##VIDEO ID:T0WiZqesc4Y## this conference will now be recorded now I'm going to call the meeting to order are there any additions or corrections to the agenda that to adopt the agenda as presented I'll second opposed motions passed meeting minutes from September 18th I'll move that we approve the minutes I'll second all in favor I oppose motions pass um financial report see come off uh because our billboard came to an end in this month I think it might be the only change [Music] feeding yeah well actually one of them was uh he the current city administrator at Canon Falls is the former zambro so he caught some grief for that but uh I have you heard around town anything about the billboard no I'm not around town much so I just heard all I heard is local people talking about it so good or bad just that there it was there and kind of ironic that I was in can of Falls telling me to visit some broa but coming down the highway a good or a bad thing about it off top my head I'll ask next Zea meeting I'll ask yeah face they got any feedback from [Music] it all right I'll make a motion to accept the monthly cash sheet for September 30th ending September 30th is there a second second all in favor iOS motion is passed no public hearings old business Visitor Guide all right I Peter gud this week he spoke to his supplier of the guides so originally we had what was it $4,400 for 20 pages in 5,000 copies I wrote that on there his prices have gone up by $1,400 and so Pete was like where do I get that $1,400 I said well that's up to you so we kind of came to uh we could as an Eda we're not going to pay the $1,400 but we could pay 600 to bring our total cost up to 5,000 and then he would charge the rest to his customers in the visitors guides so we would be responsible for $5,000 for 5,000 copies have 20 Pages within that that makes sense to everybody can you just remind me what our actual budget is is for come out of if you look at I wrote Oh count number 403 right but how much do we have allotted for advertising for the year $2,000 uh 20 excuse me $2,500 this budget for the visitors guides we added to our promotional budget promotional budget is about 90 I was G to say I probably T it close to 9,000 yeah it was over $99,000 probably 9500 I think it was like 7,000 last year or this year okay so a dollar per guide for the city's eda's involvement doesn't seem too out of line I don't know that we'd want to go much higher than that but I think that seems reasonable yeah it's a two-year difference obviously it was two years ago when we got them last time and you know price of things go up um so I'm I'm going to nitpick just just a little bit please do um did he come back with a cost proposal at all last month we had spoken to him directly and we asked for a layout of maybe some different papers we asked no he just came back with $1,400 but that didn't say if it was the better quality paper that was it we asked for some break down some detail I don't know I mean we obviously can't keep pushing it off um because I think probably better do our due diligence and making sure that we either have a decision for him timely so he can collect his ads again but I think we're looking at February for deadline get again you know get them printed and start Distributing spreading them out um and what are we in October you know I could get a price from him uh breakdown prices I love Steve Ty I've worked with Steve Ty many years working in the comput yet office do we have to get a second opinion is Steve Ty the best option for a printer can does Pete have a different printer I have no idea that's it is that that's who he goes through for the paper so probably he's got it all all his advertisers and everything my assumption would be set up that I I don't disagree Lindsay but so what disappointing that he didn't come back with the it is a little bit with the I think we asked a couple different price ranges of volume versus what it would be for different papers and so he just came back with flat $1,400 with no additional information y That's so is that is the $1,400 the for the exact same everything that we had before because that's the question because we we last meeting we spoke about getting like 5,500 you know as a number and his was 5,000 5,000 copies for this amount of money which will be which would run us a total of $5,000 yeah we ask for different quantities if we should WR more I don't know depends how much you you want me to break it down with him I happy to do that or you just want to go with this here that's I would say we want the the question answered right so first one being what was the difference is this exactly Apples to Apples just $1,400 more Get It Whatever cost rise or is that did he check into a higher quality paper which is what asked the last meeting and is that in this new price and then maybe how much it is per so exactly we're getting right and so then can we decide if we want more or less based on some actual so checking a different P did you check in a different paper uh is this going to be the exact same type of light paper we have currently number of pages um number of P yeah the number of pages will stay the same okay none of that's changed well ours but the actual Visitor Guide well like you said Ed does that that I think that depends on change the price what if we don't get as many advertisers does our are we still paying this amount of money for 5,000 copies if