##VIDEO ID:vcnnR0rYF8I## this conference will now be recorded I got 6:00 call the meet in order we'll start with the pledge allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all we do have a small little Amendment we'll change the date on the top from December 2nd to January second that's all the Amendments I have to the agenda I'll make a motion to approve the agenda second any further discussions all in favor oppose passes 5 uh we swearing in of the mayor I think Brian's doing that yes all right raise you right hand repeat after me I state your name I Todd Hamill do solemnly swear that I support the Constitution of the United States uh do solemly swear the support of the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the state of Minnesota the constitution of the state of Minnesota that that I will faithfully justly and impartially discharge the duties of Mayor that I will Faithfully justly impartially discharge the duties of the mayor the city of Zena Minnesota to the best of my judgment and abil of the city of zambro Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability so help me God so help me God welcome aboard now we will swear in Bob pry hold your right arm up right hand up I state your name I Robert do silently swear that I support the Constitution of the United States you Solly swear that I support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the state of Minnesota constitution of the state of Minnesota and then I will faithfully justly and impartially discharge the duties of the city council member of the city of zambro Minnesota and I will faithfully justly and partially discharge the duties of the city council member of the city of zro Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability to the best to the best of my judgment and ability so help me God so help me God now we will uh do this saring of new council member uh Fred rash that well yeah raise your right hand I state your name i r i do silly swear that I support the Constitution of the United States I swear support support the contion of United States the Constitution of the state of Minnesota constitution of the state of Minnesota and I will faithfully jly and partially faithfully andly and discharge the duties of the city council member of the city of zambro Minnesota discharge discharge the duties of the city council member discharge the duties of the city council member of the city of zro Minnesota of the city of Z Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability to the best of my judgment and ability so help me God so help me go [Music] and last one thanks guys appreciate [Music] uh welcome uh Bob back and Fred to the city council um let's do accounts payable pre lighter month but I did want to highlight a couple of them uh one was 8109 for to Creative Concrete design for sidewalks for $466 $466 um and the other one uh was to winr and Weinstein number 81 117 that was for our lobbying for the Sanitary District uh that cost was $3,252 everything else was very normal um any questions what's lobbying is uh for the um thing um North zro District Sanitary District that we combined it with four other communities yep yep uh went through there're helping us out with the lobbying effort um during the bonding sessions we're up at the capital quite a bit talking with legislators meeting with bonding committee members um they set up all the meetings do all the ground workor um you know um work closely with the legislators and the pr Island community to to help us get funding I guess I would make a motion to approve the uh accounts payable um of $36,500 thanks Bob I will open the public comments portion individuals may address the city council about any item of concerns speakers must State their name and limit the remarks to five minutes public comments I have one quick public comment I want to thank uh Tyler I think he's no longer employed with a zomoto PD which is sadden but I want to thank you for your uh uh dedication to the police department and uh got to see you grow over the years and the knowledge that you've learned so uh uh good luck in your next adventure uh and your marriage I think is coming here in May uh and I know the zboa PD will definitely miss you thanks for your service for was it four years I think you've been in a little over three a little yeah so thank you and uh you'll deeply be Miss uh any more public comments I will close the public comment portion and we'll run through the consent agenda when we get a motion and a second we will do a roll call just do because there's a couple of resolutions on there yeah put all the resolutions on there I kind of looked around to make sure we could do that I think that's okay um so rather than doing a a roll call in every one of these normal resolutions that we do every year I thought we can we can put them on the consent agenda and handle them that way if you're okay with that uh you feel free to pull anything off there you want of course but I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda second uh any further discussion we'll do a roll call Bob hi Joan hi uh Kevin hi it's weird looking at you the different spots now Fred and I I passes 5 z z um one more thing I just want to say Mike uh flatter is here from our new law firm I know he's going to probably be visiting us via Zoom when he doesn't need to be here there's not a topic so we'll see Mike's face up there quite a bit now thanks for joining us Mike problem I will open the public hearing portion uh on the ordinance 20251 2025 fee schedule um I think there's not any real big changes other than what we've discussed on the sewer rate and the water rate that we've kind of looked at everything I think everybody got the comparisons uh from other communities what their water bill and Sewer rate was um I know we talked about we uh adjusted the campsite fees and that was just because of adding the new ones and stuff like that and then also the electrical and nonwater or non- gas waste Station usage did I hit everything on that yep I have a comment on