##VIDEO ID:2jI7GFl05_s## this conference will now be recorded I got 6 o' call the meeting in order we'll start with the pledge allegiance Al to the FL of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under indivisible with liberty and justice for all I just need the approval for the adoption of the agenda so move any further discussions all in favor I oppose passes 40 I review the minutes from our work session on August 14th kin doesn't have he wasn't approve right yeah I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from August 14th work session I'll second uh any further discussions all in favor I oppose passes five or 4 z z i to abstain I wasn't there you can do either way yeah okay fine okay 4 uh review the minutes for from uh the regular meeting of August 15th I'll make a motion to approve the regular Council minutes from August 15 any further discussions all in favor I oppose passes 4 uh let's review the minutes from our special uh meeting on August 19th quick make a motion to approve the August 19th meeting minute any further discussions all in favor I opposed passes 4 accounts payable Mr pry uh there was just a few of them I wanted to highlight uh number 80617 for water meters $3 35,5 two42 uh seal coating number 80643 for $554 and um two pay requests uh from shoe markers uh the first one 80670 the first one for 9th Street for $4,875 71 this was for Mill and six Street for $446,900 $694,900 Z thanks Bob uh we'll open the public comment portions individuals may address the city council about any items of of concern speakers must State their name and limit the remarks to five minutes Steve just bring up uh uh which I was surprised we had a meeting uh surprise meeting with your officer last week and uh I just want to say that he is very courteous respectful and very nice and I appreciate that but he brought up some things that I'd rather forget and uh it's been 10 years so since I had the fire and uh it was an atrocious time of my life and dealing with uh insurance companies uh that just wouldn't settle and went through a longterm there process of getting the money from them and I had a lot of trouble cleaning up because it wouldn't let us clean things up until it was settled and I tried to tell Mr Jensen that here but he it didn't seem like he understood but I got a lot of flack from my neighbor an you know next to me there and she was uh diligent about announcing she was upset with me and my boys you know they're working and stuff and I tried to explain we can't do it otherwise they won't pay me the final payment which was large anyway you the letters from you guys came and I'm sure she was writing uh you you guys a lot I know how that goes and she the letters came they got a little more Fierce as so on you know it went on for over two or three years you know we put the f around and put the stuff on the fence did all that stuff you know trying to you know get by and they were they just wouldn't settle and we had the two boys that were uh you know admitting to letting you know starting the fire that was already done but they just would not go there and uh so finally you guys sent a letter that was pointed quite fiercely about cleaning it up you know and I got fed up I said that's just clean up I had enough and so we got at it and I heard my old partner Charlie Spar when you give him a job to do it gets done and uh we all gathered together and and we were diligently at it for about two months you know calling stuff out of there and and we haven't had any issues since then now you know and um and it's back on the trail again about uh uh saying that we have a mess you know and and I never cleaned it up fully uh yes I did and uh you know I'm I'm saying this out of concern I don't know if she's all right or not is there a problem with her you know um I don't want to get nasty with her you know if if she has some issues I mean she's not young anymore and then all things go uh we all get there eventually um and uh I I am zoned industrial I have a business to run I have a dealer's license I am licensed I am bonded I insured I comply with the state stand of that and I use that deal license to buy and sell cars off the internet I sell quite a few and uh repairs rebuilds we go up frame up rebuilds we buy Southern trucks that are rust free and use those parts for that so we have a lot of parts around there from parts cars to rebuild and repair and build cars I got some really nice ones down there that we've built and invited you to come down and look at them sometime and uh we've done a wonderful job with that that's our business and uh it seems like she's upset with that kind of thing but you know it's been zoned industrial when Harry deuse had it that's decades ago and when he was there we dealt with him when I was at Rochester Silo we dealt with him and it was a mess around there with different things you know roof sheets from the roofs that weren't damaged and whatever and and they're piled up over here and that it was no big he had them all orderly but they were all there I mean it's a business and we are in we bought that place from Harry and wasn't there then and uh and then she moved in later and uh if she didn't like living next to a industrial business she shouldn't have bought one there and she's free to go anywhere else if she doesn't like it but the thing is I don't want to get nasty I don't want to get pissy you understand what I'm saying I don't bug her I appreciate if she wouldn't bother me she has an issue I think maybe somebody should talk to her about personal issue I don't know but I'll be honest with you I don't have time in my life for this squibbler suggesting things that aren't true you know and uh I don't like it and I will I will if I have to get an attorney I have a really good attorney