##VIDEO ID:qs9gNQsjYlc## and I know I do it too so we back we can't be heard recording in progress you can be heard trust me the select board will tell you that mik good evening and uh welcome to the January 8th 2025 meeting of the Yarmouth planning board our first of the New Year I'm Joan Crowley chair uh this is to formally advise that is required by m general laws chapter 38 paragraphs 18 to 25 and pursuant to the ACT chapter 20 of the acts of 2021 and in act relative to extending certain state of emergency accommodations signed into law on June 16th 2021 the armouth planning board will hold the public meeting on January 8th 2025 at 5:30 p.m the public is welcome to attend in person this evening or via alternate Public Access provided and the notice of meeting available on the town of Yarmouth website I will Begin by taking roll call Susan brda here Willam will Rubenstein Jim Sabin pres Peter Slovak here Ken Smith here Joan Crowley present seeing we have a quorum present I will now call the meeting to order and I would ask that you join me in the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of aliance flag United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible liberty and justice for all oh here comes will you close the door behind you will thank you so much look at all these smiling faces don't be deceived Madam chair I we haven't had the Adu conversation yet I know Madam chair Mr Clark how are you here nice to see you as well nice to see all six of us in the same place at the same time make a note that Mr Rubenstein arrived at 5:35 AP thank you not not to worry the first item on our agenda this evening uh and is uh in our packets Kathy prepared for us is um an update um on the local comprehensive plan for uh us to discuss um the draft existing conditions key issues TW January 29th LCP community meeting and and receive a general update from the BSC group welcome gentlemen appreciate you coming in this evening so I'll turn it over to Kathy sure I think um just give a little introduction um BC group tried to tried to get to know the town of Yarmouth as well as they could there's a lot of things that are going on in in town and um they developed some existing conditions information I think they were trying to be more comprehensive knowing that it's easier to kind of call out as you go along than it is to try and remember to add things in uh I think we all kind of acknowledge that this is this is is quite a bit of information maybe too much information for the LCP um so we could talked about uh maybe calling it back down to just having some background information so the basic basic facts and basic Trends and then talking about what's the town been working on so what are the things going on in town so we have an understanding and then talking about key issues and having those actually be specific items headers in each one of the sections um we might also want to have and I was thinking about this um after we had spoken um Jeff that maybe we need to have like an introduction to Yarmouth uh page at the beginning of the of the existing conditions and just give some really basic information about the history of Yarmouth and who we are before we go right into talking about all these other uh different areas um so I think that that what the BC group was kind of looking for was whether you guys had any particular comments on this and maybe further input in addition to the stuff to the information that we had provided uh in our conversation that I had with them on Friday and kind of kind of go from there okay who who would like to start Susan yeah I just had a couple comments I think um last time when we talked about this you know I was pretending I was a you know just moved here and I saw this and I was trying to answer the question in my own mind why are we doing a local comprehensive plan what is the purpose of this plan and is there any requirement once we because I've been here now 50 years and I've seen probably a dozen plans um and there everyone gets interested in them and they talk about it next thing you know it's on the Shelf someplace and no one does anything about it so is there why are we doing it number one and number two is there a link between required action and this plan or is this just another you know Blue Book plan that people are going to read and say is that lovely and I hope not I I hope not too but I've seen it too many times where we and and this one and again like all of them we spend a lot of money these things and what happens with them where is there a link between doing this and a requirement that we do some action about it does this does this link to required action or preferred action or is this required by the state do we get anything any benefit out of this um because um and people have been here a long time have the same sentiment this is great but I've heard all this before you know I've heard people 50 years say do something about we're 28 we're still saying it right waste water and and waste water sorry I've only been here 20 years one United the community but beyond that and that's not really part of this plan in the sense that this was sort of a state this was sort of a in the firmament outside the plan this was going to happen waste water was going to happen whether we had a plan or not it had to happen yeah so just sort of if if you were an outside of moving to this community why do we have this plan and what what are we going to do with it is there a paragraph I didn't see it in here I saw sort of hints about future action but I think there should be a definitive statement about why we're doing a long-range comprehensive plan I think and Jeff can certainly chime in but I think chapter two we're talking about Community goals and consistency with the Cape Cod Regional policy plan there'll be an opportunity somewhere in here to give an introduction of kind of what's the purpose of an LCP and uh what the benefits are for an LCP a certified LCP unless there's another section you think it would go in Jeff no I think um hi everybody um hopefully you can hear me okay um thanks for having us and yes everything said so far Susan's comments make a lot of sense to us and I think the one interesting thing about providing a partial draft is that there are these these gaps in in the in the content that we want to fill in over the next you know several months but I think what I heard is the introduction is going to be really important and I think capturing that um you know as as a as a purpose is going to be really important for us and I think that's good guidance so it's not in there currently and I do agree with Kathy I think in the first kind of you know we'll we'll chip away at having a portion in the executive summary and then repeat it in that first kind of alignment with the Cape Cod Commission um policy because I think that's where a lot of this is derived from okay um so we will certainly be addressing that and I appreciate so far the comments from Kathy we did talk last Friday and we did air on the side of providing more with um kind of a clear expectation that we want to call it back so we're on board with that and any feedback that we can get from you tonight would be really valuable for us so so that we kind of call the right stuff and come back with something that um I think as Kathy said is a little bit more user friendly and I think I think the lens of someone who is picking this up for the first time I think it's going to be kind of our like that's a good guiding principle for us to to use okay can I follow up I'm sure yes please Peter have you looked at the last LCP to see if there's any anything in that plan that's carrying forward that maybe wasn't accomplished that you're just going to add again or address why it wasn't accomplished we will do that I think the goals and actions uh the targeted action plan is a good place for us to address um things that were identified in 2014 and then not accomplished um you know the thing about what you guys have been s so successful at is since 2014 you have done so much and there's been so much advancement of plans and information that a lot of the 2014 information has become um less relevant and and you have these superseding plans in the interim that are that are much more you know current and are going to actually provide kind of the Baseline and guide to move forward from but yes we'll be looking back at the 2014 plan good there's actually sections well before 2014 the most recent updates were in 2014 next Madam chair yes Mr Sabin I'll go next um I actually agree with most of what uh Miss Brit has said except I would prefer the book to be green covered not blue cover we have a choice of the color um so first of all I guess I we're talking about the content of this and and Etc I don't like the format um landscape is kind of awkward you have to turn your page and hold it so I would prefer it to be read like a book with a green cover um some of this to me is really to read like it's someone's opinion um and if I look at the very first page under live work play learn I find a comment that says unlike other communities I I I'm not sure I want our comprehensive plan to be part of comparing us to other communities so in fact Mr sa during the during the visioning process we all as a board did a very good job I think of sort of taking out some of that kind of language in the vision plan because we didn't want it to be even that too opinionated as I recall isn't that correct in terms of this if this is going to follow from the vision plan itself we we I'm going to use this word neutered a lot of the language because of your concern so I agree with you sorry and when I read through the document I find a some places where it seems more opinion so I like what Kathy says about just the facts man just the facts um this is laying out existing conditions uh key issues and needs um I'm concerned about in here there comments with regards to Thea key and suggesting potential uses so some of the things that I I read I'm somewhat concerned about when I look at learn on page one we don't mention the fact that we have a state-of-the-art Intermediate School that's just been built in our community or the fact that we have a college that operates out of one of our schools so some areas I I I don't want to be very critical but I I just I'm concerned about the content and how it's prepared and also factually under the learn component um we do not have modern Library facilities currently so I I think that's our goal in terms of if this if this live work play learn was taken from the vision plan which I assume it was the way that was presented wasn't a current conditions whereas this feels like it's current conditions in other words it's written like it's a current condition but the the point of the vision plan is this is what we see in the future not what's going on now so it feels like there just needs to be a little moving around of some of this stuff right in other words we can't declare that we have modernized Library facilities Madam chair I think what we will'll end up doing is going back to exactly the stage in I'm just piggybacking off of what Jim is saying and and um so I think in terms of place holding like that piece up front pulling right from the vision plan as Kathy was just holding which um I think if if it can just stay closer to what the vision plan summary was that will I think set people up more for success as we get F farther into it sorry Jim that's that's you're not misleading um a lot of detail and again I I I I recognize that what this is doing is setting out existing conditions but I feel that there's a lot of opinion with regards to existing conditions instead of just the facts the mades property is 70 Acres it's considered to be redeveloped period right not a maybe this idea that's what we get to do when we get to play that game with the committee with the mck with the mck we get to run a muck um so I you know again I don't want to go through every area that I found issue but maybe I can just pass it on to Kathy later right in interest of time or you don't want it prescriptive you don't want them prescribing anything it's just the facts well I think they can do it in a more Reish digest version if you will um I mean if you look at typical reader I I found some fascinating facts in here um that um as somebody who's been here 60 something years I didn't know so I that stuff is beneficial and and to the average person that we're going to want to read this thing we don't want them to feel like they've got to read uh yeah it's not novel Madam chair you know I totally agree with everything that's been said here that this evening you know my take on reading this I feel like I was reading somewhat of a textbook from college and you know I think there is some word smithing that needs to be done to some brevity to me is more in most cases and my recommendation I think Jim touched on it because to for us to sit here and try and Wordsmith in front of the camera and in front of Jeff and Adam my recommendation would be to let's all take a just stab at a Wordsmith and get turn it into Kathy let or whoever and see where you want this to go because I do think brevity in many cases would be more I I think um I had already started to kind of do that and and I got a word um just a plain Word document from BSC group and what I was kind of hoping to do is maybe pick one section like Transportation or something and kind of Lay It kind of out as how I might like to see it done because I know a lot of things that these guys you know they just can't know Yarmouth like we know Yarmouth we wouldn't expect we an agreement right so I think it's very easy for me to identify and I also know that we we're working on a bunch of different things with regard to the hazard mitigation plan and a bunch of other things that I know very easily we're still working on it they haven't gotten they haven't seen these products yet so if I can like kind of maybe give an example of some of the um layout then they can kind of say oh this is how we want to do it and maybe they can just kind of sure um do it I just hate to to um be vague in the requests and then have them feel like they're you know shooting darts at a at a at a board and not Shing if they're going to make it but some examples always are very helpful so I was kind of hoping that that's something that I could work up and then they can kind of move forward forward with that mam if I can C and I would just add if if anybody has gone through it so far and has even handwritten notes if that is something that Kathy would be able to maybe scan and send to us we would we would be willing to receive that I think if that could be done in the next week or so you know anything that you already have we would take and I definitely understand the subjectivity so we we appreciate that guidance I think that that's very helpful for us to hear and um taking that