##VIDEO ID:b1qcpflaVAI## this conference will now be recorded and then he I said D no I didn't say that said then he said yeah we should be here next 40 years older I am say my dad turn 88 soon you're like super it's funny because I've never a good you guys class oh my God charge ahead or wait got two three four five of us which is a quorum agenda any amendments to the agenda a ad there you can see 6B cannabis and Zoning update talk about a little bit motion approve the agenda with the added item I'll make that motion I'll second discussion not all in favor say I I osain carries 5 z0 approval of November 12 minutes one correction Glenn's name has got two ends in it not one right two ends in your name right two ends two ends 4 A I'll make a motion to approve the um minutes from the regular meeting on on November 12th as amended discussion all in favor say Iain carries we've got it's about time yeah time we've got a public hearing do you want to give some preliminaries and then I can open up the hearing yeah public hearing we've spoken about this uh last meeting you can see the um minor subdivision was submitted so just to review proud put and Walter would acquire 16,000 square feet more or less for personal use um witchman would acquire ,600 Square ft for personal use both homes are located in the meof for fourth subdivision uh both are zoned R1 the land that they're hoping to acquire is not in that subdivision um so the minor split will come from the Driscoll Southside properties in order to get this meeting happened all three parties had to get the had to get their applications in and fees paid which they all did and um Meer Hofer got the excuse me not my Hopper um Driscoll got the survey done and you've got it in your packet as well if you need to see it it's kind of review of what we've seen last week uh the sign certificate of survey was submitted to City Hall November 2st and what we have is if if a this is what the public hearing is for if a minor subdivision of the three Parcels Driscoll Southside properties on the Southeast side of custom iron property should be approved if approved these Parcels will be joined with deed restrictions to Leah witchman and Jennifer Walters Glen proudfoot property and and secondly if the newly created parcel should be rezone from industrial 2 to R1 like the primary residences are uh there was deed restriction for both properties due to different subdivisions if approved the subdivision as well as a reone will be sent to city council meeting on December 19th for their approval [Music] any questions on that anybody here that inp request any comments from the people within 350 ft I have gotten no I have none anybody have anything to say over there got the survey done huh yeah right not anything more than what was said before uh I see um I see that the survey are put in a controlled access you know you see that on the south side of parcel a you see that a lot of times with highways like if you look at the Highway 52 RightWay map or something there'll be a control access which means you can't just put a driveway in you stay approval and there's State requirements on that but um I see they put it in here maybe to suggest that uh unless otherwise proved in the future there wouldn't necessarily be a separate access to parcel a that proudfoot would have to would use your main lot to get access to parcel a is that the idea there I have no idea why that was put in I was sort of surprised by it too but I I didn't know was put in until I saw that I mean kind of what we that was sort of the understanding right anyway well that's what I would think as they put it in there for an access point today sure why we didn't request it okay I wonder if the proximity to the corner in the street if that has something to do with the design I think initially for all we were of against separate access to that anyway so I guess I'm personally I'm fine that in there maybe there was an access in the original plot me to to get the custom property from Lancaster that's my only guess why it would be there separate preexisting which we' got an ordinance on distances between curb cuts and to corners and things like that so I'm I'm okay with there isn't any curb cut there now is there no at that point okay there's nothing cut there now the Cur just straight out okay but wouldn't the control mean like a stop sign or a I'm not sure what the legal definition me that would be a controlled more so than just a curve cut I mean if it's his he cut a curb in there anyhow if you own it could be once he owns it he can cut a curb if no cuz he's already he's already got a curb cut or you could he could he have to apply for subis okay second one to have a second crib cut but you to prove it yeah that's right if it's just a supplemental or secondary use it might be best not do that okay anyway do have an ordinance that covers that uh all right I'll close public hearing so we've got uh we've got some rezoning we've got a minor subdivision and and a requirement that the parcels need to be tied together through a deed restriction I did one of the last times did this uh for a property owner that you know different subdivisions and rather than requiring a replat which is a little bit more painful uh they did this declaration of deed restriction that ties the Lots