##VIDEO ID:uRj9mfnDGzI## this conference will now be recorded milin is good Milan's actually got a little bit better wear layer than the alabin I got 6:00 we'll call the meet in order we'll start the pledge allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I don't believe we have any amendments so I just need approval adoption of the agenda any further discussions all in favor I oppos passes 40 uh review the regular meeting minutes from September 19 I'll make a motion to approve this September 19 minutes second uh any further discussions all in favor I oppose passes 4 uh count payable Sarah there's quite a few to call out it's kind of a busy month um let's see I should have put my glasses on um 756 that is a pay request 7 for Mill six um 762 another pay request for whks and then if we go down a little bit further there's three in a row 765 766 and 6 768 I'll pay requests for shoe marer for East 9th 9th Street and um the final pay request for Jeff so that's good everything else is probably routine there's no questions I'll make a motion to approve the accounts payable in the amount of $76,900 any further discussions on counts fa uh all in favor oppos passes 400 thanks Sarah Let's uh open public comment portions individuals may address the city council about any item of concern speakers must State their name and limit the remarks to five minutes public comments Chief you got any public comments perfect I will close public comment portions and we will jump to 88a resolution 2024 34 adopting findings of fact and reasons for approval of a variant application by Seth freze construction Curtis yes this [Music] was this should have been the last meeting but it was a mistake on my part not having it ready uh variance was granted by the Planning and Zoning uh commission from a public hearing held on September 10th the variance was then brought to the uh city council meeting on September 19th and was passed by a vote of 500 which led to this resolution which is resolution 20 24-34 and as you can see here and Seth frees looking for uh variance for a rear yard setback stemming from the public hearing and the city council approval the Planning and Zoning commission is seeking approval of resolution 202 24-34 which is a variance located at 966 Gulf U Avenue for the rear yard setback I guess I'd make a motion to approve resolution 2024 34 second any further discussions uh we will do roll call Sarah Kevin I I I passes 4 z z thanks Kurt let's jump to 8 me safe built presentation Kur that's me yeah so on September 24th which was last week uh Brian Mr gruda Mr Olsen and myself had a meeting with safebuilt now safebuilt is the company that we use which used to be called mpect and they Chang their name uh safe build members senior account manager Alan Green was here as as long as well as our building official his name is Kade pson was with he's the man who will go out and do the actual inspections around town so he's going to be he does a very good job there's obviously in his situation there's going to be some people who aren't happy because he enforces permits uh services that safe build provides the city of zambro are going to be building official Services inspections Plan reviews and code enforcement and I don't have numbers to uh give you to correlate with another year but this up to this point and there I think there's a typo in the original memo I gave you since May 1st there's been 138 permits issued 172 have been completed and 146 inspections have passed at a rate of almost 85% of the 138 permits that were issued 123 were residential with an 85.71% of uh pass rate and there were 15 commercial is 77.8 % pass rate and attached to your agenda or excuse me your packet you'll see there are numerous uh graphs showing the information that up to this point and like I said I don't have anything to compare it to because CMS never gave us anything like this um but in future in the future I will but they're very thorough with their the work they do and I can't tell you why they change their name do you know Brian it is bought out by a national safe built is a national company a minspect was started by Scott Kali up in the city somewhere okay and they safe built bought him out and then he retired and safe built uh just pulled the whole thing under one name you they are very quick uh they they get permits issued very fast uh the workflow that we do as a staff uh we go through and get information and uh we approve such things like zoning and Michael improve or get to see Public Works information uh so it's it's going I would say it's going very well at this point so it's just information for you guys to take a look at and then I just want to say um you know the pass rate there what I liked what they said was there's coaching that goes along with that yes there's some that don't pass but they're coaching along the way and and helping work through things so so you know and inspections are going to pass at some point there might have to be a second inspection or things like that but uh but what I was really looking for with an inspector and a company was that coaching and that helping out now we had that before as well but um they're really really thorough very knowledgeable Kate is very knowledgeable very smart um does a nice job um as always there's Growing Pains you know there's very few complaints uh but you know there's always a couple here and there but um yeah Al there's a whole lot of information in that packet we just broke it down to basically permits issued Kurt did and but yeah there's other things you can look at there and we'll try to do this uh I think we meet with them