a question yeah why isn't that on our taxes what's not on your taxes why aren't these fees part of our taxes because these are like you're talking like the water not the water the fees not the water bill silver Bill the fees the waste water street lights um so historically you know these are are fee fee based things um so if they use them if yeah ever because um I they've always been fees Mike do you have any insight on uh Mike flarity any insight on why uh difference between the fees and putting all this on the levy uh you know if we try and put all this on the levy that's not going to go very well um so typically the the fees are are the way communities will go on these on these things um mayor and Council I haven't reviewed the schedule but it's legally allowable for the city to raise revenue raise revenues for the city in different manners you can raise it through the general tax levy you can bond from for money if you want to borrow money and you can charge fees uh for services there's rules regarding fees um and you could you could increase your tax levy reduce your fees if you wanted to um without looking at your fee schedule I'm sure you do it like their cities do it and charge fee for certain services that are not used by all residents but are um more use based so legally you can do it exactly what what you charge fees for is a policy decision of the council you just have to make sure that they're reasonable uh reasonably related to the services provided and that they're uniformly enforced you can't discriminator charge fees so those are the rules but why why did the city of zambro choose not to do taxes and new fees I don't know I think I I think most cities do fees have a large Fe schedule and that's normal but a lot of these I mean most of these fees on here are individual use per females like lawn mowing we charge that fee if you don't mow your yard and the city's got to come out mow it so it's more of a fine but we call it a fee it's just like the pool fees uh using the campground uh if our residents don't use it why should we we tax them so that's going to be the aat Towners the other people that use them Services that's what a lot of them are fees because there's like pool parties on here and stuff like that too okay the the storm water was going to increase 100% why why 100% what increased 100% oh you're talking about just a water sewer the the storm water fee that's one goes for $3 to $6 cuz that was a study I believe in correct me that Eller says that we were behind in them fees or where we need to be to help build our Fund in the infrastructure so what did we do last year was it 75 yeah we were we were incrementally stepping into that they recommended $6 what two years ago uh so we were incr incrementally stepping into that but we're also getting farther and farther behind on our storm water projects um Mike Olen and the public work staff did a an inventory for us of of critical things that we need to take a look at soon um and and um um so raising that fee um is the way that that we're proposing to to accomplish some of those uh storm water needs uh in the short term um and you had talked about like the lighting fee instead of charging that's everybody's uses our lighting the street light stuff like that so that's a fee in there that we do to pay for that city lights and stuff right that part the big thing is why that of taxes that's big thing for me I think one of the reasons my opinion easier to adjust it price I think that's why it's not part taxes because the Water fee is also on a usage so if I get charged the same amount as that you do and you use double the water why should I pay the same amount as you do ConEd all storm sewer and streets that should be infrastructure I mean we can set it up that way that's the way it's always been is that we've done fees to the homeowners instead of adding taxes because then we don't know what they're going to be so then we would have to adjust high we don't have a downfall on that or a shortage on that the benefit of fees is the public disclosure of the ex rate that is being um assessed or gathered versus if it's on taxes it's just going into the and you can look it up on the the budget if it was put into the taxes but it's not as this is more disclosed because it's right there the disadvantage for me is I can't off taxes the same disadvantage for all you right well we can talk about uh on the 20126 budget which will'll start in a couple months that can be a discussion with councel to you know take that into consideration I mean just we can just look at how other communities are doing it yeah I I think we can we can look at the dollars we need to accomplish the projects that we need to within storm water and Street lighting and and um talk about rolling it into a a levy increase um it's consideration but it would require a study to see how that would actually work and is there any I don't think there's any I mean I don't think there's any communities with the North zumbro District that does in the taxes correct I think they're all I'm not sure they don't all have a they don't they don't all have a storm water fee or a street lighting fee um so that tells me that maybe they are putting it within the levy but but we can talk about it um going forward I I wouldn't recommend um right now I don't think we can for 2025 but um you know because it's gonna be a longer conversation definitely a good comment and something that we can look into definitely look into it yeah no it's good comments perfect thank you thank you any other uh public comments on the uh fee schedule I will close the public portions of this and we'll jump down to 10 unfinished business approve ordinance 20251 the 2025 fee schedule so not is an ordinance be I'll make a motion to approve the uh ordinance uh 20251 for the city fees second any further discussions all in favor hi oppos passes 5 z0 uh new business 2025 annual appointment um I think I talked to everybody now about the appointments uh just a couple little things uh acting mayor will be Bob