##VIDEO ID:UJtFrBCVgmo## this conference will now be recorded I got 6 o' we'll start the meting we'll start the uh Pledge Allegiance Pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I don't think we have any amendments so I just need approval adoption of the agenda second any further discussions all in favor I oppose passes 500 uh review the minutes uh from the north zumro Sanitary District from October 2nd you guys have enough time to look over that perfect we'll jump uh review the minutes from our work session on October 16th is that one going to be on get that one yeah okay not here though but yeah yeah yeah I wonder where that went I'll make a motion to approve the uh October 16th work session minutes second any further discussions all in favor I oppos passes 5 uh review the minutes from our regular council meeting on October 17 I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from the October 17 second any further discussions all in favor I oppos passes 5 accounts payable uh Joan yes um just a couple of notes Here the whks and co8 859 44750 67 and 80869 which was per bringman slinging and that was for the sewer it was for $3,427 56 and then 8871 was Northwest asphalt and that is the first request for pay on the water looping for $237 551 78 cents and then 8873 had three um pay requests um one was for 28,1 15895 one 249 59,99 and one was for 27650 2,46 those were kind of the a larger amounts for this month does anyone have any questions on the accounts payable uh if not I would uh move to accept the accounts payable in the amount of 972713418 last week so it was what 63,000 any further discussions on counts payable all in favor I oppos passes 500 thanks Joan I will open the public comments portions individuals may address the city council about any item of concern speakers must State their name in limit the remarks to five minutes public comments we live 1015 I'm Jim Wilson my wife Cory and we live at 1015 Mill Street and so with all the construction we had on the deal on there uh when they raised the the the uh the level of the street a little bit it caused some some water problems in our driveway uh we called the city and uh through the whole process uh through the whole type of thing uh just got nothing but praise for the for the professionalism and the understanding and the the way that all of your employees uh have handled everything U can't be happier they came out today with a with a load of rock to help resolve that issue and so hopefully that will take care of it but it's like that's something technically I guess being from a big town like Tulsa that does that does not always happen yeah and so thank you all of you and your crws and law enforcement everything that goes on here I am extremely impressed and so thank you very much perfect thank you thank you so Jim don't hear that we always have people that come in and yell at us that's nice well just Mike from my understanding is that was what was wrong that was causing the pooling um the the grade had been adjusted in the street some and and he got a new driveway approach and that driveway approach was a little bit higher than the old one so it was just a matter of adding some rock and some lower spots and that you think that'll take care of it I think so perfect perfect thank you thanks guys any more public comments we'll close the public comment portions and we'll jump down to Kim unfinished business budget nothing too exciting to report uh the new budget that's with in front of you it's not new but I have adjusted the amounts for personnel wages we have the cost of living wages as well as health benefits there will be a few I made sure the levy stayed the same so there was few adjustments throughout the budget which we'll review at our work session uh if you have any questions before them please let me know and I'll try and put together the information for you because our budget's already been set we can't go higher correct we can go correct we cannot go higher with the levy we have not set and firmed the uh water and sewer budgets yet so that's what we need to also review perfect any questions for Kim on the budget I know we've talked about that for a couple days I mean a couple months uh we will uh jump down to 10A uh new business Berg Homestead first edition final plat Curtis all right the Berg Homestead first edition final plat there are seven single family home lots with access to the 190th Avenue will be added to the Berg Homestead uh the preliminary plat was approved by the Planning and Zoning commission after a public hearing held on October 8th 2024 the preliminary plat was approved at the October 17th city council meeting uh the Zoning for this residential area will be residential one with a PUD overlay uh due to the fact that the front yard setbacks will be 20 feet instead of 25 uh it's a pretty severe slope there for those uh for the homes Planning and Zoning commission recommends approval of the final plat of the Berg Homestead first edition any questions for cured on that I mean it looks great I was up the other day I mean they look like they're ready to go so yeah iove by nice St out that whole project up there looks nice I don't know if you've all driven it but I know I've had a few people what do they do to the road cuz they're used to the 90 de I haven't driven up there yet yeah it's I mean them lots will be nice especially when they get them houses built up there need a motion in a second to approve I'll make that motion any furthers discussions all in favor I oppos passes 5 Z thanks Kurt uh lead copper monitoring memo Mike coer report's attached the letter from Minnesota Department of Health and basically it's uh based on the results your public water system has not exceeded the Action level per L has not exceeded the Action level for these were 11 homes that we took samples