together so like the witchman house lot would be tied to parcel B and proud foot house be tied parcel a and it's a separate document here that Terry's attorney or whoever is going to be doing all the document drafting should probably do something similar to this and then uh and then whoever's whoever's drafting the Deeds would probably also want to draft a companion deed restriction and then you if assuming Council approves all of this assuming we approve this and then Council approves it you'll have to bring in those docks to Brian to uh put a stamp a special stamp on the front of the deed that says minor subdivision approved and then you'll have to all try to get all this recorded with the County Recorder before the end of December otherwise uh Terry will have to Pony up a lot of property taxes in in January Terry actually uh he stopped by during the surveying so I was with the surveyor and Terry and I were both walking around with them and we mentioned that last time about uh whether or not to do the sale this year or next year and the taxes and everything were brought up and ter actually said that uh he would like it to be done next year possibly in January because uh of benefits for him on capital gains so we didn't have to rush and do this hearing right now yeah okay yeah I didn't it's fine okay came the day of the survey and then he actually said that he wasn't sure yet he minded if it would be held off till January and I said well not big I guess we're trying to do him a favor but that's fine right so and he didn't get back to me and tell me which way he wanted to go with it and I sent him a note the other day okay either way uh County won't record those deeds unless they see Brian's stamp on the front so you're going to have to remember to do that and he's going to have to see some something similar to this a deed restriction that ties the Lots together I can give you a copy this now was just a sample of what's been done previously but whoever's doing the document drafting if they could do something like that but anyway maybe I'm getting a little ahead of things I don't know if the what the commission's thought are this or not I move that we recommend this for approval as outlined I'll second any let's see do we need any findings I don't think we need findings on the rezone I mean usually rezone is either uh well rezone is done if the nature or character is changed so I guess combining these Lots suddenly makes appear more residential so that would be the justification for the rezone R1 to match the zoning of the existing buildings and then uh minor subdivision I don't think we need any justification for that either is it allowable or not and uh and then on the condition that they do the deed restriction so okay any other discussion so it's a recommendation on Council right Tom okay any further discussion if not all in favor say I I I oppose stain carries 500 so council meeting is uh 19th 19th so city council will take it up the 19th that was easy and what time at 5:30 is there 6 6 okay on to 6 a PMZ 225 yeah we're just trying to get a outline of who's going to be back next year uh Matt more than likely will not correct with a I I don't live in city limits I don't think I can be but you're a business owner in the city that try to rain that we can't let you go man how many years how many years no just outside of City Limits we're going to have a new uh City attorney so [Music] no reluctantly we're gonna have raise spend more time family and things so you retiring no I've been bringing work home every night and every weekend for the last 20 years and after a while it makes a guy a little edgy so I just need to just cut back a little bit yep okay so we'll see who the new chair will be uh I assume Joan will still do planning zoning next year if Todd's good with it and you can see the various members you can see your name there every and if you're not interested in doing it please let me know so I can put it up we'd like to have everybody back uh in January we'll set and you can see which looking at ordinances there's a vice chairperson and then what's called a zoning ad ministrator which is a secretary uh would fill those spots in January with current members hey K so unless I hear different I'll keep you on for 2025 that's kind what we're talking about next year oh yeah the mayor does annual appointments right Y and I know we have a new member coming on uh Fred coming on right so but Sarah's on ed8 so I I guess I'll wait to see what y that'll be January meeting that we appoint [Music] will be could say Tom big step Kim was gone we she was missing we should have said Kim would be happy to already a chairperson of two other boards so I'm GNA have to decline such a good job the City attorney had to be the chair of it that's yeah well no okay that's what Kim told me too but no no that's not the case so the new attorney is not the chair still say does it say that yeah that so um yeah and talking to the firms they they strongly recommend not doing that and then they would not do that will they attend only on our request how does that work they will attend every meeting if I say hey you need to attend every meeting they might be virtual is this depending on which firm we hire I was going to say you know one there's an issue in here a lot of