##VIDEO ID:uslHePc3z2w## this conference will now be recorded you got us thanks Kevin I just need the adoption to the agenda so move second any further discussions all in favor I I oppose passes 5 0 uh review the minutes from uh 9 to 4 of the north zum bro sanitary sewer district do we need a motion on it no we don't just look over that uh we'll jump to a number before I remove the minutes from our regular meeting from September 5th I'll make a motion to um put in the uh September 5th meetings I'll second minutes any further discussions all in favor I oppose passes 500 uh review the minutes from our work session from 911 Kim do you know if Miranda has ordered that brush sign yet I'm sorry what ordered that brush sign that we're going to put by VFW I believe Mike you yeah it has been ordered okay make a motion to approve the minutes for the September 11 work session they should be amended to say I was not present but that's the only I wasn't there make a motion to approve them with that in mind I'll second any discussions all in favor I oppose passes 5 good catch Kevin uh count payable Kevin not a whole lot of money being spent this time that's always good one thing to draw attention to is continued work on the water meter project item 80697 for $35,000 63068 just continued work on that one I would make a motion to approve the accounts payable on a total of $59,000 one16 I just have a quick question for Mike on the meters have we gotten all our meters yet I believe we have we talked about date when we're going to start installing that or is that all up to the uh contractor okay perfect the only question I had we have a first or motion and a second all in favor I oppose passes 5000 thanks Kevin we will open the public comment portions individuals may address the city Council about any item of concern speakers must State their name and limit the remarks to five minutes Dave Doan started Dave Doan Mr Mayor honorable City Council Members thanks for heing me today um 30 resident of Zoda my wife and I moved here in October uh 1994 um never left um built a house at 240 East 13th Street lived there for 29 years and then finally built our dream house out of Mulligan Drive um when we were building we ran out of money so we did not install our irrigation system and we recovered from that and have since installed the irrigation system um I dutifully happily and quickly purchased a second meter uh as recommended by City staff and have yet to find a plumber willing to install it so if there are any plumbers in room or listening online I would happily entertain a quote actually just come and do it and I'll pay you to install the meter um the second piece of this is that we have since found a leak in the system uh and so I've shut the system off um and I'm here tonight to plead my case and to respectfully request a dispensation on a portion of my water of the sewer bill from uh last month um um typically the sewer portion of our our bill basically when I went back and looked is $40 to $60 so we're heavy users uh regularly but this particular Bill the sewer uh portion is $295 and so I'm hoping to get a little relief so and again so I sat up there I was on Council I've been on Planning and Zoning I've been on currently on Eda if you need to Hash that out with staff that's fine if you want to give me an answer now that's fine either way just let me know how you'd like me to proceed uh two minutes and five seconds I to Dave called me on this topic here was it a week ago or so um do you know what your previous months were prior the water the sewer portion the sewer portion yeah it's 40 $40 to $60 and started my clock again um again if if there were a plumber that were willing to do this work and it's a small job right it's a small job I wouldn't even be here because I'd pay the water because the water was used the flip side is the service to the Sewer was not and that's kind of why I'm where I'm coming from so I'm not looking for any dispensation on the water portion just hoping to get a portion of the uh sewer backed off since it it didn't go to the sewer plant anyway you a leak your system was in your yard not going down correct yeah that's actually going into Tina's yard she she's appreciative of the leak because her grass is green in that spot so do you have a dollar figure that you're looking for yeah you know I'm going to leave that to you I mean I I'm certainly I'm just looking for a little relief you know I'm I'm certainly not advocating to have the 295 drop to 60 but if there was something y all could do I guess the water never went down the system so the city isn't really out anything um you paid for the water I'm happy happy to pay for the water not happy there was a service that wasn't didn't provide a service correct for that I guess I'm I'm good with a reduction of that Bild to some extent kind of that might be let's say take us the $60 and and it off yeah his normal sewer bill and the only question that we talked about Dave or Council that I've talked to a couple times that I don't want to set a presidents but it's also a new service now you get somebody like me that has a service has been in the ground for 15 years mistakes happen sort of mistakes happen on Dave's issue so that's why I would be leaning towards giving him a