##VIDEO ID:KG6duK_fMAw## this conference will now be recorded oh I think I got it there we go oh mine's on after I shut it off we will eventually we figure these out and then we won't be on the park for it [Music] anymore and Miranda's not here I bet because she's over in Redway isn't she good evening everybody I have lost my voice and Kayla agreed to run this meeting H if you need me to I can oh okay just kidding it's up to you no I'm sorry I'm good now I've done it like two times so I'm ready to roll all right all right soon soon soon I'll take this one this a call the order for November 4th for the park board um I'll take a motion to approve the agenda and ready I'll make a motion I'll second all those in favor I and opposed approv agenda passed we have minutes from October 7th again I heard the apology that I missed it same here for I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from the October meeting Mary all those in favor I oppos can two accounts payable for the month of October for for I'll make a motion to approve the accounts payable I'll second all those in favor I and opposed counts pays passed for October 2024 no public comment tonight just more pool board talk you guys okay moving into the pool committee update yep yep all right it's Rock and Roll and Roll okay so um just to give you an update of where we are as far as um fundraising efforts go the BFW has agreed to um set aside their big fundraiser for the pool they call it Donnie Frank day it's on November 30th and they do raffle tickets they're selling 400 raffle tickets at $50 a piece 10,000 will go towards back in prizes and then the other 10 will go directly to the swimming pool fund and then that same night there will be other little Raffles like 50/50 cash Raffles and um Tiffany stenland has talked with the Zeba group they had a meeting last week and they're going to put together some um the different businesses in town are going to put together baskets for silent auction um so we'll see if that happens or not it's it's pretty Loosey Goosey the the main thing is all the Raffles and stuff that are there and AD will be going well information has gone out on the Facebook page and then some Ro Town talks and then the other um what's it called what's happening in Z BR and then a couple ads will be going into the paper this month then every person that gets the Shopper um will get a flyer that talks about all the ways that they can donate towards the pool um so that's going to be coming out in the uh November 20th paper we're working on that right now the ads will be the 13th and the 20th um splashy flyer it's looking good um I haven't seen it Cara Kelly is working on that so she's going to uh get that done and Jen um grimro is just going to put the ad together because that's what she does so I just sent her all the information and said do your thing um so we have the Donnie Frank days that um so those types of things the other fundraiser that we're doing is um we're selling brick papers um we're going to make a patio out there um at some spot to be determined at some point but that um there's a company called brick markers USA and they do this um that's their business is fundraiser bricks and so they've done things at Lambo field and just all over the United States so they're very very well done and this will be there for life they guarantee that this will stay like this for life so um so if you have your you can put your name on there your loved ones their business name um you can do business custom logos on there so um different things like that good idea that uh website so it's just a website you go and you create your own and pay for it right there and then um Miranda here at City Hall um gets all that funneled to the right spot um I've already done it so I've got mine in there it was easy it super easy yeah just here's what size do you want what do you want to put on there and it tells you it gives you three uh lines on this 4x8 and it gives you the number of characters that you can put on each one so I put Bretta Magnus needs lifeguard I know yeah so very cool and then I put a little call out and said all right other lifeguards and pool managers out there do the same um I asked Brian if he had any updates on if we've gotten any uh more donations through the QR code that we have or if any other bricks have been purchased except except for mine I mean gets all kinds of likes and thumbs up and whatever and great ideas you know on Facebook but I don't know if anybody is actually right doing it so I don't have an update on that so I have to get the word out for those papers that's a great idea yeah so yeah that was on um I did a splash on Facebook on all those sites and then it'll be in the paper it'll be in that our in our ad in the paper it'll be on that flyer that goes to everybody and um at Donnie Frank day we will be at the BFW and I'll have this there and we'll have paper copies or paper applications I guess um order forms not applications but order forms so people can do it on paper if they want to but it's so easy online um and it goes through goes through PayPal you don't have to have a PayPal account um but that's who all this money or you know it's being funded to PayPal and then to us so there's that um Next Level you know people trust PayPal so um let's see what else I we are going to the um Zima Township rasco Township and minola Township um we're meeting with those boards to ask them if they would be willing to um kick in some money too because their residents are not you know part of the bond um so and they all took their swimming lessons there and all their kids are taking their swimming lessons there right um so we'll see about that and then um with through Ceda they are looking at all kinds of grants that we can uh apply for and so they're helping to figure those out and help write all those so that's happening in that office over there um they're figuring that out um what else we are looking at doing another fundraiser that is a comedy and dinner night you know all these so all these fundraisers are little we need 1.6 