I good evening and welcome to the July 17th 2024 Yarmouth planning board meeting I am Joan Crowley the chair this is the formally advised that as required by Massachusetts General Law chapter 3A paragraphs 18 to 25 and pursuant to chap 20 of the acts of 2021 and an act relative to extending certain state of emergency accommodations signed into law on June 16th 2021 Yarmouth planning board will hold a public meeting on July 17th 2024 at 5:30 p.m. the public is welcome to attend in person this evening or via alternative Public Access provided in the notice of meeting available on the town of Yarmouth website I'll begin by taking roll call Susan br will Rubenstein here Jim Sabin here Peter Slovak here Ken Smith here Chris Vincent and Joan Crowley present sooning we have a quorum I'll Now call the meeting to order and I would ask that you join me in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all you know who else might know know somebody else might knower anybody the first item on our agenda tonight uh are two potential zoning bylaw amendments uh one the first one is regarding section 4124 payment in Li of affordable housing um this is uh uh something for us to consider a potential zoning amendment to revise the method of calculating the payment of in Li of fees related to affordable housing uh we had discussed this at a previous meeting um and uh in our packets is a memo from Kathy Williams are uh from Mary wagan to to us uh regarding this proposed amendment um Kathy why don't you run through um we've gone through this once before but why don't you just uh run through what um the the amendment y I think the only thing that I did is when Mary wagan our housing specialist had met you guys had had a lot of discussion and questions about you know the whole waren group data and trying to create um a payment that was more appropriate to the difference between a median home price and an affordable home price um but during that time there was also some discussion about making sure that uh developers had some predictable number uh in order to use and that it wasn't something that was changing every month based on the Warr and data changing every month so what you see highlighted here I put gave you this whole section so you hadn't seen the whole section before and just kind of highlighted that we are looking for that difference between the median sale price and the affordable price but then adding that extra sentence that the cash payment amount shall be calculated on an annual basis when the house um was it housing and livable communities calculates the affordable price and shall be set for the following 12- month period that way you'll get a general idea of what those costs would be uh as you're moving forward through the development process any questions or discussion Kathy yes Kathy when we had the hearing did we discuss um I think we did but I can't remember what we talked about um how easy will it be for Mary to adjust this um this took a long time to get this new you know the uh the new potential calculation into effect is someone authorized uh if for example housing prices Skyrocket um and we want to be able to raise the contribution um how easy is it going to be to to does anyone have the authority to very easy because this isn't setting anything it's basically saying as housing prices medium home prices go out based on the warrant data okay perfect okay thank you sure anything else uh cath do we need a motion on this or is it just um the consensus of the board that this um at this point it's just the consensus of the board that this is a change that you want to be making for special town meeting and that we will work on including it in some type of public hearing that we'd have probably in September uh we're a little later with our our special town meeting this year I believe it's November 19th uh so we have a little extra time um but also in September we're probably going to also try to be having some type of public input session regarding the local comprehensive plan so uh might be something that this can be done maybe in early October depending the hearing the hearing on on amendments would be in October okay great great all right so I'm assuming that that sounds good it sounds good for me um the second potential zoning bylaw Amendment on our agenda this evening is with regard to section 44.5 seasonal employee housing Kathy why don't you um walk us through this is not going to be discussed this evening as per the request of the two citizens who have been Kathy's been working with uh to get this on on the agenda for the town meeting so why don't you give us an update um these two ladies I think had talked to the planning board previously about there some of the concerns that they had about the Village Green which is located in the HM od2 overlay District but the underlying zoning district is residential so they wanted to limit uh the ability to have seasonal employee housing just to the 15% not even allowing a special permit to go up to the 100% uh and then they also had some concerns with regard to the language with uh for transient definition making sure that it wasn't someone just moves from one room to the next room in the same the same day so they uh we included some language of at a single motel or hotel property I don't want to get into it because I want to give them the opportunity to present um but what we did is staff took their input uh talked had some conversations with Town Council I had some conversations with Mark grills and we kind of worked up this red line uh edit for a potential um zoning Amendment and we expect that they will come to talk to us on the 21st correct August 21st they've asked okay so Madam chair that was going to be one question question County Town Council has reviewed what they've proposed yes and this Redline version is from Town Council or I have to run the exact Language by Town Council um but they I had sent him the information that they had provided and had some questions with with regard to it I think they had included information multiple times when you don't necessarily need to do just some familiarity with zoning um but yeah I think everyone's okay with this language but I can certainly run it by Town Council before that meeting I I think that would be appropriate Madam chair yes okay uh but they will be presenting this to us on the 2 first they'll be presenting what they and suest right what they had suggested and then I think after that you can kind of say well what I can explain what we worked up as staff with Town Council that we think we work yeah I think it gets to the intent of what they're looking at yeah I S I saw the repetition where they thought they had to repeat it in each of the sections and it needs to be only stated once they did a good job of trying to provide um and I had asked them to do that because it's very difficult when people are just talking what exactly are you looking for so when it's in writing it's much easier to understand and kind of interpret it and then put it into zoning language thank you okay are they intending to present this as a petition article no they want to have the planning board um move it forward sponsor it yeah uh okay so uh next on our agenda uh Kathy's put together a fairly extensive package with regard to the next steps on the local comprehensive plan Outreach we're looking to get feedback and ideas from various sources um which at our last meeting on the um in June um uh there had been some discussions with various Town departments Kathy had briefed us on that um to identify specific action items initiatives and strategies the town can pursue over the next 5 to 10 years to accomplish some of the goals that we've identified in the vision plan part of this process obviously is to continue with these stakeholder interviews and Kathy has prepared for our discussion tonight the next round um and uh suggest questions for um the the Committees um that uh we may want to reach out to so I'm going to let Kathy run through her Memo and guide us through uh where she wants to where she wants to take us on this particular Journey uh sure I just want to emphasize this is not meant to be an all-encompassing you know stakeholder interview with every individual uh in the town of Yarmouth what we're trying to do is kind of hit some of the um the big Heavy Hitters and I think some future committee interiew views that we really are concentrating on are the finance committee U the community and economic economic development committee and then also the capital budget committee and included in your packet and we'll go over them uh our little summary as well as draft interview questions for your input uh and comment uh from the planning board uh each each group would obviously get a copy of the vision plan which really is the foundation with which we want to be building so how can we take the goals and objectives in the vision plan uh and move it forward to action items but Tak it into consideration each kind of individual group has a different emphasis so to speak um in the community um we're also thinking of maybe not interviewing committees that have worked so hard on a lot of uh existing recently approved plans so we have the open space and Recreation plans so maybe we don't need to meet right now with the Conservation Commission or the open space committee or Recreation Commission because they're really a part of the whole um development of the open space and Rec plan uh and also same thing with the housing production plan the community housing committee and the affordable housing trust were very much involved in in developing that and they have a very clear plan uh for for their moving forward with with affordable housing and community housing we can certainly reach out to them at any time uh in the future uh or later in the process and make sure that they're are aware of all of our um public input opportunities um some other committees and town Town staff combinations I think for some of these committees it might make more sense to meet maybe with the committee chair and maybe if they're interested in another member or two so it's not like a full-fledged Quorum meeting but something that