##VIDEO ID:dD2Zyk-UOPY## this conference will now be recorded I had found mine all right happy October everybody call the meeting to order um let's look at to approve the agenda I actually want to add something to the new business e can we do the Covered Bridge Park swings perfect and that is all I need to add I'll make a motion to approve the agenda I have a motion and a second to approve the agenda all in favor I I oppose carried uh approve the minutes from September 9th and I already corrected them but not before I sent you guys the packet on the tablets the the date at the top is wrong but I corrected it on the real minutes oh yes it says August it does so it's already corrected resend the whole packet for I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from September 9th I have a motion in a second to approve the minutes all in favor oppos carried approve accounts payable kind like this digital stuff you can zoom in don't need my cheaters this is nice we can do this from now on you want yeah can I like this this actually is nice and then we're not wasting paper true time to print the paper too 6950 13 got you is that old Bath House in the campground still being used did anybody hear anything about it people getting a rash from the volleyball courts I had a couple people ask me that there was something in there because they got their feet broke out and I said I'll wait to see if I hear from anybody else cuz a lot of people in there so they must have got it from somewhere else itch just a couple that tarp reimbursement for that Nest character I don't think he ever received that check so I don't think we need to put that on there I had $26.83 for every time somebody told the checks in the mail right and I'm crossing my fingers it gets to you so we don't have to pay more than the check is worth that's pay stamp for the metered mail I could have just picked it up tonight I was thinking that but then I was just hoping I sent it earlier last week so I'm like well maybe it'll get to them before the meeting and what do you know no such luck maybe next time now we are going to be getting some money back from Pine Island lumber because we overpaid them somehow by like $1,000 some change so okay it's not reflected on here but that did get put back right we returned some of the materials too that were unused and unnecessary so some of that stuff that's probably where that came from then I was thinking I don't and so then I wonder so shoe marker that must have been the digging of the holes that's what's in there that just is finally coming through from the the August there's like 20 $2,700 that's in there that's augering out all those holes and Stu absolutely um wrong time but the dugouts are coming very nicely by the I've seen them when I drove by today ra starting to look like a ball field nice um I will make a motion to approve accounts payable we have a motion and a second to approve accounts payable all in favor I opposed carried any public comment doesn't look like it so let's keep going uh unfinished business pool committee update looks like well Troy were you there or the last one I don't remember I was yep for like the first half of it and then I had to d off but a lot of ideas coming in for a major fundraising idea which is the VFW day so it's the Saturday after Thanksgiving the VFW has an annual fundraiser um they have voted and unanimously approved that all of the benefits for that particular event this year are going to go towards the swimming pool awesome so the first thing that they do is they sell raffle tickets um and they've increased the price this year to $50 and they're going to sell 400 of them obviously that's a $20,000 income so if all 400 tickets are sold they give away $10,000 in prizes so the other 10 grand which would be the profit portion of it would all be donated directly towards the pool that's great um they've also given us the use of the entire Hall to do with whatever we want if we want live auction silent auction things of that nature so there's other things that the pool committee is going to be looking for input and help with like 5050 Raffles and meat Raffles and just residual little things that can help build that um so yeah that's kind of the primary focus right now is getting that underway because obviously the tickets and all the things got to get sold advertised I mean that's coming up in five weeks six weeks with that as well helping sell those and then silent auction I if you mention that possibly so we might look for baskets and things like that all kinds of ideas possible comedy night later on in the winter in February yeah bringing theed and have a dinner that type of stuff big huge newsletter going out to all the local businesses essentially what we want to try and do is almost in tiered levels we want to try and Target big donors right away and work our way down kind of like just the event too we want to go after the big huge $10,000 prize and work our way down to the silent auction because you could spend a lot of time and resources and only get $1,000 and you may be able to walk into one business downtown and they may donate five times that much right so there's a nice letter that Bretta and the committee members are reviewing and looking at and then that's going to get mailed out to all the local businesses um looking for some big tax donation um taxable donation coming in at the end of the year so hopefully we get a lot of yeah like input from that I did see to the fire brick Pizza truck is also going to donate up to 5,000 from their sales which is awesome too y so yeah we're trying to ize those on on the website when we know about them on the pool page as well Ford was doing something y $10 for every service or something for certain amount of months the renewal is on the news record yeah that's awesome um I think we already talked to neelon about putting a duplicate display like we got here and the entry way of the bridging our pool with the QR code just get more of that out there along with that other thermometer sign or something I think that's a lot of good traffic right there that's yeah mulling over allowing us to put something out in his Corner very busy corner at pries that would be awesome there so um we'd have to build some sort of a plywood thing to hold the banner might order a couple more banners yep um maybe another couple of those thermometers we just have to remember where they are because we have to go