refund of some sort because it's a new system it's something new that he's fixed he's corrected and he hasn't gotten other meter so I mean if somebody has a dollar amount that or opinion or do you want to talk about it do more research talk to City staff we can do that too whatever Council wants I mean if you want to take care of this now I don't care either way I mean I mean if we if we can make a make a get it done and move on that $235 would have be been on your bill anyway if you had the second meter and Sal um so I guess meter sitting in my in my C room at home on the floor right and I I will be understanding that if that was there that $235 wouldn't be on the bill right then I guess I would I would say I'd make a motion to reduce that bill by $235 back to what normally yeah I'd second that any further discussion so it's a motion in a second on 235 refund for a onetime understood on a problem that he didn't have the second meter so uh all in favor I oppose passes 5 Z thank you you check right now any more public comments Paul grab that mic thank you so I think I know know most of you here I live at the top of 805 Warren Avenue I uh built the house there back I started Mark uh in the summer of 2003 moved in March of 2004 at that time when I was laying it out in the driveway I worked with um Rick lman who was a public works director at that time and he had consulted with the city engineer in terms of what should be done with my driveway all right they said here's where we want you to cut the edge of the street pour the driveway right up to it it's all good 2008 City came along redid All of Warren Avenue and up around to the dead end um after that you know we started having some water issues all the water from the top end of Warren slopes and headed right to my driveway the curb that was put in was pitched back toward my property so the water never flowed properly after the street was done as a result of that over the years all the water was hitting my retaining wall and it took out one end of the retaining wall so you know it was time to kind of address it redo the driveway and all these things so I consulted with Jak crud who's doing a number of the curtain curb and gutter projects for the city as Mill and and six are going on here and I had him up to take a take a look at he said well what we should do is you should really have a drive over curb here to control the water we need to replace a short section of the curb to get the curb pitched the correct way so the water runs down Warren Avenue and we don't have an issue um I know I've I've had a few people up uh Bob's been up and take a look at it mayor Hamill's been up uh City staff Mike Olsen Larry seor they've been up and took a look at it and so forth um so I know a number of you are familiar with kind of what we're doing here um so we went ahead replaced the driveway put in the drive over curb cost of the the curbing was $1,200 okay and that's that's really what I'm after is I'd like to be you know compensated for that $1,200 that has corrected um this water issue that was not there when I built but was a result of when the road was redone and the negative pitch curb that created Created part of this issue so that's what I'm after um you want I had my daughter take some pictures in the video during this heavy rain tonight send it to me as I was driving home from work and uh the water is beautifully flowing down Warren Avenue so I mean a couple things I went up there I think Bob was up there uh Brian and I went up and looked Mike you've been up there and looked at it I believe what's your opinion on the whole situation well um part of it was that if there was going to be anything done during that construction that was an assessed portion so I look back at the plans on Warren and Warren plans said protect the C driveway so the neighbor across the road at the time was John heci he was he wanted curve on there so he ended up and a portion of his a driveway the road from you yeah yeah the corner he's on the corner keep in mind all the water flows the exact opposite way so I guess just I mean I would assume that it would be assessed because it was that that wasn't occurred before when they redid that that's why the neighbor was everybody curbed up there or did everybody pay for the curb then up there that was the only assessed portion of Cur up there was across the street otherwise it was Cur there's no there's no curb on the south side that goes up to the dead end and there's only curb on the North side up so far to what was John quas and when I when I built the home prior to road construction four years prior to we didn't have a problem after the road was redone that's when we had the problem you know I I did exactly what city and engineer wanted to do at the time that was my question was it before or after you built it and you've answered that so I'm not opposed to giving him 1,200 because it wasn't you can tell that it wasn't right and and then when I was up the water all runs to Paul's prop I mean it all comes to there and goes down the retaining wall um I don't guess what was done differently at that pointed that water that way it's been it's been 17 years so my memory of that is for that but I guess I think this is probably more of a procedural question like