Lynn Haven City Commission Discusses Corruption Allegations, Police Chief Election Proposal, and Comprehensive Plan Update

The Lynn Haven City Commission meeting covered a wide range of topics, including allegations of corruption, a proposal to make the police chief an elected position, and updates to the city’s comprehensive plan. Public comments were particularly charged, with citizens calling for transparency and action on various issues.

Miss Jerry Parker addressed the Commissioners, urging them to scrutinize a packet of information she had previously shared with four of them. Parker alleged layers of corruption related to Ricky Ry and accused Vicky Gainer of making false statements to the FBI. She criticized the Commission for appearing “weak” and failing to address these concerns. Parker also brought up the issue of continuous lighting on the city’s entrance signs.

Another speaker, Mr. Walker, proposed making the police chief an elected position to increase accountability to the public. He expressed concern over the current structure, stating that citizens have no power over the police chief as it stands. Walker argued that an elected chief would be responsible to the people, allowing for possible recall or dismissal if necessary.

Christen McKoy also spoke, emphasizing the need for transparency in a case involving Ricky Ry and invited the mayor and city manager to meet for further discussion.

Following public comments, the mayor presented a proclamation declaring September 2024 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, highlighting the need for increased funding and awareness for childhood cancer research. He expressed gratitude for the successful “Music by the Bay” event and noted the city’s preparedness for a recent storm that did not impact Lynn Haven directly. The mayor also clarified a previous statement about Commissioner War, apologizing for incorrect eyewitness accounts claiming War conspired to fire Ricky Ry and City Manager Vicky Gainer.

Commissioner Peebles reported on his regular coffee meetings with constituents, encouraging public participation. He praised the high voter turnout during early voting for the primaries, particularly at the Glen Haven Senior Center. Peebles also mentioned a public records request regarding phone records, which was ultimately dropped, leaving him without further information.

Commissioner Perno briefly addressed citizen concerns about flooding due to recent rains and shared information about an upcoming 5K event. He expressed optimism for the fall concert series, despite potential overlaps with high school football events. Commissioner VFF emphasized the importance of Lynn Haven’s representation on the Transportation Planning Group and the need for cooperation in regional planning efforts.

The city manager’s report followed, recognizing the employee of the quarter. Courtney, the Animal Shelter Director, and Jeremy Bargie, a tech specialist, were commended for their contributions. Courtney was praised for her dedication in managing the animal shelter and facilitating adoptions, while Jeremy was recognized for ensuring operational connectivity within the city’s offices.

Upcoming city events were also discussed, including City Government Week in October and Art in the Park. Key dates mentioned included the Christmas parade on December 7 and the tree lighting on December 3. The success of the Fall Ball was highlighted, noting increased participation and the need for more coaches, especially for the wee ball division for three and four-year-olds.

The commission moved on to administrative actions, approving various contracts and budget amendments. This included extending contracts for fuel services and disaster recovery consulting and amending the public hearing date for the fiscal budget. A motion to approve the consent agenda passed unanimously.

In new business, the commission addressed ordinance 1166, proposing amendments to the city’s flood management regulations in response to FEMA’s updated flood maps. The City Attorney confirmed that the amendments had been reviewed by FEMA. Additionally, a budget resolution was discussed to adjust the fiscal year 2023-24 budget, reallocating funds for emergency repairs related to a broken pipe in Springfield, part of the city’s effluent line system.

The commission reviewed a proposal to engage Marshall Brothers for emergency repairs to the city’s wastewater effluent line, totaling $134,500, with the city supplying additional materials valued at about $6,000. The discussion clarified that the effluent line was used to manage wastewater, with the city discharging approximately 20% to the Bay.

Lastly, the commission discussed a proposal to authorize the city manager to enter into a one-year agreement with Airgas for the supply of gas cylinders for the water and wastewater treatment facilities, promising significant savings per cylinder for chlorine and sulfur dioxide.

The meeting also covered phase 4 of the legislative roadway paving project, involving a $780,000 contract with CW Roberts, reimbursed through legislative funding. An engineering services agreement with Duberry was also approved for third-party inspection, valued at $1,125.

The comprehensive plan review process was another significant topic. A draft survey had been circulated among the commissioners, with a proposed timeline for public input and a town hall meeting. A commissioner shared insights from a conversation with Florida Commerce, noting that extensions would not be granted but compliance amendments could be made within a 180-day window.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Jesse Nelson
City Council Officials:
Sam Peebles, Jamie Warrick, Judy Vandergrift, Pat Perno

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