Red Bank Zoning Board Weighs Renovation and New Restaurant Proposal

The latest Red Bank Zoning Board meeting revolved around a proposal to renovate a building on Broad Street and the introduction of a high-end restaurant with potential entertainment offerings. The proposal sparked extensive discussion due to its implications for parking, traffic, and the historical integrity of the area. The Board approved a resolution for a wall sign on Broad Street and carried over a decision on a 40 EBG due to noticing issues. The primary focus was on the proposed changes to 2123 Broad Street, which included extensive renovations and the potential for a new rooftop dining experience.

The proposed project on Broad Street includes a restaurant that could span multiple floors, featuring a fine dining experience with the added allure of a rooftop garden and a dessert area. The ambitious vision includes an establishment with a supper club or jazz theme. The proposed changes to the building involve repainting and resealing the facade, moving the storefront door, replacing third-floor windows, and adding sunscreens for aesthetic and practical purposes. The interior plans include installing a new elevator, modifying stairs for third-floor access, and adding necessary bathrooms. The project would require variances for parking, setback, and floor area ratio due to exceeding ordinance allowances.

Discussion of the project was detailed, with the board marking several exhibits and the applicant discussing the need for renovations, including the potential for alcohol sales. The board grappled with the historical significance of the building, its proposed name, and the potential impact of renovations on the area’s aesthetic. In particular, the black and white design of the facade was noted for its historical value.

The potential impact on parking and traffic was a concern, with dialogue centering on the closure of Broadwalk and its effect on parking space availability. The board scrutinized the loss of parking spaces, which ranged from 20 to over 50, and how this would affect residents and traffic, particularly on Wallace Street. A traffic consulting principal presented findings indicating a decrease in weekday trips but an increase during Saturday peak hours. The topic of off-street parking was raised, referencing a previously granted parking variance from 2019.

The board reviewed standards for variances, considering both the positive and negative criteria. The life safety and accessibility of the building, as well as its historical value, were key points of discussion. Questions arose about the transportation of food from the first-floor kitchen to the proposed third-floor dining area, with the absence of a dumbwaiter being a particular point of concern. The applicant’s strategy for parking and floor area ratio variances was explained, highlighting the need for flexibility to attract suitable tenants. The breakdown of square footage across floors was debated, with the potential impact on occupancy levels being a focal point.

In addition to the renovation and restaurant proposal, the meeting touched on another alteration proposal for a building on Mechanic Street, which called for an 8-foot wall extension, a 455-square foot addition, and ADA compliance. The variances discussed included setbacks, lot coverage, loading space, and parking. The applicant discussed the necessity of the variances for the project’s viability and to facilitate tenant attraction.

The board ultimately approved the application for the Broad Street project, with conditions related to compliance with commitments, affordable housing rules, historic preservation, and other regulations. Board members expressed hope that the business would revitalize the area and help resolve the issue of vacant buildings, despite the challenges associated with parking and traffic.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
William Portman
Zoning Board Officials:
Paul Cagno, Anne Torre, Raymond Mass, Eileen Hogan, Ben Yuro, Sharon Lee, Vincent Light, Anna Cruz (Alternate No. 1), Amanda Doremus (Alternate No. 2), Gene Horowitz (Alternate No. 3), Chris Havens (Alternate No. 4), Kevin Kennedy, Esq. (Attorney), Edward Herrman (Engineer)

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