##VIDEO ID:0JsGEoBacVU## this conference will now be recorded means that's just last 30 seconds than I got six o00 call the meeting order start with the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and Na and jusice for I just need a motion in a second to approve the agenda second any further discussions all in favor I oppos passes 500 uh review the minutes from our October 3rd regular meeting make a motion to approve the minutes from October 3rd second that uh any further discussions all in favor I oppos passes five 00 counts payable Sarah um not a very exciting month I guess the only one to note is 80801 um and that's our fire state aid pass through um otherwise it's pretty minimal anyone have any questions I guess my only question because I don't Earl Anderson Mike is for a sign is that for the brush sign that we put up by the BFW two signs was that that other one that that the brush dump then okay thank you that's all I had okay then I'll make a motion to approve the accounts payable in the amount of $ 62,5 18242 any questions or concerns on the counts payable all in favor I oppose passes 500 thanks Sarah we'll open the public comment portions portion indid individuals may address the city council about any items of concern speakers must State their name and limit the remarks to five minutes Steve we'll start with Steve for quick everything uh the damaged vehicles that were exposed to the public are now behind the privacy fence okay uh my Asylum and loader parts that uh aren't junk prob your eyes you probably think they are but they're not I have moved them back there the ones that I'm not going to get out real quick but the ones that I'm restoring to feed cattle with uh have some of them out front not many just a couple uh and then all the car all the cars that we owned trucks mainly that were unregistered because they all need repair that's why some of those other vehicles are exposed there uh they are now insured and registered so everything on there that you had mentioned is now taken care of 100% so you know the other thing I mention uh and you know all this stuff because you're probably una aware of it how many times in the past two years maybe more than that uh somebody uh and I don't know who it is I I I don't have time to mess with this stuff I mean it's it's it's trivial but it's annoying and they come across they're behind the the town homes and they come across the road somebody unless they stop on the road and do it they uh take their sewing shears over they got and they snip off those nice big zip locks that hold the privacy fence onto the chain L fence and then it all drapes down it looks terrible and you know we're busy they got time to play games and so you had to go out there and they got put them back up again and in a few days they cut them down again and so now we have taken stainless steel clamps and put them all the way along the line SO sewing scissors can't cut that off these are the things I have to deal with you know they complain to you about things I don't know who's doing it but it's right in that area and it's consistent now they're up you know and it stays up it looks a lot better when it's up that's what it's supposed to be up you know so we have to contend with that kind of thing and it's annoying just so you know what I have to deal with too now everything that's taken care of as you said in the letter and if you have any other concerns I'd appreciate you calling me if you want to come through and talk about something be up front and talk to me up front I'd rather hear it from you straight up before I see it in the paper appreciate that perfect okay thank you thanks Rita yes good evening my name is Rita Morgan and I'd like to address address an issue of concern to the members of the Zima Council I have an aggressive brain cancer but I tried to stay active to help my recovery one of my objectives is to walk on my own I've been walking on the covered bridge by holding on to the wooden rails one hand and the cane in the other as part of my habilitation goal to gain movement in my left side of my body which suffered a focal seizure my issue is that the bikers riding these power bikes and the speeds that come flying through the bridge it scares me and is a dangerous situation for Walkers regular bikers don't do this I'd like three questions answered what are the rules of the path how are those rules enforced and are power operated bikes allowed on the path I talked to the police department and they said there's nothing they can do so um they told me to come to the city council a couple of them or all of them yeah um and I handed out a paper to each of you we got it here thank you and one more issue if I got a couple of seconds yeah is the parking for handicapped people um downtown I come out on the passenger side and your handicap sign is on the passenger side on the sidewalk but there's no place for me to come out by that handicap sign I talked to this city um about access to handicapped people and they told me that um in seven years they're going to redo the downtown I said okay by that time I wouldn't be here that's uh