could be a little bit more informal they can also have you know the associated Town staff person either the person who staffs that committee Andor someone who um is very knowledgeable about that particular topic um and kind of have these different groups one of them is um Dy Regional School District versus trying to meet with the school committee maybe we meet with the superintendent the chair of the school committee and maybe anyone else that they might uh recommend and we have a draft interview questions um that we can go through as well um things like uh the health we don't really uh I don't really have a clear understanding of what the health department Department's initiatives are I know that they're very busy and they have a lot of things on their agenda items but it would be good to meet with the Board of Health director and the and our health director and kind of get an idea of what they're working on now and what are kind of some of the visions of the things that they want to be working on for public health in in the future and again same thing applies for the senior center you know there's there's a whole age friendly committee maybe we meet with their chair maybe someone from the Council on Aging as well as the Director of the senior services what kind of things you got going on what's important to you uh and then how can we come come uh help you with that with some specific action items in in the LCP Recycling and solid waste we got a little bit of information when we met with the DPW director but the assistant DBW director is really um very much in in uh control of the transfer station and all of that type of thing and and they have a whole recycling committee we want to maybe meet with that with that chair the energy committee they seem to have a lot of great things going on I myself am not familiar um with that so maybe the town engineer because there are a lot of energy uh projects going on as well as the energy committee uh historic preservation you know there's Old Kings Highway and the historical commission what kind of things are going on there we do have a disability Commission Now um that the is staffed by the Human Resources Director so maybe meeting with them uh and getting some direction on what they what they're working on do know that they were working on some um transition plans and assessments at public buildings to kind of see um look into their accessibility uh we have a lot of coastal infrastructure obviously so maybe having a meeting with the director of Natural Resources I do know that the director of natural resources and the town engineer have been doing a lot of things with regard to Coastal resiliency they just give a presentation on packet landing and some proposed improvements there they also have uh an mppp Grant in to look at um low-lying roads and some other things in order to look at our our resiliency uh and then of course the libraries I think the libraries have a fairly clear plan in in the near future with regard to at least what they want to start working on but meeting with the um Library director and the planning uh maybe the planning committee uh and maybe the library board uh chair just kind of have them a little bit more of an informal conversation about that other people obviously we'll have a meeting with the Town Administrator and the assistant Town Administrator they have wealth of information uh we all know the select board are going to be uh having a meeting on Saturday to start talking about their goals for the next fiscal year so hopefully is this Kathy the select board select board okay yep so hopefully we'll get some uh some input from them on what's a priority uh for them obviously I think some of the things that they are most concerned about are the things that we're all concerned about you know water quality um you know the mixed use in our in our um business districts uh and and that type of thing um and then maybe some other groups that we might want to talk to I think you know a a good group would be the Cape Cod young professionals I mean that's a kind of a demographic that we don't necessarily get uh a lot of input from so maybe reaching out to them uh maybe the cultural center of Cape Cod we did have a very very productive meeting with the hyenas Park civic association they're very detailed in their um their concerns and and information but maybe there's some other neighborhood organizations that you guys know some people and maybe we would the rotary um I don't know how you get information from the rotary because it's made up of everybody the rotaries that's the thing there there's a little bit of everything that I mean when you start looking at business owners and stuff that's a good place to talk to the president and maybe he can put you in touch with some of the individuals you want to talk to but yep yeah I think it's kind of narrowing down the focus I mean I know the rotary meets but you get 15 minutes at The Rotary Club I mean so you'd really need to have a separate You' probably want talk to the president and have him give you a couple guys and GS to meet y the other thing I was thinking of is um we did have some questions um when we met with the businesses but not all of the businesses were able to meet the meet to make the meeting and some of them were retail businesses so maybe working up a fillable PDF and then sending that Mary bban was very helpful in kind of compiling the business groups and maybe she could send those um out to people who weren't able to attend and they could fill that in so we get a little bit more information um that way as well um so that's kind of the general groups that we were thinking of before we get into questions maybe you want to just kind of discuss Madam chair Kathy I just got I just some stuff that just jumped off the page to me as I read this earli I think it's a great I think it's a great start and everything that's being done is just really great but some stuff that I just was curious about one of them I don't see on the page the town borders it how about the airport with the expansion that's going on at the airport already with you know you got Jeet blue coming in out you get American Airlines bringing some pretty big planes and looking at extended a Runway how does that impact Yarmouth from an economic standpoint and if the airport's going to continue to grow how can we you know do it in the right way that it truly helps Yarmouth the other ties to the airport is transportation you know we have a bus running up and down Route 28 and up and down station I and stuff to business I think we should talk to them and see what the future is of the transportation system here on the spine of Cape Cod and how we can improve upon that which is only going to economically help our businesses and finally one of the things that I see glaring on here is at least have a discussion Wastewater we're right in the middle of a multi-million dollar project and you know like for example the Redevelopment of 28 as Wastewater comes down the spine what's the vision I mean here's one crazy question what's the flow rate on Wastewater how much can we put down that pipe and how's it going to redevelop Route 20 I have no idea are they saying you you can run and put up 100 new motel hotel units there or no it's got to be all Light Industry because there isn't enough flow I just would like to know more about that so I think that all ties to the economic plan and I think if we can really kind of tie some of that stuff together it'd be great addition to what's already been laid out here I I I think in that up I if I recall um cedc was allocating because we talked to with the Consultants about this Kathy um at least two consultant agreements on um Economic Development yeah and the corridor right Bill Scott was very involved I mean I haven't been on that Committee in a while and I forget Peter what yeah I I asked at the last meeting it hasn't gone anywhere as far as no bill uh my understanding was cuz I asked as the same question at the last meeting last week and Bill Scott's been out on health uh a leave so I didn't get an answer yeah okay there's two economic studies that we have funding for one of them is the marketing study through the tourism Revenue preservation funds to look at the different types of businesses we might want to draw to to Yarmouth and how we might be able to draw them to the town and then the other one is really looking at um the route 28 Corridor The Village Center overlay District how can we facilitate uh and make it easier uh for people to do multi- uh multi-use developments we're getting a lot of people coming to the town looking for Route 28 is as 100% residential and that's not that's not something that we're we're really looking for um that's why the road project that we had the other day was so ideal because it really kind of ticked off two boxes U uh for us um with regard to the flow allocation when the buildout was done and it was part of the comprehensive Wastewater plan I believe we have about 750,000 gallons per day that was allocated for additional growth in the town of bearmouth um now who that goes to and where it goes that's something that needs to be worked out that was where I was going and that was kind of the question where I'd like to see some sort of drill on that because you know is it all designed to go on 28 or is it designed to allocate through other parts of the town so it is a combination obviously the emphasis um with the potential for redevelopment and expansion and growth is on uh Route 28 and Southshore Drive so the first first phase actually got a lot of um the new growth potential uh but we also did include like a thousand bedrooms kind of peppered throughout all the phases and again we're just talking about the eight phases not the parts that will not be sewered um peppered you know um a thousand additional bedrooms uh throughout the community so we've kind of identified that I think the ne The Next Step that we haven't done is how do you go about making an allocation request and what's the forms and the process that that you need need to do that because we're set we have our uh um you know our land use controls kind of set at our