mark them up with a red marker when when the big donations come in so yeah everything I've seen on Facebook that has to do with the pool has been super positive so it's it's really good to see that so yeah it's awesome the people that have the mandatory what is that from their Investments you know how at a certain age you have to take so much we should hit remind people that the pool would be a good place for those to go so Bretta was talking about that at the meeting and she was saying that there's a deferred trust account or something that we can actually set up so that it actually is listed so when people are meeting with their adviser and they're going through the IRS and doing that thing like local like it would hit on there saying community pool like boom awesome she said that same thing there's people that literally have capital gains and things they're looking at and I like I have need to get rid of some of this good to see well and yeah and then well we'll talk about that later yeah okay some more of the pool stuff later in all right um so we'll move on to Campground rules and pricing I think we're waiting for feedback from other rules were we not seen Dakota County one on yes but I went through and collected quite a few different campgrounds and their prices so I mean we've got all winter to kind of look at this too so that gives you something to kind of chew on for a little bit and think about once we have notic to my notes that I was supposed to talk to their City attorney Matt about it about rules and I didn't but I think maybe we should get our thoughts in order first on what ours might want to look like I can't remember the specific questions I was supposed to ask Matt but I I think if I'm correct I think you guys just kind of wanted him to review what we had right yeah where we are currently and then what we need to revise or add oh you do have quite a few in here my goodness is what I'm seeing for prices as I'm scrolling through here I tried to do municipal campgrounds but there's not a ton of them so I just kind of was doing ones that were close by us Decor root a signs it looks really they look really nice yeah did did I was wondering who did that cover bridge entrance too y I thought maybe the the garden group was back together or something no they did that on their own one weekend and he donated that so it's very nice have we sent a thank you or something no we didn't but we I think we should I just found out about it so yeah I hadn't even gone out and seen it yet he and I saw something on Facebook I didn't know yeah it looks really nice sneak out to their house and put a thank you ATT T of his driveway all right so we can move on to the Covered Bridge Park entrance sign that is very nicely decorated for the fall you want to take the lead on this one are you speaking about that hang on let me scroll through my it's page 31 if that helps you looks like the sign is deteriorated further than we thought it was it was probably in a lot worse shape I was always looking at just the back of it because that plexiglass fer for information looks pretty cruddy back there but then closer look into the sign itself it's it's starting to I and that's what when I met with Paul kenosi then him and I started looking at it I think we just need to do something for you know just a even the sign itself I think we I was there was one idea we had was just you know making that sign the um the shape of the of the covered bridge and then on the back side still have your other parks that are available I don't that was just a quick thought and idea and he was going to draw something up that would fit in that space so just pending some designs and prices well I I'd like some more feedback you know that other sign um well the nice thing about it is with that other sign is if we replaced it there's they still have all the bracing and stuff there from the old sign that we can use so this would just be taken the and I don't have any idea what cost of signs are but I think Brian was talking there possibly could be some money available through what what were you look there might be some arpa dollars we're working through that now to see what the council desire is on on those our our promise to the citizens for the ARP dollars was that we would use uh those dollars for direct Levy impact items um you we're looking for some bigger impact items uh but we'll see what's what's still available we could maybe pick up part of the sign or we'll see so there's a possibility the one thing that I always liked about that sign and the same sign at East Park and the one that used to be coming into town that Larry just decorated was that they all matched and we had kind of a theme and all centered across you know like our traditional Covered Bridge so one opinion would be that if we start changing them all up now we don't have that continuity anymore and they all start to change I was definitely not in favor of the renovation of our new city sign out there it looks to me more too modern and it doesn't flow with the ones once you get into town um I like that they all look the same um but that's just my opinion so we should almost even look at the one at East Park and see what's going on there one thing in neighboring towns like I obviously work in Canon Falls but they have all of theirs so that they all match no matter what park you go to it just really flows and it's got a really nice feel and so maybe we do have some other funds and things like that we could look at more than just that sign that we start looking at them yeah yeah I think the East Park sign the same the cover bridge they are yeah they all three used to have the exact same with just a different name below them so there's some good flow to it I think is important yep it's kind of the thing he Park a little different but it's on the website yeah it's got the same it's got the same Archway with it's the same Arch yeah yep but it's got a picture of the Gazebo on it I think oh instead of the bridge yep oh maybe this is an old picture Google Maps I drive by it all the time and I never look so continuity it's over by the United Redeemer or the sorry Grace Luther inside yeah so just city parks like then still using those signs at the new signs try city is androa Parks name of each Park on there but yeah the names were all different so like just the fact that we all had this like the same type of logo on there it just had a lot of feel like you knew