##VIDEO ID:sWo800glMvk## this conference will now be recorded my well I wasn't God make it [Music] stop that's happen they get like chill Dave's on his way he called me okay do I have e tonight I'm like well I'm going to leaving there now in the boonies so it'll take he I don't know I I worked on campus today I um well we can get started without him are there any additions or corrections to the agenda uh the corrections I made on the memo because our finance committee met after I sent the agenda out so it's just a different all the agenda there was some additions to it and I did not highlight that so that was good is there a motion to approve the amended agenda I can do that second all in favor I oppose um Regular meeting minutes from November 20th going on end of 78 missing a d on Carri car that's a pretty good when that's all we got to do is get that in a picky the carried unanimously on [Laughter] 7A I'll make a motion we accept the uh regular meeting minutes from November 20th second I'll second favor abstained I wasn't here either I think we decided that it you still can vote but if you would like to abstain you sure [Laughter] can um no monthly financial report it will be on our next one and'll be under 404 any comment on the abatement correction uh that just apparently went a different account and needed to yes okay all right I make a motion to accept the uh monthly cash sheet for the month ending November 30th all in favor I I opposed motion passed no public hearings old business visit guide yeah so the scissors guide we're looking for February so what I'm going to do is dive into that in January and our meeting in February as far as if there's any big changes I did get some from Bob uh I get some from James Hill our librarian if you go through that and you see a change that you would like to have made on our pages will you please let me know I would like to update pictures of schools um and so on but other than that you know Peter will be working with businesses for advertisements and like I said this you can see the list of pages here and I think we'll update like I said a lot of pictures and as far as the visitor visitors guide goes I it feels if it's does a pretty good job if there's something in there you like change I don't think we'll put a year on the front again that seemed to be a good idea to not put a here and maybe change the photo of the bridge so and that's yeah just an update Mexican Restaurant Loan so Mr FY came in he accepted the terms of the loan um and I got the check yesterday or Tuesday one of the two days uh and I walked by today and they were putting the hood in the restaurant so there was a kind of a mixup with the contractor and the uh inspector something was going on but is it today they were connected those two and they should yeah they should have it going putting the hood in so that's that's good and so he's accepted the terms to loone and yeah we get that get that up to date hopefully get a new restaurant in town which I think will be very that's the only hold up is getting that in apparently getting that up updated okay there was a guy's day up on the roof of that place yeah that would be chilly just chilly looking at him marar maybe it's a bring your old B Be sets bring that's all yeah yep just up to you 7 a new business Anderson V Clinic yeah so you remember when Rachel was in here uh she submitted an application got it in by on Tuesday I think I emailed the application to everybody uh it's quite the application which did a fantastic job on it and you can see the land they're looking to buy is this Webster and Suns up on North 58 well oneel four if you see the blue number down there yeah so that's land roughly five acres is it is it this all that that the triangle what are those um looks like vacated streets or whatever what are those it was probably supposed to be a road yeah it's supposed to be an so what Anderson V Clinic is looking to do is they want to buy this land and then they're going to take one to two years to see what they can do to fit something on there you know their Vet Clinic um Walnut Street for those you know this I'm sure you all do is GRA and this is how this is the rideway owned by men so as of right now they are not allowed access on 58 so what that means is they would have to improve Walnut Street from road to road to make it because there's going to be trucks going in uh so question that we're going to get in the future and this will probably be more on the planning department side of it people are going to be worried about smell animal noises Ian they they're like 300 yards from a feed lot they're not going to be worried about smell or that's what you think there's there's more than likely going to be because they're coming from up here down to here um they're going to have kind of like a drivethru their goal is and process animals they won't have any big animals they won't have any um like outdoor pens or anything for the animals to stay overnight they will have small animals overnight check them in check them out is their cl bring so so was it the intent at one point to have a street there I think I believe so and is there any easements or anything yeah so that's one thing you're have to deal with is you know and they've seen all this before and they're going to have to bring water and sewer from this side up to this side of the L and that as well Spen might so what they're just looking for in this loan is just to purchase the land and if they purchase the land and and Rachel said worst case scenario it doesn't look like there's something we can do here the they s land but that's their goal is to and that what's it zone now agriculture so it have to be reson to commercial okay so the