out and kind of what like um was saying just the facts I think we can sharpen our pencils on that so I think that's that's fine and we we we we we anticipated this but we wanted to provide you with where we were at so that so that we could be sure you want to pull pull back a lot of the kind of get to that brevity point so um I think we're we're okay with that and then as will mentioned I think we'll we'll double check how the vision plan got laid out because we agree that if it was from the vision plan as a as a a as a as a goal in the future we we want to make sure that that's still that language um so we'll be double cheing that and Jeff the good news is we did all that work for you so like that's what that's where I'm glad Jim brought up what he brought up because the vision plan hopefully will be a nice jumping off point for you guys and now I guess a going back Point backwards both all the points so we get our comments to Kathy and then you'll sure and then you'll bundle them and send them to the okay U I have I have a a couple of um comments uh one I had reviewed this with Kathy uh before your meeting on on Friday um I had read it um end to end uh and there are a couple of things that I want to compliment you on it's not all bad news coming from here um I learned a lot of stuff um especially on the natural re the natural systems why why marshes are important why you know protected habitat and brackish water and invasive species like uh fragm mites um Can wreck um a a wetland uh and I I do appreciate that but I don't think the local comprehensive plan needs to be um an if I W if I could a tutorial on these things and I don't mean that in a in a a maligned way at all um and and so there were things in here that I I I appreciate learning um I did go through the plan and uh I think Cathy has already expressed uh her her suggestion and we'll can we'll probably put together a proforma of what one of them might look like that would have the the the facts what are the existing conditions the facts the second thing that we wanted to include here are key issues and so what I did on the the uh the document that you provided to us I highlighted every sentence I thought identified key issues which I think you did very well quite frankly especially in natural systems um not so much in community because that's really not done yet that's a lot of town work that needs to be done those are towns departments um but the building systems and the natural systems I went through and highlighted where your your work informed me about what these critical issues are and these key issues are um and I thank you for that um it I found that to be very helpful and it I I did that on my second reading because my first reading was one where I I'll be very honest I called Kathy and and said I think we're in trouble because it was so big and so content oriented and and and just a lot of information and then after speaking with her and and going through it again I looked through a different lens and I came back with a real appreciation of some good work here so I want to thank you for that and I will give this to Kathy thank you um it's all marked up perfect um so for next steps on this now kth what would you what what do you want us to do in support of uh BCS and their their their job well I think it's um as Susan mentioned if you have any things that you want to particularly highlight that you have issues with definitely get that information to me and I can relay that to them obviously Joanne has some highlights there for some key issues we can scan that and send that along um and then again like I said I'll try and do like um work like in the next week um at least a what I think might be a way a format and I'm thinking maybe Transportation might be um an easy one to do because we just had the station Avenue meeting with the select board the other night and that type of thing so it's kind of and all the different crashes um intersections we frame um for getting our comments to you he said A week I believe earlier I think Jeff said the next week next week then a week I think the key isn't so much necessarily trying to nail down the existing conditions but really what information are we trying to get out out of the public at our next community meeting and how does all of this feed into that the key issues are we trying to um get some confirmation from the community that these are key issues because once you've identified the key issues you can start identifying Solutions which are basically action items um so I think it kind of rolls in into into these different things so I think um discussing a little bit maybe about the community meeting and kind of what type of facilitated questions uh and what information we might be able to provide to BSC group for them to develop those facilitated questions so that we have some type of more con coales uh format for that meeting which is going to be here before we know it it's it's January 29th Madam chair before we talk about the 29th can I say one more thing about this document you can say many more things well I appreciate you pointing out some of the nice things about natural systems and as you may remember the open space and recck plan was just completed so one of the things that maybe would help the BC folks is not only just using it but also using it as a place to push people towards because that is a group of people that's been 18 months and all they thought about was natural systems as well as Recreation for the whole town and that maybe this is an opportunity as sort of a more of an index I'm not saying that I know there's rules you have to follow for the Cape Cod Commission but because of the housing production plan as another example that's the deepest dive you're ever going to want on housing in our town whereas this shouldn't be but this is almost like the um executive summary of some of those other pieces that sort of hold up this plan and so in terms of U the nice things that you pointed out in terms of the cataloging of all the natural systems in town it's not presented in As Nice a format I mean the open space Rec plan is a lot more charts and graphs but also lots of maps so maybe there's a way to for BSC to Crunch it down but still assure people and literally link electronically as well to f folks like if you want to spend more time learning about and sorry and with included literal action plans connected to how we can improve our open space and how we can preserve our open space and how we can improve our recreational facilities in town the open space and recre plan is literally a including for our new recreation director whoever that is is literally a a guide for them moving forward as well as um Mr benetti who doesn't really need a guide I think I think reading through the natural systems obviously they did rely heavily on the but I would like to see this exactly kind of more like sometimes like the data sheets that we did at the very beginning where we gave a little blur but then we said you want to learn more about it here's the link to to to the other to the other and also Madam chair because we're also trying to think about not just the people as Mr Smith mentioned that have read have actually gone to college and read textbooks but for anybody under the age of 40 let's just say that would like to engage with this material the more that you can give them links to things if they choose to Deep dive to to dive deeper excuse me um and make it a little more Nimble in terms of how it reads and how it looks which I don't think we're getting into tonight um I think the bigger the chances that folks under the age of 40 will want to engage with the material full stop one one suggestion um i' I'd like to make Kathy we you know we did agree on the LCP table of contents at our December 4th meeting y so I want to I would suggest to all of you that you use that as the guide and that's what I did and I have a bullet list here for you as well Kathy where I went and highlighted bullets of what I think are key issues using this as my as my table of contents um so you know under natural systems Water Resources um all of the um the issues around our culverts and what fob is doing um and the all of the issues surrounded that um it's just a it's just a bullet it's an issue um Bass River Fallin pond dredging permits I didn't see the word dredging in here at all and dredging is really key I think um especially Fallen Pond and the upper um segments of Bass River and certainly at the mouth of the river and at Parker river which is getting dredging now but those are the kinds of things that I identified as I went through it but I thought that this was very helpful to use we had agreed upon this and I think we should um I you know kind of log in um our key issues using this as a kind of a table of contents what do you think yeah no I think that that's a great idea how does that differ from what's in here it doesn't it does that's what I thought it doesn't but this is just on one page okay you this this has more detail Than Water Resources has got five four three different categories in here okay um these are these are these are like the bundled up um categories it's up on the chair it's up on the screen Madam chair I think what you'll find is the open space and Rec plan and even things that we're working on um maybe some other plans very clearly identify that a lot of the key issues and action items and I and I do agree that there was um a lot of information in there that said great things about what the town's working on but it just needs to be under a header what's the town working on and again key issues and I'm very big into the bullet points um it's going to be a little hard to get to into the weeds but you know if people have questions they know where to go and they can talk to me or find out other things because there's so much going on in town uh if we tried to explain it all comprehensively it would take too long and it would all be completed by the time we finish the LCP so we gota we got we got to keep the bullet items and keep it short and then what I'd also like to do um is uh if we can kind of maybe work up a a draft version of like one version or something that we all like maybe then sending that draft existing conditions section to uh the Cape Cod Commission and get some of their input back on that say okay are we on the right track this is this makes sense to us is it Mak sense to you and then do the table of contents that might be a good um touch point with them and maybe that's a case where we would actually meet with them and kind of get any additional guidance from the commission um on this but I think if they have something to react to it will be better um than just a general meeting okay can I add something really quick I appreciate this a lot I think um just going back to kind of the way Joanne mentioned that you know it's less of a tutorial and more of the facts and I think um will reiterated kind of how the open space plan and the housing production plan are the the resources that we want to refer to I think you know it wasn't it wasn't intentional but I think just kind of looking back and having this discussion now I think having the planning board help us make sure that's clear that that's how you want to treat this document I think that's valuable for everybody especially as as you guys as the planning board and we'll be bringing things to town meeting we'll be with you and we'll be supporting you but as you're bringing the LCP through town meeting process I think you'll be the ambassadors of the plan and you'll be able to help you know tell people for that deep dive for the information that you know we were a little sensitive that people might feel like the information was missing if if they are coming into this new this is the first document that they might pick up and not be familiar with the others we appreciate your guidance because I think you guys will be carrying some of the weight to to educate town meeting members and others that this is this is sort of the overview this is the catalog of information and almost every single component has this other you know much deeper dive this is where you can find more information so I think if you're if you're carrying that narrative forward you know that's that's going to be really helpful and so that's something that I'm I'm just picking up right now as a real benefit of kind of showing you the long version but really pulling it back and kind of relying on you know pointing people to the other the other resources and then just on the key issues I think Kathy's correct I think if if in the next week that is something you know that could have a little Focus you know you you you know the town the most and if we can flush out some of those key issues we're we're coming back or at least some of us at least I will be here on January 15th so next Wednesday and I think that's one of the exercises that we want to go through is talk through the key issues and the types of questions that we can we can ask the residents and business owners about you know and getting their their feedback on how the issues relate to actions and so that's something that we're looking forward to coming back next Wednesday to talk about too okay great thank you madam chair yes Mr a couple if I can um are we given the opportunity to give this to different department heads to to take a peek at not yet no okay so we're way way ahead ahead of that yeah I have been um and and I actually have planned on doing that of running some stuff by um different department heads in in addition to um the the initial stakeholder meetings that we had um Joanne and I also had a meeting this morning with the recycling and solid waste committee which I found to be very informative and very interesting um which kind a new issue and a new key issue new key issue exactly about um turning waste into energy yeah waste into energy and the leaves and grass yep so they they they came up with a lot of great things but I've also um sent similar requests with basic those basic questions that we had um to the health and Board of Health chair the senior center the energy committee which I think is a committee of one at this point um historic preservation Old Kings Highway disability conservation water I want to send it also to zba um and meet with the DNR director and the library director just to help with those what's the yeah I know tell me about it what's going on um that the it's really good some people some committees are just simply I'm not meeting with each individual committee we're trying to meet either with the chairs or the the staff person has been sending uh the actual questions out to the committee members to fill out and then giving them back to me so that works um as well so hopefully we'll get some additional information I kind of wish we had I had gotten to it a little bit sooner but hopefully we can get all of that that