from and we're turned in and now we're working on and Bill can help me with this a little bit we have 40 4 and ganize that that we are working through um we'll have to send out letters there in and then there was 536 letters that there was either no response for or they were unknown so we're working through all that and um there will be some funding available for the homeowners that'll be funded 100% by Grant and then there's an option well City doesn't have an option but there's funding for the city either in a noin interest um loan or a grant from the city but all that funding is going to come through for the homeowners and everything is going to be directed through the city for this so that's kind of a we've been working on a little bit of some numbers for Budget wise trying to figure out what it's going to cost too a little bit more work to go into that as we go through but is there anything else you want to add the only thing to add is just to note that those are self-reported so as Mike mentioned the 40 Leed 40 galvanized and what we found is that not everybody gets it right you know we sent out drawings and diagrams so so there's some to confirm and you know Mike you had said there's a couple of those that you thought probably weren't LED and there might be some people that got them wrong the other way as well but uh before anything happens we'll come up with a plan to to verify those so any questions on Mike about that thanks Mike uh jump down to tenc goodu county sheriff's department mobile data agreement Chief so I forwarded a uh request from the sheriff's office in regards to the mobile data agreement the mobile data really refers to our um the laptops we utilize in our squad cars um the software that uh is is used with that with communicates uh together with our regular client record management um and this is a an agreement that they haven't updated in many many years and so they updated it brought some of the pricing up to true and then they put a little bit of a very small amount of Enterprise in there to um to be able to eventually acquire an extra MDT that can be um used in case an agency has one that goes down and they need it um you know some agencies um they only have they they have very few of them um we have four of them currently they're always used um so but uh this is something that the uh Sheriff's Office wanted to make sure that that agreement got updated and there's really it's kind of boring data to look at but it is what it is it's necessary part of our job it allows us to do our job very well so how often do we resign these contracts with County I haven't had one come through since I've been here and I'm coming on my 10th year here this month so um so it's it's been quite some time every year we're paying a mobile data fee and it's several thousand um but you know those laptops the it work is is done through the county on those they're not something onsite deals with so any problems we work with good Hue County because they're the ones that have control over basically the operating system of that so is there another portion of the fee to that um it says $50 per unit you got four units but the fee is $25.95 um I think that's the total amount so it's just it's $50 approximately $50 per unit Bas or something that's well I think that what you see the $2500 that is the total bill and they were just putting out that you know the uh it went up $50 per unit okay it went up $50 per unit correct and some of that is just actual dollars some of it is Enterprise dollarss toward an MDT that they'll eventually purchase I guess I misread that as an increase of $50 okay yep that's that's how it was explained to me so it was actually a pretty low impact in my opinion I make a motion to approve the modal modal mobile data agreement that quicker any further discussion favor I oppos passes 5 thanks Chief uh let's do 10d mmua 2025 safety training contract Brian Yep this is a yearly contract that we uh we visit uh I believe it was a 3% increase this year uh three and a half% increase um I think that's been consistent uh last couple of years um on the one sheet it shows tiers we are tier two uh one day per month uh so 12 days per year so the total cost is 15,452 but we partner with goodu and mappa on that and they pay for some employees it split up per employee so our cost ends up being about $1,322 for the contract they do a great job Brad was here today uh for some safety training um you know office staff gets involved on different parts of it as well slips Falls uh ladders all kinds of stuff like that so it's a valuable service and they're they're they've been great um anytime we've needed anything they're always there to help us uh you know if there's ever OSHA things they're right there it's Mike's first call is to to Brad our safety um person so like to continue the contract with mmua how many years have we had that we've had them since I've been here so prior to 2006 perfect I'll make a motion to approve that second any further discussions all in favor I opposed passes 500 thanks Brian delinquent bills to certify for the 2025 taxes Miss Kim this is what we do every year um Please be aware that the list I have supplied in the memo is not they have until the 30th to pay so I just ask for you to approve this list with the understanding that anyone who makes arrangements or pays prior to this state will be removed from the list and today we've had a couple people come in so it's already changing usually it's much less by the time we get to that because people do not want that added onto their escrow account on their home so I make a motion to approve list second any further discussions all in favor I oppos passes five Z thanks Kim resolution 2024 36 mind State cost compensation for City snow and ice Brian uh yes this is one of those that we haven't done since I've