maximum flows that we can have so now we need to manage to those flows and how we do it but absolutely there's a whole kind of Gap there right now on that happy are these interviews going to be videotaped in any way or minutes captured or how are we going to capture these interviews if it's a meeting it would it might be videotaped if it's an actual uh meeting but otherwise it's just taking notes dur taking notes okay and they'll be typed up and available for everyone yeah okay on on that Kathy um the logistics uh for the meetings um my expectations for myself anyway is that I would like to be able to attend as many of those meetings as possible and I would um invite any other board members to do the same especially if it's your committee that you're on yeah um I think think it would be helpful um if if um and any other committee that you may have served on in the past um uh as an example capital budget I've served on the past I probably want to um be attend that so um that's part of the logistics here is um we have to kind of fit into their calendars and then we need to match up who is going to join you who who can join you who wants to join you um uh so that's kind that's you know that's part of the logistics I guess am I am I have I got it right on that I think the the less formal meetings we'll probably we'll try to do those during the day probably because that's when um a lot of the other people can meet um meaning the the other committees the the other committees Health Senior Center blah blah blah right right and then the other ones obviously fincom meets at night um cedc usually meets like 4:00 um and then capital budget usually meets in the evenings again I have to work through the staff and then work through the chair of those committees because they may say hey no we're not interested in doing that just send us the questions and we'll fill them out individually I don't know what's going to happen so we're going to have to to like kind of this is the plan but we'll see how it all uh you know and and and and on that subject I think that you've made a good point the the communication will be to the chair of the committee inviting them to participate blah blah blah uh uh and hopefully they'll want to um uh and should that be a communic from you should it be from the from the board what I could say on behalf of the planning board that's that's fine I'm getting into some nitty-gritty here but um as we move forward I I think it's just important to know what the what the steps are to engagement here what we step one we then we take step two and then we finally get to a meeting do you have a time frame Kathy um I think it's a little aggressive to get them all done by August yeah a yes August of this year definitely I think it would be ni well some of the staff and in the chairs might be fairly easy to get together but I just want to make sure um that we're asking the right questions um yeah and I'd like to emphasize the point that that um Ken made we I think we need to do a better job of weding some of these initiatives like Scott's development initiative on 28 with the Wastewater how do those how what information does he have that we need to Wed to um the Wastewater or more importantly what what is the Wastewater plan how does that affect Economic Development along Route 28 right um and that's probably the primary job of the planning board is to start taking some of these reports and and forcing these linkages so that we can have a comprehensive when we say X y andz we can say this reflects Economic Development this reflects Wastewater this reflects planning we force some of these linkages so that when we make a presentation to the citizens it's not an isolated committee saying this is what the planning committee thinks we represent sort of the thinking through these interviews with the with the other uh boards on on the town you're you're like the holistic thinkers I guess everyone might have kind of the areas that they're emphasizing you're getting data from all of them but yeah kind of the because I think that way the citizens get a better S for example if we're going to do something on rout 28 what do we have to do with zoning how does Wastewater affect that what's there now what do the citizens want how does what they want affect you know traffic for example is a huge issue now um and that's kind of like the umbrella under which the planning board has to take all these reports and sort of make a holistic snapshot of what's Happening yeah I mean I don't using these you know using these committees as completely completely I don't think if we take a look at this from a big picture we're going to have a great plan that's not going to go anywhere so I I think really it's a matter of you said holistically looking at all of this and trying to put together a plan that's actually a usable document moving forward otherwise it's just you know everyone's going to have their own vision is probably not going to marry together right I think a lot of it you'll find um does all come together a little bit i' like to believe that mean obvious viously you know Wastewater has always been seen as an economic development driver um that's where the whole diff came came about um the um Donahue study emphasizing kind of the pent up demand for some some uh development along Route 28 but yeah you guys are kind of like the Clearing House for sure and there'll be work done by the consultant as well I'm just looking at the Gant chart here Kathy um on what what they they're they're going to be doing and doing now some of the plan elements they're looking at existing conditions um they're looking at um some key issues and needs all of that needs to be fed to them by us through these interviews um but the C you know we know that calendar is very tight we know it's a it's a very aggressive calendar we have it um Kathy how do we get the 750,000 was that just a percentage of what we what was the method to we actually did a fairly detailed buildout analysis I think more bit more detailed than um a lot of other communities did a lot of other communities let's just say 250,000 or 300,000 um but when we were looking at the um the Yarmouth Dennis Hart combination uh we wanted to come up with um a buildout amount but we didn't want it to be too high because then the percentage that we would be paying for the wastewater treatment facility under that would be too high plus you don't want to be um over developing your community so we looked at all the properties that had the higher um density um zoning on them so it really concentrated on the Village Center overlay District which had been done uh subsequent to the 2011 comprehensive Wastewater plan so that was a whole new amount of additional um flow potential the me was done a long time ago so that had some some flows associated with it and then we kind of looked at Southshore Drive and made sure that all that development agreement was fully uh taken into consideration that we could um um address all those and then we also looked at you know what properties were more likely to get developed based on the size of them whether they had less Wetlands on them whether they're outside of a flood plane whether they had a developer that we knew was was really interested in making some changes on their property so we kind of took all of that and tried to come up with some reasonable expectations of buildout on various properties and that's how we came up with with the amount because we couldn't do it based on if everyone maxed out zoning because it just it would have been ridiculous uh and then the other component that we need to start looking at is yeah this is the Wastewater flow but do are we sure that we have the water flow in order to be able to accommodate that um so far you know with the um we've been lucky because you know as we mve Through Time demands of water have gone up but then you always have these lowf flow fixtures so they've kind of like balanced each other out a little bit um but I think as we move into the future that that that something that we're going to really need to be sure that we have the water quantity obviously the quality is a whole another issue as we have more and more things that we're testing for and we're identifying more things in our are drinking water and we're actually treating our water for the first time ever um so that's something that's you know something that we should be concerned about and have action items related to so the project we approved last week the um restaurant supply with the apartments above do that fall into your your model as far as what you sort of planned for on that particular type of parcel is that above or below what nobody and that's something that we can't we can't look at it parcel by parcel no one no one really knows what how we did this and what exactly we were assuming on different Parcels um because no one has anything so you're going to find that one person never does anything that we thought was going to do something really big and then somebody else who we really hadn't thought about was probably going to be developed that was a restaurant so that probably had a relatively high flow already because they're using the existing septic system so that might end up being a wash on that particular one um but no one no particular lot it was just a bunch of assumptions so that we could kind of come up with a number that might make some sense as to how we wanted to grow but I Swag yeah but from you know from my point who watched this now for years that is the poster child for lack of Vision on Route 28 and we should have had some idea of how many commercial entities we want there how many motels how many restaurants where they go maybe you know another discussion but the town should have had um like an overall snapshot of and I think that's what Scott was trying to get at was to try to put some sort of snapshot together about what we want in terms of development along Route 28 um doing it in ad hoc in an ad hoc fashion which is what we've done for a long time um it's Kathy results in an adhawk look and that's what we're trying to get away from we're trying to get we're trying to establish an identity we're