Dunedin Planning Agency Recommends Limiting New Home Width Amid Edgewater Drive Debate
- Meeting Overview:
In a meeting of the Dunedin Local Planning Agency, topics included a heated discussion over the design review for a new residence on Edgewater Drive, the approval of recommendations for the Land Development Code update, and the selection of new alternate members for the board.
The meeting’s primary focus was the review of Design Review Application DR 24-4 for a new single-family residence on Edgewater Drive. The proposed home, known as the Wilkerson residence, sparked considerable debate due to its requested width of 77.67 feet, exceeding the South Dunedin overlay’s maximum width regulation of 60 feet. George Kenny and Joseph DePasco from the Community Development Department presented the application, highlighting that the property is 1.13 acres and zoned for single-family residences.
The representatives provided a detailed compatibility analysis, examining 34 nearby properties and noting that 10 of these exceeded the 60-foot width limit, with the largest being 109 feet wide. The average building width of the surveyed structures was approximately 53 feet, while the previously existing home on the subject site was 63 feet wide. The analysis concluded that the proposed width of the new residence aligns with the overall characteristics of the neighborhood when compared with other large lots in the vicinity, which average 102 feet in width.
Discussion ensued regarding the rationale behind the original 60-foot limitation, which aimed to minimize massing and ensure architectural diversity. Some participants questioned whether the design review process should provide flexibility or enforce strict adherence to existing regulations, leading to a nuanced debate. The representatives clarified that the design review process is intended to scrutinize properties that exceed guidelines, advocating for a balanced approach that considers both the individual property’s characteristics and the broader neighborhood context.
The recommendation was made to revise the proposed width to 65 feet instead of 77.67 feet, based on the compatibility analysis. A contractor representing the project argued that the previous structure was 82 feet wide when viewed from Edgewater and that the proposed design, being set back from the street, would mitigate visual impact. The architect added that the design aimed to maintain a single-story home for aesthetic reasons and privacy around a pool, and suggested that the existing width regulations were outdated.
Ultimately, a motion was made to accept the staff’s recommendation to limit the width to 65 feet. The motion passed with three votes in favor and two against.
The meeting also addressed the kickoff of a significant project to update the Land Development Code, aimed at enhancing its usability and consistency. The project, led by the consulting firm Ked Keys Collaborative, is expected to span two years. The goal is to streamline the code, align it with the city’s comprehensive plan, and incorporate best practices. The update will be executed in three modules covering general provisions and zoning districts, development standards, and subdivision and administrative procedures.
Public engagement is a componet of the project, with stakeholder interviews and focus groups planned. The planning agency will serve as the primary advisory committee. Concerns about misinformation during public engagement were noted, with strategies to ensure accurate and consistent information dissemination.
The meeting also included the selection of two new alternate members for the planning agency. Several candidates expressed interest, including Jude ZM, a retired realtor, and James Johns, a commercial real estate and urban planning professional. After presentations and deliberations, motions were made and passed to recommend Sally Karen, noted for her experience in code compliance, and James Johns for their respective alternate positions. These recommendations will require final approval from the city commission.
Julie Ward Bujalski
Planning Board Officials:
Meeting Type:
Planning Board
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Recording Published:
93 Minutes
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