now and I can use him to do what he has to do to calm the seed I I don't want to do that I want to be decent about it but now she moved in there and I think that was zoned correct me if I'm wrong I think that that was an open lot when I had that over there earlier on in the 90s and that was an open lot CU we looked at buying it you know at one time steeve we got five minutes already okay just quickly I just real quick you guys approved zoning of that to put residential houses in there so share the responsibility that's all I have to say okay I mean and and I do know that we've had a couple complaints on the property I assume your insurance has all been settled and it's all been paid correct yes so I mean so there's some things that maybe myself and Brian and or the police chief can come and talk to you about some of the concerns I'd appreciate that and and and we can start working on it but we've had a couple complaints that we held off for so many years because we understood the insurance stuff oh yes so maybe that would be the next step that Brian and I and the chief or Brian and I can come down and talk to you and see what we need to address because we understand your business that you uh that you're running but we also got the part that was on the fire and I think that's part of the the problems that we having so I think that's probably the best way that we should handle that rather talk to you guys about it than her yeah and it's not her responsibility dror I mean it's us as a city to deal with that situation and we do a complete a complete complaint basis and we've had a complaints and that's why we directed our Police Department to co address that so I think the next step is we can sit and Brian and I and the chief we'll come and talk to you kind of see where we're at and then we appreciate that we're coming across the the road all the time and I kind and that that's not going to work you know so like you said we'll we'll deal with that and we appreciate you coming here and working on that and we'll go from there so give us a couple weeks maybe probably after the festival yeah that's September Let's uh we'll work on setting a date that works we'll go from there that'll work thank you thanks Steve any more public comments coun you have anything to say on that yeah perfect any more public comments I will close the public comment portion and we'll jump down to 9A weird budget discussion Brian yes so we got the notes on there from Kim um she Incorporated the things we had talked about in the work session excuse me I drink some water my voice is leaving me here let me get back to my packet here um we talked about the possible adding of a position within Administration and moving some dollars around and and some restructuring um so Kim work that into the budget we still kept the levy at 8% which was a request um uh for now again that would be a preliminary Levy it can't go up but it could go down um after we certify uh the preliminary Levy uh we do have a work session again on next Wednesday so we can we can talk more about uh budget and anything you've got but if you want to want to talk through some things now we're certainly willing um Kim will not be able to be with us next Wednesday either she's still being she'll I think she's flies back from Iceland that night so but yeah I can answer try to answer any questions you might have now um we'll be looking to approve the preliminary levy on August 19th Kevin you kind of upu it speed I know you were gone for that one been tracing through it and pretty much a prized time yeah so yeah the last work session we had talked about adding another uh front personnel and adjusting some other workloads uh with the other office people so within Administration not sure what that's going to look like yet or what it would look like working with Kim and Miranda and and and Mike and we'll all talk about what might need to be um you know done or what could be incorporated you know mostly Kim Rand and I are pretty much the administration and Community Development too it will involve that position possible refocus on an Eda um um that the position we're looking at possibly rural Planning and Zoning to that position and take that away from the Ceda contract and and go down to two or three days with Ceda uh to focus solely on Eda which is a need as well um you know that way we'd have Planning and Zoning in-house which is uh the continuity of that is needed because when you switch people once in a while you lose um lose the continuity and decisions that were made along the way and all that so so that's just some of the preliminary discussion but we needed to have the discussion to uh make sure we've got dollars in the budget and we accomplish that by shifting Dollars around um you know some of the dollars we had a whole bunch of money going into crack and Chip cealing or I can't remember exactly the the the category that that Mike had there but U we had a lot of money going in there this year and we we looking at cutting that in half and creating this position we feel that we're we're funding um you know still doing a large increase for that item uh it's not going to get all the roads done that we want to get done or we prefer to get done but uh we feel this position is a necessary addition as well it'll uh it'll help Kim Miranda and I immensely um and my daily daily things uh I can take on some more things that I'd like to with the staff and and uh and also more public engagement but anyway again the position is not anything yet still in discussion but the dollars were worked into the the budget and it something if we decide to go ahead with it we don't have to hire that position first thing January 1 we can think of a title work out a game plan or just kind of doing the right uh the