##VIDEO ID:hUBdvNLSdek## this conference will now be recorded we do have to uh which is one 681 approve the summary of the candidates ordinance to be published in the paper and then also 7e officer Tyler's resonation I'm not sure we should approve oh there he is I'll make a motion to adopt the agenda with those two amendments there it is any further discussions all in favor I oppos passes 5 um public comment portion individuals may address the city council about any items of concern speakers must State their name any public comment portions yes sir yeah yeah my name is Nathan fishbach I live over at Sugarloaf Lane uh I email Brian earlier this week about the situation of my wife and I's consumption of the water at our house so just this I know kind of laid out the situation but my wife and I moved into the new house very recently and we thought everything was up in order and they had two water tanks in our basement but apparently one of them isn't necessary but we weren't disclosed of that at the time so we turned both on thought things were working and we kind of went about our day but my wife was checking the bill and we noticed that the first one was 19 ,000 gallons for last month and we paid that in full which was around $210 roughly and we called right when we saw that 19,000 we called the very next day uh and I asked what the current reading was and turns out it was 34,000 so in the process of two months we' burned almost 50,000 gallons which for two people is quite a lot I would say I was talking to my family they were very um adamant that that seems like quite a lot for two people they were my family of three who lives there they're currently they use about 10,000 in three months so seemed a little strange so we thought maybe there's a big leak maybe there's something wrong and when uh we had someone come from the city and they put die in our toilets to see if there's something that was causing that no no leaks nothing like that and um I thought well we're not seeing 50,000 gallons of of water in our basement so it had to be something so I the only other source that we thought could be was the water tank so we checked that one and after doing some research it turns out that the one on the left which was the bigger of the two which was doing all of the damage is um turns out it was only used I guess for for well water when we called the company and so we're kind of curious why the previous tant had it had it in the first place I don't know I I we're not familiar with their situation but in the um inspection report when we bought the house in June didn't state that there was any issues with that so we just turned both on not knowing so um the only thing I'm really asking I was is if it was possible to firefighter sorry it wases know for that long sorry um I'm not asking to like wipe away at all because that's be insane but it is it possible to do like an average or just some kind of lency for for new new home buyers that we fix the problem it's never going to happen and again it's just kind of a one time weird we just didn't know what we were doing we're not of our element I if not I totally get it I just thought I would try because it's we're just trying to trying trying to make it here in our first couple months and it's just this is a lot to take on in the first couple months but I understand Mike I assume Ronnie was the one that went out there and checked it and obviously we did everything it was so it wasn't that we obviously know it was the back flow um I know we've done a couple in the past I don't know what council's opinion is on that well it's like what you had mentioned Troy nessa's thing is it like that where it just was wasn't it went in somewhere and then nope this is a different situation this water was actually it went through the meter and and went down did yeah where tro was going through the meter and then back and through the meter and back back so it never was gallons used and never used it it was keep in mind we get audited and we have to account for gallons of lost water okay um so somebody's paying for it basically okay in in doing research I didn't know I was from the meeting minutes I just it sounded familiar but again I'm I'm no expert so I don't know I'm just trying to if possible but I get sorry yeah no it was it was good research I can sympathize with your your situation the uh the difficulty is that the water went through so there's the cost of sending it there and then the cost of treating all that water and it's not fair to put it on the rest of the taxpayers because it still has to be a cost charged so I I think there was a mention of a payment plan that could extend as you're not facing that upfront um so yeah I guess I'd agree with Kevin on that and if we could get a payment plan if that would work or something if work something out Kim how how are payments plans worked in the past if we did a payment plan turn your mic on to don't have one oh usually we set up a time so whatever the balance is that is in question we can divide it over a period of months and then add it to the regular bill amount um and we can if everything's paid in full we can work with the penalty situation so there's no penalty charge for that outstanding balance which which I absolutely get if you're pay making your payments on time um so Miranda would work with whomever and set it up what's the current bill at right now do you know I we haven't looked we because the situation is when we found out it was that high we assumed it was either like a trans like a it was 1900 and we thought it was that so when we called we just asked what it was currently at and we found out it was 34,000 so we're kind of trying to do quick back in the envelope math and it's going to be probably 400 plus dollars I would the 19,000 gallon was like 2456 so they Ed 34 I mean just I think it would be high to double it because he