Mike said and that is when we replace something we put back what was there so if there was no curb we don't put curb back excuse me if there wasn't if there was curb we put it back so as Mike mentioned the neighbors across the street want a curb uh so they they paid for that um Brian did ask me to go look at it but only just recently so I have not been up there myself but this I don't doubt the drainage problem at all uh it's I think it's probably more of a question about you know what's our practice been on putting cban somewhere that wasn't curbed so but at the end of the day I think this is a probably more of a c as much of a political decision as a as it is an engineering decision or a drainage decision and the question one of the questions I had on I was meeting with Paul is there's no catch Basin up there I mean normally when they have run off there's a catch Basin that runs the water and there's not so it literally goes to the corner and goes the legality the curb and gutter I guess that is something well I understand that but there's a curb there before he fixed it there was a curb there go up in that corner it just didn't go up to your driveway up to the driveway but is negatively pitched back so when all the water comes down the dead end if if you look up the dead end of Warren to where Wilkinson's are and so forth all the water slopes this way and it all comes right to the right to that corner Y and again before the road was redone there wasn't a problem but after the road was redone over the years it just you get a heavy rain like tonight it gushed down and I guarantee if you ask Steve Henri he had water in the basement in the house I grew up in because all that water would chuck down that way and that REM Howard I think is the one that lives next to you and he does have Curb to that side when was that installed Mike do you know when that curb on Howard's would that have been 17 years ago so 2008 was 2008 so that very Southeast section of Warren that you're talking about where it's pitched down when before they did that was there any curb there what was that before they that got installed yeah that was it was redone and then after it was redone that there's about a 5 foot section you can look at it in different places actually so there's about a 5 foot section that was negatively sloped to my property then you go down a little further between A's and rockney and it's actually pitch back this way too it's always pulled at the end of A's driveway so I mean it's there's multiple but once there's enough water flowing then she Chucks all the way down and you finally get down to the storm sewers at the bottom of Warren so the pitch was already on that concrete before they redid the road or that was a new addition after the road was redone yeah I didn't have a problem before the road was redone information or is it something we want to make an action now I'm still hesitant to pay money to it because of the assessment side of it where everyone else who has curb and gutter had to pay for it when it gets installed um there seems to be a little bit of a planning aspect of that pitched thing that caused a problem but I don't think I'm not sure that the whole amount because everybody else has to pay for it when they get theirs installed have you been I've seen the pictures I haven't gone we had a council last week or last Council I I get what you're saying about paying for the portion of it was going to be assessed and and the portion what I don't like is the fact that the water was running down on his property from the street which that shouldn't happen and it wasn't that way before the road was done yeah so I mean it's a bit of a unique situation let's let's do that we'll push it to the next work discussion which we're doing I think uh 10 G will start so we'll we'll move it to there so maybe a little more history on it stuff like that I feel moreable so I think that's what we'll do Paul we'll put it on a work discussion again just to get I think we're doing one November 11th I think is the next one is that the next one Ken no there's one in October October then agenda G is making sure we set them didn't no I got a November 13th but yeah we'll discuss it Paul and we'll get back to you and go from there thanks Paul thank you for coming any more public comment portions I will close the public uh comment portion and we'll jump to uh 9A uh unfinished business resolution 2024 32 approving the proposed budget Levy collection Miss Kim all right you guys we've got this in front of us quite a long time um the council decided to go with an 8% Levy with the understanding that we will be adjusting um as we have discussed and we know we can't go higher after the initial Levy set so I would anticipate there will be some moving around of funds within line you always have the ability to move things within line items in the budget um if you say say um you think there's too much in office supplies in admin you can put it you can take it away or put it in something I mean that is that's your directive but we have to stay within those parameters that are set um so that is our preliminary Levy is $2,839 and $839,900 which is an 8% increase from 2024 and there will be as you will see um there will be a public hearing and a uh vote to accept