Fort Myers Beach Town Council Debates Millage Rate Increase

The Fort Myers Beach Town Council recently convened to discuss several matters, with the most contentious topic being the potential increase in the millage rate. During the meeting, council members grappled with finding the balance between funding essential projects and building up a reserve while considering the financial burden on residents. The proposal sparked a debate among the council members, some of whom advocated for a higher millage rate to ensure the town’s financial stability, while others urged caution and more information before making a final decision. One council member suggested a specific increase to 1.03, whereas another recommended setting it at 1.06, emphasizing the need for flexibility in these uncertain times.

The possibility of implementing tolls on bridges was also a significant topic of discussion, as council members explored this as a potential solution to traffic congestion issues. The idea is to address traffic and cut-through challenges, particularly given the impacts on the County and State bridges. However, the timing and the need for more data were of concern, prompting the council to defer this matter to the Management and Planning (M&P) agenda for further exploration.

Hurricane preparedness was another crucial issue, with the council stressing the importance of proactive measures to safeguard against natural disasters. Discussions also covered cybersecurity training to protect the town’s systems and engagement with FEMA to maintain the town’s Community Rating System (CRS) score, which is essential for the national flood insurance program.

The meeting also addressed the potential redevelopment of the historical Chapel By the Sea church site, including the desire to preserve a dolphin stained glass window as a historical artifact for display in the new town hall. The council acknowledged the church’s rich legacy and its transformation from a community movie theater in 1942 to a beloved local congregation.

A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to discussing a proposal by the Revital Development Group for the redevelopment of the former Town Hall site. The plan involves a mixed-use development with a focus on attainable housing units and commercial space. The council scrutinized the potential community impact of the development, the design and sustainability features, and the funding sources for the public-private partnership. The redevelopment project is seen as a cornerstone for the community’s economic and tourism recovery, especially in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.

The council examined the complexities of workforce housing and income levels, addressing concerns about prioritizing residents working on the beach. It was clarified that such prioritization would violate the Fair Housing Act. Moreover, the meeting delved into the project’s financial aspects, including the funding strategy, which entails seeking financing from various sources, such as HUD, low-income housing tax credits, and tax-exempt bonds.

The developers’ responsibilities and the town’s involvement were scrutinized, with discussions on auditing requirements, liability insurance, and the town’s potential revenue from the commercial aspect of the project. Additionally, the possibility of using the second floor of the project for office space or a FEMA-compliant hardened structure was considered for its disaster recovery potential and the implications for the unit mix and height impact.

The Public Safety Committee submitted updates on the emergency response systems, emphasizing the need for improved two-way communication and a visit to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to assess technological capabilities and limitations.

As the meeting progressed, the council debated the appointment of new members to various committees, the approval of resolutions including those related to Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) for infrastructure, the town’s landscaping vision with native trees and palms, and emergency repairs. Additionally, the council addressed the issue of unsafe structures, outlining a process for red-tagging properties and the potential for demolition if action is not taken by owners within a 30-day period.

The council moved forward with public hearings for land use requests, including the approval of a commercial plan development zoning for a convenience store. The proposal required deviations from the Land Development Code concerning driveway location and parking lot orientation.

The meeting also featured a debate on live-work units and parking issues related to a proposed mixed-use development project. The project aimed to transform dilapidated cottages into a small resort with a boutique hotel and commercial space. The council discussed the implications of the proposed development on traffic, parking, and the overall vision for the town.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Dan Allers
City Council Officials:
Jim Atterholt, John R. King, Scott Safford, Karen Woodson

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