proper planning and the standpoint of budging it before we go ahead with it but that's kind of where we're at anybody have any questions or concerns on budget I will close or I will guess we don't need to vote we'll start with new business uh Covered Bridge Festival Parade route and a few other agenda items Miss Holly there you go hi again okay so I should have been like paying attention when I've been at your Council meetings and all the construction you had going on because um that Jefferson situation um interferes with our parade lineup route so we were kind of um forced to change our parade again this year but I think it it's going to work out great we have a a wonderful plan um to return to main street so I I don't know if you printed those oh it looks like maybe you've got some of those um so the one with the yellow and the green um that's the the new proposed parade in there I just haven't scrolled far enough down I'm sorry essentially the plan is to go down Main Street like we've done 20120 was the last time it was um done that way per mot they sent me the permit and everything um and we are intending to actually start at 13th Street so just past Casey's and that kind of allows Casey's to you know keep their lot open and we aren't working on the Jefferson Quick Trip intersection um so we'd start at 13th go down Maine all the way to 3rd and then the intent would be um to go towards Mill Street and finish up past the nursing home so we can get the nursing home residents involved again so um that would be the parade route I worked with Tony pasquali and uh The Detour of traffic and the intent would be to detour Down East Avenue and we've got some barricade plans um listed on there um and then our parade lineup so all the entrance would actually start in the we'll say the old high school parking lot and come up West Avenue um and primarily just hang in that area and then we thought we could have pickup in the new parking lot of high school um just allowing you know the cars can stay there and it's easy spot for parents so um not utilizing Jefferson much for an you know parade lineup except probably fire trucks we thought the fire trucks could stay over on that side so just kind of leaving Jefferson entirely out of it and everything will kind of be in town um I have put permits through with mind do and it sounds reassuring at this time that it all looks good on their end so um talking with RPD a little bit about uh you know just the safety and the detours and Tony I think liked this route quite a bit he's kind of strict on me so thought that was a good sign um so that is the new proposal is to uh still have our Sunday parade at 3M um but move to Main and I have heard I mean we have heard of the I know the Main Street businesses are excited to have it back on Main Street yeah I had a Zea meeting and talked to them and they were really excited to have it back on Main Street I did have an opportunity to talk to Ryan barck the superintendent as well he was at the same Zea meeting and I mentioned this he said yeah it's a Sunday fine and I have a teacher one of the teachers is supposed to be working on getting approval for the parking lot so hopefully that'll work out for that lineup um but they're kind of busy this week I know teachers when you get a chance but that's good that that was a preliminary okay okay yeah so we thought those would be good big spaces for people to get started and just it's out of traffic you know keeping everything off Jefferson which is kind of nice and I do know she uh Holly has talked to Tony and Tony's been okay with all the moves and yeah he made some maps and stuff for me and we made some barricade plans and he thought maybe you guys might want to help with barricades like either helping pick them up or helping purchase or something was his idea we have a mad person reest um Supply some additional barricades through okay I can I can get you the supervisor of the this area I can get you his contact info I've been talking with RI Rick sing something Ben B would be no okay that sounds good yeah um yeah now that we're on mot maybe that would or we're on their Road maybe they would be able to okay but yeah I think we'll you know maybe need I think there was six or eight you know larger barricades he wanted to put on both ends and then still on County 10 or whatever just to make sure that get slowed down so do we have any barricades Mike that they could you the city shop has for those especially when they those RS they always we got signs last we always got the barricades one of them design companies or whatever and they're pretty reasonable I think we've spent like 200 bucks to get all the barricades so it's not incredibly costly but um because it doesn't seem like there's much for cones or anything that you guys have to supply from what I've requested in the past unless you got something new did you want us to vote on this one as we go think usually you vote on the road closures or I think maybe the best way to say it is uh you know look for a motion in a second on the the new Parade route the new Parade route and Associated closures presented by Hol any more questions or concerns on that and I'm okay with it with Tony okay in it and I assume Chief has probably seen it so maybe not no but I trust what tonyy do I said I I did chat with him for a few minutes then he had something more important to get to so we didn't I didn't get to I don't know if I ever emailed you officially what Pap I had you been good about calling me and okay keeping me up to Perfect all in favor and then I had one new thing that's not on on there that is my other M my other map that's what's on your I can stand or if you have a laser so this is related I briefly asked about the first meeting that I came to but on Saturday