entrance to the Riverwalk Park project at 669 Route 28 bcod spr 2023 1A as presented at the planning board meeting of September 4th 2024 and in accordance with the submitted plans and materials so moved second any discussion Miss BR I Mr Rubenstein hi Mr Slovak hi Mr Smith hi and uh myself I unanimous thank you very much for coming thank you all very much thanks for your time do you want these back or all right thanks uh next up uh on our agenda are the potential zoning bylaw amendments that we uh worked on last week and which Kathy has updated um with the standard format of including an explanation we didn't have the explanation part last week when we were going through the redline version so Kathy why don't you um you want to walk us through um the uh the two the two amendments sure I think um for the affordable housing like like Joanne said the actual verbiage is and the content of the article has remained the same as as you've seen it before but I tried give a little bit of an explanation to give people enough information to understand what this formula was and what and kind of why we had it um I'm just going to read it really quickly um this article would modify the existing methodology for calculating the cash payment a developer would could provide to meet the affordable housing requirements of the zoning bylaw affordable units are required when five or more housing units or lots are created our bylaw allows for affordable units to be provided on-site offsite or to be or to make a payment to the armouth affordable housing trust who would use these funds to help create a preserve affordable units allowing flexibility and meeting the affordable housing requirements of the bylaw help support the overall development of housing the methodology is being modified now as market conditions have changed significantly since the existing formula was developed uh and I'm going to insert in 2013 was a comment from uh Mary wagan who suggested that we kind of give an idea of how old this um this formula is the current Formula ties the fee to median income whereas the new formula ties it to medium home prices in our area the new formula better reflects the actual costs to create an affordable unit by basing the fee on the difference between the median home price and the price set for an affordable unit the medium home price will be set using data from the warrant group a wellestablished firm that provides up-to-date property and real estate data including medium home prices the mass executive office of housing livable communities sets the affordable price the cash payment amount shall be calculated on an annual basis when the hlc calculates the affordable price and shall be set for the following 12-month period providing developers with the predictable cost as they move through the design development process any s any suggested um adjustments to that or changes um or edits I question I get I don't know if this was this formula was tested but the new formula better reflects the actual cost to create an affordable unit so I'm not sure have we tested that to see if it actually does or maybe I don't understand the actual cost I think I think when Mary had done her original memo to us she had shown the difference uh of the calculation of what an affordable I think she ended up using March data and I think the average at that point for median was like $575,000 and the affordable price was 250,000 and that difference would be what would be paid you got to understand that when a when a unit gets created and say you're creating a home um the person purchasing is still paying the affordable rate so the they pay pay the affordable rate plus the developer paid the additional amount in order for the affordable housing trust to create that unit thank you any anything else one technical question Kathy the payment goes into the um yth Housing Trust it doesn't go into the general fund correct correct okay okay so uh I think we're all good on this one um I I meant to ask um Kathy when when do I know I think you have it on the calendar when do these get submitted to the board of Selectmen um I probably submit them uh as soon as possible after this meeting but they're due by the 13th to the town administrator's office okay September 13th yeah correct okay um we still have to have a hearing yes in the first meeting in October right right okay correct yeah um okay the next uh zoning article number two seasonal employee housing at hotels and motels I'd like to so again the article is just taking all that content that we discussed at our last meeting uh and just putting it into um an actual article format so nothing has changed there um the explanation um this article would limit hotels and motels located in the hotel motel overlay District 2 or hmod 2 along Southshore Drive to a maximum of 15% of their rooms being eligible for use by seasonal employees section 44.5 was implemented to provide options for much-needed temporary housing for seasonal workers that are vital to supporting our tourism economy this section allows eligible motels hotels to use up to 15% of their rooms to house their seasonal employees or seasonal employees from other Yarmouth businesses from April 1st through October 31st via an annual permit issued by the building department if they meet all of the special provisions of the section if they do not meet these Provisions including exceeding the 15% limit they would need to apply to the zoning board of appeals for a one-year special permit this article would prevent hm od2 properties from applying to the zba to use more than 15% of their rooms for seasonal employees but would retain their right to seek relief from the other provisions of this section this article also includes minor clarifications in the definition of transient uses at motels and hotels any questions uh L R Kathy can I just ask I just want to double check is there any other zoning District that this would apply to or is this strictly the the hotel motel is it just District zoning uh to or are there any other places in the town where there is that that that uh loophole no it's just the hmod 2 because