times C write up the uh you know the city councelor staff thinks this is our recommendations maybe that would be a attorney's comments would be an appropriate thing to include when we have stuff like that too yes well yeah and that's a good point because there's going to be more changes um theoretically so we're we are we posted for a deputy City administrator position not an assistant a deputy that means all all the statutory stuff still falls on me but um the vision for that person will be they're going to take over Planning and Zoning uh they will be somebody that's always here hired by Z broa you know um Ceda um can move around from time to time we've had three since I've been here um and and you lose some inherent zoning memory especially if we lose M on there um they're going be lose a lot of memory on this Z but so what I want is someone who's going to be here all the time so that Deputy City administrator will take over Planning and Zoning so in essence they'll be completely involved kind you know like Kurt but Kurt has got Eda responsibilities as well this person still be planning and zoning um so that'll change as well at some point probably not till who knows February March whatever Kurt will still be with us but just not we'll be doing all Eda well unless you apply we hurry as a deputy C administrator but um so that that's the way that'll go um but yeah then the attorney you know they asked we interviewed two firms we haven't picked one yet but um both of them asked if they could attend virtually sure if they want if we wanted them here they'll do either one but you know in all likelihood a lot of times we'll want the attorney to be on yeah virtually for sure or here so it'll be a new new Dynamic um but we'll we'll work through it as you know chairman Tom guys there's a lot I mean there's a lot of consideration that comes up that that Matt always brings up at the medians that yes none of us might think of I guess that's worth if might prolong things yeah even if we had you know that review ahead of time and comments ahead of time like we sometimes do for here y might be good yeah it'll bu we'll be a learning experience and we'll grow into it it's been I suppose has uh it's been a Rockne in this position 100 years so it's it'll be a new thing for the city I I yeah no no I've got a trip plan at the end of January but well we're through it and it'll be fine you know I've got the code committee going too which is kind of a parallel um and the City attorney will be involved with with that too more we're realizing you know I tried to make a go of it without bringing m in too much but boy oh boy that's a lot of stuff so and that person will take over the the code committee as well the deputy will I don't feel like I know enough I feel like I should learn something is there a something I should I I just feel like I'm kind of the zoning or I'm learning I'm listening but I what do I need to do just feel like I need to know more I ask questions is that online y why you send you to us the link just to refresher you want to send a link to the zoning ordinance well both of them probably well yeah it's right on our our City website on citizens minesa City one yeah possibly couple years ago we did yeah a couple years ago we had that one yeah okay I to be smart like Tom and Kim and all you other guys well the only reason I know what I know is I take all the test I know and is different than other jurisdiction so you just want to make sure that you're following that okay regulation it's a course 60 minutes I think it's online yeah good to have that too um $15 per per user so what we would do is get everybody signed up and then you take it on your own time okay oh yeah yes yeah thank you no thanks for mentioning it that's a good point you know we do a lot of onboarding with a new council member sometimes we forget what the the commission member said hey there should be some onboarding with that too I look out next year I'll be moving motions knowledge is a dangerous danger as they come what did you say man getting all whole class robt rules a lock be careful that's not I know that so be careful do you okay right inter yeah so I did make copies you guys are going to have a copy for the council and this is a draft Matt and I worked extensively on this earlier today but I thought it isting to zoning districts I hav't sent to you email um basically this is we all have to have a zoning coordinates in place the moratorium is done on um January 1st so the county we've delegated registration um authority to the county but we need to have some ordinance in place that says you you need to be this far from a school if you need to be this far from a care facility and things like that so that's in here U but the other part of it is where you can sell it that that points to a C2 zoning so basically Highway we're going restrict it to be out by the highway to sell it you can't sell it downtown um we didn't put the C1 or C1 a in there um and then the rest of it is all eyes um for um cultivation there's just there's 13 different licenses that are articulated in there um and most of them would be in the eyes but anyway since it was touching the zoning stuff I wanted you you guys to be aware of it in case you get a question so was there an interest I guess is that what or