Granby Select Board Grapples with Police Contract Grievances

In a recent Granby Select Board meeting, members engaged in a discussion over the interpretation of police contracts, specifically relating to the grievance presented by the International Brotherhood of Police Officers. The grievance centered on a conflict over the creation of separate lists for overtime shifts and details, a matter that revealed deeper issues regarding contract language and the potential violation of the police lieutenant’s contract.

The union’s argument emphasized their understanding that there should be two separate lists: one for details including the lieutenant and another for overtime shifts exclusive to union members. Contrarily, the town’s stance was that a combined list was appropriate, with the lieutenant rotating through both details and overtime shifts. The board members and the town attorney attempted to clarify the language of the contract, yet the discussion highlighted a fundamental disagreement that persisted without resolution.

Further complicating matters, the debate extended to how the chief of police was implementing these overtime and detail provisions. The discussion raised questions about whether the chief was adhering to the terms of the lieutenant’s contract.

In addition to the contract grievances, the board discussed the need for additional paramedics within the fire department, addressing the staffing shortage that has led to budget overages and constraints in emergency response. The potential cost savings of running units with one paramedic and one basic EMT were weighed against the necessity of having a paramedic on duty at all times. Consideration was given to funding additional staff through a stabilization fund, with further discussions and stakeholder input planned for the next meeting.

The Granby Select Board also attended to the town’s infrastructure, notably the potential extension of water lines along Morgan Street and Pleasant Street. The project was estimated to take three to four years, with the concept of making it “shovel ready” to improve chances of securing grants. Tim Colie from District 2 provided valuable insight with maps and elevation data, suggesting the feasibility for water infrastructure and engaging in discussions about costs, funding, and the possibility of phasing the project.

Another topic was the town accountant position’s recruitment challenges, where the board considered the required qualifications, including experience with the Uniform Massachusetts Accounting System and certification as a governmental accountant. The board debated the most effective platforms for advertising the position, balancing the need for specialized experience with the cost of accessing a wider applicant pool.

The meeting also saw the board approve a one-day special alcohol permit for a nonprofit organization’s annual picnic and discussed the need for additional committee members in various town committees. Members affirmed appointments to these committees, with terms expiring on June 30, 2025, unless stated otherwise.

Payment warrants for various disbursements, including asphalt work and tax title payments to the South Hadley Fire District, were approved and signed after the board clarified inquiries about specific payments with the town’s financial officer.

In other discussions, the board addressed the Forge Pond Open Space Committee, the Green Communities initiative, the Veterans Flags update, the MassDOT project, and the Senior Workoff program, highlighting the need to call an engineer to determine the cost for a study on the Municipal Water and MW project. Additionally, there was mention of the One Stop for Growth program and the potential to apply for a grant in the future.

Finally, the board conversed about the planned pipe-laying project at Five Corners, including concerns about fire hydrant pressure and the possibility of situating the water line down the sidewalk instead of the road. The dredging project was noted to be on hold due to funding constraints, and future meeting schedules were discussed prior to the motion to adjourn.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Town Administrator:
Christopher Martin
City Council Officials:
Richard Beaulieu, Crystal Dufresne, Glen N. Sexton, Cathy Leonard (Assistant Town Administrator), Dayle Clark (Selectboard Clerk)

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