it has the underlying residential zoning districts there are some hotels that are located in residential zoning districts um but they're not eligible for this okay this is strictly the uh the ones in District two correct okay mam J quick question the map included in our packet was super helpful um yeah sorry you should have done that last time sorry um I noticed it was dated 2008 is there any incentive or Reason to update it right only because I think in the interest of public education I think it would make a lot of sense is there is there going to be time to have that ready before the public hearing on October 2nd definitely yeah okay great because um yeah I think that's just in the public interest so that everybody understands where we are now thank you madam chair yeah good CH Peter y Kathy do you know how many hotel rooms are in hm O2 oh so what 10 he our hmod 2 Guru yeah in the range of 500 plus easily easily I'm just going off the top of my head it's actually probably pushing just an HM2 you're probably pushing between 6 and 700 if you add up everything on the drive yeah I think that might be a question somebody asked so they can do the math on 15% or just have an idea of what what they might be looking at yeah it's easily it's easily to get that information yeah agreed 90 or something what's that like 90 rooms total rough as I mentioned at the last meeting the only um hotel motel in the uh hmod 2 who is participating in this right now is the Village Green and they have a permit from The Building Commissioner for four of their 46 rooms so it's less than 15% no one else has taken advantage of it any other questions uh I guess we can we can move forward with this um and get this in in um in the in the uh in the agenda for the board of Selectmen uh to review with them um I want to thank again um Ellen pace for joining us um and Gail uh they your help on this was really appreciated we we um we can see how this was important to you and we're glad that we were able to uh preach you accommodate um your interest thank you thanks for coming I appreciate thank you again Madam chairwoman Ellen did you want to say something I'm sorry no I was just returning the thanks to you for your time and consideration uh thank you okay so we're good to go on zoning amendments um next up uh an update on the local comprehensive plan kth hang on one second um we did have the meeting with the finance committee and will and Joanne attended I'm going to give a kind of a brief summary there's a lot of things that were discussed and and I'm sure Joanne and will can add add to my to my brief summary here um but some of the impediments they obviously saw was Wastewater infrastructure we need to get that in place in order to promote our businesses we also had concerns about the Cape Cod commission's Dr process and and how that might be impacting our development uh as well as the need for Workforce housing they're really kind of uh very closely tying you know having attainable housing you know no attainable housing means fewer workers which could be a downturn in our visitors which could then reduces our revenues from short-term rentals meals and rooms taxes so kind of kept bringing it back to um housing as being kind of the Lynch pin to start uh Economic Development uh they were talking about reassessing zoning to look for more opportunities to include more mixed use top of shop housing and duplexes and triplexes by right so I think that's something that we're going to have to take a a closer look at that I also think a lot of people may not be fully aware of all of the zoning that we do have in place so during that meeting we did talk about you know the hmod one and the village Center's overlay district and the road bylaw and we kind of went through a bunch of the projects that you guys have been seeing lately that have been kind of re resulting in these four to eight to 13 you know residential unit projects that have been very beneficial um so they wanted to look also into you know whether we want to be looking into some type of form based code or whether we're updating our design standards just to be sure sure that we get a clear definition of we want want this development to look like um and also doing some type of public engagement to really arrest fears of of this increased density so I think a lot of that can be done through different types of of of renderings and graphics and hopefully um we'll get some of that out of the uh economic study that we're going to be uh doing and also looking for ways to incentivize creation of year around housing one of the ideas would maybe buy down the Restriction uh for people to put a restriction on their property to do it year round we're talking about development of a long-term capital plan for municipal buildings like we have for water um just so people might know we do have a uh request out now for proposals for five town properties Town Hall Senior Center fire stations one and two and then the DNR wck and chamber buildings uh to develop to go in do a full assessment and identify a 10year capital plan for that there's also um funding has been voted for recreation which will identify long-term Capital Improvements needed at our Recreation facilities so I think Bill Scott's really been spearheading these types of things of of really identifying where our problems are uh and this is a way of solving our maintenance issue let's get ahead of it let's get these 10year plans uh Capital plans in place they talked a lot about Civic engagement and trying to get more people um to come to town uh Town meetings using Facebook page electronic uh voting and child care really trying to find ways to make town meeting more attractive um to all constituencies um looking at different tax rates um to have the commercial tax rates kind of keep up up with inflation right now our um residential the amount that residential's paying has gone up exponentially kind of and and Commercial has not even been keeping up uh with inflation and then also maybe looking into a split or residential tax tax exemption to lower the tax burden on full-time residents that's