quarterly we'll probably bring it to you guys maybe twice a year just for updates on on where we're at with permits and and whatever answer whatever questions you might have any questions recurred on that perfect we move on to the next one uh eight C 9th Street East cha pay request Brian yes um this is pay request number one for the Champa Edition um when we went this route with them we were adamant that we want to keep things as separate as possible uh therefore we have separate pay requests um we have the esro check from the champas that money is in Municipal reserve and we move money from municipal Reserve um as these pay requests come in to to pay for that portion of the uh well the development um so it's completely separate completely transparent from the the money spent on the ninth Street project excuse me uh I'll make a motion to approve pay request number one EXC question not de with this but do we have a drawing from whks or a plat or whatever we need of the Champa property yes have we seen that uh no I don't think Council has count oh Kurt's gone oh you could answer that um it was approved at at planning was it not the the plat for the Champa or is that on the next agenda I is that on the next public hearing for so that might be next week at the Planning Commission meeting okay so it's moving along um but that part is we'll get here next week there was yep there was a concept plan showing seven Lots um that had been had been out there doing six right there seven still I I think they went with seven did they not yeah because they it was going to be six originally and then they they rethought the the area and decided to do seven but yeah that will be at the the Planning Commission on on Thursday it's really just uh yeah right now it's moving dirt so yep good question though what happened there's a bunch of sheriff and police over at the library yeah we'll keep you update on that that's a good question you'll see it soon sorry no that was a question so have we voted I got first and second first and second okay all in favor oppos passes 4 z z thanks Brian uh let's do um 8D Ninth Street East pay request Brian pay request number two recommending approval I'll make a motion to approve pay request number two any further discussions all in favor I oppose passes 4 let's do 8e mil and Sixth Street pay request yeah pay request number seven um things are moving along I I see that and Mike maybe be able to give a little bit of update on that too but it looks like they're rocking the rest to the uh their final grading anyway and then maybe rocking tomorrow or whenever uh for the rest of Sixth Street they got done with there was a whole Confluence of water hookups in one spot there so it took him a little while but yeah it's moving along have they got curb all the way up Mike from Mill to Jefferson okay I haven't been up there I know I got it down I'll make a motion to approve pay request number seven any further discussions all in favor I oppose passes 4 z uh 8f Jefferson pay request final yes the final pay request for Jefferson so the construction bid price for Jefferson project was 5,119 45651 uh the final construction cost ended up being 5,8 8 2,763 187 so $ 36,6 n264 under bid and this whole thing was estimated around six million originally so did pretty well on it I think it looks nice uh um as part of the grant agreement mindat has reviewed the project and accepted it so acceptance tonight by the council will start the two-year maintenance period what is said maintenance include uh anything that Mike can you help me answer the the maintenance period on on on a road project I guess on a regular when we do we don't have two years on city streets but the year I would assume that know's failures did they do an in a crack seal at all at within that two years or we'll do a crack sale within years okay one thing that I'm going to bring out that I've had people comment is striping it with it parking and no parking and where're passing and it kind of gets out so that's something I think at some point we might want to revisit that issue but I've had three or four people two of them are truckers that come in there it's just tough cuz some people when they're driving down and they're parking here they don't get over put it to the curb so I said it's new we'll talk about it go from there so um that's my two cents on that I'll make a motion to approve approve pay request number 12 for Jefferson any further discussions all in favor I opposed passes 400 G resolution 202 2435 providing steps for part-time officer Chief Callahan so you have a resolution in front of you in regards to uh providing uh pay steps for the part- timr this is a um something that's probably been long coming um so far we've always paid at the pay uh level one for all part- timr no matter how long they've been here and we certainly have some that um have been here had worked for us quite a lot and for many years and so we we uh figured out a metric that would work to provide those steps based on hours per year um getting to a certain level and then they could get a a step increase and uh that was something that the union had reviewed and found acceptable as well and I think it would be a good way to help retain part-time staff um and potentially you know if needed uh find other part- timers that would like to work for us if possible um but I think it's just something that I think would be very beneficial to them um as they do the same work that we do and have the same experience and uh conserve the community just as well you roughly know what that will do to the part-time budget how much that would raise it you