Coon Rapids Introduces Police Wellness Dog, Approves Key Land Sale and Safety Grants
- Meeting Overview:
The Coon Rapids City Council meeting on October 1, 2024, saw the introduction of the new Police Wellness Dog, Gizmo, discussions on land sales, the acceptance of safety grants, and measures to address unlicensed solicitors.
The meeting opened with the introduction of Gizmo, a three-year-old black lab, by Captain Harmoning. Gizmo, donated by Kandu K9s, began his service with the police department on August 19, 2024. His primary role is to promote wellness within the department and among staff. Captain Harmoning emphasized the positive impact Gizmo has had, noting his popularity among police officers and employees from other city departments. Gizmo’s handlers, Officers John Ormston and Emily Geese, were highlighted, with Officer Ormston working in community policing since 2020. The dog has undergone extensive training, including living with a family and participating in the University of Minnesota’s FETCH program.
The council then moved on to address concerns about unsolicited solicitors in the community. One member stressed the importance of residents protecting themselves by not allowing unlicensed solicitors onto their property and encouraged them to call the police department if they encounter any issues. The council reiterated the significance of the city’s licensing process to safeguard residents from unscrupulous solicitors, noting a rise in complaints and serious infractions. It was clarified that soliciting involves an exchange of money, and fundraising by high school students would not fall under this category. Residents were encouraged to report violations by calling 911, even for non-emergency situations.
A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to the consideration of Ordinance 2314, which aimed to amend city code section 5-500 regarding prohibited practices for solicitors. The ordinance proposed the addition of two new prohibited practices: creating a public nuisance and selling merchandise or services using false or misleading statements. The motion for adoption was made and seconded, leading to a discussion about the importance of community awareness and the need for vetted solicitors to ensure public safety. The motion to adopt the ordinance was then brought to a vote and passed.
The council also discussed the acceptance of a DWI Grant from the state of Minnesota, totaling $146,600, designated for DWI-related enforcement. The Chief of Police highlighted that this grant has been awarded to the city since 2015, with a brief exception. Local officers were recognized for their outstanding performance in DWI enforcement. The motion to approve the resolution carried unanimously without further discussion.
Another agenda item was the introduction of an ordinance authorizing the sale of a parcel of real estate located at 110 XX Mississippi Boulevard. This 3.25-acre parcel, part of the old Cook Arena site, received a single proposal from Sentra Homes for a 16-unit small lot single-family subdivision. The proposed sale price from Sentra was initially set at $355,000, contingent upon allowing vinyl siding on all homes. Concerns were raised about the potential adjustment of the sale price based on changes during the land use approval process. The council debated the parameters of the sale price, especially in relation to the siding materials permitted, and emphasized the need for adaptability based on the outcomes of the site plan and zoning processes.
The meeting also addressed the sale of a property on Crooked Lake Boulevard, previously operated as a duplex with significant maintenance needs. The city aimed to sell this property for a proposed price of $160,000. Eight offers were received, with the highest scoring offer from 246 Home Capital, a local contractor experienced in rehabbing properties. The sale included a stipulation requiring the buyer to convert the duplex back into a single-family home to conform with zoning regulations. Access challenges from Crooked Lake Boulevard were noted, and the potential profit from the sale, considering the acquisition price paid by the city 25 years ago, was discussed.
The council then moved to accept a Safe Road Zone Grant aimed at enhancing safety along Northdale Boulevard. The grant includes a local match of $5,000 from the city’s streets or construction fund. Proposed safety enhancements include the installation of dynamic display signs and additional speed limit signs, along with an educational campaign coordinated with the police department. The motion to approve the resolution passed without opposition.
In preparation for the upcoming general election on November 5th, the council appointed election judges and authorized the city clerk to manage assignments and approve hourly wages for the judges. The importance of having sufficient judges and the need for additional volunteers were emphasized. In-person absentee voting options at City Hall were also discussed, including a new system for processing ballots directly into machines.
Jerry Koch
City Council Officials:
Brad Greskowiak, Kari Rehrauer, Sean Novack, Jennifer Geisler, Brian Armstrong, Pat Carlson
Meeting Type:
City Council
Meeting Date:
Recording Published:
70 Minutes
Notability Score:
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