feedback and then once we take that information and start developing the key issues and action items then there's a followup then back to all these people with regard to how is this accurate is this some is this an action item you think we can actually accomplish or how would you tweak it or that type of thing because staff input and and actual implementability is huge for this plan or will sit on a shelf if it's too if it's too ambitious okay thank you um I have one more thing certainly um has have members of the board had the opportunity to read the section with regards to zoning and permitting what paid you on Jim 60 so there's a comment here that says furthermore existing restrictive zoning regulations that hinder mixed use development opportunities POS significant challenges for businesses developers and Property Owners I'd like to know what they are so that we can fix them I think that sometimes these are things that we've heard in um meetings and but people may not be fully aware of the mixed use uh and high density residential opportunities that we do have in town so again I think it's just the facts here maybe that's a key issue you know educating people with regard to the uh options that are available but maybe it's also you making sure that we have enough of them available so so these comments are I'm assuming we gathered as the perception of our community that people in our town think that these exist or is that well in terms of like the permitting process well I mean just look at that one sentence existing restrictive zoning regulations that hinder mixed use development opportunities pose a significant challenge for businesses developers and Property Owners is that just Community perception or is that something I know that I've heard that perception before so I don't know if you know do we need to take a deep dive into our bylaws not to get off track to an action item will be definitely related to some heavy lifts in my opinion with regard to the zoning bylaw uh design standards and also the growth incentive Zone and also to follow up on what Jim said on the same page The Zone the Cape Cod Commission uh presented us with a chart of zoning districts which makes it seem like there's very little commercial uh stuff I'll use a technical term going on in our town but if you read the fine print it's because they don't include overlay districts right so it looks like whoa that's true this place is just all houses where there's no businesses there and you know I'm pretty sure we have some overlay districts that would like to disagree with that I think that they' did a good job of kind of highlighting not faulting our Consultants this is they're Gathering the pieces but again this is representing us to the world and this may or may not be the most accurate way of representing ourselves to the world despite the fact that we're showing the professor the you know this is like giving the professor an excerpt from their from their book you know uh the professor wrote the book and we're supposed to we're giving back pieces of it to them but this may not necessarily reflect us as well as we would like it to but again I understand we're not there yet but I just wanted to throw that out there I I think that kind of does that map when I look at it kind of goes along with the comment to the left of it 88% of our community is designated as residential and 10% commercial that's probably not inaccurate so when you look at the map I can kind of see that 88 10 oh and 2% classified as other um so you know we are kind of a residential bed hate to use the term bedroom community to the to the vast Metropolis of hyenas maybe just a coule maybe a sentence or two about the overlay districts next to this chart would just give a little more context um so I guess all the things can be true Madam chair at the same time anything else we'd like to share with the Consultants while we have them Kathy um I guess the other thing is is um needing to work on the growth policy um and I think I have some some ideas on on what that might look like but I think one of the key things about that growth policy is where in town do you want to have development occur um you know obviously Route 28 where we have sewers mes you know I think there's some obvious places maybe we look at you know the medical overlay District a little bit more closely over next to the hospital um but maybe getting some input from the community on where they would like to see growth um so that we can kind of because one of the specific things in the Cape Cod Commission is they want you to identify in your growth policy where you want to see growth in your community from from you know from a practical point of view for you6 there's not that many it's 28 it's station a maybe but I don't think there should be this Global conversation about where do you want to have growth because there's not that many opportunities we are we are a victim sort of of our Main Street being 28 going right through our communi so we have 28 we have the possibility of station maybe it would be easier for us to say these are the opportunities what do you think of them or do you think we should add more um rather than you know there's no sense recreating the wheel you just have to look around it's 28 possibly station have maybe down by the hospital Higgins Crow on midtech drive and 6A sorry wh's path 6A there maybe Identify some some uh areas that are fairly obvious say what do you think of these or add to it when you think about it here's your growth right here because what we're about to talk about with the adus yeah it's almost you know Wild Wild West to you can almost do anything so I think this where you growth is going to go right there in my opinion I also want residential growth yeah I also want to point out I know I was complaining about the overlay districts but on page 61 they do talk about the overlay districts so but it's just you know but people people like people like beautiful charts guys and so the beautiful charts don't take into account necessarily the overlay District so that's why I was just I was harping on the chart sorry maybe we don't need the chart maybe I don't know but they did a nice job on the next page about talking about some of the Nuance on 28 that does encourage mixed use sorry so I guess I'm just trying to get to some questions and um that we want to think about asking people one of the things that was mentioned um when they went before uh the muck went and uh Bill Scott went before the select board last night was having some type of questions at that meeting related to madis you know and I think it might be generally generic in the in talking about the six different teams that um that we're looking at um but I think something needs to be asked about madak kees because it is one of the big planning projects that is going on we are going to have an audience here that we'd like to maybe tap into um with regard to that I can't imagine how we would be able to not talk about it yeah yeah which is okay yeah we should talk all of us you know well we have well we have people in the room right ex and we can also say every one of us is on one of the subcommittees right we can make that clear we've done that so we have a we have an entree for discussion in every one of the subcommittees and subject that's a conversation for next week Madam chair or is that a conversation for tonight or is that a conversation for next Wednesday about what we want next about what we want the 29th to be like uh that would be next that would be next Wednesday the heavy hit is next Wednesday on it this is kind of like maybe getting some general ideas of some things that we might want to be thinking about um and then just um conversation with Jeff um I know that you guys were going to be working on that um the actual virtual link cuz needs to be set up by them because it's a little bit more uh detailed it needs to have a registration so we can identify how many people might be coming remotely so they have enough staff and then also um there's polling involved in that type of thing and just making sure that that we get identified as the host and running a check to make sure that Liam can access that so there's not going to be any issue with recording um the meeting at least the presentation part that's Happ and things that are happening in this room we probably also need to talk once we have an idea of the question questions how we would break up this room when people come in right now it's all just people sitting in chairs um they're going to breakout rooms but are we just going to have one big breakout room here so things like that we should probably talk about and solidify but with regard to the hybrid maybe running a a check before the meeting next next week is when Liam's here anyway and just making sure that he can access that and everything works because I need to start advertising that so that people can can register and and people know about the meeting per se and that the virtual is coming but I want to get a little bit more specific and get that information out to people Madam chair be before our Representatives lead us could I ask have we made any comment I I made a brief comment but do we have an opinion on the layout being either landscaped or oh no I prefer portrait I prefer portrait I think we all I think we all prefer portrait so I want maybe not I don't know they did all the work I just love to hear from them as to why they chose landscape um well we had a brief conversation with Kathy and then I think it came up at one of your last meetings so I think there would you there seems to be a trend with the Cape Cod Commission where a lot of their materials that they're producing are in the landscape so there are some benefits to it um but I we're we're hearing what you're saying about potentially the portrait as being preferred so I think um I think we could last we lost we lost your audio Jeff um the landscape especially if we are we're losing your audio can you hear can you hear me now at all we hear you now okay sorry about that sorry um I think we will look at Portrait um for your request I don't know what you heard we you know we had talked to Kathy and then we we the planing board had a brief discussion about landscape but I think maybe what the difference is now that you're seeing it your preference is a little bit clear for the portrait what I was trying to elaborate on is the Cape Cod Commission seems to have this trend and there are some there are some layout features that are a little bit better using the landscape but given the the almost consensus that you just had I think we we talked internally and we could probably make that switch you know in that in this next iteration I think I'm more interested in getting the content down um before we try and insert it into into formatting good yeah and Kathy I heard your your comments about the hybrid meeting so I would love to have a conversation with you you know the next few days before the 15th but we we had an internal meeting with our it people and they're pretty comfortable with the way that this can work there's a lot of security measures that we have you know built in and then this this nature you know this this it's a little bit of the nature of the Beast to kind of bring people to that room and they'll be be a presentation we can talk about this more on Wednesday there'll be the presentation where everyone will be hearing the same thing and then the breakout groups both in the room and in and virtually we're we're going to try to be facilitating the same type of questions and BC group has a a software where we can poll people um at the same time so the people online could um use a QR code or or kind of tune into this online survey and the people in the room could be doing the same survey and then we can collect the data together um so we're going to we're going to find tune that ourselves and then we'll talk about that next Wednesday to make sure that it's going to work out well for both people in the room and people online what do you envision the presentation being Jeff so what we talked about was a brief update sort of an overview of the project I think that you know the way this meeting started with Susan kind of highlighting you know what is the purpose of this what are we actually doing I think we had the our first meeting was the open house so some of these people may be coming at this for the first time so brief introduction of the nature of the local comprehensive plan and then kind of just discussing some of the the information that we have through the existing conditions and I think the way that Kathy and I have been talking about that is really not getting too deep but just talking about the key issues that we're finding and I think through that discussion in the in the presentation it will lead us to the to the breakout groups which will be the sort of facilitated around kind of agreement on the growth policy some kind of discussion of the growth policy and then we want to talk about actions and and kind of having people start to look at preliminary actions that the town will be taking over you know over the next 10 years to support the plan and so I'll have more detailed information for the group on Wednesday but that's kind of the the brief summary sounds good thank you is the in the what select is aware of this meeting on the 29th I assume it's been in their packet yeah I heard them I think well that doesn't me I think I heard that mention it last night Sharon mentioned it at the meeting Sharon wymer from the mck mentioned it uh at the presentation hoping that we'll get more information about the and I assume they'll be here too the mck group oh I'm gonna invite everybody yeah yeah I just need I just need the link so in case some people want to do it and just want to provide Direction on you know you need to register and stuff so I just kind of I need that before I can do that Kathy one other question is it necessary to register I think if you don't register is not a huge deal but um it just gives us an idea of the number of people yes so at the last minute if you want to go in and join just join right je I'm sorry I'm looking at you but you can't tell I'm looking at you no you're correct we we will ask people to pre-register but it's not required so anyone who picks up the link the day of or or wants to attend can just join but I think the pre-registration is just a it's a good guide it's kind of a best practice but we it will be open to anybody who want toister that they don't show up I want them to show up regardless of whether they're registered or not and thene I assume they can also walk in oh it's open yeah yeah yeah there's no pre-registration for coming to the meeting in person um and again it's just you know just it would be appreciated if you would pre-register so we have an idea but feel always feel free to come anyway or something we can add