have an estimate I know that was looked at but um yeah it was not a whole lot of impact we don't have a ton of part-time anyway um it's very helpful when it's absolutely needed and you know I there are times where we really truly need it um so but I it it didn't really seem to have much of an impact on that budget we hardly used the budget already this year so yeah Kim and I talked about it quite a bit too and uh yeah we both felt that yeah let's let's try and go this way see if it helps see if it helps retain helps us recruit when we need them uh as you know there's a problem getting part-time officers when we need them uh for various reasons but this might be a little bit more of a hey you know what maybe I'll go do a part-time shift in zro r in somewhere else um so the the negligible cost that comes with it is is worth it in our opinion I'm sorry I don't have numbers actual numbers for you but we're not going to blow up any budgets with it no any further discussions we'll do roll call S hi Bob hi Kevin hi and I I passes 4 Z thanks Chief uh County canidates agreement uh Brian uh yep uh during the July 18th council meeting we chose to delegate our registration authority to the county um and this is the agreement that uh the communities that uh chose the delegation U or being asked to sign um I asked Matt to review it um you know and it looks looks pretty good um still allows us to determine reasonable time place and manner of restrictions as well as set the number of licenses um which is something that we need to get to work on as well our cannabis ordinance um but we're recommending approval of the of the county cannabis agreement and again this carries with it to uh an out at any point if we want to regulate it go back out take it ourselves I'll make a motion to approve the county cannabis agreement second any further discussions all in favor I oppose passes 4 z z you have to Upstate that on that can no okay perfect I didn't know never mind 8i police City Hall council chambers common area flooring Brian yep we uh took bids for this a while back um bids that came in from carpet 1 32 32140 um and then Hiller was 41388 73 uh now we looked at a little bit different flooring um um with Carpet One asking some more questions um as to what it included we wanted to look at one of the tiles which is is the the lighter one down there um because we had talked about doing that over on the police side we were going to stick with the the wood plank on the on the city hall side um so the the tiles carry with it a little bit more money um and so that's why I gave the number on here increases it to 35,9 7140 if we go with the most expensive tile on both sides or no on just the police side um so I decided to ask for not to exceed number just in case there's any anything that we missed on there um of $38,000 um it won't go over that um confident but um so if we have the dollars approved then we can continue to talk about colors and and style I've been working with Bob quite a bit um he's had all the specs uh for each of the the flooring and and said they all look pretty good um you know this will we will probably end up doing some different Furniture in the police side with the right casters around that table I'm assuming Bob that there's casters that you want to use on a hard floor rather than the ones you use on a carp but no casters no casters sled based chairs for for the police L I know that's not real practical yeah well office chairs will have to have casters but you know maybe we could put down a plastic they make the plastic things for hard floors too so but we we'll cross that bridge when we get there um but yeah we're looking at you know the city hall side when we talked about it staff had talked about it um Brandon we were looking at sticking with that look at that today this is a little lighter than we were hoping to have think not matter to me in the near future anyway yeah look fine yeah I mean then we're consistent all the way through and it's it's durable that's not quite this is not quite as no this is not quite as durable as this it's real close the the the plank has a 20 mil finish and I believe the uh I know the other planks and the milic are 22 mil just little bit little bit and then but then the laying of these is harder those are a little bit more challenging um they're not always absolutely Square so you can get slight gapping in them and it all depends on the color you put a lighter floor in like that you'll get a more of a dark line you put a darker color in there you don't see it as well you do the plankings and you don't see your joints really at all and that's homeier too and this the plank I would agree warmer and it does it matches things pretty well you know they'll be new base with it things like that I believe yes that's included in there yeah um and then the carpets I'm not a huge fan of any of them but the middle one is the best oh that was the one nobody lik the plank even though it the other the two outside ones are the coldest yeah that would really CG it looks blue to [Music] me a little yeah so we can but again we can continue to discuss that if we get the dollars improved then we'll narrow it down and keep discussing what flooing we actually want for carpet any of these will give the the more interest than the straight know this stuff it will it will change the look of it and modernize it quite a bit I think it's ugly but okay but it might be better too if you get a bigger chunk of it laid out versus just one time yes because it the one thing you'll you'll get you're concentrating on the pattern and once you get more of them put in you won't