it's only a 36 page booklet instead of a 40 page booklet I don't know our price for these Pages would be the same correct correct so as far as Eda that's what we'd have to worry about so we looking at a lower quality paper that's what it says in your minutes yeah just looking at those minutes too yeah I had suggested getting a price on a lower quality Mo the majority kind of thought well we like the quality that was but if there is a significant paper keep that higher quity how much of when is his deadline that he has to know for sure well we're looking at getting the books done in February October so I could give you I told i' talk to him tomorrow morning but put you back to the next meeting to get all the answers well we can respond by email too if need be can we sure if we need to move faster and I I don't what he said is that he could honor the same price for 5,000 books for 4,400 so I think that's where we were like okay so how can we so now it's $1,400 more right for the entire book yes so it's we either help compensate for some of that or it all gets put on the hands of our advertis which is you anyways right and I'm and I think I'm okay with you know the difference just but I think it's helpful to have a little more information and we just came up with 600 because it rounded up you know the number from 4,400 to 500 or EXC me 4400 to 5,000 right but how about this I'll ask him the questions and then I can respond to everybody here with an email that's all right and then can we make a vote over email on this I mean is it unreasonable to vote to move ahead with the like up to a specific amount knowing we I think we want to move forward with the book we just are kind of curious on some of the details like if the fine lines can be even out later I don't know so we could ask this question we could vote and then I could ask the questions not let him know the the results of the vote ask him the questions tomorrow and see what he says yeah I'm just yeah like I said I'm probably being a little bit nitpicky but it's like no that's okay goodness Pete we just asked for a quick little detail of what we're actually getting and investing in we liked the product but I'll make a motion that we um or contingently approve uh $5,000 with the same quality as the previous [Laughter] printing can we take a can we strike that part well we have up to 5,000 for at least the same same quality as this previous so it at least has to be that quality or better or you can amend that I'm willing to go along with that I guess and then you know the only thing I would add is subject to any negotiations Kurt can do if there's something dramatically different that would help to keep the cost down and is your just to be it's the $55,000 motion for 5,000 copies is that the number that we're is that what we want for sure yes okay unfortunately yes no and that's fine I just know we had talked yep upping it changing it 5500 yep I agree but no I in order to keep things moving forward I think and then we may have a lot more discussion once we get information back sure okay is there a second to Brian's motion all in favor I oppos motion's passed did you get all of that good hey new business Timberwolves advertisement senior account executive uh for professional sports Publications contacted Brian rudm on a possible advertisement in the Minnesota timber wolves in stadium magazine it's souvenir team yearbook that will be available inside Target Center for home games throughout the season in addition the yearbook will be available as a digital version on the Timberwolves official uh website for the year a half page advertisement originally is $7,500 Zach is offering it to the city of zamroo for $4,000 and with that there would be four lower level tickets if the Ed is interested and this is a possibility move forward if not shut her down $4,000 in there thing every game correct it's in the stadium uh I think that only gets printed once right your book digital version the good thing is it's part of Timber rols Timber rols are upcoming obviously uh even people like Miranda became Timberwolves fans this spring she's on the train huge huge fan okay who was your latest trade come on the who do we lose Miranda so the good thing is you know give the cities OFA we be out there but then again Brian and I spoke about this who looks at this you know you're looking through the oh Zoda yeah I would like to go visit there that's what our thought is I mean it's it's cool you'll get four tickets you could like I said we could use those tickets we wrap them off in the pool do something with that as a fundraiser you get four tickets to every game or you get four tickets to one game I think it's four tickets Total One game yeah so it' be like a family outing I guess it doesn't really excite me that much to be honest but maybe I'm missing the marke me do just think it's you know we're just getting done with a billboard where we don't know what our turn on investment is there yeah you guys go into some W games this year maybe you could check them out and see maybe if we can afford them there anything like the Vikings ones they're I mean they're good quality is that the one that you have to pay for I would assume you're you're buying this if you're not if you what well then you're buying the tour in you're buying the bookour we got it from the store in theum oh so this is for this year yes and this gets printed when