that in the advertising could you have cookies oh we did have food before didn't we um we did Refreshments this feels like a next week conversation this not a tonight's conversation Jim we're trying to get thank you Mr clerk thank you on behalf of Madam chair of course um I I did put the muck after directly after this I didn't know if you wanted you guys on the uh BSC group wanted to hear the the update on it or not it's up to you if you want to but I just so they if you're okay with the LCP for now I mean I understand there's a lot of work to be done and we're we're totally on board with that and that's great so yeah I I'm going to stay on just to hear the conversation but I think if um if there's nothing further we'll we'll wait to hear some or get some written feedback from from you all on the on the draft and it was it was a draft so it's serving its purpose we we definitely want to get your feedback so I appreciate that thank you for your work yeah thank you thanks a lot Adam you don't say much so we don't know what to say if you're we don't know if you've done anything but thank you Jeff he hasn't said anything I don't know who he is can you I don't know Adam speak for yourself and just one note uh Heather Heather G was has been on the call she's stuck on the in the outside of the webinar but she's been listening so I just want to let you know she was here too thank you Heather thank you heather I think the homework for next week is the is the key issues getting some input on the key issues is that personal comments to you personal comments and key issues yep excellent thank you all very much thank you and thank you Adam in all seriousness thank you Adam absolutely thank you for your time is important well Adam has a very cool Zoom background that I took me a little while to work out and now I'm like oh those are like little tiny plants that are being grown in a farm because on the left it looks like a monkey right I don't I thought it was a frog and then I was like oh no those are plants fig okay sorry we had to work out Madam chair this is before you came here no I just I he chose a very non-traditional Zoom background Madam chair I just wanted to know what it was Adam was kind enough to participate with me in the seaside Festival so we got a chance to talk get to know each other sorry mck yes let's move on to the second item on our agenda thank you madam chair m m manes utilization committee um as you know at our last meeting uh I I think we all agreed that um we would use our regular meetings as an opportunity to update each other on our relative positions on other committees if they have met um so if other committees have met um does anyone have an update because we went through this in pretty much a lot of detail like with you you am I the only one I think you're the only one can I ask a process question I know that thanks to you madam chair and Kathy our information has been shared with each team leader right so we're just waiting to hear from the team leaders in order to schedule the meetings right that's what how I okay so my report is no one has reached out to me but I know that everyone's busy thank you that is my report so I mean if that's what you're I mean in terms of the is anything happening is that what you want to know well I can say from education nothing has happened contacted either I'm standing by I will second that that's I'm not judging I'm just reporting facts so um I did get an email today from Bill Scott to I'm assuming the captain of my team um spelling out some things for them to do and also to reach out to apparently to me um they have not but that was today so uh I would suggest progress what are you on again Jim I'm sorry what what's your what's your team my team is Recreation Recreation thank you say read the open space they're they're um applying for a consultant was the gist of the they're meeting right now in room B and they're looking for a field consultant correct in to do sorry the Recreation Commission oh the recreation meeting right now not not the monk no the rec full commission sorry you were going to say something but they are doing that field study they got money at like $100,000 and I think they have an RFP out and they're looking to hire someone so can we make the Assumption if they meet at all we will at least be notified correct because none of us have been notified can I make the Assumption they have not met is that correct I think you can make the assumption that your team hasn't met I don't think I think beyond that I don't think you can make any of assumption think your team may have met but we have beenen we on the team well what I'm saying is Kathy I think did I got I think I got one email before the holidays that said you're on the team right right so everybody got that yep yes okay so I think all I can assume is given that that we will be hearing from the team leader who's on the muck to schedule the first meeting of each team right I think we need to keep in mind that we just went to the holiday season there'll probably be sometime I'm assuming they'll be reaching out to us within the next couple weeks sure because they have their own SCH ambitious schedule Madam chair the thing about the schedule and and when you do meet um they're going to um and I'll share with you how my meeting went Monday with housing it was a joint meeting of housing community housing committee and the affordable housing trust and uh there was um the our Lea on uh and Bill Scott uh walked us through again um his November 27th memo and on the process we walked through that again which is what Kathy had done with us went through the Kathy's memo on on zoning and what what is existing there now um and uh the the one outcome that they want from this meeting is when you're going to set your runamuk meeting that's what they need to um and then the runamuk meetings have to be coordinated among all the Liaisons um and then there are two more meetings after that so they're asking us and this is all the logistics about this is just to get the calendar locked in on one of the three meetings then how can the muck take all of the information from those meetings um and begin a process the one thing additional that he did provide to us is the format for the ideas yeah um and uh that may be still in draft I have a sense that there were some who were um there was some concern about you know how it was going to work yeah I think I just was envisioning this that's just bullet item you're running a mck so everyone's bullet iting that whatever they think of I want to see 50 units of housing there I want to see a combination of cottages and Tow houses and single family homes or whatever you want to to propose out there and then and then is your but they also had things about do examples of benchmark of your idea are are there funding sources available for your idea I really feel like that's really something more for the second meeting I think yeah so I I think that was um that needs to be clarified a a little bit more um their first meeting is supposed to be the Jackson Pollock meeting right you just throw it all respectfully to all my Jackson Pollock fans okay and what they I got the impression from especially from listening to to Scott that they they somehow going to have and this applies I think to all the subcommittees they're going to have to figure out some sort of ranking system um they're going to assign scores or or numerical significance to certain things so they can have a chat so they can compare the Recreations idea with the housing idea with the you know municip so that they can have some idea of how to rank things otherwise it is going to be round the mark how do you it then becomes very subjective you know I think you know my idea is great I'd never put housing there housing is not Economic Development so haha you think you've got a great idea but unless you can rank them somehow oh sus we were doing so good now we disagree we'll be rank there is a process Madam chair You Know M BR rank there is a process and and I would encourage you if you have the time not that you want to spend more time watching more meetings but last night's select board meeting with a presentation by Bill and chairwoman wymer was an excellent primer on how it's going to go and I think it will answer that question literally it's a process presentation because I listened to the I listened to the meeting on Monday and I was concerned okay well they oh they addressed it then that's good they did last night did a good job last they did and I totally get where you're coming from the nice part if the way the way I'm thinking about it I think Bill put it in the first one of the first charts Madam chair is it's a funnel everything goes into the top of the funnel when we're running a Muk all six teams and then the muk's job is to be the funnel and that includes a uniform RFP Style evalu ation process and ranking system so I have a good news there will be rankings is that is that in is that in like chat form did he present that in paper form c i defer to Madam chair or to what's the question last night did Bill put all that stuff in the packet there's a memo and a presentation Power Point presentation was yeah and Kathy emailed the Pres the the packet to us the other day so you can you can get it there selectman's packet I think they're hiring a consultant who will help and I think they're hoping to have the consultant on board for maybe like the second and third meetings and then of the of the mck I think of no of the of the teams each team they're going to have a oh I don't think for them the RFP I I take it how you were take it that the teams would to feed the funnel they're not they're not for the teams but they might be participating in some of the meetings to hear things is what I had heard but they were to help get stuff through the funnel right and do what Susan's talking ex they're the mucks consultant they're not like individual groups like housing has Barrett Planning Group which is help helping us through the regional um I'm not exactly sure what program that was but we have 30 hours each each Regional um each community on Cape Cod has 30 hours that they can use for helping with affordable housing and what we're doing is using be group to help us with um facilitating the first three mck meetings for housing we may then Mary has maybe has some additional money maybe she can help hire them so they can help us with our more formal proposal that actually ends up going to the mck so it looks as professional as possible because you're trying in a sense you're trying to persuade them your proposal is the best one or that should be incorporated or part of it so it's it's the putting your best foot forward is the is uh what I think each team is going to be trying to do um so there there are a couple of consultant activities one this group pair I think I'm pronouncing it correctly has already been retained to evaluate existing conditions at the site and the second r P the Muk at least the initial Muk RFP is due the 20th it's it's on the street um and I was wondering how can we get a copy of that because if you go online which I tried to get a copy of it you have to register as a proposer I register as a proposer and that's how I get it so but I have it and I can send it to you guys if you want oh okay I but it doesn't then it doesn't clog up all the but they know who's not oh okay i' never tried to do that before so so um I'll I'll remember that that I actually signed up to be notified for bids because there's things that were going on in town I didn't know about but I've see when they're being bid and it's very helpful yeah so uh I'd be curious to see what the RFP is and what it outlines as the services that they're expecting um again getting back to the form the idea form um it's not meant to be completely filled out initially it will get filled in as we go through the three meetings you know financial implications grant opportunities um environmental concerns I forget what's on the whole list of things but um that will um and it's a uniform format that each of the teams is going to use um and it may get adjusted over you know they it Bill put it together over the weekend and got it out to us first because we were meeting on Monday um and so and and our runam mck meeting is the 21st congratulations Madam chair that the first of the six teams has now planted their flag it's it's the re part of the reason is it was a regularly scheduled housing meeting housing meeting and yours uh Peter might be oh thank you took the top off mam thank you don't put it back on I won't part of my clerkly duties keep you hydrated I'm on this side okay I'll we'll just keep it like this and then you're 3:00 I'm I'm 9:00 okay all right I've got the blue guy I got it that's a right it's an elephant it's okay thank you Peter as an example Peter cedc I presume will have a regularly scheduled meeting right I I don't know oh okay CDC schedule for um January 27th at 5 so they could just lay the runamu meeting into that agenda or something that's I think that's what the plan makes way more sense tot more sense cool let's hope all the teams one question I do have Madam chair you had mentioned that the town has hired a consultant under an existing condition of the building that's already been done the school department did it in 2014 but they're updating it yeah can you imagine getting can you imagine what the update is uh knock it down I don't know when it's I don't know when it's delayed we have to do it officially but like what are they possibly going to say for the tens of thousands of dollars that it's going to cost except for bring in the bulldozers two words nothing's changed well we'll see I mean you're right Madam chair I I apologize um so those are the consultant things that I know are going on and the latest on the mck and I I would encourage uh all of you to just take a look at the clips from last night's meeting was very helpful and the PDF as well from the packet and if you don't have cable you can see it online and there is the nice on the web town website there is a madaky utilization project web page and the old 2014 studies there the the uh zoning analysis there the the site map base Maps there all that information is in one one one place on y website on the yeah if you go into toy armouth website search M's utilization project you should go it should be the first thing at the top got a shovel any anything else on this C do you want to add anything or no okay I think that's it um last on our agenda for discussion anyway um Kathy you attended a briefing on adus um the uh draft regulations developed by the executive office of Housing and livable communities um is out and comments are due um on the 10th of this month the um promulgation of the regulation um so um and you've put together an extensive package here Cathy for us I'm not sure how much you want to go through and