Temple Terrace Targets Repeat Violations and Permit Issues
- Meeting Overview:
The most recent Temple Terrace Code Enforcement Board meeting addressed a series of property violations, focusing on repeat offenses and the importance of proper permitting. The board deliberated on cases involving unpermitted roof installations, outdoor storage equipment, inoperative vehicles, and unscreened trailers, imposing fines and granting extensions where necessary.
The meeting commenced with case 24-16, regarding a permit application requirement violation for a roof installation. Code compliance officer Lori Smith presented evidence of the violation, which included a failure to obtain the necessary additional permits for the work performed. The board imposed a $25 per day fine to be levied if the respondent did not correct the violation by a given deadline.
A particularly notable case was 24-11178, which involved a repeat violation for improper outdoor storage equipment. The respondent was absent, but the board proceeded with the case based on the evidence of recurring non-compliance provided by Smith. The details of the board’s ruling in this case were not specified in the summary provided.
The board also handled a case involving Amar El Jaali, who faced a fine for inoperative vehicles parked on his driveway. As a dealer, El Jaali argued that the vehicles were operative and proposed using dealer tags. Despite his defense, the board decided to impose a $300 fine for the violation.
In another instance, Matthew R. Moran sought an extension for compliance with building permits due to power issues caused by a fallen tree. The board acknowledged the situation and granted an extension until May 8th, 2024.
Additionally, Tom Bron, the code compliance director, and a neighbor named Ryan Gman, provided evidence of a trailer parked in the street, a violation for which Christy Reeves was found to be responsible. Reeves had since brought the property into compliance, and thus, no fine was imposed.
The board addressed a complaint about a trailer parked in a residential area overnight. The owner of the trailer, who worked late hours, expressed frustration at being singled out, especially when other similar violations seemed to go unnoticed. The board clarified that irrespective of frequency, the violation still stood, but no fine was levied because the owner had rectified the issue prior to the hearing.
In a discussion about sanitation and unscreened trailers, it was revealed that the alleged trailer violation was mistakenly attributed to the wrong property owner, as the trailer was actually owned by a neighbor. Consequently, the board removed the trailer violation from the list of concerns for that property.
Moreover, the board considered a motion regarding sanitation violations at a property on Mission Hills Avenue, proposing a $25 per day fine for non-compliance. The respondent was advised to coordinate with the code officer to resolve the issues.
The meeting also highlighted a parking regulation violation on North 55th Street, where excessive visitor parking on the grass led to a code infraction. The representative for the respondent explained the situation and the steps being taken to prevent future incidents. The board found the property to be in violation but already in compliance, so no fine was imposed.
New code enforcement officer Sean Robinson was introduced during the meeting, and his area of responsibility within the city was delineated.
Andy Ross
Code Enforcement Board Officials:
David Redding, Bryan Hubert, David Pogorilich (Chairperson), Bill Snelling, Samer Tamimi, Raed Khawaja, Gina d’Angelo
Meeting Type:
Code Enforcement Board
Meeting Date:
Recording Published:
79 Minutes
Notability Score:
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