like in the next couple weeks yes like probably really soon obviously it's it won't be one yearbook that they'll print out and leave it there for the year theyed take it back yeah oh there it says it's free it's a souvenir publication do we have any an advertisement for zro ready to go Qui use like the billboard personally I think I don't know how it help the city is on broa that'd be cool don't get me wrong that's fine I think I'd rather spend $4,000 in hiring a marketing consultant to see if we're spending our money wisely or not because we're dabbling and stuff we don't know anything about and I just I don't know I hate to spend this much time on this kind of stuff personally but it is tourism that's the point right yeah this to draw people in that would be my question maybe but can we keep this in a on the desk for next year like maybe it's something that we want to see like if you guys are going to a game or if you have one Miranda um see what that looks like I would like I my thought is if we're going to put something in a advertisement like this I would like a much more professional one created um that what the billboard was you know then that's what I'm saying get somebody involved who's a professional to help us with this stuff to create what that we had this whole thing took us forever to get used to that but I think I think if if we're going to step up and go into more this type of distribution I think we need to look a little more professional in the the draw something that's exciting bring them to some Roa for all the oh no there isn't food how about just the bridge this is amazing looking at their audience profile a lot of money you know how do we get that for all come to right that's what we need see that you get the full season package for $40,000 39,500 that's the for the four tickets for the season well it's put everything customize your to be in every yeah to be a part of everything trips to select sporting events Hospitality tailgate parties tickets to Games season tickets much many games they have a lot of games 80 games a year I believe 40 you're going to be home so put that up to like where US Bank is think that we uh we have to better prepared for at this [Music] time do we have to make that a motion or do we just set it aside for maybe another year set it aside that is all done and then the last that we have on new business is advertisement of RLS yeah I talked to Brian a little bit before you guys got here since I've been Eda I got maybe two emails about small business loans everybody wants a business grant obviously but um Kim has notified me several times and I G I put the the balance of our uh revolving Loan Fund we have and then our Eda revolving Loan account and we've got a money to give to the community in loan the form of loans so I think what I'm going to do is start a little advertising campaign put out there um interested in loans just kind of keeping you guys in the in the loop uh if you know of any businesses that need such things as small business loans or Gap financing for remodeling um you know put new windows on their business anything like that I know I realized we're still close to co and it seemed like grants were far more available at that time so people still might have that in their mind do you have the guidelines as far as like what our interest rates are because that's going to be the first thing because interest rates are high right now the Eda revolving Loan Fund and it's five pages long and obviously it's very important it's six pages long to know all the information the business that we would loan to uh but yeah I've got copies of that you could offer you know business loans with a much lower interest rate than the current rates are and Banks and just trying to get people on board to advertis this money to get it out in the community um and then do do we have a like a list like a brief list of guidelines because I think that we as Countryside tried to apply for that but we didn't qualify okay based off of one of the qualifications or something so I would like to make this list much smaller and easier to understand because myself as a non-finance person I look at that it's it's very overwhelming uh and I believe the Ed the original loans were like for $115,000 was the extent of it um and for a business that's not going to get you much but you can get more as long as Eda approves that when was the last time that was updated I that was 2022 but okay yeah it hasn't been updated for a while C's website what I was going to ask right question I don't think and it will be from now on part of the advertising piggyback on that if you could do some sort of like Q&A summary frequently asked questions yeah something like that that would cut to the chase on what the qualifications the main qualifications would be like then you would condense that down okay and I'd have that on the web page have it link that full document it is it is impressive uh the size of this document and when I got here it was uh Tranquility Barn was asking for a loan from Ed but then they end up going their own route and they had everything laid out and turned in was ready for try to get approval yeah it was an impressive amount of information so that'll be one of our next things oh Eda here is kind of like you said streamlining this a little bit and making it more accessible for the public to see and I'll start with our website are the the