I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to talk to you in advance of this meeting as to whether you would like a comment letter going back um if that's an outcome that you wanted tonight or not I think because it's January 8th and it's the comments end on January 10th if you guys wanted to provide comments um I think we need to kind of solidify something now or we can talk about it and I can compile it and I can submit it as staff as Town planner or maybe Joan and I can work together and we can both submit it um but maybe if you know a lot of it is um I thought your summary of some of the issues was just it it just condensed it down to look these are the key things that we've got issues with right um and in some way that could be the format and cover all the ba I didn't see any bases that you missed I did I did have some epiphanies on some things that I think I figured out what they were doing that I didn't on the first second or third read of of the regulations um is the town not going to not com on this it would be it would be me it would be me and or you Mark and I reviewed these and kind of went through it together to see what he he was concerned about with regard saying back to the state as the planning board comment as the bo not going to comment as the executive of the of the town I don't believe that they are commenting they are not I don't believe it all us okay all right I just I I think we should be on AB I'm in full agreement that we should after all the work that was put into it and I do agree Kathy that your your comments and the issues that we see and that you've pointed out in it I think should be the basis of our comments yeah maybe Madam chair would it help if Kathy just used her Memo as a way to talk about what our concerns are that then would then form whatever comments we would like her to send on our behalf in the next 36 hours yeah no just two days been a short time frame I I guess maybe if I could just kind of go through I mean there are some things in here that was just for informational purposes just so that you guys understood not necessarily that I had that we should necessarily provide any comments on it or that it would make any difference if we did but parking related definitions um they just Define what a bus station was because you know anything and a half mile you don't have to have any any off street parking and they basically indicated that if you can flag stop a bus that's considered a bus station so all along Route 28 would be that may I just say that is madness I mean and I respect it how many towns are there in this beautiful Commonwealth 351 okay I respect that that is it's a hard thing to write policy for every single town but this is a that that is it was one of the first things in your memo if I recall um that essentially takes all of 28 yeah Station Avenue no doesn't go up Station Avenue now oh sorry 28 if an RTA bus was driving through Captain's Village and you raised your hand to them they would stop to you that's flagging it so I think of it that's the entire town well no it's a it's a predescribed route it's not a RTA route where you can call and come to your house take you to stop and shop the bus runs up and down 28 as a predescribed route publicity it's a public route any with a within that route a mile either side but the fact that they consider that a bus station as a definition is just is the height of government nonsense just call it a bus have two different definitions a bus station is a bus station and a bus stop is a bus stop and a bus stop is a bus stop but that isn't and that's kind of thing I think we should point out in I'm guess there's 350 other Town planners and planning boards that are going to say that just one of the comments I had I mean I think they really use the definition to really expand upon what was approved yes um so can I have ask a does that mean people could pack on 28 if than a half if you if you are on the corner of let's say 28 and and you don't have to provide parking you have an adun does that mean they can park in 28 no Park in 208 because it's stay Highway because yeah you don't have assuming that that that that will be equal to the prohibitions that they have in this housing I mean I don't know any way you can park on a we not you're not supposed to but I'm I'm just weighing the housing new housing law with the state law that says you can't pack in 28 this says if you interpret it literally you probably could so who is going to make that determination I think those are the kinds of that's is that's your that's your expansion issue well I'm just concerned that instead of it being half a mile from the hyana Transportation Center it's now a half a mile from Route Route 28 a little bit of Long Pond uh in all Direct in all directions all dire any place on 28 I don't know if station they don't go up Station Avenue now but if they do in the future and it's any place on 28 because any place on 28 you can put your hand out and the bus is going to startop correct right that's correct that's the way I interpret it well so if you have a house on the corner of 28 in you know Suzie Q Lane and you put an Adu on it could you build the case that gee this housing regulation says I don't have to provide parking and my friend Jim is going to park on Route 28 well people will park on Route 28 but they will park on suie Q Lane they'll park on the right it'll just mean all the streets will get clogged that's exactly where I'm parking streets will get clogged yeah definitely y not 28 I mean that's the that's the whole Kathy's issue of expansion you know they took the definition of transportation and and expanded it to bus stop versus bus station I would like to hear your epiphanies oh okay I don't know my EP um gets back to the definitions sorry all in the definitions people also Kathy why you're doing that have you had a conversation with Town Council about this draft no do you could you just share at some point tonight where the Town Council is where what the where their opinions are and are there going to is there going to be time for them to formulate any in support of us and you before this deadline no okay um an answer I think T Town Council um I think what they're trying I mean these are not defined regulations Town Council will help us interpret once these are finalized how we can change our zoning bylaws so it matches but given the timetable again I know we're going to get to epiphanies Madam chair but given the timetable it's 30 days when these when the final regulations are supposed to go into effect yes so basically what we're going to do is we're going to tell them all the things that we politely disagree about and then the state's going to come down from the mountain with the final regulations and then the Town Council is going to advise us they're going to have to because we I would have changed our bylaw very differently after the affordable homes Act was was enacted versus now that this these regulations are in place it would be different and these are just draft no I recognize why we're waiting I just wanted to say it out loud is is that at some point maybe Madam chair has considered this as well that there will be an opportunity for you and for Kathy Madam chair to have a conversation with Town Council you know to give us advice do this once these are prated yes but I mean we're here right we're not here we're here in a month yes because at some point not just us but the zoning board by extension and the Building Commissioner and okay sorry 30 days till fun times I would just like to state that maybe that's one thing that we want to make a comment on and I didn't really include it in here is you're having your public hearing on these January 20th it goes into effect February 2nd we can't do anything with zoning they keep say oh in preparation for your annual town meeting no we we would have to have today what we were would be planning to do at annual and we can't possibly do that we can't possibly educate the public and bring them up to speed on what this is all this nonsense is happening so maybe commenting on the fact that you should be extending I don't think they can but the February 2nd deadline is a little um if you didn't do your job don't expect us to have to adhere to this February how long would it take for us to cap short-term rentals I'm sorry if we wanted to I think what's going to come from this too is the only protection we might have is to limit short-term rentals yes and we have that now but we don't have a cap on the number no but but the accessory dwelling units can't be used used as um in our existing bylaw as short-term rentals they can February 3rd no no it I don't think it changes the format of that p no it just it just would um make certain portions of our zoning bylaw unenforcable like our parking requirements right you know and and also I think we also require I think we talked about one bedroom two bedroom I think you can't talk about that anymore um and then how you we've defined how gross floor areas calc Cal at well they've decided how gross floor area is going to be calculated um so those types of things it's very complicated for Mark and I feel really bad for him because he's been already trying to field uh questions from people with regard to it but um we can't fix it at annual town meeting they didn't give us enough time they don't understand how towns work they understand perfectly they did this in perfect I mean let's be [Laughter] serious Thumb in your eye this is a thumb in your eye can to get for one party rule this is a thumb in your eye this is you know you prob you get three weeks to sort of get you're at three weeks that's an an unbelievably stupid you know time but they don't care the isue that's not stupid there's somebody up there really smart and that's why it was done this way this is this is the local version of remember the the mandatory shelter bill that all of a sudden now the no good deed goes unpunished we're paying billions of dollars to shelter people this ultimately I think is going to be reviewed because this is so Dreadful in its application that ultimately the you know I think the bill will be amended because there's so many parts of this that are bad and how long a process is that forever forever I totally agree with you forever so so let's let's let's we were talking about epiphanies I'm sorry madam chair FOC epiphanies you're right I forgotten my Epiphany epiphanies epip um so the the concern is with regard to what's a protected use Adu and those are the ones that need to be by right and so when I first read this this um I was like oh okay an attached or detached accessory dwelling unit that is located or is proposed to be located on a lot in a single family residential zoning district and we'll talk about that definition in a minute and no other accessory dwelling unit is located on set lot so okay if you have your single family home and you already have an accessory dwelling unit you're done you can't do another one but then when I went to the yeah and then when I went to the um presentation that was given they gave an example well you could have more than that because um they showed an example of you have your single family home and you have a 12200 square foot accessory dwelling unit that doesn't meet the definition of accessory dwelling unit so that's not your protected Adu so you get to keep your existing this this is the tricky part your existing 12 I could didn't understand how they made that correlation until I thought about it going back to the definition because when I read accessory dwelling unit I'm like thinking any accessory dwelling unit but no be this definition CU it's all in the definitions um you get to do another 900 so you get to do another protected 900 by right and then right by right so you could have a 12200 foot better better and no parking no off street parking Susan let's just throw that one on you could have the 1200 foot that was pre-existing but doesn't technically meet the definition of a protected then you can build your by right protected and then you can go in and you're you are required I this is my other question having a second one by special permit so you could technically have three adus on a property if you can meet setbacks and yeah there's a lot of other things yeah about two lots in the town that that will be there's one thing that shows you how clever they drafted this thing well I guess what I'm saying is maybe the the recommendation is to talk about making a recommendation on the um protected Adu to say or and no other accessory dwelling unit of any size is located on said lot that way if you have one already M right you got your you got your slice protected unit right soci we have your protected unit so so that that was my Epiphany today of of instead of asking them to clarify make a recommendation of just change that defination to say other accessory dwelling unit of any size I don't I think people will feel more comfortable if it's one dwelling unit and then you know one accessory apartment but this whole concept of too many uh gets a little bit scary um just while we're here I have I had another Epiphany but um I just want to talk a little bit about the definition of um single family single family residential zoning District any zoning District where single family residential dwellings are a permitted or an allowable use including any zoning District where single family residental dwellings are allowed as of right by special permit variant waiver or other zoning relief or discretionary zoning approval so everywhere right everywhere if you allow use variances it's everywhere so my recommendation is we just end it after allowable use yeah exactly right um so that was that was a a finite definition the only question I had on the gross floor area definition was um whether included an attached garage or not because they just say building um they don't say um which are you looking at gross floor area floor area it just says the sum of areas of all floors of the building so if there's an attached garage is that counted if it's a detached garage is that not counted that needs to be clear because they say including basements sellers ATS attics they hi in there whatever they wanted to say but it needs to be clear on whether garages are or not included if it's attached to the building because it says building a detach one I would say is not because it's not the same of the building the dwelling unit um Madam chair so there there are 349 other groups of people like us who are reacting to this and 349 other people like Kathy is it it seems incredible that overwhelmingly let's say 325 of them say this is nuts in terms of the specifics some of the definitions that Kathy has pointed out but that doesn't mean that anything is going to change so we can probably assume that what we see is probably going to be what we're going to get I think the clearer we can make the