the shopping vendors um you know that sell St um close at 6 and we still have you know a musical thing we have the fireworks um but in here is this little tent this is where all our sh vendors are um in the music so here's 58 and the bridge is right here so all the shopping the music will be set up down here um so these guys close at 6 and some Park their cars back here and we do have some plans for overnight coverage PD wasn't able to staff but I think we've got somebody to help out so we watch but obviously they don't want to keep all of their valuables in the tent overnight um people like to pack up some and bring it back the next day so last year they kind of um packed up and we were able to to scoot them across the way so they kind of went a little bit between the volleyball courts and the basketball courts and snuck back out this way so that big green field that was what we did last year and it it went well um you know we Anton actually took a bike and people followed him and we keep back and for so kind of a personal escort I would say there was we about 60 vendors and probably less than half that are actually leaving um with cars most of them have something else figured out or they park over here and we can help them with fall Parts um but anyway this year we have the basketball tournament going on in the evening so that's from 5 to 8 in this space and there are 12 teams and it's Youth and you know we plan on having maybe some bleachers and we just expect a lot of people on this side where we didn't have anybody over there last year so it wasn't as big a deal to drive right past there but it would be real tight to sneak cars in so my proposed question and I kind of asked last the first time um would be to just have them head back down the The Green Grass and and come up in a way where it's a decent incline I don't know if that's all the way here and then this is the new path that was just done and that was kind of the hesitancy which I understand but this path connects to the parking lot of the pool and has a you know a slope right there for technically entrance um but that just allows them to entirely eliminate any pedestrian safety concerns we can escort them to make sure that they're staying on that path um it's probably about about maybe 20 to 30 cars at most and I can't even say that'll be that many I'll try and get a account advance but um it wouldn't be trailers or um it's not our food trucks it's just personal vehicles trucks all yeah because this is let's see yeah here's the entrance there's you know food trucks lined up both sides of here and lots of people and lots of people this way so this is the only way I can see to get out nicely um and again with pedestrian safety and mind and I think the you know the people in the cars would feel better not having to dodge or or dip um so so here's I saw this so when I got here at 5:15 520 I said Brian let's go let's go look at this I want to physically I'm a touchy and I did have pictures of that but I lost so we drove it so I I have a couple questions a couple concerns on that one down by the ice rink basketball courts you can have any of your vendors parking there that's going to be strictly open so all your vendors are going to park up where that car is on the map up where that car is yep so we since that tent is you know where they are their tents are um I just have them stay close right there so they're not doing a lot of if people Park and again not when I look at we've had some Drone footage which is kind of fun um I've been able to see and there's not that many cars that even Park back there so when Brian and I drove it we drove through the campground Campground SES are looking good so we to do that too but I think Mike if I'm right here it might be hard we have a 10 mile per hour zone right here we cleared out of them trees yes instead of here Brian and I physically drove up here one up through the thing and then hit the path so maybe 200 feet on the path and then it goes out there versus here my opinion for safety reasons the kids I would be okay of here if it's not raining if it's raining or wet but I think we could have concerns here with track shoes and and if it's raining our basketball's going to move inside okay and you know I might just cancel the whole thing because I'm pregnant and Moody so so Brian and I looked at this there's a 10 m hour Zone I think it's right here if I'm correct right mik that you can drive up a little bit hit the trail go right here and part of this last part of the trail here by the pool house is Old Road MH I'm not fan of driving on the New Path because we just spent a couple hundred dollars few thousand dollars on that trail but if it's driving stuff I would be okay of them coming up here hitting the trail here I would want some direction of I'd love to do that yeah in advance and then we'd for sure have somebody you know like I said Anton did an escort last year so you had to follow him exactly and then you know even if we have people and the plan would only be that they exit once so this is just Saturday evening Saturday night because you got stuff going down at 6:30 to 7:30 they can kind of pack up and they exit otherwise they're always going to come in um that front entrance and at the end of the day Sunday they'll exit that way so did they drive through the park last year which down there did they get out that way somehow to hit the road last year no they they did the red so that red one they kind of came back up um the new Trail so the walking yeah they kind of with it I mean so is this is this grass that they'll be driving on or is it gravel [Music] or right where it kind of strikes out the word Zoda that would be grass gr on the Park Road and then about here it turns into grab a little bit and then a little