amount guidelines set by the Eda I mean so we said 15,000 dollars last time we discussed this we talked about um not necessarily having a limit U because it was dependent on deal we were talking about at that time was the restaurant that was going to go and we were talking at 30,000 for that one so yep so I think that's one of the things we probably need to revise is just take the limit off of there and keeping in mind that we don't give it all to one person but we don't want to limit it to that so it's more of an information for you guys I really I really don't like to torture myself but I'd like to take a look at that that document I have two more copies reading to you two more copies if anybody like no come on good I'll take one should be fairly simple with people want to and if you see anything in there Bob or Brian that you're like what please let me know okay not had any I don't think we've had any since we had Rochester tax since when when's the last small business loan that we appr approved well right or I think um like maybe the vet CP yeah I was just going to say those one yeah I think how long Starwatch seven eight years so yeah been a while a while so probably been least five years yeah so we get this out good topic people can use it do we ever beep up this fund at all with more money yeah Kim got you can see it on here too there's get more money until we spend money that's in there and then then we can get more dollars and then we'll get more obviously because people will pay their loans back right got to spend the money revolving loan comes through deed so that's something that's going to be a little interesting to it's not as easy to deal with as our own Eda a revolving one cross brid come to you're going to heighten the awareness okay moving on to reports update on kartman apartments Kell Bartman Apartments the only update we have is that Keller Bartman did get their Grant they rewarded their Grant and that's the extent of what we know right we've uh haven't heard anything from K hasn't been a press release or anything everybody but they they did get the grant that uh Ceda worked on them that's more than we know last time somebody was Brian was at the Zea Mee and mentioned that they got the parking issue resolved what do you with the new possible uh isue basically City lot yeah who is Kell Bartman would be claiming the public lot as their part oh yeah are you familiar with what K yeah okay which is a point of contention especially for the businesses who own properties on Main Street a lot of them use that City lot either for their tenants or for their employees to park in during the day would use the same on for that's what they have counted in their allotment for their a number of Apartments yes got it to get to their one and a half parking spots per tenant or unit yes across the street AC on the and it's a lot that is used for over flow in the during snow and I don't know so yep I see that greenstead is moving oh yeah are they is moving to where chubby Chic is Chubby Chic is not leaving they're moving to the back of the business so I believe they will be where the gaming place used to be you'll use that side entrance uh yeah they're moving down they're going to set up their operation in there they're going to have a little cafe in there with coffee and sandwiches um yeah yeah and it'll be very good exp they're closing what's out there yeah that's one of the financially it was tough form out there so but it should be cool yeah be a pretty good form no I think they're they're getting out micr greens I thought they were keeping them red on there yeah I think they're they lost a big contract yeah another question are you getting plaques made for does the dwell local new division the men's Mar those yes does that get a plaque yeah and then Ansley you said has moved out does her business get a plaque is she technically a new business she will be a new business I don't know that she's operational yet okay ansley's setting up some it's the zro shoe repair and leather work operation located what that where will that be located um it's going to be located in um Jared Post building he bought the old dhia building she's got the back garage area cool oh okay she'll good I used do every year just been too late but so it would be would the green take one yeah so those two businesses right ansley's anley Ansley Ansley anley and what do we say just think until the Mexican place opens up right they're getting a inspection on Monday morning will they have Margaritas no they won have liquor license will they can't they like they can they can but the building owner won't allow oh that's but he goes into their building in Rochester and get it's weird so there's no limit on yeah they're getting inspection for grease trap and then when he's there one of the issues with that building is they have a cooking Hood the Hood's fine and the roof cap is fine it's the connecting the two so Kade is our inspector he's going to live that as well hopefully fingers anything else with some or V Clinic I got a call from an Architecture Firm for land Webster land as you come in on 58 as you're coming in town it be on the right hand side uh for the vet clinic inquiring about that so yeah uh oh right on be a great visibility nice because they're large animals hopefully starting process cool I don't think I have any other information okay there's nothing else we can adjourn thank you