Deal Lake Commission Secures $92,500 State Funds, Plans Key Environmental Initiatives

In a recent meeting, the Deal Lake Commission discussed developments, including the receipt of $92,500 from the state of New Jersey and plans for various environmental and infrastructure projects.

The meeting began with the commission’s treasurer presenting the financial report. The report highlighted a substantial influx of funds from the state, bringing the total available funds to $16,368 after various disbursements. The commission acknowledged Don Brocco for securing the state funds and praised another individual, referred to as Vingoo, for his inquiries that prompted state action. This financial boost is set to support the commission’s ongoing and upcoming projects.

The discussion then shifted to new grant developments. The commission received communication from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) requiring additional information for the grant process. Interlaken was noted for its support in sponsoring the commission for a joint insurance fund, which would provide coverage for general liability and specific projects.

The commission discussed the status of ongoing projects, including the Request for Proposal (RFP) process. Despite previous uncertainties, communications with the DEP suggested an opportunity to proceed. Interlaken was preparing a resolution to be presented the following week. Coordination on safety and liability coverage for officers involved in various clean-up projects was emphasized.

Goose and cart remediation efforts were also on the agenda. Flyers were to be sent out to local residents, although clarity on whether this had been completed was lacking. There were calls for enforcing the no-feeding policy. The weed program was addressed, with a decision that it would not be necessary for the current year, but discussions for a two- or three-year agreement for future management were suggested.

Old business included updates on the reestablishment of a joint meeting with all towns. Asbury Park was the last to sign on. Clean Ocean Action’s water testing was discussed, emphasizing the coordination of efforts to collect samples, particularly after rain events. Volunteers were needed for this process, and potential collaboration with Monmouth University was mentioned due to their expertise in water testing.

A significant announcement was made regarding a scheduled clean-up event on November 9, which had been anticipated for some time. Plans to lower the lake in September for maintenance activities were also discussed, with the possibility of needing permits based on upcoming rainfall. The importance of careful management of lake elevation was underscored, especially in light of previous weather events. A commissioner highlighted the potential negative impact of lowering the lake during Hurricane Debbie, which could have led to a significant fish kill due to high temperatures and shallow depths. This emphasized the importance of making informed decisions based on environmental conditions.

Further discussions included maintaining the lake and its surrounding environment, addressing debris and logs that had accumulated, and collaborating with local municipalities for trash and recycling initiatives. The involvement of various members in lake management and their contributions to maintaining ecological balance were acknowledged.

The commission also addressed the recent weather impacts on the lake, focusing on the rain event caused by Tropical Storm Debbie. The lake’s water level had not fully recovered, particularly in the back reaches where motorboat access was limited. Coordination with local officials, particularly the mayor of Loch Arbour, was noted. The commission had proactively lowered the lake’s water level in anticipation of possible heavy rainfall, resulting in a smaller surge than expected.

The state of the lake’s water quality was discussed, with one member commending the lack of a significant algae bloom despite an extended period of heat. Another member shared a recent paddling experience on the lake, expressing skepticism about the bubblers and fountains installed in certain areas to aid in aeration, but concluded that their presence might be beneficial. They observed wildlife and noted the aesthetic improvement brought about by the fountains, which also produced a pleasant sound.

Environmental challenges and climate change were raised, with a commission member expressing frustration over regulations that could undermine efforts to address climate issues. They highlighted the increased difficulties experienced during the past five years, attributing these challenges to climate change. The member recognized the commission’s efforts in managing these issues, emphasizing the need to make informed decisions based on available data.

Concerns were voiced about the environmental impact of local fishing practices, particularly littering by anglers. Adjustmentsmounts of trash, including styrofoam and food remnants, were observed along the lake. A member suggested engaging the local government to address littering issues more effectively. The mention of having children involved in fishing contests was met with caution due to the presence of poison ivy in the area.

Updates on infrastructure projects were shared, including the status of the Corley Avenue Bridge study. One member expressed frustration over the lack of progress and the absence of a final design for the bridge, which was necessary for moving forward. Discussions about relocating power lines above the lake were also mentioned, with community members advocating for placing them underground to improve aesthetics and safety.

A specific incident regarding the Tower Motel was noted, where piles of dirt near the lake raised concerns about water quality. This prompted a recommendation to have the town investigate the situation further.

During the public comment section, a participant raised the issue of cleanliness in the area, noting that beach workers were not effectively cleaning up litter, particularly along Ocean Place. This led to a broader discussion about littering and environmental stewardship, with members agreeing on the need for increased enforcement against littering and better waste management practices.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
John Moor
Environmental Commission Officials:

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