the final budget in December correct make a motion to approve the total lby 23992 second any further discussions I know we've talked about the budget for couple days I mean mon couple days all in favor do we have to do a roll call you're correct uh Sarah oh it's for resolution okay I Bob Joan Kevin I I passes 500 Z thanks Kim Let's jump to uh 10A new business uh 966 Golf View Curtis thank mayor no uh planning zoning commission held a public hearing on September 10th uh 2024 uh Seth frees construction has applied for a variance for encroachment to the rear yard setback of that parcel of land at 966 G VI Avenue which you have a map in front of you uh you can as you can see it's a corner lot it's a regular shaped lot and all setbacks were acceptable except for the rear yard setback the AL other map you have is the uh engineering sketch of the actual home where it's going on the on the parcel the ordinance allows for rear rear yard sitb back of 35 ft uh the plans for the new home call for a rear yard setback of 26 feet 10 and 38 in the home is arranged in a direction due to drainage issues on the lot so when you're out there you'll see that there's a hill that runs from the north to the South and it's mainly on the right side of that lot so this house will sit on top of that elevation um what else say stemming from the public hearing and there were two people there after everybody within 350 fet got a letter uh the Planning and Zoning commission recommends granting the variant to Seth freeze construction by a vote of five z a couple of topics it's an irregular shaped lot the drainage issues uh we did look there was a uh we did Grant a variance to Tina Hoster back in May of 2021 for her irre regular shaped lot which she end up not staying on that lot but was granted by the Planning and Zoning uh commission so we're looking for um a second to that variance Council you have any questions on that I know I had the Builder reach out to me on that kind of the same thing and I sent them to Kurt Andor Planning and Zoning it is a goofy lot abnormal lot bottom of the hill and I told him to go through the the direction of planning and zoning and that's the way he did and I guess Planning and Zoning they vote that 5 that neighbor that's adjacent to that lot have anything to say about it or the neighbor to the west yes yeah he called was interesting because he got his letter and he was against it but a lot of people don't understand setbacks so he thought that we were going to take 8 ft of his yard away oh no so once I explained that actually with this you will your neighbor won't be as close to you and he was for once I got to talk to him so it's not a side yard set back right okay good okay because if it was you know directed another way he'd only have like may possibly six feet away so like the other one is on the other side yeah yeah he'd be a lot closer so so that was the only one person I talked to on the phone and like I said at the public hearing there were two people there one was the builder I think the other one was I believe the person who's building the house I'll make a motion to approve that I know there's some circumstances with this lock and the biggest one for me is the drainage um but and I think I've said this before but we've got to keep on top of these subdivisions so this doesn't happen and I know given variances on this subdivision before and I know it's not an easy thing to do but and I don't know exactly how to do it that comes down toing and reviewing his plans first but this is a third or fourth Journey we given because the lots are odd sized in this development I think something to beware I think part of it too is trying to get the most Lots you can out of this to meet our ordinance requirements so that makes some weird figures and then when it comes to time to build the house like oh we can't those are things that should be looked at first but I know it's hard to catch all that it's just you know then I take a look at the lot this lot is actually bigger than the lot on the up opposite side you could change the house a little bit to to meet the requirements I guess but yeah we discussed that that was discussed oh yeah and that's what I talked to Builder I said is there any chance of making it smaller obviously the Builder said no because it's not as big as house want to I get that waiting for a second oh you no I already second sorry we had more discussion in between uh all in favor I oppose passes 500 thanks Kurt uh let's do 10B toward zero death presentation Corporal Justin I think is his title now right yes good evening um not BL away um mayor and members of the council my name is Jessica Sade and I am the goodu county toward zero death also known as tzd safe roads Grant coordinator um I've been here many times and I am we are back to um provide our annual update on the tzd program uh Corporal wall with Sheriff's Office um obviously was in zro just a few months ago um so back here glad to be in front of the council again and see some fresh or old faces again so glad to be here so a little review the tzd vision is to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on Minnesota roads to zero and the tzd mission explains how we plan to do just that so our mission is to create a culture of which traffic