py taking over for Sarah uh streets and sidewalks will be Bob py and Fred rash our city New City attorney which we talked last time or last Council was flattery and Hood um economic uh development Eda will be uh myself and Jon uh Library board will be Bob priy and then planning and Zoning would be Fred it's kind of the changes uh for the councils so I just need a motion to approve the appointments second any further discussions all in favor oppos passes 500 uh council meeting date adjustments I will let Brian yes so usually we're you know we are always adjust the July meeting but um we've got one sooner than that that I'd like the council to consider um we can get the flooring people in here on NE Thursday the 16th in the afternoon they want to start moving furniture out of City Hall side and they need to move it all in here for staging well we're supposed to have a council meeting that night um so I ask the council to consider moving that one to the 23d um or we could look at when we get to the library but that would displace another meeting that they have going on in their big room at the library so that's the first one and then the second one is that July meeting um you know typically we only meet once in July um July 17th Falls right in the middle of the month so typically we would we would have one meeting on that in that month in July on July 17th um the other thing about this January 16th and 17th is we need to close City Hall the Thursday afternoon the 16th and then Friday morning the 17th now we have capabilities of having a phone at home brings at uh Miranda can take a phone home Kim can take a phone home and so phones will ring there um so we'll have the option of um employees to work at home or if need be I can be back in my office there's not any work going on in there it might be a little loud in here but but I could sit back there and answer full Thursday afternoon and Friday morning if need be but the we'll want to have the Building closed and like I told Brian I just we need to make sure we're answering the phone during normal business hour just in case there's something I would agree that we need so that's why Brian said they can use the phones at home or Brian can come in on Friday till noon or so that's when the office is open so let's go back we want to change Council the 23rd then well let's talk about January moved from the 16th to the 23rd actually works okay uh dates wise because we would have had three weeks between Council meetings from January 16th to to the first February so if you mve it a week we're back into two weeks um does that work for everybody's schedule to go to the 23rd I won't be here but that's wow there'll be new carpet in here new paint in here too so Fred does that work for you moving from the 17th to the 23rd so I just I mean that's probably the best option I originally kind of wanted to keep it the same night that's why the library but like you said James got a meeting over there so I guess just the best option is everybody works we'll move it to the 23rd same time same place just different dates um and then I think we're all on the same page that we will make sure somebody can answer the phones on the 16th 17th how that gets figured out y yes Pete no okay I heard you say originally the 16th later you said the 17th oh sorry it's the 16th is a normal normal Council we're going to do it the 23rd it could have been 16th 17th that's when the office has got to be close so that could have been my mistake so we'll move Council to the 23rd instead of the 16th do we want to wait on July and wait till it gets a little bit closer in case something does change yeah let's do that I think we do that a month before if it looks like the 17th but we'll kind of plan on the 17th I know we normally do one in just one in July all right do we need a motion on that yep I think so I'll make that motion to move the meeting to the 23rd excuse me I'll second any further discussions all in favor oppos passes 500 new business resolution 2025 D4 trussle Bridge local cost share and operation Brian yes um so we're in the middle of doing the paperwork uh for the the TA Transportation Alternatives grant for replacing the trussle bridge uh that's a Federal grant that if we're funded the dollars will be here in 2029 U now we won't want to wait that long to do the bridge um what we'll have to do if we get the funding if we know we're getting the funding is we'll come up with a way to uh front the money and get the thing built uh which through interde departmental loans or whatever we would decide but I hope we have to make that decision um but what you got in front of you is a resolution basically saying that um um well first of all we're a community of less than 5,000 people so we can't accept those dollars we have to have a sponsor which is the county the county passed a resolution saying that yes we will partake in this and be the sponsor for these dollars for the city of zro similar to what happened with the Jefferson project this resolution basically says that um we will be responsible for the dollars for the project for all the funding um just just to lay it out there that goody youu county is not responsible for that part of it they're only responsible for receiving money uh on our behalf um so that's what this resolution really is it's just basically saying you know thank you County we're saying saying we're going to take responsibility for all the financials on this you're not on the hook for anything other than hosting the money for us um the the TA Grant is a is an 8020 Grant uh we're estimating $2 million we'll see what it ends up being $2 million for a bridge uh the engineering is not eligible that's usually you know 15 to 20% so basically 80% of about 1.65 million would be but a, $320,000 we'll have to come up with about 670,000 um you know which in the scheme of things isn't isn't too bad um and and again not knowing what the bridge is going to cost either for sure this is an estimate share that ours was going to be ours would be about 670,000 