thank you all right I'll I'll try and address the uh the path first um so the rules in the path are no motorized vehicles um basically you can't have a motorized vehicle on there uh in Minnesota uh the definition of a motor motorized vehicle or a motor vehicle does not include ebikes uh so ebikes are are allowed on the path by virtue of they're not a motorized vehicle well they should almost have a a um license plate they go like 35 M an hour yeah they can get going I talked to another lady that was walking on the bike path and she said one was coming toward her and one was coming behind her she didn't know which way to get out of their way yeah no I understand I walk out there a lot too when they do come zipping by and most of them are have the atate of letting you know that hey coming by on your left they usually say um um but but registration licensing and insurance uh are we can't do that for ebikes either per per the state um so they they follow the same rules as uh human powerered bikes so we can't outlaw them I don't think unless Council can make an executive decision on that if if they wish but um as far as the state is concerned they do not fit the definition of a motorized vehicle um but I want to just step on that a minute and I correct me if if I'm wrong Kim would probably know or with the motorized bike but I think some Trails certain bikes there's different levels of ebikes how fast they go I think the Canon Valley Trail doesn't allow ebikes the only reason I ask that my dad got an ebike and he got a certain kind because it's legal on bike paths and a certain kind is not so my opinion some of these ebikes are getting pretty fast which can scare the pedestrians so I think that is something that we may have to look in to see what other trails are doing because our Trails do get uh used quite a bit from walkers from bikes to strollers to dogs and ebikes in the meantime could we do like a um how fast they can drive I mean I don't know if the B I don't know if they can tell on the bikes if they're going fast if they're going five or they're going 15 can you okay y um I just pulled up like P assist bicycles are allowed on the Canon Valley Trail oops or wherever normal bicycles are allowed if they meet the following definition in Minnesota statutes 1691 two to three wheels a sadd and fully operable pedals for human propulsion an electric motor that is a th000 Watts or less incapable of propelling faster than 20 miles per hour incapable of further increasing the speed of the device when human power alone is used to propel the vehicle at a speed of more than 20 miles per hour and disengages or ceases to function when the vehicle brakes are applied so in that definition there must be bikes out there that are above that criteria Watts probably not most most of the ones we would see for most normal residents around here and that's it is fast because you know 20 mes PR on a bike is fast that's too fast for in town on this TR I mean I can see for theirs cuz they're going for miles and miles but for this Trail here so I I I think the best thing for us as Council maybe to look at it look at what other trails are doing and figure something out like I agree with Sarah that we're not going 20 miles from cannon balls or regling or whatever it is it's more of a Leisure walking path so I think to address that I think we should look into that maybe add that on a work session just to see what's out there and I don't know enough about these bikes oh 100% yeah yeah it's something I'm glad in the in the bridge we could enforce the sign that's literally above it from the ancient days no faster than a walk across the bridge well yeah yeah I mean I mean it's going to and it would also be an Enforcement issue too um the na do we have police officers out there we don't have a I don't know if we have a handheld that we can you know it's a really tough thing is that I get fresh air and I get to watch the kids fishing and you're getting exercise and and I get my exercise by taking round abouts yeah the bridge you know we can absolutely determine if someone is driving their ebike faster than a walk across the bridge so to answer question number two how can those rules be enforced that's going to be a tough one with Radars and stuff like that it's going to be but if we if we have signs up there and officers see it I mean they're still not going to be able to tell if they're going 20 or 25 so even if we had a sign on the bridge to say you know highlight that instead of up on top that might just be enough more of a deter on the bridge itself and what are the rules on the path we Brian kind of explain that on that so clarify the I think she's just right in the no she's walking the bridge using the railing when she's walking that's where they she said I think she's just doing that from the bridge well but it's all path yeah it's all path I don't think she's walking on the grass so it don't matter if she's on the if she's on the bridge or if she's on the path 300 ft down to me theth isaa starts when you get way at the other end of the park right no she's right here yeah that's yeah but but we're