that it was part of the zro parks and Rex system like they all kind of went together versus other towns youd have different style different designs yeah so like that Archway there that that template there you'd have the same sign manufacturer you could make up if we had a dozen Parks you'd make up a dozen of those signs and you could print different names on each one make it Bridge shaped if we go with that yeah and then have Covered Bridge Park East Park yeah whatever other Parks we want to name that's kind of unique um East Park I I guess do you do you put a bridge on the East Park one too or I mean um I guess that was my question is if we're going to start changing the overall shape of the whole entire sign because that same shape is the city entrance is up on top of the hill there the East Park one and this one kind of are we going to start changing M of the covered bridge shape and then look at getting quotes that way or do we want more proposals like I guess I'm I like the soup because that's the way it's always been right I'm more of a traditionalist too so something with just the bridge so use that same thing over shape same shape yeah do you want like a colored graphic or do you like it black and white so are we city is Zoda that's our local now yeah what if we had the arch with that local and then Covered Bridge Park and East Park underneath at city of zro in CZ and that would I mean that then denotes that it's part of the city system right I I'm not I'm not a fan of that design at all I think the design should go on a bumper sticker or a water tower but that's just me there some point I'm not going to Min words like that [Music] Bridge just that if you wanted to as well y I've used that on some things or you could just use the same kind of a design if you want color you could do color if you want right black because you could use the same kind of concept just maybe have him yeah Jazz it up a little bit change it slightly and again I going back to the traditionalist thing the bridge is extremely old and it is the heart of our thing so to try and go with new modern Graphics the two just don't marry up very well true you know and that's more to the a the bridge right with the river and the correct yeah but I don't want to be the guy who insists on shag carpet in a brand new house either but that's just a really really old bridge very traditional and it goes very well with the parks and W theme throughout the enti about so well when he comes back with whatever he was designing then I'll tell we got another we'll tell we could just reuse that sign basically but so on the back side is it all right if we do something different on the back side instead of that yeah absolutely side really I see what you mean there Mike like that that one picture we have on page 36 like that's rough well that that space really doesn't get used I think that I can't remember the date of the last thing that was put in there but it was 2016 maybe map of where all the parks are in Tom that would be nice that would be cool was that was that what we were thinking Mike that's what I think you guys had dis we discussed at the previous and maybe even the trail trail running around the East par one is identical to the covered bridge one it's got a picture of the covered bridge on it the other thing we're looking at is what Miranda mentioned was with the brick is starting to get kind of so what did you mention about that way washing it yeah ever seen that when people kind of whiteash it it makes it look a little rusy but this looks like there's bird crap all over it right we want to make sure that it's still the brick is still structurally Sol yeah that looks good crap all over it you don't think so you wouldn't well then I do the sign different color because otherwise everything's going to be white well that that's okay but the the body this sign look exactly the same pretty much as a light wash from a distance or you'll have a light color and a light color that doesn't and then back to the continuity you almost have to do all three there any more than just the three that I'm thinking of what are the three so the entrance of the city went on 52 the big one and then there's the East Park one and then there's the entrance to the were talking three Park signs yeah there's two City entrance and they all have the same design City Signs don't have the arch anymore they're just square square rectangle whatever bu stickers yes yes yep just whites with blow correct yep see it's just the two parks that East East Park and the covered bridge and then if we were to get a dog park we do the same for the dog park well not that it is necessary but like when Canon Falls readed theirs maybe they had some AR dollars or whatever too but they read like every little tiny Park that you go through has one like if there was one up you know what's the one up inside of I mean we got a lot of tiny little Parks too up by 19th stre Parks yeah they were naming those and giving them all not that you want to go doing brick and morar stuff but there's one out there by the in the golf course Edition too is there's one on the lower golf course and one on the upper golf course and then Woodlands another thing that you could do is you want to keep all of the signs kind of similar you could just keep the parts the same like not necessarily liit the city sign but just have the logo like the corner somewhere on it so that kind of like a little stamp on it sure I'm with Troy yep the smaller the better on the trucks too yeah then you guys could completely whatever you want on the signs yeah you could also what you could do is if you don't even want to use the logo but to keep them kind of harmonious you could just use the from the logo col I was thinking about that like what if we did the same kind of sign with the bridge and the lettering but just use the same colors so at least they match the signs but I'm guessing the Red is because it matches the color of the covered bridge a brick y yeah and then and then the water would be blue and then the grass would be green yeah you have two shades of green to choose from oh we do oh the colors on there a little bit darker than it actually is too I think one of them is more of a lme green oh God so more stuff after future proposal yep yeah more winter discussions more winter discussions all right we'll keep m moving on to new business uh East Park I think I I just had a note that you guys wanted