Southwick Select Board Addresses Ongoing Dog Safety Concerns and Community Initiatives

The Southwick Select Board meeting recently focused on addressing ongoing dog safety concerns, community involvement in various initiatives, and infrastructure projects.

The most pressing topic of the meeting was the public dog hearing concerning multiple incidents involving dogs owned by a resident on Birchwood Road. The Animal Control Officer (ACO) provided a detailed account of ongoing issues, including attacks on other dogs and concerns raised by neighbors about the dogs’ aggressive behavior. The ACO reported that the owner, Ms. Lori FAL, had been warned about her dogs’ behavior and the necessity of keeping them contained, yet the problems persisted.

One incident on March 4 involved Ms. FAL’s dog attacking another dog owned by a neighbor, Ms. Whitehead. Ms. FAL’s dog was not licensed or vaccinated, leading to fines and a quarantine order, which Ms. FAL allegedly did not follow. The ACO and neighbors expressed concerns over the dogs’ aggressive behavior and the owner’s failure to control them, resulting in fines totaling $675.

Residents voiced their fears and frustrations during the meeting, with one neighbor describing how the dogs’ behavior had caused nightmares for a child and presented a significant safety hazard. Ms. FAL defended her actions, stating she had spent over $1,000 on containment solutions and was training her dogs. However, concerns remained about the effectiveness of these measures and the owner’s ability to ensure the dogs’ safety and containment.

The board discussed potential solutions, including constructing a more secure enclosure, increasing the height of the fence, and requiring the dogs to be leashed when outside. Financial constraints were a recurring theme, as Ms. FAL mentioned her difficulties in affording more extensive fencing solutions. The board emphasized the need for immediate action to prevent further incidents and protect the community.

Another topic was the reinstatement of the Open Space Committee, which had previously been dissolved. The board discussed the need for a committee to focus on land management and conservation efforts, particularly in areas like North Pond. The proposed committee would oversee trails, parking areas, and an open space plan necessary for securing grants.

The meeting also addressed various community initiatives and infrastructure projects. Among these was the approval of a power lift stretcher for the new ambulance, funded by a reduced grant of $63,000. Additionally, the board approved the installation of an additional storage container adjacent to the training building, donated by the recreation center. A stargazing event at the Sanowski Preserve, organized by the Springfield Star Club, was also approved, with plans for volunteer assistance and red lights to illuminate walking paths.

In terms of infrastructure, the board reviewed bids for the Feeding Hills Road paving project, awarding the contract to Palmer Paving for $296,380. An amendment related to the Bungalow Street construction project was also approved, combining two years of grant funds to complete the project.

The discussion included appointments to various committees, with multiple candidates expressing their interest and qualifications. Candidates for the Master Plan Implementation Committee, the Economic Development Council, and the Cultural Council highlighted their backgrounds and motivations for serving the community. The board expressed support for the candidates, emphasizing the importance of community involvement in governance.

In operational matters, the board acknowledged payroll and payable warrants, reviewed and amended minutes from the previous meeting, and approved a letter regarding the demolition of the old Association building. The meeting also touched on employee insurance costs, exploring options to enhance employee retention by improving insurance contributions. The conversation underscored the need to align the school district’s policies with any changes made to the town’s insurance policies.

The meeting concluded with a discussion on the sewer system, particularly the Powder Mill project and the need for residents in serviced areas to connect to the system. The board debated the financial implications of mandating sewer connections and emphasized the importance of effective communication and community engagement in implementing these mandates.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Chief Administrative Officer:
Karl J Stinehart
City Council Officials:
Diane Gale, Jason Perron, Douglas A Moglin, Lisa Anderson (Select Board Secretary), Russell Stone Fox, Joseph J Deedy, Sondra S Pendleton, Robin Solek

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