trying to establish you know what we want this town to have and unless we have an overall vision of what we want it to look like um and up with it's a great project it's a good project it's got housing it's got but in the long term would it be better if we had I don't know a restaurant there for in terms of economic development in terms of revenue for the to um and lacking that sort of overall Vision we end up with sort of these ad hoc little projects and I've always been concerned that that does not meet the test of long-term planning it's short-term planning to some extent and we need to sort of is you know we need to sort of broaden our vision a little I I just don't see how these are private properties private property owners private businesses they're going to decide whether this is something that I think is a profitable business on this particular location and then we can through our zoning say yes we want this we're encouraging this by giving some whatever cookies that you might be able to give in order to promote that but never are we going to say that no we we as the town would decide that that property is going to be a restaurant because that's private property no I know that I mean I'm not saying we're I'm not attacking private property I'm questioning the notion or trying to develop the notion even though it is private property how does it fit into the long-term vision of yth and what role does the private property owner play in that and how how can he play than that um so that's all no the private property is private property that's I mean the the only way we're going to encourage growth as we all know if you know between diffs and tiffs to give an incentive for developer to go in there and have her turn around which we've we've talked about the town's talked about but it really comes down to Kathy as you just touched on it a business isn't going to go into any property number one unless number one the property fits it and number two that business is going to be profitable because nobody's going to look at a business and say yep I'm going to build a 400 seat restaurant here and it's not going to make any money for eight months a year you know what I mean so any developers going to do a feasibility that's right right thank you Jim they'll call my colleague down the hall here and ask us to do highest and best use analysis and that's what they're going to build even though our zoning allows for certain things and and it may I would have to look at that it probably allows for a restaurant there does but the restaurant used to be financially feasible well apparently not because they tore one down and haven't built a new one so do you remember the restaurant how can you forget it well first it was Johnny ye and then it became the buffet vacant for a period of time with a 200 seed septic system so there was plenty of opportunity for somebody else to have picked it up and but you know if you're an investor sitting and you Jim you've done this if you're an investor sitting in New York City and you are looking at snapshots of town on the towns on the cape you look at certain things you look of course at you know income demographics all that kind of we don't stack up too well uh and some of it is because we lack a long-term vision for the town uh although sh Drive is in really good shape because they really have developed a long-term vision for what they want sh drive to look like hope so um but if if you were um oh yeah because they had all that they those investors say yeah we're going to buy this place um and but but for 28 if as an investor you see three3 doll stores you see liquor stores you see gas stations you see the Goodwill store and you say am I going to invest 40 million bucks in doing something there is the de say is the demographic there to to make that investment and the private landowner it's part of that conversation um so it all has to sort of come together for economic development really to work but it's all based on I think it's all based on what do you want this place to look like and how does this you know landowner fit into that discussion and how can we encourage him how can we incentivize a a really nice restaurant versus you know what the road project we looked at last week um and that's that's a longterm it's a great conversation it's very exciting um and it it produces great results if it's if everyone participates I think you know Route 28 has been there there are there are compartmentalized SE segments of Route 28 that have that have a vision each of the vcds has if you look at the the wording in the in the zoning bylaw um it identifies what kinds of things we want there um and it it and but it it segments Route 28 as does the road district um but those to me those vcd and the road are Visionary oh yeah they there's a common and and they're a looks a look that we find acceptable and for as long as I've been on the planning board we've had two road projects now three road projects where in the 10 years I've been here we had none before um so it's that's working and when one works someone's going to see that that restaurant supply place works um and there'll be another one um so I think it I'm we're getting a little bit off track here because Kathy wants us to help her with questions so I want to get back on that let me ask then we but please go ahead Peter because you you mentioned the VC and I think the V ecod is outdated in a way it does segment seg segment the route 28 I mean um Lun n canelo's place is part of the hotel and entertainment section well the hotel section was a Cavalier which is no longer the Gullwing which is 55 plus and Luna canelo's place is sort of starting to steer towards something else if you read what they're proposing possibly and what we hear about so I think the bcod needs to be looked at because maybe it needs to move up to the water park section of 28 now you know I I don't know that the bcod is applicable anymore in terms of how it segm mates segments 28 yeah I mean it's certainly it's been it's there are portions of it that are out of date Peter Exactly and re revising that and taking a look at it um is is something that you know we should be doing absolutely um uh but at at at some point in time there were people who were looking at different areas of 28 to see what could go um and uh you know now that sewers are here we should probably just throw them all up in the air because it's all going to change it's all Madam chair Madam Madam chair can I just follow up on that Mr Rubenstein um as the current member of the rack committee I would just point out that sewers are here except nothing is going in a sewer at least until 2027 so the good news is to tie into what Susan was saying is that we do have time to do exactly what was just suggested which is to look at the bcod and and to and to put that work in over the next two and a half years so then there is something knitted together I think is the way Susan said it when all the toilets start to flush and go somewhere we actually do have time to do that um in addition to this LCP process which you know is wonderful we don't need the LCP in order to do the vcd work thank you yeah thanks well mam yes Mr Sab first uh will thank you for supporting those uh O's I'd like the orange shirt good job buddy um just want to get that on record and I i' just like to report we're only four and a half games behind but you're behind um I think this kind of goes back to some of the things I've said earlier about our zoning bylaws and and the fact that maybe I mean we have a LCP to get done but maybe it is time that we start taking a couple paragraphs at a time and and looking at whether some of the things that are in our bylaws are making sense and are up todate and how they are going to um be affected by you know we can put all these zoning bylaws in place and to to put a vision in place but unless there's incentive to participate then you could put it all on paper well the Searing is in some ways an incentive right sometimes you you can offer tax incentives and other but seing will be an incentive to Economic Development and and I think I think it my personal opinion is I think it's imperative that we plan for that otherwise we're going to get whatever we deserve which won't be pretty didn't mean silent the place looking at that 750 number again you know it can that's that's been something I've kind of always wondered is how do they come up with that number and well it's an easy calculation it's just based on the size of the pipe and the expected flow yeah it's just you know the the part that's a little you know as I was on rack prior to will the part that I find a little I won't say misleading but I I'm still not 100% with it is the plant the initial discharge permit is only 300,000 total so you can say it's going to increase by 750 but you need a place for it all to go to and we don't have it yet so so I don't want to get in the Weeds about Wastewater it is something that I feel that we should take a look at as this whole comprehensive plan because it is going to base where Redevelopment happens and you everyone on this committee is right that if we don't get in front of this we're going to get something that we don't want but just to just to be fair to the town of Yarmouth for a second Ken as you know the state of Massachusetts is the one that is well I wasn't 375 but it is it's one of those those things though that now you're right Ken we were at 750 but now reality is right three four years down the road after we started this process more more like 10 um how do we account for these variables in what we thought we were going to get and this is a conversation I'm sure that Jeff Colby would have with the LCP as well as he does on a monthly basis with the rack yeah and I and I from my understanding because I have stayed in the background a little bit to keep knowledgeable on this there is plans in place to get to that 750 number just not right out of the gate right and I think there's a difference between the average daily flow and our Peak flow that's right there is average daily flow I'm talking about is the 750s average daily but I think the affluent discharge would be your Peak