land I think right up here what you can see is commercial and this is residential and there's this is all Agriculture and agriculture does not allow a business so that's why they have to reson to commercial even that small squares plot behind that's all agriculture okay so we had a meeting uh yesterday Brian myself Kim Dave virgin was there by heart I got this other thing going on it's all right so we met uh discuss the terms the vet clinic loan that they're requesting they're going to hopefully purchase those five acers uh they've been in zro since 1991 they employ seven full-time vets provide services to six counties in Minnesota and two in Wisconsin um they have five full-time and 10 part-time staff they requesting $129,800 for land purchase group's going to explore options the new land over the next one to two years the finance committee came up with the following so what we agreed to is to fund their request and they would get a loan for $116,800 at 3% with 10% forgivable which is $2,980 the loan can be either 10 or 15 years it'll be from account 404 uh Eda which many of you know have given large sums of money to people before Steve Johnson got over $200,000 for where the current Mosaic site is uh they gave the school over $100,000 I think it was like 12 years ago what Kim said for sites to build houses on the golf course uh so yeah I'm looking for a motion either for or against for the to offer the loan to uh the Anderson bed CL if you have any questions hopefully I can answer them or maybe Brian can too so moved the only question I have would be if uh um when you've done this before there's been a definite purpose in mind they're saying they they'll investigate that but they may end up reselling is there any um issues with that that you guys talked about or no um the we talked about term you know and obvious or hopefully they will decide what they're going to do within the next two to three years if not sooner and if they do uh proceed with a construction loan the Eda will have a mortgage on that property so they will have to do something with that mortgage which would mean that they would probably pay us off then at that point if they decide not to build then I'm guessing they're going to remarket it soon as well so so I don't see this being a long-term type of commitment for the Eda and Al loan even though they could have 10 or 15 years to repay it sure I think they'll deal with it within the next one to five at the most so they've been a great business in Talent well we looked at the merits of it and uh obviously you know they had been looking for something outside of the city limits so we felt this is a very good um opportunity to keep them in their tax Bas in zro one big things commun lack of that clinics um access to so being in zoto with will be very beneficial for the citizens and people in the area second all in favor I oppose motions passed 7B would be the update to the Ed positions and I had actually requested this on there because somebody's term should be coming to an end I think Lindsay is trying to get off this board no I was up last year so I just started my second term but it's very confusing because of all of the turnover that we've had recently so I think we just need to iron out who is due when Tina's took over Terry spot so you will fill his seat for six years don't I just fill the rest of his the remainder right excuse me so he started in January 1st 2022 that's that's what I me yeah so you'll be here till 2028 no I started in January 2022 he Terry was on here when I was still here so that this is what we've got to figure out cu I think I think our are wrong right but if I took his spot he was on Eda for at least two years he started with Dave he and Dave started together but they had they it can't they can't start together so one of them had to fill somebody else's seat that's year where the confusion because there has to be somebody turning over every year because we had vacancy vac for quite a while so they might 2022 that sounds right 202 so now Tina replaced Bill art because Bill was done in 2020 so somebody should have started or a seat could have started January of 2021 I was never on and then it was Brian so Brian started his second term then we had Dave star and then Dave offer first yep would have somebody would have started January of 2023 and then me and then Dave it's Dave's term that is ending now okay but who filled Dave's seat good question well we'll have to look because there could be a byla par board if you fill less than half of the term count and we do not have that also yeah there was but we can't find it who do I need to figure yeah so respect um so somebody will be taking Sarah's spot sorry Sarah that's Council we don't care about that yeah but it's a coun that's Council dering so someone will they'll put someone on from Council we still have Dave start 2022 now does he go six years 2022 or did he take over a spot who are that's what I think that's the question Dave Stars I I was never on with Dave star that might have been the so you might have replaced him yep that's exactly it we'll back so like for example Bob started January 1st 2020 three did he take over for somebody he took over for rich rich who was done so he starts six years okay so he's his term your term will end the end of 2028 Todd it doesn't matter he's Sarah doesn't matter she's I've only been on this since last year so maybe that is right I feel like Terry was on and Terry started the same time that Dave did that's what I have she took over for Terry right it did but but Terry was on when I was on from Council and I was off Council all of 2022 so he was on before then I feel like so did he fill Bill everheart's maybe Bill's been gone