me to put East Park on this meeting was it because you guys wanted to talk about if it needed any spruing up because I think it was one of those oh we're talking about the sign here so maybe we should look at East Park 2 so I think we part I think we just killed two okay you're right BR I think it was there was talk of of you we should look at what needs to be done up there to Spruce it up you had brought up a tree to come down I know that Marie Marie has been taking volunteers to clean up that little was it a pieace garden that's kind of in that one corner so I think she kind of meditation deal or yeah so I think she's kind of still taking care of that so I think she had a couple volunteers so I think that should probably looking okay now and then just we should take a look at the the bathroom yeah who's supposed to clean that during the year like get the cobwebs out and then what's that water spaget that's back there well phone it started out as quite a few years ago I think my first year here that they had requested we put we put a drinking fountain in out there and so we were thinking something like we had here but previous administration didn't want to do that so he had us tap something onto the which I think it would still be nice to have you know like a bottle filler station maybe or something up there but we just that was kind of put to a kabash there and that's what we ended up with and when you look at that faucet it kind of makes you think that it's not water you can drink right it's that does it come out really Brown well just the boset itself I wouldn't drink she used to drink out of the Hol when you were a kid absolutely but I'm an adult now but I'm an adult now I think they on the actual phone it's not even you push the button and it's the old school we could probably do a little better uh a fountain oh jeez I guess I don't know maybe a little heavier dutier one too for outdoors right make sure it's an outdoor one looking at was a new one for out there and one for in here as well was another request so oops Railhead yeah they when they got those those are actually indoor I don't know why they did that they're for indoor use so they're really something to tear apart and try to get them all drained so they don't freeze and break lines in them right maybe we could find out what an outdoor one would cost for up there and just see what the price of it is yeah because it would be nice I mean the kids play there it would be nice for them to have water summer long I'm sure there's a lot of people that would enjoy being able to fill up their water bottle yeah and this Administration would not be against [Music] that family friendly good all right next item aner tree request in memory of Cindy reading so her name is spelled correctly in the minutes and in the memo it's got ex so if we have to so if we have to make reest it spell she had two D's too yeah I I know and that's yep yeah that um yeah she just stopped and I I can't remember I ran into her somewhere and she asked Quick Trip yeah and she asked about it and then she came in here with I told her bring in a letter or bring in something we can put in the parkboard packet and then Mike put the memo together for me thank you I should have to V on which park did she want it in letter I guess that she doesn't I just said we'd have to um work with her to decide where she wanted to put it do I think with capital she wanted us to get her a price list to see what kind of trees would be available and I mean they can do what they want I think I'd just go out to Jake and I think that would be a better option than the ones we have to replace for the ashbo because they're just 3/4 inch diameter is all that we can buy for replacing those I just think if I and I don't she doesn't specify any amount of money I mean trees get expensive but I think I would go with a little bigger tree and then we could um Aug it in I'm sure okay somehow right yeah I would welcome any additional trees I know that Mike would probably be quick to jump on that as well and if she has a specific location that she's in favor of that doesn't impede some of the other stuff going on they want to she did mention a little a plaque with it which can be a mowing Wonder PL would go better on like a bench or something she wants Tre like they do right just one a little stand plaqu maybe we can round up around the tree a little bit so we don't have to Mo over the the plaque like not not a headstone but something like those flat headstones that you can put into the ground do make flat pla I know not a I was thinking that too but didn't think that that would be a good something you know what I mean yes put it on the ground on a concrete like a headstone not a headstone but similar to I mean that's one of the limitations to if they want dedicate just a tree and not be a nuisance to the grounds keeper it would have to be a flat plaque or they could also put a bench next to the tree and dedicate the bench and the tree and say this bench and tree memory yeah back to our benches I think we or you guys have decided that you wanted to kind of keep we those benches kind of all the same too correct then I had a request for a bench down here that would go along with those other benches and I haven't got back to her yet but you know the I think it was the ones who put those in she used to work at the bank I think who donated it yeah he had one for a son and one for his wife well uh so whoever lives in Mr yaser's old place what is her name her husband passed away and she wanted to put a bench down across the river where those other benches are and I don't I don't know how we go about that because we parkboard had decided they wanted to keep those benches kind of the same uniform but those are nice nicer looking benches and I I don't know if we if it would make any difference if we threw another bench in there or I think when I talked to her it's been a little bit since I talked to her she CU I had kind of told her I said I think they kind of want to keep all the VES the same and if I remember right I think she said she's she's fine with whatever as long as it's not wood oh she didn't want a wood yeah because there's maintenance to them she's like they fall apart they don't yeah so she just didn't want wood and I said good because I don't think and we still have I think three of those benches like U we put over by the pickle Court we still have three of them out at the all at the