wouldn't be paying the minimum but it would be or the base fee more than once but it would be 3 350 probably right around in that neighborhood we already we paid that 1900 19,000 full so it's just too months in a row it's better than my my mom just had one because a guy had a leaky toilet and didn't tell anyone and it was $960 in Rochester I mean part of the part of the what we try not to do is set a presidents if we set a presidents then we get more of them so I mean yeah I know Troy Nest was a little bit a different situation so I mean I think that's kind of where we're at council is that we don't want to set that President I mean excuse my PR is kind of shitty but I mean it's kind of one of those things that we hate to set presidents on something like that so we'll definitely work with you and don't no I would say no I would say I'm okay with no penalties no penalties yeah I mean in whatever you want to work with Miranda I don't know what we normally do for payment plans two three months four months or whatever but yeah I mean as long as you I mean you're you know some people you work out payment plans and they're still late so yeah no we never missed a so we're this just our first slate issue with the water soft so we turned that off it's fixed it so it's perfect yeah yeah it's it's bump on the road that we didn't expect for but no one does so uh my only last thing I don't want to cut more time I know if I was to cut off but it was I didn't well I was talking with one of my close friends she worked with the city of Cottage Grove and she was asking um would this throw off I know there's like winter averages and summer averages I'm not sure how that works no it would much that way so it shouldn't be any problem with us issues and we'll move forward perfect thank you any more public comments I will close the public comment portions and uh we'll jump to four consent agenda all items listed in the consent agenda are considered routine by the council and will be approved by one motion there will be one separate discussion on these items unless council member requests uh in which case that item will be removed from the consent agenda and be considered a normal sequence on the agenda everybody get looks like we got a few pay requests counts payable minutes stuff like that nothing crazy make a motion to approve the consent agenda any further discussions all in favor I oppos passes 5 uh we will jump to the public hearings meeting public hearings ordinance 20247 ordinance of the city of zambro to regulate cannabis businesses Brian yes you got my uh my hold right up there um basically we have delegated our uh oh first of all you've got a a revised cannabis ordinance in front of you uh Matt we make a few changes last second changes that didn't get into the electronic version here and you've also got a summary um that'll be placed in the paper and we'll ask you to approve that to when we get to that point but um and a couple of typo changes true to form for me a couple of typos you know that's I've been known to make a few of those from time to time uh we delegated a registration authority to goody County as you know but we still need to have an ordinance in place to regulate time place and manner restrictions um the Commissioners were were adamant that they wanted us to get something in place because they'd feel terrible if they had to approve a registration and it was too close to a school or a park or whatever else so um so we wanted to to get this get this in front of you U we had the first reading at the last meeting and then this the public hearing and uh so yeah there's any any more question any question anything I guess that might be next during the approval portion because this is the public hearing so I don't see a whole lot of public here I don't so we'll close the public portion of this and we will jump to unfinished business approve the ordinance of regulated cannabis businesses so we just need a motion on that right yeah I mean I Kevin asked a couple of questions along the way away and and I sent it out a couple of times asking you know let me know if you got excuse me got any questions the whole cannabis thing I don't know that uh there's anybody has a complete understanding but we do have a good understanding of of where we will allow it the times the distances from schools uh Parks you know it can only can't be you can't do it in public places or or public places of public accommodation uh I didn't get real detailed in itemizing any parks things like that because it kind of covers all um in those definitions um you know basically I suppose in your backyard is where it'll be um you know where you can do it um we do have some some uh special event language in there um you know I inquired about that if we could just not do special events or or um temporary cannabis events and was told that nope it's got to be in there so um basically it says that it needs to follow the ordinance um and I think that's about it Matt help me out few other things so this is chapter 115 and then count said we can other standards and one of the suggestions was either restricting or prohibiting consumption so istion I don't know I guess that could be changed or modified tonight or down the road but I don't know was kind of thinking there event travel there going to be traveling so I put that in there and then thing was was the was one right after that Brian or right before it was the shell yeah right so if they meet all if an applicant meets all the requirements then basically the city has to allow the the temporary permit um can still be discretionary and say ah we don't like these so we're regardless and the original one I had May in there give a little bit more but that's that would be hard want to argue so there was one other condition either before or after the I do next we're in E and then we were in H oh not in a public place