a case where if you're a full-time resident you'll be paying uh less property taxes than someone who's not a full-time resident also looking at ways to incentivize a diverse economy they talked about maybe trying to get some legislative changes to the tourism Revenue preservation funds to divert more of that money to actual incentivizing Economic Development um let's see and looking um and also being sure that we're not just looking at long-term Solutions but also trying to look at some short-term Solutions and trying to address some of these critical issues also while we're working in all these issues in in parallel mes was talked about quite a bit in the need to get uh addressing that quickly and everyone feeling that we're we're already behind on that we're paying money uh to maintain a building that's Essen eventually uh a very small portion of it is being used at this point um so everyone felt this was a really good opportunity to look toward multiple uses some ideas were maybe Mash P common style with top of shop housing or some light industrial um they also want to take a look at evaluating the school infrastructure needs long term to see if we are have excess capacity and what what we might be needing in the future and also promoting more dialogue with the uh DIY Regional School District and Dennis and Yarmouth together earlier uh in the preparation of their annual budget it seems like we always find out most of the information in March when we've already um done a lot of work on our own budget also looking at EMT services and ambulance receipts they did uh fincom did a very detailed analysis of that so there's a lot of calls that are going to our Assisted Living to our nursing homes to our senior uh facilities and and also to um to some of the affordable housing in town and what are the ways we might be able to decrease unnecessary cost and maximize payment uh for the services because right now that's um the calls have gone up quite uh quite a bit but the revenues have not been keeping Pace um and then just talking about talking to developers and actively marketing Yarmouth and letting developers know that Yarmouth is really open for business um and discuss the um the number of recent like I mentioned recent small residential development projects and they were really happy to hear about that and that kind of led to um the the the fact that we really need to do a better job of communicating with the residents to let them know what we are working on what we have been accomplishing um I I find that quite a bit when people make a statement and I explain what we have and that they're surprised so it there is there is some communication that needs to to go on to let residents know all the great things that we're working on and I I appreciate uh Peter mentioned that at the cedc all the different types of things that the that the planning board has accomplished and then also there's one other comment about um consider standardizing permitting process between the cape towns I think that might be a little bit difficult because we all have different uh online pery programs uh and I'm sure I missed a lot of stuff there's a real down and dirty overview of of of it uh we did get a lot of great written comments from Stephanie Cox she's no longer on the finance committee but she was a long-term member and was the chair and she had a lot of great idea ideas um that I I sent to you guys uh her written comments so that's about it okay thank you you want to say anything um thank you madam chair I would just like to say thank you to the finance committee and especially the chair uh Richard Simon I I think in general I think through no fault of anybody's sometimes our our individual committees can be a little bit siloed and it's not anybody's fault so to have the cross-pollination if you will of of the finance committee and the planning members of the planning board in the same room together I think is valuable um notwithstanding how there was a similar meeting with the zoning board it was an informal meeting but there was a meeting between our two boards not within the last two 24 months I believe and I just think in general um the more ways we can do that the better and especially as it relates to the governance and administration and funding of our schools um because it just feels like there's a lot of separation and not a lot of cross dialogue and the more opportunities there are I think the better thank you madam chair thank you I think you covered it Kath I didn't have anything else again I would like to thank the finance committee as well for um having us join them uh for their regularly scheduled meeting uh they they raised um some um important issues that uh go to the heart of what a local comprehensive plan is um and Kathy did a great job um as did um will try trying to explain what it what it what this thing is this local comprehensive plan and how the vision statement is very broad um and it's meant to be Broad and now it's time to fill in the gaps and and that's where we're you know that's where we're headed they didn't they didn't quite understand and and I I I I even mentioned I said you know maybe it's a constructive criticism as to when we do go to meet with the various committees that we assure that we get them as prepared as possible to understand what it is and and and uh and and what we're looking for um so uh but it was a it was a lively discussion can I just ask Kathy one question Kathy a technical question with all of these uh special zoning uh areas like vcd vc1 hmod 1 and2 the road are these prioritized in any way when someone fills out an application does the does the zoning board or does planning should we we have all these opportunities to approve projects and they apply under these in certain ones they apply for certain ones automatically apply because of where the project is are these prioritized in any way so that the board it's really a function of when people come to us and they describe they usually have a site in mind okay and then they have a project in mind and then they like how can we make this happen and that's when we'll