so it's even less than that okay well and but just to tie into what Jim said excuse me for interrupting that could affect the incentives right that could you know the fact that we're not going to be at Peak or whatever for x amount of time depending on how this all Ripple out over time you know those all the things just just to finish on this from my perspective that we actually do have the time and I'm really glad that we're talking about it now with the LCP but we can also be doing things in parallel thank you when of these conversations going to start when do you anticipate setting up some of the well I think I would start with the three big big ones I would start like sending out emails okay as soon as possible I think the the other committees in town staff I need to look a little bit more clearly on um what questions we would be asking them um and I know that we're trying to tie it consistently back to the to the vision plan so obviously like the senior center is an easy one because we have a whole page on the senior center sometimes it's worth looking at other components too you know maybe connectivity and you know some other things might make some sense so just kind of looking at that and kind of seeing how um we can ask the right questions to get answers um for Action items Madam chair I know you had referenced the Gant chart and I don't have it in front of me I don't do but is there I guess or when is there like what I'll call report back dates where Scott's going to be reporting back to us or is that a plan as part of the whole process I'm concerned about the economic development studies I honestly think we've had funding for that for quite some time and it hasn't moved forward um so I've been trying to push to get those rfps out so that we can be trying to do some things but but they're behind where we are um so some of the unfortunately we may be scrambling more at the end with some action items with regard to the economic development plan but we might be I mean sorry and the LCP but we might be ahead of it and have more action items for other components of the LCP but until I think we get some of those other things we're not really sure how we want to move forward okay so let let's go to the let's review the questions cath I think that's where you wanted us to focus um I think it becomes coms and finance committee and and having had a lot of different discussions with them over the time they have their fingers in everything so instead of necessarily picking like just the economic uh e economy uh goals and objectives like we did for like kind of the businesses and then we peppered in some of the other ones this is just the um giving them an an overview of the actual um vision statement because they may have comments and things that they want to ask about in these particular uh all of these particular items but some of the questions that we're at looking at asking them is you know what do they see as impediments to increasing Economic Development um to improve our overall economic health and then what action items do you think we can take in order to do that um it says 5 to 10 to 20 years maybe 20 years is too aggressive and we just say in the next five to 10 years to rectify them but hopefully that's something where they can kind of give some specifics um and maybe some of the things some of the action items we need to study X more and that's a legitimate action item as well we we have a gap we've done all this LCP work and we have a gap in our information here so let's fill that uh information void by having a study that does XY and z and then specific action items may come out of that particular study we're always doing studies we're always moving forward we're always coming up with new action items and that's the problem with these things they're all so so very Dynamic uh and we actually are accomplishing a lot of of things uh second item there I don't know if you want to just go through them all and then I guess we can comment on them but you know are there opportunities um do they think there's any opportunities to explore Regional Partnerships for economic development I think there probably are um and there's also the Cape Cod commission's uh comprehensive Economic Development strategy and is there anything in that that we might be able to use uh in the town of Yarmouth I've only looked at it in a very cursory manner at this point I don't know if any of you have looked at it but uh I think that's something we should all kind of have a look at and that's an actual link to the comprehensive uh Economic Development strategies Kathy is that something that we could have the commission come in here and you know have it one evening that could present it to us because I've done just the same thing as you a Chris R look and there's so much to it maybe if we had them in they could give us more of a an a bridge version rather than us trying to read the plan which is I think like 800 Pages it's huge is very big I think if you get to it you get to like page 50 or something is where you start getting into some of the good stuff but it's a lot of great background information but that's certainly something I can ask them they're very accommodating with that type of thing so sure um I know that the fin finance committee just been meeting with them with regard to things like the Riverwalk Park they're very concerned about housing and affordable housing and finding different places uh for housing and maybe they have some ideas I know that we've had some conversations with Stephanie Cox and she had some good ideas um I I wanted say I'm sorry the how and when do they get involved in those discussions right I'm I'm right I think of the bud I think of the finance committee as having a statement about what their responsibilities are um I know they they get to opinionate if that's the right word on everything because they look at our annual budget well I I think where they come into it is I think they do vote on whether they approve the CPA applications a lot of them are to recre Comm recommends or doesn't recommend right and obviously you know having adequate housing for employees plays a huge role in our economy and being able to have all those different revenues that come in from meals tax and motel taxes and that type of thing and and would would you say that that's mostly related to the warrant that their involvement in in these things is linked right to the warrant correct okay yeah yeah I don't think to my knowledge that they're like getting into the weeds with the community housing committee or anything like that um the linkage to the warrant right yes um and then just and obviously they have a they play a role in the capital projects they vote on the capital project so what do they see as the being the most important ones um and then one of the things obviously we always talk about other employee other businesses being able to attract and retain employees um but the one of the largest components of our operating budget is actually our staff so how do we um better Steward our staff resources and attract and retain employees because we have the same troubles other people do um one of the things that kept coming up over and over and over again in um in our visioning was that we should be doing better job of maintaining what we have and so whether they have any ideas and how we might be able to do better with our maintenance needs in a cost- effective manner obviously everything about the finance committee is doing is providing as high level of servic as you possibly can in the most cost- effective uh manner um you know and then I think one of the other things that came up uh in the vision plan was you participating in local government and whether they have any ideas on how we can improve that uh and see whether um and then how can we get the support of the public on the municipal budget and capital projects um I think a lot of times it seems like when people come to the warrant it's the first time they're kind of hearing about some of these major projects and if they have any ideas and how we might be able to facilitate that and then because the finance committee is involved in so many different aspects of the town you know do they have any um suggestions on action items for any of the goals and objectives outlined in the vision plan and then do they have any ideas or or want to share what they believe were critical issues that have not already been addressed or brought up because there's I'm sure there's stuff that we've missed that will come up uh in the LCP process and then uh kind of was the top three key points to for us to take away from the interview we found that was kind of interesting with the business Community they're kind of like be more Progressive you know which was a good that was one of their takeaways was to try for the town to be more more more Progressive so those are kind of like some of the questions I don't know whether you guys have any edits or comments or changes or additions I I have one addition Kathy and it's probably um just a uh um a hybrid of what you've you you've got up there I I think it would be important to ask them um what are the most critical issues related to balancing future budgets I have this I have this in writing C um what are the threats to our revenue streams short-term rental Revenue federal state grants formula allocations tax and fee revenues investment income if you listen to former selectman holcom recently um he has been on on a on a on a mission to get more information about where um are where the town is investing and how our uh what would we call it our our various bank accounts how much are they earning are they earning the most they can are we got you know so in line with that um secondly we have aging infrastructure we have a water supply system we have roadways we have Town buildings what are the what are the concerns there with regard to unexpected um uh expenses and then we have operating expenses employee benefits health benefits and the like retirement contributions are always going to be an issue I don't think we ever are able to make an eerb contribution that's exactly what it should be and then and Technology