place public similar to uh prohibitions of use in public places on6 temporary to approve the resolution or ordinance ordinance 20247 second any further discussions on this all in favor I opposed passes 5 z0 uh let do approve the summary of the Cannabis ordinance to be published in the paper second any F discussions what all C needs to do is all he did sort of cut out some of the miscellaneous definitions and the council needs to find that the summary clearly informs the public of the intent and effect of the ordinance and has to be approved by so do we have to post basically this whole thing in the paper sum summ that's what would y yep I'll send that to the paper first thing in the morning and that was my motion what mat it second any further discussions all in favor oppose passes 5 z z thanks Matt that did we need to do roll call on an ordinance no that's just not a resolution uh unfinished business 2024 40 approving the final budget Levy collectible in 2025 Kimberly perfect oh yeah that's right yeah I just want to give a shout out obviously to Kim I know Kim puts a couple hours a year on the budget couple thousand and I want to thank the city staff and everybody in the council for the work that we've done again for one more budget year and we'll start again in April pretty sure Kim's got a 2026 budget started no not quite yet I'll make a motion to approve resolution 20 2440 second any further discussions all in favor sharah hi Bob Joan Kevin resolution yeah 2024 roll call he's doing it right now that's what I'm doing I'm sorry I did that one time too I'm you Kevin I have not been sleeping much today a yes passes 5 thank you let's go to new business Drisco subside Southside properties minor subdivision Kurt yes Planning and Zoning commission held a public hearing it was an interesting topic for the city of zambro on December 10th to consider two things first was a minor subdivision of these three Parcels which are listed and you guys have a m variety of maps that can show you the three Parcels are of Driscoll Southside properties and they're all three are on the Southeast side of the custom iron property um if that's approved then the city council uh let's see the parcels would be joined with deed restrictions to two citizens yards one would be Leah witchman and the other one would be Jennifer Walter and Glenn proudfoot property if those are accepted then the newly created Parcels would need to be rezoned from I2 to residential one so what we did is we subdivided Driscoll's land with the help of a survey and then those two Parcels which are created will go to one of them will go to Leah witchman as you can see on your map and the second one on the on the south side we'll go to um Jennifer Walters uh the will be deed restriction for both properties due to both of them are different subdivisions um the homes right now are located Meer Hofer fourth subdivision which is R R1 Driscoll Southside properties is not and you can see the list of the um subdivision there the minor subdivision and rezone were discussed at the November 12th meeting a public hearing was set for December 10th ass signed certificate of survey by SE or Christopher mum was submitted to City Hall on November 21st all applications were submitted and paid the witchman and proudfoot Walter were the only citizens at the public hearing uh stemming from the public hearing the Planning and Zoning commission recommends approving the minor subdivision of the three Parcels from Driscoll Southside properties and then joining the new Parcels with deed restrictions to Leah witchman and Jennifer Walter and resoning those two from i1 to R1 and it was approved by a vote of 600 if you have questions on that I could hopefully answer those all do taking unusable land and putting back to the homeowners right and just making their Lots bigger right overall I think Morgan or uh if wants to build a shed for hobby of his is kind of yeah the idea Walters Walters what he wants to do so my question was I tried to attend the public hearing but then I didn't do dad Duty for earlier and I thought so I think he just my question was is he running into business out he can't do that in R1 so you can have one customer or one person come right no he has no intent of doing business that was my question because that's I mean it's in my neighborhood so there'll be no separate access at all to that building as well but the building would have to fit the regulations as usual yeah they to come in on where Cher Walter's driveway is or that property they can't just put a access in his new shed it's going to go on the Walter's property and then he'd have to go over that way be interesting too because that's a pretty severe drop off on that burn yeah any further discussions all in favor I hi oppose passes 5 z0 thanks Kurt you're welcome uh let's do 2025 Ceda contract Brian uh yes as you know we're looking at a little reorganization um taking applications for the deputy City administrator to take over planning and zoning and and some other things um nine applications by the way so far uh but with that um it's it's time to approve a Ceda contract uh now we will not be able to we will not be ready to move on from the 40h hour SE a contract until we have a deputy here and that person is is up to speed and and uh trained in and all of that so it could be six months before we would want to go to a 72h hour or a 42 or 24hour contract um three days a week get I get the cost messed up but anyway um so what I'm asking you to approve tonight is the 40-hour contract and then uh when we decide it's time to go to the 24hour contract we will handle that at that time did we oh uh did we figure into our budget um some overlap there if we're going to if we hire someone at maybe several months before that and plus the SE of contract did we account for that well the training if it's going to take up to six months I