Frenchtown School Board Plans to Enhance Student Success

The Frenchtown School Board recently convened to address a variety of topics, with a primary focus on improving student achievement and supporting the educational environment. Significant discussions included a detailed presentation on student achievement, negotiations for increased instructional time, budget considerations, and the introduction of therapy dogs to the school environment.

A field representative from the New Jersey School Board Association, Gwen Thorton, delivered an extensive remote presentation emphasizing the board’s role in fostering student achievement. Thorton advocated for a systemic approach, underscoring the importance of a shared vision, alignment with state learning standards, and the use of various assessments and data sources. The need to evaluate school culture and climate was also highlighted, alongside the significance of personalized instruction. Thorton’s presentation outlined the board’s responsibilities in curriculum approval, budgeting, and teacher support, emphasizing the periodic evaluation of the curriculum and its alignment with state standards. She noted the recent curriculum revisions in English language arts and Mathematics and the incorporation of science into reading strategies.

The impact of instructional time on student achievement was a focal point of discussion, with talks centering on the potential extension of the school day. The importance of addressing broader issues such as housing and food instability was underscored, as was the impact of initiatives like breakfast before the Bell. The public hearing on the budget was mentioned, along with goals to minimize funding impacts, support middle school students academically, and maintain existing programs in collaboration with King Township. The board outlined various initiatives, such as wellness room integration and academic support programs, and the district’s collaboration with the community, including security cooperation with local emergency services.

Budgetary matters were a significant topic, with the board discussing a $105,000 increase in the fund balance due to one-time stabilization Aid. The total budget for the year was reported as $3,149,298, with details provided on the impact of state aid reductions over the past seven years and changes in the tax levy. The board also mentioned the preschool expansion Aid, which supports free preschool for Frenchtown students, and recognized autism acceptance month.

A motion was approved to affirm the HIV report and authorize therapy dogs in the school, following positive feedback about their impact on staff and students. The board acknowledged academic achievements, including honor roll recognitions, and discussed the preschool program’s enrollment for the upcoming year. The board also addressed the comprehensive Equity plan, the importance of a community survey, and preparations for upcoming NJ SLA testing.

The board shared successes from recent community events such as a car wash fundraiser and a PTO book fair. They also discussed plans for future events and educational opportunities, such as a second session on cyber security and social media, and encouraged attendance at the New Jersey School Boards Convention. An executive session was held to discuss collective bargaining and employment terms.

During the consent agenda, questions were raised about specific budget items, including the allocation of funds for out-of-state student tuition and the purpose of the wi-fi system upgrade, which is to be e-rate funded with safety and security considerations. The meeting concluded with a motion to adjourn, noting no public comments during this segment.

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