bit we they just cut the trees down and then they're hopping on this new Trail and then the new Trail I think goes this way and there's a little bit of Old Trail right here that goes into the old pool parking lot and there's actually a ramp there I mean it must have been connected to kind of like the pump house so it's kind of an old yeah an old ramp so Brian and I physically drove it just to see what it was like and if it's not wet I have no problem with that just because of the safety issues of the people the kids stuff like that if it's raining we probably won't have that issue I mean that's my opinion on it I mean it's a safety issue and like you said she's got what you say 60 teams no 60 cars uh 10 teams 12 teams 15 15 teams of about three and three plus you're going to parents and other sibling could be 100 could be 200 sitting over there so so I mean it it was a great option last year the way things worked out but this year it's just too busy over there that I don't I don't think they'd feel great about doing it either I think they'd like to sneak out but and I think H's done a good job at growing this every year and I think it's just another growing pain and I think hopefully we have more Growing Pains that we're doing a big concert on like good you does or something down the road too so we are getting a big stage there this year so like the one we had for two years ago yeah we're putting that one down I don't know where exactly but fancy I'm not a huge fan on new Trail but it's not going to be food trucks it's going to be cars trucks I mean probably not even maybe a Tahoe yeah or something and I'd like to encourage them to either park across the way and we can help with golf carts because we have some side by sides and things that we can help escort but there are some that like to keep their cars down there and just have vendors to park up there in that pool lot and walking down if they can or don't have or after they get set up I mean yeah so they again not that many Park and who knows how to go but they kind of Park where the red car is in the back way because there's nothing going on that direction so so we've created just a little tiny parking lot and I've there are drone drone videos so I could probably go and look how many cars cuz that would tell me exactly how many but I mean 30 cars is probably a lot if it's raining she's going to cancel the basketball and then again I I don't want any cars on the grass because we get a lot of rain then it's gets ruts and it wrecks the park and then it's tough for mowing that sometimes what Happ happens but we pray that it's 70 and sunny for three days straight so I mean yeah and as long as we're all on the same page if it's raining we're not doing that because some of them Wheels might hit the edges and put ruts that way so because I think we'd have to entirely relocate vendors if it's a rainy yeah weekend because they all do bring a car hard to drop off their stuff so and I just think that map there is not correct in the standpoint where we drove I think you got to go up a little bit further am I right on M there's a 10 m per hour sign just before you go up so I think it's further so I just want to make sure that we're clear on that but I didn't see no problem and like you said you're on the trail maybe 200 feet Maybe you got a motion I don't think you need a it's not a public road or anything like that so oh okay we just we're okay with that on the same page okay I would just move it up to that sign I mean I'll walk it with somebody to make sure we have a good spot yeah and make sure you have somebody kind of guiding because yeah or signs or both because yeah no I don't want to I don't need yeah people need direction I know that so yeah we'll have we'll have a direct Anton's going to be busy with the basketball tournament but I will put somebody on a bike or even just people with flags kind of pointing them because it's only for about an hour probably so how long it took last time probably yeah perfect anything else Holly I don't think so thank you perfect did you guys have any Notions to me it said it was a great coloring space back there did you leave some coloring pictures for us back there sounds good thanks hly thanks Holly okay uh let's do 10d resolution 2024 29 providing police fire per benefits to all police officers uh I know we talked about it trying to recruiting a little little bit on that that any part-time officers still benef or can put into their Pera um it's just we don't do that for our part-timers now it might be another tool for our part- timers to or get more part-timers you have anything you want to add to that Chief Bri we do contribute to the coordinated plan now uh the the coordinated plan um basically it's 6.5% is contributed by the officer uh 7% % by the city uh under the police and fire plan the employer the employee contributes 11.8% and the employer contributes 17.7% uh so it be a little bit more but really neg ne ne negligible that was a tough word neg you're rubbing off on me TD but a small you know it won't be a huge impact on the budget and if it's going to help us or as a chance of helping us in recruiting part-time officer when when we need a part-time officer uh I think it's it's pretty small thing that we could that we could do I think it makes sense too you know they they're still police officers let's put them in the police and fire perah I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024 29 any further discussions we'll do roll call Bob hi Joan hi uh Kevin sorry and I I passes 4 thanks Brian uh 10c resolution 202 2430 accepting donations for the news umro pool I guess uh we had to do a um a resolution and then we also got a new bank account we not mingling City accounts we just need a vote on yep similar to what