recommendation the better want you to yes all right add this language or cut it off or delete this language the the better off you are because we're not going to be the only ones saying this so if enough people if if we our recommendations solve enough problems that people identified maybe they'd be willing to make some and given the nature of the cape um is there a isn't I think we T talked about this a couple of months ago Madam chair isn't there isn't there a group of Cape Cod town planners there are so have is it fair to say that you're all equally as I'll use the word concerned um and if so are you all trying to send back this very specific feedback and very specific definitions in the hopes that some of this will get mitigated um we don't meet like monthly it's like quarterly so we have not really talked about this uh I know uh like a lot of other planners they're overwhelmed with other stuff going on okay how much time and effort do you want to put into something where what what benefit are you going to be getting from from it so I think there there is a little bit of that um I mean we we put up a good fight to begin with and didn't do it didn't do didn't do nothing so the the point is to try to modify the regulation as opposed to the legislation itself yeah yeah we're just talking about this yeah we're just talking about the draft regulations so things like you know the owner occupied that's in legislation that's something yes that's done deal that's that's it prohibited yep the the the other thing that I just wanted to bring up to your attention is um and again I don't think there's anything you can do about this a principal dwelling um basically includes any lot containing more than one dwelling unit so it's single family duplexes multif family so you could have you know a multif family housing unit and then somebody can put an accessory dwelling unit off to the side put two no that's not principal unit own you're a principal unit own no it's owner it's about dwelling unit so a principal dwelling unit can be a duplex so that's your dwelling unit so I don't think you can get two I think it's just the one but if you have two owners of a duplex two dwelling units single dwelling that duplex the left side's mine the right side's gyms and we each want to put up an accessory unit I don't think you can stop us now I think that goes to the issue of addresses because they had addresses you know we actually have a section of town that there's a road I can't think of the name of it but it's off of Great Western where the intersection is that goes off to the right those duplexes all got condominium ised years ago so if you drive down that road one side of the roof has one been replaced the other side hasn't one side is paint those are all duplex Condominiums why you'd have a partnership of a duplex with two and two separate addresses correct yeah each address isled to an Adu one two three Smith Lane and a and b you know y it does say a structure so that needs to be clarified then maybe that's one of the ones we need to clarify I think it's important we get a picture of uh Building Commissioner today so that next year when we see this guy walking down with pure white hair we understand why he has I feel so bad for him oh yeah it's going to be awful um I mean if that's the case what if you condominium ised uh a um multif family and there's 10 units in there each one cannot have their own accessory think keep in mind that it's a structure so just the more questions I mean if you want to ask it I just yeah because then it it's worth asking because where's that structure end if the lot was you know you had a condo unit that's six units and you're run six acres you know I'm making it up but if they all wanted to put an accessory unit in my structure is my condo and and it may not apply in our town but some towns out western part of the state they got a big acreage they how about in the city of Boston in Boston but I think the key to this whole thing is if you read the first paragraph of the letter and understand that their goal is to create 8 to 10,000 new units within the next five years so that's all they see and also Kathy is one other mechanism maybe it's a very long shot is there a way to maybe strengthen the unreasonable the uh hold on the section 71.0 3 number three where you can uh which says on reasonable regulations a municipality May reasonably regulate and restrict protected use adus is there a way for us to put something in or suggest to put something in there that gives us a little more uh protection sorry so if I read this correctly this is classic government where they make it a double negative um so 71.0 3 then you go to number three yep which says unreasonable regulation we feel like this whole darn thing is unreasonable however it gives towns the ability to regulate and restrict adus yes provided blah blah blah blah blah so what I'm saying is is there a way to strengthen that section from our perspective because that's they're gonna so what the state's goingon to say is but we gave the towns a way to to you know slow this down or or or or have the ability to say no and then of course they make it so impossible that nothing is going to get stopped but they can claim that there's a mechanism under this under this law to do it you following where I'm going with this read the whole paragraph though will I don't want to the last can't make it so restrictive that it restricts the use of it okay where is that further down and see 7.03 said several times through the document oh 3C not withstanding all this other junk right okay it's also the word I tried they they all thought me they have better lawyers I think something is interesting though um with regard to the dimensional standards it's like what's prohibited is setting any dimensional setbacks lot sizes lot coverage open space and bulk and height that are more restrictive than what is inquired in the single family residen neighborhood so based on that definition is the is the by right protected Adu only people who can 100% meet our bylaw and our minimum lot sizes and our minimum setbacks see this is where our friends on the Town Council have to speak not that you're wrong or right I certainly hope you're right but I would like to know what the Town Council has to say I think what they want you to do what is customary and and and under your current zoning if it says you got a 30 foot side yard setback then your accessory dwelling units in the future have to have a 30 foot sidey yard setback on a minimum lot size of 25,000 in the r25 make it more restrictive right so that to me means the by right adus are only limited to those that conform to current Zone full conforming lot sizes and if you can put your Adu fully conforming to our dimensional standards in you don't need special for then you don't need a special permit but so does that mean anything that doesn't meet that we can do special permit maybe I don't know well the lot size I don't know if I want to ask them that question because I like this language nobody nobody thought of it and they're going to go they're going to close that Loop because they seem to be they that's what I'm afraid of that they'll say they'll close they using the concept of special permit exactly to close any loophole that they didn't think of right because of special permit is woven all through the thing if you can't get what you want go for special permit um because they don't Define unreasonable which is of course is some means unreasonable other means you know fabulous idea they kind of do a little bit they give examples but they really don't Define it it says unreasonable regulation un and they do say an unreasonable regulation cannot be an excess of what you currently have as Jim said what you currently have is reasonable anything other than that is unreasonable that's how I'm reading that anything you would require a single family home to do you can you can apply to this right yes but and you can't be more you can't all of a sudden we want design standards for your Adu but we don't care what your house like say the Adu is going to be 40t away from the lot line as opposed to 30 that what they want you to do is change your setbacks to lower them for 80 yes right that's exactly what they want but I don't see that flying in the town of Yarmouth um so I feel like maybe that's more of a question for Town Council and maybe we don't comment on this because I like the way it's worded right I think it's less I think it's more uh in tune with the original ideas that we had with regard to carving out things that could have been by right originally remember we had those three things we had the three we were fine with that we just didn't think it was going to pass town meeting speak yourself you weren't fine with that no or some of us were some of us we gave up on we had three things and this this would fit into one of those three I forget probably the first one because you're you're doing everything that's meeting current zoning you got to meeting the minimum lot size have at it build an Adu in your backyard there are folks applying to the zoning there was on the agenda for tomorrow there's somebody applying for an accessory dwelling GBA yeah yep so I mean it doesn't apply to well no I'm just I'm just thinking out loud that like there are still people who have a desire to follow our bylaw yeah because it was it's over it's a good bylaw M to BR Road or something so Madam I think Kathy's got the gist of what we want to say I'd like to ask her if she could put a footnote at the end PS thank you for wasting 18 months of the planning board of yama's time inv writing an accessory dwelling unit bylaw I mean also I think we ought to put on the radar the I guess I'm it's not anything we can do about it because it's in the legislation but this notion that owner occupied is not required that is where the one thing I think that this board all of us agreed on early on despite our other disagreements yes I would agree the one fundamental things on and the and the audience tend to once I think think some guy over here on the right hand side by and large I think the citiz were very very supp we pretty much adamant about that yeah now but Kathy can this Adu be a short-term rental no no we we can regulate it they they have no problem with you because it's not solving the problem if you let it be short-term rentals so the whole regulation allows you to say these can't be short-term rentals so the so the following restriction regulations shall be considered unreasonable and applicable to protected Adu and then it say has any restrictions or prohibition on short-term rentals that are not consistent with mgl so does mgl whatever they give that's the Mass General law chap oh yeah but is that because it says here that you you what page you can you can restrict it uh 70 7103 number three number three B eight eight you can sublet your unit I think I read somewhere because there is they said occupant or co- occupant or there was some language in here that made it sound like subleases were allowed well I think they defined they defined year round as 10 months so I don't know where was in here y somewhere in there I was reading it she can Kathy can do the search 32 says shortterm rentals may be restricted or prohibited but then on page 32 what are you talking of the presentation regulation short-term residential uh short-term rental 703 3 B8 short-term rentals any restrictions prohibiting on short-term rentals that are not consistent with Mass General law 64g Mass General law 40 c4a Section 3 now includes the following reference to Mass General law c64 G may be subject to restrictions and prohib the definition if that's what you're looking for prohibition on shortterm rental so the way the presentation goes is there's the language we can't understand and then in the gray box is the translation exactly what page are you on we're on 32 and 33 yeah 32 and 33 another landscape format how dare they what's a presentation we're just not cool anymore they're clearly not speaking our language yeah the master Law chapter 64g was the whole short-term rental excise tax we have already prohibited them on our accessory apartments in compliance with that so I I don't think they're changing that they're not solving the problem create yeah you can restrict it if you want to if they didn't that would be horrible we've already done it so the your M the main house or whatever the main unit can be a short-term rental and then your Adu can be your year round rental yes so there's your two family so I mean you you actually we may see an uptick in the number of short-term rentals which goes to the discussion you mentioned earlier about considering the idea of having a cap on the number shortterm rentals in time well the affordable housing trust did engage UMass Dartmouth to do that study with regard I don't know the status of that they were very busy so I think they weren't even considering starting until December I don't know that they've started yeah I they they indicated that they were going to I thought it was going to be spring this year so that might be some good information and get some ideas on different ways of regulating it and then you know the Province Town is restricted they put a cap on shortterm the number of units number of permits that are issue right so is it your interpretation Peter that this does allow for short-term R well I guess not in the Adu but it certainly does in the main Housey is not required anymore so the main house doesn't say you have to live in it right you're right yeah that's the way around it so you have the big house you that's where you live now and then you build a nice Adu and you move into the Adu and rent out your house exactly or you move and you just you have a two family now you haven't solved the problem no they don't see that as the problem yeah you want to hit that 8,000 number 10,000 sorry 10,000,000 just went up by 25% I didn't get that before but that now that's very disheartening because that's exactly what's going to happen sure you're going to that's why we need to have that discussion about so once we get that report we need to have that discussion and it reinforces Mr sabin's request for for his footnote this discussion it's like thanks for ruining the last two years Kathy if I you know that short-term that report I understand what they're going to do and and you know we have around 1500 short-term rentals I think the number I forget what Mark said something 15 something so if we can identify how many of the 1500s how many of that 1500 really are the you know first-time home buyers you know the the the the property assessed at 500,000 you know the the the the how many of our short-term rentals are homes that would appeal to a first-time home buyer and of course that's you know affordability you know that's the number of short-term rentals that are taking away from housing