Palm Beach School Board Tackles Calendar Challenges and Handbook Updates

In a recent meeting, the Palm Beach County School Board delved into the intricacies of future school calendars and updates to the Classroom Teacher Series (CTS) handbook. The discussions were aimed at addressing the educational and operational needs of the school district while complying with Florida state regulations.

The Calendar Committee, consisting of stakeholders including union representatives, principals, PTA members, and departmental representatives, engaged in a detailed review of the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 school calendars. They were tasked with presenting three options for start dates and holiday configurations to the board in the fall, with the requirement of adhering to Florida statutes such as not commencing the school year before August 10th and ensuring the equivalent of 180 days or 900 hours of instruction. The committee also considered teacher duty days, professional development days, and the impact of holidays on student absenteeism.

A focal point of the meeting was the debate over school calendar options and the impact of different start dates on various aspects of the school year. The committee addressed concerns about pay gaps, particularly for assistant principals who faced significant pay gaps in the previous year. A suggestion was made to create a video to explain the reasons behind these pay gaps. The removal of President’s Day as a holiday was contested by a parent, and the implications of the school start date on instructional time, exams, and VPK programs were discussed. The committee also considered the timing of state tests, athletics, hurricane season, and summer programs, using a jam board activity to gather input on the effects of early and late start dates.

Another major topic of debate was the length of Thanksgiving and winter breaks. Some members noted that a full week off during Thanksgiving was introduced to reduce high absenteeism, while others recognized that families valued this time for travel. Winter break discussions focused on whether to start on a day other than Monday and the challenges of scheduling graduation ceremonies. The impact of the school calendar on student exams, such as AP, IB, and ACE tests, was also a concern. The board considered surveying parents to gather feedback on start dates, holidays, and breaks, and reviewed calendars from other districts and major religious holidays for the upcoming years. They sought historical precedents and feedback for informed decision-making.

The potential impact of presidential primary elections on the academic schedule was raised, with consensus on prioritizing student achievement and time for mandated assessments. There was general agreement that the 2019 calendar could serve as a good starting point for the upcoming academic year, and the day after Halloween was suggested as a non-school day due to potential late-night activities. Input was provided by various departmental representatives on the calendar development process, and plans were made to survey the committee and community for feedback.

Updates to the CTS handbook were also a part of the meeting. Changes included adjustments to deadlines, teacher evaluation components, and the option to use Google Meet for meetings, contingent upon mutual agreement between teachers and administrators. The observation protocols for classroom and non-classroom teachers were updated to comply with Florida statute 1.05, involving the removal or rephrasing of language related to cultural relevance, equity, and sensitivity. The board planned to communicate these updates to stakeholders and create a video to explain the changes.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Michael J. Burke
School Board Officials:
Barbara McQuinn, Alexandria Ayala, Karen Brill, Erica Whitfield, Frank A. Barbieri, Jr., Esq. (Board Attorney), Marcia Andrews, Edwin Ferguson, Esq. (Board Attorney)

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