fatalities and serious injuries are no longer acceptable through the integrated application of Education engineering enforcement and emergency medical and Trauma services and that is called the four e working together some oh sorry some of the key accomplishments of the Statewide tzd program have been a Statewide seat belt um use rate of 94.2% passage of stronger Traffic Safety policies related to seat Bel use texting while driving ignition interlock impaired driving and speeding in work zones a Statewide trauma system enabling 98% of motans to reach a trauma hospital within 60 minutes and then also implementation of lowcost high benefit strategies for intersections and Lane departure crashes on State and local roads and corpal will talk a little bit more about how we work together and some of the enforcement part sure um obviously we work together with you know our communities with you know Jessica side with the community outreach and then also we use engineering a lot lot perfect example of engineering is we just put a roundabout in on uh Highway 58 County 9 and goodu um very bad intersection a lot of bad crashes there since that's happened I can't recall of a single crash that's occurred there so really good to see that that happened um 316 and 61 received a roundabout a couple years ago obviously you see the benefits of the roundabouts within the city of zro as well um on the enforcement side of it obviously we're out there enforcing the laws and all that stuff and also what I found out now being the lead tcd coordinator is our input from tcd is getting moved over the engineer side of it that we're uh I've got to meet with the engineer several times and putting input into that as well as been beneficial as well [Music] um okay so tcd's goal is obviously toward zero deaths with vehicle collisions um we're trying to go down uh 2020 was a bad year with uh was it yeah 2020 with the co uh covid and all that stuff going on seemed like speeds were high crashes were bad and all the above that was where a huge Spike has happened since then we have been bringing them numbers down um but we're not to that zero yet and this is our fatalities and this is also talking about our serious injuries and so what does that mean it means that over 4526 lives have been saved since the implementation of the TTD program in 2003 so here's the serious injuries um since 2003 we've had a 50% decrease and we expect people to make mistakes um how we how do we make those mistakes less impactful and fatal when they do happen so year to date some of our traffic related deaths in 2019 we had the lowest traffic fatalities since I think it was World War II um 1946 World War II um so uh since then like we mentioned we've been going down and then all of a sudden we hit a spike with covid during covid we saw High fatalities and um as of September 17th we had 314 traffic related deaths and this is compared to 281 deaths at this time so we've gone a long way we've seen a 37% reduction of fatality since 2003 but we have a long road to go as you can see so zero is attainable but it's going to take all of us working together to get there we all play an important role in traffic safety um we need to talk to our friends our families about making good choices behind the wheel we need to be be role models and get involved when we can so tzd we coordinate Traffic Safety events and activities throughout the county here are some pictures from a few of our past um events we work within our communities to get important Traffic Safety messages to our County so here are some pictures from goodu public schools this was a seventh and eighth grade um science class it was a very chilly day and yet there was quite a few that still had shorts on um but it was really fun uh the science class learned the science behind crashes and impacts and the importance of seat belts we have also done preliminary breath tests PBT events um at ha Creek we've done two of them now and it's been super great uh during the event participants had to journal and answer questions throughout the event regarding being able to assess um the amount that they had drank and their abilities um to drive members of the public were also able to participate in the PBT event and many of them had some surprising results based on the how much they had drank and the effect it had on them um we had one person who had one beer but it was a craft beer um and was a point8 or 0.08 point no that's you're not alive at that point but a 0.08 and that was extremely surprising because most people think oh it's just one beer no big deal well for her it was um I was also at that event um it was very beneficial for the public to have that I had a lady that was a lifetime user of alcohol a chronic alcoholic she advised me of I pbtd her prior to that I asked if she felt safe to drive and she said absolutely PBT her she was double the legal limit and after I gave her them results she still advised me she would still drive even though she knew that she was double legal limit this event was very beneficial especially for our office I brought in I think I had four rookies there that got to learn how to do field variety that day so that was an excellent thing and the community just kept rolling in and the questions that we Feld it was