talking about the trail right now the her speeding on the bike or the they're driving their bike street street down no we're talking the path right there just path yeah it's not technically Pioneer Trail but we call it the Park Trail yeah P Trail sheail we're just trying to get that for guidelines what they have for rules and regulations upgraded asph that's considered a trail Bridge bike path walking path I mean depends on how you want to classify it I only use the bridge I and I have to use a rail yeah yep and that one that one I think it's reasonable that we could enforce something there we could come if we see someone cruising across there fast we can definitely do something about that the rest of the trail system I don't do anything on PA I can't walk yeah you're just you walking the they should be walking their bikes across their I mean you could almost we could almost put signs up there too I just think I just think we'll add it to the work session to just talk about what we want to do and then what we want to do with the a signage just for crossing the bridge I mean we can even make them get off and walk their bikes Across The Covered Bridge again how you going to enforce it but but at least the signs there yeah they can then so thank you for bringing this thanks and I'd still like to address the the parking um I have I have spoken to Rita a couple of times about the uh about the parking uh on Main Street and and the handicap so uh the way handicap parking Works obviously it's always on the the side of the road you know you park on the right side the passenger side is on the on the sidewalk side we have a curb there it's not a very big curb right now because they overlaid Main Street but there's still a curb there um so she has some difficulty getting out of the car and and onto the curb um I've explained that that we can't not have a curb there because if we if we lower the sidewalk then we have an issue getting into the buildings um and if we slope part of the sidewalk so I don't know how we would address that um you know there was a I know we used to slide my grandpa out on a h a a kind of a slide thing over to the sidewalk um and then go from there uh that's how we handle that when we took Grandpa down to bridgs and other places down on Main Street but um yes we we've talked on multiple occasions and I really don't have a good answer on how we can have a zero height sidewalk to get out on on the passenger side of a of a vehicle uh I don't know how to how to address that I apologize for that but there's just not a good way that I can see [Music] up at the end so bikes can go there's no curve for bikes to go sidewalk to sidewalk what I mean we can look at whatever yeah yeah I meany on right I mean we can we can talk about whatever but I I really don't have a good way of addressing addressing it because you can't really cut a curb out you know plus it's you know maybe uh Kevin do you have any comments on a on the state highway if we cut the curbs out or is that not a a highway thing that's more of a that's yeah that's outside of my wheelhouse for that one well plus you have to carry water too when it rains and that's what the curve does so I haven't come up with a good answer I apologize but yeah we can go ahead do we know what other communities do a lot of our towns our size have curbs on their Main Street most do yeah yeah I haven't I you know I've looked too to see if there's anything um you know other than a flat spot no yeah I can I can see if they've if the engineers have any because we've been talking to the engineers now about fut reconstruction does Scott have any ideas what we could do on the site we here other than me making my own sign up and putting up I'm walking don't ride your power bik fast oh yeah we can handle that the curve um yeah so kind of two things that come to mind is um you do have limited parking on the highway itself so having a special handicap stall on the highway there is going to be difficult but what I have seen in other communities is along one of the side streets you might have a dedicated handicap stall that's Double Y that allows for Van um loading and unloading and that could be potentially something you do the problem with downtown somro is the side streets are so steep that that's going to be difficult to get a a landing area for you to be able to do that but um so that's that's my thought perfect thanks Scott so I mean we'll look into it on the the parking stuff and I know like you said they're talking about redoing that so that's something that we can start throwing that out there to them so any more public comment portion we'll close the public uh uh comment portion and we'll jump down to uh unfinished business budget cimberly just keeping it on the agenda we had that discussion last night we'll be updating with some of the things we discussed about uh some of the changes and the health care costs and uh possible changes and some other line items that will be ready for you at the next meeting perfect any questions on budget perfect uh we'll jump to 8A new business uh Clyde Henrik minor subdivision Brian yes uh