million dollar right so all these funders are little um there's a letter uh that's going out to so not only is the flyer going out to each individual resident here in Zoda that has a mailbox right um the surrounding areas that do get the Shopper so it'll be everybody in mappa it only goes to it'll go in the newspaper the flyer will only to people that actually subscribe to it I think it's because they have the mappa messenger there might be some sort of thing but they don't do the Shopper to every because they have their own thing anyway um but then a letter is going out to um all of the businesses in town and it just gives this little hey let's build a pool it's going to take everyone together we can get it done talks about you know financing plan how we how we're going to do this talks about different gifting levels and I can leave this and you'll be getting one in the mail Bob I just hand it to you today um but it also talks about do you want to buy something specific because we had somebody that said hey I want to buy the diving board so we have a um a pledge for $25,000 for the diving board but if you want to buy an electrical panel you can you know here's $10,000 I want to buy boom this whatever or a pool ladder give me here's $500 towards a pool ladder um of course in kind donations it talks about too so these are going out to all kinds of well every business so if there are businesses that do electrical and whatever they'll know that those are options too um and then on the back it's just a sponsorship or pledge form I leave that with you guys um let's see what else the uh we're looking at doing another uh fundraiser with motor Pros with a golf cart um so he's willing to give us the golf cart at cost and then it would be a raffle sometime this spring um let's see what else I am going to the um Z oh the Community Trust that's what it is I applied for a grant there and they don't give grants to Brick and Mortar things um he said but he said so good news bad news bad news is we don't you know we denied your application because we don't do things for Brick and Mortar good news is everybody on this board is behind the pool so come to the January meeting and um we have discretionary funds that we as a board can do whatever we want to with I shouldn't say whatever I want to with but you know um he said so there will probably be something and and they might do things things like um things for safety or whatever so buying some of the equipment that we need or lifegard chairs or something like that I don't know we'll see what happens when I go there um but yeah we so we had the Hansen Family with Telephone Company donated $100,000 um it was a match and um so with the funds that we have um accumulated that you know that match is there so we have I think 375,000 last I knew but I haven't gotten an update so good news bad news is that we're we've got $375,000 burbach Aquatics has said that we need 90% of the total funding to like proceed with anything which we have enough money you you guys have seen the the breakdown and costs of everything we have enough money to build this pool right now and then say okay let's put up a quanset hut for now for whatever you know the the uh pool house or bath house or whatever skimp on something but build the pool so it's a little irritating and frustrating because we're 70% there of their estimated costs which aren't real costs because we haven't gotten bids but they say you have to have 90% of the dollars in order to start doing the bid process and so I'm not a fan so I I don't know I mean I've not worked with them from the beginning on any of this but I I question them each step um because I was like why why would a bath house cost $900,000 you tell me and I I I did all the in the midwest the average um the average cost per square basically it's $633 per square foot is what they're proposing for the bath house um I said there's no business in this area that is $633 per square foot um in the midwest including Chicago the highest was you know on the high end is 400 and some thousand or 400 and some dollars per square but tell me how you got there um so we use a magic special concrete do you know so I don't know I mean you guys as the park board have the um I know the authority over this right so you can say hey Josh at burbach we think you're this is a little bit excessive and let's get this thing started because if we don't raise I mean it it's very real that we won't raise $1.6 Million by may very real that that won't happen um unless we have some gigantic contributions just like um you know Hans instead we have 10 people that do that great um are there 10 people that do that that's a that's that's tough but um so if that's the case then what happens then we go another year without building a pool and then the prices increase right so a little like impatient sitting there what right and I don't know when the bond takes effect for taxes I don't know sorry so like it's by annual funding or something like that Brian would right does it start like January 1 now because we're supposed to be building this or does it only start when we at least 26 but I'm not positive on that okay and that was one of my questions to Brian was in order to do this we had to get the bonding which that passed but now we have to raise the 1.6 at what point can we how far can we go before we actually get the funds to do this or do we have to stop at some point but he said it would still go through if we have to go through and rebond or just scale back that was my understanding talking to him I so here here's my thought on all of this let's build a three million pool I know 3, $375,000 pool um and then we can add Frills later or bigger things to it later because we agreed on the plan 22 we've signed contracts with Y so if we go back and like we want a different Splash Pad like how much say do we have in adjusting the design I think Josh would just tell us flat out I don't know the answer to that if the plans are fluid or not I'll check on that well so here's the thing it's either I think the people of the Town