didn't remember discussing that in but it might be we did discuss when we were going to hire if it was going to be right away or later on but yeah I mean you're right there's going to be some overlap and I don't know maybe hopefully it's not that long I you know after we hire hopefully it's a month but two months six weeks you know it all depends but U yes you're right there'll be some overlap you're right probably not six months do you have a question Jo no I mean you can that count yeah I'll make a motion to approve the SE of contract second any further discussions all in favor I opposed passes 5 um 7c New City attorney approved um uh I guess it was Bob and I and Kim and Brian uh we interviewed two City attorneys or attorneys uh they both interviewed well I think after our meetings and we talked about it amongst a group we went uh we really was impressed with uh Ken not Kennedy great sorry I had it right here in me Clarity and Hood yeah this is my clarity uh with and I think he's going to be our main attorney yes not yeah got so I can say a yeah sure can well yeah we've got the r ret yeah so if you have any questions I can answer them but basically um just want to give a brief overview of the firm for the people that weren't at the um interview so we our firm specializes in Municipal law we represent about 35 cities in Minnesota I personally represent about 10 in Southeastern Minnesota um including many that you might know calonia um oronoko Wabasha St Charles Leon um Rolling Stone Alura Minnesota city um good view I'm probably missing another one but so this is all our firm does I've worked at the firm for 15 years I'm a shareholder and I live in Rochester so this was a good one for me because I like to on a snowy day it's easy to get here or easier to get here um and I talked to so that's you know we we uh handle all areas of of Municipal law the one unique thing about your contract is Brian said the council was interested on a flat fee retainer um and that's not typically how we charge typically we just charge hourly for our services um but there was a request for some consistency in Billing so that you know how much you're going to pay every month you know some months you might use a lot of Legal Services some months you might not use so many but it'll be a flat flat amount for anything that's included within the contract which is basically all General Municipal advice the only things that aren't included are litigation so we end up having to do litigation that would be extra which is rare but it does come up you know we're involved in I'm personally involved in a few litigation matters now for cities but they don't come up that often and then labor and employment uh if you have need specialized labor and employment uh lawyers we have a whole team of lawyers that that's one of our largest practice areas we have a whole team of lawyers that do that I don't do it personally for a number of reasons uh the main reason is when there's employment actions taken against people that I work with i' like to have a lawyer Do It um because I know you you know I know the staff and I know get to know people then also they just specialize in that area they they only practice in that area um and then any other we we have offer other specialty services like environmental um law if you have issues with your Wastewater facility that would be extra that's even more rare you know but it could come up for you so that's what's within the scope of services I I talked to Brian and I would attend all your meeting um within that retainer fee and that includes your City Council meetings and your Planning and Zoning meetings and if you had an Eda meeting I mean I go to those meetings for other cities but not Eda so much but you might have one where you want me to attend that's fine um yeah that's basically the overview um personally in addition to that I'm the prosecutor for the city of wiona in the city of New Alm and I have other lawyers that help me do that work but I supervise that work so I'm kind of a criminal and civil attorney and um yeah so if you have any questions I'm happy to answer those at this time if you don't have any questions that's even better yeah I already like the way these meetings are run this is good you guys are I can't was it Rhonda Morgan Morgan yeah so then and I have a number of assistant attorneys so I don't do all the work personally I just can't be in every place at the same time but we have um four different actually five different associate attorneys or senior attorneys that aren't shareholders like me that help with the work and I've selected Morgan asille she'll be the one that's going to work with with all of you more than others um if Morgan's on vacation or whatever I might assign something to a different attorney but um all that's included within your retainer uh price and Morgan came to the interview and met yeah um Bob and Todd and um the other interview panel and so will be working with us and then we have paralegals too that will do help do some of the document prep and other other work that I have them do on occasion realistically we don't use paralal all that much but I personally approve everything that I do for each of the Cities even if I use another attorney or paralal I review everything and take responsibility for everything essentially so um and then there'll be the other attorney would be Patrick vulmer he wasn't able to attend but he would be the if Morgan can't do it it would be Patrick and he's a good good lawyer they're both good lawyers so yeah any questions just one question I think Brian had we had kind of talked about it but if like you say Planning and Zoning like say it's crappy weather day or whatever you would do it virtually or prefer to do it virtually all the time but oh yeah and yeah so that would be you're a little unique though that I live closer to you than other cities