upgrades and then in line really in asking those questions I would ask them and what do you think we should be doing to um mitigate or or or or protect ourselves going forward um because I think you have to look at um where's our Revenue coming where are we spending it what are those threats um uh and and and and and and concerns that they might have because they see the inside of this stuff um most Mo you know we don't see it unless you dig deep into it um so that I I would just add that as a suggestion yeah I those all really those are great points because I think that you know the biggest thing we have from a reverence standpoint is where are our threats coming from we only have a finite amount of money and we know the state money coming back to the town is getting less and less every year so taking a look at how we're going to keep a balanced budget moving forward and stay you know cost effective is important I think those are great points okay next uh cedc cedc I think was a little bit easier because they they kind of have more of a um a focus um to them so what we did was actually try and take the preserve promote provide uh objectives from the vision plan and kind of list them here so these are things that they may want to be providing particular comments on um it kind of touches on all of the areas that that they touch on um and then it gets back to some of the questions about again asking the cedc about impediments to increasing our economic uh development um and ways to um Rectify them and provide a clear path for economic growth um kind of really what do you think that we should be doing um to better support our businesses what are some action items we could take in order to do that um any recommendations the cedc has on ways to increase yearr round in seasonal Workforce housing I think it's good to get that asked to as many different groups as possible um and what do you foresee again this the most cap important Capital uh projects over the next 5 to 10 to 20 years uh again asking them about the regional uh Partnerships for economic de velopment and about the SS uh and then again just kind of the last three questions I think are very are the same about um do they have any suggestions on any of the goals and objectives in the vision plan what are their critical issues that haven't already been discussed and then kind of their top three um key points so I don't know whether there's anything from the fincon that might make sense to put over here as well based on Joan's comments I think there's a fair amount of crossover between the two the one the only thing that I thought when I was just jotting some notes was under number two you know support our businesses our current business but also doesn't say anything about attracting new businesses so I think that should be added in there I don't think we can un you can underestimate the amount of time and and you know this Ken the cedc spends on parades and deciding where this money goes I mean this is a this is a strong ask for a committee that you know doesn't meet weekly or monthly you know um they certainly will have opinions on this but I they haven't they don't have the they haven't been asked to drill down and get to these answers because they they haven't been given that role in certain ways I'm trying to be kind here and that's a weakness and that is a weakness okay well that's that was a lot about parades yeah and things but and that that is a weakness and there's some really good people on this committee now and they will have answers and but I'm just I I do think you've touched on a little bit on number five when you we've already talked about having you know the Commission in here or potentially getting the Commission in front of us when we talk about the financial side they've done economic studies across the board as well so I think there's a lot of stuff we can drill down you know rather than Reinventing the wheel use some of the resources we have available available to us as and we've already paid for we've already paid for as Peter put on you know the CDC does tremendous amount of work and a lot of really good stuff but the capacities of that committee they were only so large they they wish they could do more of this I know that for sure and I know I can see we're trying but I you know we you know there are certain times we can't get answers on the economic development study we've funded for the last two years where is it we gave you the money when's it coming that would help us help the committee so they would certainly like to attack this more than what they are tasked to attack I guess you know so good point anyone else uh I'm not sure if this is for this or Finance or I'm not sure where it goes but um madaky Redevelopment is the single largest town-owned property that's yeah out there yeah so I don't I don't know who we ask I think it Falls Mount CH I think it falls in a lot of commes I think it falls Finance I think it falls here I also think it falls in the capital budget too I think you look at it from a holistic standpoint you got probably one of the largest PES of land in Yarmouth that is now turned over and sitting there with the lights on collecting dust I know there's a study a Reus study but I think there's a huge economic engine available there I really do we it's interesting because we did have a question on madaky and both the finance and cedc about like you know what type abuses or do you see as a potential helping the town the status of that committee that they were supposed to be setting because Jim and I both submitted our names I I think joen submitted our names right no you you submitted them right yeah Talent bank I have a feeling that they don't want a committee personal opinion I think some people just want to tell us what to do and get in line and just accept it that's my personal opinion I do know there are a lot of people that have put their names in that haven't heard and they're wondering why they haven't heard so that's my reasoning before I sent out the inquiry there was only seven people who had put their names in so there wasn't that many I don't know how many there were after some well there's two right from this committee so because I sent out the request saying they need some people I appreciate that because isn't it true that bill Scott has been doing almost all the work on it and if it is true that Mr Scott is on medical leave then we are going to look at an even further delay to a committee that should have frankly started 12 months ago go more than that but anyway okay uh so hopefully someone will politely say something to the Town Administrator so that we can keep pushing this project forward because without that committee starting to meet nothing's going to happen right so did you want to ask a question yes what would you what about uses or what you see is Redevelopment of those of that site being that's with the status of the committee is Jim so let's find out where it is we're looking LCP questions for CDC right but I'm talking independent of that and then go into the questions about y to the economic development I mean the simple question is what does the town see what do we see as the vision for that particular parcel to help drive it as an economic driver for the town one of the things that was touched on Workforce housing for example I mean this just a you know an example of potential use of that space you know there's there been discussions about centralizing the library you know I mean there's all sorts of stuff it's a huge parcel and a huge building you could do a lot with it and make it a driver of economic development in Yarmouth you can even sell it to somebody to build a Convention Center well you could even sell it to a private developer yes you could I think that's kind of um it gets into the zoning absolutely gets into zoning issues yeah I mean I've thought about it as well um that's what we do it is but you can't do spot zoning can't spot Zone it so you don't have to well this might be a case where maybe that makes sense for some we can fin angle some type of 40R mixed use type thing you might want to be breaking that up into multiple properties and having multiple uses on it let's think about what we can do as opposed to what we can't do right let's not let zoning be the no I I I I'm 100% with you sus it's not but you can't you can't just put can we just put an overlay over there but as Jim's point is we we can change zoning but you can if it's spot zoning well I'm not advocating spot zoning spot Zone it but we can recognize that zoning with this then maybe there's a way to change the zoning that it isn't spot zoning that it affects a greater like I said if we can carve out a piece of town to create an adult entertainment Zone without it being on rout 28 I think we can carve out almost anything we want as long as the people in the community do it and it's not spot zoned and in violation so and it also it falls in line with your comment about maybe we should be looking at zoning overall to see what we should do to upgrade it and and keep it more in in in line with what the town has as a vision I think this what we're trying to help right is that Vision so yeah so maybe on T maybe right now there's um individuals that meet on Tuesday nights that are sitting at home watching this recognizing that gee maybe we need to get this committee moving maybe they're watching let's we'll move on capital budget capital budget so did we come up with a question for to add to the CDC about um mades do you want to put it on this in this category you could say you know like what I think what Ken said you know what do you see as a vision for the madak property as an economic this is yeah this is one of the thing Kathy and I talked about this today is like you said Peter there's some really good smart people on that committee so are we act asking them to just strictly wear their committee hat or are we asking them as really smart individual volunteer citizens what do you think I'd like to think it's a little bit of both um it's a it's a way to get their ideas not necessarily just wearing the cedc cap or the CBC cap um that what do you think we should be doing with MES