voted on what the plans look like MH so I don't think that the pool po plans should be fluid maybe the pool house could be fluid because that isn't the big thing that everybody was looking at but everybody was looking at what that pool layout looked like um and I don't know if we can have a pool and not have you have to have something and the thing that we have now is not safe we couldn't open a pool with what we have out there now for a um this past summer H inspection yeah it wouldn't the the changing rooms shower rooms wouldn't pass inspection because of the plumbing but there was a what $3 million plan I don't know what our I'll check but we we agreed to the contract but there was a $3 million redo of the current poke pool so just got the current pool and then set it back in for about 3 million I remember that plan yeah and that was do redoing all the piping and everything but no special just like the Basin and a new house comp unless you have the lift the chair of lift down into it as far as the pool goes but I mean it it is ADA Compliant with that lift yeah anyway I'll take are you getting um it sounds like you need uh Financial like the thermometer but like as far as PayPal mountain and stuff like that yeah I need I need that from Brian and Miranda and see what what is actually come in I have had um two different Financial um advisers here in town ask for their clients saying okay you know how do we I have a client that wants to move money from their IRA to this you know how do we do that so then I have to get Kim involved because you know not exactly sure so um so she got back to them we have a tax ID number for it so so there are are there are people that are interested in donating and so we will get more money but I just don't want to have to wait until we have 1.6 million or 90% of 4.6 million to start you know to demolish and dig we got a a um I don't know if Brian told you this but there was a preliminary demo um that came in a lot lot less than what burbach um you know what they thought it would be or what they gave us their amount so been there looked at it and I was like I don't know if this is just the process but I like your reasoning yeah so anyone reached out to the tribe to see if the tribe would donate money no um that did not get brought up we um I think there's a new um person in Residence over there that probably would be more willing to talk but you have to go in through the right channels you have to make an appointment through the office to get up the levels to talk to the people who can make those decisions well we have um so mayor Hamill is is uh going to be he's got a list of of businesses that he's going to talk with that aren't necessarily in this area but they but their employees live here and and whatnot um so he had a whole list that he was going to talk with um Cara Kelly gave Brian the um mayo and Olstead medical links for donations and so he was going to follow up with those and you know who knows I mean I think for like donations this year we are on the the short end of it because most places if they're thinking hey we're going to be giving for the next year their process was probably like the zro community trusts where it had to be in by October whatever but we'll find out so and then um it looks like you have funding for the ads and everything and that process is working well so yeah the $2000 yep that we got for that is is great and then um yeah so that those bills will just come to the city and then they'll funnel them to the correct account what else can we do for [Music] you come to all the stuff I mean I don't it just uh talk out there uh we did talk with Hub foods and they're going to put the display that we have here down in their Lobby right as you walk in um so that will I should say Nelson's not help Foods anymore but um old habits die hard right um so if you see stuff on Facebook share it to your feed you know and um I don't know anything that's out there and keep going keep going well yeah and I want to have like on time so I want them start digging because otherwise we're going to be looking at larger dollars so we'll see what we get from all these different places and you know hopefully the the information that goes out to everybody in the paper I mean open up your Shopper don't just toss it in the garbage right because that'll be in there at least the flyer will fall out onto your floor you have to pick it up and look at it all right that's where we're at thank you for everything you're doing um we do need we have one person on our fundraising committee who has small children that would be using the pool all the rest of us are old frogs that would either have kids that are lifeguard age or Beyond so if you know anybody that would be willing to be on the committee and help and and it's just a lot of you know worker be stuff kind of you know like hey come sit at this event and help and but any and all ideas are welcome we have a lady that's going to bake Lea and do all her proceeds towards right know the pool so every little thing helps right does thanks yeah thank you thank you well you all agree that it's quite an effort keep on supporting um we can move on to Campground fees got some shopping going around are we applying this to our decision of this this meeting to adjust the fees so next [Music] [Music] month thank you you've been advised to make some money we can be responsible andj our schedule for the campground and way behind where we should be to me thank you I got a question about the pool Mike didn't we look at one point at doing some demo out there we did yeah and we did we just did that just die in The Vine or what happened the whole deal okay yeah because I was just I could have swore we talked about that at a meeting that we were G to I thought we did too yeah that just if that would at least get the ball rolling at least a little bit has there been any more damage out there any more vandalism or anything okay well that's good to hear [Music] know think started right yeah I don't think that's the answer we can do that no and I don't think we