stock it's it's not you know it's not the million dollar house it's a short-term rental it's the $500,000 Captain's Village Ranch that's a shortterm renal that first time home buyer can't buy I mean if that stud is going to have value and if we knew the impact yeah if we could identify and the addresses for the 1500 I don't think they're online they're not online that but um but Mark has them can ask them from the um from do the to town can ask for the specific addresses that have been and then there's also through our online permitting if you permit if you gotten you know your annual permit registration um we should be able to have a list of of those I think I think when they went to the new open gov they then added a category for some of these things that we weren't tracking as closely before so I think that might be I I thought I saw at least in one of the drafts of the RFP Peter that that was in the scope of work for them to do the dive and get the numbers you know the like the exist existing conditions the snapshot of what we have right now um I don't know how whether they were going to then have anything other than a number and an address um that already pre-exists Madam chair yeah I mean through do as long as you're registered first term you know you know you're renting as a VRBO Airbnb whatever and you registered it you have to register with the state because you have to pay you know property I mean pay your rental taxes but your points well taken Peter like if if this is a short-term rental for a million dollar home you're not necessarily impacting the standard year round it probably would have just been a second home for someone um versus those 500 I hate to say that $500,000 home what's our Med what's our median sale you know home price I mean whatever what whatever you want to use to get to that number so you don't sound like you're picking and choosing I think what would be interesting for me to see how many people purchased properties that became short-term rentals a lot the investor a lot yeah because those investors are the ones that ate up the the the stock so it' be interesting to see okay Joe SM purchased or Joe whatever his name is purchased on this date and three months later it's a short-term rental tells us that person bought as an investment so it'd be interesting to see with that Rush of what happened and into you know purchasing properties how much of that inventory that is been eaten up as investor profits right as opposed to solving the housing crisis but like making any good decision need good data and as Peter mentioned if the study is starting and it would lead us to a conversation about a possible cap on short-term rentals that's at least a year away at least at least right because even if we could do it today there's a process involved and we don't have any good dat well we don't have enough data to even start that conversation NE not necessarily make that decision and is that kind of thing have so I mean once you start to Ripple this stuff out it's um let me just say Madam chair a hot mess on toast squared [Laughter] Cathy is that the kind of decision we have to go to a town meeting cap on oh yeah absolutely so we're talking town meeting 26 at the earliest at the earliest how do you even Implement that we had a sunset Clause right that we extended once but so November 20 that's what I was having light bulb 2026 yeah that is the opportunity line hold on whole idea was that we would get this data and kind of see what we would be doing that's one effective cap I mean that's one effective mechanism to to control what right now looks like an out of control process I have the data by that because we've lost all leverage I think the next year is going to be wild wild west with trying to figure out what works and what doesn't work and what's allowed and what isn't allowed until the dust settles on this you probably got six months before you can start reacting to anything so you're right it's probably going to be another year before you can fix any of the mess that they've even created and Mr grills is completely in the crosshairs oh yeah like I said I want a picture before and after right because it really does boil down to his interpretation in town councils as opposed to the zba it's really not even a zba thing for adus then goes to the zba if he says a it can they can zba have a ripple effect of being able to be in front of the zba but yeah I just want to get back to helping Kathy thank you either we do the note or we don't so I just want to focus on that um just to bring it back um what else did you want to go through on this Kath I guess the question is is did you want to com comment at all on the parking and the definition of a bus station I mean what which ones of these did you want to comment on got you've already done it I I think all of them should be commented on I think they're all valid all valid do you think it's too you think no I think with the edits that I'm talking about with some more of the specifics that we talked about based on my Epiphany um I think it's good and I think maybe like we should be more proactive like ownership should prohibit separate ownership of the adus as these are accessory structures yes they need to be accessory to something otherwise they're not an accessory structure right stand be be more more definitive and suggestions and Stat ask permission just make it a declarative statement yeah and I think maybe not even talking about the dimensional standards but maybe talking to Town Council about it okay but I think everything else are very legitimate and whether you put them as declarative sentences or questions they're worth we're the only ones commenting I think we ought to comment on it all I agree 100% so you're concerned with the with not with regard to the comment on the parking this was just informational to you guys um you're just concerned about not having any parking requirements the half mile of Route 28 because of the definition of the bus station yeah that they since when is the bus we just have concerns I'd phrase it we have concerns about your definition of what is a bus what is a a bus off versus a bu if you ask 100 people where the nearest bus station is they're going to say it's in hyanis nobody is going to say oh it's at the corner of Barry of uh it's at the corn it's right by the 99 on 28 that's where the bus station is they expanded they expanded through the def the expanded the whole concept and that it's not right part is that they're trying to write like you said a blanket 3 you know when you start looking at the parking issue yeah okay that works in the inner cities of Boston and in Springfield Etc it makes sense not to restrict it but when you start applying it Statewide wide it doesn't work in Pittsfield or yarmis right I can't imagine Boston thinks that a bus stop is a bus station I mean I mean even the larger cities are going to say that makes no sense whatsoever there's no on street parking required in the entire city of Boston unless just a snowstorm and you got your lounge chair you got your loung chair yeah if you got your loung chair out you're good um Kathy has an example though of you know a uh um writing this as questions or writing this as definitive statements of in opposition or recommendations for change under modular dwelling unit um how how strident can we be in saying um mobile U mobile homes and tiny homes built on a permanent chassis should not be allowed right y it should not be included in the definition or the reference but the the reference it's one of those double negatives things EX for as and then I go and I look at it oh and it says chassis so um it's almost like um yeah it should be at but somehow softening it saying we is that what you meant by this that's what I was trying to say is I'm assuming this is what you meant by yeah we don't want to give them an opportunity to take away a good idea right no I like it back we did a good job I have no problem with a tiny home on a foundation yeah right problem with that I think that's just a home that happens to be small but I think tiny homes all of us who love YouTube and love to tour the tiny homes they're on a chassis but they're beautiful and they're cute and I'd love to live in one but if you don't Define what a tiny home looks like how is that any different than a mobile home my I was just going to say my RV is a tiny home yeah it really is I have everything a house has so so I'm thought that was a positive thing is this something that you want to come from me or do you want me to work with Joanne to finalize it and come from the planning board well let me let me ask you a question what's what's the easiest most expeditious way for this given the time frame given the time frame this has to be filed by Friday right yeah I don't I don't think it's a very I think I sounds like I got a lot of it here maybe it's just being more assertive um and then I can run it by Joanne and and I think it's better if it comes from maybe we can say both the planning board and the town planner that's exactly I think if it's going to it should not be from me it should be from the board I was going to say it should be from all of us including youever and words like unanimous the board unanimously questions the board unanimously concerned about and if there's some way we can preface our comments by saying how disappointed we are after all of the work that we put into public engagement and um listening sessions and writs and rewrites um over the course of 18 months and the beauty of the town meeting process and and our legislative body the town meeting voted in favor of it um this um iteration snatch snatch of local control is is you know just this is why we revolted the mic back in 17 you can temper that tax without representation really are stepping on home rule aren't they awful a yeah it's a but it's a political statement this is not about a housing di this is a political statement I mean so we'll screwed Kathy you and I can work on yeah on that I'm sure you'll make it nice I don't know it would be you don't have to use the word snatch and I also think that you should emphasize the amount of public participation we had over those 18 months exactly uh that the ciens were completely engaged 58 58 public meetings is that what it was public that many I didn't think it was 15 it was something insane dozens and dozens something insane how about dozens and we can go with dozens dozens something and say several do so do we need a motion to sort of you you're empowered to say sign for the board right you don't need individual signatures no no no it's it's it's an online form just so you know and then you check off the things that you want to comment about and they've listed some stuff and then you can attach you can if you had a short comment you could just write it in but I'm going to do an attachment and attach the attachment got it and I think you would to Ink it with blood you know your fingerprint with a blood Mark I'm not I'm not doing that come on be a team player send it with a horse's head up to oh my goodness Madam chair okay uh any other comments on adus just by consensus I'm going to work with the chair to finalize it and submit it yes thank you Kathy uh meeting minutes is next uh may I have a motion to accept the meeting minutes of November 13th so move second any discussion all in favor I may I have a motion to accept the meeting minutes of November 19th so moved second discussion all in favor I I may I have a motion to accept the me meeting minutes of December 4th so moved second discussion all in favor all right okay I gave my committee update from community housing anyone else uh met over the holidays M chair Mr Ruben Mr Smith you go okay well it was post holiday but yes I don't know what day it is anymore Monday the holiday went through June 6 June June 6th that's a really good holiday event Madam chair why am I here June 6 January 6 I would love June 6 also a day that will anyway dday okay um that's another conversation for another time um the rack met um I guess I'll just I'm going to keep it kind of short I would just say as at least as of that meeting and I don't I didn't make it all the way to the end of the selectboard meeting but there still is no resolution as far as I know on the pump station on Route 28 now the good news is if you would like some good news is that because of the lead time involved in building the sewer plant sorry the water resource recovery facility I'm going to call it a sewer plant because that's what it is um we have a two and a half year window until things are actually moving through the system so I just as much as we would all like it to be resolved yesterday and with Etc um the truth is despite the delays that this will cause and it's not clear yet it will cause a significant one it's still within the buffer of the fact that we don't have the plant online but that leads me to the good news which is the mobilization for the plant is expect to start expected to start actually by the end of this month um that may be tweaked a little but that is where it stands so that's good news and as everybody knows uh there's still some stuff going on but there's also limits because it's winter and there's asphalt uh limitations and the state especially the work on 28 the state requires patching every single night which is a good thing um and if you can't get asphalt and you can't patch then you can't do work so there's some stuff going on there uh well that's that's what that explains that um the town is still meeting with the state DP every two weeks um and it looks like in terms of the uh the amount of water that can go into the into the plant which should be a million gallons but is only 375,000 because of this rule that Ken heard about and then I heard about when I took when I took his spot um which was the onet of a foot rule the good news is Believe It or Not the state has now said they're reconsidering the on10th of a foot rule now does that mean they're going to the the difficulty is they've already given us our permit so it'll have to be a reconsideration when we apply for the next permit because I think they're fiveyear permits they are fiveyear permits so the good new there is an ability to amend the permit true but there's been some wiggle room there so that's good news um and it feel it seems like because we're working with the state um on a regular basis and have been now for over a year through D that they've actually listened um however just in another example of government fund um the EPA decided to do an audit of mass D and wouldn't you know it not every I was dotted and T was crossed and unfortunately one of the contracts has to be rebid however that again isn't the town of yarm's fault it's because the state of Massachusetts D was politely uh looked into I'll just say they were looked into which contract um that would be contract let me get this right um