it's just something they're just updating it just in case okay yep so basically the the county we got a call from Brad Anderson one of the Commissioners and they're calling everybody because they're concerned that if if someone gets through the state the state process it's a licensing process process that it's a registration process through the county and they want to put a place across the street from the school we don't have anything in place then they said we'd feel terrible if we didn't tell them no you know so and there's some debate on there there too where we would just fall under the County's ordinance or but whatever thing I'm hearing is that we have to have it our own and we were want our own anyway so it's coming together pretty quickly and in all likelihood it'll be amended at some point but we're hitting the points that we need to okay now I mean we got a long ways on it today we talked with Megan Smith the uh the land use interm land use manager at good County who was in charge y she was from Lake City they brought her in down there but so we talked to her quite a bit um about this too and made some changes and so anyway basically we're we're limiting to one in count that's the sales though any of these other Le licenses could be more but that's all in the eye areas or AG ultural we have very little egg in town but's I what do you mean by industrial industrial I want so that' be like DFA area over there's DFA is industrial um concast my old house is actually an is it yeah they can plant a whole Airbnb and fuel out in the backyard it's they should have it next to the hospital we know what the know what the trees gr I think the only egg is isn't it up on the North side like where [Music] hton all that oh the Cover Bridge Park no that's that's specifically EXA CBD Park is yeah Golf Course SE plan Golf Course is egg sewer plant industrial is back here too by um wedge Lumber and all that course conditional use or something what's I that's tone yeah you can see some industrial here so yeah like where custom iron is is ey yeah there was very little unless there more from stations because that's where if I remember right that's where the adult uses can go yes so we kind of just said okay EG and now there's a lot more opportunities for the mil use what do you mean by adult youth strip club strip joint that sells the park a be a destination city here may we need to change c yeah well we'll talk some more about that we've got a work session with the council tomorrow night to talk about a little bit more of this stuff we just have to have it ready to go by the 19th oh wow 19th next week public hearing or we'll have a sheet like that Brian what's that like tomorrow we you will I was just sitting here thinking about that yeah like will we will just look at that yes I'll one out what's blue residential okay some of that's not developed a lot of that's not developed just wonder what happening here it's in the city oh and this all be residential as well we prove that update your map bur property yeah it'll get in there well and plus out out at uh well I guess it won't change on at W's place because it was already that's been out there that's agriculture Carlson's there yeah we got to look a little bit more on on these zoning districts of what these are it's all a conditional use so it have to be improved what's that little egg down south of me there right on 52 Prim that little green spot that's a good question that's not right that's that's a lot one lot in there who is it serson yeah how about spot zoning con's got stuffed up used to be Carol is that Carol cop's old house yeah so they've got some opportunities there D there you go you wouldn't have to go so you just walk in the back cards to get you that makes sense what you're doing yeah and this mirrors other communities there's a whole bunch of us talking about this and Megan is get getting bombarded with questions down with the county and so we're trying to make sure everything jives and definitions I said I got to send that St to you I didn't look up definitions as she told us to look at daycare and stuff like that to make sure we don't have definitions in here that don't D with other definitions that's not a bad idea what she suggested but I I think there's lots of possibly contradictory definitions in like the state statutes but they're like this says for purposes of this ordinance then daycare is defined as this but so I don't know if we'd have to get too hung up pretty close a little bit of typo though there it's is not it is there shouldn't be apostrophe after 23 what it's pretty much throughout where it says the city of Zoda or its design oh yeah it's not it is it's it's it's a yeah it's not it isur did you say possessive yeah yeah it's almost at all of those now now good catch the Kims always catch those things there a usually Pro for each other Y and you were just working on it so it's a draft right yeah we'll mark it up to dra no I would have missed it I'm notorious for typos I'm a ter smaller too Scot's perere in my house grammarly get grammarly oh I used that when I was in college wasn't oh yeah every one of them all right cat yeah no this more of a heads up for everybody is this uh oh yeah this probably this could be your last meeting we should had a party you go over the goose