see the pattern doesn't jump out you at so at you so much Blends it diffuses itself it looks like to me like a computer generated image image and I don't like it at all I don't know it's you see it in a big room yep it's not like that it really diffuses itself okay this Comm to me it just looks super cheap and it's gon to make this room look cheaper but I'm just saying my honest opinion it's cheap no but I mean this carpet because of the pile of it just really is Rich looking and I don't think that is is all I'm saying well that's this one this one got a little heavier pile isn't it but it's hideous that looks like a rug like an outdoor like a rug that I have on the floor in the liquor store I don't like that mates wez I almost called you Brad would be the first I'm sure that happen yeah anyway looking for the the approval on the on the dollars tonight we can continue to discuss um colors colors okay you guys want to see I get but are we all on the same page of the planking so if we can at least start going ahead with that in the in the in the the police station and or city hall or the city officer yeah I mean we're staff is all on board with that you know if we do the planking we really don't need to approve up to the 38 does that include the tile look too I guess it really doesn't matter a whole lot it's just yes but I anticipated the uh maybe we should look at different carpets um from the last time we talked about this um yeah because really the 30 36,000 was with the tile yeah um and I put 38 as a request just because if we don't like any of these and we get another book in here and it's a little more expensive we're still we're still there I make a motion to approve the flooring in the amount of not to exceed 38,000 is that how you say that I don't know I'll second that and Bobby you're okay with all what you see and stuff like that I know you looked a lot that with these products here they'll do fine um I know the Aladdin one I kind of like the milikin a little bit better that's my personal preference um they're both going to perform though okay perfect we got a first and second all in favor faor I I oppos fastest for z0 thanks Brian uh this go to wastewater treatment facility new computer Mike James turn the mic on just does Brian can help me out on this life computer out at theop or uh the plant uh so as recommended replacement and this is the quote from uh Mike Bo at um on-site computers does this include them setting it up and making sure it's working for them yeah everything is is in here um Microsoft home business yep yeah the setup is is all part of this um actually you know setup is kind of included in our contract anyway up okay I'll make motion to approve the new computer at the wastewater treatment plant second any further discussions all in favor I oppos passes 4 Z thanks Mike and and one note I've got the crossed off one in here because I have the updated quote now so when we sign is got the actual because I had to cross off because they had tax on here so I think that's the one that was in there without tax yeah yeah you got the one without ta perfect uh 8K new police officer H Chief Kelly so a couple of weeks ago uh we had conducted interviews and uh after the interviews we did have a candidate that we uh offered a job to who uh great uh he accepted that readily that offer uh so Tony bre um is uh the osed candidate for police officer and he is uh going through the background process um he completed his psych already that's done and completed uh he has his physical coming up Monday and hopefully we'll near the end of next week we'll have the results of the background which I don't anticipate there being any surprises and the same service had backgrounded him before um within a year the past year so it should be something readily fast um but uh so he is the candidate that we anticipate hiring and we figured we'd get it on the agenda so that uh in case he does start before the next council meeting you already kind of have it heads up as to why so we do anticipate that as we proceed and he had worked in the area um and so he's known to our officers they been on calls together before uh so it' be a pretty seamless transition to bring them in so we're very glad to have the opportunity any further discussion all in favor I opposed passes for 0 thanks Chief uh 2024 2025 icing sand quote Mike y I have a quote from shoe markers for the sand for our icing and um so we're just replacing what we had last year 160 total ton we used and the price is 755 per ton this year and we'll haul it in ourselves I get it out early because I don't know when the county is going to start hauling and we like to haul it in at the same time as the county does so you remember what the T was last year mate it was more last year last year we didn't use any last year it was more last year was be minimal we didn't use any last year that's why the 160 ton is probably the least Demon I've ever ordered I make motion to approve that icing sand quote any further discussions all in favor I oppos passes 400 thanks Mike uh let's do one more 8m Z brm is up a homecoming parade request Mr gud yep um Cody tan brought this in a couple weeks ago um said that they want to have a a homecoming parade um that that goes on the roads not just around the the track um so I think that's a great idea I wanted to get in front of you because it's going to require some just uh blocking off of roads just very briefly uh to let the vehicles through and then it sounds like there's the different teams I asked my son if he was going to be there he said I think I'm in it so I think the different like baseball