that I represent like calonia that's a drive um was something that they really wanted you here for that it was some complicated thing then and I in fact in calonia they have a major lawsuit with their Wastewater facility construction that got way aai and so I've been going to meetings there driving there um but this one's a lot closer to my house it's 30 minutes so I don't mind you know if you want me to come it's not as big of a deal I guess is what I'm saying but I prefer to do Zoom or whatever use yeah that would be my my preference we've been a little spoiled match like three blocks away yeah I can't I can't beat that can't compete there any more questions on Mike we're glad to have them or hate to lose mat but we'll get to that topic here in a couple minutes well I'm happy uh thank you for showing the trust to me we we'll do a good job for you we'll work hard and do a good job and you can always I guess one other thing would be if you have a question for me email is the best way I mean I'm happy to talk about something too but um or email me asking for a phone call and then I'll get back with you um just leave a number where I can call you and then I'm happy to do that too just need to approve entering into a contract with flarity and hood and then a point next meeting any further discussion all in favor I oppos passes 500 thanks Mike y glad to have you part of our city of zro yeah thank you um fee schedule discussion and set public hearing Brian yes that time of year again too and look at the fees um you can see I highlighted in red uh which fees are proposed to be changing and I also left the old fees in there with a a strike through just so you can see what they were and what they're going to um water was 3% Kim is that right and and Sewer was 3.5% so those fees are reflected in there and those changes um associated with those that kind of carries through all those water water charges um one that did go up is the storm water fee went from $3 to $6 or was proposed excuse me to go from $3 to $6 um we are way behind on storm stuff uh we need to catch up on that um even with an increase like this our our total rates are quite a bit lower than than the area so we need that for catching up and getting some things some critical things done Mike and his team have identified we asked him to do a kind of a plan kind of similar to what we do for the roads on what needs to be done and it it's uh it's quite a long list of of things some of them are are critical we've got areas that are um you know being undermined and the water is going where it shouldn't be going um you know on Fifth Street there for instance where that uh that bridge is or that culbert is just up from the library there's water going under the curb and down in there and and through the walls and everywhere so stuff like that needs to be fixed up so that's why we're proposing a little bigger increase on that fee uh so we can get some of that stuff done and again our total rates are quite a bit lower than even the area even with doing that um we've got the new campsites that'll be up and running uh so that you can see the uh the proposed changes from the park board on the seasonal campsite fees the Primitive fee and the uh you know electric water sites and then um added the electric water and sewer sites and then we've had a lot of uh oh campers coming in and dumping their waist in our in our waist uh receptacle I guess that's probably not the right term Mike but um so the park board decided Well that's okay but we should they should be you know that's really for use for people using the campground so if someone comes in there well they can pay a little fee if they want to dump there and I don't know if Mike if you have any more on that uh those things those were the proposed fee fee changes for 2025 and we'll that's just a your first look at them and then we will have the oh I got I ask you to set the public hearing January 2nd is it yep think is our next one January 2nd 610 yep so we just need a motion to set that upov uh any further discussions um favor I oppos passes 5 z0 we're going to move Tyler to F because that should have been F we'll dump the E the arpa dollars Brian Mo yes ah the arpa dollars okay so are spending at the uh 11:21 no yeah 11:21 meeting and then proposed spending to spend up the dollars that we have um looking at doing LED fixtures so that'll that'll have a payback of course because that's going to be Energy savings over over time uh plus our our old lights are terrible half most of us sit there with lights off because they just beat down on you so we're looking for an indirect lighting fixture um and that's going to run about $8,000 there's a whole bunch of them out in the police department as well so all the 2x4 light fixtures that you see in the building both sides are proposed to be replaced with this um and then with our new flooring in here and then we're going to paint an accent strip down below we'd like to replace the blinds in here they're they're old and ugly and smelly and dirty and and so that's the that's the the blind quote there the $5,200 and again I need to get one more quote I haven't gotten that yet I I can't get the other place that I called to call me back but um but this would be worst case scenario again spending um and then the cameras um at the last meeting we talked about uh the possibility of changing out cameras at the brush site and it was discussed that you'd like me to go back and look at what it would cost to do cameras for the the library and the park one over here in the library to kind of capture the rest of the area and in light of our just recent vandalism over there um and then also one on the pole down by Kids Kingdom in the park uh we would do a a four camera what's it's one camera but it's got four lenses and you point them the directions you want to so you cover the whole area but it's