just amazing with uh the people coming in and just the questions and the input from the public of how well it was taken it was a very good program we had tons of people coming and they kept on asking what time are what time is the next event what time is the next event because they would come back to the from the camp from their campers to come watch it and what it was great is I'm happy that you mentioned that is that the participants we had eight participants they had to journal each time but we anybody from the public when we did a PBT we asked basic questions before you knew what your PBT number was do you feel safe to drive would you drive and then you answered that yes or no then you got your numbers and then after you got your numbers it was what now that you know your numbers would you still drive I think a lot of people were quite surprised by so many people then had long conversations trying to explain themselves but said nope I still would drive because of you know especially if it was quick or if it was just around the corner or this that the other thing so it really was great to them be able to have those conversations with enforcement and just to talk through a lot of things and it was good to see too is I had several that were way under the legal limit that said absolutely I wouldn't be driving before I even PBT them and they test and they were way under and they still wouldn't drive knowing their level so they did have that self advisement of it's not safe to drive even though they were technically by Statute safe to drive so how can you get involved Traffic Safety is everyone's responsibilities so um we actually have the Statewide tcud conference this year is October 22nd through 24th it's in St Cloud um anybody is able to go to it um we also have our tzd safe roads Coalition meetings and then we also have our quarterly South Southeast tzd steering committee meetings so thank you for being here and thank you for all you do to protect the people that are most important to me um and before I close I would like to take a moment to IND introduce to our Council our new good Hue County tzd safe roads Grant coordinator Anna after 10 years of working on tzd I am moving to another position and Anna will be taking over tcd I'm Anna it's nice to meet you all I'll be the coordinator I'm originally from goodu and moving back to the area so it'll be nice to be back in my community and working on this great initiative so I'm very excited perfect also officer would you to so the last probably year so close to since Justin left I have been the tcd coordinator for the police department here in Zoda and we've been able to get a lot of impaired and dangerous drivers off the road whether it's due to speeding uh DWI and whatever you name it we've been able to have a pretty good impact with that um you know consistently trying to make the road safer for you know friends families and you know we want everybody to go home at the end of the day um and then in addition to Justin I will also be attending the tzd Conference in October here any questions about the tzd program I mean just want to add a few things is so with my time with the tcd as being the lead coordinator I had a a big event that we ran the first part of July um we had a border border to border um speed saturation that we worked I can't remember the exact number of traffic spots but we were over 100 traffic stops in that one day I had staff working from I believe it was 9 o'clock in the morning until 11 o'clock at night and then Tyler actually working speed inforcement right outside of city was um broa arrested a lady two young children in the car was impaired as well and stopped for Speed she was over three times the legal limit kept in cising she was still safe to drive and she was all over so we've had numbers of stories during our our events of finding impaired drivers and especially that event I think that two or three people went to in custody that day you know with driving violations or DWI um not a lot of speed citations were given it was more of an educational base but um the speeds were lower that day because the presence was so heavy um but the contacts were still made um in the county we're still seeing the issues with speed um I know I've issued an individual uh well over 100 miles hour just a couple months ago on 52 um he was under the age of 18 um and we've been seeing high speeds in any vehicle that you can see um semis all the way down to little cars and motorcycles and then obviously the change with the legal marijuana is getting to be heavy um our Department's seeing a very big increase in marijuana and pair driving and then the influx of Fentanyl and things like that we're seeing in as drivers operating vehicles with perfect I think it's a great program I appreciate Jessica's time you'll be missed I think we've sat in four or five meetings with your presentation and Justin and Tyler and now Anna that tdd is funded by the state correct so a state need federal funds have we seen that dollars increase over the years has it been pretty much steady or oh yeah so so technically in good County we have two tcd grants so we have an enforcement Grant which he'll mentioned right now and then we also have a safe roads Grant so the safe roads grant that I