we got you we got you in the room why not take advantage of their brains I think these are the types of questions they would they would like to answer yeah yeah that's good okay good in fact most of these most of these committees should be asked that question on M Finance Economic Development and capital budget they are be asked the question what do you think about the M School a task of the community Economic Development Committee could be besides just figuring out who gets how many dollars for tourism could be to identify um they could be working to identify um potential grants Etc that can assist in the Redevelopment of this site for regardless of what it is I mean there's there's some economic opportunities that ining grants Kathy can tell you there's money thrown around left and right you just got to figure out how to apply for what it is you need and if we don't know what what's even available so maybe that's something that they should be looking at how can you go about expanding our knowledge of incentives to redevelop but that's an example Why Town of BN actually has a grant writer on staff yeah so for that reason because the state the feds have a ton of money willing to pass out just could ask for it yep but getting through the grant writing process is horrific it's horrific it's really tough found it's not writing the grant or getting the grant it's administering the grant they have such tight time frames and getting extensions very difficult yeah reporting requirements are honorous they giving out money they're not going to make it easy it's only another you has the goal makes the rules okay moving on capital budget committee so capital budget um obviously what you see is the most important capital projects um and then you know are there any new or additional Capital Improvement projects that they'd like to see included so maybe there's some things that they're thinking of that haven't really bubbled to the surface because what they see is a lot of times what is being submitted by different departments and staff so maybe there's something that they're thinking that we we need to be looking at yeah I mean I I I'm on that committee so there's a lot of as we touched on earli about CDC there's a lot of great people that dedicate a ton of time for uh capital budget but really in some respects it's the C following the horse and I mean that by the fact that it's the town departments telling us what they need and there's not a lot of vision of what needs to happen in town you know so I think the next question about the external forces is a great question because I think it's tough to answer but I think it's a great question because God knows what they're going to be I think packet Landing might be a good indicator of that you know that's a capital Improvement program but that's also something because it's Coastal resiliency does have a lot of grants that are potentially for it we're paying for a lot of the study studies and for the Consultants through grants um you know cport Grant would obviously be good for for that as well so there's there's some good grants that are available for climate resiliency through the MVP program and coastal zone management so so that that's a very good uh good point because we're trying to find all the different sources of the money and use as little town money as possible and I will say on number four one of the things that actually was from the chair this year on capital budget to the town Department had this stop having this be a one-year ass start putting some Vision into what you need down the road rather than every year just saying okay I and this isn't meant any disrespect to any department but you need eight more vehicles and you know two more snow plows it's it's what do you what's going to be wearing out down the road or what do we need to keep the town moving forward that was asked by the chair of capital budget this year which I I think it did spin a lot of department heads around saying oh wait a second I got to start looking more than one year at a time and they we told them that we're not going to accept next year's capital budget with just a one-year ask we want to know what's what you going to need out there which I thought was great it really should be a fiveyear that's five year submission that's what was asked minimum yep so Madam chair so when we asked the question questions in the finance committee we asking a question about how we can increase uh how can we address our maintenance needs in a cost-effective manner I mean that's kind of what K is saying with regards to pickup trucks Etc and maybe you know don't come to us for a new roof on one of the schools now now leaking now that it's leaking exactly what do you need to do to maintain it and what can we do can we do a quarter of it at a time rather than asking the town for $2 million to replace us School roof all at once can we do it a $200,000 increments or so we know it's going to go bad don't do it all at once and you know the the they Town department heads were very receptive to the fact that the ask was start looking more than one year at a time Kathy there's nothing that prohibits us from asking the same question to various committees right not at all okay so we could the maintenance question can go to finance as well as capital budget so Finance capital cedc or just all of them actually but it's certainly finance and capital budget anything else on um capital budget okay School District I admit that I don't have children of school age uh so I have never been really in touch with a lot of things um that the school has been doing other than the give and the push and the pull with regard to when they come for the budget um to the select board and trying to fit their budget into our overall budget um but we do have a whole section on education uh and learning Vision that's been identified here but they're they they are really the emphasis for the Regional School District is really the improved educational performance and then maintaining the public schools and operating them in an effective and efficient and affordable way so some of the questions are maybe getting some some idea of what's the enrollment forecast I'm sure they have that you know is enrollment going down I'm assuming so but I don't know um you know what are the demographics of some of our students attending uh are they you know are people are there are we getting any Charter students are we getting people who need more more um free lunch programs what's kind of is happening in in our school systems um they do have right now a strategic plan that goes um through the last four years and so kind of what is your uh strategic plan goals for the next 5 years I'm sure they must be working on that because the other one expired in 2023 um do you think that's public Kathy that the there the existing strategic plan it is yeah it's on their website on their website okay um and so and then how can the town and the school district work more collaboratively and in developing the annual budgets and maybe it's not just the town but maybe it's also the town of Dennis um or maybe it's the school committee because that includes the town of Dennis but how can we work better together I think we've made a lot of improvements uh in recent years and I think people feel better about about things um and how how might we be able to better integrate the schools into the overall Community with after school programs adult education and community recreation and kind of what programs are currently in place I do know that there are some programs that are already going on there I don't know what type of after school programs they have there but they do have some Recreation program sometimes it's adult basketball and that type of thing um what programming exists or could exist for community- based learning through collaborations with area businesses town government or other local organizations I don't know how much they get out into the into the um community and kind of tap into all those different Resources with regard to their education um opportunities um kind of what is again asking the capital Improvement question to the schools what do they see happening we obviously have a new Intermediate School school but I'm sure there's things that are going on obviously at em small that need to be addressed and maybe that ultimately means a new school there and I'm sure there's always things going on U with the high school even if it's just general maintenance uh and then again the same three questions there about um oh wait a minute any um actions objectives and strategies that you think the town should consider to support the general goals of the Regional School District so how can we help you do better um and then also any uh critical issues that have not been addressed in the three key points we might want to word things a little bit differently I know Joan and I had talked about um they have very specific goals with regard to improved educational performance maybe we just ask that question what what are your what are you doing to improve performance I think other the the linkage Kathy back to the vision plan I think is pretty strong with three of the questions leaking right back to the same language but um improved educational performance I think we should ask directly um and then um uh I think you've I think you covered everything else in the in the in the questions I guess the two things that I I had joted down here was one which we touched on on a couple spots before what what's the vision for the school system to attract new Workforce themselves from a teacher standpoint I think it's hugely important to keep the school system you know vibrant mov moving in the right direction and then secondarily I'm just curious what state mandates are coming down from an educational standpoint that they have to meet to keep and you know it's not satisfying their own School District it's also requiring that the state requires them to do and I'm just curious what's out there that's going to happen next that that they're aware of that we're not that they're going to have to meet Madam chair I I after hearing what Kathy said about not having children