shop I think she's pretty flexible then um we got a plaque for I forget who donated those ones too but I think her thing was she wanted it because they can see the so she wanted it so that they she could see the bench from there's a spot that they walk down towards the river and they can look across I think there's a blue bench there well that one's up a little further this one was across from tell me the people he she used to work at the bank right at the end of the road there see sitting on the Z zor wasn't it Resort yes he donated two of those benches one for his son and one for his wife well I think if she wants to donate one that's consistent with the what we have and she wants it so she can see it I think that's perfectly fine do we need to have a motion on that wa wait you say consist what we have in those that area or the the new one that we're putting in other places well if she doesn't want a wood one we oh those are wood down there the two down here would new style okay well and there was one one of those benches we Don or was donated by Joan Sans for Dan King too at the time and that's over by one of the assuming on some of those older wooden start to deteriorate and need some maintenance we can replace those two with some of the newer style ones that might give an opportunity for us to go back to the original sponsor and ask if they want to upgrade theirs or if they want it replaced by someone who's been on a waiting list to get a sponsored V I mean if I had sponsored old wooden bench I would want first rights to say nope I want to keep my bench but I'll upgrade it to a nice new metal style or whatever how much do the new upgraded Ones cost you know we Dan was always good about giving grants for stuff like that so he had a lot of benches and a lot of bike stands and that was quite a few years ago so I don't know what those cost anymore the one thing about them is I do like is how they're installed that we are switching to or this is just what he had donated no that's what they had that's what he donated the ones we're switching to would be like the ones over by the pickle ball court and they're and the one that we put in for Dan but they're nice because they got legs down and and you dig down and get that depth so they're not moving these are just bolted on top of the concrete which is a little it can be a little problematic at times but we got like three different or even four different style benches out there the wooden ones that's wart one we got that blue rotary one that's out there and then our new style ones kind of by the pickle ball court well and that's where and then Jake McBroom we haven't got that one installed yet but he had donated one from the scouts too it's kind of hard to turn all of them down you know that the new sty and then then You' ordered the plaque and we put that plaque right on the back of Y and they paid for the con we told them we had the benches they paid for the concrete and the the little black and do we need a motion or anything for the so uh I'll make a motion to accept the donation the bench [Music] from yeah the tree one too I was so B1 and B2 yeah and the tree can we do them together I think so do I not I second the motion to approve the tree from in memory of Cindy reading and then the bench from is it zwartz no or do you remember her name Miranda pretty y socer just spelled different once and but I don't remember no she's very Evans Bill and Sue Evans there we go Evans all right so I have a motion in a second to approve the tree request in the park and also the bench donation for the evans's all in favor I opposed carried that was a mouthful got it out all right uh now to initiation of phase two and three of the burbach professional service agreement uh let's see hold on a second um I was going to calculate but yep so phase two is uh design Development and Construction phase this is important because this will be the design development of the drawings um and the advertising the bidding all of that stuff uh which we need to get moving on because we need to know where our in kind donations are going to land uh so we know exactly how much more money we have to raise um you know they get paid a percentage of the total which is 7 92% to the construction Cost Plus reimbursal expenses and other things for phase two and then phase three is all the construction related Services um um when that that gets into the bidding and everything else and then the the U all the construction management and the the final delivery of the of the final project and that also carries with it a 3.96% of construction cost final construction costs so I don't remember exactly the dollar amounts but uh this is the Professional Services agreement that was approved by the park board and and theoretically the council back five years ago and this was in there at that time so um I kind of held on to it just waiting to do a little bit more fundraising but but we need to get the plans done we need to get it out there we won't pay for any of this until probably construction start or close to it um unless construction start is not spring uh if it goes on uh another year then we will do the bonding we'll probably we'll do the bonding uh after the first of the year um that it wouldn't hit taxes till the the 26 um 2026 taxes um because we're going to build something it may have to be value engineered if we can't raise the money it may have to be another year out if we're not raising enough money and enough time um there was some concern from from one of the council members on how we're going to pay for this if we don't raise enough money right away well that'll be the bonding that we'll use some of those dollars to pay for this part of it uh when the bill comes due which is not for a while um so then even if it has to wait for another year to do more fundraising um we still need this now anyway so anyway um I was going to bring it to council because it's got the mayor's name on there uh but our old uh our old parkboard chair Fred rash was in attendance at a work session and said hey wait a minute isn't this a Park Board they can hire and fire and sign contracts good point so so we're here for approval from the park board to proceed with phase two and three so in talking over with the other pool committee members too at this point like we're locked into burbach it's not like we can pick up and go with another company even though that Todd Hamlet said he knew another