talk about it well if you happen to be an hod1 property you might want to go that way or or you or if if you also happen to be in the bcod we kind of explain all the benefits to people and like when you know with regard to like 228 that's at not in the hmod one that's not in the bcod so that's where we kind of went quite quickly to the road uh bylaw to say that's a good way for you to get um some Mi some mixed use um it's really sight driven the owner comes and then the the conversation is expanded to try to get the best development for that particular site okay right y okay more to come on that um Kathy's going to go at at the um end of the meeting we're going to go through the calendar uh because we got a bunch of bunch of meetings coming up um so I'll wait till we get there uh next on the agenda are meeting minutes uh may I have a motion to accept meeting minutes of August 21st 24 second uh any discussion um Miss BR hi Mr hi Mr Slovac hi Mr Smith hi uh and myself I uh committee updates any committee updates one quick one Madam chair the next rack committee meeting is Monday but there had been some talk over the summer and I'll hopefully get some more information for our next meeting together on the 18th there's been some talk about having some public meetings um or meetings with the public um to share updates Beyond just whatever updates folks are opting in for um whether that's electronically email updates or there's some YouTube videos now um going up on a regular basis with updates on traffic and progress of the of the various phases and also to listen to community feedback because lots of folks are starting the hookup process the very beginning of it and um obviously it's a first time for everybody literally in the history of the Town um so it's a good opportunity to get some questions answered and hear how the process is going so I will as soon as I have those dates and times I will share them with you there may even be an opportunity to have one of our regularly scheduled meetings here in this room and not at DPW or perhaps at the senior center so um more to come on that and I remiss that I didn't have that information but I will have it shortly thank you uh I had attended us the CPC Community preservation committee meeting on August 28th um and we went through um with the great help of um Don Marie uh project updates on the friends of Bass River the West armouth Parks Taylor Bray Farm um we also had a request for um some approvals the friends of the meeting house um the Friends Meeting House would like to um utilize the same contractor they have now that's working um on the work because they they are um working out really well um and they they they know we know they're coming back for phase two um um so we didn't we what they were requesting is not to go out for three bids essentially and we said as long as you're pleased with the work that uh cat Catalyst right is it Catal no I forget the name of the company it's not it's not coming to me anyway um and Associates right yeah um and and then we we also had um tayor Bray Farm we had some great photographs I don't know if anybody's seen the barn um it's all reshingled um it's really it's really um quite it's really quite amazing uh so the work is progressing on that um I'll passing those yeah I'll share that with you guys I'll pass them yeah can I ask a question sure on the contract that they want a sole source does anyone know what the value of that contract is not yet not yet they need just they need to they they it will be they will be the only bidder we know that for sure I don't I don't know that for sure but that's what they're asking okay um do they need special C the council to bless that approach or are they authorized to do that on their own um we didn't I'm I'm not sure Don what do you no we'll have to we'll run it through procurement yeah and make sure yeah yeah um so um so that was uh that was CPC one other thing the um application for the grants um is out on the street and uh they are due Friday September 20th at noon time uh so the next next round of CPC CPA funding is out on the street so that's what I have I'm just going to quickly throw in in case anybody hasn't seen it on the website is some really awesome footage Drone footage of the Riverwalk Park mhm so we looked at that at the CPC meeting as well so if you get a chance I think it's pretty front and center right Kathy yeah it's just like halfway down the page as soon as it opens up it's right there there's two videos Ellie Lawrence did them for us it's it looks great I know I should try to you can really see you can really see things now you can see where the parking's going to go and the pads and everything it's really good that's what it looked like that big change yeah see if I okay uh correspondence Kathy or any staff updates one more sure board item um Kathy has there been any update at all about great Island and what's going to happen up there it's been now a decade yeah um no it's interesting because I try to one of the things that people keep talking about in some of these things is the town being more proactive in purchasing some blighted properties I don't know how that gets done through Redevelopment Authority or whatever but I did look to see um um I couldn't even see what it was for sale for so I I can get in touch with hayatt and find get an idea of what's going on there but I'm not even sure she's marketing it right now I didn't see any sign up there anymore there's a there's till a banit say coming soon of course it's 10 years old um so soon I guess is a relative term but it has been a decade um I think it was 10 years ago this year fact I know it was when I was on zoning that we gave them virtually everything they asked for um and nothing nothing has happened then we had Co we had all that but there's still 10 years and that's such a major intersection um and we now have the nice hole in the what is it the doughnut place next door so there's there's and we have the nice new gas station across the street development opportunity node right there if we could get someone to go and take that space but it still