in the school it's made me think and I'm not sure how to form a question here but um since I can remember there's always been an issue of communications between the school community and the non-school community the people who don't have children in our schools um um and what's going on in our schools and how they interact with the non-school residents because we ultimately get the town meeting and it's the non-school residents versus the school residents and I'm wondering if there's a a question about do they have uh what are their plans to improve Communications between not only the the town fathers in both towns but the the the citizenry that are don't have kids in school I think if we can improve that line communication and we get them thinking about that then when we do have some of these issues that come up about funding the band or whatever then the rest of the community could understand and be more supportive or less supportive know if that notion is included in the the the new communications director is that part of her portfolio to work with the school committee and improve communication between I do not believe so so it's separate and aart see this okay so I don't know how to formulate a question based on that thought process but I'm just wondering if there is a question as to how we go about improve do you think we need to improve Communications within the community and how do you think we should go about if he is how do you do it yeah yeah I think that's the question you're just asked right there how do we improve communication forget about whether you have kids or not it just should be a blanket statement how does the school system improve communication within the citizens stre of yth and Dennis cuz we don't all watch channel whatever it is right obviously eight eight eight the schools are on eight as well I'm assuming that they are no they have their own channel they have their own channel 21 or something see that's how see now we can start right there no just town the County's on nine the town is on eight and I'm not sure where the schools are I don't I don't again there's an example of you know how do we improve what channel they on we don't even know what channel they're on how can we keep it up with what they're doing I believe they're on 22 22 I know it was a 20 something okay we got enough Kath for you to no yeah and you're going to send me your stuff I'm G to give it to you before I leave awesome um so meeting minutes are next up on the agenda Madam chair I move it we uh there minutes except the minutes of June 26 24 second you just session okay uh let's take a vote Susan BR hi Will Rubenstein obain Chris Vincent Peter Slovak uh I Jim Saven I Ken Smith I Joanne Crowley I meeting minutes are approved um any committee updates mam chair yes Mr um Rubenstein un unfortunately though I did miss the July 8th meeting of work of the rack um there already is some talk about starting some public Outreach sessions after a labor day so that there can be an opportunity for citizens to come either virtually or in person to ask more questions about the progress um there probably will be a presentation from the engineers and Consultants as well those dates and times are to be worked out and um as soon as I know them I of course will spread them and obviously if Kathy hears any anything from Jeff Colby and lri I'd appreciate it if uh she could share that there has been a little increase in the YouTube and some of the other social media um and email updates from the DPW which I think deserves some acknowledgement um the route 28 construction we know is paused and we'll resume after Labor Day and you probably know though there is certainly plenty of other construction going on us you know certainly Buck Island and other places um as well and I believe the next meeting is August the 5th so that's what I have for now but I hope if Kathy does hear anything in the interim yeah um that she will share it with us thank you thank you madam chair yes Drive Insight Riverwalk Park whatever you want to name it you can go on our Survey Monkey right now and give us your opinions uh the drive and sight committee will be meeting the end of the month to review uh the suggestions we've already looked at I don't what about a 100 of them right now we have over 150 suggest really some of them are pretty interesting some of them are yeah so it's it's um we will then review those and make recommendations back to the board of Selectmen who will ultimately decide what to do but um if you want to have a say in town and what we name the park then go online and fill out that Survey Monkey and get that back uh quickly the second part is um if if you drive by the driving site now you'll notice that um there's some Chain Lake FRS out front because we've got these big things called tractors digging up everything and getting us moving forward so progress is being made on the drive-in site go online for like Survey Monkey and get it back to Kathy so we can review those and make a recommendation anything else I missed chair I just got a question is there any type of website that could like show the progress because it's pretty amazing I've had a bunch of people ask me about it and I'm like so I just was curious if there was anything that that you know might be worth having the new town information officer you know make a Facebook page or something and show progress at the drive-in site is I probably had a half a dozen people ask me in the last month what you know how's it going what's going on there I'm like what's going on there this has been years in the making so which is a fascinating question that I've people have make made comments like what are you doing there and you should do this and you should do that and I'm thinking okay 2015 2024 yeah you probably should know what's going on I told him it was a Launchpad for the space shels going in there I did update the um town website page because the the naming challenge says if you want more information go here so at least it kind of gives up a current uh update on things but um I can certainly talk to Lori about whether they want to you know make a some take some pictures and little something good to have you know fortunately Dave is leaving but I'm sure there's somebody else they could get to do that but people some people have put some very uh serious thought into their naming uh suggestions and some of them are kind of a little wacky but do your thing yep that's all I have any other committee okay I'll mention um CDC yeah the group we'll uh set out to walk or drive 28 U and and we were going to be assigned you know a mile here a mile there um for storefront facade impr facade Improvement and Kathy is a Greenfield Grant what's fieldfield Grayfield Grant so they're they're involved and they're out there we're going to be out there and you know looking over where the opportunities are oh great for the grants that's great okay uh any board member items uh I have one um and it's about our board member who's not here Mr Chris Vincent we have we have a uh we have a plaque here for you um that I guess Kathy you will keep uh we get it to him I can send it to him sure don't send it make them come get it um and the the plaque reads as far follows town of Yarmouth presented to Christopher a Vincent and grateful appreciation for your 50 year 15 years of service inspiring leadership and enduring commitment to the town of Yarmouth planning board your efforts have made our community a better place uh the year 2024 um Chris is uh retiring from the planning board I guess it's effective so he hasn't quite he hasn't quite left yet um after 15 years uh he is the one member I think pretty sure that I've served with from the beginning of my term uh which I think is about 10 years ago um we are especially grateful for your important participation in the development of our vcd districts as well as your consistent and insight insightful membership on the design Review Committee many of our most critical developments in Yarmouth have your fingerprints all over them I think we will always appreciate uh your cander and your straightforward questions especially during some of our more contentious public hearings and finally the Capstone of our vision plan live work play learn will always be attributed to you thank you Chris for your service we appreciate it Madam chair yes Mr Sabin with that comment being made we would wish Chris good luck in his future stuff but that means this seat is empty so fill out a talent Bank form at Town Hall online so that we can fill this seat too and we also have a card from Mr Brad Goodwin for you Chris so you have a couple of things to pick up uh Madam chair could I could I mention one other board member item sure um I think it's appropriate to acknowledge not just Mr Vincent's accomplishment but to put that aside for one Humble second and just say I am really happy that the sagore bridge is going to be replaced number one and officially be funded number two and more importantly than anything else it will be regardless of the results of the November election I think that's really important and um it is a crucial piece of all of our lives and the only bad news is it wasn't $2 billion dollar so they can't do both Bridges at the same time yeah but it is a really important piece of news that I don't think uh should go by without us acknowledging it thank you thank you will you happen to know that Bridges and tunnels are my favorite things right okay anyone else okay cath what anything that you have oh I had one thing and it's lost it slipped my mind I remember saying oh I should bring that up at the meeting tonight and it's gone sorry you can send us an email um our our next meetings um for August 7th and the 21st anything know anything that you know about uh items that are coming up for those uh only the 21st with regard to the seasonal but nothing on the 7th at this time okay great so may I have a motion to adjourn so moved second discussion okay uh let's take a vote Susan BR hi Will Rubenstein hi Peter Slovak hi Jim Sabin let me think I'll say I I and Joan Crowley I and I wanted to do the all I I I gotta get back to doing that thank you all thank you