so you've got the memo from from Kurt and of course Matt's not here either to help me explain but uh really all this is is Clyde Henrik is U splitting off his house from the rest of the land that he owns uh off of Fifth Street and and um and Jefferson um several citizens attended the public hearing but none of them had any issues with Mr Henrik splitting his house from the r of the land they were more interested in what's going to happen with the land moving forward uh well there's no plan with for the land at this point um I think he had it for sale at different points I think he even took the sale sign down now uh so we're not sure what he's going to do with that but it it was just a minor subdivision to um take the house and remove it from that rest of that land so recommend approval of U or concurrence with the Planning Commission and approval of the minor subdivision I'll make a motion to approve that minor subdivision second any f discussions all in favor oppos passes 5 thanks Brian preliminary plat for the Berg Homestead development Scott we're gonna have you take care of this one thank you mayor and Council I believe that you have a memo from Kurt in your packet there um we're here just to answer any questions um about the um preliminary plot with me tonight is Tammy and John Champa um we're proposing to do a seven lot subdivision up on East 9th Street uh it's in the same area where the road construction is going right now uh those lots will be residential single family homes 85 foot wide 140 foot deep um just over a quarter acre lots up there um and we're really just here to answer any questions that you may have about it U I'll add that it did go through uh Planning and Zoning we've been to two meetings um and they recommending approval of the plat I think it's set to 20 feet instead of 30 any issues with that no that was the uh um due to the nature of the the hill up there um just the terrain that we were dealing with uh R1 residential varies between 12 and 30 foot as long as it doesn't go um out front of the adjacent property so we uh we're proposing a 20 foot setback and then all the houses up there will have a 20 foot setback so that way they're all um uniformed through there that's the reason for the Pud overlay um in in the in the Curt's comments there for the 20 ft looking for to approve sure I'll make that motion second any further discussions all in favor I I oppose passes 5 z z thanks Scott and the chapas thank you uh let's do HC resolution 202 2433 John Schuman approval of the cup Brian yes you've got a resolution uh here for John Schuman Mr Schuman is in attendance tonight as well um what we're asking to do is amend the cup that we had with John um which reflected uh the requirement of only two um accessory structures we have since changed our ordinance um to allow more than two on certain properties if they're if they're bigger um and so we want to amend the cup to reflect uh allowance of three accessor structures and also uh extending a deadline for removing those accessory structures to December 31st 2026 does anybody have any questions on I'll make that motion second any further discussions we'll do roll call Sarah i b i Joan I Kevin I and I I passes 500 thanks Brian uh 8 D City attorney requests for proposals uh Brian uh yeah um current City attorney Matt rockney will be stepping down as soon as we can hire a new City attorney um he's just so busy with with everything he's got going on um he lost a vital staff member um and so he wants toh cut back a little bit spend some time with his family before the kids are all grown up um so we put together a a request for proposals I did work a little bit with Matt on it to make sure I've got the correct things uh in there uh as far as services that we would would request um and uh you had a chance to review it um you know basically the same uh duties the same things that Matt has has helped us out with um I did keep in there that chair of the Planning Commission um and some things like that um other than that I don't think I don't think we added anything out of the ordinary in there uh but I'd like to get that out and get that moving um got some somewhat aggressive dates on there um and we we'd love to have a recommendation to the council uh at the November 21st council meeting um you know ready to move forward at that time uh I know all the who what all I know the city Attorneys at all of the surrounding Comm communities you so we'll make sure we we make sure they get a copy of the RFP um as well um so yeah just want like to get that out the approval to get the RFP out and and get the ball rolling on a new City attorney okay I a question ran is this so we looking for like an individual attorney or is it a like a group well it could be an individual but but more than likely a company y a firm that that would send yep yep that we would have someone out someone would be the the uh the or assigned to us assigned attorney um what are they called Engineers gez good the just like an engineering firm it'll be a law firm that so my my only question on this is does the attorney have to be the chair of the