we did for the shoulder Memorial to allow us to accept donations for that same thing here um Matt help me reviewed it to make sure uh pretty much took all the same wording he had from before and just put the pool in there and so I think we're good with it just looking for approval on that so we can roll out the QR code that's Miranda set up um right away Monday I'll make a motion to approve resolution 20243 I'll second and before we vote I did meet uh don't tell me Bruce Hansen Bruce Hansen Bruce Hansen we had at uh Brea Brea breaa uh we met them got some pictures did a little interview so kind of uh got that rolling and Brett already had got 300 bucks from the coffee boys down at Bridget she sent her dad on dad goes to coffee and she said bring home some money so she brought $300 so I know we got long ways to go but I think she said they had to raise $631 14 a day for the next eight months to get to a million dollars at the start so I just wanted to throw that in so we'll do roll call Bob hi Jo hi Kevin hi and I I passes 4 z uh let's do 10d resolution 2024 31 authorizing and approving the lobbyist contract yep you've seen a couple of these before uh this is basically the same same thing as before um same cost actually as last year so no inflation on this one so that's good because usually inflation kills us but uh yeah you know we talked about it at the sanitary dist during the Sanitary District meeting and we've come a long ways on this um you know we were hoping to to finish it up last year they didn't do a bonding Bill uh the talk is that they want to do a bonding bill this year they are eager to get back on schedule but they understand that there's a lot of things out there that uh that need to move forward so we're confident that there will be a bonding bill this year um and we know that we U would like to have the lobbyist working on our behalf again uh up there at the capital so um just asking you to approve the resolution for for this year just to remind me this cost is shared amongst everyone who's in the yes it ends up being 4500 yeah it ends up being 1,3 or 4500 each or was that was that one $1,000 it's $1,000 per well yeah $45 yeah overall right overall it's $4500 bucks each 18,000 total mon split yeah y gotcha all right but it's built monthly so it's yeah I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024 31 for the San Sanitation District um lobbyist I hate to but second that I hate spending money on that but we' come this far we kind of have to continue with it and like you said the states already giving us $10 million so I mean are they just making us work harder for to get the other I mean I'm hoping so the whole scheme of uh 988 million 110 probably yeah so yeah I agree with Bob but what is this our third year now paying for lobes yep the third year yeah so perfect so we got a first and a second any further discussions we'll do roll call B hi Joan Kevin hi passes for z z who made that motion who made the motion Joan thank Bob second it not willingly but he did uh let's do 10e East N Street pay request number one yes the first pay request for East 9th Street if you haven't driven up there it's a whole different world up there already the road bed is in place already and and uh yeah they're cruising right along um should be noted that this pay request is only Ninth Street work ninth ninth Street work uh there's none of the Champa uh there hasn't been any done anything done with choa yet up there um and actually we will be bringing a change order for the council to approve to the September 19th meeting uh which which will change the quantity so that's how the contract is laid out it's all by quantity but that'll change the quantities to add the quantities needed to do the the Champa development work um and that'll be uh separate pay requests we'll have that on a separate pay request when those things start coming in so you'll see you know pay request number one for 9th Street and then you'll see pay request number one coming for the Champa work uh so we make sure we keep that completely separate um yeah that's that's what I had on that one so this is just the Ninth Street stuff for now I'll make a motion to uh for pay request number one for 9th Street of 48218 oh excuse me I read that wrong $4,875 in time for school so that was good uh talk to Ryan barck he was very happy with how things went around there and and traffic flow seems good the new entrances to the school I think are great um and they're continuing to work on Sixth Street uh they're going to clear the Warren intersection this week I believe they're doing all that underground there and then should go pretty quick after that but uh yeah this is the uh pay request number six for Mill and 6 I'll make the motion for payer pit number six for $446,900 L du report Brian gud and we got a minute and a half all right qu committee has our next meeting next Tuesday here at City Hall everybody's welcome uh just let me know how many of you are coming so I can post a special meeting if we're GNA have a quorum uh but U you know we need more people involved um with the fundraising there's a lot of work to be done a lot of different activities uh that the committee is planning we have a a float in the Cover Bridge Festival Parade uh the BFW has expressed interest of doing a fundraiser so we're going to hopefully promote that during the parade uh we bought stickers and then magnets that'll have our QR code out there uh that'll take you directly to the um our website and the the the pool fundraising uh page on our website so that's where all the how you donate uh things will be um we're we're we're look we're stressing um the ability for citizens to buy pieces of the pool for instance those tiles that say four feet or three feet um we're kind of structuring