help lead is um about the programming the Outreach the getting into the schools doing the community that kind of thing um and so our funds for that part of the grant can be used very differently than the enforcement Grant so that money has actually stayed pretty consistent um it's not a large amount by any means but it has stayed pretty consistent um for the safe roads part of it so on the enforcement side of it it's um I believe the money is given both by federal and state level with majority that coming from the federal side of it um last year legislative uh gave the state a large amount of enforcement extra money that was only good for one year so last year we seen a huge influx in funding um which was very beneficial for our departments within the county getting our budget coming because the year starts here in October it was cut dramatically because that funding isn't available anymore um so it'll be kind of a sad thing to see that we won't be able to put that extra hours out there but it's still considerable amount of money that we can still put staff out and with the decrease does that affect tcd quite a bit with the decrease I would have to look at my exact numbers but I think I we were caught approximately a third and that money is for the overtime hours for the deputies and officers who are on the road doing the extra enforcement time and a couple years ago they added like with the PBT events they have a funding base in the tcd grant that I can pay for that type of event to happen so they're moving more towards the educational side of things as well versus just strictly enforcement and we get a considerable amount of money to do them them events it's just hard to find places to host them Council any more questions for the tzd crew I appreciate everything you guys do and keep it up thank you uh let's jump to uh 10c set of public hearing uh adoption dates for the 203 2025 final Levy budget Kim are we doing that October 3rd at 605 December ad de December yeah why did I get there so theing will be December we'll set the public hearing for December 5th at 6:05 and the adoption will be uh an item on the agenda for the 19th okay I'll make a motion for those two dates any further discussions all in favor I oppose passes 500 thanks Kim uh let's do 10d uh 58 rectangular rapid flashing beacons bids bill I please to let the council know that we received CE three bids on August 29th uh for our rrfb project so that is the the flashing pedestrian Crossing science uh so our low bid was $125,900 over the road now there's a push button we'll be adding some more lights to that and then we'll also be adding uh beacons at third and second those will be push button activated and those are the really bright ones that blink at you so uh this was actually something that uh council member hostager Tina this is many years ago said what can we do downtown and we said we can do something like this so then we set out looking for Grants and it sometimes T takes a little while but uh uh I'm also pleased to let you know that 24,000 of this will be paid by menata the city's cost here is about 10,000 so uh the only unfortunate part tonight is that uh they won't be doing it till the spring so there's a fairly long lead time with equipment but uh all good news uh tonight on on this project so uh looking for a motion to award a contract and I do know that originally the bid was like 89,000 90,000 and it came in higher and we went to the county or the state and asked could we get the extra and they said yeah we'll give you the extra so we did get more than the original I thought it was only 90 something well we did because we actually talked to themad of time we added some things to the project so so it was bigger so this Project's bigger than we originally talk correct yep so we so we added added more to it so I told yesterday that we were approving the bids tonight so she was so very happy perfect so this is not going to affect the price from now until next spring of getting this perfect good I will make motion to approve the lowest bit there any further discussions all in favor oppos passes 500 Z thanks Bill uh let's do uh Tenny Ninth Street change order for Chapa Bill all right uh you guys have had this on the agenda or similar items uh quite a few items over the last month or so uh if you recall the champas had requested that the city include uh the of their seven Lots into the city project uh we had a fair amount of discussion at our committee of Bob and Todd and ultimately recommend to the council and you agreed to do that um and then in the vein of I'm going to say Ultra transparency uh What uh staff had uh and also again our committee had talked about is uh technically we could have just rolled this into our contract because it's a unit price contract meaning if we have 10 yards of dirt we're moving and now it's 13 well would't actually need a change order but we thought to make a very very super clear delineation we would actually come back and amend our contract that way it's Crystal Clear what the champas are paying for and what the city's paying for um so this is a very similar amount to what was in that predevelopment agreement of which they have uh placed into escrow an amount to cover this and uh the associated uh engineering other