engineering will be between 15 and 20% and that's not eligible under the grant um you know reason being um oh I can't remember how to explain that U they they separate it I'd have to have Bill explain that to you why they separated he he gave me a whole explanation of why why it's separated but long story short we're still going to have to go up with you know 670 700,000 or so to get that bridge replaced even if we get the um the transportation Alternatives Grant if we don't we'll move on to some other Grant you know and keep applying um and keep trying so uh for tonight I just we're just requesting um approval of of this resolution uh accepting the financial responsibility of it if we get the the grant well basically alleviating the county from being financially responsible for the grant there it can I ask coule questions absolutely um so the the the engineering fees aren't we can't use the grant for that right so if we have a bridge company looks said that they must have their own engineers and would that fee be in the whole would they have to separate it out then yes if it was yeah and I think now that you say that that is the explanation of why the explanation of why that they don't cover those because um most cities want to use their city engineer to do these things um and I can't remember exactly the reasoning why but yeah that they don't cover Grant they don't cover the engineering no matter who does the engineering and have we gotten I mean the price that you got you know two million two million have we had an actual Bridge Company price this out yet or no no this is a wh GS put together an estimate back in 2019 and they relooked at the U uh what they had back then applied inflation um they're Bridge they they're one of the the bigger Bridge engineering companies around um or firms around um they looked at what what it was estimated at which was a million or something a little over a million and and they came up with a $2 million number that is what we're submitting for at the TA Grant now when we do the design it takes it's going to take about a year of design anyway so if we get the money uh in the spring it'll be a year before we can do anything uh because there's a lot of design work a lot of Permitting uh things like that that they have to do um you know during that time period is when the actual cost will will come out hopefully it's not more than that uh if it's less great then our share will go down and the TA Grant share will go down with it so at what point then do we get a bid out or whatever for once once we know there's money coming if if they say yep you're you're good we're we're going to give the money to you then we'll start moving forward well we so first we'll start moving forward with hey how are we going to pay for this up front if we're going to do it before the money gets here well that's what I say instead of waiting for I mean that's got to be fixed whether we get the grant or not right so so we are looking at some options of um repairs we're not we're not there where we can present anything yet um as far as how much that would cost um we have some work to do on that yet and then we'll bring that back to council um with a hey this is what it might cost um and this is how many years we could get out of it because it's possible we could spend some money and be okay till 2029 you know if we spend some money do some repairs we get the TA Grant we might be okay till 2029 then we rebuild um but it's still kind of all up in the air right now but yeah you will be hearing about that potential repairs coming up when we're ready to present something when we got something to present are there other grants available any other state grants or anything that might yeah this is a transportation alternative there's also a act active Transportation another one Jess um um from the county the County engineer was telling us about another one basically the the sister on to this one it's it's not not alternative it's actually transp actual Transportation Grant uh and there are DNR grants too but they're not going to fund 80% of the total cost can they be used in conjunction no typically typically you you typically can't combine okay Grant dollars now maybe if it's a state and a Federal grant maybe you know but we're looking at everything we'll look at all the Alternatives main thing now is to get this moving get this ta Grant applied for um and this resolution will have to go in there along with the County's resolution and then we can we can get the ball rolling on that and then everything else will keep going with it as long yeah we're moving forward on because if we don't get the grant this got to be done anyway and if that thing's closed for two three years it's not going to be good well it's going to come down to a money issue if we don't get this grant I mean well he said there was other options that we could go but that's I mean we have the leg work done so we're ready to roll on that end prices of it and stuff so we aren't waiting on that absolutely and again you you'll be hearing about that as soon as we can soon as we've got something to roll out to you and we've been talking about The Trestle bridge for before all you guys got on here repairs and stuff well and we've been and we've been applying for Grants and we've been applying for uh uh Federal um congressionally directed spending dollars each year um nothing came of it so far but it's a little more critical now hopefully we'll catch some people's attention um Jess uh Greenwood the County engineer said he thought this one should score pretty high um given how active it is and and that how old it is um so we'll see we're going to give it our best shot for this Grant and and also look at repairs in the meantime to to brid no pun intended to bridge that time between between hopefully we get the grant dollars and then you know be actually receiving them I'm assuming once once it gets built repaired we'll factor in the lifespan of the bridge and start saving for continual repairs replacement at some point because