Ayer Planning Board Tackles Zoning for Affordable Housing

The Ayer Planning Board recently convened to discuss changes to the town’s zoning bylaws, with a primary focus on promoting affordable housing and diversifying housing options. Key topics included rezoning to facilitate multifamily housing, establishing a board of appeals, and modifying use regulations to incentivize developers.

During the meeting, the board examined a set of amendments that would potentially reshape the town’s approach to housing. The first amendment proposed rezoning two parcels from General Residence to General Business, which was identified as a correction of a previous mapping oversight. This change was acknowledged by the board as a necessary technicality to complete the rezoning process.

The second amendment addressed the formalization of the board of appeals, specifying the number of members and alternates required to be residents of the town. This was part of a broader effort to improve the structure and clarity of town governance.

The third and perhaps most substantial amendment concerned the creation of new multifamily housing units. The board discussed the authority it could have in allowing the construction of such housing as a means to achieve target unit sizes and affordability. The amendment aimed to make it easier for developers to build under the inclusionary housing bylaw, which could help meet the town’s affordable housing needs.

The final amendment under review involved changes to the table of use regulations. It proposed adjusting permit requirements for two-family dwellings and multifamily housing, with the board paying particular attention to the implications of these changes on housing affordability and diversity.

The discussions also delved into the possibility of converting single-family homes to multifamily dwellings, with the understanding that these would still be considered new construction and subject to current regulations. The implications of this and other zoning changes on development, community needs, traffic, safety, utilities, public services, neighborhood character, natural environment, and physical impact were thoroughly analyzed.

Adjustmentsttention was given to the impact of the nearby Devens area’s development on Ayer’s housing prices, with concerns raised about the potential for gentrification. Members sought to comprehend the reasons behind Ayer’s growth relative to neighboring areas, particularly how it affected housing for lower to moderate income households.

In a detailed presentation by a member of the working group, the minimal impact of allowing two-family dwellings in certain zones was highlighted as a positive step towards encouraging more affordable housing. The presentation included an analysis of the potential impacts on various aspects of town life, such as social and economic needs, community needs, and the natural environment.

The conversation also touched upon the necessity for diverse housing types to accommodate the town’s growing population, especially given the high percentage of households in the low to moderate income range, as shown by the 2020 census data.

There were concerns raised about the aesthetics of two-family housing in certain zones, with a suggestion to include language in the bylaw to ensure these properties maintain a single-family appearance. However, there was disagreement on this point, with the opinion that the board should not dictate style but rather focus on whether similar regulations had been successful in other towns.

Another debated point was whether an amendment should reference a specific date, with one board member arguing it would necessitate future updates, while another claimed it was essential for clarity and consistency. The board ultimately decided to include the specific date of April 2022 in the amendment related to construction guidelines.

Public comments included commendations from a member of the affordable housing committee, who praised the board’s efforts to promote affordable housing in the town.

The board also discussed upcoming site plan reviews for properties on Harvard Road and Scully Road, preparing for a detailed evaluation of proposed developments. Additionally, they mentioned an upcoming event related to the Community Preservation Training Collaborative.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Town Manager:
Robert Pontbriand
Planning Board Officials:

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