Planning and Zoning well Kim and I kind of talked about that a little bit too um we would like that because it's so Technical and and the opinion you know of the attorney are always needed um you know we would at least want the the attorney to be there at those meetings be available so um you know if we get questions from from from firms law firms about about that we can we can work with May especially since that's a I mean it's a volunteer thing thing it's you know I really think that's important yeah but it wouldn't be for the attorney right that would be something that we as a city would be requesting that that they would be there or is it volunteer for them to come oh no they would that was that would be something there certain meetings yeah there's meetings itemized in their council meeting it be Planning Commission and other just because if we have questions that we ask our City attorney that's why I'm matching oh here yeah and that with the finding and Zoning is very important too it can be a lot of law stuff so yeah and it's going to be substantially more expensive Matt treated us pretty well over the years he he didn't hardly charge anything um but we're going to have a lot more resources as well um to to draw from so um it'll it'll be a good thing well not you know we hate to lose Matt oh right make it sound like that but he's been wonderful for a lot of years I think 19 97 is what Matt said when he started so it's been a long time I think it was was it his dad before that so there's been a Rockne as a City attorney here for but yeah wow for almost forever I'm making a motion to approve the request for proposals for the new City attorney I'll second any further discussions all in favor I oppos passes 500 thanks Brian wage study Brian yes um we're coming up on five years since the last wage study a lot of things have changed um big changes in policing and and those salaries um and it's recommended uh to do a wage study every three years or so or even or even sooner depending on economic circumstances um and then we've got uh negotiations coming up next year uh for new contracts for our unions in 2026 and the require was there to uh look at doing a new wage study um now our last wage study was done by David Dron Associates DDA um and they did the whole new um Matrix the whole new compensation uh classification system and everything uh so we don't feel that we need to do all of that again but we do need to update the the the salaries and compensation within the Matrix um being we worked with David drown before they're willing to let us into the maintenance program um in which they will review onethird of our of our positions every year uh it's cost $4,200 per year uh but they review a third of the positions every year um we need more than that now because we' like to have them all uh studied before negotiations start in 2025 um so they're willing to do half of our if we were to go with the maintenance plan in 2024 they will look at half of our positions in 2024 and then in the spring of 2025 to look at the other half so we will have all of our positions um looked at and and classifi reclassified if need be um before negotiations start which which is a good tool to have going into negotiations uh and it's you know fair to everybody we want to keep our our staff um uh where they need to be within Market we don't want to lose anybody we've got great wonderful staff so um I'm recommending entering into the maintenance plan which is which is a yearly cost with David drown Associates um starting right after the meeting if if uh if Council was wishing to approve that otherwise there's some other options in there that we could do a a full wage study again um but I I just really think that this makes the most sense there's some other benefits to that too they will um um they maintain and submit our Equity reporting every three years which is something that Kim and I did well mostly Kim uh this last time and it's some work but to maintain it year by year is a good thing too and be able to see uh any inequities that might be happening uh they'll write new job descriptions and classify the positions for placement on our compensation system um previously uh we've done a couple of job descriptions since I've been here maybe three and we pay extra for those to have them slotted uh but that would be rolled into this $4,200 and they also handle data input of the wage data into the annual League of Minnesota City's uh salary study which is a good tool as well because that gives us a an opportunity to to to look at um everything from benefits to salaries uh throughout the state so I I think it's a I think it's a a way to go it was developed by a previous City administrator from a small community who um needed a needed better tools for this thing this type of uh um wage studies uh so yeah I think it's I would recommend it and but to the council motion and I'll just say that in in light of our continually fluctuating economy I think this maintenance plan will help aid in this continual review of being able to like Brian said retain the current help we have draw in new help at