Parent Voices Concerns Over Special Education Placement at Gloucester Township School Board Meeting

The Gloucester Township School Board meeting was marked by discussions on student mental health services, disciplinary policies, social-emotional learning initiatives, and parental engagement. However, the most notable moment came during the public comments when a parent expressed deep frustration regarding her son’s educational placement, highlighting ongoing communication issues with district staff.

A parent, Mrs. Porter, addressed the board, sharing her distress over her son Gregory’s educational placement. Gregory, who is on the autism spectrum and has sensory processing disorder, had been placed in a setting that Mrs. Porter felt did not meet his needs. She shared her family’s history with the district and stressed the emotional toll of advocating for appropriate educational support. “It’s absolutely disheartening to me,” she said, emphasizing her frustration with the Child Study Team’s lack of response to her emails. Mrs. Porter requested a meeting with the superintendent to discuss her son’s placement and highlighted the importance of smaller class sizes and appropriate accommodations to meet Gregory’s needs.

The public comment section continued with another parent expressing similar concerns about communication and placement issues. This parent detailed her experience with Dr. Martin, who she felt was unresponsive. Despite positive interactions with a caseworker named Michelle, the parent felt ignored by Dr. Martin and expressed the need for documentation of her concerns since June. She underscored the importance of finding an appropriate educational setting for her son, Gregory, who has learning disabilities, stating, “if we can’t do what’s best for Gregory, I don’t want to be forced to go to New Jersey Department of Education every single time she violates her.”

Dr. Martin responded by offering to meet with the parent. However, the parent remained skeptical about the responsiveness of the system, noting that recent staff changes, such as the departure of Mrs. Wisley, added to her confusion and frustration.

Board member Keith Gibbons raised a question about the potential need for re-evaluation of Gregory’s case. The parent expressed her anger over the lack of suitable settings for Gregory, saying, “I can’t send my son to school on the first day if he’s not going to thrive.” She emphasized the detrimental effects of sensory overload on her son and reiterated her sense of being broken over the situation.

In addition to these personal accounts, Denise Coin questioned the relationship between staffing issues and the proposal for a new school building. She asked for clarification on how hiring and maintaining staff correlated with plans for new facilities, emphasizing the need to understand the underlying issues affecting staff turnover. Gina Rodriguez also expressed gratitude to various individuals for their efforts in supporting staff contracts, acknowledging the lengthy negotiations and their importance.

The board meeting also covered other topics. The board members discussed their goals for the upcoming year, with a focus on enhancing mental health services and addressing student discipline and attendance issues. They reviewed last year’s progress, noting improvements in English Language Arts (ELA) and math scores, though acknowledging the need for continued effort. The board also highlighted the increased number of School Resource Officers (SROs) and the addition of counselors.

The introduction of a supervisor for mental health services was recognized as a step, along with the implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to reduce disciplinary issues. A partnership with Oaks Integrated Health was described as crucial for addressing mental health issues, particularly for students facing socio-economic challenges.

Discussion on social-emotional learning and professional development revealed a desire for more targeted training for staff. The integration of social-emotional learning and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) into the district’s framework was emphasized, with recognition that these goals would take significant time to fully embed.

Parental engagement was another focal point, with board members agreeing on the need for better communication and involvement of parents in the educational process. Suggestions included virtual meetings and utilizing social media to reach parents who might be less accessible due to work commitments or language barriers.

The board also discussed the importance of clear, measurable objectives for their goals, stressing the need for specific, quantifiable targets. There was consensus on the importance of monitoring student discipline and chronic attendance issues, with a focus on analyzing the effectiveness of current policies.

The topic of artificial intelligence (AI) was briefly introduced, with recommendations for the board to engage in training opportunities to understand AI’s impact on education. There was a suggestion to make AI understanding a board goal to prepare for necessary policy changes.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
John Bilodeau
School Board Officials:
Anthony Marks, Mary Jo Dintino, Nancy Fritz, Susanne Galanek, Keith Gibbons, Linda Gilch, Kia Gore, Mary Ann Johnson, Jennifer O’Donnell

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