got a little better zooming capability than the U the fishe lenses that we have on the corners out here um along with that um I got speaking to the the gentleman from Grove security and and he suggested we shoot the Wi-Fi from this building over to the camera at the library because the backbone is here he said it'll be a lot smoother work a lot better that way um so that was a little over $1,000 and then I asked him about the well can we shoot Wi-Fi at the bridge too we can't put an antenna on the outside of the bridge U but he said well if we tuck one it's just a small antenna inside the bridge kind of behind one of the Cross columns or or the the structure he said we can shoot it right there and the reason that is important is we pay $35 a month for a carriage point there now that we will no longer have to pay for so it's going to be a little bit of time to pay a couple years to pay back the roughly a th000 bucks or a little more but we can use that Carriage point on the pole for the U um down by Kids Kingdom um because we can't shoot Wi-Fi through the trees they'll go miles you can shoot it for Miles if it's uninterrupted um so anyway so we'll save 35 bucks a month we'll have Wi-Fi both places cameras down there and here which I think is important um you know we've already had issues with that bathroom up there um and to be able to keep an eye on Kids Kingdom we'll have enough range we can see some things in the parking lot I know the police have had some issues with some smashing grab things in cars that have been parked there um we'll be able to get at least a visual on vehicles coming in there I we won't be able to get faces that far away probably but um they're good cameras but they're not cheap uh and and what I'm asking for on here is the difference between the 18,000 year approved people at the last meeting and what these the actual cost came back at at 22 roughly 22,300 that also includes 10year licenses for the cameras so for 10 years we have to do nothing other than you know if something goes wrong with them they come out fix it or replace it we've already had I think one replaced because the housing leaked and it got wet and um so it's expensive but it is the system that was chosen by a committee technology committee who looked at cameras three years ago or whatever it was um and then the system can be that's why we chose this one we can grow the system and it's got some of the features that U make them more usable you know it's been talked about expanding to downtown at some point um maybe getting some license plate recognition ones at different places so over the years we can expand more into this system but so that's um that and then I threw in here some miscellaneous technology um a little bit of productivity stuff for myself and the staff um but that can be tossed out depending on where we end up with the dollars here um and then we got talking about a large format scanner uh because we've got a ton of plans back here and um every time we do a road project um the engineer and contract they want to see plans for those areas then we either s our plans with our city engineer to scan or I bring them down to France Repro um and have them scan down there uh so we thought well let's look at lease or buying a large format scanner I put 5,000 in here I'm a little shy as I work through it a lease would be 9,000 and a purchase would be about 8,000 uh so it's a little bit more so whether we can fit it in here I'm not sure depending on how some second Quotes come out plus we did pad some of these numbers a little bit to have a little bit of room round it up uh so there are some extra dollars but I don't know if there's that much extra dollars but what I'd like Council to do is approve an amount that's over what we were allocated uh knowing that we're going to whittle it back from that amount we're not going to spend more than you authorize us to spend um which would be the the full allotment of the the arpa dollars unless you direct us to move forward with say the scanner and we'll we'll pay the extra $4,000 out of whatever other fund that Kim magically comes up with um so yeah that's the ask is it's a little bit over I know it's over uh but there's some fluff in there at different places and um we just want to make sure we're able to use all the dollars and we won not come down to the last second here because this is my last chance to get any approvals from you on uh on on what we can spend and what we can spend it on um from here I can go work on a couple of more quotes that'll less if they're not then this will be worth so if that makes sense I think it's good we stuck to our to approve the full amount of arpa dollars well I'd like a motion to approve what's presented here oh um and no but then then not to exceed yeah if if we do want to exceed we'll bring it back after the first of the year but at least I've got the leeway to sign contracts and obligate the dollars before before the end of the year which which we have to do um you know I won't obligate us to anything more than what we have allocated okay if that makes sense kind of um uh that's I think that's fine um I'll make that motion I'll second that any further discussions all in favor I oppose passes 500 thanks Brian and City staff on getting those quotes and stuff I will jump to uh 7f Ty officer Tyler evanson's reservation um we kind of knew it was in the works but I know he got I actually rode along with him was it last Tuesday no last Thursday for three three and a half hours and we kind of talked about that I don't know why he wants to go to International Falls versus umoda but he's closer to his fiance so I understand that but uh I know uh when Tyler came he was a little green and he's blossomed to a uh pretty good officer so I'm proud of you excited for your new adventure and uh this is just his oranization uh that he's going to go work for