items with this so so what we are are recommending is that the city council approve this change order with Schumacher Excavating for $6,850 and would be happy to answer your questions and if you haven't been out there it uh it looks completely different um I'm hoping this rain doesn't make it look completely different but uh it's really it's really taking shape quick quickly so this change on this bill is Chapa part right this is correct just 100% paid by them this is just breaking it out so it's super clear what that is adding the whole bill but it's Chapa just cuz that's the legality of doing it y technically we don't we would have to do it this way we could just send them a bill we're done but you know what this is really really cleaner yeah really cleaner from a common perspective and just to kind of piggyback on Bill we will tag this with an activity number so that will all be when you see it we'll be able to pull all those numbers back I got just a quick question yes change order doesn't change the time frame of it all that's correct how does that work if to just that's all part of the scope well because we you know we give them a window to complete it in and yeah we usually give them more time than you know because well account for weather or changes and so and shackers have said they'll be able to get it done in the same time frame okay curious yeah yep to approve the change order discussions all in favor oppos passes 500 thanks Bill for all that info uh 10 at fire hydrant install at the park Mike we have to expose the water main and we don't have any fire protection out in the park anywhere so just thought it would be a good time to to uh install a fire fire hydrant at the campground area the quotes are the only difference is I was able to get a hydrant cheaper from DSG for $1,521 cheaper but uh so the total is 9,979 to install that hydrant with a wet tap where is our closest one is it sitting here on the corner probably for the Park nearest one here on 58 yeah so yeah I think it definitely needs to be done especially as we're adding more campgrounds and we get more people and growing it so IOP and there's not a pressure issue at all getting it to there or anything like that crosses actually crosses from uh St Paul Road area kind of where the sewer crosses it crosses the river and goes up to the swimming pool area up there perfect any further discussions all in favor oppos passes 5 Z thanks Mike um let's do 10g set work uh two more work sessions I think we're doing or like to do November 13th and December 11th from 5:30 to 7 am I correct on that Kim is there one in October okay that's what I was wondering why we didn't I guess I read it wrong yeah so what was be November 13th which should be in between councils from 5:30 to 7 yeah we already have that on there okay I already have it in there say I don't but that don't mean anything and then December 11th that work for everybody did we set that October one at a previous council meeting I think that's what I'm two that we had it's the 16th there's another one on October 16th I think we already said all these quite honestly because I have them in my phone I wouldn't have put them in there okay I think we've already done it okay but we can do it again 11th certainly works I might be out of town on the December 1 I'm sorry that back all on the same page on the October 16th one right then I didn't have it in my calendar but I usually put it in the night before I wouldn't have put it in there is that right Kim do we have one for the 16th do you have that I do not have I don't have the minutes up in front of me and I was last we already said these because they're in my phone but so let's just vote again for the 16th of October November 13th and December 11th from 5:30 to 7 and if I mean obviously we got things in family that can't always make but second Jo want that work for you yeah I'm just putting it in like it's not on mine why would I have them in there though I wouldn't yeah I do it right away so that in there yeah perfect we got the next three months okay work sessions all in favor I I oppose passes 5 so uh let's do reports Matt Chief a couple of weeks ago um the zto police department uh went through a post audit and uh that happens about every five years um so this is my second one here um with some broa py and um it went very well um the auditor was very pleased with the organization I had with all the information he was seeking a lot of it has to do with personnel and training and um policy um certainly our Lexa pole um they're very familiar with it was very easy for them to review that because it's online um which makes it very handy um and it's certainly compliant because it makes sure it's compliant so um that went with well and then on on Tuesday we will be interviewing two candidates for police officer and so we're looking forward to that and getting that process started so that's all I have perfect thanks Chief Bill do you have anything to add for the nothing additional unless there's any questions James nothing tonight thank I want something okay Todd's fine Kim Mike uh I had something but I forgot so I will pass Sarah look forward to the covered bridge festival hold off the rain Joan nothing tonight Kevin nothing tonight meeting ad journ almost done