Monroe Zoning Board Approves Variances for U-Haul Facility Expansion

In a recent Monroe Zoning Board meeting, the board approved a proposal for an expansion to the 3C Sack Self Storage LP facility that includes U-Haul services. Key elements of the meeting revolved around the applicant’s request for variances to create additional parking for trucks, a canopy area, a propane refill station, and to implement storm water management plans. The meeting also addressed a separate application for bulk variances to build a single-family home on a 3-acre lot in a 10-acre zone, and concerns from residents regarding environmental impact and property privacy were taken into consideration.

The expansion of the 3C Sack Self Storage LP facility, which operates in conjunction with U-Haul, was a focal point of the meeting. The proposal outlined the addition of 9,250 square feet of parking space, allowing for 11 additional U-Haul trucks. The plans also included a shade canopy for employees, a concrete pad for propane refills, and storm water management features. The applicant assured the board that the expansion would comply with both state and local storm water management regulations and that the proposed changes were minor developments. To address potential light pollution concerns, the applicant proposed the use of shorter LED lights and requested a waiver for the lighting level requirement. Additionally, the proposal included landscaping plans along with variances for setbacks and lot coverage.

The professional planner representing the applicant emphasized the need for the proposed use in the area and pointed out that the site was particularly suited for its intended purpose. The planner cited exceptional conditions on the site and the pre-existing building setbacks and distances to the residential zone to justify the hardship variance. The proposal aimed to address safety and traffic concerns, with the new parking spaces being suitable for larger trucks and the existing spaces reserved for smaller vehicles. The applicant also agreed to provide a note on the plan prohibiting truck washing on the premises and to maintain the landscaping.

After a thorough discussion, including deliberation on the use of pervious pavement under the parking area for trucks, the board approved the variances. The board members voted in favor of the applications, recognizing the benefits of a safer drop-off location for trucks and improved site functionality.

Another application reviewed by the board involved a request for bulk variances by the owner of a 3-acre lot situated in a 10-acre zoning district. The owner sought to construct a single-family home, requiring variances for lot size, frontage, width, setbacks, and house height. The representative for the owner detailed the property’s history of subdivision and zoning changes and proposed construction plans, emphasizing the project’s conformity with the character of the neighborhood.

As the application process unfolded, board members engaged in a discussion regarding the variances. Although specific names of board members were not discernible from the transcript, it was noted that one member expressed agreement with the granting of variances. The representative also responded to concerns outlined in a review letter and addressed the lack of responses to purchase offers made to neighboring property owners.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, resident Michael Yatco raised concerns about the removal of contaminated soil and potential water contamination resulting from the construction. The applicant assured that testing and remediation would be conducted under the supervision of a licensed site remediation professional. Yatco also noted his discovery of trees on his property vandalized with orange paint. The applicant acknowledged that neighbors should have been consulted before marking the trees and agreed that future tree removal would involve notifying and involving the affected neighbors.

Another resident, Ariana Yapelli, voiced concerns about the potential impact of the proposed house on the peaceful nature of the area. In response, the board requested the applicant’s professional to address Yapelli’s questions about the house’s location, although specifics of the response were not detailed in the transcript excerpts.

Further discussions during the meeting focused on the preservation of privacy for neighboring properties in relation to the proposed single-family home. Neighbors requested additional buffering, such as the installation of a fence or Evergreen plantings. The board debated the options and ultimately expressed a preference for Evergreen plantings. The board approved the application for the single-family home with stipulations related to environmental testing and adherence to professional requirements.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Stephen Dalina
Zoning Board Officials:

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