been here either Mike and I discussed it a little bit um weren't quite sure if we had done this in the past I spoke with Craig Lin from from mot and uh he explained it uh those are his words on there that these Agreements are a means of reimbursing small cities basically for their cost uh to plow and remove snow from Those portions of the state height way in within Town um it runs through June of 2029 so winter of 2028 and then on to June 29 2029 um yeah just make recommending approval we get few bucks back for for the work that we do on on Main Street make a motion to approve resolution 2024 36 any further discussions all in favor I oppos passes 5 z z thanks Brian now let's jump to 10g Northwest I got to do roll call sorry oh yeah you Sarah hi Bob Joan Uh Kevin and I I pass is 5 z z I just saw that um Northwest water main Loop pay request Bill Bill here's something we're going to try something new let's do you want to do all these pay requests since we have so many and vote one time or do you want to do all five times we've talked about doing a consent agenda starting next year in which all these pay requests type things would be lumped in and you would vote on a consent agenda and if you want to discuss we we can pull them out and discuss it but pay request we kind of know what they're doing and coming to kind of speed it up so if we want to we can have build run through all of them quick and then we can all vote one time and be done with it that legal man you need to the only time you need to vote them an individually is if you're closing the project now these are intermediate items so you can vote them all once so we kind of talked about that because I'm like we got what five pay requests we'll be your 10 minutes just for that so and then it's Bill Todd Bill Todd I mean so we'll just do that we'll have Bill run through all these pay requests and then if anybody has any questions on any of them and then we'll just do one vote on all five pay y they're all pretty straightforward they're all all the projects are where they need to be and they where they need to be considering it's the 7th of November uh so the re relief one this is for again this is for the grant I we have one more after this is is for this one is all for grubbing of stumps uh the Northwest watermain Loop project is for the watermain installation that project uh is going well we have a little bit of a hiccup where they cross underneath the county road we had some settlement that the contract would be responsible for fixing otherwise the pipe is installed it's underneath Highway 52 so everything's going well on that they definitely benefited from this uh dry fall so that has definitely helped them uh the Ninth Street we had two pay requests you we have the ch the Champa you know change order portion and then we have the city portion as Joan well Joan you mentioned all these in the accounts payable but uh those projects are are almost done as well KB and gut are their paved so Sarah I'd encourage you to drive up there that I think it has completely transformed that area it it looks like it's a different part of the city than it did before so those projects also come along very nicely and then Mill in six uh you know Mill had been paved you know before school started so now Sixth Street is paved as well again that area looks I think it looks great it looks a lot better I've heard uh from The Cougar care and the high school people that the new entrance into there works a lot better if you've driven by there well look Works uh much nicer so those are really just the highlights but obviously if there's anything particular you'd like me to go into or Mike or I we can we can talk in more detail I just have one question that I thought of uh the stop sign when you're on Ninth coming up to Jefferson it's down stuff like that them people are flying when they're going to the school I drove by the other day at 8:00 I'm like oo but that stop sign's hard uh to see cuz it's lower and it's resting on Hazard I mean is that something that uh schacher puts up or yeah either Shaker and c I I'll talk with Mike about it so are they gonna they're going to do one more layer on Mill aren't they uh Mill will not be till uh next year next year but there is cu see they patched it and I'm like they've got to be coming with one more here lift the assle you correct Y correct yep and Ninth and n and Jefferson but we gota wait till it's so we said it we wanted to go through one winner one free saw cycle so we didn't have any settlement that it we we see it now so that we can you know the contractor can patch it will they still be sing on Sixth Street this this fall yet I I saw they were up there today doing some grading and stuff ideally yes so perfect any more questions on the pay request we will do a vote on all five bay request any further discussions all in favor I oppose passes 5 z z thanks Bill way to streamline that to what way to streamline but we were talking about I'm like why is there five of them then mean then we're going back and forth we can streamline that and we could have done a lot more of this just one time I'm like there's some things I'd like to have discussion amongst Council on it but pay requests unless it's the last one let's just do it be done let Bill talk one time and be done so we'll talk more about it yeah we'll talk about that changing maybe a consent we can talk about it and just do one vote for everything versus every individual just to speed up some time so perfect thanks Bill thank you uh reports Brian all right well we head an election Tuesday in case anybody didn't know about that it was it was packed we had over 2,300 voters um huge thank you to Miranda uh she always does the heavy lifting on getting all the election judges and and all of that in here and all lined up um the election judges wonderful