desired positions and keep it fair and equal across the board so and it would also keep us up with what what do they call that we had to do with Miranda Equity Equity so that would keep us a lot current with that versus what we got stuck with increasing her way just for the equity part what was that three years ago well no I think that was that that happened be before I don't think our Equity was in in line this last year or this last time we did it but just to explain the equity is um basically there to make sure that the male and and female employees are paid equitably uh so if if a a male in a position is paid substantially more than a female uh they want to make sure that's not happening uh they want to make sure you know the background on that and that's a very simplistic way of explaining that Jim if you've got any more on that go ahead but we had a motion do we have a second yes Bob any questions all in favor I opposed passes 5 z0 thanks Brian uh let's do 8f speed limit School signs Mike um the speed limit School signs were part of the developers agreement with chce Lutheran but we still have to have staff approval because they're regulatory signs so I'll make a motion for the approval of two new speed limit School signs any further discussions all in favor opposed passes 5 thank you Mike let's jump the report Brian yes uh so mayor ham reported at the October 3rd council meeting that the city of zro received the workforce housing Grant in the amount of $2,816 th000 we're excited to work with Keller Bartman on their second apartment building in zro uh the proposed site will be the corner with the the old Bank of Zoda franceen Bank parcel is um I guess that's the corner of Third Street and West Avenue uh it'll have 11 Studio 15 two-bedroom and 12 three-bedroom apartments working with Andy and Bob from K Bartman as well as a whole team team of City staff and Consultants on on details of the building and moving forward and so there's a whole lot of work to be done yet but uh but we wanted to make sure that everybody is aware that we did receive the um the workforce housing Grant uh got an official press release prepared uh to send to the paper um hopefully that'll be in the next week's paper um pool fundraising uh next week uh oh I'm going to deliver some mag to the businesses around town next week we had some more magnets made with our little QR code on there for um which takes you to the donation page to to contribute to the pool so we'll put some of those on on all the uh checkout counters uh so when people are are paying for their merchandise they can grab one of those and and if they wish to help us out that'd be wonderful um the BFW is hosting hosting its annual Donnie Frank day fundraiser uh they're going to be selling 400 tickets at $50 each um and they're going to give back half of the money in prizes and the other half of the money goes to the the pool effort uh so we're grateful for them for for doing that and they're also letting us use the big banquet room at the VFW on November 30th um we'll probably do a silent auction in there maybe have a dinner in there we're we're not quite sure exactly what all will be going on there but uh but the VFW also hold meat Raffles horse races and other things like that uh so it should be a a big uh a big day um you know great thing for the pool so yeah we're just grateful for the BFW to to to do their fundraiser for the pool effort this year um I submitted paperwork to FEMA outlining our cost for cleaning up after the June 21st flooding in the park um that was a bigger flood you know we flooded twice in two weeks there but the bigger one resulted in a disaster declaration which allowed us to apply for some um reimbursement of the cost that we uh incurred cleaning up we're a little about a little over $8,000 is what was submitted so we'll see uh hopefully we'll get all of that some of that um you know anything anything would help uh because it's it's a lot of work and and uh Mike and the Public Works guys spent a lot of hours out there um cleaning things up well and beforehand too moving moving things out of the way um you know it's a good thing we've got the the flood monitor down Downstream um and there is a possibility with the new camp uh bath house there's a possibility of some mitigation money for that since we're moving it out of the flood plane um I'm not sure yet though there's some nuances in the application that uh that may not fit uh as far as it's it I think it needs to be in our in our all Hazard mitigation plan that we have with the county and I'm not sure that uh that it was in there but we'll we'll work on that too so you know maybe there'll be some dollars for that as well that's it perfect thanks Brian James thanks mayor just want to let you know Library will be closed on Monday oober 2st let you know perfect thanks James Kim Mike thank you I have nothing s uh I just wanted to you give a shout out to Matt for all his work over the years and um I mean countless hours and always available to answer a question and um he'll be missed Bob nothing tonight Jo nothing tonight Kevin nothing meeting ad joury