Longmeadow Residents Voice Strong Opposition to Proposed Middle School Site Amid Traffic and Environmental Concerns

The Longmeadow Select Board meeting on September 16, 2024, was dominated by community concerns over the proposed consolidation of middle schools at the Williams Middle School site. Residents expressed significant apprehension about traffic congestion, environmental impact, and the overall feasibility of the project.

Thomas Naran, a civil engineer, highlighted alarming details from traffic feasibility studies, pointing out potential significant traffic backups resulting from a school for 700 students at the Williams site. Naran emphasized that previous feedback had not impacted the decision-making process and mentioned that a second, more thorough traffic study was scheduled to address these shortcomings. He stressed the importance of considering safety impacts on local streets.

Richard Englon, a long-time resident, echoed traffic concerns and suggested that the community might benefit more from renovating existing schools rather than constructing a new facility. Englon’s skepticism about managing increased traffic was shared by other residents, including Wajid Mmud, who described daily traffic chaos during school hours and warned of safety risks if the student population doubled.

Environmental concerns also took center stage. Donna Fisher, a resident of Duxbury Lane, inquired about the potential impact on Long Meadow Legacy trees, defined as those over 75 years old, which might be affected by the planning committee’s actions. Fisher emphasized the importance of these trees for air quality and stormwater management, citing data from Mariah Day about the benefits of urban forestry. She questioned whether local zoning regulations applied to town committees and advocated for the preservation of existing schools to protect the tree canopy.

Minu Terani, a professor and member of the Sustainability Energy Committee, raised concerns about the high levels of carbon emissions attributed to private vehicle use in Longmeadow, which could have long-term implications for cognitive health among the youth. Terani suggested that consolidating the middle schools could exacerbate issues related to student mental health and accessibility.

The traffic and environmental issues were further discussed by Peter C.P., who raised financial questions regarding the project. He emphasized that the Williams site might not adequately accommodate the projected increase in student population and warned of increased costs due to the need for zoning, police, and fire authority requirements. C.P. urged for transparency in project funding and communication with taxpayers.

In response to these concerns, the Select Board acknowledged the frustrations expressed by the community. They noted the importance of engaging experts to address traffic issues effectively and clarified the complexities of zoning laws affecting municipal projects. Discussions are ongoing about how to address these concerns, with some members emphasizing the need for more thorough planning and community engagement.

The meeting also featured discussions about the town’s electricity supply contracts and the upcoming bidding process. Representatives from Good Energy presented the Municipal Aggregation Final Plan, which aims to leverage the collective purchasing power of town residents and businesses to select electricity suppliers while still using Eversource for delivery services. The plan includes various product suites offering different levels of renewable energy, with options for residents to opt out if they prefer. The presentation emphasized the potential benefits of the program, including competitive rates and increased renewable energy usage.

Residents were informed that the plan is available for public review online and in hard copies, and they can submit questions or comments through an online form. The Select Board plans to vote on the product selection options at a future meeting. The discussion also touched on the importance of long-term contracts for stability in pricing and service, with a preference for contracts extending from 12 to 36 months.

Additionally, the meeting addressed various appointments to local committees, including the Capital Planning Committee, Conservation Commission, Historical Commission, and Parks and Recreation Commission. Candidates shared their qualifications and commitment to community service, with the board indicating that votes on their appointments would occur at subsequent meetings.

The status and future of the tennis courts at Bliss Park were also discussed. A survey report suggested that the courts were underutilized, leading to concerns about the costs associated with maintaining them. The board considered repurposing the space for other community needs, emphasizing the importance of assessing resident interests and preferences.

Traffic concerns related to the new middle school project were revisited, with ongoing discussions about engaging experts to address these issues effectively. The financial health of the Scantic Valley Regional Health Trust and updates on the elementary playgrounds were also highlighted, with grand openings scheduled for the near future.

The meeting concluded with a discussion on proposed changes to the commercial vehicle bylaw and the specialized stretch energy code. The board recognized the importance of examination and community input before moving forward with these changes, emphasizing the need for clear communication and well-informed decisions.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Town Manager:
Lyn N. Simmons
City Council Officials:
Thomas Lachiusa, Joshua Levine, Vineeth Hemavathi, Mark P. Gold, Dan Zwirko, Michael Barbieri (Administrative Assistant, Town Manager & Select Board Office)

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