Pool designer he had someone in mind at our last meeting that he was talking to or I'm like that ship is already left the port like we're already on the bach yeah so when that all started I don't know if there was three or four oh reording people that they worked interviewed and got the prises from so at that time that's when verx believe they were I can't remember the ex but they were cheaper and that's what sure yep and it kind of already is in the burbach contract like Brian was pointing out it's X percentage for this x percentage for that so the the phase two and the phase three already have kind of like a an estimated price correct because they're not 100% sure on what the final price of this is supposed to be anyway so they kind of covered themselves to make sure that it they're getting at least a percentage of what the total cost is so it might have been a $4 million pool two years ago but now that it's a $5.3 million pool and now they're still getting that percentage and that increase those projected costs are are in the the whole list of of costs things that are out there with in the $4.6 to6 million so it won't be any surprise you know it's all it's all listed in there it's all part of that total cost so uh we just need to get need to get going on the plans and get out there for a bid I agree with Brian there shouldn't be any more delay the referendum has passed we got to get this thing moving in fact um I wasn't there for the full pool committee meeting but now that we're already approved and the re referendum is passed for three million even if we had to start construction and do all this stuff I don't understand why there should be any delay on doing the grunt work like getting the old pool demolished getting it out of there digging the new vessel and getting it going because in looking at the overall proposal like $3 million worth of stuff that's pretty much everything except for the outbuilding like if we did nothing else in 2025 but tear everything down and build the whole brand new pool and do all the concrete and then we still had to put up a pump house and the big thing like if we couldn't get that done and couldn't get the funds raised by the time that happened next summer then obviously we couldn't open the pool in the spring of 26 we couldn't build that but at least we'd have 80% of it done and sitting there I don't I can't imagine why we would just sit on this and do nothing all next summer because we're you know $800,000 short and I I truly believe that once we start doing something and then if we're working on it we're there and we're saying we still have a shortfall here and we need to keep moving the money is going to keep coming in I think if we're just looking at nothing there and there's no progress people aren't going to be as willing to open up don't and I think it's it's good that they have a lot of different ideas for fundraisers because I think keeping it viewable in view of the people will also help y it's easy to just forget about things right y especially in the winter so who is it that's saying that we have to wait till 20 26 if we don't have the complete dollar amount me well no it's it's so 90% basically is what they look for and that's how they usually run things now we could set a lower amount when you say they is that burbach burbach how they how they've do done these contracts or these these things before but so at 90% uh we would need to raise 1 point 1,1 163,00 be on the 3 million to get us to 90% and you're exactly right we're about 800,000 short of that right now before bidding before anything else so so you know we can close that Gap or in all likelihood hopefully hopefully we're not short at all but if we are it's not much of the 90% And then we'll continue to fund raise along the way yeah but some of that too like say there's $325,000 for the demolition of the old pool schacher bids it and says we can do that for 100,000 or whoever or whoever yeah somewhat local comes in says I can do that for 100,000 they would get or we would get the full $325,000 because the difference the $225,000 Delta that would be an in-kind donation correct so we're still getting credit for the full estimated amount the Masons the block layers are lot BL out there a lot of that plumbing I mean all sorts of things you name it um but who knows it's but until they can start finalizing the drawings and going out and getting bids from all the different people who might be doing that work we can't even really start to tally the funds for the in kind donations so that's where we're really stuck until we get phase two and three done pH two and three phase two and three is your design Development and Construction ruction document phase so finalizing the plans and going out and getting bids correct right well it's the documents phase phase three is the bids right phase is your your work for construction soil Waring site surveys General Revis site layouts and final beginning your final graphs of your plans and then S three is your or phase three is your construction related service include advertising for plan sets pre evening actual public FID opening and preparing contracts onsight observation and then you got start up first first first time start so phase three is finishing basically the rest the rest that what we haven't covered already until the end R and the phase two portion is we do some soil Bings and well actually there was some other work that had to be done before we for down which we started on we just kind of put everything and and the documents are in the packet if you need more details to put trying to summarize it so that it makes sense if somebody wants to just quick look at the minutes like I don't want to write book on it page 41 oh I I was I right to this one thinking that was itop copy paste mik me out with another memo there even think about it I always ask for a memo then I would give him one whoops the checks in the ma so when we finish this I have a question for you when we finish this port yep we need a motion and second and approval to uh initiate phase two and three of the burbach Professional Services agreement I will move that we initiate phase two and three of the burbach professional service agreement I'll second I got a motion and a second for the initiation of phase two and three of the burbach professional service agreement all in favor I opposed carried um I've had people ask for lanes for swimming laps you've heard that