that Bill's been gone four years since 2020 I can call Terry if you want Maybe started 2021 yeah maybe could I don't remember you have another term I am in my second year of my second term so Brian how started January 1st 2016's what I have yep so Brian's second term will end in 2027 okay we got Dave Sarah Todd we got Bob we got I just got to figure out Tina's length so yours ends in mine ends in 2020 I just ended in 23 four five six 7 8 20 29 I have you ending in 2028 so 27 28 29 so there should a 2 our meeting in January or a 26 officers that's can you can you clarify where you reading that it's two six-year terms I know I so the reason I looked is back when Ryan was here he had sent that out and have these been updated okay makes me wonder where Ryan got because it for sure said two sixy year terms because Rich had said the same thing they were done working under that assumption yeah so so we either need to one add it back into here um but now you're gonna make me dig because I think that email was from like 2021 I'm a sa jeez you must be I am I think so but don't know if I can find it on my phone 2009 I can find it have to9 last 15 years but okay I started looking into this because well since we are one two three four five members we don't have a position open um but Dan Johnson the Wilder in town has expressed interest in potentially joining our board so if we do ever have another vacancy um he is somebody that we could potentially reach out to so it's five members with six-year terms so there's going to be a a period of time yes where so MERS the church yeah that's the weird part the five ter and who's who's going to be off then coming up well I'm the closest to going off but doesn't you don't have to go off this is getting towards the middle of his second term all right think you took over for Dave I Dave yeah okay so then Dave would be ending this year so you would be starting your second term correct because day of stars term ends at the end of 2024 so he'll go till 2031 30 30 God 203 that's nuts Marty McFly just flew back to 2015 jeez so that's what we think and we think Tina fil terries maybe the viw should be looked at yeah so Terry would go until together like a spreadsheet that we could have Terry was 20 Terry took Bill's spot right that's I I remember we were out there we were at some big fan thing when they doing something likey you should really join six so your term would end in 26 then so nobody will end next year in 25 28 29 28 29 30 30 so okay um and I'll I'll look for that email contined business yes so we'll vote next month obviously but we going vice president for a while yeah because Terry would have been vice president wasn't he Al I'm up that's what you're [Music] saying Terry Tina Tina Terry Dave Dave all confusing and Brian is just Brian yep I'll be pretty old by the time I expire okay that's it on new business correct uh yes that is it and then reports update on col Bartman yeah I haven't we haven't received any updates from the ker Department as far as the offices that I know I received the Grant and that's been the extent of it I seen or heard anything since it so I'm probably breaching a little bit of confidentiality but um their purchase agreement is being extended so I think that's going to close the end of January now so they are still working towards acquiring the property and and uh setting up some sort of demolition for early spring I believe at least last I heard because originally it was supposed to close this month y end of this month okay so I found it I'm gonna go back I'm sorry should we finish this discussion and then we'll go back there's not really much of anate I think so so there must have been a line omitted from here because on the one that was sent it says right after the six-year terms um members may serve a maximum of two consecutive six-year terms for a total of 12 Years members may be reappointed for additional terms after a 2-year absence so it's between paragraphs two and three feel like Billy took a break back on like the course so and that document was attached to the minutes from January 20th of 2020 can you can you see when the revision of that document is or can you just forward it to maybe the next meeting they or maybe in the minutes for the you can see that they change the charter okay could be it it doesn't have any the minutes could do for the next meeting though and read the minutes for this meeting and see so if they did something we there I can't remember was I on it three of us I can't remember yesterday so there we go be like motion by TAA strike the term don't remember that maybe because we were having such trouble getting people to join that we just said yeah I don't I don't remember ever striking it I don't either so I want to go back to Keller Bartman just a little bit I'm still not happy with the parking arrangements so you're going to keep hearing it until I hear some further discussion on it well what I I well right now we can we can part Park 14 to 16 cars back there on what I would consider to be public parking they're going to go to 19 parking spots along the side only about eight of those are probably public which means they're privately owned the rest which means they could prevent other people from parking there for their residents so that becomes an issue for the downtown and uh that's was one of the big reasons we had leads so anyway it's something that I think needs to be addressed with them and uh I'd like to see all 19 of those parking spots be public parking not private not of the 19 on this correct me if I'm wrong on the side of the building only eight of those will now be public parking roughly it's hard to determine because they're angled parking the other