could but to your point I don't think we could if we wanted to right because we we contractually bound to follow through with what we signed up for yeah but okay thank you sorry to interrupt I was like I thought we talked about that glad I'm not well that's where gets a little last now back back to him again after the fact again right well yeah now the snow is going to fly pretty soon y right [Music] right right all right cool thanks I was going to ask too because she said that the total donated was like 3 something thousand is that with our cuz didn't we donate like 200,000 200,000 we did yeah but it might know those finances if they haven't given her the updated finances I would like to know where where we're at updated right to and really they should be giving the pool committee monthly at least a report monthly what the give them a spreadsheet right exactly so that they have they have current numbers as of that month yeah give them a spreadsheet on who's donated what I think they that information should be shared with them yeah absolutely 100% And I think it should be going out to the public that this is what the total is it's been and they should just have a running article in the paper Yep this is what's been done this is what we need correct and this is what we have to have before we can put plow to ground correct right regular updates along with the financials yep yeah so I I didn't know if that included our donation or not that's why I I don't think it does at all I don't think I mean that's kind of a that's a significant amount of money you know to jump from 375 to 575 you know yeah we gave him the seed money that's doing the Flyers and the t-shirts and all that but not the 200k that we gave the first meeting after thing was passed yeah so that's just my Cur curiosity though so [Music] yeah and then the bond value the value of that what we bonded for counts towards that 90% right that is correct yeah okay that's my understanding yeah all right Camp going please sorry yes Sor we really went out a tangent there we digressed as they say so you're not looking for Action tonight on this are you Mike just this is for information for the the supper meeting this is a stupid question but what do we charge now I was just gonna ask the same thing Mary what do we charge now I don't I don't see that 30 five a day isn't it I think it's 35 a day if I remember correctly okay and that's then for motor home 40 right I don't remember what a t site is I'm something tells me 20 off the top of my head yes sir because I walk by the sign all the time on my walks that's why I remember it yeah yeah I don't think for the pump right yeah we had some discussion I don't know if you were here Mary but we had some discussion about that that a lot of people utilize the dump out there with no charge and then how do we regulate it yeah that's a whole another discussion Al together here the one place is has a per or than a week if they give them a week commitment yices would increase the dation as far as the tent rate make the tent rate pretty low unless they want electricity of course why you may ask because Lebanon in builds be will suffer from E coli problems in their rivers and if we have dump station in our River we could at least apply the money to some cleanup um and then a tent site I think a tent camper is just freest styling it anyways and they should have money to be free [Music] um you know pretend it's a Appalachian Trail kind of price just want to pass on through intent Fair some kids in there too you know teenagers that just want to drop a 20 um regulation we could put those keypad locks on the doors and give them the Code or u a dump station has a padlock or something on it maybe you'd have to put a fence up then and we can't put a fence up can we or on the dump station we those are just my thoughts I'm not putting that on you guys to agree okay so we have to decide on this next week or next month right next month y so can we ask for the current rates so we can compare and then just make a decision yes that would be great do we need to make a motion on that I don't think we got to do anything until next month if you guys are comfortable moving on want to talk about the little Free Library being requested in the woodness still build it perfect good spot there for one you think okay can we sanction the books in it I don't even know if you want to go down that road we we are way too close to tomorrow all right you want to see my blood pressure here about 200 yeah sorry I'm sorry I'm still getting ads and I voted early well they don't know that stop messaging me like three texts a day like I'm done anyways sorry okay I make a motion that we approve the Free Library I'll second oh you very kind okay any other discussion you guys want to pop into tonight [Music] oh sweet cool looks good looks really good I haven't been back there I should drive back there we should drive back there it looks nice yeah it's really well done I haven't been back there in a long time looks like it always should have been there [Music] honestly y absolutely I sent out an email to Tesla for their superchargers when we put those amp boxes in for the wood trucks and I was inquiring about throwing some car chargers in our park or something and there's uh I got it took months but they responded to me there's like an IRS Grant 30% tax right off I haven't really dug into this too much but I'm just laying that out if you ever want to add on to our 50amp box a Tesla Supercharger and have electric car charging a solar panel on it or something yeah nice okay I'll pass the Kurt okay I'm ready to go to bed I'm so tired Now's the Time order native seeds and DNR trees just throwing that out there too anything else you guys want to talk about I'm good how about entertaining a motion to a journ I have to say that come on now I'll entertain all you're going to do is entertain I I no motion was that Bob yep Mar seconds those in favor and thank you so very much Park Board thanks everybody that's for Miranda I just exhausted thank you have a good evening everyone yeah you too