looks awful uh the basil store should be given some sort of prize when that place does get redeveloped because they have hung on for 10 years yeah wild uh but I don't know how to get I don't know what to do about that I don't know if anyone knows what to do about it but it's still it's still a you know a blight on the town and it's such a major intersection too Madam chair don't to put the video up on the screen oh there we go oh there it is pretty cool it's amazing you can see how huge it is yeah so there's the upweller right yeah you can see all the parking on the right and all those trenches are for the electrical yeah and the water you can see on the right there that little U kind of arched area that's where the play area is going to be they've already put that stone wall in and those are the pads Kathy for the artist shanties yes yep and then is that where the boat launch is down there or was it at the end the no left side it's at the other it's the other end it's to the left yeah and this video was taken a week ago Monday right pH about 10 days ago right before the big [Laughter] rainstorm and look at the vista views just look at the views it's gorgeous that's too bad we're not up higher that would really be yeah she can't get any higher she only has it's too bad too because you're right the V are gorgeous thank you the other one shows the um where the boardwalk is going to go um yeah the boardwalk Loop oh that was a pretty big Drive-In back in the day when you look at it from here it's like wow what a nice chunk of land that we have hopefully the select board will name the park on Tuesday night all right that would be great so you can see where the water is in the middle that's where the boardwalk is going to go around right through all the Upland not through the marsh right mhm even the Woodland trails are all um cleared and and roughed in and it's just when I was walking through there it's just was cool and tranquil and it was just really really really pretty and really you can't see almost anything going on from Kile drive or pocket you wouldn't know all this that's all camouflaged stuff is going on they can't start the boardwalk until October because of time of year restrictions I'm being on the marsh so they're concentrating on the park portion itself all right very nice thanks Ellie Lawrence she did good yeah any other staff updates Kathy um no I think all my updates are related to the meetings and stuff okay why don't we go through those um so on Saturday is the rescheduled National Night Out it's not at night it's from 10: to 1 and it's going to be at the highway department at 507 Buck Island I'm going to go I'm going to uh distribute Flyers um for the ways you can do your public comment whether it's just a written comment or whether you can go in and do some mapping I'd really uh would encourage all of you guys to go in and start populating that map I populated it a little bit on some things that I knew about that I've been hearing over and over and then people can go in and they can like it or dislike it so we can kind of start getting an idea from the crowd from the crowdsourcing MTH uh of what they think of of the different ideas and comments so the more that are in there the more that people have uh have to react to so please feel free to go on go on in there uh and then also U publicizing the um the meeting um the openhouse meeting that's going to be on uh September 26 at 6 pm at the senior um so I'm going to go to that um our next meeting our regular meeting is September 18th um that's our officers elections and committee assign ments and then we'll also be reviewing uh the format uh for the open house that BC is currently kind of working on finalizing and developing that uh format uh as will mentioned October 2nd is going to be our public hearing on our zoning amendments uh an inserted in between the October 2nd and October 16th is um we're going to have a table at the seaside festival and BSD groups going to come down so dependent on whether it might be October 12th Saturday or the 13th if there's if the 12th is a rain out day uh we have been coordinating with the fire department and it looks like we have some space to set up next to them because we're not going to be there both days um so it's good because people are always attracted to the sparkly things with the fire department has so hopefully that will draw people over to to us um and then we can start you know we're going to go over with um BC group kind of what kind of information they're going to be trying to solicit uh from people I think a lot of it's going to be similar to what we'll be asking uh at the openhouse meeting um the October 16th is a regular meeting nothing particularly scheduled for that for that meeting right now October 22nd is when we're on the uh select board agenda to to present our zoning articles to them uh and then um hopefully on November 6 our first meeting in in November BST group can kind of come and kind of give you guys an update on the LCP all the data all the information that we we've collected I um we've been concentrating I think on the bigger um three interviews uh I need to start scheduling um some interviews with some other people like senior center uh and others Town staff uh and also with with the schools so there's some there's some additional um stakeholder meetings that need to be happening kind of concurrently with all this other stuff that's going on we're collecting all of this data in hopes that for our um public in input meeting in January we might start really start fleshing out some of these these are some of the action items we're thinking about what do you think um how would we be how are we doing with these IDE IDE or do what other ideas do you have um so that's kind of what we're we're moving towards that that January meeting where we're going to be actually soliciting for input on on action items I think that's it okay um thank you Cathy may I have a motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor I nice thank you Don Marie and thank you everyone thanks Kathy thank you Don Marie you're welcome feel better Kath