I have not but when we went through some of our documentation and our marketing stuff when we were trying to get the referendum to pass I specifically asked for those those photos to be taken out because the pool will not have them okay it's not big enough for swimming lanes and with the Zero Entry it when you'd swim you'd swim into like a three foot or two foot depth and you couldn't run it no yeah you could you could run some they're not full length Lanes or anything like that there there's an area there where the diving board and the hopefully the climbing wall to the other side that that would be available for theoretically for swimming laps if you shut down yeah and run the longest if you look at the photo there if you go the longest stretch and shut down the the deep end you'd be swimming laps through the 12 feet and then back towards the shallow and it wouldn't be like it used to be where you could just stand up if you got tired or cramped up swimming laps but otherwise everything else going the other two directions goes into the two foot depth so you'd be starting out at like a 4 foot depth you swim into a twoof foot so there's not a lot yeah so there's not a lot of swimming Lanes right okay and and you can't have laps that go into the deep water yeah if you're a good enough swimmer but if you cramp up or something happens like you're you don't know where to go yes you could there would be lifeguards if if you would have an event where you'd strictly like you were doing a swim meet or something you could shut down the diving board and yes you could do that I don't think that you would ever have like lap swimming on the deep end versus like water robx and the shallow and have a big right the people that were talking to me about it were adults and they wanted to have a time when it wasn't open swim time for the everybody else and that they could just come and put some L markers out and a definite proposal we could potentially do I was say let me look what Pen Island does if they have because they pool they do offer lab swimming in Pine Island we should see how they because their's their's would have to go into the deep end right AR They just won well their's is kind of almost like a it's like a weird shaped U almost more like a V maybe and to run it the short way would be like really short but they could do it it's like during swimming lessons the older kids were doing the short way but yeah I don't know they if they do it the long way but they offer lap swimming so we could see how they that was just when we were out at the at the for the fair that some of the things that people were saying so yeah we had people asked too if we're going to reuse the climbing wall too like they didn't see that on the new thing and like we kept it that was the reason we bought it so we could put it back out there so we'll see all right uh looks like we need to reschedule the November meeting because of the election what election if I see any more ads on TV I oh worse it's so bad it always drops off drastically in October oh it's so bad so I you did requested the meeting for November 4th be rescheduled on the fourth detentions will be high I already requested my absentee ballot so but you're not gonna want you're probably gonna want to vote to the next Monday I would good that's is closed what's the next Monday veterans St Veterans Day 11 oh so that Tuesday probably the 12th no the 12th I mean the following week Tuesday oh I see yes not plan meeting in here got there's a what meeting oh my so Wednesday the day after the election might be the best so the 13th the six or the sixth sorry getting my weeks mixed up so the fourth is just because we're getting everything prepped and ready yeah the room has to be set up unless I mean unless if you I'm not going to be here because I have to go get the supplies so unless you two are going to be here you can still carry on on with it because we could still go into the small conference room or even in here well we could yeah we're going to have a long line of tables we just all sit there if you want to make sure that you two are for sure here you can still carry out I'll be here I'll be here I should be here too leave it on the Monday if my plane leaves Charleston on Sunday if not then I'll be driving to make it back for the election I'm going to be driving back to time share with Mary you better be here I'll be here I will be here one way or another I specifically book my flight so that I would have enough time to drive if the plane doesn't fly otherwise you're going to have to be a head judge because my father-in-law is in the for the election so I can't be a judge I can do my the clerk stuff I can't you can still answer questions when I I just can't come out I'll drive down and get you drive down plane get you back for the election I like to fly on a charer PL we're missing our we're missing our other challenge's in the election too so only have we only have one seasoned expert this year this time so due to the and my code word is blueberry what's that the emergency get cops all right mine isn't gonna take very long The Covered Bridge s baby swings all of them are super super squeaky can we just get someone to spray some WD40 on those or something so they're not so squeaky that's all I'm asking the chain at the to is very squeaky yeah we noticed that like a couple weeks ago and my husband's like can't you just bring that up in the meeting I'm like probably inside kids cost a lot of money what part of the will that come out yeah it's just the three I don't know about the handicap swing but the three baby swings for sure all you little Spritz so I don't know they need a motion do I I don't know just a concerned just a concerned citizen so okay cool um reports no reports I have one thing I was like every time it's Troy I have one thing oh sure I was um approached at my church by someone that was uh very angry with the Parker board and with me in particular oh and uh I listened and from now on I would suggest as I'm going to do that if I'm approached again I'm just going to say no we're not talking about it we'll make an appointment at City Hall bring it here so you can be there yeah bring it to the park yeah because it was very aggressive and very angry regarding the campground the campground expansion gotta yeah and he same person very much in my face and oh that's nice and I I was afraid he was going to have a heart attack he was that shaking