head judges did a great job um there's always little snapo here and there but uh uh in reconciling just yeah because of spoiled ballots things like that so you have to account for all those but went really well um be canvasing election results next Wednesday at 5:15 p.m. just before the work session meeting that's just a quick meeting I'll have all the papers for you the abstract um and and um showing all the rins and all that stuff we'll be in there but uh so it's not official yet until we canvas election results and and accept them but I don't think it's any secret congratulations to Mayor Hamill and and councilman prgy for being reelected and then uh we're going to miss Sarah it's been 12 years it's been 16 years that's a lot of knowledge well we know where to find you so yeah we'll uh we'll be planning the big going away party and your speech and all that stuff coming and congratulations to Fred uh Fred rash uh for for attaining a council position as well so pool fundraising letters went out to local businesses on Tuesday I believe uh mayor Hamill and I will be visiting businesses as well uh starting in a couple weeks we'll have a pool Committee Member with us just to talk about our our effort and where we're at and and see what we can do with u with any any more pledges um I mentioned last time that the BFW is hosting Donnie and Frank day fundraiser uh we're still selling those fundraiser tickets all the money goes towards the the pool so I've still got tickets I'm tired you tickets so see us if you want to buy one or two or three or whole book should give me some I can sell them at the bar okay great um and again we have the banket room that whole day there's G to be a silent auction and and maybe some other things going on in there that day um you know big thank you for the BFW for all of that uh the pool design is underway they're doing some soliciting for some um soils engineering soil borings things like that starting there um and then they'll they'll start putting the the plans together and the final plans and that'll move forward sometime this winter so that's moving along um and just a reminder we have a work session next Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. 5:15 we have to do well count yeah canvasing the the election at 5:15 but then work session at 5:30 that's it perfect thanks Brian Matt Chief I just want to mention uh next week we should have that new Speed trailer we just going ask about that so that uh officer Evenson was able to confirm that it's uh to be shipped out tomorrow so hopefully they won't be here Saturday or Sunday because we need a forklift to get that out of there so hopefully on um Monday or Tuesday we can get some Forks maybe on the skid loader get that thing off and put it to use it coming out a trailer or what or I I semi do I assume we have hitches on our vehicles to Mo move that we'll be at least acquiring s all of our Squad cards are oh okay so we just need the actual inch so that's all I got perfect thanks Chief Curtis yeah the Eda approved $5,000 to work with Peter grim drud and the News Record again for new visitors guides for the city which will be worked on working on throughout the winter and hopefully by February they'll be out for distribution throughout the state pretty popular and good advertisement for businesses around Z Bren perfect thanks Kurt Bill nothing additional mayor Thanks James thanks mayor I just want to mention mentioned last week we were going to be Clos day to have our sidewalk replaced uh unfortunately due to some delays and that uh we end up being Clos all last week um but uh we finally got done on Friday and uh unfortunately on Friday night a significant part of the new sidewalk was vandalized uh so I've been working with public work staff to try and figure out a solution to get some of that fixed um so we'll we'll see if we're going to do some more put some more sealing on it this weekend to see if we can kind of cover up um but uh I just want to say that uh Paul Jeff um and Larry came over and U really grateful for their help and trying to kind of erase some of the damage so I we'll just uh wait and see how it turns out I guess perfect maybe uh I've seen gestur etched in maybe I don't want to say on public we found them and we know who it is and they're minors but I think officer kurur has dealt with them today so perfect thanks James yep Kim nothing Mike I just have one Qui thing since I'm on The fireboard Bob probably knows that we got the uh we got a $25,000 Grant from the uh Taylor Family Farm foundation to help go towards the turnout gear which the turnout gear is 100,000 so uh the Taylor uh Glenn Taylor you know the Timberwolves owner they have a foundation and John um Olsen the chief is on that filed that Grant and we just found out that we got 25,000 so it's less money that we have to pay out for a turnout gear and I think it's next year they're getting it right Bob or is it now year or is it this yeah okay so it's been talked about so that's uh something we just found out today was it yesterday yesterday so we did get $25,000 Grant to help out the turnout gear which is a good thing that's all I got Sarah uh I'm good Bob Joan just question is this this is wonderful get oh that that was that article yeah that was that article um you know one of the best managed cities under 10,000 remember that whole process we went through with that business view magazine uh this is just the they offered these bound copies of just that article out of the magazine otherwise most the magazine is electronic so they're kind of nice we decideed to get a whole bunch of those I've got a bunch of them so if anybody wants to put them out somewhere we'll decide where to where to go with them but I wanted each of the council members to have one very nice other than that perfect tonight meeting adjourn