hold on contract five which is Parker River to Higgins coll road so everything was hunky dory but unfortunately at the very last we were going to we had we picked a bidder we picked a winner but we couldn't award it because there's a process where you have to get the D to say okay now you can actually award it and in that process is where the federal government stepped in and say hey Mast EP how are you doing on your your process and they said no no no no no you didn't do it right got to do it again so we're still okay with our our revolving funds right so the truth yes as of now everything is fine 0% interest everybody loves everybody so no Financial impact no Financial appications but I think it's important to remember that sometimes humans are going to human and government agencies are going to government agency the good news is and we're eating into it a little we still have a two and a half year cushion for phase one big picture um also the work at um at the bridge uh the bast River Bridge um that work is hopefully well the bridge itself isn't starting until the fall at the very earliest that process is starting to unfold in terms of bidding and all that good stuff um but and Jeff Colby can tell you more Kathy I won't bore you with it here but um there is supposed to be some work uh by Memorial Day for the stuff that we're going to do because the sewer and the water was was separated for the Bridge Project because the state delayed The Bridge Project a year okay um and the last thing is which I think is a good thing and and actually uh select board member Forest suggested it last month but we're following up on it in our committee is having like a point person like they called it Anam budsman which I think is a cool thing but no one under the age of 40 really knows what that is respectfully so like there's going to be a point person that we haven't hired yet apparently in hartch uh it went very well to just have a voicemail and an notwithstanding the Wastewater at email address but to have a phone number that a citizen can call who doesn't want to use email or doesn't like email to BAS basically say hey I don't understand this or this isn't going right or what's going on that's in addition to the fact that folks are getting letters you know depending on what what's what contract they're in about their actual stub and location all that good stuff so that is being worked on and I do think that would be a great idea for my comment to that simply Jeff Colby and the select board are just getting inundated with comments about the current status and sure R and road conditions and everything else so to have a point person would be nice in my two cents would be a very good idea there was a lot of misinformation hiring someone you know after the town meeting surprise surprise people thought oh my God the Project's dead where we not going to go forward so the would really be helpful um and and and that's so that's on a sort of ongoing basis but still as as Ken well knows you know the the rack meets on the first Monday of every month at four o'clock and there is an opportunity to literally if you're a citizen of the town of Yarmouth and you want to talk to the most people involved in this project at once you should show up on the first Monday at 4:00 because that's when you can get everybody and often times the town administrators there on with like a cherry on top um so there's that um I think I've taken up enough of your time but but I would say as a final comment Madam chair it looks like the ah yes the there's been some progress with the golf course with Bayberry and [Music] um in fact they're talking about um expanding one of the ponds to take on all this extra water and actually a good thing according to the golf folks is that some of the driving range and the rough will now actually get to be irrigated in a way that either it isn't enough or isn't isn't at all if we're able to make this all work because that water's got to go somewhere because it's not all going to the plant I hope it's not the fourth hole they already got enough no no what I was told is uh they're encouraged because it would be the driving range and the rough hooray and also good news I did ask this I said hey there's going to be a really big parade on March the 9th um is everything like does does everybody know that you know just in case because of all the work being done in Route 28 and good news good news good news there won't be a big open hole so like an animal house where they go into the culde saac during the parade they will not equip driving down they're Drive actually they're going to lead the parade Madam chair and they will pave all of it so it's all no I'm kidding sorry so the rack committee is always it's always it's it's always something Madam chair always something long may Madam chair U capital budget last night had the opportunity to sit with the select board or sit in front of the select board I should say uh and just review the capital budget plan for the town of Yarmouth which is quite extensive as you can imagine um the amount of dollars in the capital budget plan are you know fairly significant uh and is quite a bit um of equipment and building facility work and everything else it's part of the plan um and selectboard was very receptive to the plan um we will be back in front of them in March to have a final vote on everything but everything is moving in the right direction but the couple things that came out that the select board was very receptive of was working with the town as far as from the capital budget to put together a comprehensive building maintenance plan so that everything doesn't become uh rush rush we got to put a roof on the town hall and if we can figure out the money and budget it out for the future it won't all be one year get these big spikes of spending uh we can plan it out the other thing was put together a Rolling Stock plan so that we're metering out and purchasing Vehicles over a period of time so that we know for example that in 20 years under State Statute I which I didn't notice till I get on this committee was that firet trucks are being replaced and a firet truck now average cost $4 million wow well maybe we ought to plan out that $4 million 20 years from now when we know we have to replace ladder number 41 um so that was a couple things that the select board was very receptive of the other piece of it too is right now capital budget is anything $10,000 and more $10,000 today doesn't buy you heck of a lot and actually under federal guidelines a lot of tax laws everything else Capital planning starts at $25,000 now as you well know um my point of that is we're also asking the town to take a look at that and have Capital planning start at $25,000 rather than $10,000 um so there's quite a bit that came out yesterday um that you know I thought the committee did a wonderful job Sandy F who was the chair of the committee really did you know Yan's work and did a great presentation last night I hope everybody has a chance to watch it she did great thank you amazing anyone else I can say uh Peter well see yeah CDC you know where most of you know the process there so our special events there were there were five grants given out total about $64,000 and we have another 60,000 to give we gave away everything that was pretty much asked there was only five people quite a few less than last year came forward you know so we're having a second round we submitted out I you know the cultural center was didn't get in in time so uh there one that I think is sort of an annual occurrence so so we have more money to give and then uh away we go this part will be done and then I guess we get ready to muck it up coming months so we'll see I I do know I I I spoke with Karen I wasn't at the last meeting but I spoke with Karen and I guess the um you know the our scope is economic tourism and I think the some of the members were sort of turned off by the fact tourism was attached to the economic component of what might be considered for for mes you know I think they would rather have a more broad sort of economic you look look e development right right sounds like you get blinders on so absolutely we'll see how it yeah go forward Susan you have anything no I might I'm not on the committee my me group hasn't met Madam chair if I can yes sure I know Christmas is over and everybody wanted to get those planks for the boardwalk who didn't get a chance to get them you can still buy a boardwalk plank go to the town of yoth website um yeah we're we're hoping um we were contacted um by the veterans organization about maybe getting um purchasing planks for all of the 16 individuals who passed away I think it was in in the um Iraqi War on Cape Cod as part of the big Nicks ride uh and getting them all located in the same location so we're trying to see if we can't facilitate that with um Robert bow to make sure that they're all together and maybe there might be a special symbol that we could get done on there so I just thought that was a fabulous idea and I'm hoping that we can make it happen that's great it's wonderful great idea yeah it was I was really impressed that they reached out I think it's gonna be great that's very cool anything else keth from you um also at the select board meeting last night um the cape cot commission gave their presentation on the station Avenue corridor glad you brought it up um I think we all know that there's there's issues with the corridor I think because there was such a heavy select board agenda last night they didn't have a chance to really get into it I came because I didn't know if they wanted some questions about what town staff had said and mandal the town engineer and myself had both reviewed it and provided some comments back to the cape C commission but it sounds like the select board's really looking for um to get more information from town staff and have a whole another meeting um to kind of go into that in a little bit more detail and especially Madam chair may I follow up on that especially one of the short-term recommendations that I want to point out is um changing the use of the center lane at Station Avenue and the Stop and Shop to make them dedicated some dedicated left turn Lanes as well as limiting some of the left turns coming out of the Stop and Shop so even if those were the two things that actually happened in the short term that would be a net positive not withstanding The Interchange for exit six for Route 6 excuse me as well as the whites path um Station Avenue interchange itself like there's that feels to me to be a much longer term uh solution or at least timetable um but it feels like there's a juicy select board meeting coming with a full presentation because I appreciate you sharing that entire presentation with us yeah um they also have things on Wood Road too U some recommendations on that because shockingly that is actually a high crash intersection it doesn't the report said it doesn't qualify for didn't meet the warrant maybe a four-way stop signal warrants but four-way stop um and also um putting reflector eyes on the back of the they had a whole bunch of other of the things it was a very truncated presentation and then there's that whole section turn lane for the high school left turn L out of the high school and of course obviously the um the select board are very concerned about uh you know the whole me small whether they're going to consolidate it's going to go to Station Avenue and all the traffic implications that i' already I think everyone kind of already knows what the implications have been from the Middle School going there and this would just exacerbate it uh even more so more to come on Station Avenue and that'll obviously be stuff that we'll talk about uh in action items with regard to traffic you know continuing with those short-term and long-term recommendations that come out of that uh I also got you note Kathy about um um uh Joyce Flynn oh yeah thank you interviewed two two possible candidates for planning board three three whoa three three um somebody I can send along Talent Bank forms if you're interested have we heard anything no I haven't heard anything from Joy okay I was gonna say no no chair that means there could be there multiple openings that we are not maybe after tonight's meeting we'll it'll all become clear as to how many openings there actually are are in this committee no you can't go that's a good problem to have Madam chair they seem pretty good I can send the talent Bank forms if you're interest I you sent them to me and I happen to know um one of the candidates very well okay okay yeah so um yeah she did a whole bunch of interviews on Monday with a bunch of different people great uh but they're all they all submit interests in multiple committees um and for one person who was just planning board oh okay yeah okay that was not the person I knew okay okay is there time for one more me board member item under the board member item section M Kathy have we heard anything more about the exciting Town app no okay I'm just respectfully going to keep asking I'm also going to ask very nicely for the town to please stream the select board meetings on live on YouTube it is not that hard it can be done it should be done I am I am surprised I'll use that word that it's not happening and for the the fact is there are more and more people who do not have a cable subscription more and more and more and more and more and respectfully I I understand why it's being shown live on the on the town's cable station but there are lots of folks like me who maybe in the next couple of weeks won't have a cable subscription anymore you can watch it through the town website live like I said you can watch it through the town website so I I'm a dummy Madam chair there you go not the last time I will say those words to I'm sorry to my friends back there through you to our our our clerk a couple of things cablecast uh you can go online to app cablecast um and second of all I think I saw yesterday something that the town of yoth now has some affiliation with a couple of the local radio stations 99.9 uh I forgot what the other two were but um so the town is also through I'm assuming our communications director um doing some things to try to improve Communications with the community by using the radio that's great that is great and and I apologize that I didn't know however it I will also just throw out there and I could be very wrong Madam chair it also isn't that hard to stream our meetings Lisa selectboard meetings Live on YouTube thank you very much thank you Mr Ruben forward to the new app very excited uh we have two meetings coming up um this month one on the 15th regular meeting and then um the LC LCP public meeting on the 29th if it's raining snowing bad weather it's the it's definitely next that's a regular yeah they have a motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor thank you all