and pulsing so yeah but he scared me a little bit well I'm sorry you had to go through that yeah I would definitely in that situation let people know that we do have a public comment portion every single time and they're more than welcome these are public meetings they can come down and voice concern he's well aware of that and and not only that but thank you for bringing it to my attention but before you go any further I think everyone should hear this so let's not waste this conversation just you and I standing here at Quick Trip talking about like please come down I want to hear the rest of this but I want everyone else to hear it too right yeah that's unfortunate sorry you had to go through that I had one gentleman um unrelated too but in the in the parade we didn't make it one block out of the staged area for the parade and the very first person I stopped to give a magnet to says I don't understand why you just didn't bond for the whole entire amount why are you fundraising this is stupid you should have just asked for the whole money what's going on here you either want it or you don't want it I was like so sorry you want that like and then I had other people that I tried to hand a magnet too and they said I voted no for that you can keep your magnet I was just like but granted these were very very small um instances throughout the parade but I I too know what it's like to be greeted by someone who's like hey I'm not supporting what you're pushing hilarious I voted no I don't want you and I honestly just said I appreciate your cander and your honesty I said not everybody is in favor of that so thank you for letting me know and I just went on my way so speaking of I think we got four we got it all put in except four sites that we probably will finish tomorrow saw some greeting and stuff going on back there last time I was out walking last weekend or whatever looks like some time once we I'm so sorry so what are we gonna do with some of the playground equipment like the monkey bars and the swings and stuff that are back stamp the trees we haven't taken any trees down we Tre trees saved all the trees all the playground stuff the one I would like to get rid of is that thing we got that wasn't safe for the people that we got it from back in the day that's why we got it right and that was all in an effort to respect the the wishes of of the group that came in because they were concerned about the trees they were concerned about you know my grandkids want to play on those that play ground there and so they're doing the best they can to save all that we W to the gentleman and said Put it just just as it LS you don't have to do speci so you look at the probably only one really some of trees sure the trees there are some trees [Music] we'll get through the that might have been the thing that you were going to talk to Matt about it was with the tree instant that the bran came yeah I wrote down what liability the waiver of the the campground yeah yep camper that and the floods and you know camp at your own risk correct what is maybe you want to mention Fe sure yeah uh oh that's yeah that's a good point thanks Mike um I'm working on FEMA paperwork to recover costs that we were that we incurred with the flooding uh you know most of the dollars were removing all the limbs and everything from below the bridge and the river um and then other General cleanup out there closing the the highway for for a time so there's some staff time there some equipment that that Mike staff used um it just kind of snowballs when you start looking at everything it's like well now there's equipment now there's gas now there's so trying to put together all that paperwork it's a whole lot of but yeah there's give or take $10,000 maybe a little less that that we'll be able excuse me to put in the the project they call it you have to categorize things into different projects and they have to be more than $3,900 or $2,900 each one so if you fit a couple things in one category then it's less then that's not eligible so I just got approval today to fit it all under it's a category G is what it's called because it was all related to the park and and everything we did was was all Park so the whole deal is under category G so that's looking much better matter getting all the information in and recouping those dollars so I'm not but possiblys of of I don't know but we're putting all that information together now and we'll send it [Music] to yeah we're hoping that they pay for good share of the bath house because that that is moving up out of the flood plane completely I think that's not even in the flood back area FL even the C and that's what I I was going to send information along with our ordinance for flood city ordinances as far as building the floodways elevation maps and everything showing the difference from where they are to where they get mov yeah yeah not that they won't flood but they're last last I mean the last time I can't remember I looked on that stuff too was it 2016 was the last time that that bath house fled but then there was quite period from 2016 previous to that that it was flooding all the time yeah so yeah if we can get some dollars for that and and of course it's it's FEMA's best interest to to help with mitigation because they don't want to be back in pay for all this again so so that'll be good if we get all that stuff in and it's just time consuming those Fe of dollars go directly towards the campground in there just back into the park fund um I don't know where the the staff hours came out of for all that clean up whether it was streets or where it was but it'll be all broken up back to where it belongs um of course any of the mitigation with the campground the campground is pay being paid for out of uh parkboard funds complet completely so anything any mitigation dollars and stuff like that yeah that'll be directly yep that be heck and then you know whatever in the park for moving soccer nets or setting the Frisbee Nets back up or whatever oh the the uh treating of the Kids Kingdom there was some in-kind work there by the fire department um you know yeah all those dollars I would imagine would go back into the par that's great so any dollars help yeah they do are we entertained you tell me I'm ready didn't you have something yet nope I wanted to entertain a motion please I'll make a motion to adjourn second a motion is second to ajour all in favor opposed peace out how do you close