the donations that okay if you contribute I don't even know what they are 200 bucks or whatever they are you know to buy this tile um we kind of feel that citizens would have more a little bit more of a stake in it that way and and hey I bought that or I someone already stepped up and offered $225,000 to buy a slide uh so there'll be a lot of those peace type things as part of this fundraising um as well as as talking to the business owners and and trying to get the uh the bigger dollar donations which we we absolutely need to to get there um you know we're going to need about with where we're at now um I'm going to ask the pool board to contribute rute some dollars at the meeting on Monday night we've got some money left in the uh operating and maintenance um and we feel that 200,000 could be used towards this and still leave enough money for um opening the new pool for operating that now that's hasn't been approved Park Board hasn't even heard that yet so but um but I'm going to make that proposal you know if that pans out we're about $330,000 into this already you know that gets us down to about well about 1.3 million that that we need to raise so maybe that 6,000 goes down just a little bit well I mean and a couple I just want to give a couple shout outs some of the businesses already that we've known and seen the Hansen companies the telephone company did a matching of 100,000 you've seen uh the pizza they're given a dollar for every Pizza they sell which is roughly 5,000 and then um the paper uh the news record that any new subscriptions are going to donate I believe it's 20 new renew new or new renew so it's $10 yeah is it $10 okay y so if you I don't I mean so I know there's couple businesses already that have made it public and I we need a lot more help for that um but I just kind of wanted to tell you've probably seen them on social media but that's going to be a big help too yep so they yeah the Committees you know Brea nits and Meg James are kind of heading that up and then there's there's other one other citizens involved d as well but uh the more we can get the the more things we can do um maybe a table at the park for the cover bridge festival as well where we'll hand out the stickers um we didn't put the QR code on the stickers we figured those will be kids we don't want to have kids running around with the QR code so but when's that meeting again Tuesday Tuesday at 7 pm okay and then the only other thing I had is just a reminder about the work session next Wednesday we'll uh more budget discussion and trying to get that finalized I have one question Brian on the on the pool thing you know we had or they had the group that helped us like pick the time to do the the voting did do they help at all with fundraising do they have IDE it's some of the same people yep um some of the fundraising group did not wish to be part of the voting group for whatever you asking for about the the design the burback like that company I know he was kind of like hey this is the best time to get it passed does he also have like ideas on how other communities have raised those kind we already got Flyers made that will get hand out and and through that company they've given ideas on how to oh yeah absolutely one of the bigger things is um in kind donations for with contractors a lot of you know when you when you go out to bid contractors will bid such that they're you know their bid is a lot lower than what it would normally be and then that whittles that number down too just because they want to give back as well like demolition I think the budget's 325,000 shoeer does it for 100,000 I saved us $200,000 so um there's some of that too but yeah to answer your question B is it burbach burbach is all kinds of that stuff and all kinds of uh yeah that's what I you know and and the template for the we're looking at pavers doing pavers that people can buy um kind of like we're doing for the Sher Memorial um and they can have their family name on there or whatever they want on there so then we'll have an area with papers whether that's on the the ground or whether it's a wall with tiles on it uh you know we're still mulling that over but um after that resolution tonight now we can really hit the ground running because we can actually start receiving because there's a lot of people that want to give cash donations and we said we gota wait until we can accept them so yep yeah and and please get involved you want to be inv that's it that was a longer than a minute and a half but I heard dere Queen's given 250 Joon said she'd give her next twoe salary for IT retired anything else nope that's it Matt Chief I just mention that uh we're a few weeks into um our posting um haven't really attracted any candidat uh um I have one applicant um yet I'm waiting for some others um but uh hasn't been very uh fruitful lately I went on the post board pool line and I think we're only competing with 147 other agencies looking for police officers at this point um so it's actually gone down because it was over 200 the last time we looked um but we have uh you know a lot lot of agencies just around us I was actually surprised how many in our region are actually looking for police officers so um still hoping that we'll have that right candidate that's all perfect thanks Chief James Mike I have nothing B Joan nothing Kevin the uh the zro area ambulance did uh submit an application for Minnesota's uh allotment of funds for Rural ambulance services so we won't know what is divied out until December because guess there's a fixed amount of money and it just depends on who applies for it and then they divy it out from there so they're expecting to receive some funds but we don't have any idea how much they are at this point that's it perfect meeting adour let