Red Bank Planning Board Approves Use Variance for 26 West Event Space

The Red Bank Planning Board has approved a use variance and site plan for a property on West Front Street, allowing the transformation of a storage area into a lounge or event space within the existing 26 West restaurant. The decision came after discussions about parking, accessibility, and the nature of the new space.

The primary item on the agenda was the application for a property on West Front Street, Block 8, Lot 15, seeking a use variance and site plan approval for the existing restaurant. Rick Rodsky, representing the applicant, presented the plan to convert part of the building currently designated for storage into a lounge or event space, emphasizing that there would be no changes to the building’s footprint or exterior. The restaurant’s operations, including hours and employee count, would remain unchanged.

Rodsky clarified that the only existing non-conformity being exacerbated was the parking requirement. The location has no on-site parking, a condition that has always existed, and the conversion of storage to event space would minimally increase the parking requirement. The board noted that the originally proposed roof deck was removed from the application, which further complicated the parking calculation, as it would not have counted towards the parking requirement.

Architect Michael Mans provided detailed testimony regarding the existing structure and the proposed plans. The restaurant has been operational for several years, with the lower level containing a crawl space and an existing basement with bathrooms, a trash room, and additional storage for the bar. The proposed changes would convert an existing bathroom and storage area into event space with a capacity for around 28 people. Modifications would also be made to make the bathrooms accessible. Mans confirmed that there would be no expansion of the building’s footprint and addressed potential increases in trash generation due to the new use. He expected that the event space would not increase trash output, as private events would only generate waste when in use.

The operations manager, Michaela, clarified how trash would be managed, given existing challenges with trash collection in the vicinity. Trash cans are kept inside the facility and brought out for pickup, which occurs three times a week. She noted that not all trash cans outside belonged to the restaurant, highlighting the management challenges of these receptacles in the area.

Concerns were raised about the term “Speakeasy” in relation to the event space, which was deemed inaccurate. The focus would be on hosting private events rather than operating as a public Speakeasy. The board emphasized the need for clear language in the resolution to avoid future complications regarding the space’s intended use.

The discussion also touched on the anticipated frequency of events and how parking would be managed given the no on-site parking constraint. The board stressed the importance of ensuring that operations aligned with the provided testimony to prevent potential disputes about the use of the space in the future.

Additionally, the board discussed the proposed exterior basement entrance for the new event space, emphasizing that it would not be regarded as a separate business but rather an extension of the restaurant. Access to the space was a concern, particularly the lack of a sidewalk leading to the basement entrance on Bo Club Court. Michaela acknowledged this concern and noted plans to include an interior door for easier access, directing guests to use a sidewalk across the street.

The absence of an ADA-compliant ramp at the end of Bo Club Court raised safety concerns for wheelchair users. Michaela responded that drawings would be submitted to address this issue if approval were granted. Prior incidents where vehicles had damaged part of the building were mentioned, with the applicant confirming that repairs would match the existing structure.

Licensed planner Nazzr presented his review of the application, noting that the repurposing of existing space would generate an increased parking demand, necessitating a variance. Despite the lack of current parking provisions, Nazzr highlighted that the increased demand would require approximately eight to nine additional spaces. He argued that a hardship variance could be justified due to the pre-existing structures on the site and that the board could grant relief under municipal land use law.

Nazzr emphasized the importance of retaining existing businesses to promote a favorable business climate in Red Bank. Referring to the borough’s master plan, he advocated for maintaining and improving commercial vitality in the downtown area. He expressed support for the event space concept, stating, “I have no concern the use is permitted… I would love to see the applicant be able to use it on a continuous basis.” He elaborated that the space could function for small private events.

Public comments followed, with one attendee supporting the improvements on West, citing better space utilization and a cleaner environment. However, they suggested that trash collection could be expedited. Another participant inquired about additional signage for the new space, with clarification that no new signage was planned.

The board’s move to vote on granting the variance was accomplished without dissent. Following this, the board transitioned to administrative items, discussing and approving minutes from previous meetings and a resolution regarding a condo building across from the train station. An amendment was proposed and accepted to ensure that the finishes of affordable housing units would match those of market-rate units, addressing past issues.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
William Portman
Planning Board Officials:
Thomas J. Welsh, Kristina Bonatakis (Council), Dan Mancuso, Louis DiMento, Megan Massey (EC Rep), Barbara Boas, Wilson Beebe, Itzel Hernandez, Fred Stone (Alternate No. 1), Brian Parnagian (Alternate No. 2), Greg Fitzgerald (Mayor’s Alternate), Edward Herrman (Engineer), Michael Leckstein (Attorney)

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