this this time around we don't have any money to replace it we don't it's hard for a city to encumber money on something like that that's going to be 50 years out that was the same thing with the pool yeah you know why don't you save all the money for it well we can't tax people year over-year to and encumber that much money and have it sitting there waiting to it just taxes just don't work that way but yes no I mean maintenance for sure um which this one has had different maintenance and spur the moment fixes and along the way I just got to the point where here we are I'll make a motion to approve resolution 20250 all4 I'll second any further discussions we'll do roll call Bob hi Joan hi Kevin hi Fred and I I passes 5 Zero thanks Brian Brian 11 D hanberg violation this is for information Chief so packet uh we have a resence that's been in violation of the city's nuisance public nuisance this subject has been a repeat offender um we've had a lot of trouble with accumulating trash basically um I had worked out on a number of occasions with the homeowner Miss hanenberger um and she would Abate the nuisance um eventually um the last time I was able to get her to get trash service to kind of help alleviate that because she didn't have it um she still has it but don't use it um and so this last particular violation um she uh has made it clear that she doesn't intend to clean it up and is uh okay with the city taken care of it for her at her expense um she hasn't paid the administrative fines we reissued that as a state citation so we can take that matter into a courtroom at this point but uh we uh don't really have any more options and we want to make sure we can alleviate the issues for the neighbors that have to see this day in and day out um we're just kind of informing you we've already done gone through the process to advise her of the process and uh she's been informed and we're kind of at that last point where we need to set up an appointment with somebody that can clean up the mess but once we clean it up I would assume it will be a continuous issue that in a year or two we'll be dealing with the same issue again CU like you said we've dealt with this one ever since I've been here and I've been here 10 years almost every year so but this is the first time we we've had to come to the point where we're going to have to take action and repeat it any questions for chief on that no she said she's fine or she basically said go ahead and clean it she said go ahead she told uh sergeant squali that uh she understands and go ahead and do it she understands it I we try to make every effort to avoid that um and uh we work with people we give them extensions it's been a long extension perfect thanks Chief where I go uh 11e a Bitter Creek storm management Pond to repair Brian yeah back in uh 2021 these things started coming up with we helped U repair the John Meyer uh Pond The Spill way pipes rotting out and and need work um Bo Kennedy brings these to us when they come up you know back then um you know we recognize the importance of these ponds so now these ponds were built outside of town to mitigate Bitter Creek flooding and they've worked tremendously well um some of them are a little more critical than others being that some flow directly into Bitter Creek other ones flow to some other ponds um but um as they come up we recognize the uh benefit to the city and and have been willing to to participate in the cost sharing uh that's laid out by Bo Kennedy and my memo there and his notes um in this case uh the the 5% cost share would be $3,276 85 uh NOP it would be $3,512 63 cents hopefully I've got that right in here um and so that's uh what we're looking at asking Council to approve is uh cost sharing for these these ponds that are critical to our our Bitter Creek flooding and have worked very well Bo is aded too that U that you know how well these have worked um you know they use this as an example in different areas on on how to uh how to accomplish a flood mitigation plan like that so anyway just look look for Council approval to um we did we approve this at a previous meeting a different one or just an we approved a different one back in 2021 were you here then or this this was a so I think what we do is we get the request and then we bring it and then when we get the actual so so we bring the request to cost share and then once we have the actual which we've got now then we we bring it back and say okay it's a little bit higher for these reasons and so that amount is a little bit is a little bit more got and so so this is approving the yeah I was thinking that too I'm glad we brought it before because usually we do that good memory I'll uh I'll make a motion to approve that cost sharing figure of 300 what was it 35263 yep 3 5263 I'll second any further discussions all in favor oppose passes 500 thanks Brian uh 11f sale of two crosswalk signs Mike yeah they came two crosss were in4s like [Music] how we listen to sell them mid bid or it just put on Facebook that the broom since that broom was old too I think we're going to go to auction I think we get better place is that the one in uh mappa [Music] signs is that a separate one or we do that together we'll do two different ones yeah they were I had that in there Brian had that in consent and I'm like now let's pull that out for we can just talk and stuff like that so that's why I pulled that one out I'll second all in favor all right oppose passes 5 Z 0 uh 11g sale the skid load Mike got purchase approval for the new broom and we want to get rid of the old broom and we'll do that the same way do you have the new broom yet um would we wait to sell this until we get the new one no okay that one I think is right on the doorsteps here coming soon so okay I'll make motion to approve sale of the broom second any fa discussions all in favor I oppose passes 5 thanks Mike uh reports Brian yes um we have a Sanitary District meeting here with the legisl while we're meeting with the legislators next Tuesday here at City Hall uh to begin