ones will be designated apartment only it's on their proper City lot nower because it's on their property because it's the main property now they're just being utilized as public but they're not really public not being utilized because it's a ramp coming down yeah public parking spots now well there's yeah I think it's mostly on on public property now the thing that helps helps is the access to them because the bank property has been used to access those spaces sure but the point is they've been used there's been times they full and U that's going to disappear but there's a whole lot right here where the hell am I over there yeah right that's never full I think they'll I just think that we we're we're you know the the thing that we saw was a just a initial plan so I think we can work with them and try to get as many that's all I'm asking you I'm not against I'm not against the building I'm I'm looking at the future because I've seen this become an issue in other cities so and I look at it as all the cities that I visit like say Lanesboro or Stillwater or you know places that have a nice shopping and they're thriving because they have downtown living they have or um in the cas grow bed and breakfast but they've got that base and parking is always an issue and yeah I get that so I I I hear what you're saying Bob and hopefully I'm not gonna be on it anymore but I I know I think they were really reasonable when we they're easy to work with so I think that they can you know they're going to really do their best to to make everyone happy to them because all the other places that they've built they've had enough quite a bit of private parking on their spaces in other cities oh I was like this one this one in zro they've been taken public parking to supplement their private parking underneath their building that's the only you know we're we're giving away the public parking to them in a way for their inhabitants which is just something we have to deal with but the question is how do we so the businesses that are down there that's not their parking right so like you don't pay for those parking no no places but it's it's grandfather Den it's been part of zro forever I think I I I looked at that you know when they first brought it out and I saw that there's such an opportunity there to reline some because it there's no it's just halfhazard you know and so on the side of the alley I think there can be parking spots on next to the buildings but they're just not lined so that people don't know to park there you know what I mean so restructure the whole I think they're restructure everything and try to figure out and get as many as we possibly can for sure is what I I mean I'm not going to be here anymore so it's all yeah so will there only be one access there won't be a you know how you go like through the bank dri you drive through alley but if it's one way or what I don't know what the plan is but it will still drive down into there yeah it was all on their plan is all angled parking one way going like from the north to the South the there's a you know they have they get deliveries so we have to some way to get in there yeah I don't know I thought they were easy to work with when we put the other and that that parking wasn't that was an issue literally no yeah there's just got to be some discussions with them we know somebody what their um are they do they have any vacancy there now and what their parking situation looks like at their current building they they mentioned that um so they're mandated to have like two spaces per apartment or whatever so that's the issue right um but what they're finding is that it's all retired a lot of retired people that are moving in there and they get rid of their second car because they don't need it yeah they're saving money that way without having two cars paring on the street theyve got a side lot is that full a lot of or potential quite a few spaces that are not going to be used by them but to build it they have to have this many they have to claim so many that's why I was saying do we know what is currently happening at there do we know is everything underground full is their side Lot full are they actually parking in the street right now I don't know I see a little bit of parking there but not a ton um I I don't know what it looks like underneath but um three or four in the morning that are parked on Westen yeah yeah but it's not not a ton I don't think there was some comments at the hearing about it can be a little bit difficult there I think one of the one of the city workers had mentioned that it's you know plowing streets in the winter and stuff could be an issue so but I don't know how you get data like that they'd have to give it to you as far as what's being used oh yeah I was just SC ticket if they're park there during time so it's no different than any other Street I don't know if that actually gets done it does they're in here [Laughter] all anybody who got a who got ticketed they've been warned they've been told they've been told they've been warned they've everywhere and then they we didn't know all yes yeah oh they started that November one no I could see that they only get I you have everyone anytime they go out which is pretty vague yeah but one inch if they go out they're getting ticketed yeah but if you're a usual Parker the street the cops go around the before November 1st and put flyers on the window saying hey they've done everything to to avoid the people only time people come to call meeting [Music] yeah move we adjourn second that a journ thank you thank you Sarah yeah yes thank you I didn't put that on the record I'm sorry see you don't care about me it wasn't on the agenda matter she's the vet clinic