State Patrol and I hope you get beat up at boot camp he said he's got it for three months at R like oh man why did you want to do that so good luck to you but we'll miss you yeah he's been congratulations yeah congratulations we'll miss you Tyler I just need a motion to uh well I'm not making it I told them I said what if we don't let you go well I'll make that motion to uh approve his rization not that I want to but it's good for him so yeah it is it it is all in favor I oppos passes 5 than Tyler uh we will jump to reports I am going to do it a little bit different cuz I have a couple of thank you used to do um first is Sarah Sarah got I think we uh take that out of the thing um serve uh Sarah served the council from 2009 to 2024 um Sarah has served on the zumber city council for the past 16 years we will miss her um probably more than you guys because I've worked with her the longest uh she is the uh longest tendered council member with we're losing a lot of experience on that she has acknowledged on how and why things were handled in the past and we will miss that uh inherited knowledge thank you Sarah for all your years of service for our community you can be very proud of the things you can be very proud of the things that you have accomplished during your time as a city council member over the years Sarah has been on Council Li Asian serving on the LI Library board streets and sidewalks Planning Commission acting mayor Eda I mean and I know Sarah has really helped me out grow as council member and now mayor and she still kind of keeps me in line on a few things hey can't do that got to do this so uh I know city is um brotto is going to uh Miss uh Sarah on Council um your knowledge and kind of keeping City staff and myself and other membersy we can't do that we should do that or think that so um I appreciate it and we will be met oh that's so nice and then I got one more see Matt Rocky I'll come to you you can sit right there Matt's been with the city since 1997 as mat for as the City attorney from 1997 to 2024 mat have served as a city of zro to City attorney for the past 27 years we will miss map he and the rockney family have been involved in the city government for many years two Mayors in the family and three City attorneys U Matt is always available when we needed him often taking work home at night vacation uh so he can provide guidance to us first thing in the morning it is going to be a big change for the city of zota to someone other than the rockney as a City attorney everybody knows rockney he's been around we've thrown out between 70 in 100 years but uh everybody knows the Rockne uh Matt I am sure we will be still be calling you once in a while uh with questions cuz Mike will be on vacation no I just added that and have more knowledge of City Ordnance and Zodi ordinances here in zambro than anyone else thank you Matt for the for your years of service to the city of zambro and I know the rocky will be missed so here's a little token I kind of was impressed by this yeah I won't even take it out but here's a little black Rockne for the City attorney for years so that's my reports and I didn't even get two TI eyes so even better Brian you have anything else to add to that yeah just an update on the pool um we're working on design we've had the our first design meeting um to answer a bunch of questions on on the pool design we're working on um fitting the climbing walls in there we spent quite a bit of money on those climbing walls so we want to incorporate those in there so the pool footprint might change just a little bit uh we ran into some space issues um possibly uh they're they're taking a look at the the actual wall that we have to see if the space clearances requirements are a little different than what they had in there but um and you know we talked about the type of building and and the spaces within the building and storage we had an old lifeguard with us but not an old lifeguard uh I don't want to call it old a former lifeguard and yeah so there was H quite a bit of discussion on what lifeguards need for storage and things like that so uh yeah it's it's moving along and and we're still working on different efforts to raise the rest of the 1.6 million I think we're getting close to 400,000 now raised um BFW is going to be doing a pancake feed um Todd's working on uh putting together a comedy night in February or somewhere in there uh we have a few more ideas as well and and uh the committee is going to start getting out and and visit uh bigger businesses uh just to talk about the benefit of the pool and and see if we can get some more help we got a little ways to go but we're hopeful still that we can get there by Spring and get this thing rolling before we counter any more inflation so that it I think that's it yeah perfect Matt do you want to do any more reports on your last one well I told Brian that well my memor is maybe not quite still be available for I feel like I'm I'm now uh stepping in the roll of like the old Jim wedge thanks ma'am thanks ma officer Tyler you have anything to add not a whole lot no regretful that I'm leaving but it's a good opportunity and taking advantage of going out north a lot of snow and trees step in my career and grateful for all the opportunities perfect you'll be missed thanks Tyler Kim you have anything Mike I just want to January I've got proposals for so every other sounds good thanks Mike Sarah your last report oh uh I just am am grateful for uh that I was able to serve the community like I have for so long and and the friendships and um just learned a lot and uh I will miss it I'm sure but it's okay to have a break so thank you everybody thanks Joan I'm gonna miss you Sarah and thank you for all the years that you're still gonna come and see me on Thursday to find that you you gave to the city very nice Kevin nothing tonight mayor meeting adjourned good