talking about how we're going to approach the 2025 legislative session uh so we have all of our local legislators um uh in here in this room 11 o'clock 11:00 a. on Tuesday next week and uh to get the ball rolling on that let our our lobbyist will be with us as well um that's just kind of a debrief they all know what it is they've seen it they' you know this is the third year I believe um so it'll be a more of a meeting on uh a little bit of strategy with with them on how we're going to present it um you know for bonding this year um and then our Deputy City administrator position closed uh Monday December 30th we have 12 applications and I'm working with the Personnel committee um and we'll put together an interview team uh to to look at the uh uh look at all those applications we got to we got to score them and decide um how many we're going to interview uh so that's where we're going to be at with that hopefully to get some interviews going in a two three weeks um we're not we're not moving real fast we're going to take our time and go through them pretty well talk through things so um the next pool committee meeting is mon this next Monday night January 6 uh they're going to meet right after the parkboard meeting um parkboard meeting is at 6m so you know 6:45 or so the pool um committee will we be talking um next steps are to get out to the bigger businesses and do a presentation and and talk about um donating um we've got about 400,000 maybe a little less raised right now um and we're going to they're going to hit it hard and go look for some more dollars try and get us to the million dollar Mark raised by April May um we'll see where we're at then and and we'll we'll reassess you know what to do from that point hopefully we'll start building AAL at that point that's it question on that Brian so if say we have a million raised can we start it yeah that's we have to be at 80% of funding so that's why that dollar burbach is our consultant and historically they don't want to start anything without having um you know 80 85 90% % of the funding in place which is roughly the um $4 million you know we've got $3 million of bonding money that we we need to do the bonding on that yet um plus another million so we want to get that $4 million Mark and then they're comfortable getting going because they don't want to get going on things and then have it stall out and then we're spending money having it sitting there stall um you know and they do a lot of these so they know what they're talking about we're taking their lead on that that it that's it Mike do you have anything for reports is that for me yeah no I don't not this is my first day I don't no that's F and that's fine usually we just go around reports and talk to all the department heads and the city attorneys so that's why I throw it at you and yeah the only yeah the only thing I would know is on that nuisance property issue I sent Brian an email during the meeting here on what what I think we should do with that in terms of getting the property owner to consent to allowing us to fix that up um there's a process we usually use for that so I'll I'll communicate that with the police chief so that that would all be all I have sounds good thanks Mike Chief couple of things um so our new Squad uh that we ordered uh not too long ago actually will be here tomorrow um that's the fastest I've ever seen an order come through um I think Ford because they did double their efforts and doubled their production line because they lost a lot of customers I believe um and so that is uh going to be here tomorrow um I've been working with in fact I heard from them beginning of December really and I'm like I can't take that till next year I can't get build for it at least um so they waited they held off until for delivery um needless to say I contacted eati in regards to outfitting this vehicle and as you recall we had intended to buy a Explorer in the past and ended up with a Dodge however we had to buy a number of components for an explorer that couldn't be used well all those parts can be used in this vehicle so we'll be saving a little bit on that I did get an estimate today for a little over 6,000 it's too early or too late to get it in for approval so I'll have that in the next meeting um and then we're going to save a little bit money on uh some lighting because Mr uh pasquali has a little side business where he uh buys and repairs light bars and he has some pretty late model ones that we can save quite a bit of money on so um so that is underway um and I I do want to just uh even though uh Tyler's not here right in this room right now I do really appreciate uh his efforts as a police officer for the city as in broa um being able to help um develop him into his interests in this field um you know sending him to Dr school going through uh being a tzd coordinator it was pretty clear that he may have been bound to be a State Trooper um in the future and uh it's certainly an honor to be able to do that yes it's bittersweet because we lose a good employee but um he's still part of the law enforcement family and um he's been a a great asset to the community and uh so we he'll he will be missed here there's no doubt about that and uh I just wanted to say my peace publicly so that's all I got thanks Chief James Mike I have nothing about nothing tonight John Kevin One update from the Z area ambulance uh the 2025 per capita assessments they're going to be sent out here this uh this week we should be receiving those soon and then um they also received the one-time fund from the state of Minnesota emergency ambulance Aid the amount is $165,200 good thing that they were able to secure those dollars it's kind of good to see some money come in the community with fire department got 100 grand for the turnout from uh Glen Taylor was it 100 Grand I can't remember what the figure was I don't remember what the figure was either but it was a good and now our ambulance is getting a chunk of money so it's good thanks Kevin Fred meeting ad [Music] Journey okay