team's going to walk and different teams will walk in it as well so they'll just come out of the the parking lot on the West Avenue down to fifth up Fifth and then up Mill Street um and I Pat Chief kalan's been involved I know uh Scott Curtis will be on duty right um and he he knows about it so um I think we've got a handle on it um I will be presenting a a parade road closure permit um proposal that we would have a formal process and permit uh that that officer Sergeant pasquali put together so I'll bring that to the work session and then um we can move on that at the next Council meetings we've got something formal in place where there's formal check offs for Public Works police and Counsel on there so but this one's happening tomorrow so hopefully you're okay with it I'll make a motion to approve the homecoming pred route request any further discussions all in favor I oppose pass 4 z uh let's do reports Brian um I really don't have anything today what I know isn't that keep on going perfect sorry Matt I'll defer to James I thought our agreement was you were G to have a report I [Laughter] was James you want to report tonight yeah I do so we I've been working with Kevin Kish in the historical soci to digitize all editions of the record and we received $18,000 in grant money and also this KCK in $10,000 um so I'm pretty excited about that project that'll basically allow us to take old editions of newspaper digitize it up through right now we have it to about 1980 that in place um that allow people to really access old editions newspaper so um one of the nice things about that so we keep really old editions of the newspaper all the way back in April form but you know they're kind of brittle and you have to liit this allow people to access them the computer at home um one of the benefits we get a lot of genealogical requests all the time people like that but also you know when you guys were looking at researching the pool the history of that a little bit um be nice to be able to go online and do research so we're pretty excited about it and that's my report tonight thank you perfect thanks James how do you do that is that something you personally do or is there a company that comes in and scans we contracted out through the historical yeah so we um they pull microfilm they run it through a computer machine and they pull up all this stuff and then the other part that they do with it is um they make it searchable so they do optical character recognition what it's called um so then you can type in different things and find stuff so that's the real benefit of this project isn't just preservation actually Chief um today I was uh attended the chief's uh meeting here um and uh the captain for communications was uh talking more about our encryption and as you may recall earlier this year we had to buy a another radio to make sure that our all our mobile systems will be compatible um and so that we're as we approach the end of the year that's becoming closer to our reality um uh there's a few counties that have flipped the switch to fully encrypted systems and so the plan sounds like sometime in January um between January 1 January 27 they're going to flip the switch and scanner land won't hear us anymore oh really so we will be fully encrypted and there's apparently some even other Public Safety entities won't be able to to uh monitor those channels um so that's that's one of the uh requirements as far as the federal government is those are only for uh criminal justice agencies to to have an encrypted channel so we're going to be flipping that switch soon and uh a lot of people say that's their hobby yeah I I understand that so but there's that's one of the biggest pieces of news um that we've heard from our law enforcement partners and uh it's going to come so thanks Chief Mike I have two quick things uh I just wanted to say cover bridge festival did another great job this year I heard a lot of good feedbacks um the whole Holly Snider did a great job in her crew I just want to give them a shout out and then I also want to give a shout out which I think most people have heard or not a shout out but we did get approval for that uh work force course Housing Development Grant of just $3 million or just shy of $3 million so that's something that we'll have another big project uh in the works and that's all I have I'm going to jump in there there's yeah there's a lot of work to be done there yet as we know um you know we're going to have to do a lot of things uh a lot of site things uh um with Keller Bartman uh but we'll gear up and and get moving on that just as soon as I'm waiting for the packet of information and and all that uh to come from from the housing authority and so we can we can get moving and can I step in with one more too yeah I just thought of something do it well no I just was just thinking um so the campground uh pads uh the 10 10 of them are are proceeding uh I just wanted to give Mike and the public work staff a Pat in the back uh they're down there uh laying the the sewer and and doing some of that work themselves which is going to save a bunch of money of course we've got the expertise on staff uh I kind of said well you guys know how to do that and Mike said well that's what I've done for you I'm like oh that's right so so big pat on the back to those guys for for getting dirty down there and and and uh saving the parkboard probably quite a bit of money so so so thanks to thanks to all the guys I think they were all down there too thank you Sarah thank you B Kevin nothing tonight meeting ad Journey I have I have a question you know when they took my tree out