Bayonne School Board Introduces New Program to Address Student Conduct Issues

The Bayonne School Board meeting focused on the introduction of a “Positive Path Forward” program aimed at supporting students with conduct issues at Bayonne High School. The program is designed to provide a structured environment for students, featuring counseling and academic support, with the ultimate goal of helping them reintegrate into the mainstream school environment.

This initiative was detailed during the meeting, explaining how it will operate during school hours at the Ice Rink, staffed by current teachers. The program offers a range of placements from one to 45 days. The program will include morning check-ins, group and individual counseling, and academic classes, providing a holistic approach to addressing student behavior. The board emphasized its goal of promoting social, emotional, and academic success, thereby reducing the need for out-of-school suspensions.

Another topic discussed was the tentative budget, which showed a decrease of $300,000 in overall funding due to a reduction in state aid. This budget is a preliminary step before a full presentation in April, where details will be further elaborated.

Additionally, the meeting touched on annual job postings, a routine requirement for maintaining staff roles, some of which have been vacant.

Moreover, the high impact tutoring program was highlighted, which provides intense, state-funded tutoring for students in grades three and four. Efforts are being made to expand this program to include fifth and sixth graders in the future.

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